ERIKA COOL French mature MILF vintage


Erika Cool plays Annie Peules
Les Petites Salopes - 1977 (2K)
79:34 m

- Details
- Released: 1977
- Director: Dominique Gout as Richard Stephen

Emozioni Porno
Den Förtrollade Blockflöjten
Les Petites Salopes Alpha France video title, 1 hr 22 mins
Die Zauberflöte

Danièle David as Dakatine, plays Marie, a servant
Erika Cool plays Annie Peules
Marie-Douce Sabes as Cindy, plays the young widow
Marlène Myller as Marlene Miller, plays Catherine, the cousin
Ray Prévet non-sex, plays Joël's mother
Siegried Cellier as Sigrid Cellier, plays Claudine Lambert
Sophie Bulle plays Louison, a servant

Cyril Val plays Joël
Madou Sall (Mamadou Sall) plays the secretary, Joyce
Guy Bonnafoux plays Hugue de Grand-Mât, the uncle
Philippe Prévet, non-sex, plays Joël's father
Jean Cherlian, non-sex, plays Paul
Jacques Couderc, non-sex, plays Dr. Barge
Gilbert Servien, non-sex, plays Monsieur Lambert
Gaston Meunier, non-sex, plays the lawyer

Cathy fille soumise (1977) - Brigitte Lahaie and Erica Cool
66:04 m

Cathy Submissive Girl (1977)
Also Known As
- Cathy the "Yes" Girl (Alpha France DVD English title)
- Cathy, fille soumise (original French title)
Scene 1. Erika Cool, Alban Ceray, Dominique Aveline, Daniel Trabet
Scene 2. Brigitte Lahaie, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 3. Brigitte Lahaie, Susan Deloir, Gabriel Pontello
Scene 4. Erika Cool, Alban Ceray, Dominique Aveline, Daniel Trabet
Scene 5. Brigitte Lahaie, Julie Duchet, Susan Deloir
Scene 6. Erika Cool, Alban Ceray
Scene 7. Brigitte Lahaie, Marion Webb, Susan Deloir, Cyril Val, Daniel Trabet, Steve Star
Scene 8. Julie Duchet
Scene 9. Erika Cool, Gabriel Pontello

blog Brigitte Lahaie

Erika Cool plays Alex's wife
Les Nains Preferent Les Blondes (1977)
59:19 m

- Released: 1977
- Director: Maxime Debest as Maxi Micky
- Notes: Orpham Productions and Europrodis, 81 mins.
Alternate Titles
- Les Nains préfèrent les blondes 1989 First International Production, 60 mins.
- Surprise N° 1

Barbara Moose plays the assaulted girl
Erika Cool plays Alex's wife
Michèle le Brumann plays David's wife
Nadine Scant plays Peter's wife

Désiré Bastareaud plays Désir
Alban Ceray plays the second fugitive
John Oury plays Alex
Guy Royer plays Peter
Daniel Trabet plays Serge, the fugitive
Jean-Louis Vattier plays David

Brigitte Lahaie - Bordello XX (Classic 1978)
72:26 m
Erika Cool plays Erika, a prostitute
Bordello a Parigi - 1h 12 min

- Released: 1978
- Director: José Bénazéraf
- Notes: Les Productions du Chesne / Audifilm, 68 mins.

1942-1945 Piaceri a Parigi DVD available Italy, Shendene box title
Bordel "sis" Punch video
Bordel sis DVD available L.C.J. DVD box title (the sis is inside the O)
Bordello a Parigi Italy
Freudenhaus 42
Freudenhaus ou Bordell sis Punch Video and L.C.J. DVD on-screen title - title and alternative title together
La Maison des S.S.
The Red Devils
sis Bordello

Barbara Moose as Martine Semot, plays Amélie, a prostitute
Brigitte Lahaie plays a boarder
Dolorès Manta plays a prostitute
Erika Cool plays Erika, a prostitute
Florentina Fuga uncredited, plays a prostitute

Pierre Belot plays the collaborator
Hubert Géral plays Hubert
Aaron Hauchart
Guy Royer plays an sis officer (Captain Wilhelm) obsessed with the Barbara Moose character who shoots himself
Olivier Oll plays the sis Colonel
Alban Ceray makes a brief, uncredited, appearance as a French client of the brothel
A mature blonde plays the madam, non-sex
A young blonde plays a waitress, non-sex

Erika Cool, Brigitte Lahaie and Guy Royer have a b/g/g scene Barbara Moose and Guy Royer have a couple of b/g scenes.
The plot is difficult to follow in detail but revolves around Barbara Moose spying for the Resistance. Eventually she is tortured and Guy Royer shoots himself.

blog Brigitte Lahaie

Brigitte Lahaie Erika Cool - Bordel sis
5:52 m

Erika Cool plays Irma
Scene 2. Erika Cool, Bernard Hug
Scene 3. Erika Cool
Scene 4. Erika Cool, Daniele Troeger, Bernard Hug
Sarabande Porno (1976)
61:32 m

Also Known As
- Esclaves sexuelles sur catalogue (video and DVD re-release, Blue One)
Scene 1. Brigitte Lahaie, Karine Gambier, Daniele Troeger, Bernard Hug, Charlie Schreiner, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 2. Erika Cool, Bernard Hug
Scene 3. Erika Cool
Scene 4. Erika Cool, Daniele Troeger, Bernard Hug
Scene 5. Maude Carolle, Erika Cool, Daniele Troeger, Bernard Hug, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 6. Ursula White, Bernard Hug
Scene 7. Ursula White, Jacques Marbeuf
Scene 8. Emmanuelle Parèze, Bernard Hug, Richard Lemieuvre
Scene 9. Amanda, Emmanuelle Parèze, Bernard Hug
Scene 10. Amanda, Emmanuelle Parèze, Liliane Lemieuvre, Véronique Maugarski, Bernard Hug, Richard Lemieuvre

- Released: 1977
- Director: Claude Bernard-Aubert as Burd Tranbarée
- Notes: VHS 1 hr 23 mins, Blue One DVD (1 hr 2 mins) with Les Plaisirs fous and - Les Soirées d'un Couple Voyeur
Alternate Titles
- L'Asta dell'amore Italy
- Esclaves sexuelles sur catalogue video and later DVD title
- Porno-Sklaven West Germany, Venus
- Slave Girls Market
- Amanda in dinner party scene
- Anna Douking non-sex, plays the actioneer at the male auction
- Brigitte Lahaie plays one of Jean-Pierre's 'slave girls'
- Colette Mareuil non-sex, plays the 'sales director'
- Danièle Troeger as Muriel White in the DVD, plays Françoise
- Doris Wessoly plays Odile, Philippe's secretary
- Elisabeth Buré as a redhead, plays Sylvia, one of the auctioned 'slave girls'
- Emmanuelle Parèze plays the buyer of Philippe and Jean-Pierre
- Erika Cool plays Irma
- Evelyne Manta plays one of the auctioned 'slave girls', non-sex in DVD, but lesbian sex in full version
- Karine Gambier plays Julie
- Liliane Lemieuvre as Liliane Allan, in dinner party scene
- Marie-Noëlle Louvet non-sex, plays Alphonsine, one of the auctioned 'slave girls'
- Maude Carolle as Aude le Cocq, plays Muriel
- Sophie Bulle plays one of the auctioned 'slave girls'
- Véronique Maugarski in dinner party scene
- XNK0390 non-sex, plays one of the auctioned 'slave girls', introduced as a Danish girl
- XNK0392 non-sex, plays one of the auctioned 'slave girls'
- XNK6380 non-sex, plays a buyer at one of the auctions
- XNK6381 non-sex, plays a buyer at one of the auctions
- Bernard Hug plays Philippe
- Richard Lemieuvre plays Jean-Pierre
- Jacques Marbeuf plays Philippe's boss
- Charlie Schreiner plays Charlie
- Gilbert Servien plays a father bidding on behalf of his son
extras including Gabriel Coez (unsuccessful bidder in the auction of males)

Scene 1. Brigitte Lahaie, Karine Gambier, Daniele Troeger, Bernard Hug, Charlie Schreiner, Richard Lemieuvre

blog Brigitte Lahaie

Scene 8. Emmanuelle Parèze, Bernard Hug, Richard Lemieuvre

blog Emmanuelle Pareze

Scene 1. Brigitte Lahaie, Karine Gambier, Daniele Troeger, Bernard Hug, Charlie Schreiner, Richard Lemieuvre

blog Karin Gambier

Scene 3. Erika Cool, Guy Royer
Scene 4. Erika Cool, Morgane, Guy Royer, Joel Charvier
Scene 6. Erika Cool, Morgane, Guy Royer, Joel Charvier
Scene 8. Erika Cool, Marie-Dominique Cabannes
Caresses (1979) - 1h 25 min
Caresses Inavouables.1979.avi -,3331243088.avi%28video%29

Also Known As
- Caresses inavouables (original French release by Alpha France)
- Les Bons coups (French DVD re-release by Blue One)
Scene 1. Diane Dubois, Guy Royer, Joel Charvier
Scene 2. Morgane, Joel Charvier
Scene 3. Erika Cool, Guy Royer
Scene 4. Erika Cool, Morgane, Guy Royer, Joel Charvier
Scene 5. Celine Gallone, Guy Royer
Scene 6. Erika Cool, Morgane, Guy Royer, Joel Charvier
Scene 7. Gallia, Guy Royer
Scene 8. Erika Cool, Marie-Dominique Cabannes
Scene 9. Morgane, Guy Royer, Joel Charvier
Scene 10. Erika Cool, Marie-Dominique Cabannes, Morgane, Guy Royer, Joel Charvier|-vintage-|-classic-porn-movies-~-19xx-199x-119.html

blog Diane Dubois

Erika Cool archive footage
Eine Verdammt Heisse Braut
85:08 m
Heisse Braut 1
85:42 m
Classic - Eine Verdammt Heisse Braut Teil 1
68:55 m

Also Known As
- Es bleibt in der Familie
Scene 1. Michelle
Scene 2. Sandra Nova, Unknown Male 214880-A
Scene 3. Claudia Eckner, Unknown Male 341739-A
Scene 4. Michelle, Sandra Nova, Unknown Male 214880-A
Scene 5. Sandra Nova, Unknown Male 214880-A
Scene 6. Michelle, Unknown Male 341739-A
Scene 7. Claudia Eckner, Unknown Male 214880-A, Unknown Male 341739-A
Scene 8. Claudia Eckner, Unknown Male 214880-A

- Released: 1989
- Director: Hans Billian
- Notes: DVD Tabu on same disk as part 2

Anne Magle archive footage from Massagesalon Elvira
Barbara Moose archive footage from the first half of Fick-Angels, as Martine Semo
Christa Abel archive footage from Massagesalon Elvira
Claudia Eckner plays the bride, Gabi Keller, the 'verdammt heisse Braut'
Dolorès Manta archive footage from Die Unersättlichen
Ellen Earl archive footage from loop Vulgär und Ordinär
Erika Cool archive footage
Ginny Noack archive footage from Heiratswillige Döschen gesucht
Helene Wolf plays Judith Wienhold, die jungfrau / the virgin, non-sex
Ingrid Barlon two scenes, one an insert from Fick Figaro
Ivonne Fischer-Tau archive footage from Heiratswillige Döschen gesucht
Karine Gambier archive footage from Massagesalon Elvira
Michelle [30] as?, plays Gabi's sister
Petra Abstein clip from Der Lustmolch
Uschi Karnat
XNK1148 insert from Fick Figaro
XNK2325 clip from Der Lustmolch
XNK2350 plays Frau Wienhold, Judith's mother
XNK3341 insert from Fick Figaro
XNK6542 archive footage from the first half of Fick-Angels, nude-only in this portion
XNK6543 clip from Der Lustmolch
XNK6544 archive footage, source unclear

blog Sandra Nova

blog Ellen Earl

Erika Cool as Erika, plays the third air hostess
Les Hotesses Du Sexe
53:47 m

- Released: 1977
- Director: Didier Philippe-Gérard as Michel Barny (and Francis Leroi according to some sources)
- Notes: copyright 1976 (1 hr 18 mins.), Blue One DVD (1 hr 3 mins.) with Mes Nuits avec ... and Délires porno
Alternate Titles
- Aerolineas sexuales
- Love Airline USA, with some additional exterior shots, linking scenes and a closing scene, all between Georgina Spelvin and John Leslie
Sex Airlines

Carole Gire
Cécile Carole plays the hooker with the two Americans
Emmanuelle Rivière plays the co-pilot
Erika Cool as Erika, plays the third air hostess
Karine Gambier plays the second air hostess
Maryline Guillaume millionaire scene, non-sex
Maude Carolle as Maud Hunt, plays the pilot
Siegried Cellier plays Virginie, passenger in the plane
Sophie Bulle plays a harem girl
Véronique Maugarski plays the first air hostess
XNK0073 harem girl

Thierry de Brem plays Paul
Robert le Ray plays the millionaire
Guy Royer plays the emir
Jacques Insermini plays the first American
Madou Sall plays the second American
Jean-Louis Vattier plays Jean Loup
Michel Buffler plays 'l'original' (maybe the contortionist)
male doctor for the millionaire
hotel manager
taxi driver


Catherine Ringer - Innocence impudique - 1978
66:38 m

Alternate Titles
- Nackte Wahrheit
- Perversionen West Germany, Mike Hunter
- Rasende Orgie Meveer Video

- Brigitte Lahaie
- Carole Serres
- Catherine Ringer
- Cathy Stewart
- Céline Gallone
- Christine Lodes
- Diane Dubois
- Edwige Faillel
- Elodie Delage
- Erika Cool
- Fabienne Abélard archive footage from Provinciales en chaleur
- France Lomay
- Ingrid Choray plays the brunette who wanders round the house
- Julia Perrin
- Lucie Doll
- Martine Capellaro
- Mika Barthel
- Morgane
- Nicole Velna
- Valérie Martin's

blog Brigitte Lahaie

blog Catherine Ringer

blog Valerie Martin's

blog Diane Dubois

Scene 14. Barbara Moose, Erika Cool, Nicole Velna, Véronique Maugarski, Hubert Geral, John Oury, Tony Morena, Unknown Male 229550-F
81:19 m
French Classic
81:36 m
Roulette - 1978 (Restored)
79:43 m

Also Known As
- Roulette (original German release by Beate Uhse)
Scene 1. Agnes Ollard, Robert Le Ray
Scene 2. Joelle Lequement, Robert Le Ray
Scene 3. Claude Janna, Unknown Female 229550-C, Carmelo Petix, Unknown Male 2593-D
Scene 4. Micky Love, Desire Bastareaud
Scene 5. Micky Love, Robert Le Ray
Scene 6. Nathalie Morin, Robert Le Ray, Unknown Male 229550-B
Scene 7. Siegried Cellier, Unknown Female 229550-D, Véronique Maugarski, Unknown Male 229550-C
Scene 8. Nathalie Morin, Michel Maubert
Scene 9. Véronique Maugarski
Scene 10. Unknown Female 229550-E, Louison Boutin, Unknown Male 229550-E
Scene 11. Marion Webb, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 12. Véronique Maugarski, Robert Le Ray
Scene 13. Unknown Female 229550-F, Desire Bastareaud
Scene 14. Barbara Moose, Erika Cool, Nicole Velna, Véronique Maugarski, Hubert Geral, John Oury, Tony Morena, Unknown Male 229550-F

blog Robert Le Ray

blog Barbara Moose

Sextreme Nobelmosen (1975)

Also Known As
- Sextreme Nobelmosen (German release by Mike Hunter)
- Carmelo Petix
- Didier Faya
- Eric Edwards
- Erika Cool
- Eva Khris
- Helene Chevallier NonSex
- Isabeau (Credited: Isabelle Lautrec) NonSex

- Released: 1975
- Director: Norbert Terry
- Notes: 1 hr 19 mins.

Les Chattes brûlantes de Madame Saint-Claude
Les Filles de Madame Saint-Claude
Das Nobel-bordell Von Paris
Pornographie chez Madame Claude
Die Schülerinnen der Madame St. Claude Mike Hunter video title
Sextreme Nobelmösen DVD available Mike Hunter

Denise Dax
Erika Cool as Laura Laure, plays Gina
Eva Khris plays Eva
Hélène Chevallier non h/c, as Marie-Hélène Chevallot
Isabeau as Isabelle Lautrec, non-sex, plays Madame Saint Claude
Olga Adabache non-sex, plays Mademoiselle Katouchka, the ballet teacher
XNK2651 as Denise Dax, Florence Baltz, Cathy Chateau, Marijke Henkes or Aurore Laventure
XNK2652 non-h/c, as Denise Dax, Florence Baltz, Cathy Chateau, Marijke Henkes or Aurore Laventure
XNK2653 plays Sheba, as Denise Dax, Florence Baltz, Cathy Chateau, Marijke Henkes or Aurore Laventure
XNK2654 body-doubled h/c, as Denise Dax, Florence Baltz, Cathy Chateau, Marijke Henkes or Aurore Laventure
XNK2656 non h/c, as Denise Dax, Florence Baltz, Cathy Chateau, Marijke Henkes or Aurore Laventure
XNK2657 seemed to make up the numbers in one scene, probably uncredited

Eric Edwards (Eric Salaün?) plays Gina's boyfriend
Carmelo Petix plays Monsieur Felix
Jean-Paul Schneider presumably plays Professor Silvanus

Jean-Paul Schneider
Francois Jaubert
Jean-Michel Sénégal
Guy Drappier
Didier Faya
Eric Salaün

blog Helene Chevalier

Diane Dubois Entre aussi par Derriere

Alternate Titles
- Entre aussi par derrière... title of a video release
- Het Trillende Vlees Flemish title
- Tremblements de chair
- Brigitte Lahaie
- Diane Dubois
- Erika Cool
- France Lomay
- Karine Gambier
- Siegried Cellier
- Willeke van Ammelrooy non-sex, plays Sylvia van Loy
Males include -
- Jean-Marie Pallardy, non-sex, at least non-hardcore-sex
- Jacques Insermini, non-sex
- Bernard Musson, non-sex
- Richard Allan (Richard Lemieuvre), added footage
- Guy Royer, added footage
- Jacques Gatteau, added footage
- Dominique Aveline, added footage

blog Diane Dubois

blog Brigitte Lahaie

blog Karine Gambier

blog Guy Royer

Erika Cool plays Marie-Paule Chalais
Les Queutardes (1977)
75:27 m

Released: 1977
Director: Dominique Gout as Richard Stephen
Notes: 81 mins., Alpha France version 78 mins.

Carole Gire as Chris Martin, plays Catherine
Catherine Castel as Cathy Castel, plays Luce
Christie [2] plays the secretary, non-sex
Danièle David as Dakatine, plays Mme Vianson and also a performer in the film
Elisabeth Buré as Elisabeth Burtaut, plays Volaine
Erika Cool plays Marie-Paule Chalais
Michèle Jean uncredited, plays a performer in the film
Monique Malterre plays Mme Tardieu, non-sex
Sophie Bulle uncredited, plays a performer in the film
XNK6034 plays a guest, non-sex
Sylvia Diams is credited but does not appear.

Guy Royer plays Arthur Chalais
Alban Ceray plays Tardieu
Dominique Aveline plays Ernest, the chef
Jean Rollin plays a member of the film audience, non-sex
Gérard Couderc plays a member of the film audience, non-sex
Cyril Val plays a performer in the film
René Jean plays a performer in the film

blog Elisabeth Bure

Erika Cool NonSex
Brigade - 70's
75:05 m

Brigade Call-Girls (1977)
Also Known As
- Les petites pensionnaires
Scene 1. Orgy
Scene 2. Carole Gire, Guy Royer
Scene 3. Claude Janna, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 4. France Lomay, Thierry de Brem
Scene 5. Maude Carolle, Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 6. Barbara Moose, Guy Royer
Scene 7. Barbara Moose, Carole Gire, Florentina Fuga, Nadine Scant, Raymond Ximay


can't find Erika Cool in this egafd link

Night Fever
76:16 m
Inonde mon ventre (1978)
76:16 m

can't find Erika Cool in this egafd link

- Released: 1977
- Director: Maxime Debest as Maxi Mickey
- Notes: Europrodis et Orpham Productions, Visa no. 47591
Alternate Titles
- Laß´ es kommen DVD available West Germany, Vulcan, Alpha Germany DVD
- Nattens Sexdrottining
- Night Fever USA
- Surprise N° 2
- Brigitte Lahaie plays Lise Richemond
- Catherine Léno plays Madame Bastide
- Catherine Tailleferre with a black wig, plays Mathilde
- Claude Janna plays Kim
- Marion Schultz plays Isabelle
- Michèle le Brumann
- Alban Ceray plays Sam
- Jacques Gatteau plays Bertrand
- John Oury plays Isabelle's husband
- Désir Bastareaud
- a fleeting appearance by Jean-Louis Vattier as an audience member in the opening scene

Also Known As
- Inonde mon ventre (original French title)
- Lass' es kommen (German release by VFL)
Scene 1. Brigitte Lahaie
Scene 2. Jean-Louis Vattier
Scene 3. faceless girl, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 4. Catherine Tailleferre, Alban Ceray
Scene 5. Catherine Leno, Desire Bastareaud
Scene 6. Brigitte Lahaie, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 7. Catherine Tailleferre, Claude Janna, Alban Ceray, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 8. Brigitte Lahaie, Marion Schultz
Scene 9. Michele le Brumann, John Oury
Scene 10. Catherine Leno, Desire Bastareaud
Scene 11. Catherine Tailleferre, Claude Janna, Alban Ceray, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 12. Catherine Tailleferre, Claude Janna, Alban Ceray, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 13. Brigitte Lahaie
Scene 14. Marion Schultz, Michele le Brumann, Desire Bastareaud
Scene 15. Catherine Tailleferre, Claude Janna, Alban Ceray, Jacques Gatteau
Scene 16. Brigitte Lahaie, Jacques Gatteau

blog Brigitte Lahaie


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