A New Year...A new time to fap. [Announcement]

Happy New Year everybody!

I came back at the end of this year and I managed to make some of the projects I planned to make a long time ago but not all of them. Its not always easy to balance time for work and this but I still want to do it because I love it.

Sometimes videos will get deleted due to DMCA claims and even result in the deletion of an account [channel]. that's saddening for creators but that's something you have to deal with when you're into making HMV's [I've learned it the hard way].

In the eventuality that my channel gets deleted, you can always keep the link to my MEGA to see my new videos [I will somehow manage a way to get back].

This year I plan to continue to make some of the stuff I haven't had time for and also new stuff that's coming up.

Have a great time and keep fapping to the beat!

发布者 mindself
7 年 前
sliverclaw 3 年 前
hi mindself i have mega proflie and have one hmv video on my mega proflie cause just start mega to upload hmv other video and yes keep fapout and i'm still fan of your hmv video i just wish reqest a super special hmv for me