Frage #22/Question #22
Was wirst Du tun? Deine Frau geht mir Dir essen und zeigt Dir lächelnd einen Selfie wie sie einen großen Schwanz bläst und erklärt Dir: "War das nicht immer genau was Du von mir wolltest? Egal, ich werde ihn jetzt öfter sehen. Ich bin allein beim Blasen dreimal gekommen. Ich musste ihm versprechen mit Dir nicht wieder Sex zu haben, sonst würde er mich nicht noch einmal ficken. Natürlich habe ich eingewilligt"
What will you do?
Your wife goes out with you and shows you smilingly a selfy which shows her blowing a big fat dick. She explains: "Wasn't this exactly what you always wanted? Anyway, I will see him now more often because only while blowing him I came already three times. I had to promise him not to have sex with you again if I wanted to be fucked by him again. Of course I agreed."
What will you do?
Your wife goes out with you and shows you smilingly a selfy which shows her blowing a big fat dick. She explains: "Wasn't this exactly what you always wanted? Anyway, I will see him now more often because only while blowing him I came already three times. I had to promise him not to have sex with you again if I wanted to be fucked by him again. Of course I agreed."
6 年 前