60 years of masturbation and still at it

After 60 years of masturbation, I can’t say I’ve ever tired of it. Started out when I and a couple of my friends (when we were 8 or 9) would go off to the woods, pull out our pre-hairy cocks, and see who could pee the farthest. We did this for a couple years and it was just about peeing at first, but after a while I found myself getting an erection at the sight of my friends' cocks and fondling my own. I was very surprised that after a little of that I suddenly had a very pleasant, warm feeling overcome me and then a sudden sense of release accompanied by shooting a LOT of cum at least a foot.

This surprised me, but not Harry, one of my two friends. "I've been doing that for a while," he said. It was a new thing for my other friend, Richard, whose jaw dropped when he saw me cum. I'd stayed hard and they were both hard, so my friend who knew about jerking off took the lead and in another couple minutes we all came. After that, our pissing contests were replaced completely by cumming contests, and I'm proud to say I almost always shot the furthest (and often the most).

A year or so later, we'd "grown out of" our cumming contests, perhaps because we'd gotten bored with the inevitability of who would "win" (as I said, usually me). One evening we "camped out" in Harry's back yard. A tent big enough for all of us to sleep in had been set up by Harry's father, and we'd all brought along sleeping bags. After we were sure his parents were asleep, off came our clothes and we sat around fondling our cocks. Richard got an idea: "Let's hold each other's cocks." We hadn't done this before, and we took turns. I held Harry's cock first, then Richard's, and they took turns holding mine. We compared sizes and shapes. Mine was the longest and straightest, but Richard's was thicker. Harry's curved and was in between mine and Richard's in girth, and he alone among us had begun sprouting pubic hair. I remember how it was both interesting and amazing holding another boy's cock. It felt different than holding my own cock.

The next thing that happened was that we clustered in a triangular arrangement, on our knees because the tent wasn't high enough, and touching and rubbing our cocks together. (We’d invented frotting, though I didn’t know that word until decades later.) That felt pretty neat, as I recall. I don't remember any more if one of us suggested it or it just happened spontaneously, but we began jerking each other off. Who was doing who changed around a lot, and I don't remember all the variations. But I do remember at one point that I had Harry's cock in one hand and Richard's in the other, while both of them shared my cock. I think that when we finally came we'd spontaneously invented the circle jerk, sort of, and because we were close we shot cum on each other.

We freaked out a little then, because we had nothing to clean up with and this was years before we (or at least I) could conceive of licking up cum. But it had gotten a little foggy outside and the grass in Harry's back yard was damp. So we very quietly went out, rolled around in the grass until we were clean, and then ran our hands over the "evidence" until it disappeared into the dew.
We all went back in, got in our sleeping bags, and after a little nervous laughter we got quiet and slept.

This night was never talked of among us afterwards, and before the next school year began Richard's parents had sold their house and moved to another town. I never had any "feelings" for either him or Harry, and back then homosexuality was an unknown to me. "Exploring our sexuality" would probably describe what we were up to, but it seems overblown. We just did what we did for the fun and thrill of it.

Fast forward a few years through my teen years, all of them filled with more or less daily masturbation. Since I was still living "at home," this usually happened during my morning shower. I would have mental fantasies of girls in my high school for whom I had the hots, get more or less instantly hard, cum on the shower wall, and wash it all down the drain. Other times, I'd take a bunch of toilet paper to bed with me, jerk off silently (because my parents' bedroom was not far away and I was paranoid), wipe up the cum, and carry it in to the bathroom in the morning to flush down the toilet with my morning piss. My parents never knew so far as I know. If they did, they were more liberal and understanding than I've ever given them credit for.

Over time I had girlfriends, even got married a couple times, had some k**s, a "career," and all that. There were also "between" times when I didn't have a woman in my life. Through it all I continued to masturbate. If I had a girlfriend/wife at the time, at least some of the mental fantasies I used to get myself hot involved her (but not all—thank you especially (at various times) Sean Young, Julia Roberts, Lauren Bacall (in old movies like Key Largo) and others). If not, depending on the situation I'd have a collection of well-worn porn magazines (for pictures and "letters") and/or videos. I'd do it less when married, and only my last (and current) wife has ever known about it. Turned out she's a lifelong masturbator, too, and we do it together at times as part of our great sexual repertoire.

She doesn't, however, know that I look at porn on my computer and judging from things she's said now and then she would probably disapprove. I do it to help "prime the pump" (it works well both at my computer and when I'm with her) and because I like/want/need it more often than she does, and among other places it's led me to this site. And in the course of doing so I find I've revisited my early masturbation years. If my wife died before me, I wonder if I would explore a wider range of partners, perhaps including men. I don't know. The most intriguing and vaguely appealing possibility I've run across is shemales. Many of them look too "hard" for me—not their cocks, but their appearance—although some look like a veritable "shemale-next-door." It might be a big turn-on to have sex with one of them, and I could finally suck a cock without it being, exactly, a guy's.

发布者 Wank4Fun
7 年 前
Anfrield 3 月 前
After about 55 years of masturbation, (started before 8) I'm still not bored of it, I need it daily and try out new things I see other men doing here. You can always write to me about our mutual passion and love for our cocks. Hans. 
roots1974 2 年 前
thighfan 2 年 前
Oh, that dark corner of our barn where I left plenty messes on the floor in my younger years....
Slapshot99 3 年 前
I’m 68 and stroke daily, married..do love your story..love to find a stroke buddy in chicago 
erosbi60 4 年 前
masturbation is my favorite sport!
candidcolin 5 年 前
Great story. I'm approaching 64 years old and have been masturbating since I was about 14 years old so my faithfull cock has been oprgasming for about fifty years. Thats a lot of climaxes when you add it up. But I'm starting to suffer from Erecyle Disfunction now.... and its doing my head in because I dont ever want to lose the thrill and joy of orgasm. My wife says I just have to accept the limitations of my body getting, old but I cant .... and dont want to let go.       
nofishforme 6 年 前
Cool story, I’ve got in  about 60 years of wanking myself.
fd8984596 6 年 前
Like the saying goes "I may be old, I'm not dead"
Guy49007 6 年 前
Yes it seems we never stop masturbating still do it.  
foeg48 6 年 前
What  a lovely true story.  I prefer your 'no extreme fantasy' way of telling your story.  I suspect that I am a similar age, and with a similar background to yourself.
bethfan2 6 年 前
Great story!