Uncle Bill

Sitting on the porch thinking back to my younger days, a memory of uncle Bill came to mind.

Summer break was in its second week. Mom used up her vacation time and had to go back to work. She asked if I wanted to spend some time at a family friends house for a week, yes I yelled jumping up. He lived out in the county and there was a few things I could do.
After mom hung up the phone she said, it's all set. You're going to stay a few days with him while I go back to work. That night mom helped me pack my bag, and we went out to eat. After a sleepless night Bill called saying he's on his way. He pulled up and we went out to meet him. After he and mom talked, I tossed my bag in the back of his truck and we headed out.
When we arrived, he said take off and have fun. I ran out back and discovered he had a pool. After playing in the woods for a couple of hours, I came in to eat lunch. Bill said I could use to pool if I wanted to. I told him I didn't bring my swimsuit. He said that's alright, you don't need them. Shocked, I said what if someone seen me. He laughed and said other than a car passing by once in a while there's no one for a couple of miles. Maybe later I told him, and went back outside to play. After dinner I went to the guest room and dressed for bed.
The next morning I came up front for breakfast and Bill was cooking in his boxers. The sight made me laugh. What, he said. Why are you in your shorts I asked. He said I put them on since you're here. Puzzled I sat down and ate. Bill went out back still in his boxers, then I heard a splash. Looking outside I seen Bill in the pool. Going out I noticed his shorts on the ground. Bill seen me standing by the pool and said to get in. I reminded him I didn't have my swimsuit. He swam over, reached up and pulled me in. He said I told you, you don't need them, and swam to the other side. Wet I climbed out and took off my pajamas. Looking around to see if anyone was around, I pulled off my underwear. Standing naked the sun felt good. Bill said something and I covered my self. He laughed again and said it's just us guys here.
After thinking about it, I took a deep breath and jumped in the pool. It felt funny being nude in the pool, almost like taking a bath. After a few minutes I relaxed and started swimming. I forgot I was nude till Bill climbed out and walked inside.
When I finished swimming I grabbed my things and went inside. I was shocked to see he was still naked. Bill said to put my thinks in the washer and go back outside. Dropping my wet clothes in the washer I went back to the pool.

I was enjoying myself when Bill called me for lunch. I dried off and dressed. Bill was in a robe while we ate. I went out to the woods to play till it started raining. Running back I stripped and took a shower. Going into the guest room to dress for bed, I realized my pajamas were still in the washer. Bill said just leave your underwear on tonight.
After dinner and some television I went to bed. When I laid down I noticed the bed was wet. I went to Bills room and told him. Sorry about that, he said. He pulled the sheets back and said, you're welcome to stay here. Not wanting to stay in a wet bed I climbed in his bed. During the night I must have moved around, because I was laying next to Bill, and his arm was around my waist. I put my hand on his and laid back down. The next morning I woke up and Bill was already up. Oddly my hand was in my underwear. I went up front and breakfast was already on the table, and I heard Bill in the pool. After eating I went outside to see what he was doing. Bill said to get in, it feels good. I pulled off my underwear and jumped in. I swam for a few minutes and noticed Bill floating on his back. Thinking it would be funny I quietly swam to him and splashed him. He sank some and came back up laughing. He said, you want to be like that. Two can play at that. He grabbed me and tossed me across the pool. We played for a while. Splashing and pushing each other under water. After a couple of minutes of horse play Bill said I see you're enjoying this. Puzzled I looked around, and when I looked down my dick was stiff. Embarrassed I covered it. Bill smiled and said don't be ashamed of it. He reached down and moved my hand. Shocked I just stood there. Bill looked into my eyes as he wrapped his fingers around my dick. He moved hos hand slowly watching my face. I didn't know what to do and stood there. Bill moved closer and held me with his other arm. He asked, how many times do you play with it. That brought me back. I said, I never did. Bill smiled and asked, really. The whole time he slid his hand back and forth on my dick. Let's get out and sit for a while Bill said. He told me to stand by a chair till he comes back. I was nervous about what he was doing. I was worried he was calling my mom till he came back. He had a towel and a tube of lotion. He sat down and said to sit on his lap. He laid the towel across his lap, turned me forward, and pulled me down onto it.
发布者 Ilikestroking
7 年 前
cajen 7 年 前
This is good