Dirty questions ;) i like

1.) Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?
A: Yup! Cute guy, suspect he is a virgin so that make's it more appealing.
2.) Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
A: Im a nightowl who can't stay awake for shits.
3.) What side of the bed do you sleep on?

A: My selfish ass take's up the whole bed.
4.) Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
A: Yup!
5.) Have you ever had sex in the shower or the bath?
A: Nay. I don't like it.
6.) Do you watch/read pornography?

A: I love https://www.literotica.com/
7.) Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
A: Aggressive/dominant//cute. Im weird i know.
8.) Do you love/like anyone on your blogroll?
A: Who knows ;)
9.) Would you choose love or money?
10.) Your top three favorite kinks in bed?

A: I have more than three and i like them all ^_^
11.) Has anyone ever gone beyond your personal line of respect sexually?
A: Haish.
12.) Where is the most romantic place you have had sex?
A: In my head.
13.) Where is the weirdest place you have had sex?
A: In your head.
14.) Have you ever been caught having sex?
A: Used to play catching so im fast, nahhhh ......
15.) Ever been to a bar just to get sex?

A: No panty Saturday ;)
16.) Have you ever kissed or had sex with someone of the same sex?
A: Kissed my bestie.
17.) Had sex in a movie theater?
A: Too scary, no.
18.) Had sex in a bathroom?
A: Too scary, yes.
19.) Have you ever had sex at work?
A: School.
20.) Bought something from an adult store?
A: Well the store owner was an adult so..... yea i did!
21.) Does anyone have naughty pics of you or are you on film?
A: I once littered as there was no one around so, Hmmmm.... OH!
22.) Do you think oral sex constitutes as a form of intercourse?
A: Yes.
23.) What’s your favorite sexual position?
A: With my hands tied to my back in a missionary position.
24.) Have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time?

A: 3 at once. Yes.
25.) What was your high school sex fantasy?

A: Had this hot teacher who was always disciplining me. Kinda hoped he went beyond his professional duty :(
26.) Where have you always wanted to have sex, but are scared to?
A: Mile's high club.
27.) What’s your most memorable sexual experience and why?

A: The day i lost my virginity as boyyy nearly came inside me. That scared me to no end.
28.) Have you ever been hit on by someone who was too old?

A: Yea, i was surprised at his confidence!
29.) Do you like getting hickeys?
A: What's a hickey?
30.) Would you ever skinny dip?

A: Been there, done that.
发布者 kira009
7 年 前
Question 26 I can help you with it, you dont worry, Im a flight attendant
broerek 2 年 前
My hottest babe on this site : )
HornyMale60 6 年 前
I want to FUCK you 
renarrative 6 年 前
Love your answers babe
Dan7002 7 年 前
If you were asked to have sex with a stranger for money, would you have sex with that stranger?