EVA KHRIS French MILF salope vintage
Eva Khris plays Ava
Scene 2. Eva Khris, Francoise Maillot
Scene 4. Eva Khris, Robert Le Ray
Scene 6. Eva Khris, Rene-Jean
Scene 10. Eva Khris, Sylvia Bourdon
Les Goulues 1975 Full Movie
83:09 m
French classic
83:09 m
The Insatiable sisters
82:51 m
Greedy nurses (1975)
83:09 m
Noble Treatment
81:43 m
House of Love (1975)
Also Known As
* Les Goulues (original French title)
Scene 1. Martine Grimaud, Robert Le Ray
Scene 2. Eva Khris, Francoise Maillot
Scene 3. Michèle Jean, Rene-Jean
Scene 4. Eva Khris, Robert Le Ray
Scene 5. Rita Maiden, Robert Le Ray
Scene 6. Eva Khris, Rene-Jean
Scene 7. Liliane Lemieuvre, Richard Allan
Scene 8. Michèle Jean, Rene-Jean
Scene 9. Sylvia Bourdon, Robert Le Ray
Scene 10. Eva Khris, Sylvia Bourdon
Scene 11. Eva Khris, Francoise Maillot, Liliane Lemieuvre, Martine Grimaud, Sylvia Bourdon, Richard Allan
blog Robert Le Ray https://de.xhamster.com/posts/455034
Eva Khris https://de.xhamster2.com/posts/702062
Françoise Maillot http://www.egafd.com/actresses/details.php/id/f00012
Liliane Lemieuvre http://www.egafd.com/actresses/details.php/id/l00005
Martine Grimaud http://www.egafd.com/actresses/details.php/id/m00013
blog Michèle Jean https://de.xhamster.com/posts/701730
Rita Maiden http://www.egafd.com/actresses/details.php/id/r00010
Sylvia Bourdon http://www.egafd.com/actresses/details.php/id/s00017
blog Richard Lemieuvre https://de.xhamster.com/posts/460545
Scene 1. Eva Khris, Charlie Schreiner
La grande extase (1976) Full Movie
81:53 m
Paris intim 1976 FULL VIDEO 1
41:23 m
Paris intim 1976 FULL VIDEO 2
44:51 m
Grand Ecstasy (1976)
Also Known As
- La Grande Extase
Scene 1. Eva Khris, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 2. Viviane Gargar
Scene 3. Marie-Christine Guennec, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 4. Claudine Beccarie, Michel Dauba
Scene 5. Eva Khris, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 6. Marie Bonnement, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 7. Celia Vetti, Eva Khris, Jerry Brouer
[ Scene 8. Marlene Myller[/image]
Scene 9. Jocelyne Clairis, Marlene Myller
Scene 10. Jocelyne Clairis, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 11. Marlene Myller, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 12. Jocelyne Clairis, Patrick Lyonnet
Scene 13. Eva Khris, Jocelyne Clairis, Marion Schultz, Marlene Myller, others, Cyril Val, Carmelo Petix, Thierry de Brem, Charlie Schreiner, Jacques Marbeuf
blog Marie-Christine Guennec https://de.xhamster.com/posts/527214
Scene 3. Eva Khris, Francois Gharsi
Scene 5. Eva Khris, Victor Semama
Scene 7. Eva Khris, Tania Busselier
Gode Story
69:54 m
Douces Penetrations (1976)
Also Known As
- Gode Story
Scene 1. Tania Busselier
Scene 2. Jocelyne Clairis, Jean Clairis
Scene 3. Eva Khris, Francois Gharsi
Scene 4. Eva Quang, Francois Gharsi
Scene 5. Eva Khris, Victor Semama
Scene 6. Martine Grimaud, guy
Scene 7. Eva Khris, Tania Busselier
Scene 8. Martine Grimaud, Tania Busselier, guy
Scene 9. Tania Busselier, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 10. Catherine Castel, Marie-Pierre Castel, Martine Grimaud, Tania Busselier, Charlie Schreiner, guy
Scene 11. Catherine Castel, Eva Quang, Jocelyne Clairis, Marie-Pierre Castel, Martine Grimaud, Tania Busselier, Charlie Schreiner, guy, John Oury, Victor Semama
blog Tania Busselier https://de.xhamster.com/posts/410602
Eva Khris archive footage from Erections
Mach Mirs Doc
72:08 m
Les Cochonnes
- Released: 1977
- Director: Lino Ayranu
- Notes: Les Films du Berry (Jean Luret) / France Continental Films, 68 mins. Archive footage may be in German version only, but does fit in with the events.
Alternate Titles
* Mach mir's Doc West Germany, Mike Hunter, 72 mins, including footage from other films, possibly at the expense of original footage
* Les Testeuses shooting title
Elisabeth Buré plays Anne-Marie (or Eve in other versions)
Ellen Earl plays Monique (also in archive footage from Erections)
Eva Khris archive footage from Erections
Gilda Arancio archive footage from Les Extases de Charlotte
Liliane Lemieuvre archive footage from Les Extases de Charlotte
Marlène Myller plays the frigid woman
Sandrine Pernelle plays Eva
Siril Gaëlle plays the widow with the model of her deceased husband's penis
Sophie Bulle plays Mme Chadron
XNK2535 archive footage from Les Extases de Charlotte
XNK2536 archive footage from Les Extases de Charlotte
XNK2538 archive footage from Les Extases de Charlotte
Cyril Val plays the doctor
Hervé Lemoigne plays Michel
Charlie Schreiner plays the exhibitionist
Patrice Maranzano
Richard Lemieuvre plays the statue
Patrick Lyonnet in added footage from Les Extases de Charlotte in German video.
Scene 10. Eva Khris, Gerard Gregory, guy
La Bonne Auberge
68:09 m
Bonne Auberge (1977)
Scene 1. Marie-Christine Chireix, Gerard Gregory, guy
Scene 2. Marie-Christine Chireix, Daniel Trabet
Scene 3. blonde
Scene 4. 2 brun, Marie-Christine Chireix
Scene 5. Eva Khris, Gerard Gregory
Scene 6. Catherine Gentil, Eva Khris, Gerard Gregory
Scene 7. 2 brun, guy
Scene 8. Catherine Gentil, Eva Khris
Scene 9. Catherine Gentil, Eva Khris, Gerard Gregory
Scene 10. Eva Khris, Gerard Gregory, guy
Scene 11. brun, Marie-Christine Chireix
Scene 12. Marie-Christine Chireix, Eva Khris, Daniel Trabet, Gerard Gregory, guy
Scene 13. blonde, Eva Khris, Gerard Gregory
Eva Khris archive footage
L'Odyssee de l'extase - full movie
71:13 m
3001: L'Odyssée de l'extase
* Released: 1976
* Director: Serge Korber as John Thomas
* Notes: mostly archive footage
L'Odyssée de l'extase
* Odyssee Eksatse
* Trois mille un l'odyssée de l'extase
* Wilde Lippen
Annie Belle scene from Le Rallye des joyeuses
Chantal Fourquet archive footage
Claude Janna archive footage
Claudine Beccarie archive footage
Danièle Troeger
Ellen Earl archive footage
Emmanuelle Parèze archive footage, from various films including the scene cut from Love Play (L'Essayeuse)
Eva Khris archive footage
Jocelyne Clairis archive footage
Marie-José Pontello archive footage
Marlène Myller archive footage
Monique Phalle
Nadja Mons archive footage
Sylvia Bourdon archive footage
Véronique Aubert ?, archive footage
XNK0943 g/g with Nadja Mons
blog Ellen Earl https://de.xhamster.com/posts/532161
blog Emmanuelle Pareze https://de.xhamster.com/posts/464875
Eva Khris plays Eva
Sextreme Nobelmosen (1975)
77:06 m
Also Known As
- Sextreme Nobelmosen (German release by Mike Hunter)
- Carmelo Petix
- Didier Faya
- Eric Edwards
- Erika Cool
- Eva Khris
- Helene Chevallier NonSex
- Isabeau (Credited: Isabelle Lautrec) NonSex
- Released: 1975
- Director: Norbert Terry
- Notes: 1 hr 19 mins.
Les Chattes brûlantes de Madame Saint-Claude
Les Filles de Madame Saint-Claude
Das Nobel-bordell Von Paris
Pornographie chez Madame Claude
Die Schülerinnen der Madame St. Claude Mike Hunter video title
Sextreme Nobelmösen DVD available Mike Hunter
Denise Dax
Erika Cool as Laura Laure, plays Gina
Eva Khris plays Eva
Hélène Chevallier non h/c, as Marie-Hélène Chevallot
Isabeau as Isabelle Lautrec, non-sex, plays Madame Saint Claude
Olga Adabache non-sex, plays Mademoiselle Katouchka, the ballet teacher
XNK2651 as Denise Dax, Florence Baltz, Cathy Chateau, Marijke Henkes or Aurore Laventure
XNK2652 non-h/c, as Denise Dax, Florence Baltz, Cathy Chateau, Marijke Henkes or Aurore Laventure
XNK2653 plays Sheba, as Denise Dax, Florence Baltz, Cathy Chateau, Marijke Henkes or Aurore Laventure
XNK2654 body-doubled h/c, as Denise Dax, Florence Baltz, Cathy Chateau, Marijke Henkes or Aurore Laventure
XNK2656 non h/c, as Denise Dax, Florence Baltz, Cathy Chateau, Marijke Henkes or Aurore Laventure
XNK2657 seemed to make up the numbers in one scene, probably uncredited
Eric Edwards (Eric Salaün?) plays Gina's boyfriend
Carmelo Petix plays Monsieur Felix
Jean-Paul Schneider presumably plays Professor Silvanus
Jean-Paul Schneider
Francois Jaubert
Jean-Michel Sénégal
Guy Drappier
Didier Faya
Eric Salaün
blog Helene Chevalier https://de.xhamster.com/posts/485321
Eva KhrisNonSex
Weekends of A Perverted Couple - 1976
66:27 m
Introductions (1976)
Also Known As
- Les Weekends d'un couple pervers
- Weekends of a Perverted Couple
Scene 1. Emmanuelle Parèze, Jacques Insermini
Scene 2. Catherine Castel, Jacques Insermini
Scene 3. Chantal Nora, Emmanuelle Parèze
Scene 4. Chantal Nora, Jacques Insermini
Scene 5. Catherine Castel, Marie-Pierre Castel, Jacques Insermini
Scene 6. Helene Bruno, Stephane Bruno
Scene 7. Chantal Nora, Emmanuelle Parèze
Scene 8. Daniele Negre, Jacques Insermini
Scene 9. Francoise Maillot, Charlie Schreiner
Scene 10. Chantal Nora, Emmanuelle Parèze
Scene 11. Daniele Negre, Jacques Insermini
Scene 12. Chantal Nora, Emmanuelle Parèze, Jacques Insermini
Scene 13. Chantal Nora, Emmanuelle Parèze, Jacques Insermini
Weekends of A Perverted Couple - 1976
blog Emmanuelle Pareze https://de.xhamster.com/posts/464875
Eva Khris archive footage
sexe clinique pour membre vigoureux
77:38 m
- Released: 1991
- Director: Pierre B. Reinhard as Mike Strong
Alternate Titles
- La Doctoresse du sexe
Christine Chanoine archive footage from same scene/film as Rachel Mhas
Elisabeth Graine archive footage, probably from Le Bouche-trou
Emmanuelle Parèze archive footage
Eva Khris archive footage
Ginette as Barbara Bouche, Suzanne Hampe, Christelle Landaye or uncredited (unless Valentine Hampe is female), plays the doctor
Hélène Chevallier archive footage, from Le Bouche-trou
Liliane Lemieuvre archive footage
Martine Grimaud archive footage
Paulette as Barbara Bouche, Suzanne Hampe, Christelle Landaye or uncredited (unless Valentine Hampe is female), plays a patient receiving an enema
Rachel Mhas archive footage
Samia [2] as Barbara Bouche, Suzanne Hampe, Christelle Landaye or uncredited (unless Valentine Hampe is female), plays a nurse
Sandrine Pernelle archive footage
XNK3033 archive footage
XNK3034 archive footage
XNK3038 as Barbara Bouche, Suzanne Hampe, Christelle Landaye or uncredited (unless Valentine Hampe is female), plays a nurse
Philippe Soine
Valentine Hampe (male?)
Olivier Rimouleur
Jean-Louis Vattier in archive footage
Scene 3. Eva Khris, Marlene Myller
Felicia (1976) with Rebecca Brooke
94:30 m
Felicia (1975)
Also Known As
- Les Milles et une perversions de Felicia (original French title)
Scene 1. Rebecca Brooke, Jean Roche
Scene 2. Beatrice Harnois
Scene 3. Eva Khris, Marlene Myller
Scene 4. Rebecca Brooke, Jean Roche
Scene 5. Beatrice Harnois, Ray Prevet
Scene 6. Beatrice Harnois
Scene 7. Beatrice Harnois, Rebecca Brooke
Scene 8. Beatrice Harnois, Jean Roche
Scene 9. Beatrice Harnois, Rebecca Brooke, Jean Roche
Scene 2. Eva Khris, Francoise Maillot, Maria Catala, Rachel Mhas, Stephane Saratoga
Cuisses en Chaleur (1975)
1:19:27 m
Cuisses en chaleur (1975)
Also Known As
- Steamy Tights (Alpha France DVD English title)
Scene 1. Maria Catala, Rachel Mhas, Stephane Saratoga
Scene 2. Eva Khris, Francoise Maillot, Maria Catala, Rachel Mhas, Stephane Saratoga
Scene 3. Ellen Earl
Scene 4. Ellen Earl, Stephane Saratoga
Scene 5. Corinne Lemoine, Stephane Saratoga
Scene 6. Corinne Lemoine, Stephane Saratoga
Scene 7. Ellen Earl, guy
Scene 8. Corinne Lemoine, Stephane Saratoga
Scene 9. Corinne Lemoine, Stephane Saratoga
Scene 10. Ellen Earl, Jerry Brouer
Scene 11. Corinne Lemoine, Stephane Saratoga
Scene 12. Chantal Fourquet, Corinne Lemoine, Stephane Saratoga
Scene 13. Corinne Lemoine, Stephane Saratoga
Thanks so much! I think that we 'discuss' the same girl now, the one having sex with Robert at minute 39:00 - I doubt the crediting though as she doesn't appear in other movies linked to the name Eva Khris.
I'll keep on digging for a bit longer, something will show up some day :)
more VINTAGE classic porn models
7 年 前
[b]L'Odyssee de l'extase - full movie[/b]
71:13 m
[b]Odyssee de l extase (1976)[/b]
71:13 m
[b]Odyssee de l-extase[/b]
71:13 m
3001: L'Odyssée de l'extase
- Released: 1976
- Director: Serge Korber as John Thomas
- Notes: mostly archive footage
Alternate Titles
- L'Odyssée de l'extase
- Odyssee Eksatse
- Trois mille un l'odyssée de l'extase
- Wilde Lippen
Annie Belle scene from Le Rallye des joyeuses
Chantal Fourquet archive footage
Claude Janna archive footage
Claudine Beccarie archive footage
Danièle Troeger
Ellen Earl archive footage
Emmanuelle Parèze archive footage, from various films including the scene cut from Love Play (L'Essayeuse)
Eva Khris archive footage
Jocelyne Clairis archive footage
Marie-José Pontello archive footage
Marlène Myller archive footage
Monique Phalle
Nadja Mons archive footage
Sylvia Bourdon archive footage
Véronique Aubert ?, archive footage
XNK0943 g/g with Nadja Mons
[b]blog Emmanuelle Pareze[/b] https://xhamster.com/posts/464875
[b]blog Eva Khris[/b] https://xhamster.com/posts/702062
[b]blog Ellen Earl[/b] https://xhamster.com/posts/532161