The Cross-Dressing Foot Tease
by C.J. Knight
I'm known to my roommate, Colin, as "the foot tease". At least that is what
he has called me ever since he divulged his foot fetish to me. It all
started when we were hanging out at home one night drunk out of our minds
and masturbating while watching a porno together.
We started out as jack off buddies until we had a night of exploring
each other's cock with our mouths. That relationship eventually led to some
erotic anal intercourse between us. As silly as it may sound, Colin and I
are not gay. At least that is what we keep telling each other before and
after. It's rather funny, but within those rare circumstances of our sexual
deviancies, we'll just say that sometimes its convenient to have a really
good friend around when you are sexually frustrated.
So, it was on one of those nights and I slipped out of my shoes and
socks to stretch my legs out across the couch that the revelation
came. Now, I am 6 feet tall and very skinny at 130 lbs. I sunbathe often
and thus my skin holds a perfect golden tan. My legs are quite long and
thin. I must add that I shave my legs religiously as well as my armpits and
private areas. I've never been fond of body hair and Colin likewise. I am
very particular about taking care of my body and so I indulge in manicures
and pedicures. My feet are rather small for a guy my height at a size 7 and
resemble that of a female's narrowness and petiteness.
Now, recalling that night I remember sliding my jeans down to just
below my hips and resting the arches of my bare feet against the arm of the
couch. Absently in mind I must have been really into it as my feet arched
forward and my legs tensed. That's when Colin spoke from below me on the
floor. "You have some awesome feet." he stated.
"What?" I asked as I slowed my pace.
"I said I think you have nice feet, " he responded.
"Thanks, " I said in a rather unsure tone. I remember gazing down at
my feet at that point.
"Well, its probably because I just had a pedicure a day ago, " I said.
"No, " Colin interrupted. "I mean they are sexy like a girl's." He
paused for a moment and looked away toward the television. He turned back
to me. "I have a confession to make but it is pretty embarrassing."
Now I brought my knees up and sat erect. "What could me more
embarrassing than what we've done with each other? To each other?" I
"Well, " he hesitantly replied. "I've always had a thing for..." he
trailed off.
"What? Feet?" I asked.
"Yeah, " he answered. "And legs. But female legs and feet. You know, I
get off on the high heels and stockings and shit."
"That's nothing to be ashamed about." I answered.
"Yeah, " he answered nervously. "But, not only do they turn me on to
look at, but I always wanted a footjob and to suck on the toes."
The room fell silent for a few moments as he turned away from me
toward the television again. "Lay down, " I said. That's when I grazed my
bare foot across his chest, lowering it to his hard cock. His orgasm came
rather quickly within a few strokes of my uncoordinated feet. Ever since
then he has been a fanatic about the subject and it seems that is all he
So, being the amusing character I am, to this point in time, I would
tease Colin by dangling a shoe from my bare foot while reading a book or by
stretching my legs out to arch my bare feet together in front of me or by
lying on my stomach and crossing my ankles together to swing my bare feet
behind me. That's when Colin began calling me a foot tease. I got a
sadistic kick out of making him suffer. It was nothing compared to what I
was about to do, and it wasn't even planned.
Colin and I were invited to a big costume party being thrown by
a friend of his in college, Lisa. We were sent invitations a month in
advance and there was a best costume prize to be given out near the end of
the party. Getting drunk one night relaxed us enough to come up with the
answer to our costume dilemma. We were watching the occasional porno when a
scene popped on that featured a rock star and groupie scenario.
"I know what we are going to go as for this costume party next month,
" Colin said.
"Oh yeah?" I answered. "What?"
"I will go as a rock star and you will go as my slut bitch groupie!"
he replied.
"Oh yeah!?" I challenged. "Well, maybe I will go as the rock star and
you will go as MY slut bitch whore groupie."
"No way, " he shot back. "I'd fail pulling off looking like a chick."
"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Your body is built exactly
like mine. From the neck down you couldn't tell our skinny bodies apart."
"I know, but I'd be too self-conscience to dress like a girl. You have
more balls than I do." Colin waited for my reply.
"Apparently you think I have less balls." Colin laughed at my humorous
"Come on. It'll be fun, " he protested.
"I don't know, Colin, " I answered. "Where am I going to find clothes?
I am not going shopping for them. And what are you going to wear? You don't
have anything close to resembling the wardrobe of that guy." I pointed
toward the screen at the leather clad actor.
"Man, you don't have to go out shopping. You can just grab some cheap
outfits off the internet. They'd arrive before the party I am sure." Colin
seemed overly excited. "Shit, we may even win the contest."
"Yeah, right, " I answered sarcastically. "Who cares about that?"
"Did you see what the winner gets?" he asked.
"No, " I replied. Colin reached for the invitation on the coffee table
and turned the page around to show me.
"Look, " he said as he shoved it in my face.
"One thousand dollars!?" I asked. I was shocked.
"Man, you know Lisa is loaded. This shocks you?" he asked.
"I just didn't think your friend would offer something like that." I
stared at the invitation in disbelief. That's when I noticed another
attention grabber. The invitation was for Colin and a date. Couples
only. "No good, " I said to Colin, handing him the invitation back.
"Why not?" he asked taking it back.
"Because she must be expecting you are taking your girlfriend. Oh, I
mean your ex-girlfriend." I laughed. "Couples only, stupid."
"I know. That's the genius behind my plan. It will make everyone erupt
in laughter. We have got to do this." Colin sat staring at me for an
answer. I sat in silence until Colin continued his rant. "Man, a thousand
dollars! I guarantee we will win."
"Okay, I'll do it. You are going to owe me big time for this one
though." I sat back into the couch.
"Shit, not if we win I won't!" he shot back.
I laughed. "I tell you what. If we win this I will be your slave for a
month. I'll do all of the housework and pay all of the bills. Dude, there's
no way. It's probably fixed anyway."
"Slave, huh?" he replied. "I can think of things better than a house
"Whatever, " I answered. "We aren't going to win anyway."
"So it's a done deal." Colin sat back and unzipped his pants and took
his cock out. As he watched the film he began stroking. "And soon I will
have my own slave who has to do whatever I say. Better exercise those
throat muscles."
"Keep dreaming, " I responded.
The night of the party had come and I was ready for it. After a few
days of searching across the internet I ordered and received a combo of
clothing suitable for the night. After taking a warm bath, shaving my tan
body, applying skin lotion, and a careful application of black nail polish
to my toes and fingernails, I went for the new wardrobe. I went for the
leather look and so I chose a very tight, almost wet looking, soft black
leather miniskirt that zipped from the rear. Pulling it on took some
effort, but once on I was able to pull the zipper along the curve of my ass
with ease to a tight fit. As I observed my body in the mirror, the
lamplight reflected its shiny gloss over the tight skirt.
Next I tried on a few pairs of tongs and g-string panties. I needed
something to hold my cock securely into place and one of the options had
been to wear a pair of pantyhose with the assistance of a nice pair of
panties but I ruled out the pantyhose. I wanted to pull off an innocent but
damning look and I had chose a skimpy pair of lace ankle socks with small
ruffles. After trying on a few pair of panties that I was not comfortable
with I settled for the last pair of the bunch. A very soft pair of leather
thong panties. The thongs held my balls and cock into place nicely so long
as I did not get an erection. Cross- dressing for the first time proved
that a challenge as I was already hard just putting on the skirt. But, once
I was able to calm myself it worked out nicely.
Next I put on a matching black leather sleeveless top that reached up
to my neck where it clasped together around it. But before putting that on
I had placed a white balloon within another and filled it with water to
simulate a breast. When I had two of them I placed them within the inside
of the leather top as I brought the neck clasp around my neck. Once clasped
I adjusted them until they were perfectly positioned. My new simulated
breasts were not only firmly secured within the tight leather, but they
felt real as hell to boot and made my chest look like c-cups. Perfect.
Then I slid on a pair of black lace ankle socks over my bare feet. I
adjusted the small ruffles around my ankles and then slid my feet into a
pair of black leather 5 inch stiletto heels. I had been practicing for a
couple of weeks walking in them and had no problem strutting myself in
front of my full length mirror and over to my desk.
Once at my desk I began the slow process of applying my makeup. After
layering in my foundation and powdering my face I blackened my eyes with
black eyeliner and a touch of mascara. I carefully applied black lipstick
to my naturally pouty lips and wiped away the excess with a gentle kiss to
a cloth. I then reached over and grabbed the wig I had ordered and when I
placed it over my hair, I had shoulder length jet black hair with neatly
trimmed bangs.
I applied a dash of perfume I found of one of Colin's ex-girlfriends
lying around and walked over to the mirror. The transformation I had just
underwent simply amazed me. I looked exactly like a girl. It was almost
frightening. I wanted everything to be perfect and I noticed even the most
modest lump of my little adam's apple. I had thought of that too and so I
reached over to my desk and grabbed the black leather choker collar I
bought and clasped it around the exposed area of my neck not covered by the
leather top's clasp. I was gasping at the sight in the mirror.
"Oh my god!" I heard Colin exclaim from behind me. I turned to face
him. He was dressed too in his outfit for the party. His tight black
leather pants squeezed his skinny body and hugged all the right curves. I
could tell they were made of ultra soft leather just by their buttery soft
look in the tiny creases just above where they were tucked inside his knee
high black leather boots. The boots had pointed toes and shined beautifully
in the light and appeared almost as soft as his pants with their subtle
slouch style. It was hard to see where the boots ended and the pants
started they blended so well. His pants had a low V-cut to the front and
leather tassels tying the front closed.
His smooth and tan bare stomach and chest appeared above his waist
line with the rest covered by an opened black leather jacket that matched
the suppleness of his pants. His hair was already long and blonde so a wig
was not necessary. On his right wrist he wore about 20 or so silver
bracelets that jingled a bit as he absently lowered his hand, which I
noticed was holding a pair of black leather boots.
"What are those?" I asked him. He was still stunned.
"Jesus, you look fucking hot!" He was eyeing by body up and down. "For
a guy, I mean."
"Yeah yeah." I said. "So what about those boots you are holding?"
"Oh, " he said as he handed them to me. "I thought maybe you could
wear these tonight, but I see you already have heels."
I took the boots from him and inspected them. "Thigh high boots?" I
asked as I inspected the heels. The leather was sinfully soft to the touch
and sight"
"Yeah, I found them and thought you would like to wear them, " he
answered. "They have a 4 inch heel and would probably not be to difficult
to walk in."
"Found them?" I inquired. "They look brand new."
Well, " he responded in a hesitation. "I bought them. I wasn't sure
what you were going to wear since you were so secretive about it. I figured
these would pull off the groupie look. But, never mind I guess. Besides,
those heels you have on are hot with those ankle socks."
"The way you are carrying on about my wardrobe may make me cover some
of me up with these boots instead, " I answered. "You are making me
self-conscience and I am having second thoughts. What if some guy hits on
me at that party?"
"No way. You're my date, " he laughed.
"Look, I'll take the boots with me because its supposed to be cold
tonight. I may change my mind later. I don't even think I can wear any
heels for this long though."
"Well, if your feet start hurting, I'll massage them for you." Colin
"Yeah, I bet you would." I answered sarcastically. Colin gave an evil
Once settled into the party I relaxed a bit as I was nervous as hell
going in. After signing up for the best costume contest we mingled a bit
and I introduced Colin to some acquaintances of mine. We were getting a lot
of attention in our outfits, but I began to notice that my legs and feet
(Not unexpectedly) were getting the brunt of it by Colin's periodic and not
well hidden glances. A few shots of whiskey later, I played on his desires
more daringly than had I been sober.
When I had Colin at a distance and knew he was gazing at me, I would
speak to a friend of mine and sadistically sc**** the toe of my high heel
behind me while allowing the heel of my foot to teasingly slide out to
expose it's lacy surface. I would continue the teasing by placing my weight
to the tips of my toes and allow the stiletto to touch the floor while my
foot remained half inside, swaying my arched foot side to side behind me.
At another point I was sitting on the couch beside Colin and I crossed
my legs and dangled one of my high heels by holding on to it with the tops
of my toes. It felt good anyway because walking in them for a few hours had
begun to get tiring. Soon, I allowed one shoe to slip free and I massaged
my own foot while chatting. Colin began shifting in his seat and soon
excused himself to go to the bathroom.
Soon it became time to start the best costume contest and it was being
held outside in the courtyard. I decided to lose the heels at that point
and grabbed the boots Colin had offered me earlier. Colin was seated
across from when I took my heels off in the most erotic way possible
without drawing to much attention. I then slid each sock off so that Colin
could see my painted nails.
As I laid the last sock down beside me I arched my right foot and
rested it softly atop the other as I opened the top of the thigh boot and
stretched it out before me. Slowly I lifted my arched foot and dipped it
into the opening, watching the contour of my foot slide slowly through the
soft leather shaft until it seated itself snug inside. It was a perfect fit
and the cool, soft leather felt good around my bare feet and legs. Colin
obviously knew my size although I could not recall ever specifically
stating it to him.
To continue torturing him I extended my leg straight out, pointed my
toes forward and pulled the top of the boot to its full extension along my
thigh. I stood up with the one boot on and placed my weight down on it. The
heel was much easier to stand on than the 5 inch ones, but the wide top
slid down my thigh a bit, scrunching the soft leather just above my knee. I
pulled the top up again and watched it slowly sink down again when I
released it. As I was fussing with the boot I almost could hear Colin
breathing heavily as he shifted in his seat.
Sitting back down I lifted my bare foot up and slid it subtly, but
sexually, over the top of my booted foot. The ever so soft leather sliding
against my bare arch sent an arousing charge through me as it must have hit
an erogenous zone. Controlling myself, I opened the wide top of the boot
and purposely slid my bare foot across my ankle and slightly up the shaft
before extending it forward and thrusting into the leather hole until the
bare skin of my foot was firmly surrounded by the soft leather fit
inside. Again i stretched my leg out and high and rotated my ankle in small
circles as I pulled the top up tight.
I rose to my feet and walked a bit as the wide tops slid slowly down
my thin thighs with each step. Colin approached me. "Those look awesome on
you, " he said as he gawked down at them.
"Well, the tops keep sliding down, " I said as I tried pulling them
"I know, " he mumbled as he stared at my fighting with the tops.
"Stop staring, Colin, " I whispered. "I have friends here."
Colin quickly straightened himself up trying to act cool. "You aren't
wearing your socks?" he asked.
"Yeah, why?" I replied.
"Because they are lying on the couch?" he answered in a confused,
questionable manner.
I leaned over and picked my little lace ankle socks up from the couch
and proceeded to place one over my hand. Carefully I poked each of my five
fingers through the bottoms and repeated the same with my other hand &
sock. "Now they are gloves. Let's go humiliate ourselves now and lose this
thing, " I answered. Without waiting for his response I left my heels
behind and walked toward the bay doors leading to the courtyard outside. My
boots clicked hard across the hardwood floor and I heard Colin barely
mumble, "Little tease."
It was our turn to go up on the small stage. I had a few more drinks
while waiting and was quite buzzed, but I hung on Colin for support in my
heels. I decided to make a grand show and the DJ began playing a rock&roll
tune for added effect. Colin stood in front of the stage and, with a guitar
strapped around his neck, began playing the crowd with his charismatic
impersonation of a heavy metal star. In all his splendor and theatrical
dominance the crowd began hooting and whistling with loud applause. Only,
it wasn't him they were cheering for. In my buzzed and uncaring state I was
providing the audience with a an erotic dance behind him by sliding my body
against a stage pole just behind him. I wrapped one of my boots around it
and began a simulated sex routine along with the music while glaring at him
with as much of a lusting look I could gather. The men were whistling and
the women were screaming, laughing, and held looks of amazement to those I
could see.
Colin was such an idiot he kept his routine up by thrusting his hips
toward the girls in the audience and I could tell he was trying to peer
around him to see where I had gone. I took the moment to slide from the
pole and drop to the floor gracefully. I rose up to crawl on my hands and
knees behind him as the crowd went wild. It was at this point I think he
realized something outside of him was causing the crowd to go
ballistic. Colin turned around just in time to see me on my knees behind
him, wrapping my black lips around my index finger and slowly pulling it
out as I sucked on it. Colin's chin practically hit the floor and it took
everything for me not to laugh. I turned the urge to a more sinful smile as
I wrapped my arms around his leg and held on, looking at him in classic
rock star worship.
Slowly, I rose to my feet and took him by the arm and faced him
towards the crowd. I stared into his eyes and lost my control with an
abrupt laugh. I then shocked him further by wrapping my right leg around
his and then turning his face toward mine until our faces were less than an
inch apart. I parted my mouth and closed in. The audience suddenly gasped
as I held close for what must have seemed an eternity to them as well as
Colin. Then, just as the gasps virtually turned to silent anticipation, I
used the silence for my grand finale. "Just one thing, rock star boy, " I
projected loudly with the best female voice I could muster. And then I
changed to my deepest tone as I raised the top of my boot to his chest
allowing my foot to dangle along his crotch. "I'm a guy."
The audience erupted into laughter and cheers. I looked out into the
audience as I let my foot back down with a defiant look. I noticed that
some of the guys looked very confused and shocked. Some of them leaning
into their dates with confusion all over their faces. Colin's face was red
in embarrassment and I thought maybe I had gone way too far. Quickly, I
gathered my shit together and looked at Colin. "Don't worry, I'm not gay. I
just thought you could use the prize money so i gave a good show." The
audience cheered, laughed and clapped as I gave him a manly pat on the back
and a mock punch to the stomach.
"I've embarrassed myself enough for the night, " I stated to the
audience. "Now I am off to have a drink and hide. Colin, you are on your
own." The audience erupted into laughter as I pulled the tops of my boots
up forcefully and whisked myself from the stage. People approached me as I
walked toward the outdoor bar giving me their praise for the comedy. Colin
bowed to the audience and I heard his parting words over the loud
speaker. "Women." The audience laughed and clapped as he left the stage.
I immersed myself in a couple of shots of whiskey as Colin seated
himself next to me. "Jesus, " he said in a hushed tone. "You shouldn't have
done that."
"Hell, " I said. "Why not? It was your fucking idea."
"No, " he said leaning into me. "I mean I have a raging hard-on and I
think everyone saw it through the leather." I laughed uncontrollably.
"Fuck it, " I said. "I'm so wasted I could give a shit." Colin looked
behind him at the guests.
"Well, " he said. "They don't seem to be staring. They are watching
the next entry, thank god."
"I think your secret is safe, " I said.
"What secret?" he asked.
"That you want me to jack you off with my feet, " I whispered back.
Colin leaned in. "You better pray we don't win. I intend to collect on
that slave offer. And for a month like you said."
"You better pray we do, " I answered.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because you will be taking care of that hard cock on your own. You
must suffer for what I just went through for." I ordered a beer and turned
to watch the rest of the entries.
"We'll win, " Colin stated confidently.
"We'll never win, Colin, " I replied. "Never."
"And the winner for best costume for one thousand dollars in our first
annual costume party is..." Lisa paused as the DJ played a sample of a
drum roll across the speakers. Suddenly the symbol rang out. "Colin and Jay
for Rock Star and Groupie!!!" The crowd roared and Colin jumped to his feet
as I sat shocked at the result. A spotlight bathed us in light as Colin
reached and grabbed me by the hand to lurch me forward. "I'm in heels. Be
careful!" I shouted over the loud crowd. Colin shocked me now when I felt
him reach underneath me and picked me up off my feet and carried me to the
stage. "My turn, " he sadistically said as he walked me in his arms to the
center stage.
Colin approached the microphone with me still in his arms. "This
guy..., " He began, "Is in big trouble when we leave." The crowd laughed at
the thought that Colin was going to exact his revenge on me for the
embarrassment I put him through. The revenge was much different in their
minds than what would more than likely occur. He thanked everyone as he put
me down and accepted the cash prize from Lisa. His last parting statement
was truthful in the most literal sense to the ignorance of the
audience. "Your ass is mine, buddy!" The crowd laughed and clapped as we
left the stage.
The ride home yielded the results of my teasing him all night as he
would run his hand along my thigh and telling me how much I owed him. But
that was nothing as compared when we got home.
Colin locked the front door behind him. Time to pay up. Go sit in the
livingroom while I close all of the curtains. I was beaten as I walked into
the living room, threw my high heels across the floor and flopped on to the
couch with my boots still on. I was also horny as hell at the prospect of
what he was planning.
After lying on the couch for a few minutes I heard Colin call for me
upstairs. After climbing the stairs I entered the bedroom and found Colin
standing beside the bed. "Teasing me all night. You thought that was funny,
didn't you?" Colin didn't wait for a reply. "Get over here, slut." I walked
over to him, the boots slouched down to my knees. Once to him I faced down
submissively allowing my heels to separate and bringing the toes of my
boots close together with a slight bending of my ankles to either side.
Colin took my hand and brought it to his crotch. His raging hard cock
created a long lean erect lump in the leather of his pants. I began rubbing
it with my hand, slowly up and down as he began to moan under his
breath. "Untie me, " he whispered as his hips slightly bucked into my
hand. Slowly I began untying the leather tassels until his erection popped
from the confines of the tight leather.
His cock was long and quite erect as I took it upon myself to run my
index finger exposed from my lace makeshift glove along the underside of
his lean shaft. Slowly I slid my finger up the entire 7 inches of his
perfectly cut cock until I reached the tip. I moved the tip of my finger
around the small accumulation of precum around his piss hole and then
brought my finger to my lips. Looking deviant, I extended my tongue and
licked the precum from the tip of my finger, slowly taking it away as a
small cum strand extended between my finger and tongue. Colin watched with
lust in his eyes. "Mmmmmm, yummy, " I said in a soft feminine whisper.
I dropped my hand back down and wrapped it around his thick
cock. Slowly I jerked him off as he breathed heavily in response. Colin
placed his hands around the hips of my tight leather skirt as I seductively
worked a slow handjob on him. His cock was so big in my little hand. I
watched his hips buck as the soft lace of my glove slid up and down his
shaft. "Mmmm, yeah baby. Jerk that cock, " he moaned as I felt his head
rest on my shoulder.
"You like that?" I asked. Colin removed his head from my shoulder and
brushed the side of his face against mine until we were less than an inch
apart. "Yes, " he whispered as his lips then brushed against mine. I was
stunned so much that before I could put together what was happening I felt
his lips close together on my bottom lip. Slowly, he sucked on my bottom
lip until his tongue parted my lips. I resisted by pulling back a bit, but
my tongue met with his. His hand reached up to my head and pulled me
forward as we engaged in our unexpected and first ever kiss. I continued an
awkward handjob on his cock as my focus was more upon the strange sensation
of me kissing another guy. Our tongues both extended as we explored one
another in a passionate french kiss. Soon we were aggressive in the kiss as
I jerked him off harder and faster. He pulled away. "You're going to make
me cum, " he said in a pant. "Pull your boots up and get on your knees, "
he said.
I reached down and pulled my boot tops up high and followed it by
kneeling down in front of him. Colin inched forward, putting his erection
just an inch or so from my face. "Suck it, " he demanded. His
aggressiveness was a turn on as I leaned forward. I extended my tongue and
licked along the bottom of his long shaft as I pulled his tight leather
pants to halfway down his thighs. I grabbed his little tight ass and sucked
on his balls for a few seconds and then licked my way up his cock. Taking
him into my laced hand I wrapped my bare fingers around the thick base of
his shaved cock and allowed it to slide into my mouth. He reacted with a
moan as my warm wet mouth sucked his cock inside. I bobbed my head on his
thick meat and could taste the salty precum emanating from him. His hand
grabbed the back of my hair as he forced me into a rhythm. His thrusts
inside my mouth were an onslaught of lust and I could feel the head of his
cock swelling up and getting larger. The sounds of my slobbering his cock
and the suction of air escaping my little mouth filled the room. His cock
was so big it force stretched my mouth the deeper he went. Soon I could
feel the head of his dick smacking against the back of my throat as I
almost choked. I began moaning in slight pain at his advance but he kept
pounding away.
Colin's breathing got heavier until he began moaning. "That's
it. That's it, " he moaned. "Yeah, take it. Take it all inside of your
mouth!" I squeezed my cheeks harder to create a vacuum of suction that
filled the room. "Oh god, baby, here it comes, " he warned. Suddenly I felt
his legs tense really hard as he let a loud groan out. Then I felt like I
had to choke when a gob of warm salty cum shot into my throat. My throat
muscles swallowed in reflex as more thick spirts of cum struck the roof of
my mouth as I was backing away. I began gagging on his cock a bit as more
streams of cum erupted from him. I swallowed his cum reflexively as I
pulled further away and took his cock into my hand. I began pumping him
with my hand and yet another long strand of thick cum splashed across my
cheek. I pumped harder as he moaned aloud, squeezing his cock as hard as I
could as more warm cum streamed from his cock, pouring over my fingers. I
milked his cock dry and then slowly wrapped my lips around him again and
gave him a soft and deep blowjob. I went down on him as he gasped and
pulled back slowly, allowing his cock to completely exit my mouth. A long
strand of his cum created a bridge between my lips and the tip of his
cock. I reopened and sucked him some more until he had enough.
Colin moved backward and seated his bare ass on the bed, his leather
pants still around his thighs. "That's the best blowjob I have ever had. "
he said through his windedness.
"God, I said. I didn't think you were ever going to stop shooting, " I
said "I have to go clean up, " I said.
"Well, stay dressed, " he said as I was walking to the bathroom. "I'm
not finished with you yet."
After cleaning my face, brushing my teeth and swallowing some
mouthwash, I went the through the task of retouching my makeup. Once I was
done I walked into the bedroom and Colin was gone. I walked downstairs and
found him seated on the left end of the couch watching one of his porno
movies on the VCR with only his leather pants and boots on. "Lie down on
the couch with your head over there, " he said pointing to the other end of
the couch.
I walked over and pulled my boots up and stretched out. "No need to
pull those boots up, " he said as he pulled his cock from his leather
pants. He pulled his pants down past his knees and spread them apart. He
was half erect as he pulled my boots to it. "They're coming off anyway."
Colin began slapping his cock against my boots for a few moments and then
grabbed one of my feet and pulled my boot off. The leather made a swish as
my bare foot emerged from and came to rest on his exposed thigh. Colin
tossed the boot carelessly and then took my other in hand. "I love the
black nail polish, " he said looking down at my little toes. "Why don't you
find something to do with that sexy little foot of yours?"
I slid my bare foot to his semierect cock and began rubbing it with my
toes. I pressed lightly down and caressed his dick with my soft skin. Colin
watched as he licked the instep of the boot on my other foot. As he bathed
my boot with his tongue he began to moan a bit as I massaged his dick with
the soft bottom of my foot. In a matter of a minute he was instantly hard
again as I felt my other foot being removed from my boot. Colin tossed the
boot and leaned backwards as he held my bare foot up to his mouth as he
slid his warm tongue across my arched instep. I got really aroused when he
began sucking my little toes one by one. I rubbed myself watching him as I
continued massaging his big dick with my other foot. Colin released my foot
and extended his arms along the back of the couch. "I've been waiting for
this, " he said as he produced a small bottle of lotion from the back of
the couch.
I placed my foot against his chest as he opened the bottle and
squirted a generous amount of the lubricated oil into his hand. He closed
his hands around my foot and worked the lotion all around it, massaging as
he went along. He then took the excess and applied it to the other
foot. His hands felt wonderful after wearing heels all night. Words can't
explain how good it felt, although any woman who wears heels for any long
stretch would surely understand.
Turning my right foot to the side I allowed his hard cock to be
cradled within the soft instep as I brought the other down upon it. Slowly
at first I massaged his dick by rubbing my left foot along the top, back
and forth. Lying his head back, Colin closed his eyes and moaned his
I then enclosed his cock between my feet and began jacking him
off. His cock looked as if it were going to break it's own skin it was so
hard as the slick oil made squishing sounds with every stroke of my
feet. Colin separated his knees causing his leather pants to scrunch down
the tops of his boots to where his ankles met.
I leaned back into a comfortable position as I worked his erection
between the arches of my feet. Colin began kicking his boots off and
separated his legs to release his ankles from the leather pants. He laid
back into the couch cushions, spreading his freed shaved legs. "Mmmmm,
yeah, " he moaned as he slid his hand over the bulge in my tight leather
shorts. His hand stroked me through my shorts as my hard cock lay thick
beneath the soft leather. His hand ceased for a moment as the rhythm of my
footjob sent him into a brief paralyzation.
"You like that?" I teased. Colin's moans were the only answer as his
now oiled and slippery wet curved erection succumbed to the erotic pleasure
of my arched insteps steadily sliding up and down, pumping precum that
arose from his long shaft.
Suddenly, Colin lifted my feet and forcefully turned me around on to
my stomach. Pushing my head into the pillow, I could feel him maneuver
behind me. His hands cupped my leathered ass as his slid his erection along
the crease of my ass. He forcefully unzipped my leather skirt and jerked
them down to my knees. My leather thong was forced down next and then his I
felt his hand reach around my hips to grab my hard cock.
Without a word, Colin began jacking me off as his lubed cock slid its
shaft up and down between the crease in my ass. He let go of my cock after
a few minutes and held firm to my hips as he continued sliding his shaft
against my asshole. "I really want to fuck your tight little ass, " he said
in a hushed tone. Colin pressed his pelvis hard into me, squeezing his hard
shaft tight against my asshole. He continued to fuck the crack of my
ass. His hard cock felt so hot sliding between my curvaceous ass cheeks.
Colin laid his body down against me. His head rested beside mine as he
stood partially on his feet, bending his knees a bit as he angled his cock
downward to slide the top side of it against my now lubricated
asshole. After a few downward thrusts across my tight hole I felt the head
of his dick press down against it.
Suddenly there was a slight pressure as he pushed his hips forward a
bit more. I felt a bit of pain that made me instinctively lift my head to
reach back behind me to push him away, but he pushed my head back down into
the pillow as more of his cock slipped inside slowly. I tried lifting up
again but he held my head down. I bit into the pillow and whimpered as his
big dick worked itself inside just past the head. Colin knew I was in pain
and I could feel him backing off a bit, but not entirely.
For what seemed like minutes he slowly gyrated his hips in small
circles while pumping a quarter of his length inside of me. "God, you are
so tight, " he moaned. I didn't answer but rather concentrated on relaxing
as he pushed himself in a bit deeper.
Soon he was able to slide most of the way in. With my ass squeezing
tightly around his big dick he began pumping me steadily. Colin's bare ass
rocked above mine as he fucked me doggy-style. He lifted his body up and
grabbed the edge of the couch's arm just above my head. He held to it as
the sound of our bare skin slapping hard against each other filled the
room. My whimpers turned to moans as I lifted slightly to look beneath
me. I watched Colin's long shaft entering and exiting me as he pounded my
ass now with my tight leather skirt scrunched down at me knees.
Colin's breathing became heavier and then he slowed his pace. He
pulled out of me and turned me over on my back. Bringing my ankles together
in one hand he lifted them high and then pulled the my shorts and thong
off. He threw them across the room. Holding my ankles together as he used
his other hand to guide his dick back inside of me. I gasped as his dick
slid all the way in to the base.
Spreading my legs wide and holding me by my ankles he leaned forward a
bit and slowly deep stroked me. I watched his dick disappear all the way
inside of me and reappear to do the same. He released my ankles and leaned
into me. His cock slid all the way inside as my legs straddled his neck.
He wrapped his lips against mine and we began erotically french kissing
while he humped me.
He retracted after a minute and lifted up. I pressed my bare feet
against his chest while he fucked me some more. He took one of my feet in
his hands and began sucking my toes as I sensuously slid my soft instep of
my other foot around his neck. Slowly he sucked on my dainty big toe. I
began to moan with pleasure as I jacked my own hard cock now. "I love your
big dick fucking my tight little hole, " I moaned. "Yeah, baby. I want to
feel your hot cum shoot inside of my ass!"
That must have sent Colin over the edge because then he took hold of
my feet in his hands and began pounding me hard. His fingers gripped my
little feet tight and then he moaned loudly. His hot cum shot inside of
me. I could feel the head of his dick expand deep inside of me as he filled
me with his gobs of cum. I continued to jack myself off and then he quickly
exited from inside of me. He spread my legs out a bit and leaned
forward. Suddenly he lifted my erection to his lips and began giving me a
I leaned back and moaned in pleasure as he sucked me off hard. I
wrapped my legs around his head and rested my bare feet on his back as his
pace quickened. As he sucked he jacked the lower base of my cock. My legs
tensed as my head began to feel light. Suddenly I exploded sending long
streaming shots of cum into his mouth. Colin backed away choking a bit and
another long stream of white cum shot across his cheek. He squeezed hard on
my cock and pumped more shots that struck his lips and nose. He laid beside
my long shaft and slid his lips across it, which sent the remaining cum
sliding down the length. He licked it all off my cock and then laid against
my bare thigh.
We both laid panting for a few minutes. "I can't believe we did this,
" Colin said.
"Yeah, " I answered. "I can't believe it either. So I guess we can
call off the whole slave for a month thing."
Colin lifted his head and faced me. "Yeah, we can forget the whole
thing, " he answered. "In 29 days."
I'm known to my roommate, Colin, as "the foot tease". At least that is what
he has called me ever since he divulged his foot fetish to me. It all
started when we were hanging out at home one night drunk out of our minds
and masturbating while watching a porno together.
We started out as jack off buddies until we had a night of exploring
each other's cock with our mouths. That relationship eventually led to some
erotic anal intercourse between us. As silly as it may sound, Colin and I
are not gay. At least that is what we keep telling each other before and
after. It's rather funny, but within those rare circumstances of our sexual
deviancies, we'll just say that sometimes its convenient to have a really
good friend around when you are sexually frustrated.
So, it was on one of those nights and I slipped out of my shoes and
socks to stretch my legs out across the couch that the revelation
came. Now, I am 6 feet tall and very skinny at 130 lbs. I sunbathe often
and thus my skin holds a perfect golden tan. My legs are quite long and
thin. I must add that I shave my legs religiously as well as my armpits and
private areas. I've never been fond of body hair and Colin likewise. I am
very particular about taking care of my body and so I indulge in manicures
and pedicures. My feet are rather small for a guy my height at a size 7 and
resemble that of a female's narrowness and petiteness.
Now, recalling that night I remember sliding my jeans down to just
below my hips and resting the arches of my bare feet against the arm of the
couch. Absently in mind I must have been really into it as my feet arched
forward and my legs tensed. That's when Colin spoke from below me on the
floor. "You have some awesome feet." he stated.
"What?" I asked as I slowed my pace.
"I said I think you have nice feet, " he responded.
"Thanks, " I said in a rather unsure tone. I remember gazing down at
my feet at that point.
"Well, its probably because I just had a pedicure a day ago, " I said.
"No, " Colin interrupted. "I mean they are sexy like a girl's." He
paused for a moment and looked away toward the television. He turned back
to me. "I have a confession to make but it is pretty embarrassing."
Now I brought my knees up and sat erect. "What could me more
embarrassing than what we've done with each other? To each other?" I
"Well, " he hesitantly replied. "I've always had a thing for..." he
trailed off.
"What? Feet?" I asked.
"Yeah, " he answered. "And legs. But female legs and feet. You know, I
get off on the high heels and stockings and shit."
"That's nothing to be ashamed about." I answered.
"Yeah, " he answered nervously. "But, not only do they turn me on to
look at, but I always wanted a footjob and to suck on the toes."
The room fell silent for a few moments as he turned away from me
toward the television again. "Lay down, " I said. That's when I grazed my
bare foot across his chest, lowering it to his hard cock. His orgasm came
rather quickly within a few strokes of my uncoordinated feet. Ever since
then he has been a fanatic about the subject and it seems that is all he
So, being the amusing character I am, to this point in time, I would
tease Colin by dangling a shoe from my bare foot while reading a book or by
stretching my legs out to arch my bare feet together in front of me or by
lying on my stomach and crossing my ankles together to swing my bare feet
behind me. That's when Colin began calling me a foot tease. I got a
sadistic kick out of making him suffer. It was nothing compared to what I
was about to do, and it wasn't even planned.
Colin and I were invited to a big costume party being thrown by
a friend of his in college, Lisa. We were sent invitations a month in
advance and there was a best costume prize to be given out near the end of
the party. Getting drunk one night relaxed us enough to come up with the
answer to our costume dilemma. We were watching the occasional porno when a
scene popped on that featured a rock star and groupie scenario.
"I know what we are going to go as for this costume party next month,
" Colin said.
"Oh yeah?" I answered. "What?"
"I will go as a rock star and you will go as my slut bitch groupie!"
he replied.
"Oh yeah!?" I challenged. "Well, maybe I will go as the rock star and
you will go as MY slut bitch whore groupie."
"No way, " he shot back. "I'd fail pulling off looking like a chick."
"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Your body is built exactly
like mine. From the neck down you couldn't tell our skinny bodies apart."
"I know, but I'd be too self-conscience to dress like a girl. You have
more balls than I do." Colin waited for my reply.
"Apparently you think I have less balls." Colin laughed at my humorous
"Come on. It'll be fun, " he protested.
"I don't know, Colin, " I answered. "Where am I going to find clothes?
I am not going shopping for them. And what are you going to wear? You don't
have anything close to resembling the wardrobe of that guy." I pointed
toward the screen at the leather clad actor.
"Man, you don't have to go out shopping. You can just grab some cheap
outfits off the internet. They'd arrive before the party I am sure." Colin
seemed overly excited. "Shit, we may even win the contest."
"Yeah, right, " I answered sarcastically. "Who cares about that?"
"Did you see what the winner gets?" he asked.
"No, " I replied. Colin reached for the invitation on the coffee table
and turned the page around to show me.
"Look, " he said as he shoved it in my face.
"One thousand dollars!?" I asked. I was shocked.
"Man, you know Lisa is loaded. This shocks you?" he asked.
"I just didn't think your friend would offer something like that." I
stared at the invitation in disbelief. That's when I noticed another
attention grabber. The invitation was for Colin and a date. Couples
only. "No good, " I said to Colin, handing him the invitation back.
"Why not?" he asked taking it back.
"Because she must be expecting you are taking your girlfriend. Oh, I
mean your ex-girlfriend." I laughed. "Couples only, stupid."
"I know. That's the genius behind my plan. It will make everyone erupt
in laughter. We have got to do this." Colin sat staring at me for an
answer. I sat in silence until Colin continued his rant. "Man, a thousand
dollars! I guarantee we will win."
"Okay, I'll do it. You are going to owe me big time for this one
though." I sat back into the couch.
"Shit, not if we win I won't!" he shot back.
I laughed. "I tell you what. If we win this I will be your slave for a
month. I'll do all of the housework and pay all of the bills. Dude, there's
no way. It's probably fixed anyway."
"Slave, huh?" he replied. "I can think of things better than a house
"Whatever, " I answered. "We aren't going to win anyway."
"So it's a done deal." Colin sat back and unzipped his pants and took
his cock out. As he watched the film he began stroking. "And soon I will
have my own slave who has to do whatever I say. Better exercise those
throat muscles."
"Keep dreaming, " I responded.
The night of the party had come and I was ready for it. After a few
days of searching across the internet I ordered and received a combo of
clothing suitable for the night. After taking a warm bath, shaving my tan
body, applying skin lotion, and a careful application of black nail polish
to my toes and fingernails, I went for the new wardrobe. I went for the
leather look and so I chose a very tight, almost wet looking, soft black
leather miniskirt that zipped from the rear. Pulling it on took some
effort, but once on I was able to pull the zipper along the curve of my ass
with ease to a tight fit. As I observed my body in the mirror, the
lamplight reflected its shiny gloss over the tight skirt.
Next I tried on a few pairs of tongs and g-string panties. I needed
something to hold my cock securely into place and one of the options had
been to wear a pair of pantyhose with the assistance of a nice pair of
panties but I ruled out the pantyhose. I wanted to pull off an innocent but
damning look and I had chose a skimpy pair of lace ankle socks with small
ruffles. After trying on a few pair of panties that I was not comfortable
with I settled for the last pair of the bunch. A very soft pair of leather
thong panties. The thongs held my balls and cock into place nicely so long
as I did not get an erection. Cross- dressing for the first time proved
that a challenge as I was already hard just putting on the skirt. But, once
I was able to calm myself it worked out nicely.
Next I put on a matching black leather sleeveless top that reached up
to my neck where it clasped together around it. But before putting that on
I had placed a white balloon within another and filled it with water to
simulate a breast. When I had two of them I placed them within the inside
of the leather top as I brought the neck clasp around my neck. Once clasped
I adjusted them until they were perfectly positioned. My new simulated
breasts were not only firmly secured within the tight leather, but they
felt real as hell to boot and made my chest look like c-cups. Perfect.
Then I slid on a pair of black lace ankle socks over my bare feet. I
adjusted the small ruffles around my ankles and then slid my feet into a
pair of black leather 5 inch stiletto heels. I had been practicing for a
couple of weeks walking in them and had no problem strutting myself in
front of my full length mirror and over to my desk.
Once at my desk I began the slow process of applying my makeup. After
layering in my foundation and powdering my face I blackened my eyes with
black eyeliner and a touch of mascara. I carefully applied black lipstick
to my naturally pouty lips and wiped away the excess with a gentle kiss to
a cloth. I then reached over and grabbed the wig I had ordered and when I
placed it over my hair, I had shoulder length jet black hair with neatly
trimmed bangs.
I applied a dash of perfume I found of one of Colin's ex-girlfriends
lying around and walked over to the mirror. The transformation I had just
underwent simply amazed me. I looked exactly like a girl. It was almost
frightening. I wanted everything to be perfect and I noticed even the most
modest lump of my little adam's apple. I had thought of that too and so I
reached over to my desk and grabbed the black leather choker collar I
bought and clasped it around the exposed area of my neck not covered by the
leather top's clasp. I was gasping at the sight in the mirror.
"Oh my god!" I heard Colin exclaim from behind me. I turned to face
him. He was dressed too in his outfit for the party. His tight black
leather pants squeezed his skinny body and hugged all the right curves. I
could tell they were made of ultra soft leather just by their buttery soft
look in the tiny creases just above where they were tucked inside his knee
high black leather boots. The boots had pointed toes and shined beautifully
in the light and appeared almost as soft as his pants with their subtle
slouch style. It was hard to see where the boots ended and the pants
started they blended so well. His pants had a low V-cut to the front and
leather tassels tying the front closed.
His smooth and tan bare stomach and chest appeared above his waist
line with the rest covered by an opened black leather jacket that matched
the suppleness of his pants. His hair was already long and blonde so a wig
was not necessary. On his right wrist he wore about 20 or so silver
bracelets that jingled a bit as he absently lowered his hand, which I
noticed was holding a pair of black leather boots.
"What are those?" I asked him. He was still stunned.
"Jesus, you look fucking hot!" He was eyeing by body up and down. "For
a guy, I mean."
"Yeah yeah." I said. "So what about those boots you are holding?"
"Oh, " he said as he handed them to me. "I thought maybe you could
wear these tonight, but I see you already have heels."
I took the boots from him and inspected them. "Thigh high boots?" I
asked as I inspected the heels. The leather was sinfully soft to the touch
and sight"
"Yeah, I found them and thought you would like to wear them, " he
answered. "They have a 4 inch heel and would probably not be to difficult
to walk in."
"Found them?" I inquired. "They look brand new."
Well, " he responded in a hesitation. "I bought them. I wasn't sure
what you were going to wear since you were so secretive about it. I figured
these would pull off the groupie look. But, never mind I guess. Besides,
those heels you have on are hot with those ankle socks."
"The way you are carrying on about my wardrobe may make me cover some
of me up with these boots instead, " I answered. "You are making me
self-conscience and I am having second thoughts. What if some guy hits on
me at that party?"
"No way. You're my date, " he laughed.
"Look, I'll take the boots with me because its supposed to be cold
tonight. I may change my mind later. I don't even think I can wear any
heels for this long though."
"Well, if your feet start hurting, I'll massage them for you." Colin
"Yeah, I bet you would." I answered sarcastically. Colin gave an evil
Once settled into the party I relaxed a bit as I was nervous as hell
going in. After signing up for the best costume contest we mingled a bit
and I introduced Colin to some acquaintances of mine. We were getting a lot
of attention in our outfits, but I began to notice that my legs and feet
(Not unexpectedly) were getting the brunt of it by Colin's periodic and not
well hidden glances. A few shots of whiskey later, I played on his desires
more daringly than had I been sober.
When I had Colin at a distance and knew he was gazing at me, I would
speak to a friend of mine and sadistically sc**** the toe of my high heel
behind me while allowing the heel of my foot to teasingly slide out to
expose it's lacy surface. I would continue the teasing by placing my weight
to the tips of my toes and allow the stiletto to touch the floor while my
foot remained half inside, swaying my arched foot side to side behind me.
At another point I was sitting on the couch beside Colin and I crossed
my legs and dangled one of my high heels by holding on to it with the tops
of my toes. It felt good anyway because walking in them for a few hours had
begun to get tiring. Soon, I allowed one shoe to slip free and I massaged
my own foot while chatting. Colin began shifting in his seat and soon
excused himself to go to the bathroom.
Soon it became time to start the best costume contest and it was being
held outside in the courtyard. I decided to lose the heels at that point
and grabbed the boots Colin had offered me earlier. Colin was seated
across from when I took my heels off in the most erotic way possible
without drawing to much attention. I then slid each sock off so that Colin
could see my painted nails.
As I laid the last sock down beside me I arched my right foot and
rested it softly atop the other as I opened the top of the thigh boot and
stretched it out before me. Slowly I lifted my arched foot and dipped it
into the opening, watching the contour of my foot slide slowly through the
soft leather shaft until it seated itself snug inside. It was a perfect fit
and the cool, soft leather felt good around my bare feet and legs. Colin
obviously knew my size although I could not recall ever specifically
stating it to him.
To continue torturing him I extended my leg straight out, pointed my
toes forward and pulled the top of the boot to its full extension along my
thigh. I stood up with the one boot on and placed my weight down on it. The
heel was much easier to stand on than the 5 inch ones, but the wide top
slid down my thigh a bit, scrunching the soft leather just above my knee. I
pulled the top up again and watched it slowly sink down again when I
released it. As I was fussing with the boot I almost could hear Colin
breathing heavily as he shifted in his seat.
Sitting back down I lifted my bare foot up and slid it subtly, but
sexually, over the top of my booted foot. The ever so soft leather sliding
against my bare arch sent an arousing charge through me as it must have hit
an erogenous zone. Controlling myself, I opened the wide top of the boot
and purposely slid my bare foot across my ankle and slightly up the shaft
before extending it forward and thrusting into the leather hole until the
bare skin of my foot was firmly surrounded by the soft leather fit
inside. Again i stretched my leg out and high and rotated my ankle in small
circles as I pulled the top up tight.
I rose to my feet and walked a bit as the wide tops slid slowly down
my thin thighs with each step. Colin approached me. "Those look awesome on
you, " he said as he gawked down at them.
"Well, the tops keep sliding down, " I said as I tried pulling them
"I know, " he mumbled as he stared at my fighting with the tops.
"Stop staring, Colin, " I whispered. "I have friends here."
Colin quickly straightened himself up trying to act cool. "You aren't
wearing your socks?" he asked.
"Yeah, why?" I replied.
"Because they are lying on the couch?" he answered in a confused,
questionable manner.
I leaned over and picked my little lace ankle socks up from the couch
and proceeded to place one over my hand. Carefully I poked each of my five
fingers through the bottoms and repeated the same with my other hand &
sock. "Now they are gloves. Let's go humiliate ourselves now and lose this
thing, " I answered. Without waiting for his response I left my heels
behind and walked toward the bay doors leading to the courtyard outside. My
boots clicked hard across the hardwood floor and I heard Colin barely
mumble, "Little tease."
It was our turn to go up on the small stage. I had a few more drinks
while waiting and was quite buzzed, but I hung on Colin for support in my
heels. I decided to make a grand show and the DJ began playing a rock&roll
tune for added effect. Colin stood in front of the stage and, with a guitar
strapped around his neck, began playing the crowd with his charismatic
impersonation of a heavy metal star. In all his splendor and theatrical
dominance the crowd began hooting and whistling with loud applause. Only,
it wasn't him they were cheering for. In my buzzed and uncaring state I was
providing the audience with a an erotic dance behind him by sliding my body
against a stage pole just behind him. I wrapped one of my boots around it
and began a simulated sex routine along with the music while glaring at him
with as much of a lusting look I could gather. The men were whistling and
the women were screaming, laughing, and held looks of amazement to those I
could see.
Colin was such an idiot he kept his routine up by thrusting his hips
toward the girls in the audience and I could tell he was trying to peer
around him to see where I had gone. I took the moment to slide from the
pole and drop to the floor gracefully. I rose up to crawl on my hands and
knees behind him as the crowd went wild. It was at this point I think he
realized something outside of him was causing the crowd to go
ballistic. Colin turned around just in time to see me on my knees behind
him, wrapping my black lips around my index finger and slowly pulling it
out as I sucked on it. Colin's chin practically hit the floor and it took
everything for me not to laugh. I turned the urge to a more sinful smile as
I wrapped my arms around his leg and held on, looking at him in classic
rock star worship.
Slowly, I rose to my feet and took him by the arm and faced him
towards the crowd. I stared into his eyes and lost my control with an
abrupt laugh. I then shocked him further by wrapping my right leg around
his and then turning his face toward mine until our faces were less than an
inch apart. I parted my mouth and closed in. The audience suddenly gasped
as I held close for what must have seemed an eternity to them as well as
Colin. Then, just as the gasps virtually turned to silent anticipation, I
used the silence for my grand finale. "Just one thing, rock star boy, " I
projected loudly with the best female voice I could muster. And then I
changed to my deepest tone as I raised the top of my boot to his chest
allowing my foot to dangle along his crotch. "I'm a guy."
The audience erupted into laughter and cheers. I looked out into the
audience as I let my foot back down with a defiant look. I noticed that
some of the guys looked very confused and shocked. Some of them leaning
into their dates with confusion all over their faces. Colin's face was red
in embarrassment and I thought maybe I had gone way too far. Quickly, I
gathered my shit together and looked at Colin. "Don't worry, I'm not gay. I
just thought you could use the prize money so i gave a good show." The
audience cheered, laughed and clapped as I gave him a manly pat on the back
and a mock punch to the stomach.
"I've embarrassed myself enough for the night, " I stated to the
audience. "Now I am off to have a drink and hide. Colin, you are on your
own." The audience erupted into laughter as I pulled the tops of my boots
up forcefully and whisked myself from the stage. People approached me as I
walked toward the outdoor bar giving me their praise for the comedy. Colin
bowed to the audience and I heard his parting words over the loud
speaker. "Women." The audience laughed and clapped as he left the stage.
I immersed myself in a couple of shots of whiskey as Colin seated
himself next to me. "Jesus, " he said in a hushed tone. "You shouldn't have
done that."
"Hell, " I said. "Why not? It was your fucking idea."
"No, " he said leaning into me. "I mean I have a raging hard-on and I
think everyone saw it through the leather." I laughed uncontrollably.
"Fuck it, " I said. "I'm so wasted I could give a shit." Colin looked
behind him at the guests.
"Well, " he said. "They don't seem to be staring. They are watching
the next entry, thank god."
"I think your secret is safe, " I said.
"What secret?" he asked.
"That you want me to jack you off with my feet, " I whispered back.
Colin leaned in. "You better pray we don't win. I intend to collect on
that slave offer. And for a month like you said."
"You better pray we do, " I answered.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because you will be taking care of that hard cock on your own. You
must suffer for what I just went through for." I ordered a beer and turned
to watch the rest of the entries.
"We'll win, " Colin stated confidently.
"We'll never win, Colin, " I replied. "Never."
"And the winner for best costume for one thousand dollars in our first
annual costume party is..." Lisa paused as the DJ played a sample of a
drum roll across the speakers. Suddenly the symbol rang out. "Colin and Jay
for Rock Star and Groupie!!!" The crowd roared and Colin jumped to his feet
as I sat shocked at the result. A spotlight bathed us in light as Colin
reached and grabbed me by the hand to lurch me forward. "I'm in heels. Be
careful!" I shouted over the loud crowd. Colin shocked me now when I felt
him reach underneath me and picked me up off my feet and carried me to the
stage. "My turn, " he sadistically said as he walked me in his arms to the
center stage.
Colin approached the microphone with me still in his arms. "This
guy..., " He began, "Is in big trouble when we leave." The crowd laughed at
the thought that Colin was going to exact his revenge on me for the
embarrassment I put him through. The revenge was much different in their
minds than what would more than likely occur. He thanked everyone as he put
me down and accepted the cash prize from Lisa. His last parting statement
was truthful in the most literal sense to the ignorance of the
audience. "Your ass is mine, buddy!" The crowd laughed and clapped as we
left the stage.
The ride home yielded the results of my teasing him all night as he
would run his hand along my thigh and telling me how much I owed him. But
that was nothing as compared when we got home.
Colin locked the front door behind him. Time to pay up. Go sit in the
livingroom while I close all of the curtains. I was beaten as I walked into
the living room, threw my high heels across the floor and flopped on to the
couch with my boots still on. I was also horny as hell at the prospect of
what he was planning.
After lying on the couch for a few minutes I heard Colin call for me
upstairs. After climbing the stairs I entered the bedroom and found Colin
standing beside the bed. "Teasing me all night. You thought that was funny,
didn't you?" Colin didn't wait for a reply. "Get over here, slut." I walked
over to him, the boots slouched down to my knees. Once to him I faced down
submissively allowing my heels to separate and bringing the toes of my
boots close together with a slight bending of my ankles to either side.
Colin took my hand and brought it to his crotch. His raging hard cock
created a long lean erect lump in the leather of his pants. I began rubbing
it with my hand, slowly up and down as he began to moan under his
breath. "Untie me, " he whispered as his hips slightly bucked into my
hand. Slowly I began untying the leather tassels until his erection popped
from the confines of the tight leather.
His cock was long and quite erect as I took it upon myself to run my
index finger exposed from my lace makeshift glove along the underside of
his lean shaft. Slowly I slid my finger up the entire 7 inches of his
perfectly cut cock until I reached the tip. I moved the tip of my finger
around the small accumulation of precum around his piss hole and then
brought my finger to my lips. Looking deviant, I extended my tongue and
licked the precum from the tip of my finger, slowly taking it away as a
small cum strand extended between my finger and tongue. Colin watched with
lust in his eyes. "Mmmmmm, yummy, " I said in a soft feminine whisper.
I dropped my hand back down and wrapped it around his thick
cock. Slowly I jerked him off as he breathed heavily in response. Colin
placed his hands around the hips of my tight leather skirt as I seductively
worked a slow handjob on him. His cock was so big in my little hand. I
watched his hips buck as the soft lace of my glove slid up and down his
shaft. "Mmmm, yeah baby. Jerk that cock, " he moaned as I felt his head
rest on my shoulder.
"You like that?" I asked. Colin removed his head from my shoulder and
brushed the side of his face against mine until we were less than an inch
apart. "Yes, " he whispered as his lips then brushed against mine. I was
stunned so much that before I could put together what was happening I felt
his lips close together on my bottom lip. Slowly, he sucked on my bottom
lip until his tongue parted my lips. I resisted by pulling back a bit, but
my tongue met with his. His hand reached up to my head and pulled me
forward as we engaged in our unexpected and first ever kiss. I continued an
awkward handjob on his cock as my focus was more upon the strange sensation
of me kissing another guy. Our tongues both extended as we explored one
another in a passionate french kiss. Soon we were aggressive in the kiss as
I jerked him off harder and faster. He pulled away. "You're going to make
me cum, " he said in a pant. "Pull your boots up and get on your knees, "
he said.
I reached down and pulled my boot tops up high and followed it by
kneeling down in front of him. Colin inched forward, putting his erection
just an inch or so from my face. "Suck it, " he demanded. His
aggressiveness was a turn on as I leaned forward. I extended my tongue and
licked along the bottom of his long shaft as I pulled his tight leather
pants to halfway down his thighs. I grabbed his little tight ass and sucked
on his balls for a few seconds and then licked my way up his cock. Taking
him into my laced hand I wrapped my bare fingers around the thick base of
his shaved cock and allowed it to slide into my mouth. He reacted with a
moan as my warm wet mouth sucked his cock inside. I bobbed my head on his
thick meat and could taste the salty precum emanating from him. His hand
grabbed the back of my hair as he forced me into a rhythm. His thrusts
inside my mouth were an onslaught of lust and I could feel the head of his
cock swelling up and getting larger. The sounds of my slobbering his cock
and the suction of air escaping my little mouth filled the room. His cock
was so big it force stretched my mouth the deeper he went. Soon I could
feel the head of his dick smacking against the back of my throat as I
almost choked. I began moaning in slight pain at his advance but he kept
pounding away.
Colin's breathing got heavier until he began moaning. "That's
it. That's it, " he moaned. "Yeah, take it. Take it all inside of your
mouth!" I squeezed my cheeks harder to create a vacuum of suction that
filled the room. "Oh god, baby, here it comes, " he warned. Suddenly I felt
his legs tense really hard as he let a loud groan out. Then I felt like I
had to choke when a gob of warm salty cum shot into my throat. My throat
muscles swallowed in reflex as more thick spirts of cum struck the roof of
my mouth as I was backing away. I began gagging on his cock a bit as more
streams of cum erupted from him. I swallowed his cum reflexively as I
pulled further away and took his cock into my hand. I began pumping him
with my hand and yet another long strand of thick cum splashed across my
cheek. I pumped harder as he moaned aloud, squeezing his cock as hard as I
could as more warm cum streamed from his cock, pouring over my fingers. I
milked his cock dry and then slowly wrapped my lips around him again and
gave him a soft and deep blowjob. I went down on him as he gasped and
pulled back slowly, allowing his cock to completely exit my mouth. A long
strand of his cum created a bridge between my lips and the tip of his
cock. I reopened and sucked him some more until he had enough.
Colin moved backward and seated his bare ass on the bed, his leather
pants still around his thighs. "That's the best blowjob I have ever had. "
he said through his windedness.
"God, I said. I didn't think you were ever going to stop shooting, " I
said "I have to go clean up, " I said.
"Well, stay dressed, " he said as I was walking to the bathroom. "I'm
not finished with you yet."
After cleaning my face, brushing my teeth and swallowing some
mouthwash, I went the through the task of retouching my makeup. Once I was
done I walked into the bedroom and Colin was gone. I walked downstairs and
found him seated on the left end of the couch watching one of his porno
movies on the VCR with only his leather pants and boots on. "Lie down on
the couch with your head over there, " he said pointing to the other end of
the couch.
I walked over and pulled my boots up and stretched out. "No need to
pull those boots up, " he said as he pulled his cock from his leather
pants. He pulled his pants down past his knees and spread them apart. He
was half erect as he pulled my boots to it. "They're coming off anyway."
Colin began slapping his cock against my boots for a few moments and then
grabbed one of my feet and pulled my boot off. The leather made a swish as
my bare foot emerged from and came to rest on his exposed thigh. Colin
tossed the boot carelessly and then took my other in hand. "I love the
black nail polish, " he said looking down at my little toes. "Why don't you
find something to do with that sexy little foot of yours?"
I slid my bare foot to his semierect cock and began rubbing it with my
toes. I pressed lightly down and caressed his dick with my soft skin. Colin
watched as he licked the instep of the boot on my other foot. As he bathed
my boot with his tongue he began to moan a bit as I massaged his dick with
the soft bottom of my foot. In a matter of a minute he was instantly hard
again as I felt my other foot being removed from my boot. Colin tossed the
boot and leaned backwards as he held my bare foot up to his mouth as he
slid his warm tongue across my arched instep. I got really aroused when he
began sucking my little toes one by one. I rubbed myself watching him as I
continued massaging his big dick with my other foot. Colin released my foot
and extended his arms along the back of the couch. "I've been waiting for
this, " he said as he produced a small bottle of lotion from the back of
the couch.
I placed my foot against his chest as he opened the bottle and
squirted a generous amount of the lubricated oil into his hand. He closed
his hands around my foot and worked the lotion all around it, massaging as
he went along. He then took the excess and applied it to the other
foot. His hands felt wonderful after wearing heels all night. Words can't
explain how good it felt, although any woman who wears heels for any long
stretch would surely understand.
Turning my right foot to the side I allowed his hard cock to be
cradled within the soft instep as I brought the other down upon it. Slowly
at first I massaged his dick by rubbing my left foot along the top, back
and forth. Lying his head back, Colin closed his eyes and moaned his
I then enclosed his cock between my feet and began jacking him
off. His cock looked as if it were going to break it's own skin it was so
hard as the slick oil made squishing sounds with every stroke of my
feet. Colin separated his knees causing his leather pants to scrunch down
the tops of his boots to where his ankles met.
I leaned back into a comfortable position as I worked his erection
between the arches of my feet. Colin began kicking his boots off and
separated his legs to release his ankles from the leather pants. He laid
back into the couch cushions, spreading his freed shaved legs. "Mmmmm,
yeah, " he moaned as he slid his hand over the bulge in my tight leather
shorts. His hand stroked me through my shorts as my hard cock lay thick
beneath the soft leather. His hand ceased for a moment as the rhythm of my
footjob sent him into a brief paralyzation.
"You like that?" I teased. Colin's moans were the only answer as his
now oiled and slippery wet curved erection succumbed to the erotic pleasure
of my arched insteps steadily sliding up and down, pumping precum that
arose from his long shaft.
Suddenly, Colin lifted my feet and forcefully turned me around on to
my stomach. Pushing my head into the pillow, I could feel him maneuver
behind me. His hands cupped my leathered ass as his slid his erection along
the crease of my ass. He forcefully unzipped my leather skirt and jerked
them down to my knees. My leather thong was forced down next and then his I
felt his hand reach around my hips to grab my hard cock.
Without a word, Colin began jacking me off as his lubed cock slid its
shaft up and down between the crease in my ass. He let go of my cock after
a few minutes and held firm to my hips as he continued sliding his shaft
against my asshole. "I really want to fuck your tight little ass, " he said
in a hushed tone. Colin pressed his pelvis hard into me, squeezing his hard
shaft tight against my asshole. He continued to fuck the crack of my
ass. His hard cock felt so hot sliding between my curvaceous ass cheeks.
Colin laid his body down against me. His head rested beside mine as he
stood partially on his feet, bending his knees a bit as he angled his cock
downward to slide the top side of it against my now lubricated
asshole. After a few downward thrusts across my tight hole I felt the head
of his dick press down against it.
Suddenly there was a slight pressure as he pushed his hips forward a
bit more. I felt a bit of pain that made me instinctively lift my head to
reach back behind me to push him away, but he pushed my head back down into
the pillow as more of his cock slipped inside slowly. I tried lifting up
again but he held my head down. I bit into the pillow and whimpered as his
big dick worked itself inside just past the head. Colin knew I was in pain
and I could feel him backing off a bit, but not entirely.
For what seemed like minutes he slowly gyrated his hips in small
circles while pumping a quarter of his length inside of me. "God, you are
so tight, " he moaned. I didn't answer but rather concentrated on relaxing
as he pushed himself in a bit deeper.
Soon he was able to slide most of the way in. With my ass squeezing
tightly around his big dick he began pumping me steadily. Colin's bare ass
rocked above mine as he fucked me doggy-style. He lifted his body up and
grabbed the edge of the couch's arm just above my head. He held to it as
the sound of our bare skin slapping hard against each other filled the
room. My whimpers turned to moans as I lifted slightly to look beneath
me. I watched Colin's long shaft entering and exiting me as he pounded my
ass now with my tight leather skirt scrunched down at me knees.
Colin's breathing became heavier and then he slowed his pace. He
pulled out of me and turned me over on my back. Bringing my ankles together
in one hand he lifted them high and then pulled the my shorts and thong
off. He threw them across the room. Holding my ankles together as he used
his other hand to guide his dick back inside of me. I gasped as his dick
slid all the way in to the base.
Spreading my legs wide and holding me by my ankles he leaned forward a
bit and slowly deep stroked me. I watched his dick disappear all the way
inside of me and reappear to do the same. He released my ankles and leaned
into me. His cock slid all the way inside as my legs straddled his neck.
He wrapped his lips against mine and we began erotically french kissing
while he humped me.
He retracted after a minute and lifted up. I pressed my bare feet
against his chest while he fucked me some more. He took one of my feet in
his hands and began sucking my toes as I sensuously slid my soft instep of
my other foot around his neck. Slowly he sucked on my dainty big toe. I
began to moan with pleasure as I jacked my own hard cock now. "I love your
big dick fucking my tight little hole, " I moaned. "Yeah, baby. I want to
feel your hot cum shoot inside of my ass!"
That must have sent Colin over the edge because then he took hold of
my feet in his hands and began pounding me hard. His fingers gripped my
little feet tight and then he moaned loudly. His hot cum shot inside of
me. I could feel the head of his dick expand deep inside of me as he filled
me with his gobs of cum. I continued to jack myself off and then he quickly
exited from inside of me. He spread my legs out a bit and leaned
forward. Suddenly he lifted my erection to his lips and began giving me a
I leaned back and moaned in pleasure as he sucked me off hard. I
wrapped my legs around his head and rested my bare feet on his back as his
pace quickened. As he sucked he jacked the lower base of my cock. My legs
tensed as my head began to feel light. Suddenly I exploded sending long
streaming shots of cum into his mouth. Colin backed away choking a bit and
another long stream of white cum shot across his cheek. He squeezed hard on
my cock and pumped more shots that struck his lips and nose. He laid beside
my long shaft and slid his lips across it, which sent the remaining cum
sliding down the length. He licked it all off my cock and then laid against
my bare thigh.
We both laid panting for a few minutes. "I can't believe we did this,
" Colin said.
"Yeah, " I answered. "I can't believe it either. So I guess we can
call off the whole slave for a month thing."
Colin lifted his head and faced me. "Yeah, we can forget the whole
thing, " he answered. "In 29 days."
7 年 前