1st Time Swinging

hey folks,

I have been asked many times how did I start swinging, where it all started. Well here is the blow by blow story.
At that time I was in a marriage that was going down hill with each day and the ex and I was rarely having sex. I, for some reason, thought I could make it work, but I was in urgent need of sex and my thinking was If I could get a few 'booty calls' I'd be alright.
My wish came true and I had found a couple of chicks who were down but after a while they wanted more than just sex so I stopped seeing them both. I met another female about a month later and yet again she wanted more than just a few fucks. Crazy thing is all 3 of them knew I was married with k**s but they did not care. So with 3 booty calls not working out I gave up and then one day while looking for porn online I see a pic with a guy who was fat, bloated and ugly as shit, but he had 2 woman oh their knees sucking his dick. It was at that moment, I have no idea why, that I thought I'd try and find some sex just like that. What is strange is that the idea of swinging popped in my head out of no where.
It was at that moment that I decided to find out where the swingers were at. So I hit the internet and start my search. I came upon a ton of paid sites over the next 2 years and then one day I ran into a site called Dark Cavern,which was free at that time> At first I thought it was another paid porn site but I soon discovered it was not.
It was a site where white wives look for Big Black Cock. The site had a sections where if you could email the site webmaster a ad to post up for the wives to respond to. So I email my ad in and it is posted. Within about 3 or 4 days I get a email from a interested couple who say they are in Sacramento, Ca., which is about 2 hours north of San Francisco. They email me saying my ad sounded good but that I should also post a pic. I say I dont have a pic and they suggest I get someone to take one of me.
I had no idea who would to that for me, I did not want a male to do it and did not know any females who would. I tell them this and they suggest I go to the computer store and get a webcam that has a timer on it. after about a month of thinking about it I go to circuit city and buy one and it works just like the couple said it would. I resend the ad to the site but this time with a pic.
The very next day my email had about 5 or 6 emails and I decide to answer the first one on the list, which was to the same couple from Sacramento that emailed me before. They tell me how they come to the Bay Area about once a month to hook up with a few guys they know for some nasty fun and invite me to join them. I say yes and they sent me some pictures and a phone number. About a week later they sent another email saying they would be in San Francisco to have a little fun and asked if I wanted to join in.
I say yes but when they day came I faked, I was that nervous. The next time comes and I fake yet again. The husband tell me not to worry, that there would be other times. Then he starts telling me how much of a slut his wife was, how much cum she would drink. Then asked me to save my cum when I jack off. I say that cum will not keep that long. He says I can freeze it but there was no way I could do that because I was married. He tells me dont worry about it, that showing up would be enough. I start to get worried cause this was far more than I expected.
I start thinking all kinds of crazy things, that maybe this was some crazed killer or some gay guy trying to tick me into a hotel room where he would kill and **** me with a bunch of other gay guys. I thought all kinds of crazy shit. But I kept in mind that someone was living the life, that somewhere it existed, so I kept hope that maybe it was real, maybe about a 20% chance it was. When he told me this I made up my mind that I was gonna fake the next time. The 3rd times comes and still I fake. Then the husband tells me that if I cant make it to just call and let them know, that it was not a problem to call. I tell them that I would indeed be there the next time but It was already in my mind that I was not going.
So the next time comes and I call to say I could not make it. As I tell him this I hear him say 'Travis cant make it tonight'. Then I hear her say 'can he come now?' When I heard that I damn near passed out. It was at that moment I knew it was 100% real. I wanted to change my mind and say I could be there but I did not wanna loose face but decide I'd be there for sure.
So the day comes and the they call and tell me what hotel they would be at. I ask the room number and they hubby tells me to show up at the hotel, to tell the front desk to call up and at that time they would let me know what room they are in. That raised a red flag to me but I kept remember that female voice I heard the last time I faked and I agree to do as he asked.
I get to the hotel which was about a mile from where I worked at the time and I prance up to the front desk and ask them to ring the room. The rang the room and as I stood there I noticed 3 of them looking at me snickering. At the time I did not trip but as I look back on it I realize why. They were snickering because 4 other guys had came to the front desk before me.
So I go up to the room, nervously knock on the door and as the hubby opens it I see his wife sitting on what appeared to be a bar stool. Once I see that I smile and walk in. As I go thru the door I was surprised to see 3 other guys on the couch laughing and talking as friends do. They say hi and are very friendly. I look at the table in the room and it was some water and weed on it. Me being the weed head that I am pick up the joint and and fire it up.
So we all sitting there talking and everyone is real nice and I could tell they all were old friends. About 5 min. later the wife says she ready for some dick. The guys start taking down their pants and moving toward the wife and she is on her knees. I had forgot that she only sucked dick. I wait till the others pull their pants down and move over to her before I did. So we are all around her in a circle with her in the middle and she is going to town choking down dick after dick after dick after dick. I'd look in her eyes and could see just how much she loved it.
She is moaning and telling us how much of a black cock slut she is and how she loved being used as a cumdump. As she is saying all of this the guys and I are shoving dick down her throat and she is gagging and choking down dick. I standing there telling myself that I finally found what I was looking for, that I had finally got into that swinging lifestyle that I had been seeking for the past 2 years. She is going bananas as she was sucking us all off. You would swear it was the last dick she would ever have in her life. after about 20min she starts asking for cum, begging for cum and how she had earned a mouth full of cum. After another 5min one of the guys walk right up to her, pulls her head back, she opens her mouth and he cums right in it.
My mouth fell open in shock. Then the other guys start doing the same. Then as I got that feeling I start thinking strangely enough where would I cum, not even thinking about her mouth. Then as I got to that point where I was gonna cum I walked right over and shoot a huge load right across her face as she is wiping the cum off her chin and scooping it into her mouth. All I could think was WOW, how luck was I to have found what I had been searching for.
So we all nut in her mouth and and is scooping up the little bit of spooge that fell on her tits and we are all standing around with her still in the middle laughing and talking. I reach back to the table and relight the joint I had been smoking on. As I'm passing the joint around I notice the husband walking over to the small refrigerator in the room and pulling out 4 small tupperware bowls. I'm standing there puzzled and wondering what was he doing when I see him pour all the containers into one. Then he pulls out a bigger than life syringe, missing the needle, and sucks up all the cum that was into tupperware container into it.
I had never seen anything like that, not even in the tons of porn I had watched. I was in total shock and thought to myself what a woman. Not a drop missed her mouth. I knew right then and there that I'd never stop swinging, not even if I fixed my marriage. As we are standing there the wife reaches over as my head is turned and puts my dick in her mouth. Next thing I know she is sucking us off once again. what a woman was all i was thinking and how many other wives were like this.
I was sooo happy just from that thought. She sucks us all off, jacks us all off and once again we nut all over her. we nut in her mouth, on her tits and all over her face. it's 5 of us, another guy had came after that first nut we busted, and we had a ton of cum dripping off her face onto her tits and she scooped up every drop into her mouth and swallows it all. WOW
We all get dressed and are sitting and smoking weed and they ask me how long I had been in the lifestyle. I tell them that this was my very first time swinging. They were shocked and started talking about all the parties they had been to and how they bang out sluts like her(the wife) all the time. I thought she would take offense to what they just said but she smiled as if she was proud to be called a slut, which she was.
they then ask me if I wanted to be part of The Crew, which was a swing group that they ran. I say yes and the rest is history.

It gets even nastier on my site www.RichardMannsWorld.com support your boy, support guys like me still
发布者 RichardMann
13 年 前
pearl_1950 11 月 前
mariaswinger69 8 年 前
Nice story...I have a blog with my first time swinging
GREAT story... thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds VERY familiar/similar to what I'm going through right now.