New Xham killing the site!

Update: Also noticed my pad cant prosess the New xham!
Its too demanding on hardware!
I have a pretty fast Laptop With double SSD harddrives, but notice that is working harder when logged in to xham...WTF are they thinking????

Just noticed the new xham`s last ransom note!
Suddenly i cant review more than 3 hours of posts, and as they well know, we work more!!!

This is a new nail in xhamsters coffin...i will end this very soon,but sadly, and i just hope they will see the global mistake they are about to do, but fear not...Someone is trying to prove theire worth to the company, and takes down the whole company with is really sad too be a witness and a victim to it all....
发布者 Norwaypanty
6 年 前
Bexhillboy 5 年 前
If you look at similar web dot com you can see how fast xhamster is losing popularity but for some crazy reason they have stuck with the changes and lied about what their users think of them. They will not be happy until the site disappears completely. How stupid do you have to be to stick with a project when all your users have told you how shit it is and you just sit and watch it tumble down the ratings.
alibodge 5 年 前
 why they changed is beyond me, hate it still
New Xhamster Won't Let Me Upload Anymore Video's
Bexhillboy 6 年 前
totally agree, we all moaned and groaned at them when they ran the new xham and although most people refused to use it and stayed on the old version they were reporting that 99% of people loved the new version. It cannot be good for xhamsters market share when their new all singing all dancing website is so awkward to use
ned75 6 年 前
i agree
Norwaypanty 出版商 6 年 前
I just hope the New Xham and the old Xham have a baby we can all love.... :smile:
chubby-chaser 6 年 前

Cannot stop incoming messages like we used to. Xhamster must be getting paid to let spammers do this.
arguy69 6 年 前
I agree.... the new interface looks like it was designed for nursery school kids..... I will delete everything and leave when the close the old xH !!!!
chubby-chaser 6 年 前
The new xham is geared for sponsors not members. Full pay only site is coming. Mark my words.
nusarera 6 年 前
I noticed the same problem using the old version of xham. They want to migrate to the new clumsy version that I do not like...
piratepaulie 6 年 前
I don't see what everyone's issues are. I've been using new xham for about 3 months now and have not had an issue. I can see everyone's posts going back as far as I want, on Mondays I can go all the way back through the whole weekend of stuff I missed. I can upload pics all at once instead of one at a time. Only thing I miss is the view count on my galleries on my main gallery page.