Why black? A few thoughts on black men and sissies

To give a full answer to that question would be to know myself probably better than I do. As I say on my profile 'we are all wired differently'. But I think I can find a few reasons as to why I respond to black guys so passionately.

I grew up in Ireland where I am pretty certain I did not see a black person until my mid-teens. They just weren't there! There was an Indian community and the sons attended the same school as I but Indians, charming and beautiful though they may be, did not worm their way into my erotic consciousness.

My home-town was a port so foreign navies did dock there and the US navy was fairly often in town. Then I saw a few black faces. Sailors for me seemed to lead lives of such glamour - traveling the world - and I did find the uniform very much of a turn-on. But black sailors seemed even more exotic and enchanted and it is there that the first seeds of my obsession were planted.

Leaving Ireland for London I began to meet black guys socially and I will confess that I felt shy in their presence. They seemed to have an amazing self-confidence which for me was then, and still is now, just about the sexiest attribute one can have. I was so consumed with self doubt about who I was or what image I was projecting that these men with their casual, easy sexuality seemed to represent everything I was not.

Sex with a black man clinched it - faced with my uncertain fumblings, he would take charge and I knew I could relax into his certainties. Through my encounters with black guys I have become hugely more confident myself - but I do feel I will never achieve that totally natural sense of living fully in my own skin that black men seem to do in theirs.

Their masculinity finds its polarity in my sissiness. The sissy is someone who is generally despised by men, both straight and gay, but I have found that black men are more inclined to enjoy the essence of femininity that the sissy strives for. No woman is as feminine as the sissy and it is my belief that certain straight black guys are so in thrall to notions of the feminine that they are more than happy to embrace it in the sissy as well as in genetic girls.

Sissies dress as women no longer seem to dress these days - they love the straps and hooks and frills and flounces that the majority of women have forsaken. As such the sissy can appeal to a fetish side of men and no men seem so taken with ultra femininity than black guys.

发布者 NancyBerlin
13 年 前
Kai_Maja 5 年 前
NancyBerlin 出版商 5 年 前
PrivatePersonality : Oh I could have written that myself! I agree totally with everything you say. I think also that black men are generally so confident in their masculinity that they respond especially to the ultra femininity of the tgirl. Certainly the polarisation seems to be absolute. 
回答 原始评论
Hi Nancy. I read a lot of thoughts/stories/blogs like yours and really love thinking about how other gurls feel about their lives and dreams. This story you shared here really struck a chord with me as I read it. Although it may seem strange, I do not and have never been attracted to a man's looks. What does attract me to a man is exactly what you shared here, a confident man will melt my heart every time... A man can be short, tall, thin, fat. bald or have a full head of hair-his looks have nothing to do with making me tingle in anticipation. But a man that can look me in the eyes and introduce himself with a warm smile and place my smaller hand in his for that magical first touch-WOW! Now that approach gives me butterflies in my tummy and makes me smile all throughout my body. Black, brown, yellow, white... makes no difference to me at all. What creates that attraction for me is that confidence.... yummm! To your point about today's women not taking the time to embrace their feminity, I completely agree and am smiling at the thought. With the exception of gay men, a man who is hetero or bi cannot resist a woman (or in my case-a gurl) who has obviously taken the time to appear as feminine as possible. These men appreciate every last detail I have taken the time to put together from the right pair of heels to just enough perfume, which will drive that man's brain to want to find out more. Will drive him to take every opportunity to steal a gentle touch, hang on every word and keep him smiling like a love-struck t@@nager. Makes all the preparation and time worth it for me. I'd rather wash dishes by hand than shave my body, but I know that when I'm done shaving, and run my hands all over my soft and smooth body I know in my soul that it was worth every stroke of the razor. I know that every time I put on that garter belt and fight with those tabs and stocking tops, the end result will be worth it. Few can argue the sensual vision of a feminine figure wearing stockings and garter belt-it's the epitome of that sensual secret a woman or a gurl keeps to herself until she decides her man has demonstrated he has earned the reward of knowing that closely held secret. Laslty, I don't know if black men are more taken with the appeal of a gurl than any other man. I do agree though, black men seem to more easily take the lead when they spot something they know they want more of when in a public setting. To me, it's not so much the color of skin as the confidence of the man. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, they really inspired me :wink:
BlackDolo 8 年 前
Love this.
Very nice perspective on big black cocks. I know I'd love to have my boypussy stuffed with a hard fat black cock. Being a white submissive sissy to a black master makes my clitty cock dip with pre-cum.
blkice2u 13 年 前