Diving,the homeless, cam show improvements and oth

VERY VERY VERY VERY busy day for me.

My day started at 3 am when I went out dumpster diving.

Yes, that's right, I dumpster dive.

I go out and look for things I can use that other people throw out. Clothes, shoes, food.

To say that I find more then I need is an understatement.

This mornings super haul was amazing. I estimate that I pulled out over a hundred dollars worth of food from the trash.Before any person dares to say "ewww...disgusting!" Hey..don't knock it till you try it. I take stuff that I know is safe...dried pasta, beans, rice..things that cant possibly be rotten or bad. Take for instance the fact I found 9 brand new bars of soap still in the box..how in the world can that be bad or rotten? It's not. I am set for soap for awhile as well as everything else.

I brought home a huge haul of stuff from dumpster diving and went back to sleep then got up again at 8 am and took a walk to the dollar store looking for things that might help me during my cam shows..makeup, stuff for my nails, even for glow sticks. I have ideas on how to make my show more interesting and one of the ideas I have is to put a glow stick inside of a clear jelly cock penis extender so that it glows. Ditto that for an anal jelly toy I just bought. The toys are on their way to me so in the meantime I'm gathering things to me to prepare for show improvements. I have been spending a lot of time observing other peoples cam shows to see if I can see something that catches a person's eye..what makes one show successful versus one that isn't. I have determined that you have to go beyond makeup, hair, toys...you have to really think outside the box and bring in an element that no ones else is doing or few people are. For me, I think glow dildos, blacklights and such are the way to go.

But back to me in the 99 cent store...

I did my shopping and on the way out I noticed a homeless woman sitting outside. I gave her 5 bucks then noticed 2 more homeless people seemingly camped in prime spots around the store and also the nearby McDonalds. Prime spots for begging and panhandling. Not a stupid idea if you are homeless. I had breakfast in the McDonalds and while I was doing so a homeless woman came in asking people for food. I gave her the rest of my breakfast I didn't eat since I was gonna throw it away anyway..No sense in doing that if someone wants the food and needs it. There was quite a bit left so she had at least something to eat that day.

Yeah, I know. Some people who seem homeless really arent. They pretend to be and then go back to their nice cars and drive back to their nice homes. It really sucks that those who are truly in need don't get the money and help because there are so many scammers and fakers around. You cant tell whos being truthful and whos lying. When I gave the money to the homeless lady and thought about the possibility of scamming a thought jumped in my mind..." Give, and let God figure it out" In other words...give, and if the person IS a scammer karma will come back around to them. If the person is really you just gave them money for whatever...a fake, and bad karma will pay them back.

I know I just brought up the word GOD in this post so let me clarify something.I am not religious, I am spiritual. What I believe in it for me. I believe all beliefs are branches that connect to the same trunk. They are all connected and similar. As long as what you believe in, what you reach for makes you a better more compassionate person its right or you. I am more of a natural pagan sort. I believe in the balance of things.Karma. Checks and balances.

Back to the dumpster dive thing...

Been doing that for years. I am against needless waste and we as people are often wasteful and unthinking of throwing things out that should be used, saved, donated and recycled. The fact I dive has saved me so much money in buying things I need. I have found tons of beautiful clothes, shoes, computers, food..you name it.

Before anyone says "Ewwww, how awful" I dare you to check out my facebook dumpster dive page and all the pics of things I have found diving


I dare you to look at those pics and tell me it's not worth it.

Many times over I have helped people by dumpster diving by gathering up dived clothes, washing them, and donating them to the homeless in need. Before the food bank near my house stopped letting people take free donated clothes they had that other donated (booooo on them for that move..thumbs down) I estimate I donated easily 2000 pounds of clothes, shoes and such that I dived and washed then donated over a two-3 year period. They stopped the clothes section and now i just dive for me. Sometimes what i dive i wash and sell

Now..am i still nuts for diving?


Anyway...Today has been busy and i havent even been on cam yet. My lower back is killing me from carrying all the dive food home this morning and the long walk later on to the stores. I am gonna rest for a moemnt and then clean up and go on cam.

See ya,ll later
7 年 前
bimexpoexist 7 年 前
if you need a good massage I'm great at it.
markpabear 7 年 前
Great haul on the dive.....and yes interesting things can be found at the dollar store; I actually buy most of my can goods at the dollar store, let's face it when the grocery stores are charging 3 or more dollars for a can of soap, why not buy soup from the dollar store. What people fail to realize that generic products are actually made by name brand companies so they can still sell their products one way or another. I like the glow stick idea :smile:) I hope you will have an awwwesome and safe holiday season HUUUUUGGGGGGZZZZZ