
Greetings to everyone in porno land...
In these trying and economic rollercoaster times,we are all trying to figure out different means of ways to survive in this world.
We have always talked about it, but never really moved forward on the decision to market our movies..
I would like opinions, ideas and maybe a ballpark figure on people who would be interested in our videos. Please help us move toward with our decision.
Thanks for reading.
发布者 horny4bbc
13 年 前
Dtowntool69 1 年 前
i think you have a great mind set also willing to except feedback. imma send you a friend request perhaps we can feed off of eacheothes poss vibes.
Six_gun 5 年 前
Just curious if you ever decided to market video and how it did for you if so? 
son4mom50plus 11 年 前
You do realize you're soliciting advice from a bunch of folks that surf free, ripped-off porn, right? Just a heads-up. All the sites that try to make money, eventually, their content ends-up on sites like this one. Everyone will say "I would pay" but then, you're asking the fox how the chickens are doing. I love your vids...the rest is just an FYI. If you're serious, then try a site like type "clips" then a "4" then type "sale" altogether, then add a period, then the letters c o m. They host the content, and have a turn-key shopping cart for you... good luck
wildrichie68 12 年 前
Your onto a winner honey.
iluvslutts 13 年 前
I would be interested
Your videos will def sale. ever heard of the site, Clips For Sale? I've seen several people on that site and it looks like they are making money. Good luck and I hope it works out for you guys. make that money, go for it!
borock44 13 年 前
I think it would be a great idea because the type of videos you have a chance to market will sale because sex sales especial amateur personalized videos.besides you seem to really enjoy what you are doing and the possibilities really are endless. I was just talking to my girl about that very same ting tonight.good luck in your decisions