Pull it Tighter

You point to the floor and I drop to my knees. Slipping the heavy choke chain around my neck, I know what's coming next: It's time to play again.

At first you tug it playfully and I see a smile on your face before I look down at the floor.

Too gentle...
Pull it tighter

Pinching now, my body flooding with that bone chilling heat, I can feel it pulsating through me.

I want more...
Pull it tighter

Tears spring to my eyes as I try to keep my palms flat on my thighs. I look up to see your eyes. Your smile has changed. You wear your sadistic mask now; one of my favorites.

I need more...
Pull it tighter

I dig my nails into my skin wanting to cry out, tears falling down with my empty, silent cries. I keep my eyes on yours.

Push me, break me...
Pull it tighter

I can't take much more, my body screaming at me for air now. The masochist in me doesn't seem to hear.

If only you could feel how wet I am...

Please pull it tighter
Reaching for you now, I claw at your jeans and you release your grasp on the warmed metal. I cough and nuzzle my head against your legs as I regain myself.

You put your hand under my chin pulling my head up so I can see you. Brushing my cheek with your thumb, I feel complete

~Written by Shy~
7 年 前
Pat2610 3 年 前