Hooker Pick Up 9/30 11:30am

So I picked up a hooker today. She was the first girl I saw but I wasn't impressed so I drove around for about 45 minutes looking for another before I settled for her. I think I saw 3 others but unless they're half naked or really giving me the stare down, I'm just not sure so I keep driving until I am. Anyway, I passed her twice and rolled up out of a side street to run into her for the third time. I put my window down and said "what's up"? She said, "can I get in"? So I let her in. She started giving me directions on where to go and was asking me if I was a cop. She told me to show her my dick to prove I wasn't and when I pulled my shorts down, she licked my dick to prove she wasn't a cop. Anyway, back and forth through a few alleys and we end up in a pretty secluded area with a bunch of abandoned houses with a lot of overgrown bushes and trees. I'm sure she felt safe but I didn't. I had allowed myself to be put into a spot where I easily could have been robbed and I didn't like it. She asked me what I wanted and honestly, I just wanted to get out of there because I didn't feel safe. I told her I wanted a blow job. She wanted $35. I told her I had $25. She asked for $30. I pulled out a $20 from my pocket and $5 more from above the visor and told her that was it, other than the change in the console. She tucked the $25 into her bra and told me to be the look out. The one thing I really like about hookers is that they suck dick with a purpose. They know as soon as you bust, they're gone so they really put good effort into it and she was no different. She went right to work and I had my head on a swivel. I really didn't like where I was and that I was so foolish to put myself there. I was checking all my mirrors but I couldn't concentrate because she was sucking the shit out of my dick. She told me to tell her when I was gonna cum. I gave her a few napkins out of the console and she went right back to work. As usual, it didn't take long and I was gonna cum. She literally stopped sucking my dick and put the napkin over the head while she barely jerked it. Fuck. I could have done that myself. I probably should have picked up the older lady with the giant tits and just had her show them fuckers to me while I wanked it. -Now that would have been worth $35!

Anyway, she gave me her number and told me to text her any time. I don't know if I will or not. For one, I didn't like where we went but I have some control over that. For two, she's about a 3.5 out of 10 -which is probably why she asked for $35! And three, I really had the feeling I was gonna get robbed. I honestly had no other money or credit cards on me so if she set me up, they were gonna be really pissed because I really didn't have anything else on me. It would have been bad. Even though the Asian massage parlor is an hour away and costs nearly $200 I think it's worth it. For one, it's safe. For two, there's a bunch of hot fucking Asians there. For three, see number two.
发布者 t1914
7 年 前