Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the vagina. Sexual organs play a major role in our physical, emotional and spiritual health and when our sexual organs are subject to blockages due to toxins we reduce our capacity to create and move our sexual energy (Chi, Prana, Life force) throughout our body which is required for our self-healing mechanism.

Many different types of blockage can occur in different parts of the body including sexual organs as discussed below.


Kinds of blockages we have are due to:


Sedimentations caused by toxins settling not only in capillaries in vital organs but just under the skin, and it can be felt like sand like deposits. With gentle massage with one figure? circular movements, you can dissolve the toxins and open the channels to increase circulation in the yoni.

Yoni Massage

Sedimentation is due to formation of plaque, a crystal like sedimentation and fatty acids in our circulation. These sediments were known for 1000’s of years in ancient Chinese texts as “Karsai”. These blockages are caused due to:

Ageing process
Emotional trauma
Physical trauma
Toxins such as
Heavy metals
Air pollutions
Poor nutrition
Pesticides in our food
Polluted water

These blockages are mainly due to emotional and physical toxins that block our circulatory system in sexual organs. By reducing the blood and lymph flow into our sexual organs, it also reduces energy flow for optimal function of sexual organs.

In order to have healthy functioning genitals, we need to have a rich blood supply both in and out of the sexual organs to both provide nourishment and to remove toxins. Poor blood supply to genital area, women will find difficulty producing adequate sexual fluids and getting the proper engorgement of inner and outer lips (inner and outer labia) and the clitoris (while men will have difficulty in getting and maintaining a good erection)
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2. Knots
Knots are usually surface blockages that can appear as thickened or lumpy areas, sometimes these knots can be felt like small plums. Knots are formed by entangling following small structural tissues due to stress from emotions such as anger, fear, shame, frustration etc. or due to illness, resulting in muscle contraction causing muscular tension, aches and body armouring shutting down the yoni.

Superficial fasciae
Lymphatic system
Small nerves

These knots in the yoni can also pull other areas of the body causing muscle contractions and pain in lower back, thighs and even in shoulders, neck and head. Using special massage techniques you can loosen and relax the tension in the yoni knots torelease aches in other parts of the body.

Tangles occur at a deeper level than the knots and involves entangling and twisting following larger structures, to cause deeper blockages which requires yoni massage with deeper pressure and depth to dissolve and untangle, whereas knots need gentle pressure to dissolve.

Lymph vessels
Larger nerves
Sexual organ
Sexual energy

Tangles may also consist of following bigger structures such as

Lymph nodes
Fatty tissues
Small layers of Connective tissues, which grows around organs and vessels which hold them in place to float and move. When connective tissues become entangled they become rigid and hold the organs too tightly. Therefore during a yoni massage it’s important to stretch and move around to make them soften

Each of these blockages have stagnant negative emotions trapped in them and during a specialised yoni massage these emotions get evoked and get dispersed thorough a special breathing technique incorporating sounds.

Female Ejaculation and Orgasms
During a yoni massage you will also experience female ejaculation called Amrita in Sanskrit which facilitate further release of negative emotions clearing the pelvic basin and making sexual organs open and positive creating space for positive sexual energy to grow. You will also experience body shaking, shivering and spasms called Kundalini Awakening to disperse stuck negative energies throughout the body making way to full body orgasmic waves which could last for 20 min – 60 minutes or longer.
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When you were born, Yoni was originally made of positive, pleasurable cells. Due to various traumas, belief systems, accidents, medical examinations and surgery that you were subject to emotions have stored around our sexual organs disconnecting you from one of the most important organs in the body making them painful and numb losing pleasure and orgasms.

Benefits of the yoni massage

Yoni massage helps break down the blockages and to release toxins to increase blood flow to sexual organs.
Increased blood flow helps to release more hormones easily, to help stimulate both sexual and brain functioning
Healthy hormonal balance help us with protection against many health related problems such as
Memory loss
Back pain
Poor circulation
Decreased libido
Helps to release past trauma and emotions held in sexual organs, increasing the orgasmic potential
Difficult urination
Painful menstruation
Painful intercourse
Lower back pain
Body alignment and bad posture
Strengthening pelvic flow muscles
Helps with Female Ejaculation (Amrita), which helps women to release negative stagnant emotions
Ability to become sexually aroused more quickly and fully and to experience full body orgasms through sexual intercourse

To become independent of your own orgasms and empowerment

Helps with other problems such as:

Initial Yoni massage will be the most traumatic due to the vulnerability, but the subsequent sessions get much easier as you being to peel off layers of negative emotions in the Yoni and beginning to feel deep pleasure and full body multi orgasms that you never experienced before. What most women experience is the clitoral orgasms which is very limited in terms of pleasure comparatively to G spot and A spot orgasms which runs through your body with limitless waves of orgasms that you would feel in your head transforming all negative energies in the pathway into positivity. Female ejaculations will be measured in cupful’s, soaking the towels feeling ecstasy beyond imagination.

Pleasure aspects of the yoni massage is only a tiny part of the transformation. I have seen women blossom as a powerful, creative woman developing their career, with good health and happiness with improved relationships and being able to find their ideal partner and getting rid of most of the sexual dysfunctions and disorders and many illnesses they suffered for many years. Above all you will feel younger after each session due to rejuvenating every cell in your body

Yoni massage is not a quick fix. It’s a slow journey with lots of patience and commitment.

Intention as a Receiver of a Yoni massage

To surrender for healing and awakening to take place
To be a perfect receiver
To learn about Shakti Energy, which is power or your own sexual energy
To expand your pleasure and energy limitations and give yourself permission to feel more and more during the session without focusing on the orgasm
To allow deep emotional love to enter your psyche through your yoni
To allow the Goddess to awaken and shine through you

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Suggestions for the Receiver prior to a Yoni massage

Relax and breathe deeply during a shower or a bath before the yoni massage.
Beautify yourself and allow yourself to feel like a virgin.
Empty your bladder completely as it could get confused with ejaculation.
Go to your healer as a Goddess.

Suggestions for the Receiver during the Yoni massage

Be present and focus on breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth throughout the massage.
Feel free to express both negative and positive emotions verbally by making sounds. There is no right or wrong way for this. It’s what you feel, and feel it fully.
Give yourself permission to receive pleasure and move your body to spread the positive energy throughout the body. Again there is no right or wrong way to do this.

During the session you will go into an altered state of consciousness, atrance like state with closing your eyes 50% of the time. This is the stage you will get in touch with your past trauma. At this stage you will prefer to hold on to your emotions in fear of letting go, by stopping breathing or with a shallow breathing with your eyes closed making your body rigid. At this stage the ther****t will invite you to open your eyes and look into his eyes, he will also encourage you to make sounds and move your body. By keeping your eyes open 50% of the time, you will be able to release the trauma and the emotions that you got in touch with while your eyes were closed.

Tips for the Receiver

Your task is to receive as much love, pleasure and feelings through your Yoni, which is your sacred space.
Don’t try to Perform, but just Be.
Get out of your head and be in touch with your body.
Don’t make anything happen. Let it happen by itself.
Your ability to receive in the ultimate gift that you can give to yourself and your partner.
To experience great Orgasmic energy, you need to surrender and give up control, trusting the giver to hold the space for you to release, transform and merge with your sexual energy to help achieve your limitless potential.
It’s important for you to keep your eyes open 50% of the time to allow release to happen with the support of your ther****t.
Be aware of your energy, your feelings and experience like a meditation as if you are witnessing in front of a mirror. Watch your mind where it wanders and breath with consciousness to be present and to be connected with the body.
Don’t trance out and dissociate completely as it will only help you to get in touch with your trauma, but not release.
Be aware as you experience deep pleasure in one part of the yoni and right next to that area could be very painful or numb. Yoni massage will oscillate between these pain and pleasure areas to transform negativity into positivity.
Make as many sounds as you feel to let go to prevent blocking the energy and experiencing headaches during and after the session. Sounds open your throat chakra (bottle neck) to allow the floods of energy coming from the pelvic area towards the crown.
Let out all your anger, rage, numb passion from your body, but not at the giver. Hit the pillow beside you or bite a towel to express and disperse your anger and rage.
When you experience unpleasant emotions and feelings, just breath into them and relax into it without stopping the session or running away, as strong emotions come and go as waves in the sea, which is part of the healing process.
Rest your right hand on the clitoris and left hand on your breast during the yoni massage and its ok to pleasure yourself, but do not go for orgasm.
From time to time just dance on the givers hand by moving your pelvis around, so you can get in touch with your own pleasure.
During the session you will feel heat in the spine, chills and shivering, intense fear. Embrace these signs of build-up of negative energy which is slowly leaving your body.
Watch out for any dreams for several nights after the session, which will reveal and assist in further cleansing and healing.

Finally take a look at the barriers and the limits you put up around how much pleasure you allow yourself to feel. Then just drop those barriers. If you experience an orgasm consider it’s just a gateway to many orgasms and extended orgasms where each wave will become higher and longer. It will only grow more and more,with session after session giving you so much joy and happiness.

Tips about the Yoni Massage Process

Yoni massage will trigger past trauma and deeply rooted emotions in the past and you will live in this past during the session. This is how you access the trauma and you need to have the courage to allow that to happen
You may want to just stop the session due to intense fear and overwhelmed with emotions
You may experience so many feelings that you cannot identify them
You may get in touch with your inner c***d and may speak and act being a c***d rather than the adult during the session, blaming the giver
You may feel / discharge heavy emotional energy on to the giver and some of them are as follows:
You can’t trust the giver
You don’t think the giver is going to be there for you, with fear of abundant
You will experience supressed rage
Feel fear
Feel guilt
Feel Shame
Feel Unworthiness
Feel Abortion issues
Feel Abuse and **** issues

A professional giver will not take any of the above blames personally and will accept all, being in the moment holding the space for you to unload all past trauma and emotions with unconditional love and asking you to share more, inviting more release of stuck trauma. During a deep process he will stop the yoni massage and will be in stillness. Once the process is over he will continue till the next wave of emotions come through. During the process he will speak with such gentleness and love, to this c***d like adult in a way she can hear, understand and make this hurtful c***d safe and empowered.

Some Tips about Hysterics during the Yoni Massage

Due to hyperventilation-type breathing and creating excess of energy not balancing with opening the energy channels in the upper body, you may experience as follows as a sign of the deep healing process and letting go of the past trauma and stuck emotions. Tetany of the hands with involuntary contractions of the muscles.
You may experience total emotional and intellectual irrationality and long periods of crying. Regard this as being in touch with something very deep and it’s a deep healing process

If this lasts for more than 10 minutes, it’s the time to end the session. To end the above reactions you will be asked to “Take a deep breath and hold that breath”. It will likely take you several breaths of trying to hold the breath before you are able to do it. As soon as you are able to hold the breath for a few seconds, you will come out of the hysterics and back to more balance emotionally. After you are able to hold the breath for a few seconds you will be asked to repeat the same to hold the breath longer until you fully recover from Hysterics before you integrate and end the healing session until next time

Things to Remember
Accept the way you feel during and after a Yoni massage as a way of letting go of those stagnant negative emotions and trauma, rather than keeping them in your body which does more harm than good in every aspect in your life. What you feel during and after the session is all about triggering your past and very little to do with during the session. The walls you hit are very important as it gives an opportunity to walk through them during subsequent sessions, without running away from them which you have done all your life. Work as a team with the giver, be present and look into his eyes at least 50% of the time to stay connected to make the process a success. It’s important to come to the session with no expectations, knowing that you don’t have to remove all your life long blocks and emotions in one session. Communicate your needs and feelings to the giver in a non-blaming way and work as a team and let him be the catalyst for your healing process. Be patient and enjoy the Tantric Journey.

History of Yoni Massage
Yoni massage was a spiritual treatment practised for 1000’s of years in both India and in China for the purpose of healing and empowering women. These practices were done in Tantra Temples and the Icon of Yoni – Lingam is shown below. Yoni massage was a unique ancient sacred healing modality to release trauma and emotions. Treatments have been performed by the High priest or Daka, who is the male healer
G spot massage

Icon of Yoni – Lingam Tantra Temple

In ancient times Yoni massage was performed in the West to treat Hysteria. Hysteria means “that what proceeds from the uterus” in Greek.

Female Hysteria was a supposedly found disease in women and later removed from the medical records in 1952 by the American Psychiatric Association as it removed all hysteroneuresthetic disorder from the its lists of diseases.

“In the 4th Century B. C Plato claimed that the woman’s uterus wandered around her body strangulating other organs and causing shortness of breath. Five hundred years later the physician Galen would define this as ‘Hysteria’”.


“A uterus disease caused by sexual deprivation to which passionate woman are particularly susceptible. A prolonged abstinence from sexual stimulation it was noted, could produce anxiety, loss of appetite, insomnia, fainting spells, erotic fantasies, increased vaginal lubrication, swelling in the pelvic area, a tendency to call trouble for others, marriage was an often prescribed remedy, in more severe cases, removal of the ovaries was sometimes performed.

Vaginal Massage

“However manual stimulations by a trained physician producing healing paroxysms was deemed to be a temporary cure. By the mid-19th century as the women flocked for this most popular treatment, Hysteria became the frequently diagnosed disease in the Western medical practice’. This was the time when the vibrators was born as yoni massage was too time consuming for the western physicians due to its demand. It is my opinion vibrators desensitise the yoni while a yoni massage could sensitise the yoni.

Many women have suffered sexual abuse in their c***dhood which they can’t even remember due to dissociation during a frozen state at the time of the abuse. These traumas are the ones that create the deepest blocks reducing the orgasmic capacity. Yoni massage helps to release these traumas and emotions to make you free.
发布者 sanjana29
6 年 前