Jealous Bucky
“You look absolutely ravishing.” Thor smiled flirtily at you, brushing a few stray locks of your hair over your shoulder. His fingers brushing against your bare skin longer than necessary.
You laughed, and shoved him away slightly. The god of Thunder was forever trying to get in your pants. He had been since you had joined the team, at first it creeped you out but after a while you had gotten used to his incessant flirting. He did it with everyone, Thor made it his mission to sleep with half of earth or at least half of the members of Shield.
“It’s never going to happen, Point Break.” You chided, as you swatted away his hand from your shoulder. Thor laughs heartily, and steps back with a sigh.
“Ahh but you cannot blame me for trying.” He said, grinning at you. You just shake your head and grab your drink from the bar, taking a long drink from it. The night was going great, it was one of those rare moments when all of you could relax, take it easy, enjoy your lives. You weren’t rushing around trying to save the world or fight off some terrorist organization or some enhanced individual who was bat shit crazy.
Surprisingly it was Steve who wanted to throw a party. He was as he put it ready to get blackout drunk and make bad decisions. He needed to stop hanging out with Sam so much. The night was turning out to be a whole lot of fun, there was drinking, good food, and even better company.
Sam and Steve tearing up the dance floor, which literally surprised you. Steve was drunk it was hilarious, Tony and Peter playing darts with Rhodey and Wanda, they were losing horribly. Natasha amazingly having a normal conversation with Pepper, Bruce and Maria, everyone was relaxed.
Across the room, Bucky leans against the wall. Arms crossed an angry scowl on his face as he watches Thor shamelessly flirt with you. He was having a good night, until he saw you getting drunk with the God of Thunder, he watched as you playfully touched Thor’s hulking arm, he could see the way the Asgardian looked at you and he hated it.
Neither of you had put a label on the sort of relationship you had, it was somewhere on the cusp of dating and just fucking. Bucky hated it, he wanted a clear definition of what it was he had with you. He loved you but he knew this but these days it was different from when he used to date. He wasn’t in touch with dating in this year, so he knew better than to become possessive.
But here he stood, an angry look on his face, Asgardian alcohol pumping through his veins and jealous raging through him. You were his, he didn’t want to share you with anyone and he was feeling territorial.
He narrowed his eyes as he saw you touch Thor’s bicep again, the God of Thunder seemed to enjoy this as a please smirk came across his face and that was enough for Bucky. He made his way across the room towards you, he didn’t know what he was going to say but it wasn’t going to end up pleasant for sure.
Bucky leaned against the bar beside you, his body inches from yours now. He looked at Thor, and you could already feel the tension rolling off him. Thor seemed oblivious to what he was doing.
“Having fun?” He asked you in a sarcastic tone. You sighed, you knew what was coming next.
“Yes, I am actually.” You retorted.
“Bucky!” Thor said loudly, cheerfully. Clapping Bucky on the shoulder in greeting. Bucky’s expression doesn’t change, its deadpan, again Thor doesn’t even notice. He starts talking to Bucky happily. You could see Bucky’s metal arm clenched in a fist, and you shifted, he was angry and jealous and drunk. This wasn’t going to end well.
Suddenly Steve and Sam appeared, and sort of diffused the situation. They distract Thor long enough for Bucky to practically drag you away from him and out of the rec room into the hallway.
“What are you doing?” You said irritably shrugging him off you.
“I could as you the same thing.” Bucky snapped.
“What the fuck is your problem now?” You asked, angrily.
“You and your flirting with Thor.” He snapped at you. He stepped towards you and you backed away slightly. He stood at full height towering over you, dominating you. He looked down at you, angry and jealous.
“God, I wasn’t flirting you moron!” You exclaimed, you step back again and your back hits the cold wall.
“Sure looked like it from where I was.” Bucky replied, his voice low and deep and most threateningly.
“Ugh, stop this alpha male bullshit.” You said, shoving him in the chest. He doesn’t move an inch, he is 220 pounds of solid muscle, of course he isn’t going to move. “What do you want from me?” You snapped at him.
“I want you.” Was all he said, “You’re mine. And only mine.”
“I don’t belong to you Bucky!” You snapped at him, suddenly aroused by the closeness of his body to yours.
Then suddenly his lips crashed against yours, fervently kissing you. His mouth dominates yours, as he slams his hands against the wall on the sides of your head. Slightly startling you.
“I want you. Now.” He growled.
“Then take me, dumbass.” You murmured, breathlessly when he broke the kiss. Ths dominating side of him always turned you on. And without another word Bucky reaches down and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder. You yelped slightly in shock as he stalked towards the elevator with you over his shoulder.
Bucky kicked the bedroom door shut behind him and practically tossed you onto the bed. You landed amongst the soft covers and cushions with a start. Your heart racing as he stalked towards you, tugging his t-shirt off and tossing it behind him. His eyes dark and lust blown, as he takes your visage in.
The short dress you wore, riding up your thighs, hair messy around your face. Eyes wide with both lust and a small amount of fear of him. He relishes in the sight of you. His, was all he thought, His.
Bucky comes over to the bed, and you sat on your knees looking up at him. Your heart thundering in your chest, with anticipation.
“I am going to ruin you.” He said quietly, darkly. He reached forward and gripped your jaw with his vibranium arm and made you look up at him. He takes your hand and runs his across his torso, the tight muscles flexing as your fingertips graze across them. It feels so good.
He leans down and kisses you, softly at first then roughly before he shoves you backwards and you fall onto your back. His hands grip your ankles and he slowly places kisses down the inner length of your legs as he opens them. Your head falls back onto the pillow and you closed your eyes, enjoying the sensation of arousal he is giving you as he kisses a path up your legs, then he pulls off your panties.
His mouth ghosts across your core as he pushes your dress up, he kisses bruises onto your hips, nips at your ribcage and you moan softly. “Open your eyes.” He said softly, as you feel his face hover above yours, Bucky gets between your legs and you open your eyes and look into his starlight blue eyes as his hand dips between your legs.
You immediately gasp when you feel the cool of his metal index finger slide across your clit, and into you. The sensation is electric and you feel the tingle that shoots through in the tip of your toes. Bucky looks at your face as he slowly moves his digit inside you, your face contorting, lips slightly parted, complete want on your face.
“Tell me you’re mine.” He murmured, as he looked at you.
“No.” You gasped, and you felt that familiar ache inside you when his finger moves against your sweet spot. Suddenly he inserts another finger and you moaned at the sensation it creates, edging your orgasm closer.
Bucky kisses bruises along your neck and shoulders, biting your nipples through your dress and feels you clench around his fingers and he knows you’re close.
“Bucky…” You moaned, your hand raking through his hair the other digging into the skin on his shoulder.
“Tell me you’re mine.” he repeated.
“No” You said and then as you’re about to come Bucky removes his fingers from inside you and you practically whined at the sudden empty feeling and your orgasm dissipates.
“Bucky!” You exclaimed, with a groan, he doesn’t say anything. He has a smug look on his face and you immediately realize what game he is playing at.
He kisses you again, roughly as he pulls your dress off. Throwing it across the room, he looks at you naked before him for a moment before his mouth is on your breast, kissing, sucking, biting. He teases you again and again, as his hands run across your body. You feel like you could come just by him teasing you.
Bucking your hips against his erection, you moan into the bruising kiss he gives you. You want him, need him. “Buck.” You moaned scratching down his back as he grinds his clothes cock against your core.
“What do you want, baby?” He says huskily. He wants you to beg for it,
“God, just fuck me Bucky.” You said, almost pleadingly. He chuckles and shucks off his pants and underwear, settling between your legs again. Lining himself up with your slick aching entrance, Bucky slowly pushes his cock into you.
You can’t help the practically pornographic moan that escapes your lips. This sound delights him, it drives him insane when you he knows this is what he does to you, to feel how much your body wants him.
When he is completely buried inside of you to the hilt, he begins to move languidly above you. Bucky lifts your leg up and places it on his shoulder, penetrating you deeper and you moan louder and the sensation.
He captures your mouth in a kiss, as he fucks you. Once again building up that ecstatic orgasmic feeling inside you with each thrust inside you. Again, he feels your walls clench around him and he knows you’re close.
“Tell me you’re mine.” He murmurs, as he looks into your eyes.
“No.” You say again, and as you;re about to come once more he pulls your much to your dismay. And then its gone, and you cried out. “Bucky, what the fuck.” You exclaimed annoyed.
He chuckles and kisses you, but you push him away. “Fuck off, if you’re not going to fuck me.” You snapped, you needed him, craved him, you just needed to be fucked and he wasn’t giving you what you needed.
As you tried to get up, he grabs you by the waist and flips you over, pulling you up onto your hands and knees. Bucky grips you by your elbows, and suddenly pushes his cock into you. You cried out at the sensation, and fall forward face first into the bed.. He holds you by your elbows and thrusts into you, hard.
“Tell me you’re mine, and I’ll let you come.” He growled as he thrusts into you.
“I’m yours, I’m yours!” You gasped, feeling that coil snap inside of you and gratefully he doesn’t stop. Your orgass crashes over you like a tidal wave, toes curling as you clench and unclench your hands, feeling that tingle from the tip of your toes to the base of your spine. You cried out Bucky’s name again and again as you rode out your orgasm.
Bucky pulled out of you slowly and flipped you over onto your back, his metal arm running down the side of your body as you tried to catch your breath. He leans over you, his face just above yours as he pushes back into you slowly.
“You okay?” He asks when he sees you shiver with pleasure.
“Yeah I just need to catch my breath.” You replied breathlessly, you came so hard you still were seeing stars. He chuckles and kisses a trail across your jaw, till he reaches your lips. Languidly thrusting into you now. You circle your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
“I love you.” Bucky murmured softly, when he broke the kiss, you froze for a moment and looked at him. No wonder he was acting like such a fucking alpha male, you thought.
“You have a funny way of showing it James.” You replied, with a quick laugh.
“I’m sorry?” He said, almost like a question. There was hesitation on his face and he stops fucking you.
“Shut up, I love you too.” You said quickly as you see apprehension on his face.
A look of relief washes over his face and he breaks out into a huge smile. “Ok but like can you keep fucking me or are we gonna continue with this corny crap…?” You asked, rolling your eyes at him.
Bucky laughed, “Right, fucking it is then.” and begins to thrusts into you again, much to your delight.
You laughed, and shoved him away slightly. The god of Thunder was forever trying to get in your pants. He had been since you had joined the team, at first it creeped you out but after a while you had gotten used to his incessant flirting. He did it with everyone, Thor made it his mission to sleep with half of earth or at least half of the members of Shield.
“It’s never going to happen, Point Break.” You chided, as you swatted away his hand from your shoulder. Thor laughs heartily, and steps back with a sigh.
“Ahh but you cannot blame me for trying.” He said, grinning at you. You just shake your head and grab your drink from the bar, taking a long drink from it. The night was going great, it was one of those rare moments when all of you could relax, take it easy, enjoy your lives. You weren’t rushing around trying to save the world or fight off some terrorist organization or some enhanced individual who was bat shit crazy.
Surprisingly it was Steve who wanted to throw a party. He was as he put it ready to get blackout drunk and make bad decisions. He needed to stop hanging out with Sam so much. The night was turning out to be a whole lot of fun, there was drinking, good food, and even better company.
Sam and Steve tearing up the dance floor, which literally surprised you. Steve was drunk it was hilarious, Tony and Peter playing darts with Rhodey and Wanda, they were losing horribly. Natasha amazingly having a normal conversation with Pepper, Bruce and Maria, everyone was relaxed.
Across the room, Bucky leans against the wall. Arms crossed an angry scowl on his face as he watches Thor shamelessly flirt with you. He was having a good night, until he saw you getting drunk with the God of Thunder, he watched as you playfully touched Thor’s hulking arm, he could see the way the Asgardian looked at you and he hated it.
Neither of you had put a label on the sort of relationship you had, it was somewhere on the cusp of dating and just fucking. Bucky hated it, he wanted a clear definition of what it was he had with you. He loved you but he knew this but these days it was different from when he used to date. He wasn’t in touch with dating in this year, so he knew better than to become possessive.
But here he stood, an angry look on his face, Asgardian alcohol pumping through his veins and jealous raging through him. You were his, he didn’t want to share you with anyone and he was feeling territorial.
He narrowed his eyes as he saw you touch Thor’s bicep again, the God of Thunder seemed to enjoy this as a please smirk came across his face and that was enough for Bucky. He made his way across the room towards you, he didn’t know what he was going to say but it wasn’t going to end up pleasant for sure.
Bucky leaned against the bar beside you, his body inches from yours now. He looked at Thor, and you could already feel the tension rolling off him. Thor seemed oblivious to what he was doing.
“Having fun?” He asked you in a sarcastic tone. You sighed, you knew what was coming next.
“Yes, I am actually.” You retorted.
“Bucky!” Thor said loudly, cheerfully. Clapping Bucky on the shoulder in greeting. Bucky’s expression doesn’t change, its deadpan, again Thor doesn’t even notice. He starts talking to Bucky happily. You could see Bucky’s metal arm clenched in a fist, and you shifted, he was angry and jealous and drunk. This wasn’t going to end well.
Suddenly Steve and Sam appeared, and sort of diffused the situation. They distract Thor long enough for Bucky to practically drag you away from him and out of the rec room into the hallway.
“What are you doing?” You said irritably shrugging him off you.
“I could as you the same thing.” Bucky snapped.
“What the fuck is your problem now?” You asked, angrily.
“You and your flirting with Thor.” He snapped at you. He stepped towards you and you backed away slightly. He stood at full height towering over you, dominating you. He looked down at you, angry and jealous.
“God, I wasn’t flirting you moron!” You exclaimed, you step back again and your back hits the cold wall.
“Sure looked like it from where I was.” Bucky replied, his voice low and deep and most threateningly.
“Ugh, stop this alpha male bullshit.” You said, shoving him in the chest. He doesn’t move an inch, he is 220 pounds of solid muscle, of course he isn’t going to move. “What do you want from me?” You snapped at him.
“I want you.” Was all he said, “You’re mine. And only mine.”
“I don’t belong to you Bucky!” You snapped at him, suddenly aroused by the closeness of his body to yours.
Then suddenly his lips crashed against yours, fervently kissing you. His mouth dominates yours, as he slams his hands against the wall on the sides of your head. Slightly startling you.
“I want you. Now.” He growled.
“Then take me, dumbass.” You murmured, breathlessly when he broke the kiss. Ths dominating side of him always turned you on. And without another word Bucky reaches down and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder. You yelped slightly in shock as he stalked towards the elevator with you over his shoulder.
Bucky kicked the bedroom door shut behind him and practically tossed you onto the bed. You landed amongst the soft covers and cushions with a start. Your heart racing as he stalked towards you, tugging his t-shirt off and tossing it behind him. His eyes dark and lust blown, as he takes your visage in.
The short dress you wore, riding up your thighs, hair messy around your face. Eyes wide with both lust and a small amount of fear of him. He relishes in the sight of you. His, was all he thought, His.
Bucky comes over to the bed, and you sat on your knees looking up at him. Your heart thundering in your chest, with anticipation.
“I am going to ruin you.” He said quietly, darkly. He reached forward and gripped your jaw with his vibranium arm and made you look up at him. He takes your hand and runs his across his torso, the tight muscles flexing as your fingertips graze across them. It feels so good.
He leans down and kisses you, softly at first then roughly before he shoves you backwards and you fall onto your back. His hands grip your ankles and he slowly places kisses down the inner length of your legs as he opens them. Your head falls back onto the pillow and you closed your eyes, enjoying the sensation of arousal he is giving you as he kisses a path up your legs, then he pulls off your panties.
His mouth ghosts across your core as he pushes your dress up, he kisses bruises onto your hips, nips at your ribcage and you moan softly. “Open your eyes.” He said softly, as you feel his face hover above yours, Bucky gets between your legs and you open your eyes and look into his starlight blue eyes as his hand dips between your legs.
You immediately gasp when you feel the cool of his metal index finger slide across your clit, and into you. The sensation is electric and you feel the tingle that shoots through in the tip of your toes. Bucky looks at your face as he slowly moves his digit inside you, your face contorting, lips slightly parted, complete want on your face.
“Tell me you’re mine.” He murmured, as he looked at you.
“No.” You gasped, and you felt that familiar ache inside you when his finger moves against your sweet spot. Suddenly he inserts another finger and you moaned at the sensation it creates, edging your orgasm closer.
Bucky kisses bruises along your neck and shoulders, biting your nipples through your dress and feels you clench around his fingers and he knows you’re close.
“Bucky…” You moaned, your hand raking through his hair the other digging into the skin on his shoulder.
“Tell me you’re mine.” he repeated.
“No” You said and then as you’re about to come Bucky removes his fingers from inside you and you practically whined at the sudden empty feeling and your orgasm dissipates.
“Bucky!” You exclaimed, with a groan, he doesn’t say anything. He has a smug look on his face and you immediately realize what game he is playing at.
He kisses you again, roughly as he pulls your dress off. Throwing it across the room, he looks at you naked before him for a moment before his mouth is on your breast, kissing, sucking, biting. He teases you again and again, as his hands run across your body. You feel like you could come just by him teasing you.
Bucking your hips against his erection, you moan into the bruising kiss he gives you. You want him, need him. “Buck.” You moaned scratching down his back as he grinds his clothes cock against your core.
“What do you want, baby?” He says huskily. He wants you to beg for it,
“God, just fuck me Bucky.” You said, almost pleadingly. He chuckles and shucks off his pants and underwear, settling between your legs again. Lining himself up with your slick aching entrance, Bucky slowly pushes his cock into you.
You can’t help the practically pornographic moan that escapes your lips. This sound delights him, it drives him insane when you he knows this is what he does to you, to feel how much your body wants him.
When he is completely buried inside of you to the hilt, he begins to move languidly above you. Bucky lifts your leg up and places it on his shoulder, penetrating you deeper and you moan louder and the sensation.
He captures your mouth in a kiss, as he fucks you. Once again building up that ecstatic orgasmic feeling inside you with each thrust inside you. Again, he feels your walls clench around him and he knows you’re close.
“Tell me you’re mine.” He murmurs, as he looks into your eyes.
“No.” You say again, and as you;re about to come once more he pulls your much to your dismay. And then its gone, and you cried out. “Bucky, what the fuck.” You exclaimed annoyed.
He chuckles and kisses you, but you push him away. “Fuck off, if you’re not going to fuck me.” You snapped, you needed him, craved him, you just needed to be fucked and he wasn’t giving you what you needed.
As you tried to get up, he grabs you by the waist and flips you over, pulling you up onto your hands and knees. Bucky grips you by your elbows, and suddenly pushes his cock into you. You cried out at the sensation, and fall forward face first into the bed.. He holds you by your elbows and thrusts into you, hard.
“Tell me you’re mine, and I’ll let you come.” He growled as he thrusts into you.
“I’m yours, I’m yours!” You gasped, feeling that coil snap inside of you and gratefully he doesn’t stop. Your orgass crashes over you like a tidal wave, toes curling as you clench and unclench your hands, feeling that tingle from the tip of your toes to the base of your spine. You cried out Bucky’s name again and again as you rode out your orgasm.
Bucky pulled out of you slowly and flipped you over onto your back, his metal arm running down the side of your body as you tried to catch your breath. He leans over you, his face just above yours as he pushes back into you slowly.
“You okay?” He asks when he sees you shiver with pleasure.
“Yeah I just need to catch my breath.” You replied breathlessly, you came so hard you still were seeing stars. He chuckles and kisses a trail across your jaw, till he reaches your lips. Languidly thrusting into you now. You circle your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
“I love you.” Bucky murmured softly, when he broke the kiss, you froze for a moment and looked at him. No wonder he was acting like such a fucking alpha male, you thought.
“You have a funny way of showing it James.” You replied, with a quick laugh.
“I’m sorry?” He said, almost like a question. There was hesitation on his face and he stops fucking you.
“Shut up, I love you too.” You said quickly as you see apprehension on his face.
A look of relief washes over his face and he breaks out into a huge smile. “Ok but like can you keep fucking me or are we gonna continue with this corny crap…?” You asked, rolling your eyes at him.
Bucky laughed, “Right, fucking it is then.” and begins to thrusts into you again, much to your delight.
6 年 前