Stood up, with a wonderful twist.

So the planets and schedules aligned and I had time to meet a the adult theater close by. A sexy trans Gurl I have been talking (and camming with) for months Says she can meet at this location and see how in person chemistry goes. I have a half day at work and can slip away for the entire afternoon and evening without disrupting schedules and life. I get home, shower and put on my favorite lacy panties, insert a nice silicone plug, and put on a leather CBT playtoy I am so very fond of and head out the door. Over the bridge to Tampa, follow the GPS and find this out of the way Adult video and toy store. We were to meet in the theater in the back right seats, So I take the second seat in ( place is small only a few rows anyhow) and I wait. I knew I was early so I am watching this horrible flick with a 30 something worn out looking porn actress playing a co-ed collegate babysitter getting it on with the studly and well hung "Mr, stevens" He looked younger than her and other than the 9 inches he was packing had no better talent than did she. There's a couple seperate older guys obviously working themselves through their clothing who seem to be enjoying the film, but I could not get into it at all.

Anyhow door opens and another guy, maybe late 20's comes in, not who I am looking for, but pretty decent build all around takes a seat center of the row I am in. He is looking all around kind of nervously for a while, then seems to calm down. One of the older men (looked mid to late 60's when he left) finishes himself with a grunt. and takes off. Another 15 minutes, the other older guy gets up and leaves. When he left there was enough light to realize the younger guy had his cock down the leg of his shorts,tugging out, (wrapped in what turned out to be panties) and he is working himself pretty good. The scene has changed on the screen and the new one is the usual wife getting even with the Mr and screwing the poolgirl ( bad bad lesbo scene, those open tongue kisses are so bad, does anyone ever find that sexy?) Door opens, he quickly tucks back, through the curtain comes the girl from the register. She looks around and she leaves just as fast. As soon as she was half out the door he looks over at me, sniffs the panties, and pulls himself out of his shorts again. I figure why not play as well, so I take the pair of panties I had in my pocket and do the same, Slide my cock out the bottom of my shorts and rub my head while watching the video. Scene changes and it's actually decent. now it's the wife getting tag teamed in a MMF scene with some guy with a damn huge cock. ( kind you dream of) I look over to realize the other guy in the room isn't watching the movie anymore, he is watching me. I slide forward in the seat so he can get a better view, stop long enough to take a deep smell of the panties I have been rubbing on and go back to playing, while looking at him. He does the same, slides forward in the seat, turns toward me and keeps going.

I figure what the hell do I have to loose. I stand, move one seat over and keep playing. He does the same. Now only one seat between us. Even in the dim light I could see him struggling with it, so I slide one seat further over. He shies away a little but keeps looking at my cock and then at me, then back to my cock again. I wipe some precum up off my head on my thumb, and slowly bring it to my mouth and lick it up, making sure to moan and MMMMMM. Sheepishly he says to me" I thought I was the only one who did that" "Oh no sweetie, lots of us love the taste of cum" He then took the panties he was using and started sucking them all the while looking me directly in the eyes. Holy hell My cock swelled, the pain of the tight leather straps around my balls and shaft was intense, which of course made me leak even more, I finger lick and eat it up.

He is literally biting his lower lip, having moved the panties back to his cock and I realize he has some decent size to him. I could see he wanted to say something, it was like I could imagine how I looked the first time I picked up a guy at Tracks in the early 1990's Nervous, unsure of how to react or what to say, and horny as hell. Face it at his age we all knew what we wanted, just were so hung up on acting straight, or afraid to admit we loved cock as much or more than cunt.

I break the silence "I was supposed to meet someone almost a half hour ago, looks like I was stood up" He replied with, "I think your panties are sexy as hell." and again the uncomfortable silence. " I gave him a full 10 count in my head to continue, then chimed in with"Thanks, they still smell strongly of pussy." I can see him trying to get the nerve to say more, then I say to him, "Want to smell"

"Oh god yes please" he holds his hand out to me, takes the nice lacy panties and flips them crotch side up and holds them tight to his face. You could see him just get lost in the smell and the overload of everything happening. He keeps working his cock, taking deep breaths of the panties I handed him. this goes on for at least a couple of minutes. Finally he takes them away from his face with this shocked, almost frightened look to himself. " I never did that before" I say" played with panties? you have your own pair going on there." "no" he says, " never played with a strangers panties, they smell so good, and different than my roommates girlfriends" I asked if that is where he got the ones he had, he told me yeah from the bathroom floor out of her gym clothes.

I asked how they smelled,,, "oh,,, man,,, I should have let you have these for a while" he said as he offered them to me. I gladly took them, man they smelled so strongly of cock and cum, even more so than pussy, I enjoyed a few deep breaths of them, and heard him really sheepishly ask me" can I taste these?" "of course I said" is it ok I do the same?' He had the gusset in his mouth already and nodded yes, I went right for the spot he had soaked with precum. He was salty and slippery, my favorite combination He was hardstroking, furiously jerking his shaft. I saw the minute he hit the point of no return and he instantly covered the head of his cock with my panties. He convulsed and came hard.. I could see him shiver and shudder.

Almost as suddenly as he came,,,, "oh god,, I am so sorry,,, I didn't mean to do that"..... "I just could not stop" He kept apologizing over and over.


发布者 oddoneout
7 年 前
vsd 6 年 前
over & over!!