My Request Acceptance Process

1. Check for profile pictures in friend requests. If there are profiles with no profile pics, I deleted immediately.
2. I go to pics. If there are a decent amount of pics, I proceed to the next step. If there are no pics, I reject immediately. SOMETIMES, I proceed to the next step when there are no pics.
3. I check for videos. If you have no videos or like 1 pic and 1 video, I reject. ESPECIALLY if you’ve been active for over a year. If you have a decent amount of pics and videos, I accept.
4. I also don’t like to accept people who are outside of the US I do have exception it depends on how I feel at that moment also the location of your country I will accept people from Canada and the UK most of the time.
If you don’t have content, including a profile pic, please spare both my time and yours and don’t send me a friend request. I have both a profile pic and content, so don’t come to be entertained if you won’t be doing any entertaining. My favorite is a verbal cumshot. Don’t get off to my content and not share just because I’m busy, lmao. And if you know you don’t interact a lot, don’t waste my time. I don’t wanna hear about how hard my post has you a normal greeting will do fine.
发布者 Laura1984
7 年 前
44G_and_Hubby 7 年 前
Yet still the fucking morons without profile pics or pics AND vids of them and their lover(s) still request friendship...
zoinkeys 7 年 前
Good rules! I try to accept only USA to. MAGA!!