Submissive woman I am

Submissive women
A submissive woman is what I am.
I receive pleasure, joy and fulfillment in being submissive
To my master.
I am not stupid or week.
I am a strong and smart woman, with my own thoughts and clear concept
Of what I want in my life.
I do not serve out of shame of weekness,
But out of pride and strength.
I look to my master for guidance and protection.
For never am I more free then when he dominates me.
I know he will protect my mind,body and  soul
With his strength and wisdom.
He is everything to me as I am everything to him.
His tuch awakens every part of me and his voice frees me.
Only when serving him do I find complet hapyness and uncontrollable joy.
When he desires my body for his pleasure I joyfully give my self completely over to him, and take pleasure and pride into myself
From knowing I have made him happy.
However, the pleasure in are flesh is but only one
Facet of are relationship.
The love, trust, and free exchange of words spoken and unspoken are the most important to us.
I know the energy and thoughts he puts into are relationship is
As mush for my benifits as it is for his.
I am his pleasure and responsibility,and he takes both seriously.
My body is his, and if he says I am beautiful, I am.
No matter what other people think of me I am beautiful in his eyes.
I can walk with my head held high.
For no one can tell me my master is wrong for seeing the beauty in me.
If he says I'm his toy,his slut,his dirty little whore.
Then I will be as he wishes.
If he needs me to be his comfort, his friend, his nurse,
Then I will fell those roles with honor.
When others don't understand us, I laugh at there blindness and hope that one day they can love as we do.
I am a submissave woman.
I am very proud to call myself that.
My submission is a gift I don't give lightly,
And can only be given to one who can truly appreciate it completely.
Only to he who is strong enough to command such a slave as myself .
For I am strong and proud because of my Master.
发布者 sexywhytegirl
6 年 前
mrclint1957 3 年 前
You have the perfect name