Why I am a man who wears panties.
I grew up in a very poor fam1ly. I had an older s1ster so I got all her hand me downs. I never realized that there was ever a difference in men's and women's underwear. I never had an issue until my m0m got me real men's underwear and I felt uncomfortable without panties. This led to a lot of confusion in me. I don't wear them for kink or cross dressing I just feel like I belong in them. Made it difficult in high school and the Army when I went back to wearing what I felt I should be wearing. Once I hit my growth spurt and my testicles no longer fit in panties I moved on to boyshorts. I also feel closer and more intimate with women who want to share their panties with me. My wife finds my panties to sexy and we feel it is nice to share my experience.
7 年 前