Watching my wife seduce my boss(true story)

(Again a true story )

My wife and I had been playing around in the swinger lifestyle for just a couple of years with most of it( but not all of it ) being tame with just soft swap and occasionaly we would pick up a single male once in a blue . The was this one time she went way outside her confort zone and It is something I will always treasure about our experiances together. Well for a first few years of our marriage I worked as a construction worker flipping stores into chainstores and one of our biggest clients was Guess Jeans and we had a contract for the whole east coast which ment I had to do alot of traveling and spent sometimes 4 to 5 days on the road. My wife was left alone quite a bit as for at that time and began to get lonely and would often complain about it when I got home . I did feel bad and sympathized with her a great deal but didnt know what to do about it. Well when I got back to work I did explain to my boss and told him I was probably going to have to find a new job where I was closer to home but that I would give him 2 weeks notice before I left He pleaded with me not to leave that I was a good worker and would be hard to replace . He was the general contractor and I was his project manager and he liked me so much because he was a lazy bastered who actualy did little work and I was really good on convering for him and he didnt want to lose that. Now this is where the real story starts My boss had told me that if I wanted she could come and spend from friday night till sunday night on the weekends as long as she did not interfere with my work and just to keep it on the down low because he didnt want other workers doing the same (there were20 workers). Well Krys comes up the first weekend and she was so happy to be with me and getting to spend more time with me.Well occasionaly I would go out to the store for beer cigs and food leaving her in the room because we didnt want anyone else to know she was there .My boss and I were sharing the room together there was a 2 man to a room rule because the contracting company had to pay for it. So I unfortunately had to deal with him being in the room with us. He was a slob and often made a mess of the room and did not bathe on a regular basis. To boot he was not atractive at all and he had no filters on the things he would say to people ... basically he was a creep and an asshole that no one liked. Well one day I went to the store and when I came back Krys seemed upset and when I asked her whats wrong she replied its nothing. later that night around 2 am we went outside our door to have a cig and she told me my boss was hitting on her and he stroked he hair and told her how beautiful she was . She told me he was really creepy about it and thats she thought he was discusting and asked me not to leave her alone with him for long . Well needless to say it did upset me knowing be said that to her and made her feel that way. We decided not to confront him about it till I could figure out what to do with him. Krys went right to sleep when we came in and he was already a sleep so I just layed there on the bed just thinking to myself and was pissed off. Later on in the night I tried to paint a mental picture in my head of him fucking her and at first it pissed me off and I couldnt stop thinking about it . After a while the thought began to turn me on ( I dont know why ) but it did and I was so turned on by thinking of him fucking her. So Sunday comes and Krys had to go home and I went back to work. On Wendsday we had a bunch of change orders in our construction cost and I had to go to the main office to pick up a check and turn in some receipts with the main office being in Manhattan so I decide afterwards to go home and spend the night with my wife. We talked that night about what my boss had done to here and after a while I admited it turned me on . She was like "Joey that guy?" and she told me she thought he was a pig and a creep. I admited to her I couldnt stop thinking about it and that it turned me on immensely. Well at the end of our conversation she said she would think about it and at least she would tease him a little and asked me if that would turn me on and I said yes. So the next weekend comes and she comes up to the room and when night comes she goes into the bathroom and puts on this not to revealing but sexy night shirt and jumps into bed . He looked in total shock and although I pretended not to see him he kept learing at her . Krys knew he was looking at her as well and pretended not to notice as well and it turned her on( my wife was a avid exhibitionist) but up to that point thats all she intended doing. I was so turned on by this that I could not sleep the entire night and just lay there thinking about her and him and I was so freaking horny. He was an early riser and set his alarm up to go off at 5 am with myself having my alarm set to 6ish . I was looking at his clock knowing he was about to get up so I pulled the blankets up over Krys hIps and lifted her nightie up to expose her bare ass giving and giving him a nice rear view of her pussy lips and ass. His alarm goes off and he sits on the edge of his bed and did not notice at first but soon takes notice and grabs for his glasses . He sat there just staring at her for a few minutes then he looks at me ( I am pretending to be asleep) and reaches out and touches her ass and briefly touches her pussy lips gently not to wake her up . Well after a while he gets up and starts he morning routine and I lay there pretending to be asleep until he left. When my alarm goes off Krys wakes to me fingering her pussy and she opens her legs and I go down and while doing that I tell her what I did . She lets out a ghasp and says" he was playing with my pussy" and I replied yes . So we talked dirty talk back and forth about what happend and in the end she asks me before she cums "Joey you sure you want me to do this " and I told her yes. But I wish I could see her do it but at that point I didnt know how to make that happen . Krys said if If I left it up to her she would figure a way but I told her to fuck him anyway she could but she insisted she would figure a way to give me my fantasy.. Well we text through the day and came up with a plan. I am a very heavy sleeper when I go into a deep sleep and everyone that knows me knows its impossible to wake me up . Rather then just to tell you what happend I will describe what happend as I saw it. I Lay there pretending to be asleep and they are sitting in bed proped up sitting watching the night news . Krys was waiting to see if she could find the moment where she could be sugestive but not obvious to him and see if she could make something happen. After the news was over he turns to her and asks what she wants to watch next and she says" I dont know go through the channels" as they pass through the porn channel flashes and she tells him to go back for a second. On the screen there is a gangbang scene and she asks him does he mind leaving it on for a few minutes but turn the sound down so it doesnt wake me and he says no problem . She turns to him and says she thinks that is hot . She then licks her fingers and puts her hand under the blankets making it quite obvious she is masterbating. My boss noticing she is doing this begins to stoke his cock thru his pants and it went on for a minute of two like that until Krys turns to him and whispers "how kinky are you" to which he replies in a simple "VERY". So Krys slides out from under the bed covers and sits on the edge of the bed and says she always wanted to try something and asked him if he would like to fuck her and fufill a desire she has had for a long time. She told him it was her biggest fantasy to cheat on me while I was sleeping . He says yes and she picks up a pillow and puts it near my face to pretending to block my view in case I woke up but I could see everything in the room becase the opposing wall was a mirrored wall. She crawls between his legs and figits with his belt and zipper and pulls his cock out and begins to blow him .I could see her head bobbing up and down and occasionally got a view of his uncut cock before she went back down on him. The room was silent I could hear everything they whispered to each other. Everytime he made a sound she would lean up to him and give him a shhhhhhh. He then rolls her over to her back and hikes up her night shirt and goes down on her and not only do I see him doing this I can hear him fingering her wet pussy as well. I was so tuned on by watching her spread her legs wide with her feet in the air. I felt like I was gona lose my load just from watching her. Now he rolls over to his back and motions to her for her to mount him ( after all he was a lazy basterd) and she does this stripper move ( I dont know how else to describe this) and lifts her shirt and takes it off and moves up to mount his cock. Now my wife was totally naked and she began riding his cock and a she is doing this she blurts out a semi loud "fuck me " and they both stop for a second to see if I am stirring because of it. Seeing that I did not move the went back to fucking. I lay there looking in the mirror so fucking incredibly horny from watching this dirtbag fucking my wife but it was made even more intense because my wifes pussy would get really wet and make this sloshing noise when she she came and I could hear she was really turned on and he did make her wet. After a while he rolls her around to missionary possition and begins to pound her as hard as he can making very loud noises and I could hear him grunt as he shot his load into her and then he lay the whole of his body weight on her . Krys asks " ohh my God did you just cum inside me?" and he replied yes. She moves to shove him off of her and looks at him and says " not fucking good " and gets off of his bed grabs her shirt off the floor and tip toes to the bathroom and closes the door She comes back a few seconds later in her night shirt and lays back down on the bed with me and he imediately starts to apologize to her and she says its okay just the next time cum in her mouth or on her. I was so turned on by hearing her say the" next time " that I just had to reach under the blanket and finger her pussy under the blankets (she was still filled. with his cum) while they talked and he asked can I see you again and she relplyed we will see I will give you my cell number and we can talk. The next morning he left as he always does and I could not wait to fuck my wife and as we were fucking she admited she liked getting fucked by him and he made her cum a couple of times and asked me if I would mind if she did something with him in the future like this again and I gave her a big yes I will write more at a later date this is only part one of this experiance with my wife .
发布者 Joey111
7 年 前
Jelly1111 7 年 前
I wasn't going to read this as I thought it was to long. What a mistake that would have been! I'm not sure were to start. The fact you faked sleeping,hot! The fact you got to watch ,hotter! The fact she wants more of him,hottest! He doesn't know you know is awesome. I'd confess to him that your wife gets really horny sometimes and you think she's fucking someone else when she's home alone. Then tell him it excites you to think that some other guy is fucking her. I don't know,I'm just a 60 yr old horny guy with lots of memories of my past with my wife
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