Suggested rules for cam room behavior

This post is aimed at the men and women who visit the Live Cam area and post in the chat rooms.

* First and foremost, remember that the cam ladies are people. You know, people, like you. They have feelings and emotions, and they can even be shy or self-conscious about things. Yes, they're usually showing their bodies. However, that is no reason to call them a "bitch," a "whore," or any other foul name... unless they're into it (see next rule). I mean, really, would you walk up to girl in a bar and say "hey bitch show pussy"? I think not. So, unless you know it's okay to do otherwise, SHOW RESPECT!

* When you are watching a cam girl for the first time, it's a good idea to say "hi" when you enter her cam chat, and then watch for a few minutes. See what's going on, and oh yes, READ HER STATUS LINE. There might be important information there. Before you type, if you want to get noticed, you might want to find out if she's doing a show at the moment, or if she is letting one person direct her, or if there is a subject about which everyone is chatting. Some women like dirty talk; others don't. Get to know the cam girl a little bit first.

* Don't use all-caps, unless you are trying to emphasize certain words, or unless the cam girl wants you to do it so she can see what you're typing among all the noise. Just don't.

* Animated emoticons--I call them "animoticons"--are the work of the devil and a tool of darkness. They slow down the chat, they waste time, and they are simply stupid. I do not know one cam girl or regular viewer who likes them. Yes, XRMXX has them available; but don't be so preoccupied with whether you could that you don't stop to think if you should. That's the fastest way to piss off the cam girl and 90% of the viewers.

* Again, show respect. Do not make demands, such as typing "SHOW FEETZ" fifty times in a row. And while we're on the subject, many women are not interested in showing you their armpits, anus, or feet; so asking for it ten thousand times won't help. Guess what, I have a bit of a foot fetish, and if I want to see feet, there are literally terabytes of foot fetish videos and photos out there to find. "No" means "no."

* Do not ask for urination or defecation, or passing gas. That is disgusting to the cam girl, to 99.999% of the other viewers, and disgusting things are also against XRMXX rules. Again, there are terabytes of fetish material on the Internet...

* It is highly unlikely that a cam girl who is a native English speaker will speak Turkish, Russian, Hindi, or any other non-western language. If I see someone typing in a foreign language I understand, I'll try to translate, but otherwise, there is little hope of you getting a response.

* If you don't like what you see, shut up and move on. Is your own self-esteem so low that you need to insult a stranger who is showing herself to you for free? Yes that's right, we're not even paying for it. How ungrateful is that? No one is making you watch; and besides, there are terabytes of...

* Don't post links to your page or your cam. There is a reason XRMXX blocks them. We don't want to see you either.

* Do not ever, ever, ever, call a cam girl FAT. Again, what is wrong with people's lives that they have to talk trash in a chat room? Some of us like curvy women, so when you insult them, you make us angry as well; and you won't like me when I'm angry. Bottom line: there are cam soldiers in chat who don't put up with retarded bullshit, and if you come into a chat room making stupid noise, we will smite you with furious rebukes and righteous anger, and you shall know that we are the cam soldiers, when we lay our vengeance upon you. And oh yeah, we'll report your posts and the cam girl will block you.

That also goes for making stupid remarks about a girl's age, accusing her of being "fake" (whatever exactly that means), asking if her mom is home (what the HELL?), or any other obnoxious, ignorant noise.

* With the exception of one amazing lady I know here, no woman can get herself off 24 hours per day. People need to rest, and sometimes, to get in the mood! If you enter a cam room and the woman is chatting, let her talk. Don't start spamming about this being a porn site, or why isn't she naked, or anything else harassing her about why she isn't fulfilling your needs immediately. There are terabytes...

Here is the take-home message: live cams are fun. There are some great women with whom we can share our time, and some of us viewers are even friends and we actually have conversations with each other long after the cam session has ended. If you are looking to join the fun, welcome... all are welcome with open arms, trust me. If your life isn't working out and you came to hate, well, I can't help you... but there are ther****ts who can.

Thanks for reading.

发布者 self-control
13 年 前
moon120beam 12 年 前
Well said. People please exercise some common sence.

mercyrain 12 年 前
This deserved a re-post. Don't worry, I gave you full credit. AMEN AMEN AMEN
xandylee 12 年 前
good article.. i wish more people would read it:smile:
Missdaisy 13 年 前
Amen, brother! :smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Very well put S-C; Xham should have everyone sign this before watching live cams

You treat people with kindness, the way you would want to be treated
bishoujoboa 13 年 前
that was actually a fun read. everyone should take a glance at this before they enter a cam room.

good job.
bishoujoboa 13 年 前
i'm interested, go on.