CECILE CAROLE classic French MILF salope vintage
Shocking (1976) Emm Pareze- Full Movie Part 2 (Gr-2)
13:50 m
blog Emmanuelle Pareze https://de.xhamster.com/posts/464875
Shocking (1976) Emm Pareze- Full Movie Part 3 (Gr-2)
14:31 m
Shocking (1976) Emm Pareze- Full Movie Part 4 (Gr-2)
15:00 m
blog Karine Gambier https://de.xhamster.com/posts/422844
full movie
Cécile Carole plays Ninochka & Linda
La Derniere Nuit
58:46 m
- Released: 1976
- Director: Claude Mulot as Frederic Lansac
- Notes: Blue One / Alpha France DVD, 2-disc set of hard version with Échanges de partenaires, Extases Extra-Conjugales, La Grande Baise and Le Sex qui parle II
Alternate Titles
- La Dernière nuit DVD available soft version, also title of Blue One / Alpha $
- France DVD, 2-disc set of hard version with Échanges de partenaires, Extases Extra-Conjugales, La Grande Baise and Le Sex qui parle II
- Teléfono roso ... El último orgasmo
- Carole Gire plays a call-girl
- Cécile Carole plays Ninochka & Linda
- Dawn Cumming archive footage
- Emmanuelle Parèze plays Juliette de Courval
- Ingrid d'Ève plays a call-girl
- Karine Gambier plays Patricia
- Marie-Christine Chireix as Corinne Sintes, plays Armelle
- Jacques Insermini plays Alex de Courval
- Gilbert Servien plays Richard, colleague of de Courval, revealed to have a porn past
- Jean-Louis Vattier plays Arnold, the butler
- Jean Guérin plays Alain, the son
- Thierry de Brem in flashbacks, possibly archive footage
- A second male in flashbacks
- Man who plays the US president
- Johnny Wessler plays the president of the USSR
blog Emmanuelle Pareze https://de.xhamster.com/posts/464875
blog Karine Gambier https://de.xhamster.com/posts/422844
Opera a luce rossa - Jose Benazeraf
63:37 m
- Released: 1975
- Director: José Bénazéraf
Alternate Titles
- Joy
- Opera a luce rossa Italy
- Porno Technique
Cécile Carole
Chantal Fourquet
Christiane Surreau
Claude Janna
Jenny Feeling ?
Marion Schultz
Nathalie Morin
Cécile Carole plays a prostitute, lez only
Bangkok Connection 1977 Karine Gambier Elisabeth Bure Cecile Carol
1:20:22 m
Released: 1977
Director: Alain Payet (as John Love in some versions)
Notes: Casanova Film Production (Comptoir Français du Film Production, Paris) and Beate Uhse Filmproduktion (Flennsburg), 81 mins.
Bangkok Connection US title, Caballero DVD (81 mins.), also Videorama VHS title
Bangkok Porno DVD available West Germany, Beate Uhse video (74 mins.?), now Tabu DVD, 77 mins.
Nach Bangkok, der Liebe wegen Swiss softcore release
La Pornografia tailandese Italy
Sexpuppen aus Fernost
Sexy Fantasy Italy
Cécile Carole plays a prostitute, lez only
Claude Janna plays a prostitute
Elisabeth Buré as Elisabeth Buret, plays one of the three tourists
Esther Studer soft sex only, plays a masseuse
Karine Gambier plays the dark-haired saleslady in the sex shop in the airport in Paris as well as her usual blonde self as one of the three tourists in Bangkok
Martine Flety non-sex, plays one of the three tourists
Mireille Rüegg plays a masseuse
XNK1167 plays the madame, bj and lez only
XNK6398 plays the airport desk clerk, Thali, or Thalma (?) in the English voiceover
XNK6399 plays the receptionist and a masseuse
XNK6400 plays a prostitute, lez only
XNK6401 plays a prostitute, bj only
XNK6402 plays the chambermaid
XNK6403 plays a masseuse, non-sex
XNK6404 plays a masseuse, non-sex
Gabriel Coez, as Germain Duchemin (some versions), plays Aloysius
Guy Royer plays a tourist, a client at the brothel
Richard Lemieuvre plays a tourist
Charlie Schreiner plays a tourist
Pierre Taylou plays the steward
Corelli Lancaster
Alain Payet, non-sex, plays the lepidopterist, a customer at the sex shop
Classic French : Cours tres prives
70:28 m
Also Known As
- Cours très privés
- Kult Orgien 2 (German version, Tabu / Love Video)
Scene 1. Caroline Laurie, Sandrina Boyer
Scene 2. Sandrina Boyer, Jérôme Proust, Yves Baillat
Scene 3. Caroline Laurie
Scene 4. Marie-Claude Bontue, Unknown Female 306766-B
Scene 5. Unknown Female 306766-B, Jérôme Proust
Scene 6. Unknown Female 306766-C, Jérôme Proust, Yves Baillat
Scene 7. Cecile, guy, Jean-Paul Bride
Scene 8. Cecile, Jérôme Proust
French Erection - vintage movie
81:46 m
- Released: 1975
- Director: Alain Payet as John Love
- Notes: written by Lucien Hustaix, 1 hr 19 mis.
Alternate Titles
- French Erection
Cécile Carole
Chantal Dubuc
Christine Chanoine
Colette Mareuil
Françoise Maillot
Liliane Lemieuvre as Liliane Allan
Marielle Fauveat
Michelle Sauza
Monique Garnier
Swany Love
Jacques Couderc
Gilbert Servien
Jean Tolzac
Jacques Carsi
Olivier Mathot
Bernard Hug
Richard Lemieuvre as Richard Allan
Carmelo Petix
Christian Rochat
Guy Royer
Rudy Lenoir
Jean-Pierre Merle
Alban Ceray
Yves Lesecherve
Jack Bernard
Aimé Theo
Guy Bonnafoux
Classic French : Le feu aux fesses
84:25 m
- Released: 1974
- Director: Pierre Claude Garnier
- Notes: Univers Galaxie Films, soft and hard versions exist
Alternate Titles
- Feu aux fesses Video title, Carrère/Amandine
- How Enjoy Being an Intelligent Cuckolded (sic)
- Les Miteuses
- Vol au dessus d'un nid de cocus Video title, Antares
Aline Mess plays Ginette, the maid
Anne Sand as Anny d'Orval, plays Odile Vespérini
Cécile Carole plays Joëlle Mesnil
Lucy Léger uncredited, non-sex, plays the lady with the goose
Odile Palombo plays Nicole Lamu
Jean Luisi plays Jean Vespérini
Christian Chevreuse plays Voitoux
André Dupon plays Robert Lamu
Samuel Zacharias plays Gaspard Mesnil
Grégory Grant (Greg Masters), uncredited, plays Joëlle's lover
Bruno Fortin plays Odile's lover
Ernest Menzer, uncredited, plays the gunsmith
more VINTAGE classic porn models
Shocking (1976) Emm Pareze- Full Movie Part 2 (Gr-2)
13:50 m
blog Emmanuelle Pareze https://de.xhamster.com/posts/464875
Shocking (1976) Emm Pareze- Full Movie Part 3 (Gr-2)
14:31 m
Shocking (1976) Emm Pareze- Full Movie Part 4 (Gr-2)
15:00 m
blog Karine Gambier https://de.xhamster.com/posts/422844
full movie
Cécile Carole plays Ninochka & Linda
La Derniere Nuit
58:46 m
- Released: 1976
- Director: Claude Mulot as Frederic Lansac
- Notes: Blue One / Alpha France DVD, 2-disc set of hard version with Échanges de partenaires, Extases Extra-Conjugales, La Grande Baise and Le Sex qui parle II
Alternate Titles
- La Dernière nuit DVD available soft version, also title of Blue One / Alpha $
- France DVD, 2-disc set of hard version with Échanges de partenaires, Extases Extra-Conjugales, La Grande Baise and Le Sex qui parle II
- Teléfono roso ... El último orgasmo
- Carole Gire plays a call-girl
- Cécile Carole plays Ninochka & Linda
- Dawn Cumming archive footage
- Emmanuelle Parèze plays Juliette de Courval
- Ingrid d'Ève plays a call-girl
- Karine Gambier plays Patricia
- Marie-Christine Chireix as Corinne Sintes, plays Armelle
- Jacques Insermini plays Alex de Courval
- Gilbert Servien plays Richard, colleague of de Courval, revealed to have a porn past
- Jean-Louis Vattier plays Arnold, the butler
- Jean Guérin plays Alain, the son
- Thierry de Brem in flashbacks, possibly archive footage
- A second male in flashbacks
- Man who plays the US president
- Johnny Wessler plays the president of the USSR
blog Emmanuelle Pareze https://de.xhamster.com/posts/464875
blog Karine Gambier https://de.xhamster.com/posts/422844
Opera a luce rossa - Jose Benazeraf
63:37 m
- Released: 1975
- Director: José Bénazéraf
Alternate Titles
- Joy
- Opera a luce rossa Italy
- Porno Technique
Cécile Carole
Chantal Fourquet
Christiane Surreau
Claude Janna
Jenny Feeling ?
Marion Schultz
Nathalie Morin
Cécile Carole plays a prostitute, lez only
Bangkok Connection 1977 Karine Gambier Elisabeth Bure Cecile Carol
1:20:22 m
Released: 1977
Director: Alain Payet (as John Love in some versions)
Notes: Casanova Film Production (Comptoir Français du Film Production, Paris) and Beate Uhse Filmproduktion (Flennsburg), 81 mins.
Bangkok Connection US title, Caballero DVD (81 mins.), also Videorama VHS title
Bangkok Porno DVD available West Germany, Beate Uhse video (74 mins.?), now Tabu DVD, 77 mins.
Nach Bangkok, der Liebe wegen Swiss softcore release
La Pornografia tailandese Italy
Sexpuppen aus Fernost
Sexy Fantasy Italy
Cécile Carole plays a prostitute, lez only
Claude Janna plays a prostitute
Elisabeth Buré as Elisabeth Buret, plays one of the three tourists
Esther Studer soft sex only, plays a masseuse
Karine Gambier plays the dark-haired saleslady in the sex shop in the airport in Paris as well as her usual blonde self as one of the three tourists in Bangkok
Martine Flety non-sex, plays one of the three tourists
Mireille Rüegg plays a masseuse
XNK1167 plays the madame, bj and lez only
XNK6398 plays the airport desk clerk, Thali, or Thalma (?) in the English voiceover
XNK6399 plays the receptionist and a masseuse
XNK6400 plays a prostitute, lez only
XNK6401 plays a prostitute, bj only
XNK6402 plays the chambermaid
XNK6403 plays a masseuse, non-sex
XNK6404 plays a masseuse, non-sex
Gabriel Coez, as Germain Duchemin (some versions), plays Aloysius
Guy Royer plays a tourist, a client at the brothel
Richard Lemieuvre plays a tourist
Charlie Schreiner plays a tourist
Pierre Taylou plays the steward
Corelli Lancaster
Alain Payet, non-sex, plays the lepidopterist, a customer at the sex shop
Classic French : Cours tres prives
70:28 m
Also Known As
- Cours très privés
- Kult Orgien 2 (German version, Tabu / Love Video)
Scene 1. Caroline Laurie, Sandrina Boyer
Scene 2. Sandrina Boyer, Jérôme Proust, Yves Baillat
Scene 3. Caroline Laurie
Scene 4. Marie-Claude Bontue, Unknown Female 306766-B
Scene 5. Unknown Female 306766-B, Jérôme Proust
Scene 6. Unknown Female 306766-C, Jérôme Proust, Yves Baillat
Scene 7. Cecile, guy, Jean-Paul Bride
Scene 8. Cecile, Jérôme Proust
French Erection - vintage movie
81:46 m
- Released: 1975
- Director: Alain Payet as John Love
- Notes: written by Lucien Hustaix, 1 hr 19 mis.
Alternate Titles
- French Erection
Cécile Carole
Chantal Dubuc
Christine Chanoine
Colette Mareuil
Françoise Maillot
Liliane Lemieuvre as Liliane Allan
Marielle Fauveat
Michelle Sauza
Monique Garnier
Swany Love
Jacques Couderc
Gilbert Servien
Jean Tolzac
Jacques Carsi
Olivier Mathot
Bernard Hug
Richard Lemieuvre as Richard Allan
Carmelo Petix
Christian Rochat
Guy Royer
Rudy Lenoir
Jean-Pierre Merle
Alban Ceray
Yves Lesecherve
Jack Bernard
Aimé Theo
Guy Bonnafoux
Classic French : Le feu aux fesses
84:25 m
- Released: 1974
- Director: Pierre Claude Garnier
- Notes: Univers Galaxie Films, soft and hard versions exist
Alternate Titles
- Feu aux fesses Video title, Carrère/Amandine
- How Enjoy Being an Intelligent Cuckolded (sic)
- Les Miteuses
- Vol au dessus d'un nid de cocus Video title, Antares
Aline Mess plays Ginette, the maid
Anne Sand as Anny d'Orval, plays Odile Vespérini
Cécile Carole plays Joëlle Mesnil
Lucy Léger uncredited, non-sex, plays the lady with the goose
Odile Palombo plays Nicole Lamu
Jean Luisi plays Jean Vespérini
Christian Chevreuse plays Voitoux
André Dupon plays Robert Lamu
Samuel Zacharias plays Gaspard Mesnil
Grégory Grant (Greg Masters), uncredited, plays Joëlle's lover
Bruno Fortin plays Odile's lover
Ernest Menzer, uncredited, plays the gunsmith
more VINTAGE classic porn models
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