by Fletcher Hill

You're to dress your prettiest. But you're to wear no underclothing. Just a very short dress and stockings and shoes." Miss Thornton paused. "And I must warn you, Sharon, if you fail to please in even the smallest way, I will hear of it immediately. You know what that will mean, don't you?"


"Very good. You're not to breathe a word about this party to anyone. Need I spell it out for you?"

"No, Miss Thornton."

"All right. And now about this afternoon. You're to be at my house at two. I want that guest room cleaned the way it should have been in the first place. And, Sharon, don't forget you are to do your work in the nude."

"Whatever you say, Miss Thornton."


It was strange, Sharon reflected as she stood just outside the prison gate, waiting for Vickie, how she could be so bitter and yet, at the same time, so terribly horny. Bitter because of the year the state had stolen from her life, and horny because her thoughts kept straying to the juicy little slit between Vickie's pretty legs.

But before the thoughts of Vickie's pussy had become so strong she could almost taste it, her mind had been on grimmer things. When the massive iron gate had clanged shut behind her twenty minutes ago, she had vowed for the thousandth time to clear her name of the crime for which she had been wrongly convicted and imprisoned.

Exonerating herself would be difficult, she knew. It might even be impossible. But starting today -- the first day of her parole -- she would begin to try. And she would never stop trying until she succeeded.

She moved over to the curb to look down the street again, wondering what could have happened to Vickie, who had promised to be waiting for her when she was released. A car suddenly swerved too close to the curb, and she stepped back quickly.

She was just beginning to think about taking a cab when she saw Vickie's convertible make the turn at the corner, and a few moments later the car drew up beside her.

"Hi," Vickie said as she reached across the seat to open the door for her. "I'm sorry I'm late, honey. I just couldn't get the car started." She was a small silver-blonde with warm, large amber eyes beneath incredibly long lashes, and upthrust breasts that nippled sharply against the taut bosom of her minidress. "Have you been waiting long?"

"No," Sharon said, settling into the seat beside her. "Only a year."

Vickie moved close to her. "Gimme," she said.

"What?" Sharon said.

"A kiss," Vickie said. "It was a long year, honey."

Sharon kissed her.

"Ummm," Vickie said. "Good."

Sharon laughed. "I agree," she said. "You've changed your brand of lipstick, haven't you?"

"Yes," Vickie said. "You want another sample?"

Sharon kissed her again, and this time she let her hand drop to the other girl's thigh, trailing her fingertips up the sleekly nyloned flesh and beneath the hem of the brief white skirt.

Vickie pushed away from her and brushed her skirt down again. "Hey!" she said, laughing. "You want to get us both arrested?"

"You look delicious, Vickie," Sharon said.

"So do you," Vickie said. "God, honey, it's so good to have you back again."

"It's good to be back, I can tell you," Sharon said. "But are you sure I won't be putting you out? After all, you've had the apartment to yourself for a whole year now."

"Which is a whole year longer than I wanted to," Vickie said as she started the engine and eased the car away from the curb. "I've missed you terribly, Sharon. I'll bet I've dreamed of you a thousand times."

Sharon smiled. "There haven't been that many nights, silly," she said, watching with fascination as Vickie's skirt rode up to reveal the shadowy V of pubic hair beneath the sheer pantyhose.

"I doubled up some nights," Vickie said, smiling as she noted the direction of Sharon's gaze. "And other nights I tripled up."

"I see."

Vickie took a long breath and let it out slowly. "Oh, I just can't wait to get you home," she said. "I'm going to lick you from one end to the other and back again."

"And that's all?"

"No... that's just for starters." She stopped for a red light. "Tomorrow we'll buy you a whole new wardrobe. Then, the next day, we..."

"I haven't a penny, Vickie. They're supposed to give you twenty dollars. But I'd broken some dishes, and they made me pay for them."

"Money's no problem, honey. I'm loaded. I mean it. The modeling racket has never been so good. And once you get back into it, you'll be a rich girl in no time at all."

"I'll be modeling, all right," Sharon said. "But not for photographers, Vickie. It's against the rules."

"What rules?"

"The parole rules. A parolee has to have a job, but it has to be steady. No freelancing. She can't model for fees at all."

"That's ridiculous."

"I know. But that's the way it is." She paused. "My parole officer got me a job at Chumley's."

"Chumley's! Why, that's a department store."


"And the rattiest one in town, too. What'll you be doing? Salesgirl?"

"No. I'll be modeling in the ready-to-wear."

"Good God, Sharon. They don't pay their girls anything at all. And they treat them like dirt. I know that for a fact."

"I'm just lucky she got me a job, even one like that. If she hadn't, I'd still be in prison."

"I don't understand, honey. A beautiful girl like you could find a job in thirty seconds."

"Yes, but you have to have the job before you get out. There are dozens of girls still in prison just because they haven't any job to go to. Girls who could be paroled tomorrow. Some of them have even been eligible for two or three years."

"Why, that's terrible!"

"The whole thing's pretty terrible, Vickie. Wait till you see the list of things I can't do for the next two years. It's a foot long."

"You mean you'll be on parole two whole years?"


"My God," Vickie said. "Oh, my poor baby."

Sharon could resist the temptation no longer. She put her hand on Vickie's knee, ran it slowly up her leg as far as it could go, cupping the warm mound with her palm.

Vickie laughed. "Stop that," she said. "If somebody sees you, they'll wreck their car."

Sharon pressed harder, running a fingertip the length of Vickie's slit, pushing the nylon of her pantyhose deep between her the cunt lips. Vickie was just as horny as she was herself, she noted with satisfaction; the silky sheath of nylon beneath her hand was soaking wet.

"Honestly, Sharon!" Vickie said. "If you don't stop, I'll wreck the car myself!" But even as she spoke, she spread her legs a little wider and Sharon could feel her pussy lifting into her hand.

Sharon raised her hand beneath Vickie's skirt to the waist of Vickie's pantyhose, tugged out the elastic, and slipped it down inside.

"Oh, my God," Vickie said. "Sharon!"

Sharon spread the lips of Vickie's cunt apart with her fingers, then caught the pulsing clitoris between thumb and forefinger and rolled it gently, increasing the pressure on it little by little.

"Sharon, please!" Vickie said, squirming on the seat. "For goodness sake, Sharon!"

Sharon pushed a finger into Vickie's hole and worked it slowly up into her as far as it would go. Vickie moaned and thrust her cunt up against Sharon's hand for a few moments -- then suddenly pulled over to the curb and stopped the car.

"Sharon, honey, I just can't stand it," she said as tugged Sharon's hand out of her pantyhose. "Can't you wait just a few minutes, darling? We'll be home before you know it."

Sharon looked at her dripping finger for a moment, then put it to her lips and began to lick the juice from it. "Well, I'm glad you didn't change the flavor of that, anyhow," she said. "I'd never have forgiven you."

"Boy," Vickie said, nosing the car out into the traffic again. "You've got me so horny I can't even think."

"You did feel just a little juicy at that," Sharon said.

"Juicy!" Vickie said. "My God, honey, I've got a fountain down there."

They reached the apartment house ten minutes later.

"You just wait," Vickie said as they walked toward the entrance. "Boy, are you ever going to get it. I'm going to spank you good."

Sharon laughed. "I thought you were the one that liked to be spanked," she said.

"I might be the one that likes it," Vickie said, "but you're the one that deserves it. Fingerfucking me right out there in broad daylight, for heaven's sake!"

"Well," Sharon began, "if you really think a spanking's called for..."

"Oh, Miss Palmer," a woman's voice said behind them. "May I have a word with you, please?"

"Who's that?" Vickie said as she and Sharon turned back toward the sidewalk.

"My parole officer," Sharon said. "Miss Thornton."

"Where'd she come from?"

"She must have been waiting in that car there, in back of yours."

The woman who strode up to them appeared to be in her late twenties. She was very tall, with a full-blown body, carefully-coiffed brown hair, a small-featured face that just missed being pretty, and cool green eyes beneath unplucked brows.

"How are you, Miss Palmer?" she said. Her voice was low-pitched, faintly metallic.

"Very well, thank?" Sharon said. "Miss Thornton, this is my roommate, Miss Quinn. Vickie, this is my parole officer, Miss Thornton."

"How do you do, Miss Quinn," the redheaded woman said, not smiling.

"Hi," Vickie said.

"I hope you're not a thief too," Miss Thornton said.

"What?" Vickie said.

"Sharon can't associate with other thieves, you know," Miss Thornton said. "Much less share an apartment with one."

Vickie glanced from her to Sharon and back again, her face suddenly flushed. "Listen here," she said, taking a short step forward. "Who the hell do you think..."

"Never mind, Vickie," Sharon said.

"But she..."

"Please," Sharon said. "It can only make things worse for me."

The parole officer smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. "She's right, you know," she said. "You go around without a bra all the time, dear?"

"That's none of your business," Vickie said.

"You a whore?" Miss Thornton said. "You must be, with your tits sticking through your dress like that."

Vickie took another step forward, but Sharon put out an arm to restrain her. "Just don't say anything," she said. "Please." It was all she could do to keep from saying something herself, and she had to bite her lip to keep the words from spilling out. But she had no choice. When a convicted criminal's parole was less than an hour old, and she was talking to the woman who could send her back to prison for another two years, she held her tongue.

"Now that I notice," Miss Thornton said, "you aren't wearing a bra either, Sharon."

"They didn't return it to me this morning," Sharon said. "They didn't return any of my underclothes at all. Or my stockings either."

"No? Well, isn't that a shame. Your tits stick out even worse than your little chippy friend's do. I did notice you didn't have any slip on, when I was coming up the walk." There was a long silence.

"I wasn't expecting to see you until Monday morning," Sharon said. "I was supposed to report to your office."

"I take a special interest in some of my girls. You ought to feel flattered. I have forty little darlings like you, you know. Forty little thieves and whores and cutthroats and..."

"Sharon's none of those things," Vickie said. "She isn't."

"She's a convicted felon," Miss Thornton said. "She's a stinking ex-con, and she's damn lucky I spoke up for her. Otherwise, she'd have done her full three years."

"You spoke up for me?" Sharon said.

"How else did you think you got out in minimum time? Without me, and the job I got for you, you'd still be inside."

"I did get time off for good behavior, Miss Thornton."

"You're just a sweet little girl all around," the parole officer said. "Especially with your bare tits poking out that way."

"Was there something you wanted to see me about?" Sharon said.

"I certainly didn't come here just to welcome you home," Miss Thornton said. "I've a few things to say to you, girl." She glanced meaningfully at Vickie. "Privately."

Sharon took a deep breath. "Would you mind, Vickie?"

Vickie hesitated a moment, then turned and started for the entrance. "I'll have a pitcher of martinis waiting for you, baby," she said over her shoulder.

"Not for this little thief, you won't," Miss Thornton said, watching the saucy undulation of Vickie's hips beneath the brief white skirt. "The use of intoxicating liquors is a violation of Article Four of the Conditions of Parole."

Vickie said something beneath her breath, and opened the door.

"Look at that," Miss Thornton said, gesturing toward Sharon's pelvis. "The sun shows right through you. I can see..."

"You really don't have to look, you know," Sharon said.

"I really don't have to take the tiniest particle of lip from you either," Miss Thornton said. "We'll talk in my car, out of the sun."

In the car, Sharon sat waiting while the other woman took a tissue from the glove compartment and sponged at her face and the hollow of her throat.

"Hot," Miss Thornton said. "Hottest summer I can remember." She rolled the tissue into a ball and tossed it out the window. "Now," she said. "About this job I got for you."


"It pays pretty well, considering. A hundred and ten dollars a week." She paused. "Of which you'll keep sixty."

"What?" Sharon said.

"That's half," Miss Thornton said. "You'll bring the other half along with you every Monday, when you report to me."

"A kickback?" Sharon said.

"You might call it that," Miss Thornton said. "It'll be quite a comedown for you, modeling ready-to-wear, won't it?" She smiled. "I understand you used to make fifty dollars an hour, modeling in the nude."

"I did lingerie and hosiery."

"Just another way of selling your body," Miss Thornton said, her eyes roving over Sharon from breasts to knees and back again. "And probably doing a little whoring along with it, too."

Sharon started to say something, then caught herself. She was in a mistress-slave relationship with this woman, and would be for the next two years.

"Too bad you had to get so greedy," Miss Thornton said. "Tell me, Sharon. Whatever possessed you to go in for something as stupid as armed robbery?"

"Nothing possessed me. I never..."

"Oh, but you did. You were driving the getaway car. You waited while your boyfriend went inside and..."

"I didn't know what he was going to do. I had no idea he..."

"Oh, of course not."

"It's true!"

"You were convicted, weren't you? Four witnesses saw him run out of that jewelry shop and get in your car, didn't they? And what about that necklace and bracelet the detectives found in your apartment? They were part of the loot, weren't they?"

"Yes, but..."

"Yes, but nothing. Hell, even your boyfriend swore you..."

"He would have sworn to anything. He knew that if they tried a woman for the same crime, he'd have a better chance. He and his lawyer thought the judge and jury would go easier on him if I was being tried along with him."

"Well, of course. You were willing to share the loot, weren't you? Why shouldn't you share the penalty?"

"And he wasn't my boyfriend, Miss Thornton. I hardly even knew him. He was a friend of a girl I knew."

"He told a different story."

Sharon sighed and turned to look out the window. "What's the point in talking about it?" she said.

"That little platinum friend of yours is a lesbian," Miss Thornton said. "Right?"

"What makes you say that?"

"And so are you."


"I heard what you were saying after you got out of her car."

"Whether either of us is a lesbian or not is none of your concern, Miss Thornton."

"I just might make it my concern. You rub me the wrong way just once, girl, and you're going to be in for an ugly surprise."

"There's nothing i*****l about lesbianism, Miss Thornton."

"Maybe not. But there's plenty i*****l about contributing to the delinquency of a minor."

"What's that got to do with it?"

"A lot. You let me catch you fooling around with any little girls, and you'll find out."

Sharon sat looking straight ahead. A very pretty girl was crossing the street, and a sudden gust of wind sent her skirt billowing up about her waist, revealing powder-blue bikini panties with narrow yellow edging. The panties were exactly like the ones she'd bought for Vickie on a whim just a week before she'd been arrested, Sharon remembered. Vickie had been so pleased that she'd worn them, and nothing else, around the apartment all evening. Wonderful little Vickie -- as delighted as a c***d, over something that had cost less than five dollars.

"You have your copy of the Conditions of Parole with you?" Miss Thornton said.


"And we understand each other about your salary at Chumley's?"


"And you do know I can send you back to a cell any time I choose, don't you? I have only to say you've violated one or another of the articles of your parole. It doesn't matter how minor the infraction is. In fact, there doesn't even have to be an infraction. All that's necessary is for me to say there's been one. You understand me, Sharon?"


"Because I don't have to prove a thing. It's my word against yours -- and you know which one they'll take. I can arrest you myself, or ask to have you apprehended, and have you back in prison within the hour." She paused. "And there's nothing in the world you can do about it. Absolutely nothing."

"I know," Sharon said.

"Just see you don't forget it," Miss Thornton said, reaching into her handbag. "Here's my card. My home address is on it too, you'll notice. I'll expect you at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"At your home, you mean?"

"I just said as much, didn't I?"

"But why?"

"What's the matter? Don't you like surprises?"

"I just..."

"And make damn sure you're wearing something under your dress for once. I have respectable neighbors, you know." She nodded toward the door on Sharon's side of the car. "That's all for now. I've kept you from your little blond chippy long enough."

Sharon opened the door and started to get out.

"And Sharon," Miss Thornton said, her metallic voice pitched a little lower than it had been.

"Yes?" Sharon said.

"I hear you've been threatening to make trouble. They say you've sworn you're going to get your case reopened." She paused, her green eyes narrowing slightly. "Let me promise you something, Sharon. The first step you make in that direction will be your last. The day you even look like you're going to rock the boat will be the sorriest day of your life."


"Shut up! I've listened to enough lying for one day, God knows. Get out of this car."


When Vickie opened the door to Sharon's knock, she was entirely nude except for enormous gold hoop earrings and a pair of absurdly high heels.

The sheer beauty of the pink-white body with the jutting, coral-tipped breasts and the little pale-gold delta caused Sharon to catch her breath.

Vickie dropped to her knees in front of her, raised the hem of her skirt, and planted a long kiss on the lips of her cunt.

"There!" she said, jumping to her feet again. "Welcome home, darling!"

Sharon suddenly felt as if she were going to cry. She hadn't cried once during that entire endless year in prison, but now it was all she could do to keep back the tears.

"What's wrong?" Vickie said.

"I don't know," Sharon said. "It's just being home again, I guess."

"You need a drink," Vickie said, taking Sharon's arm and turning her in the direction of the couch. "Parole regulations or no parole regulations."

"I think you're right," Sharon said. "And not just one, either."

There was a pitcher and two brimming martini glasses on the cocktail table. Vickie picked up the glasses and handed one to Sharon. "We'd better sit down before we try these," she said. "They're pretty potent."

They sat down on the couch together, thigh to thigh.

"Of course, this is going to take the taste of you out of my mouth," Vickie said as she raised her glass. "We can always remedy that."

"And not tomorrow or the next day, either. I've never been so horny for you, Sharon. Honest."

Sharon laughed, and put her hand down between Vickie's legs. "Why, I declare," she said. "You are horny, aren't you?"

"You better stop," Vickie said. "I'm giving you fair warning. If you mean to finish that drink, you'd better stop right now."

"I'll just leave it there," Sharon said. "On the outside. All right?"

"Ummm," Vickie said. "There goes that fountain again."

Sharon sampled her martini, then drank until her glass was half-empty.

"Hey!" Vickie said. "Take it easy."

"That parole officer shook me up a little," Sharon said.

"A woman like that would shake anybody up. What'd she want, anyhow?"

"She just wanted to straighten me out on a few things."

"Like what?"

"It seems I have to give her half my salary at Chumley's."

"You're k**ding!"

"I wish I were. She also wants me to be at her apartment tomorrow afternoon."

"But I was going to take you shopping."

"Not any more, I'm afraid." She finished her drink and took her hand from between Vickie's legs long enough to pour another.

"What was her name again?" Vickie said.

"Thornton. Joyce Thornton."

"She visit you in prison, or what?"

"Yes. She was there just once, for about five minutes."

"Well, she looks like an old bulldyke to me. She's got muscles all over her."

"I don't think so," Sharon said, settling back with her drink and putting her hand on Vickie's pussy again. "I got the impression she hates women."

"Or maybe it's just when they're so pretty," Vickie said. "Anyhow, she's a monster, dyke or no dyke. I never saw such a horse in my life."

"She warned me not to try to get my case reopened."

"It'd be hopeless, Sharon. You know that. Even your lawyer said so."

"It's ruined my life, Vickie. I'll have it hanging over me till the day I die."

"But there's nothing you can do about it, darling."

"Maybe not," Sharon said. "But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try." She sipped at her drink, remembering...

It had been a glorious day, very warm for May, and she could recall exactly what she had been wearing and the unusually good mood she'd been in. She'd been getting into her car in front of the apartment house when Mark Haley had come out and asked if she'd mind if he rode downtown with her. As they'd approached the Arcade, he'd asked her to wait while he ran inside to pick up a package at one of the stores. Five minutes later he'd been back, carrying a flat, black-fiber box.

There'd been nothing at all to indicate that anything was wrong. He'd seemed completely normal, alternately drumming on the box with his fingertips and making jokes, teasing her a little now and then, as if he couldn't quite decide whether he ought to make an all-out pass at her. She'd let him out on the corner of Lambert and Courtney Avenue, and driven on to her appointment in the Biedler Building.

And then, late that same night, Mark had...

"You're brooding about it, aren't you?" Vickie said.

"It's hard not to," Sharon said.

"You're only punishing yourself this way, baby," Vickie said, raising her hand to cup Sharon's breast. "You didn't have a thing to do with it, and everybody knows it."

"That's just it," Sharon said. "Nobody knows it. Only you and Mark Haley, Vickie."

"Wherever he is," Vickie said. She leaned forward to put her empty glass on the coffee table. "It's all so terrible," she said softly. "Let's don't talk about it any more. Please, darling. It's only upsetting you -- and me too."

Sharon took a long swallow of her martini, then set her glass down beside Vickie's and got to her feet.

"You're right," she said, smiling. "It's absolutely not the way to celebrate a homecoming, is it?"

Vickie laughed. "No," she said, getting up quickly. "There's really only one way to do that, baby."

"Oh?" Sharon said. "And just what did you have in mind?"

Vickie took her by the hand and started for the bedroom. "You'll soon find out," she said in a husky voice.

Everything in the room was, still the same, Sharon noted with relief as she reached down for the hem of her dress, and then wondered vaguely why that should be so important. The same satin throw on the big circular bed. The same satyrs pursuing the same nymphs across the wall-to-wall d****s. The same twin dressing tables with the theatrical make-up mirrors. And Vickie's enormous panda in the chair by her side of the bed. The panda would still smell of Vickie's perfume and pussy, Sharon reflected, smiling, as she drew her dress over her head. Vickie had a habit of locking the panda between her legs and rubbing her breasts and cunt against it till she came.

"Hurry," Vickie said now as Sharon stepped out of her shoes. She was sitting on the side of the bed, rubbing a nipple between thumb and forefinger.

"I want to put some cologne on first," Sharon said.

"Never mind," Vickie said. "You're perfumy enough as it is. And besides, the natural flavor's nicer, anyhow."

"Just as you say," Sharon said, and walked over to the bed. "Now if you'll be so kind as to arrange yourself in the proper position..."

"No," Vickie said. "I want to do you first, Sharon."

Sharon laughed. "Listen. Whose homecoming is this, anyhow? I've been waiting for this a whole year, honey."

Vickie pushed her lower lip out in a pout. "I don't care," she said. "I've just got to suck it. Right now."

"We could do each other at the same time, if you want."

"Oh, no you don't! I don't want anything to distract me."

"Like my tongue, for instance?"

"No preliminaries?"

"Well, sure, preliminaries. I didn't say anything about not wanting any appetizers, did I?"

"I thought you wanted to start right out sucking my pussy. But now you..."

"Oh, stop teasing," Vickie said, pulling Sharon down on the bed. "You just spread your pretties out there for me, and be still."

Sharon lay down on her back and stretched her arms up behind her head. "All right?" she said.

"Oh, God," Vickie said, lying down on her side next to her. "I'm already about to cum, and I haven't even had the first taste of you."

Sharon closed her eyes, because she knew that -- for some reason -- Vickie preferred her to. And by the same token, she lay completely still, just as Vickie had always insisted she do while she tongue-bathed her or sucked her pussy.

She felt Vickie's warm breath on her face, and then the tip of a moist little tongue fluttered against her parted lips for a few moments. Then Vickie began to lick Sharon's lips slowly, first the upper and then the lower, then the upper again -- slowly, drawing the smooth-rough surface of her own tongue from one side to the other and back again, pausing for an instant at the corners of Sharon's mouth.

Sharon felt her nipples begin to quicken, and the tickle between her legs told her her juice had already begun to flow. She had an almost uncontrollable urge to suck Vickie's tongue into her mouth, but she resisted it, knowing Vickie would rather she didn't. Even that distracted her, Vickie had said. When she and Sharon were merely kissing, in between serious love bouts, Vickie enjoyed having her tongue sucked as much as Sharon did. But when Vickie had set out to really do Sharon's entire body, she wanted her to be completely motionless. Why that should be, Sharon didn't know. But whatever pleased Vickie pleased her as well; and so, although the desire for Vickie's tongue was causing her mouth to water, she lay still and kept her own tongue pressed hard against her lower teeth.

Vickie's lips brushed across Sharon's cheek and came to rest against her ear. The questing tongue, very pointed now, explored the lobe, then, moving in little circles, pushed itself into the opening.

Sharon moaned.

"Shh," Vickie said, and made her tongue flutter in Sharon's ear as softly as the wings of a butterfly. She did it for such a long time that Sharon, unable to bear it any longer, finally moved her head slightly.

"Lie still, damnit," Vickie said, and brushed her lips along the ridge of Sharon's jaw and then down to the hollow of her throat. Sharon thought that from there she would move to a breast. Instead, she began to lick the damp, exquisitely sensitive concavity of her armpit, moving her tongue in ever-increasing concentric spirals until she reached the outer bulge of her breast.

Sharon knew her throbbing nipples must be swollen to twice their normal size, and she could feel the juice from her pussy crawling down the crack of her ass. It took every particle of her will-power to lie still, but when Vickie's tongue moved up along the curve of her breast and brushed across her nipple, she could not repress another moan.

"Shh," Vickie said again, and drew Sharon's nipple into her mouth.

Sharon had been aware of the aroma rising from between her legs for some moments now, but suddenly it seemed to grow stronger. She'd always enjoyed her own scent, and she inhaled deeply. But it hadn't really grown more pronounced all at once, she realized; it had merely been augmented by Vickie's wonderful little smell. Vickie's was subtly different from her own, and the blending of the two in her nostrils was heavenly.

Vickie suddenly sat up. "I can't wait," she said. "I'm sorry, honey. I've just got to suck your cunt."

Sharon opened her eyes for the first time. "I can't wait any longer either, Vickie," she said.

Vickie crawled off the bed. "But I want you to put your legs over the side," she said. "I can get to you better. Hurry, Sharon."

Sharon moved over to the side of the bed, put her feet on the floor, and spread her knees as far as she could.

"Something like this?"

"Oh, yes," Vickie said, sitting down on the floor between Sharon's legs. "Yes. Oh, God, that looks good." She leaned, forward and ran the tip of her tongue the length of Sharon's small pink slit. "And it tastes so good!"

Sharon watched as Vickie gently opened the wet lips with her fingers and put her mouth on the trembling little clitoris.

"Oh, Vickie," she said as the other girl began to suck at the clitoral button with her teeth. "Vickie!" If there was one thing in the world that would drive her completely out of her mind, she knew, it was the way Vickie sucked her clit. Time after time, Vickie had made her cum that way in less than a minute. And she didn't want to cum just yet; she wanted the feel of Vickie's expert tongue in her cunt for a few moments first. "Push it up me, Vickie," she breathed. "Way up inside, Vickie."

Vickie's eyes smiled up at her through their long, long lashes, now clumped in little dark spikes, wet with Sharon's love juice. "Then spread it apart for me," she said. "I can go deeper that way."

Sharon reached down with both hands and pulled the lips of her cunt to either side, pausing only when she knew that, if she spread them further, something might tear. The sight of the dripping, wide-open folds of her pussy excited her, and she watched with fascination as Vickie did what she always did at a time like this, because she knew Sharon loved to watch her do it.

Instead of burying her face in Sharon's cunt and then pushing her tongue up her cunt, she first extended her tongue, eyes still smiling up at Sharon as the pink wedge slipped out little by little until it protruded almost three inches beyond her lips.

And it was only then, with her tongue firm and pointed, vibrating ever so slightly, that she began to push it, very slowly, into Sharon's cunt.

But now Vickie suddenly withdrew her tongue and looked up at Sharon mischievously. "Boy, are you ever juicy!" she said, laughing.

"You put your tongue back in there," Sharon said.

"Can't you spread the lips a little more? The deeper I can get my face between them, the further up I can put my tongue."

"I've got them as far apart as I can," Sharon said. "For heaven's sake, Vickie! Put that pretty little thing back in there!"

Vickie put her head between Sharon's legs again, ran her tongue out to its full length, and pressed her cheeks into the slippery folds of Sharon's wide-open pussy.

"Oh, God," Sharon sighed as she felt the long pink wedge forcing its way into her vagina. "Oh, God, Vickie..."

Up and up Vickie's tongue went -- until, to Sharon's astonishment, the tip touched the neck of her womb.

Vickie jerked her head back, smiling up at Sharon with surprised delight. "Sharon!" she cried, her lovely face glistening with cunt juice, "I did it! I got it all the way up to your womb!"

"I know it, angel," Sharon said. "Oh, how I know it!"

"Think how many times I've tried to do that," Vickie said. "Hundreds of times. And now I... Sharon, the juice is simply pouring out of you. I mean it. It's just like putting your tongue beneath a faucet."

Sharon took one hand from her pussy and reached down to run her fingers through Vickie's silver-blond hair. "You little darling," she said softly. "Oh, how I wish I could tongue you like that."

"I've been practicing for months," Vickie said happily. "Every chance I got, I'd make a little circle with my thumb and forefinger and stick my tongue in it. I'd pretend it was your pussy, and I'd imagine it smelled like you and tasted like you."

Sharon cupped Vickie's chin with her palm. "You're adorable," she said. "What a sweet little thing to do."

"I was determined to be able to lick your womb," Vickie said. "I wanted it to be a surprise for you when you got out. I had my heart set on it."

"Darling little Vickie..."

"And now I can. I really can!" She put her head between Sharon's legs. "Pull the lips apart again, baby."

For the next few minutes, Sharon was conscious of nothing but the thrusting tongue in her cunt. At the completion of every four or five thrusts, Vickie would push her tongue to the very bottom of Sharon's pussy and draw the tip around and around the blunt cone of Sharon's womb. Then she would force the neck of the womb open and spear her tongue into the tiny, flooding mouth.

Sharon had never experienced anything even remotely like it. She sat, drinking in the heady aroma of cunt, listening to the soft, sticky sounds as Vickie sucked her, feeling the widening pool of cunt juice spreading out beneath her hips. On the floor between her legs, Vickie had slipped a finger into her slit and was frigging herself wildly.

Sharon, realizing that Vickie's face was so securely embedded in the folds of her cunt that she no longer needed to hold the lips apart, reached down with both hands and drew the bobbing blond head even harder against her. Then, recalling one of Vickie's special delights, she pushed a cunt-wet fingertip into each of Vickie's ears, rotating the tips until she heard Vickie begin to make choked little mewlings of pleasure.

Putting her fingers in Vickie's ears must have reminded the other girl of one of Sharon's own delights, she knew, because now she felt Vickie's forefinger rubbing around and around the ring of her anus. She raised her legs a little, so that Vickie could probe her ass more easily, and felt the first joint of Vickie's finger slide into her asshole. The second joint followed slowly, then the third, and now Vickie was running her finger in and out of Sharon's ass in exact time with the thrusts of her tongue in her cunt.

It was too much for Sharon. Suddenly, without warning, she began to cum.

"Vickie!" she cried, writhing from side to side. "Vickie, I'm cuming!"

Vickie redoubled her efforts, throwing her arms around Sharon's hips as she withdrew her tongue and finger from cunt and ass and glued her burning lips to Sharon's spasming clitoris -- sucking so hard that for a moment Sharon thought she was going to suck her pussy inside out.

The flooding warmth of Sharon's first orgasm had no sooner exploded in her thoroughly tongued cunt than she felt another form somewhere deep within her and rush toward fulfillment. She fell back on the bed, her body heaving in a transport of ecstasy, cuming again and again as Vickie sucked her cunt tirelessly, harder and harder, as if determined to extract every last honeyed drop of juice from Sharon's body.

She came until the separate orgasms melded into one unending orgasm of such overwhelming intensity that she knew she could not endure it another second and still retain her sanity. Vickie had almost literally sucked her out of her mind.

She raised up, still in the throes of the violent orgasm, and put her hands on Vickie's sweat-moist shoulders and pushed her away.

"Stop, Vickie!" she gasped. "Stop it!"

Vickie's huge amber eyes, dark now with passion, looked up at her, surprised. "What's wrong?" she said.

"I just can't stand it anymore. It's just too good, darling."

Vickie smiled, and wiped the juice from her mouth with the back of her hand. "How many times did you cum?"

"God, I don't know. A dozen at least."

"I thought so. I thought for a while there at the last I was going to drown. The juice was practically spurting out of you, baby."

"I thought everything was coming out," Sharon said. She reached down, put her palms beneath Vickie's elbows, and drew her to her feet. "That was wonderful, darling. It was the best time ever." She leaned forward to lick a droplet of sweat from Vickie's navel. "And now it's your turn."

"Oh, boy," Vickie said, starting off toward the bathroom at a run. "Wait'll you taste the new flavor I sent off for."

"Vickie!" Sharon said.

Vickie paused. "What?"

"If you put any more of that raspberry stuff in your pussy, I'll..."

"Oh, this doesn't go in me. It goes on me. You'll love it, Sharon."

"I can still remember that awful raspberry taste," Sharon said. "Ugh! And that lime you tried the next night wasn't any better. Your cunt didn't taste right for a week."

Vickie laughed. "Well, don't worry, honey. I'd never try anything like that again."

"You'd better not. You could never improve on the taste of your pussy in a million years."

"It's a real old-fashioned flavor," Vickie said as she hurried into the bathroom. "Just wait'll you try it."

Sharon glanced down at herself. She was glistening wet from just beneath her navel all the way down to her knees. And her hips were drenched, she knew; she could feel them cling to the satin throw for a moment as she got to her feet.

She went over to the linen closet, took down a large fluffy towel from the shelf, and dried herself thoroughly, drawing a roll of the towel between her legs to sponge the juice from her pussy and the crack in her ass.

Then, while she waited for Vickie to do whatever ridiculous thing she was doing in the bathroom, she crossed to the clothes closet and looked inside. All her clothing was there, just as she had left it, except for a few things in plastic bags, which she knew Vickie had been thoughtful enough to send to the cleaners for her. She fingered the pleats of a skirt for a moment, trying to remember whether she'd ever worn it.

She'd have no problem with clothes for a while, she decided. Everything was at least a year old now, but it was all of the best quality, and most of it had been a little ahead of the fashions when she'd bought it. There wasn't a single garment she'd be uncomfortable about wearing out on the street this very moment.

Her underclothes would be in good order too, she thought as she walked to her dresser and opened a drawer. But she had a desire to look at them. After a year of the coarse monstrosities that passed for underwear in prison, she could hardly wait for the feel of something truly feminine. Something silky-smooth to caress her skin, to slither sensuously between her body and her dress.

But as she looked down at the neat little stacks of mini-slips and bikini panties and wispy bras, the air in the room suddenly grew chill.

It had been in that same drawer, beneath her pink chemise, that the detectives had found the necklace and bracelet. She could remember how one of the detectives had held them up in turn, watching them glitter in the wash of light from the wall fixture, and then look knowingly at his partner. Then they had turned to look at her -- big men, impeccably dressed men, men who had seen it all and knew it all, men who were neither kind nor unkind but merely police officers doing a job.

She had tried to explain. Mark Haley had given them to her, she had said.

"We know that, Miss," the older of the two detectives had said. He had been heavy-set, with a flat, almost expressionless face and thick dark hair graying at the temples. "What we want to know is why."

"You said you hardly knew him," the other detective had said. He had been taller, with sandy hair and old-young eyes that had seemed never to blink, "Why would a man you hardly knew give you diamonds?" It had been the last time he had spoken to Sharon directly during the entire time he was in the apartment.

"They aren't diamonds," Sharon had said. "They're zircons."

"They're diamonds," the heavy-set detective said. "About ten grand worth."

"They can't be. Mark said..."

"They're the genuine article. Why'd he give them to you?"

"I don't know. He liked me, I suppose. He wanted to..."

"Make out with you?"

"I don't know why else. But he told me they were only zircons. Otherwise, I'd never have accepted them."

"Sure. When'd he give them to you?"

The other detective had moved away a few feet, and now he stood with folded arms, running his eyes slowly up and down Sharon's body as coolly and dispassionately as if he had been appraising an a****l in an auction ring. She was wearing a thin, diaphanous robe -- not much more than a pale green mist, really -- and for the first time in her life she knew what it was to be embarrassed by a man's gaze.

"I said, when did he give them to you?" the heavy-set detective said.

"Last night."

"Did you know the jewelry store in the Arcade was robbed yesterday?"


"Did you know these pieces were from that robbery?"


"Very good, Miss Palmer. You register surprise very well."

"But I..."

"You drove Haley to the Arcade. You waited for him at the curb. You drove him away after he pulled the robbery." He paused. "Haley didn't give those pieces to you. You earned them."

"What do you mean?"

"We're tired, Miss Palmer. Both of us. We've been hitting this case ever since yesterday afternoon. We're not going to play games with you."

"I don't know what you're..."

"How much more of the stuff have you got around here?"


"We'll see. Jake, start tossing the place, okay?" He turned back to Sharon. "Did you know driving that car for Haley makes you just as guilty as he is?"

"Oh, for heaven's sake! I merely gave him a ride downtown. He said he wanted to pick up a..."

"Get dressed."

"Where are we going?"

"Downtown -- but not to the Arcade."

"This is all a terrible mistake. I didn't have anything to..."

"Get dressed, please."

From that moment on, Sharon's life had been one long nightmare. There had been a confrontation at the precinct house with Mark Haley, who had sworn she'd been his accomplice in the robbery. There'd been a night in the county jail, and a hearing the next morning, and a magistrate who had set her bail so high it had been impossible for her to meet it.

When she had come to trial, it had been alone. Mark Haley had made bail -- and disappeared. Only a gifted lawyer, an unambitious district attorney and a skeptical judge had made the difference between the five-to-ten-year sentence she might have received and the one-to-three she had actually been given. The jury -- nine of them women, and all nine hating Sharon on sight -- had voted for the maximum term. But the judge, although forced to impose sentence, had in this state the power to reduce it. He had exercised that power, giving Sharon the shortest possible time he could under the state statutes.

It had been several days after her arrest before she had learned why Mark Haley had involved her in the robbery. He'd done it for insurance, her lawyer had told her. It was a common practice. A male criminal knew that if he were caught and tried, his chances were better if he had a female accomplice who could be tried along with him. Judges and juries tended to be less severe when a woman was involved, her lawyer had said, unless a majority of the jury and the judge happened themselves to be women. Therefore, Mark Haley had planted part of the jewelry with Sharon, knowing that possession of it would be strong evidence of her guilt. Once sure that he had been neither identified nor suspected, however, he would have returned and recovered the jewelry -- one way or another.

Now, as Sharon looked down into the drawer of lingerie, she could remember those first terrifying minutes with the two detectives as if it were yesterday. She closed the drawer slowly, thinking -- then suddenly turned and walked out to the front room to pour another martini.

Vickie was right, she knew. She was only punishing herself this way. She was going to do all she could to right the terrible wrong that had been done her; that was certain. But in between times, she was going to live. She had a whole year's sexing to catch up with -- and the one person in all the world most capable of helping her do it was at this very moment making her body even more delectable in the bathroom.

She drank the martini from brim to bottom without stopping. Then she went back to the bedroom and sat down on the edge of the big circular bed, waiting for Vickie.

The bathroom door opened in a few moments, and Vickie ran over to her, huge amber eyes bright with excitement.

"Just wait till you taste me!" she said as she stepped between Sharon's knees and thrust her tilted breasts close to Sharon's face.

Sharon leaned forward, grasped the smooth firm globes of Vickie's ass in either hand, and sucked a rosy nipple into her mouth.

"Peaches," she said.

"Not just peaches," Vickie said with c***dlike pleasure. "Peaches and cream. It tastes different than just peaches alone, Sharon."

"So it does," Sharon said, moving her mouth over to Vickie's other nipple, now already visibly swelling. "It's delicious, Vickie."

"And I taste that way all over," Vickie said. "Every inch. Even my toes." She shivered. "Oh, I just can't wait for you to lick it all off me, Sharon."

"That makes two of us," Sharon said as she lay back and pulled Vickie down on the bed with her.


The next morning, wearing a yellow shirtwaist dress and with twenty dollars borrowed from Vickie in her handbag, Sharon took a cab to the Ainsley Arms. Elaine Woodward, Mark Haley's former girl friend, lived there now, Vickie had said, and Sharon was very anxious to talk to her. At the time he had robbed the jewelry store, Mark had shared an apartment with Elaine in the same building with Sharon and Vickie, but Elaine had moved out shortly after Sharon's and Mark's arrest. Whether Elaine would be able or willing to help her, Sharon didn't know. But her quest had to begin somewhere, and she had decided it would be with Elaine.

Sharon pushed the buzzer beside the door of 4B, waited half a minute, and was just about to buzz again when the door was suddenly jerked all the way open.

What she saw was so startling that she took an involuntary step backward. The beautiful redhead who stood there was completely naked, her pussy covered with, a thick mound of white foam, from which tiny bubbles escaped to waft upward past the gentle swell of the pink-white belly.

"Sharon! My God! I thought you were Walt!"

"Hello, Elaine," Sharon said as she closed the door behind her. She gestured toward the foam. "What in the world is that?"

Elaine glanced down at herself, and laughed. "Walt's been after me to shave my cunt," she said. "I was just starting to when you buzzed. I thought you were Walt, you see, and I figured he'd get a kick out of seeing it this way."

Sharon smiled. "It's really rather fetching," she said.

Elaine came close to kiss her on the cheek. "Gee, it's good to see you, sweetie. When'd you get out?"


"Well, prison sure didn't hurt your looks any. You're prettier than ever."

"Thank you."

"In fact, you look good enough to eat." She raised one eyebrow questioningly.

Sharon laughed. "Some other time, maybe."

"That's what you kept saying all the time we lived in the same building."

"Did I?"

"You know you did. I never got to go down on you even once. Hell, you'd never even let me taste a titty."

Sharon smiled, a little at a loss for words. She'd hoped to avoid this sort of thing with Elaine -- which was the reason she'd worn the rather prim shirtwaist dress with the hem that came down almost to her knees. It wasn't that she didn't like Elaine or find her desirable. It was the reputation Elaine had for being too rough with her lovemaking. Girls who shared Elaine's bed had a habit of leaving it with love bites on their breasts and thighs and stomachs and hips that left red, telltale teeth marks for a week or more. And the same girls were likely to have sore cunts and asses for the same length of time -- the result of Elaine's violent way with her fingers in those orifices.

"You'd better shave your pussy before that lather dries," Sharon said, figuring the sooner she got Elaine's mind on other things the better. "I can talk to you through the bathroom door just as well."

"You can talk to me in the bathroom," Elaine said. "You think I've suddenly gone modest or something?"

In the bathroom, Elaine sat down on the side of the tub, picked up the safety razor she had placed there, and spread her legs. Sharon stood leaning against the doorjamb, watching her.

"Who's this Walt you mentioned?" she said.

Elaine drew a slow, careful swath through the foam. Little red curls coiled around the razor and dropped to the floor. "My husband," she said.

"You're married?"

"And how. Four months now."


"He's got a cock like a horse. I mean it. It was three nights before I could even get the head in my cunt. And that was trying all night, every night, too."

Sharon laughed.

"It isn't funny," Elaine said. "It still takes me two or three minutes to get it in. And just as soon as I do, and get all set to fuck, he goes off like a cannon. He cums by the cupful, that boy."

"Sounds like every girl's dream."

Elaine smiled up at her, her gray eyes amused. "I thought you were strictly a girl's girl, Sharon."

"I am -- most of the time."

"But sometimes you still get an urge for a nice stiff prick, hmmm?"


"I mean, just for the pure hell of it? Just for a change of pace, now and then?"

"Something like that, I suppose."

"Damnit," Elaine said, looking down between her legs. "Now I've got it all shaved off except right around the lips. And this is just where I always get so nervous. I'm afraid I'll slip a little." She brushed some of the lather away. "See?"

"It's pretty provocative, Elaine. Why don't you just leave it that way?"

"Because Walt would throw a fit, that's why. He wants it completely denuded, he says." She paused. "Sharon, would you do it for me?" She extended the razor. "Please?"

"It might make me nervous too," Sharon said.

"Then what?"

"How could it? It's my pussy, after all. Please, Sharon. I really appreciate it, honey."

Sharon hesitated a moment, then reluctantly took the razor and got down on one knee between Elaine's legs.

"Maybe you'd better take off your dress first," Elaine said coyly. "I wouldn't want you to get any lather on it."

Sharon ignored her. That's all it would take, she reflected. Elaine would take one look at her in her transparent bra and tiny bikini panties and thigh-high nylons -- and completely lose control.

She looked at the pink slit with its ring of red-gold hair for a moment, realizing suddenly that there was no way to shave it without spreading the lips. And what that would do to Elaine was not hard to imagine.

Still, she had no choice. With the fingertips of her left hand she pushed the lips of Elaine's cunt apart and began to move the razor in short, cautious strokes. Almost at once, Elaine's juice began to seep out around her fingers, and a moment later she became acutely aware of the other girl's perfume.

By the time she had finished shaving one side and had shifted the razor to her other hand, her own juice had begun to flow, and she could feel her nipples trying to punch through the skin-tight bra. And although she tried hard not to, she found herself inhaling more and more deeply of the exciting aroma that rose from between Elaine's long, tapering legs.

"Oh, what you're doing to me," Elaine said, breathing fast. "Put your fingers in there a little while, sweetie." She had begun to rock from hip to hip, unable to sit still.

"Don't move around so much," Sharon said. "This is ticklish work."

"It couldn't tickle better, believe me."

"You'll make me nick you if you don't sit still."

"I can hardly stand it, Sharon. I mean it. Please put your fingers up there. Just for a second or two. All right?"

"No," Sharon said. "I've finished with your pussy now. There're only a few tiny little wisps around your ass."

"Leave them."

"It'll only take a second. But move out a little further so I can get to them."

"Is that far enough?"

"Yes." She ran the razor very slowly around Elaine's asshole, and then moved it all the way back in the other direction. "There," she said, putting the razor down on the edge of the tub, "Just as bare as the day you were born."

"Aren't you going to dry me?"

Sharon took a towel from the wall rack beside her and quickly sponged the remaining lather from Elaine's pussy and ass.

"Kiss it just once?" Elaine said, "Please, Sharon. Just a little quickie kiss?" She arched her back, which made her nude pussy raise slightly, and smiled at Sharon through her lashes. "Please?"

In spite of herself, Sharon was tempted. The juicy pink slit with its swollen lips and delicate perfume was almost more than she could resist. It looked and smelled so delicious that she felt her mouth begin to water.

But then she forced herself to think about the girls with their love-bites and too-thoroughly-frigged vaginas, and she got to her feet.

Elaine sighed. "Well, if you won't you won't," she said, and reached down to open the lips of her cunt with her fingertips. "God, that looks good. I'd kiss it myself if I could get to it."

Sharon laughed and turned toward the door. "I'll wait for you in the living room."

God, that was close, Sharon reflected as she sat down in a sling chair opposite the couch. She ought to have known better than to fool around with Elaine's pussy in the first place. Her own pussy was burning and itching terribly, and her panties felt as if they were dripping wet. She raised her hips slightly and drew her dress up beneath her so that her juice wouldn't soak through that too.

Elaine came in, belting a long shimmery robe about her. But the robe was so thin that it somehow made her seem more naked than ever. Her nipples were pouting dark cones beneath the clinging nylon, and when she sat down on the couch across from Sharon, the robe parted all the way up to her waist and fell away to either side, revealing all of the voluptuous body beneath the belt.

Sharon glanced at the alluring gap beneath the other girl's denuded mound, and then away. I wish she'd cross her legs, she thought.

"Well," Elaine said, reaching up to brush back a strand of hair from her forehead. "Now we can talk."

"We can if you pull your robe together," Sharon said.

Elaine looked at her with mock surprise. "Does it bother you?"

"I'm only human, after all."

Elaine smiled and drew one side of the robe over her lap. "That better?"

Sharon crossed her legs. "I thought maybe you might be able to help me, Elaine," she said.


"I don't know just how, but I'm going to clear my name." She took a deep breath. "You'll probably think I'm crazy to even try it. But it's just something I have to do. After all, I've got to live with myself the rest of my life."

Elaine nodded slowly. "I've always felt a little guilty about that," she said. "About introducing you to Mark Haley, I mean. If I'd even dreamed he was the kind of man he was..."

"I know," Sharon said. "You aren't responsible for anything at all, Elaine. But I had to start somewhere. All I can do is talk to people, and maybe..." She broke off for a moment. "I know it must sound insane, but somehow I'm going..."

"It's insane -- and dangerous," Elaine said. "Take my advice, sweetie. Forget it."

"I can't. Ever."

"All hell's about to break loose, Sharon. If you're not careful, you'll be right in the middle of it."


"I would have warned you anyhow -- whether you brought it up or not. I wouldn't want to see you get hurt, Sharon."

"What are you talking about?"

Elaine studied her for a moment. "I saw Mark Haley two nights ago," she said. "For the first time since he skipped bail."


"Right here. As soon as I saw who it was, I tried to slam the door in his face. But he got his foot in it and shoved his way inside. My husband wasn't here, and it scared the hell out of me."

"What'd he want?"

"He was just horny, probably. But he was so drunk he forgot about it. He was raving about what he was going to do to the people who had double-crossed him on that jewelry store robbery." She paused. "He was here pretty near an hour, and I don't think he stopped talking once."

"What did he say about the robbery?"

"Well, he didn't say anything directly, you know. It was just bits and pieces. Then he'd go on to something else. But he'd come back to it. And after a while I could sort of put two and two together."

"But what did he say, Elaine?"

"Well, first of all, I think that girl in the jewelry store was in on it. The girl clerk."

"Peggy Campbell?"

"If that's her name. He didn't mention it. But anyhow, he hinted around that she set it up."


"By telling Mark when the owner would be out of the shop for a while. And by having all the right stones and pieces waiting for him when he walked in. And by telling the police he had a stocking over his head, so she couldn't identify him."

"Peggy Campbell," Sharon said thoughtfully. "I saw her two or three times, while they were questioning people at the police station. A real sweet-faced, innocent-looking little thing."

"Is she? Well, she's also a parolee -- or she was at the time of the robbery. Aggravated assault, I think Mark said."

"That girl? Aggravated assault?"

"I gathered she didn't want to set it up. She had to."


"Her parole officer made her. Mark said if she hadn't gone along, her parole officer would have sent her back to prison. The parole officer would have trumped up a violation of parole, he said. So the girl had no choice."

A terrible suspicion came to Sharon. "What was her parole officer's name?" she asked.

"He didn't say."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. He did say she made a habit of such things, though. I mean, forcing the girls under her to set up crimes." She paused. "And other things."

"Other things?"

"Well, he said she helped only the prettiest girls to get out on parole. I thought at first he meant she was a butch. But later I got the impression she wanted only the pretty ones so she could make them take part in orgies or something. I could be wrong, but that's the way it seemed to add up. Mark was almost falling-down drunk, remember. Half the time he didn't make any sense at all."

Elaine's robe had fallen away again, and now she put her hand between her legs, slipped a finger into her cunt, and began to frig herself slowly and deeply.

Sharon looked at the moist finger sliding in and out of the puffy lips with dismay.

"Elaine!" she said. "Stop that!"

"I'm sorry, sweetie," Elaine said, inserting another finger. "I've got a furnace in there. I've just got to have some relief."

"But I want to hear about Mark."

Elaine smiled and spread her legs a little wider. "I can talk and fingerfuck myself at the same time," she said. "You'll just have to listen without looking, honey."

Sharon looked away, trying not to hear the little sucking sounds Elaine's fingers made in the juicing pussy.

"You said Mark said something about people double-crossing him," she said. "What'd he mean by that?"

Elaine had begun to pant, and her voice was ragged. "That was the parole officer again. It had something to do with her fencing the jewels from the robbery. Or having them fenced -- I don't know which. Anyhow, Mark thought she gave him a lot less than he had coming to him." She moaned, and Sharon could hear the wet, sucking sounds of Elaine's pussy coming much faster now. She could also smell the intoxicating scent of the other girl again, and for a moment she considered moving to a chair a little further away, where she wouldn't be quite so disconcerted.

"The parole officer also held out on Peggy Campbell, apparently," Elaine went on, her voice husky and blurred with passion. "Mark was making threats about what he'd do if she didn't come up with the money she'd held out on him. He'd been on the run ever since he skipped bail, he said. But he couldn't get it out of his mind. And so he'd come back to even the score with her."

"I see," Sharon said. Trying to listen to Elaine's voice without at the same time listening to the fingers pistoning in her cunt was more than she could manage. And even though what Elaine was telling her was of such great importance to her, it was all she could do to refrain from slipping her own fingers into her own cunt and frigging herself just as hard and deep as Elaine was doing on the couch across from her.

"That's why I said all hell was about to break loose," Elaine said.

"I see what you mean," Sharon said. "You'd better lie low for a while, honey. Stirring things up just now could land you in an awful lot of trouble."

"What else did Mark say?"

"That's all. At feast about anything that might concern you."

"You're sure?"


Sharon shook her head, frowning. What irony, she reflected. Just when she'd finally begun to take some action to clear her name, Mark Haley had to come back to start trouble. It was almost too much to bear. The same man who had ruined her life had now set himself on a course that would make it more difficult than ever for her to do anything about it.

She sat very still, trying not to listen to the sounds coming from the couch, wondering what she ought to do. But the sounds were too exciting, and the scent was too enticing, and she found herself wholly unable to concentrate.

Suddenly the sounds stopped. "Sharon?" Elaine said.


"Please kiss my cunt a little, honey. I'm dying." Sharon started to look around at her, then caught herself. "No, Elaine," she said softly.

"Then let me suck yours," Elaine said. "Have a heart, honey. I've been crazy to go down on you ever since the first time I met you."

Sharon could keep her eyes off Elaine's pussy no longer. The inflamed lips were swollen to twice their size now, and the smooth, denuded mound glistened with cunt juice. Elaine's hand lay on her thigh, wet to the wrist.

"Please, Sharon," Elaine said, her beautiful gray eyes pleading. "I'll give you the best suck you ever had."

Sharon started to get up. "I think I'd better be going," she said.

"No!" Elaine said, jumping to her feet. "You can't!" She was standing directly in front of Sharon now, a hand outstretched as if to restrain her. "I won't let you."

Sharon smiled. "I really do have to leave, Elaine. I'm sorry, but..."

"Oh, no you don't!" Elaine said, and dropped to her knees in front of her. "Sharon! For God's sake, let me suck you."

"What's come over you?" Sharon said.

"You," Elaine said. "That's what's come over me." Suddenly she leaned forward, pushed Sharon's skirt up to the tops of her thighs, and began to lick the sleekly nyloned legs, first one and then the other.

Sharon put her hands on Elaine's shoulders and tried to push her away. But it was like pushing against a wall. For such a fragile, feminine-looking girl, Elaine was almost unbelievably strong.

"What are you doing?" Sharon said. "Stop that!"

For answer, Elaine moved her, mouth up the warm swell of Sharon's thigh to the two-inch expanse of bare, flesh between the top of her stocking and the taut bottom edge of her panties.

Sharon tried again to push her away -- with no more success than she'd had the first time. "Stop," she said. "Please stop, Elaine."

But Elaine seemed not to have heard, her broad tongue lapping up the juice that had seeped down below Sharon's bikini. Then she put her hands behind Sharon's hips and pulled her forward in the chair until her pussy was just over the edge.

Sharon put her knees together, but Elaine pried them apart and buried her head between her thighs again. This time, she put her mouth directly over Sharon's slit, forcing the nylon between the lips, with her tongue.

"Elaine..." Sharon began. "Elaine, don't..."

Elaine reached up beneath Sharon's skirt, caught the waistband of her panties with her fingertips, and drew them off in one quick, fluid motion.

"Why, you little bitch!" she said, laughing. "You're just as horny as I am. These panties are absolutely soaked." She tossed the panties aside. "Don't you want to take your dress off too, honey?"

"No," Sharon said.

Elaine smiled. "I'll bet you will a little later on," she said, and put her head between Sharon's thighs again.

Sharon watched Elaine licking the juice from her sable curls for a few moments, then sighed and closed her eyes. There was nothing she could do about this, she knew. She could only submit, and hope that Elaine didn't get so carried away that she began to bite. She took a deep breath, then another. The smell of her and Elaine's cunt was beginning to make her dizzy.

"Why've you got your eyes shut?" Elaine said.

"I don't know."

"Well, watch me, honey. I want you to."


"I enjoy it more that way."

Sharon opened her eyes.

"That's better," Elaine said, and began to lap the juice from Sharon's streaming lips like a cat lapping up cream.

"Ohhhh," Sharon breathed.

"Good?" Elaine asked thickly, her mouth filled with juice.

"Ummm!" Sharon said.

Elaine swallowed the juice and began to lap again, pulling Sharon's lips slowly apart licking the thickening membrane between the outer and inner labia. It was strange, Sharon reflected dreamily, how much girls' tongues differed from one another. There were no two alike, really, and no two girls used them alike. Vickie, for example. Vickie's tongue was long and thin and pointed, capable of incredible extension. And when she sucked, she did so with long, deep thrusts, keeping her tongue stiff and moving it in and out almost exactly as if it were a man's prick. If ever the word tonguefucking applied to a girl's oral technique, it applied to Vickie's.

But Elaine, on the other hand, had a broad, flat, very thick tongue with a wonderfully rough surface that seemed to draw Sharon's membrane to itself like hundreds of tiny suction cups. Elaine didn't tonguefuck; she sucked and licked, and in her own way she was every bit as skilled as Vickie.

Elaine had spread Sharon's cunt wide apart now.

"Oh, Elaine... oh, my God..."

"Press your legs against my head a little harder, honey," Elaine said. "If there's one thing I love, it's the feet of round garters on my face."

"I know," Sharon said. "I like it too."

"Rolled right up to your pussy -- and all neat and taut and everything. It's just wonderful. Round garters, way up high, are ten times sexier than pantyhose, don't you think?"

"Yes," Sharon said, lifting her pussy toward Elaine's mouth. "Suck me."

"Remember now," Elaine said. "Press real hard." Sharon watched Elaine's face burrow into the folds of her widely spread cunt, then clamped her head between her thighs, remembering how good Vickie's hard round garters had felt against her face the first night she had been able to convince Vickie she ought to wear them. Vickie had worn them often for Sharon after that -- agreeing that, in bed, they gave cunt-sucking a whole new dimension.

As Sharon relaxed, thrilling to the feel of Elaine's questing tongue, she reached up and unbuttoned the top of her dress. Reaching down into the nearly-nothing bra, she began to fondle herself, kneading the firm flesh gently, rolling it beneath her palm, feeling the hard little nipple.

But she liked to see as well as feel herself, and she took out her breast and began to twist the nipple back and forth, pulling it forward until it slipped from between her fingers, then squeezing it and pulling it out again, time after time.

Then, on impulse, she slipped off a shoe and trailed her toe up the inside of Elaine's thigh until it reached the juice-filled groove below the naked mound. Slowly she moved her toe the length of Elaine's cunt lips and back again. Elaine, her tongue probing into Sharon's pussy, moaned with pleasure. Sharon pushed her toe between the lips and began to rotate it -- slowly at first, then faster and faster until she was spinning it in the hot little well as fast as she could.

The combination of Elaine's tongue in her cunt, her own toe in Elaine's cunt, and the violent massaging she had been giving her breast at last took its toll, and she began to cum.

It was a long, long orgasm -- one of the longest she had ever had.

"Wow!" Elaine said as she took her head from between Sharon's legs and sank back on her heels. "Did you ever go off! I thought for a minute your pussy was going to suck my tongue right out of my mouth. I mean it. You've really got suction in there."

Sharon smiled at her, saying nothing, trying to catch her breath.

"Now turn around," Elaine said.


"I want to rim you."


"Don't you want me to?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Well, then turn yourself around and face the chair. I want that gorgeous little ass right up in my face, where I can get to it. All of it."

"But no love-bites," Sharon said.

"Don't worry," Elaine said. "I may feel like it. I may even feel like eating the whole thing all the way off. But I won't."


"I promise. Now turn around."

Sharon got down on her knees in front of the chair, drew her skirt up around her waist, and rested her elbows on the cushion. "That all right?" she said.

"Perfect," Elaine said. "Just perfect."

At first, as Elaine licked her hips, Sharon felt a little apprehensive -- especially when the other girl paused now and then to suck up a mouthful of skin -- but when she realized Elaine was being careful to cover her teeth with her lips, she felt much less tense. And soon she gave herself over entirely to the exquisite pleasure of having her ass sucked.

Elaine's mouth moved in hot, wet circles, bathing every inch of Sharon's right buttock. Sharon could feel herself begin to juice again, more copiously than ever. And when Elaine's tongue brushed across her anus on its way to her other hip, she thought for a moment she was going to have another orgasm. She was impatient to be rimmed, and came near saying as much. But she knew how much, Elaine was enjoying herself, and she said nothing.

Elaine bathed her left hip just as lovingly as she had her right. Then there was a long, suspenseful moment while Sharon waited for the feel of Elaine's mouth on her anus.

At last it came -- the warmth of Elaine's breath on the tender little opening, and then the feel of the soft wet lips themselves.

Elaine kissed it tenderly, spreading her lips around it, then drawing them together over the anal button, worrying it between them for an instant before she spread her lips around the aperture again.

Sharon cupped her bare breast with one hand and her pussy with the other. But once they were there, she neither kneaded her breast nor fingered her pussy. She just wanted to feel her hands on herself while she concentrated on what Elaine was doing to her anus.

"Oh, what a beautiful ass," Elaine said, laying her cheek against it and hugging it to her. "Please, Sharon -- let me bite it."


"Just a teeny bit? I won't hurt you."

"No. You promised, Elaine."

"Just one bite, and I could die happy."

"Don't you dare."

Elaine sighed, and a moment later Sharon felt the other girl's mouth press against her anus again. This time, Elaine began to lap the tiny hole with the flat of her tongue, just as, a few minutes ago, she had lapped her pussy.

Sharon tried to keep her ass motionless, but it was impossible. Elaine's tongue was sending little shock waves all through her, radiating out from her asshole all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes. She was beginning to perspire freely, and she wished now she'd removed her dress before Elaine began to rim her. But the hot wedge of slippery flesh gliding across her ass felt so good that she couldn't bear to ask Elaine to stop long enough to strip.

Elaine was panting, making hungry sounds as she licked harder. And now, suddenly, she moved her tongue across Sharon's perineum and licked the juice from her streaming cunt. When she discovered that Sharon's hand was cupping the drenched, blue-black mound, she licked up the juice that had seeped between Sharon's fingers, and then moved her tongue back across tingling perineum to her asshole again.

Sharon closed her eyes, breathing in the intoxicating fragrance of her cunt, and began to rub the ball of her thumb across the tip of her hard nipple.

"Put it up me, Elaine," she murmured.

Elaine put her palms flat on Sharon's hips and gently spread them apart, and Sharon felt her anus begin to open. She tried to relax so that it would open further. But it was several seconds before she could feel Elaine's moist warm breath inside it, and knew she had succeeded.

Elaine kissed the now-gaping anal mouth long and lovingly, then began to lick around the rim. Then the tip of Elaine's tongue probed the opening tentatively, tasting it.

Sharon was rolling her hips now, but Elaine seemed to anticipate every movement and her mouth never lost its contact with the damp, fevered little hole beneath it.

Then Elaine's tongue slid into the opening, pushing hard against the membrane walls, forcing its way deeper and deeper, and Sharon heard herself cry out with delight. Elaine's tongue couldn't be in her more than an inch or so, she knew, but it felt as if it were all the way up her rectum.

She made no effort to remain still now. Instead, she moved her hips back in short quick movements to meet the darting thrusts of Elaine's tongue, hearing the rhythmic wet slapping sounds as her ass came into contact with Elaine's face.

When she came, it was with such intensity that she felt like screaming. She came in over-increasing waves of searing ecstasy -- until she was so weak that even the support of the chair was not enough and she fell over to one side.

But that, too, Elaine had anticipated, and she followed Sharon's ass with her mouth, her tongue still spearing hard and deep into Sharon's rectum. And when at last Sharon had finished spending, Elaine moved her mouth between her legs and licked and sucked until not one single droplet of juice remained on Sharon's mound or legs or perineum.

"I came too, honey," Elaine said as she helped Sharon to her feet. "Four times. Twice while I was rimming you, and twice while you were cuming yourself."

Sharon smoothed down her dress and slipped her foot into the shoe she had taken off so that she could frig Elaine's slit with her toe.

"It was wonderful, Elaine," she said. "Just wonderful."

"Would you nice a shower now?"

"Yes," Sharon said, then glanced at her watch. "Oh, my God! It's almost two."

"What's the difference?"

"I have to be at my parole officer's place at two."

"What for?"

"I don't know."

"That reminds me of something, Sharon. It completely slipped my mind."

Sharon took a comb from her handbag and began drawing it through the long black tresses. "What is it?" she said. "Oh, I must look a mess."

"You look even prettier than when you walked in," Elaine said. "A good rimming will do that for a girl, you know."

Sharon started for the door. "What was it you were going to tell me? I've got to run, Elaine."

"Maybe it's not important, anyhow. It's just that Mark Haley said this woman parole officer and some male parole officer had an understanding. The way I got it, they exchanged favors."

"What do you mean?" Sharon said, her hand on the knob.

"Well, when the male parole officer wanted a girl, the woman parole officer would see that he got one."


"And the other way around. If the woman parole officer needed a man -- say, to do some man-type work for her -- why, all she had to do was ask."

"How nice."

"Yes. And of course if little robberies or extortions or whatever came up, and required both a man and a woman, why then it was all sweet and instant cooperation."

Sharon nodded. "Well, thanks for everything, Elaine," she said as she opened the door. "If I don't hurry, I'll be late getting over to -- oh, I almost forgot my panties."

"I was hoping you would," Elaine said. Sharon started over to pick them up, but Elaine held out a hand. "Please," she said, "I'd like to keep them."


"They're drenched with your perfume. The scent will last for a long, long time. Weeks and weeks."

"I know. But..."

"And what could be nicer, when I have only my finger for company, than to press your panties to my face with my other hand?"

Sharon smiled. "What a sweet thing for you to say," she said.

Elaine laughed, and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm just naturally a very sweet person," she said as she opened the door for her. "After all, I didn't bite your pretty little ass even once."


The address on the card Sharon's parole officer had given her turned out to be a large two-story clapboard-and-stucco house set well back from the street. There were huge elms behind and at either side of it, and wide, carefully tended lawns separating it from similar houses to the north and south.

Sharon was surprised. For some reason, she had assumed that Joyce Thornton lived in an apartment house.

"You're late," Joyce said as she opened the door. "I said two o'clock, not two-fifteen."

"I'm sorry, Miss Thornton," Sharon said.

"See that you don't let it happen again," Joyce said, frowning at Sharon as she closed the door behind her. She was wearing a mannish suit of a kind Sharon hadn't seen in years, but it was obviously new, and the severe tailoring did nothing to conceal the voluptuousness of her figure. The chill green eyes beneath the unplucked brows had large yellow flecks in them, Sharon noticed, and the full-lipped mouth, while perfectly formed, was somehow hard.

"I really am sorry," Sharon said, glancing about the living room. It was huge, richly furnished, and immaculate.

"I'm glad to see you wearing a longer dress today," Joyce said, inspecting Sharon from head to foot. "And a bra too, I see."

"I remembered what you said about your respectable neighbors."

"Don't be flip, Sharon. I told you yesterday I'd take absolutely no lip from you."


"Take off your clothes."


"You heard me. Undress."


"Because I told you to." Her eyes narrowed. "Do you really want to go back to prison?"

"Of course not. I..."

"Then why are you defying me?"

"I just..."

"Get your clothes off, Sharon. I won't tell you again."

"Right here?"

"Yes, right here. And right now."

Sharon drew her dress over her head and lay it over the back of an easy chair. Then she unhooked her bra and dropped it on the dress.

"No," Joyce said as Sharon started to roll down her stockings. "You may leave those on. They heighten the effect, I think."


"They make you look even more naked somehow. And the more naked you look, the more shamed you'll be."

"I don't understand, Miss Thornton. Why are you making me do this?"

"Because it pleases me," Joyce said, turning toward a doorway at the far side of the room. "Come with me."

Sharon followed her through the door into the dining room. There was no rug, and the parquet floor glistened like fresh-poured oil. The dining table could have seated thirty.

"You'll find a feather duster and dust cloths in that closet there," Joyce said, pointing. "Get them."

When Sharon returned with the duster and cloths, Joyce was taking something from the bottom drawer of a magnificent breakfront. It looked like a jumble of red-brown ribbon.

"First dust the table," Joyce said. "Then the chairs. Then rub down everything with a cloth."

"This is i*****l, Miss Thornton," Joyce said. "You have no right to..."

"So is robbing jewelry stores i*****l," Joyce said. "Get busy."

Sharon stared at her for a long moment, then turned and began to dust the table. "It doesn't need it," she said. "There's not a particle of dust anywhere on it."

"That's not the point," Joyce said. "The point is that you're degraded by being forced to do it. And you're even further degraded by being forced to do it naked."

"I see," Sharon said. "In other words, you..." She broke off as something flicked against her bare hip. It only stung a little, but, surprised, she whirled to face the other woman. Then she saw what Joyce was holding in her hand, and she gasped.

"Don't be alarmed," Joyce said, snapping the entire length of the long whip back so that the end of it slapped into the palm of her hand. It was about half an inch wide with a handle less than a foot long. "It's only velvet. It couldn't possibly hurt you." The whip snaked out again and flicked against Sharon's leg just above the knee. "You see?"

Sharon dropped the duster. "I won't submit to such sadism," she said. "I won't!"

"But it's not sadism at all," Joyce said, her lips thinning in a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "It's just a way of reminding you of what you are."

"And what might that be?"

"A slave," Joyce said. "My slave. Mine to degrade and enjoy and use in any way I choose." She gestured toward the duster. "Now pick that up and get to work."

As Sharon bent to retrieve the duster, she felt the sting of the velvet whip again, this time on her other hip and just a little harder than before. Still, there was no real pain, and the stinging sensation lasted only a few seconds.

By the time she had finished dusting the table and began on the chairs, Sharon had learned to ignore the feel of the whip almost entirely, but the idea of it had made her as angry as she had ever been in her life.

But hers was an impotent rage, she knew. What Joyce had said about her being her slave was true. And there was nothing, absolutely nothing, she could do about it. Not without being sent back to prison after only a single day of freedom.

After she had dusted the last of the chairs, Sharon put down the duster and started to walk over to where she had put the dust cloths.

"Stop," Joyce said.


"Don't walk, Sharon. Crawl. Crawl on your hands and knees -- like any other good, dutiful little slave."

Sharon didn't hesitate. Why even pretend she had a choice? She crawled to the cloths and back to the table, flinching a little as the whip licked out again and again, truly aimed at her flanks and buttocks.

"I must leave," Joyce said. "When you've finished here, you're to clean up the mess in the guest bedroom. That's the first door to the left at the top of the stairs."

"Yes, mistress," Sharon said.

For the first time, the whip snaked across Sharon's cheek, and for the first time Sharon felt more than a negligible sting. Velvet or not, the whip had hurt.

"What did you say?" Joyce said, readying the whip again.

"Nothing," Sharon said.

"That's better," Joyce said. "I said there was nothing sadistic about this. I didn't say anything at all about not punishing you for insolence."

Sharon took a deep breath and began to polish the table.

"The floor up there is covered with plaster dust," Joyce said. "When I come home, I don't expect to find a single grain of it. Do you hear?"


"There are mops and so on in the same closet. When you're certain I can't find that grain of plaster, you may leave." She pointed. "The stairway's just through that door."

"May I put my dress on again?"

"No, you may not. If I return and find you dressed, I will be very unhappy with you. And believe me, Sharon, making me unhappy is the last thing in the world you want to do."

There was the sound of a phone ringing in the living room.

"Damn," Joyce said, and went out to answer it.

She was still talking -- too softly for Sharon to hear -- when Sharon finished polishing the table. Sharon returned the duster and cloths to the closet, selected a broom, mop, dustpan and plastic pail, and backed out through the door Joyce had indicated.

All the furniture in the bedroom at the top of the stairs had been pushed to the middle of the floor and covered with drop cloths. There was an open fiber case in one corner, heaped with tools, and beside it were two open bags of plaster. The smell of plaster in the room was very strong. The floor was white with plaster dust, and Sharon's shoes made little grating sounds as she closed the door behind her and put down the pail and mop and dustpan.

Carrying the broom, Sharon walked to the far side of the room and began to sweep the plaster dust in the direction of the door. She worked rapidly, and in less than twenty minutes she had swept and mopped the floor around the island of furniture as well as she could. It still looked a little cloudy; but waxing it, she assumed, would be her chore on another day, when the furniture had been moved back to where it belonged.

At least, she reflected, as she brushed her hair back from her forehead and turned to survey her handiwork, the physical exertion had helped her to work off a little of the repressed rage she had felt toward Joyce Thornton.

She started toward the rear of the room to make one final inspection before she went downstairs to get dressed.

There was the creak of the door opening behind her, and she turned slowly, expecting to see Joyce.

But it wasn't her hated parole officer who stood there in the doorway. It was a very tall and very muscular young man in denim pants and work shirt.

Sharon gasped and covered her pussy and breasts with a palm and forearm, too stunned to move.

"Good God..." the man said in a hushed voice as his eyes roved down from Sharon's face to the tops of her high-rolled stockings and back again. He had a ruggedly handsome face, dark hair, and a strong chin with a small cleft in it. His warm brown eyes beneath winged black brows were round with surprise.

Sharon ran around behind the stacked furniture and looked at him over the top of it.

"Who are you?" she said.

"Carl Martin," he said. His voice was soft and very deep.

"What're you doing here?"

He closed the door behind him. "The same thing you are, probably." He took a step forward.

"Don't come any closer!" Sharon said. There was an enormous bulge in his pants, she saw with dismay. Although, of course, that was no more than might be expected. Most men, she'd noticed, got an erection at their first sight of her, even when she was fully dressed.

He stopped where he was, smiling. "I think I missed your name."


"You are a parolee, aren't you?"


"Same here," he said. "Joyce made you take your clothes off, didn't she?"

Sharon nodded.

"I thought so," Carl said. "And that whip routine? Did she put you through that, too?"


"Welcome to the club."

"You mean she'd use that whip on a man?"

He laughed. "Every time." He waved a hand toward one of the freshly plastered walls. "She's been making me do some work for her."

"I see."

"My parole officer lent me to her, so to speak," Carl said. "She had me filling in a hole in the wall over there. She'd had somebody else knock it out to make a doorway to the next room, she said. But she'd changed her mind. I ended up having to do the whole room."

Sharon felt a little sorry for him. He was trying to appear nonchalant -- as if he walked in on naked young girls every hour of the day. But he was actually very ill at ease, she sensed -- perhaps because there was nothing he could do to hide the bulging evidence of the effect she had on him. And the bulge was getting bigger, she saw. The front of his pants was sticking out like a tent.

Carl glanced about, as if anxious to find something to say or do to cover his embarrassment. Suddenly he walked to the wall and hit it a sharp blow with the hell of his hand. It gave back a dull thud, followed instantly by a chorus of muffled squeals.

"What was that?" Sharon asked.

"Rats," he said. "Dozens of them. The wall's full of them."

Sharon grimaced. She hated rats -- hated even the thought of them. The filthy, unspeakable creatures had inspired fear in her ever since she was a c***d. She didn't even want to think about them.

"I wasn't supposed to do any more work until tomorrow," Carl said. "But I figured I might as well come today and get it over with."

"We'd better not let her find us in the same room together," Sharon said. "Especially with me nude like this."

"This is her late afternoon at her office," he said. "For the parolees that have to report to her after they get off work."

"How'd you get in?"

"She always leaves the back door unlocked."

"It's funny she'd trust parolees to be here while she's gone."

He turned back, toward her, smiling sourly. "That's just a little more of her sadism. She knows we'll sweat it out, for fear something will turn up missing. Because if it does, you know, we'll go back to a cell." He paused. "She knows none of us would make the first false move. Like taking a shower, for instance. Or helping ourselves to a cold beer. Or even having a glass of iced tea, for God's sake."

"She's a monster."

"And loves every minute of it."

"Are you going to work some more in here? I just finished cleaning up."

"Not in here," he said. "Down the hall. I just came in here to get a couple of tools."

Sharon glanced down at the bulge in his pants again. Normally, she had very little interest in men, and even less interest in what they had in their pants. But there were times -- perhaps once very two or three months -- when something came over her. There was never any warning. It might happen on a bus or in the street or at a party. It might occur at an ideal time in an ideal place, or it might seize her at an entirely inappropriate, even dangerous moment. She might be with someone or alone or wake to it from a dream.

But whenever and wherever it happened, it overwhelmed her completely. It was a compulsion stronger than any will she had ever been able to muster to resist it. And that compulsion had gripped her now, more strongly than ever before.

It was a form of madness, she knew; it had to be.

It was her sudden, wholly unexpected yearning for a prick. She had to have one, and have it right now. She had to have Carl's -- bulging there so magnificently in his tight denim pants.

He was looking at her strangely now, and she knew he had caught the direction of her gaze.

But I can't do anything with him here, she thought to herself. It'd be too dangerous. What if Joyce came back and we didn't hear her... Maybe if we went somewhere else... But it had to be here, she realized. And it had to be now. She simply couldn't wait. The compulsion was too strong; it made everything else seem completely unimportant.

Carl had been watching her nervously. Now he bent down and began to rummage through the tools in the fiber case. "Well," he said hastily, "I guess I'd better get to work."

She came out from behind the protection of the stacked furniture and walked directly up to him.

"Do you really have to?" she said softly. He was holding a hammer. She took it from his hand and dropped it back in the case. "Do you have to right now, Carl?"

He moistened his lips, mild consternation on the handsome face. "Huh?" His eyes jerked from her breasts to her pussy and her legs, and back up again. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

"You k**ding?"

"Would you really rather go down the hall and hammer some old nails or something than..." She let her voice trail off, smiling at him, feeling the first tickle of the juice beginning to seep from her cunt. She waited, head tilted a little to one side, smiling up at him.

He moistened his lips again, then held out his arms, and she moved close against him, surprised to find he was actually trembling.

When he kissed her, it wasn't much more than a goodnight kiss. Impatient, she put her hands behind his head, mashed his lips hard against her own, and sucked his tongue into her mouth. When he seemed to want to draw it out, she sucked all the harder. It wasn't that he was inexperienced, she knew; such a handsome man would have had any number of girls. It was just that nothing even remotely like this had ever happened to him.

The bulge in his pants was punching at her belly, just below her navel. She felt an urge to reach down and feel it, but she resisted. Now that she was determined to have it, she took a perverse pleasure in delaying actual contact with it.

Carl's hand came up to fondle a breast.

"Not here," she said.


"We can't just stand up all the time," she said, running her fingertips up and down his broad back. "Can we?"

He turned and took her by the hand. "Across the hall," he said. "Joyce's bedroom."

In the other room, Carl started to draw her toward the bed, but she held back.

"No, Carl," she said. "Joyce would know. We'd leave traces." She sank down on the soft deep pile of the rug and pulled him down beside her. "This is perfect."

They lay side by side, Sharon's head cushioned on his shoulder.

"This can't be happening," Carl said, his hand busy on her breast. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"Am I?"

"Yes -- or ever hoped to see. You're unbelievable." He ran the flat of his hand slowly down across her belly, paused briefly to knead the tender flesh of her thigh just above the top of her stocking, and then began to caress her leg from garter to knee, coming a little closer to her pussy with each upward stroke.

Sharon spread her legs, and finally his palm came to rest on the tiny black curls of her cunt. She felt her pussy raising to his hand, and a moment later a long, thick finger slid between the wet lips and found her clitoris. As he toyed with it, she slipped her tongue into his mouth and fluttered it against the warm, wet meat she found there. Then, as his finger left her clitoris and started up the tight, ridged walls of her pussy, she wrapped her tongue around his, drew it into her mouth, and sucked it all the way back to her throat.

Up and up his finger went, until it touched the neck of her womb. She pressed closer to him, raising her hips a little, inviting him to go even deeper.

She knew men liked to hear girls say certain things at a time like this, and she transferred her tongue from his mouth to his ear, twisting a little saliva into it with the tip. "I just love to be finger-fucked, Carl, darling," she whispered. "Do it harder."

But half a minute later, she felt herself on the verge of cuming, and she reached down to pull his hand away.

"What's the matter?" he said. "I thought you liked that."

"I do," she said, "But there's something I like even better."

He kissed the dimple in her chin. "What?"

She reached down, moistened a fingertip with cunt juice, and pressed it against his lips. "Guess," she said.

He smiled. "With a sample like that, you don't have to ask me twice," he said. He got to his knees, leaned over, and began licking the narrow band of flesh between Sharon's pelt and the top of her stocking, running his tongue back and forth along the small ridge of the taut, round garter.

"Now the other leg," Sharon said.

He brushed his lips lightly across her pubic hair to give the top of her other thigh the same treatment.

Sharon couldn't keep her hips still. She put both hands between her legs and spread the lips of her cunt.

"Suck my pussy, Carl," she breathed, raising it up a little. "Suck me as hard as you can."

He stretched out beside her, his chest over her belly, and buried his head between her legs.

Sharon took her hands from her cunt and brought them up to her breasts. As Carl sucked, she squeezed the twin upthrust cones firmly, moving them in little circles, pulling them out as far as she could, then mashing them back against her ribs, until the nipples were as big and hard as small marbles.

Then, for a long moment, she ceased kneading her breasts to concentrate on the aroma of her pussy. The scent drifting up to her nostrils was so maddeningly delightful that she knew an instant's envy of Carl, who was able to bury his face in the very source of it.

And now, at last, she could deny herself the knowledge of Carl's prick no longer. Carl was lying on his stomach; his prick where she couldn't get to it. But that problem was simply solved. She began to turn over on her side, very slowly, keeping Carl's head clamped between her thighs. Carl, of course, was forced to turn with her. And now they both lay on their side, facing each other, the monstrous bulge in Carl's pants only inches from Sharon's face.

When she reached out to pull down the zipper, she was so eager that her hand trembled. Meanwhile, Carl continued to suck steadily and noisily, now and then running his tongue across her dripping perineum to her anus and back again.

Sharon reached into his pants to take out his prick, then jerked her head to one side as it sprang free of its own accord.

She almost cried out in amazement. She'd known Carl's cock must be very big, to bulge out the way it had. But she hadn't been prepared for anything like the shaft that had erupted from his fly.

She stared at it with disbelief. It wasn't that it was so long -- a little over six inches, she judged. It was its width. It was at least two and a half inches thick at the base, tapering slightly to a head as big as a small peach.

"Oh, my goodness!" Sharon said to herself, and reached out to touch it. It was hot and pulsing and satiny smooth, like iron beneath pink velvet. She drew her fingers slowly from root to head, thrilling to the silken touch of it. She took it in her hand and tried to squeeze it, but it was too big for her tiny hand, and she could get her fingers only halfway around it.

Remembering what men liked, she rubbed the ball of her thumb along the shallow groove along the underside, and was rewarded by a muffled exclamation of pleasure from Carl, whose tongue began stabbing into her cunt more frenziedly than ever.

Sharon pressed her cheek against the throbbing shaft, inhaling deeply. The musk was almost overpowering. She inhaled again and again, feeling her mouth begin to water, and then drew her head back to examine the cockhead.

The huge knob was dark-pink and glistening wet. As Sharon watched, a pearl formed in the open eye, shimmered for a moment, then slid down across the curve of the glans and dropped to the rug. Almost immediately, another pearl formed -- and this time, before it could slide away, Sharon flicked out her tongue and licked it up.

It was delicious. She rolled the tiny droplet around on her tongue, mixing it with saliva, savoring it. It tasted a little like cunt juice, but it was saltier, much more pungent. It whetted her appetite for what was to come.

Grasping the immense shaft with both hands, she sipped still another pearl from the eye, then began to lick the glans, moving the flat of her tongue in short, firm strokes, working her way slowly all the way around it, from seeping eye to ridged corona.

The taste was exquisite, and she pressed her lips to the eye and sucked until she felt a tiny trickle of juice on the tip of her tongue.

As she rolled the juice around in her mouth, mixing it with saliva to heighten the pleasure of swallowing it, she studied the enormous glans with mingled desire and uncertainty. Could she ever get such a monster of a knob in her mouth, she wondered? It would be impossible to get the shaft itself inside; that was certain. The thrill of sucking the full length of Carl's incredible prick was one delight she'd never be able to experience.

But that big, pulsating, glorious head! Was she to be denied the feel of that in her mouth as well?

No, she vowed. Even if it dislocated her jaw, she was going to wedge that lovely pink knob into her mouth until she felt her teeth slide over the ridge of the corona and her lips press against the shaft.

She began to suck -- slowly, spreading her lips a little further each time she drew in her breath. The eye was seeping constantly now, and she discovered she could let a considerable quantity of the delectable nectar collect in her throat before she was forced to swallow it.

As she sucked, she also frigged Carl's shaft with both hands, holding them cupped on either side of it, so that they completely surrounded it, pushing them down to the base and then drawing them back to the head, alternately squeezing and relaxing the pressure.

Between her legs, she could feel the tantalizing tickle of Carl's beard stubble brushing against the membrane of her labia as he continued to spear his tongue into her cunt without pause. Her hips felt warm and sticky, and she knew she had never juiced more copiously.

She opened her mouth wider and tried to suck the glans inside. But it simply would not go in. She spread her lips, attempting to part her teeth even more. Another quarter-inch or so, she knew, and her mouth would be full of cock.

She tried again, and failed, and was taking a deep breath preparatory to trying a third time, when she felt a sudden relaxation of the jaw muscles -- and an instant later the throbbing knob slid into her mouth as easily as if it had been of only normal size.

And now she began to suck in earnest, moving her head backward and forward rapidly, choking a bit when she forgot to breathe through her nose, trying her best to get at least a little of the shaft into her mouth, drawing the pulsing head further and further down her throat. Then suddenly, to her great surprise and intense satisfaction, she felt her lips and teeth slide beyond the corona and up along the shaft. An inch of the rock-hard meat slid into her mouth. Then a second inch. Then a third.

She was almost beside herself with the wonder of her achievement. She had the head and three full inches of that glorious monster in her mouth when, only a few seconds ago, she had despaired of getting even the head inside! She would always remember it, she knew, as one of the supreme triumphs of her life.

Still continuing to squeeze the prick rhythmically with one hand, she slipped the other inside Carl's fly and began to caress his huge balls, toying with first one, then the other. Beside her, Carl shuddered, then began to suck her anus violently, probing at the opening with the tip of his hard tongue. Sharon relaxed the sphincter muscle, and felt his tongue slide into her rectum.

As his tongue inched upward inside her, an idea came to her, and she contracted the sphincter again, squeezing Carl's tongue with it. Then she relaxed the muscle again, only to squeeze once more, harder than before. She kept it up for almost a minute, wondering why she'd never thought to do it before. She was literally sucking Carl's tongue with her anus, and the sensation was so new and exciting that she could scarcely lie still. Having both her mouth and rectum so completely filled with hot, hard meat was almost too wonderful to be borne.

She was sucking harder than ever now, forcing the head of the prick down her throat, trying to get even more of the shaft into her mouth.

She felt that certain warm feeling begin to well up deep inside her, and she knew that she was going to cum at any second. The knowledge made her suck even more greedily, because she wanted Carl to cum at the same time she did. To help speed his orgasm, she clenched his shaft with both hands again and began to run them back and forth the entire length of it, squeezing as hard as she could, bobbing her head on the knob faster and faster.

Then Carl's prick began to spasm, and she knew his climax was only seconds away. Suddenly he began to thrash about, almost dislodging his prick from her mouth, and she quickly threw an arm around his hips to prevent such an unthinkable thing from happening.

"Son of a bitch!" Carl yelled, and began to cum.

Sharon waited with open throat. She had set herself for what she knew would have to be a fantastic discharge, and she shivered excitedly, anticipating it. But never in her wildest dreams had she imagined anything like the enormous load that now splashed into her mouth and slid, thick and hot, down her throat.

And no sooner had she choked down the first load, than there was a second, even more copious than the first.

She had learned her lesson from the first load, and now she drank the second as it came, swallowing rapidly, enjoying every salty, scalding drop of it, wishing it would keep gushing into her mouth forever.

After the second incredible discharge, there were half a dozen much smaller ones, each a little less copious than the one before and following it at a longer interval.

And during it all, Sharon came and came and came... She came until she reached the point where she could stand no more. She reached down and pushed Carl's head from between her legs, then pressed her knees tightly together to prevent him from trying to suck her again.

But she didn't stop sucking his cock for a second. She sucked until she was certain there wasn't another drop of cum left in his balls. Carl had rolled over on his back now, and was making incoherent sounds of pleasure and satiation. His cock had begun to shrink and grow soft again, and Sharon found she was able to get five or six inches into her mouth with every forward thrust of her head.

"You -- you'd better stop," Carl gasped a few moments later. "I just can't take any more."

You're in for a surprise, Sharon thought to herself as she continued to suck. If you think I've had enough of this gorgeous thing, you're very much mistaken.

He put his hand down to push her head away, but she held on stubbornly, sucking harder.

She sucked for another two minutes -- three full, hard thrusts a second, meanwhile frigging the shaft rapidly with her hand.

And at last the shaft began to stiffen, and the glans began to swell up inside her mouth again.

And still she sucked -- until Carl's cock began to vibrate against her teeth. If anything, she decided, it was even bigger and harder than it had been just before he started cuming.

It was only then that she disengaged the monstrous member from her mouth and lay her cheek against Carl's thigh to rest for a moment. But she continued to frig him with her hand, letting the ball of her thumb drift across the seeping eye of his cock-head now and then, noting with delight that the clear but sticky trickle had become constant and was slowly increasing in quantity. She was tempted to taste it again, but she feared it might compete with, and therefore detract from, the thick, rich taste of the cum that lined the membranes of her mouth and throat.

"I want to be fucked, Carl," she said, getting to her knees but continuing to frig him with her hand.

Carl was lying with his eyes shut, shielding them with his forearm. He groaned.

"Did you hear me?" she said.

"My God, Sharon," he said weakly. "You sucked out my soul and everything else. I couldn't do it. I can't even move, for God's sake."

"You've got to fuck me, Carl. Right now. That's why I sucked you hard again."

"I know, but I..."

"Please, Carl. I've just got to be fucked."

He sighed. "When you can't, you can't. I want to, you understand. I just can't."

"You've got to, I tell you. I've just got to have it."

"Oh, Lord," he said softly. "All right, then. But listen. You'll have to do it. You'll have to get on top."


"Why not?"

"Because I don't just want to fuck. I want to be fucked. I want to have it done to me, not do it to you."

"What's the difference?"

"I don't know. It's just the way I am, that's all."

She was still frigging his prick; now she lengthened her stroke and squeezed harder. "Please, Carl. Do it to me the way I like. I want to feel submissive, you see. Otherwise, there's no pleasure in it for me."

"Submissive! You? After the way you..."

"I know. But being fucked is different. I like to feel like I'm -- well, like I'm being ****d."


He looked so shocked that she couldn't repress a smile. "I'm just a very girl-type girl," she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I enjoy being violated a hundred times more than I enjoy being fucked willingly," she said. "Even if I have to pretend I'm being violated."

He stared at her a long moment, then shook his head slowly. "Women," he said. "Who the hell can understand them?"

"Why bother?" she said. She released his prick and rolled over on her back. "**** me, Carl," she said as she spread her legs. "Hurry. Be rough, baby."

He hesitated for a moment, then rose to his knees and moved over between her legs.

It was going to hurt, she knew as she reached down to guide the head of his cock to the lips of her cunt. A huge prick like that was going to stretch her pussy more than it had ever been stretched before; it might even cause the delicate membrane to tear. But she had to have it -- have all of it, or at least as much of it as she could possibly get inside her. And whatever happened to her pussy would be worth it.

"Shove it in me, baby!" she gasped as she felt his cockhead pushing past her inner labia. "Ram it all the way up my cunt and fuck the hell out of me!"

And yet, when the enormous hard knob began to press against the mouth of her tiny cunt, she felt something close to panic. She was built too small for such a monstrous cock; she must have been mad, to plead for it the way she had. It was going to be too much for her. It was going to split her apart.

The head was crushing against the mouth of her cunt bruisingly, insistently. She felt her juice gushing down to meet it, seeping past it, flowing down across her perineum and her anus and dampening the rug beneath her hips.

"I can't get it in," Carl said, relief in his voice. "We'll have to forget it, Sharon."

She should have welcomed the reprieve, she knew. She should have exercised a little common sense, and agreed with him. But her compulsion, her prick-hunger, was so strong that she could not. Instead, she relaxed her vagina as much as she could, took a deep breath, and thrust her cunt against his prick with all her strength.

There was an instant of excruciating pain, then a strange numbness, then a slow return of sensation to her cunt and the realization that Carl's gigantic cock was inside her all the way to her womb. She glanced down between her legs, and a little cry of joy escaped her. She had at least half of it inside her! The taut lips of her cunt were stretched tight around it, no longer pink but bright red, glistening with the juice that welled up to bathe the thick, rigid shaft that distended them to their limit.

God, but it felt good! It felt better than any prick had ever felt before or would ever feel again. It felt so good she thought she was going to cum even be fare Carl began to fuck her.

"**** me!" she cried. "Hurt me, Carl!"

He began to fuck her, using short, slow strokes at first, then longer, faster ones.

She drew her knees back almost to her breasts and crossed her ankles behind his back. "Oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" she said.

His prick was plunging into her with hard strokes now, and he increased the speed.

"Harder!" she said, rolling her hips beneath him. "Harder, Carl!"

He grunted something, and sent the hard knob slamming against her womb again and again, as if he intended to crush it.


"I can't."

"Yes, you can. Harder, baby, fuck me hard!!"

She felt herself starting to cum, and began to throw her cunt up to meet his prick, thrust for thrust. She came, and came again, and kept cuming, tears scalding her eyes, biting her lower lip so hard she could taste the salty seep of blood, so nearly out of her mind that she was aware of nothing but the ceaseless tides of orgasm that flooded through her being again and again and again.

She felt Carl's body begin to shudder in the tight vise of her thighs. "I'm going to shoot!" he gasped.

"No!" she cried. "Oh, no, Carl! Not yet!"

"Here it comes!"

"Not yet! Please, Carl! Oh, please! Not yet!"

But he could not help himself. Shuddering violently, he arched his back so high he lifted Sharon's hips six inches off the rug, his cock driving into her to the hilt, and an instant later she felt the first hot surge of cum splash into her cunt.

Then, as the second load exploded inside her, he collapsed on top of her, trembling with the force of his orgasm, crushing her with his heavy body, pumping so much cum into her hot pussy that she thought it would surely burst.

She could scarcely breathe under so much weight, but she forced herself to stay beneath him until she was sure he had finished cuming. Then, rolling a little to one side, she managed at last to slide out from beneath him.

The moment his big cock had slipped out of her, she had immediately put her hand on her cunt, holding the lips tightly together with her fingers. There was at least a half-pint of cum in her vagina, she knew, and if any of it escaped and spurted out on the rug, she and Carl would be in serious trouble. It would be almost impossible to remove cum from the deep pile of the rug -- as she well knew from experience -- and even if she were able to remove it completely, the pile would show that something had been cleaned up. And Joyce Thornton would not have to guess more than once before she hit on what it had been. As for the damp spot where her cunt juice had dripped off her hips -- that was clear and thin and would dry without a trace. Not a visible trace, anyhow; the perfume would persist for a long time. But it would be faint, and unless Joyce had an abnormally acute sense of smell, there would be nothing to worry about.

She walked out into the hall, holding the lips of her pussy together, looking for the bathroom.

When she came back, Carl was lying on his back, snoring, his prick soft and shrunken, d****d across his thigh.

She looked at the prick regretfully. She was exactly as prick-hungry as she had been before he started to cum, but she knew that fucking Carl again was out of the question. He was clearly and absolutely finished.

She reached between her legs, fingering herself absently for a moment, looking at him. Then she knelt down and shook him by the shoulder. "Wake up," she said.

His eyes opened for a moment. Then he squeezed them shut again and shook his head from side to side. "No," he said, his voice exhausted. "I can't, Sharon. Another fuck like that would kill me."

"I just wanted to wake you," she said. "I didn't want Joyce to come home and find you like this."

"My God, that's right," he said, sitting up. "I really conked off, didn't I?"

"You sure did."

"I never had such a fuck. I never had such a suck, either."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I know I did."

"I wish I could have fucked you longer. But it was just too damn good. I'm sorry."

"That's all right," she said, turning toward the door. "I'm leaving now. You'd better get up before you fall asleep again."

"Good idea," he said. He lurched to his feet and stood there, holding to the head of the bed for support, swaying unsteadily. "I'm weak as a kitten."

"You'd better finish that work you were going to do for her," Sharon said. "Good-bye, Carl."

"You're a terrific fuck, Sharon."

"Thank you."

"And, oh my God -- can you suck!"

"Thank you again," she said as she stepped through the doorway. "Bye-bye."

In the living room, she quickly put on her bra and dress, made sure her garters were still as high on her thighs as she could get them, and left the house.

She was still so horny that even the whisper of nylon against nylon as she walked to the corner excited her, and by the time a cab came by she could feel the juice seeping between the lips of her cunt again.

"Where to, Miss?" the driver said as he held the door for her. He was about thirty, she judged, with a pleasantly homely face and what looked like a big, powerful body.

"Would you like to fuck me?" she said, smiling.

He stared at her open-mouthed. "W-what?"

She got into the back seat, raised her skirt, and began to run a finger in and out of her cunt. "Oh, of course, if you haven't got the time..." she said.

He wet his lips, looking at her incredulously. "How much?"

She laughed. "All I want is your prick," she said.

"You mean a beautiful girl like you... You mean you just plain want to get laid?"

"Why, yes. Don't you?"

"Hey, stop that. Somebody'll see you!"

"Then close the door."

He slammed the door shut. "Where'll we go?" he said as he started the engine.

"The nearest place you know of," she said, sliding another finger into her cunt. "But wherever it is, let's go there fast."

"There's two places. Out by the lake, and my rooming house."

"Which is closer?"

"The lake."

"The lake it is, then." She slumped down in the seat, spread her legs wide, and began to fingerfuck herself as hard as she could.

But then, only a block further on, a very strange thing happened. Even with her fingers churning in the juice of her pussy, the realization came to her that she was normal again. The overpowering prick-hunger that had seized her an hour-ago had completely disappeared. The mad compulsion that had made her demand that Carl Martin fuck her had left as suddenly as it had come. The uncontrollable desire to have a prick in her mouth and cunt was as if it had never existed.

It had always happened this way, she recalled as she removed her fingers and brushed down her skirt. The urge would suddenly be upon her -- full-blown and irresistible -- and just as suddenly leave. This time, it had lasted a little longer than usual, that was all. But now it was over, and it might not come again for two months or more.

"Thank God," she said aloud.

"What?" the driver said, grinning at her over his shoulder, his face sweating with anticipation.

Sharon laughed. "Nothing," she said. "Watch the road."

Poor man, she thought to herself. I've got him into a terrible state, and now I don't want to fuck him. In fact, I don't want to have anything to do with a prick at all.

But she would, she knew. It would be unthinkable to make him so horny and then leave him that way. She sighed, wishing the compulsion had left before she asked him to fuck her. If only she'd waited a few more minutes...

I'll suck him off instead, she decided. I can have him cuming in half a minute -- and then my conscience will be clear.

She leaned forward. "Driver?"


"When I asked if you wanted to fuck me, I forgot to say where." She laughed apologetically. "I should have said I wanted you to fuck me in the mouth."

"Hot damn!" the driver said. "Holy hot damn!"

"Wouldn't you really rather fuck me there?"

"You k**ding? God, yes!"

"And fuck it hard and fast? And give me a lot of nice hot cum to swallow?"

"Jesus, lady! You're driving me nuts, just talking about it!"

She smiled and sank back against the cushion. "Drive faster," she said.


They had no sooner parked in the lover's lane in the wooded area by the lake than an unmarked police car drew alongside the cab and stopped. The cop on the passenger's side grinned over at the cab driver.

"Sorry to spoil your fun, Harry," he said. "But the Chief's angry about lovers getting ripped off out here. There've been a lot of stickups lately. No parked cars at all, he says."

"Jesus, Joe," Harry said. "Give us a break, will you? We'll only be here a couple of minutes."

"Tough," the cop said, leering at Sharon in the back seat. "You'll have to make it somewhere else."

Harry turned the cab around and started back the way they had come.

"It looks like it'll have to be my rooming house, after all," he said. "It's not far, though -- only a few blocks." He glanced at Sharon in the rear-view mirror. "Christ, am I horny!"

"Can't you make this cab go any faster?" Sharon said. "I just can't wait to get your cock in my mouth, Harry. I can almost taste it, right now."

"Oh, boy!" Harry said. "Hot damn. Honey, I'm going to give you all the cock you can handle, and then some."

"I've never seen that much cock," Sharon said.

"Well, you're just about to," Harry said. "You just wait."

"Well, don't make me wait any longer than I have to," she said. "Hurry."

"You really like to gobble it, huh?"

"I love it."

"Jesus H. Christ! Man, this is my lucky day."

"You know, I'm beginning to think you really are horny."

"You k**ding? I haven't blown my nuts all week. And I haven't had my cock in a woman's mouth in damn near a month."

She was beginning to enjoy herself. Harry was likable and amusing, and teasing him this way was pleasant and innocent fun. After all, it wasn't as if she didn't intend to blow him.

"Really?" she said. "A whole week? Why, that's terrible."

"You said it. I've been hurting plenty."

"But I'm glad."


"That you haven't cum for a week, I mean."


"Because it means you'll have a lot of jism."

"You go for the stuff, do you, baby?"

"I can never get enough of it," she said. "Harry, my friend, I'm going to suck you dry. I'm not going to leave a single drop of cum in your balls."

"Well, you've picked the right boy, if it's jism you want. There must be a half-pint of it in there, at least."

"Wonderful. I wish it were a quart." Harry drew up in front of a big frame house with a screened-in front porch.

"I share a room with a couple of other drivers," he said as he came around the cab to open the door for her. "But don't worry. They're out hustling fares."

It was a large, pleasant room on the first floor, with a bed against one wall and a double-deck bunk against another. All four walls were almost completely covered with magazine pictures of nude and semi-nude girls. There were so many of them that, in places, they overlapped one another.

"Well, here we are," Harry said, starting to unbutton his shirt. "Strip off those clothes, baby."

Sharon smiled. "We don't have to get undressed," she said. "After all, you're just going to fuck me in the mouth, Harry."

"I know," he said, peeling off the shirt and starting to unbuckle his belt. "But I like it better when I'm naked. And I want to see what you've got too, baby. Come on, now, and strip."

She hesitated, then drew her dress over her head. It seemed a waste of time, for something that would probably take less than a minute. But then again, there was always the chance that some of his cum would spurt out of her mouth and soil her dress.

"God almighty," Harry said when she stood before him naked except for her sleek, thigh-high stockings. "Boy, are you beautiful!"

"Do you really think so?" she said, taking a step toward him.

"I never saw such tits and legs in my life. You sure you're for real, baby? You sure I'm not just dreaming?"

She laughed. "If you're, you're going to have an awfully wet dream," she said, looking down at him. "My! What a beautiful prick! Does it taste as good as it looks?"

"Why don't you find out?"

She reached out to take his cock in her hand. The thick shaft was so hard it was throbbing, the pink head swollen and glistening. His balls were drawn up tight to the root, obviously ready to burst with stored-up cum.

"Does that feel good?" she said, milking it gently.

"God, baby," Harry said, his whole body trembling. "Stop that."

"Why?" she said, smiling, stroking his cock a little harder. "Don't you like it?"

"Stop it, I said. You're gonna make me cum, damnit."

"Oh, my goodness!" Sharon said, taking her hand away. "Well, we certainly can't have that, can we? I mean, that would be a terrible waste of jism, wouldn't it?"

"You said it," Harry said, beginning to sweat. "I aim to shoot that first load down your throat, honey."

"Which is exactly where I want it," Sharon said. She took a pillow from a chair, dropped it on the floor in front of him, and sank down on her knees. The scent of musk was strong, and she inhaled deeply as she positioned herself on the pillow.

Harry looked down at her. "Jesus, I can't watch this," he said, and squeezed his eyes tightly shut.

"Why not?" Sharon said.

"I just can't stand it, that's all."

"You mean you're not going to watch me suck you off?"

"No," he said. "Watching somebody as pretty as you suck my cock is more than I could take."

"I never heard of a man not wanting to watch a girl suck him."

"Hell, I want to, all right. It's just that I'd be squirting my nuts before you much more than got started."

"But I like to have men watch me," she said teasingly. "Being watched is half the fun. Please, Harry watch me suck you."

He moaned. "Jesus. Stop torturing me."

"Besides," she said, "I'm not really going to suck you."

His eyes flew open. "What?"

"Did you forget? I'm not going to suck you. You're going to fuck me in the mouth. That's a big difference."

"You mean fuck your mouth like it was a cunt?"

"Sure. What'd you think I meant?"

"Well, I'm not going to watch it. You just put that thing in there, that's all." He shut his eyes again.

"Haven't you ever fucked a girl's mouth before?" she asked tauntingly. "Not even once, Harry?"


"I didn't think so. If you had, you'd know you can't do it right unless you watch what you're doing. Fucking a girl's mouth takes a little practice, Harry. That is, if you really want me to enjoy it, it does. You have to do it just so."

"Don't worry about me, baby. I'll fuck it as good as any other guy."

Suddenly it occurred to her that she was no longer teasing him. Somehow, with the big wet knob of Harry's cock only inches from her lips, and the musky smell of his balls beginning to make her mouth water, the idea of having her mouth fucked had become very appealing. But still, she couldn't resist a final bit of teasing.

"Are you going to fuck it good and hard, Harry?" she said, putting her lips so close to his glans that he was sure to feel her hot breath on it. "Are you, Harry? Are you going to fuck it a long time? I mean, just fuck it and fuck it and fuck it?"

"Ah, God," Harry said, shutting his eyes more tightly than ever. "Ah, God, baby..."

A clear fluid had been seeping from the eye of his glans, laving it, dripping in thin strings from the bottom ridge of the corona, inching back in a glistening track along the groove in the underside of his shaft, sparkling in the hair on his tight, swollen balls.

Sharon reached back to cup the hard, sticky balls with one hand, while with the other she grasped the pulsating shaft and raised the glans slightly until it was on a level with her lips.

"May I have a taste?" she said.

"A taste?" Harry said. "Holy Christ!"

"Just a little one? Please, Harry. Just a teensy taste?"

"You're trying to drive me crazy, is what. Will you, for God's sake, quit femaling around?"

She leaned forward and planted a big slurpy kiss on his cockhead, flicking her tongue against it, then pointing her tongue and probing at the eye with it. At the same time, she ran her hand back and forth along the velvety skin on the iron-hard shaft, and with her other hand squeezed and kneaded his egg-size balls, rolling the cum-filled objects around and around in their taut, moist bag.

She'd meant only to kiss the head, but the feel of the hot, slippery meat against her lips and tongue was so good that she pushed her lips back past the corona and worried the hard ridge for a moment with her teeth. The taste of the thin fluid welling from the eye of Harry's cock was fabulous, Sharon reflected as she swallowed a little of it and eagerly waited for more.

She was enjoying this, she really was. She'd thought that Carl Martin -- the ex-con she'd fucked and sucked in her parole officer's bedroom -- had had a wonderful taste, but Harry tasted even better. And, unlike Carl, Harry had a normal-sized cock -- one a girl could get in her mouth without dislocating her jaw. In fact, Harry's cock seemed to have been tailor-made for her mouth, and almost without realizing it, she let two more inches slide between her lips, thrilling to the feel of the throbbing glans sandwiched between the roof of her mouth and her tongue.

I'll just suck it a little bit, she told herself as she began to move her head forward and back. The second I think he's ready to cum, I'll stop. And then I'll let him fuck my mouth.

"I'm warning you," Harry said, his voice almost a whimper. "I can't stand that. I thought you wanted me to... oh God! I'm going to... to... ohhhhhhh!"

The surge of hot cum splashing into Sharon's throat was so unexpected that she gagged in spite of herself. There was so much of it, and it was coming so fast, that she had all she could do to swallow most of it without letting Harry's prick slide out of her mouth. And even so, the thing she had feared might happen, did, and she felt cum seeping out around Harry's cock and splashing down onto her bare breasts and belly.

But before she could even begin to bemoan the loss of so much precious jism -- jism she would much rather have had splash into her throat instead -- she was almost strangled by a second discharge, even more unexpected than the first. She had been swallowing constantly, but there was a limit to the amount her mouth could hold, and once again she was dismayed to feel Harry's cum spurting out the sides of her mouth and onto her body.

She was just beginning to wonder whether she'd ever be able to catch her breath again, when suddenly Harry's cock stopped spouting. And now, with a long, stricken cry, he sank to his knees, swayed for a moment, and then toppled over to one side.

Sharon, still with his prick in her mouth, still swallowing his cum, followed him down, grasping him around the ass with both arms to keep his prick from being dislodged. And not until she was certain that there wasn't another drop of jism left in his balls did she finally let his cock slide out of her mouth.

Harry raised up on an elbow. "My God," he said, looking at her with wonder. "Oh, my God. I thought I was going to die." He was breathing rapidly, his big, powerful body streaming with sweat.

Sharon smiled at him, and licked the cum from her lips. "Ummm," she said. "Delicious." She sc****d some of the cum from a breast with the side of her finger, then licked her finger clean. "I just don't know when I've tasted such wonderful jism," she said. "Are you ready?"

Harry sat up. "Huh?" he said. "Ready for what?"

"To fuck my mouth."

His eyes widened incredulously. "Are you k**ding?"

"Of course, not."

"You're got to be." He shook his head. "After the way I blew my nuts just now? My God, woman, I'm only human, after all."

She pushed her lower lip out in a pout, eyes chiding him gently. "I'm ashamed of you," she said with mock severity. "A big, strong man like you. Surely you're not going to deny a girl a little fuck in the mouth." She reached over and grasped his prick. It was still firm, but not as rock-hard as it had been a minute before. "Now, are you?" She began to stroke the shaft, alternately squeezing it and then releasing the pressure of her fingers, occasionally letting the ball of her thumb trail across the eye of his glans.

"I warned you I'd cum," Harry said, watching the milking motion of her hand with fascination. "If you wanted me to fuck your mouth, how come you started to suck me off?"

"I'm sorry," she said, squeezing harder. "But it was your own fault, you know."

"My fault? How do you figure?"

"Because your prick tastes so good," she said. "I just couldn't resist sucking it a little, Harry. I really meant to just kiss it a second or two. Honest. But it tasted so good I got a little greedy. And then, before I knew it, you started to -- why, Harry! Your cock's getting hard again!"

Harry looked at himself with surprise. "Jesus," he said softly. "I'd never have believed it. And it hasn't been more than two minutes since I squirted my nuts, either."

Sharon smiled. "Well, I hope it's more than two minutes before you squirt them again," she said. "I want you to fuck my mouth a long time, Harry. And I mean really fuck it -- just as long and as hard as you can."

"Jesus," Harry said. "Just look at my cock. The bastard's bigger than ever."

"And harder, too," Sharon said, giving it a final squeeze before she moved over to take her position on the pillow again, "Come on, Harry. Baby wants her mouth fucked."

Harry got to his feet and came over to stand in front of her. "This'll probably kill me," he said, grinning. "Not that I give a damn. After this, what else is there to live for?"

Sharon smiled up at him, then glanced down at her body. Her nipples, peeping through Harry's cum, were like tiny cherries in thick cream. The cum that had splashed onto her belly had now slid down into the black hair of her cunt, where it had broken up into small, glistening rivulets. The lips of her slit were red and engorged and laved with juice, and the perfume that rose from between her legs was as provocative as she had ever known it to be.

"Haven't you really ever fucked a girl in the mouth before?" she said. "Honest now, Harry -- haven't you?"

"No," Harry said. "I just never thought of it, I guess."

"Well, all you have to do is pretend my mouth is a cunt. I'll just use enough pressure with my lips and tongue to make it feel like one, and that's all. I'll hold your cock tight in my mouth, but I won't use any suction. I'll just hold my head rigid, and once you start, I won't move my lips or tongue at all. We'll both pretend my mouth's a cunt, you see. So all you have to do is fuck it like one. All right?"

"Right," Harry said.

"And that means fucking it hard, Harry. Real hard. As hard as you can. The harder you fuck it, the more I'll enjoy it."

"You mean that? You really want me to plow the hell out of it?"


"Jesus, I wouldn't want to hurt you."

"Don't worry, darling. You won't."

"But if I really get to going..." He shook his head. "I sure wouldn't want to do any damage."

"You won't if you watch what you're doing. Just be careful it doesn't slip out and poke me in the eye or something." She laughed. "Wouldn't that be terrible, if you gave me a black eye?"

"By God, that could happen, all right."

"It won't if you keep your mind on your fucking. Just don't pull the head out past my teeth, that's all."

"What happens when I start to cum?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you weren't going to suck it at all, didn't you?"


"Well, when I start cuming -- you'll suck then, won't you?"

"No. I'll swallow your jism, of course. But I won't suck a bit."

"When I start to cum, do you want me to stop fucking?"

"God, no! Harry, what's the matter with you?"

"I just keep pouring the meat in there, huh?"

"Of course. And as hard as you can."

"You're the boss, baby."

"That's the nicest thing about getting fucked in the mouth, Harry. I mean, feeling a cock pounding away in there at the same time it's squirting that hot jism down your throat."

"Jesus! Just listening to you talk about it has got me steamed up worse than ever."

"Good," she said, smiling up at him as she shifted her position slightly to make herself more comfortable on the pillow. "I'm going to close my mouth now, Harry. From then on, it's up to you. And remember -- think of my mouth as a cunt."

"Man, this is going to be something."

"Just fuck it easy, till you get the hang of it. Then fuck it like hell." She leaned forward until her lips were only an inch from his cock. "Fuck it, Harry, baby. Fuck it!" She closed her mouth and waited.

"You mean you want me to put it in?" Harry said.

"Harry, honestly!" she said, half amused, half exasperated. "Of course I do. It's part of the game. A man has to put his cock in a cunt, doesn't he? Now stop asking silly questions and fuck me!" She closed her mouth again and closed her eyes.

In a moment she felt the hot, moist knob of Harry's cock brush against her lips, tentatively at first, then more firmly, and she had to fight back an urge to kiss it. Then, slowly, the knob pressed harder, forcing her lips apart, and then easing into her mouth until it touched the back of her throat. And then, with short, careful strokes, Harry began to fuck her.

A minute later, after Harry had begun to fuck her mouth so hard that the force of it rocked her head forward and backward, she had to grasp him behind the knees to keep from losing her balance on the pillow. She was delighted by how quickly he had caught on. Why, from the way he was pumping his meat into her mouth, she would have been willing to swear he fucked girls this way every day of his life. And he wasn't being gentle about it. She'd been afraid he wouldn't go all out, but now she knew she'd had her fears for nothing. Harry was already almost knocking her off her knees with every thrust, and he was fucking her harder by the second. How glad she was she'd had that sudden whim to have her mouth fucked!

Eyes closed, rocking on the pillow, inhaling the mingled scents of her streaming pussy and Harry's musk, she gave herself over completely to the wonderful sensation of being brutally fucked in the mouth.

And yet, with another part of her mind, she couldn't help but marvel at the strength of her prick-hunger. Only a short time ago she had fucked and sucked Carl Martin until he was helpless. And then, still ravenous for prick, she had asked the very next man she met -- who had happened to be Harry -- to fuck her.

It was all very strange, she reflected. She'd been crazy to have Harry fuck her -- to have any man fuck her -- and then suddenly, the desire had passed, and she had compromised with Harry by offering to suck him off. But now, with Harry's prick hammering in her mouth, the urge to be fucked was as strong as ever. As soon as he came, she'd suck him hard again, and make him fuck her between her legs.

What had come over her, she wondered? Before she'd gone to prison, she'd had this sudden hunger for pricks only every two or three months. True, the compulsion, when it had come, had been overwhelming -- so strong that she had never once been able to fight it, and so insistent that she had always been forced to fuck the nearest available male, regardless of the consequences. But the compulsion had never come upon her twice in the same day, much less twice in the same hour.

What could be happening to her? Was it simply that her body was trying to make up for lost time -- for the sex-starved year she'd spent in prison? Or had she changed into another person? It happened, she knew; a confirmed lesbian sometimes changed overnight into a permanent bisexual.

She has surprised that such a thought didn't disturb her in the least. After all, she'd spent years thinking of herself as a lesbian who only occasionally had a desire for a man's cock. It would seem that the possibility she was becoming something else would be alarming. But it was not. If it happened, it happened, and there was nothing she either could or wanted to do about it. It wouldn't mean she'd enjoy sex with other girls any less; it would merely mean she'd be able to enjoy it just as much with men -- and not only at intervals, either.

The more she thought about it, the more intrigued she became. To be able to suck a cunt or a prick with equal pleasure would be wonderful. When one thought about it, what more of life could one possibly ask? Could she really have changed, she wondered? God, she hoped so. It seemed too good to be true, but she prayed that it was.

"Oh, Jesus," Harry said, panting hard, pounding the head of his prick against the back of Sharon's throat. "Baby, you'd better get ready. I think I'm going to... ohhhhhhhh!"

Oh, no! Sharon thought. Not yet! Not yet! She let Harry's prick slide from her mouth and looked up at him pleadingly. "Oh, Harry!" she said. "Can't you hold it back just a little longer? Can't you at least try, Harry? Baby wants her mouth fucked."

He shook his head. "No way," he said, looking down at his prick, now glistening wet and dripping with Sharon's saliva. "Look at that bastard vibrate, will you? Another second, and I would have squirted my nuts."

Sharon sat back on her heels, looking at the wet, red cockhead hungrily. "Well, go ahead and cum in my mouth, then," she said. "Then I'll suck you hard again, and you can fuck my cunt."

"Holy God!" Harry said. "You mean you want..."

There was a knock at the door.

"Christ," Harry said. "Now what?"

"Damnit," Sharon said. "Just when we were..."

"Shh," Harry said. "Maybe they'll go away."

"Why don't you cum in my mouth while we're waiting?" Sharon whispered. "Please, Harry. Will you?"

A fist hammered on the door again, much louder. "This is the police," a man's voice called. "Open this door, Harry Connor!"

"We've got you this time, Connor!" another man's voice called. "Open up before we break the door down."

"Oh, my God!" Sharon said, jumping to her feet. "The police!"

"Police, my ass," Harry said, scowling. "It's my Goddamn roommates. They're real comedians, those guys."

"But I thought you said they were out in their cabs."

"They've double-crossed me, the bastards."

"Tell them you have a girl in here. Maybe they'll be gentlemanly and go away."

"You k**ding?" He shook his head. "Not a chance."

"The jig's up," one of the men called. "Open the door and come out with your hands on top of your head."

"I'll have to let them in," Harry said, and walked over to the door. "I've got company," he said. "Give us a couple of minutes, okay?"

"Why not?" one of the men said. "But after two minutes, down comes the door."

Sharon went over to put on her dress, then remembered she still had Harry's cum on her breasts and belly.

"I've got to clean myself up a little," she said as she picked up her dress and bra. "Where's the bathroom?"

Harry was struggling into his pants. "Out that door and to your left," he said, nodding toward a door at the rear of the room. "Goddamn those bastards, anyhow."

Sharon, naked, opened the door, looked both ways to make sure there was no one in the hall, and then ran down to the bathroom. It took her only a few moments to sponge up the cum and get dressed. But she had forgotten to bring her handbag, and she had to comb her hair as best she could with her fingers. Not that the men would be likely to pay any attention, she reflected idly as she walked back to the room. Men usually were much too busy looking at the rest of her to notice a little thing like slightly disheveled hair.

She entered the room just as Harry opened the front door. Two young men and a very young girl walked in. One of the men was tall and slim with dark eyes and hair. The other was of average height with sun-whitened blond hair. Both men were very good-looking, and each of them carried two six-packs of beer. The girl was no older than fifteen, Sharon decided -- a stunningly pretty girl with long auburn hair and gray-blue eyes. Her silk-jersey mini-dress barely came to the tops of her thighs, and her long, beautiful legs were sheathed in shimmering black nylon.

"Why aren't you bastards out fucking?" Harry said.

"Why aren't you?" the dark-haired man said, grinning. "We ran into Janie here, and decided to knock off for the day."

Then the men and the girl caught sight of Sharon.

"Boy!" the dark-haired man said. "Will you look at that!"

"So this is your company," the blond man said.

"Wow!" The girl looked at Sharon appraisingly, a tentative smile on her lips.

"Well, don't hang back, beautiful," the dark-haired man said. "Come on over where the action is."

Sharon smiled and walked over to join them. She was still very much annoyed to have been cheated out of a fuck, but there didn't seem to be much she could do about it. Not right at the moment, anyhow. But sooner or later, if she had her way, she was going to get some meat in her cunt. There were three men here, and only one other girl, and that meant there was more than enough prick to go around. And the girl was a little darling. Sucking her would be a delight, Sharon reflected, admiring the long, perfect legs. If she were lucky, she just might end up with all the prick and cunt she wanted.

"Fellas," Harry began, "this is Miss... Miss... uh, what's your name again, baby?"


"Yeah, sure. Sharon. Sharon, this is Steve."

"You'll have to excuse me if I'm a little nervous, Sharon," the blond man said. "You're the first angel I ever met."

"And this is Tom," Harry said.

"Boy, are you gorgeous," the dark-haired man said. "Harry, how the hell did an ugly cuss like you ever come up with something like this?"

"And this is Janie," Harry said. "Janie, meet Sharon."

Janie glanced knowingly at Sharon's hair and winked. "Hi," she said, her eyes mischievous. "I sure hope we're not interrupting anything."

Harry laughed hollowly. "Why, of course not," he said. "Whatever gave you that impression?"

Everybody laughed.

"Janie here is too young to drink in bars," Steve said, smiling at Sharon. "So we figured we'd pick up some six-packs, and bring her over here."

"Well," Harry said, "no use us all just standing around like this. You fellas aiming to share that beer with Sharon and me, or aren't you?"

When they were all seated -- Sharon and Harry on the side of the bed, Janie and Steve facing them on the couch in front of the double-deck bunk, and Tom on the cushion upon which Sharon had knelt while Harry fucked her mouth -- each with a can of beer, Tom began to sniff the air.

"Man!" he said, inhaling deeply. "It sure smells sexy in here." He took another deep breath. "Or is it just me? Does anybody else notice it?"

"I noticed it the second we came in," Janie said, smiling at Harry. "What've you and Sharon been up to, Harry?"

"Nothing," Harry said. "We'd only just got here."

"Good," Janie said. "Then you've got something to look forward to."

"Man, that's some scent in here," Tom said, sniffing the air again. "You sure you and Sharon were behaving yourself, Harry?"

"I like it," Janie said. "In fact, I think it's very exciting," She moved closer to Steve. "It really puts you in the mood for something. Don't you think so, Steve?"

Steve put his arm around her. "I was already in the mood," he said, and raised his hand up beneath her arm to cup a breast.

"Why, Steve!" Janie said, snuggling closer to him. "What in the world do you think you're doing?"

"Just checking to see if you've grown any," Steve said.

"Well? Have I?"

"A little, I think," Steve said, kneading her breast in his big hand. "Yes, I think you have." He reached up with his other hand. "Just let me check this one, too."

"Isn't he awful?" Janie said, smiling at Sharon. "He just won't let my tits alone a second."

"Lucky girl," Sharon said, and took a sip of her beer. Things were going, very well indeed, she reflected; the little auburn-haired beauty was obviously eager to be fucked -- almost as eager as she was herself. And those pretty legs! When Janie had sat down on the couch, her skirt had ridden up so high that Sharon could see the little black V between her legs, and Sharon had been stealing interested glances at it ever since.

Sharon had thought Janie would be wearing pantyhose with such an unusually brief skirt, but she wasn't. She was wearing the same kind of ultra-sheer, thigh-high black stockings that Sharon wore herself. And now, as Sharon studied Janie's V, she couldn't decide whether it was pussy hair or a black bikini. Janie's skirt cast just enough shadow to make it impossible to be sure.

She leaned her head on Harry's shoulder. "I have breasts, too, Harry," she whispered.

He put his arm around her, but that was all. "Take it easy," he muttered. "But I'm horny," she said. "Shh!"

"If they hadn't come in, you'd be fucking my cunt."

"You mean you want me to start fooling around with you? Right now, with everybody watching us?"


"Hell, I haven't got the balls. I never could do anything, with somebody else watching."

"Steve's playing with Janie's breasts, isn't he?"

"That's different."

She grasped his hand and put it on her thigh. "Feel me up, Harry," she whispered. "Fingerfuck me a little."

"I tell you I can't," he said, pulling his hand away. "I'm funny that way. I just can't do it, that's all."

Sharon sighed. "Why don't you sit up here on the bed with Harry and me, Tom?" she said to the dark-haired man sitting on the floor. "Wouldn't you be more comfortable?"

Tom got up. "Yes, I guess I would," he said, and sat down beside Sharon.

"Hey, what the hell?" Harry said. "You're my girl. Remember?"

"You're sure not acting like it," Sharon said, putting her lips close to his ear so that Tom couldn't hear. "I want to get fucked, Harry."

"Steve, stop!" Janie said, laughing as she pretended to try to tug his hands from her breasts. "You'll get my dress all wrinkled."

"Take it off," Steve said.

"But I don't have a thing under it!"

"So much the better."

"But then I'd be all naked." She looked over at Sharon with mock dismay. "Isn't he awful? Did you hear what he wants me to do?"

"I think that's a marvelous idea," Sharon said. "Why don't you, Janie?"

"Well," Janie said, as if trying to decide, "are you sure you want me to, Steve?"

"Stop teasing," Steve said, grinning as he pushed her to her feet. "Take it off."

She grasped the hem of her dress with both hands, then hesitated for a moment. "Oh, all right," she said, and drew it over her head. Her body was flawless. "There!" she said as she tossed her dress over the back of a chair and sat down by Steve again. "I hope you're satisfied."

Steve immediately seized one of her breasts again and began to milk it. "That's a damn sight better," he said. "In fact, it's just about perfect."

Sharon gazed at the little pussy, a scant inch above the taut tops of the sleek black stockings, and felt her tongue begin to thicken. Janie was sitting with her knees far enough apart so that her tiny pink slit had gaped open a good half-inch. It looked so enticing that Sharon could think of nothing else. It was all she could do to keep from rushing across the room and burying her head between the other girl's legs.

Then as Janie spread her legs even further apart -- doing it slowly and deliberately -- Sharon realized the other girl was watching her, that she was teasing her.

Why, the little bitch! Sharon thought. She's flirting with me!

Janie smiled at her. "I feel embarrassed, Sharon," she said, spreading her legs still another inch or two.

Sharon laughed. "I can't imagine why you should," she said.

"It feels funny, being the only naked girl in here," Janie said. "Why don't you take your dress off, too?"

"Now, there's an idea," Tom said, grinning widely. "Why don't you, Sharon? After all, we're all friends here."

Sharon put her beer can on the floor and got to her feet. "You know," she said, "I just think I will."

She undressed to a complete silence, smiling to herself at the awed looks on the others' faces, even Janie's. Her exquisite body always had that effect on other people, she knew, but she never failed to enjoy their reaction.

"Holy God," Tom said reverently as she sat down and began to sleek her stockings. "Tom was right. You really are an angel. No human female was ever that beautiful, and that's for sure."

Sharon started to cross her legs, then remembered Janie, and sat with her knees apart so that the other girl could see her slit. Would the moist pink lips cause Janie's tongue to thicken, she wondered, as the other girl's slit had caused her own tongue to do? Would looking at her gaping cunt make Janie want to suck it, just as she wanted to suck Janie's?

Janie was staring at her with open mouth, her eyes slightly dazed as they moved from Sharon's cunt to her face and back again.

"You're the prettiest girl I ever saw, Sharon," she said. "You really are."

"That's, very sweet of you to say," Sharon said. "Do you feel quite so embarrassed now?"

"No," Janie said. "Just more envious. You're just... just perfect, Sharon."

"Hey!" Steve said, smiling. "What's going on? You two girls working up a romance or what?"

Janie laughed. "Now don't be jealous, Stevie," she said, and pressed her body against him. "Put your finger in me."

Steve dropped his hand between her legs, inserted a finger, and began to frig her, meanwhile continuing to milk her breast with his other hand. Janie closed her eyes, a beatific expression on her face, rolling her hips a little, raising her pussy to meet the thrust of Steve's pistoning finger.

"Oh, that's good," Janie sighed. "That's the first thing I've had in my pussy all day."

"It sure as hell isn't going to be the last," Steve said. "Let's fuck, Janie."

"Not yet," Janie said. "I like to build up to it real slow and easy -- you know that. Don't be in such a hurry." She lay her head on Steve's shoulder. "Put another finger in there, Steve. And frig me just a little bit deeper."

Watching Steve's juice-wet fingers moving in and out of Janie's cunt, and listening to the provocative little sucking sounds they made, was driving Sharon out of her mind. She put her left hand on the bulge in Harry's pants and her right hand on the bulge in Tom's.

"I want to be fucked," she said, smiling from one young man to the other. "And I want to be fucked right now."

"Jesus Christ!" Harry said. "Right in front of everybody? Hell, I can't do it. I told you that."

"Well, I sure as hell can," Tom said, putting his hand between Sharon's legs. "You don't mind if I fuck your girlfriend, do you, Harry?"

"Sure I mind," Harry said.

"Oh, come on," Tom said, tracing the tip of his finger up and down Sharon's slit. "What's a little fuck among friends? I let you fuck my girl the other night, didn't I?"

Harry scowled at him and said nothing. "We're going to need all the bed, old buddy," Tom said.

Harry shrugged, took a long drag at his beer, and walked over to sit in a chair. "The hell with it," he said sullenly.

While Tom was taking off his clothes, Sharon looked over at Janie and Steve. The blond man was still fingerfucking the little auburn-haired beauty, but now he was doing it with a circular stirring motion that had the young girl writhing with joy. As Sharon watched, Janie unzipped Steve's fly, took out his prick, and began to stroke it.

"Kiss it a little," Steve said huskily.

"Later," Janie said, stroking faster. "Put another finger in me, Stevie."

"I can't. You're too tight."


"I've got two of them in there already."

"Try, Steve," she said, spreading her legs as far apart as she could. "Your cock's bigger than three fingers, and you can get that in."

"Why don't let me put it in, instead?"

"No. I want to be fingerfucked, some more. Oh! You see? You did get three of them in. Oh, Stevie! Frig me harder!" She began to pump his prick furiously.

Tom had finished undressing, and now he walked up to the bed, his cock standing straight out, its root buried in the thickest growth of pubic hair Sharon had ever seen.

"Well, Sharon," he said, grinning. "Here's where you get yourself fucked."

Sharon put a pillow beneath her ass and spread her legs. "Hurry," she said. "I'm dying for it, Tom."

But to her surprise, Tom didn't position himself between her legs. He straddled her, his huge balls brushing her belly, the head of his cock only inches from her face.

She thought he wanted her to suck it. "No, Tom," she said. "Not now. I want to be fucked."

"You're going to get fucked, don't worry," he said. "But I've got this thing about tits, Sharon. Especially big, gorgeous tits like yours. I want to fuck them a little. Okay?"

"Fuck my breasts?"

"Sure. Don't tell me you've never been fucked that way before."

"No, I haven't."

"Well, you've been missing something."

Sharon had heard of girls being fucked between their breasts, of course, but it had always seemed a little silly to her. She'd never been able to see the point. Why put a prick between your breasts when you could put it in your cunt or mouth? Still, now that a man was on top of her, anxious to do it to her, the idea was somehow intriguing. Why not let him fuck her that way a minute or two, just to see what it was like? Then she'd make him put his cock in her cunt and give her what she really wanted.

"All right," she said. "But you'll have to show me how."

"Hell, there's nothing to it," Tom said, lowering himself until his cock rested between her breasts. "You just squeeze your tits together on it, that's all."

"Like this?"

"Yeah. Only, mash them against it a little harder... that's it. Man, does that feel good in there." He began to fuck with long, slow strokes, his balls dragging up and down her belly. "How do you like it?"

She liked it, she decided, and said so. But she thought she knew how to make it feel even better. Slowly, still mashing her breasts against the plunging shaft, she rolled her breasts around it until she had both nipples pressed against it. She sighed with pleasure, and crushed Tom's cock between her breasts as hard as she could. The feel of it tugging at her breasts, raking its length across the tingling tips of her hard, swollen nipples was a whole new sensation to her, and she loved it.

Sharon glanced at the big pink cockhead stabbing toward her face from the snowy mounds of her mashed-together breasts.

"I hope you don't intend to cum," she said.

"Don't worry," Tom said. "I'm saving that first wad for your cunt."

"Is that a promise?"

He laughed and lengthened his stroke, so that Sharon had to turn her chin aside to keep it from interfering with the moist, seeping glans. "I double-guarantee it," he said. "I'm not shooting any jism on that pretty face, if that's what's worrying you. That load's going straight up your cunt and nowhere else."

Sharon relaxed and gave herself over to the enjoyment of this delightful new way of fucking. How glad she was now that she had let Tom try it! It was a wonderful preliminary to being fucked in the cunt, and she resolved that in the future she would have her breasts fucked as often as she could.

She'd forgotten all about Harry. But now he coughed, and she looked over at him. He was still sitting in the chair, beer can in hand, staring straight ahead, trying to look as if he were completely indifferent to the things going on around him.

Poor, mixed-up Harry, Sharon reflected; he must be suffering the torments of the damned. She'd have to think of some way to rid him of his inhibition about having sex in front of other people. It was tragic for a rugged, likable man like him to be afflicted that way, and she meant to do something about it.

Then, as Tom's shuttling cock sent wave after wave of pleasure throughout her whole body, she looked over at Steve and Janie on the couch.

Steve was still sitting on the side of the couch, but now his pants were down around his ankles, and he was leaning back on his elbows. Janie was kneeling on the floor in front of him, her head bobbing up and down as she sucked his cock. She was gobbling it greedily, making little moaning sounds.

But what fascinated Sharon most of all was the fact that Janie had put one hand behind her ass and was frigging her asshole with her finger, running it in and out its entire length, reaming her rectum with it as hard and as fast as she could. It was something Sharon had often enjoyed doing herself, and the sight caused her own asshole to squirm delightfully. If only she didn't need both hands to squeeze her breasts against Tom's cock, she'd treat her asshole to a good, hard rimming right this minute.

"Damn, this is good," Tom gasped, beginning to fuck her breasts even faster. "What terrific tits!"

Sharon lay watching Janie and Steve, entranced with the lovely picture they made. A pretty girl with a prick in her mouth was certainly the most beautiful sight in the world, she reflected... Well, not quite, she corrected herself. The most beautiful sight was a pretty girl with her tongue in another girl's cunt.

Suddenly she realized that Tom's cock was beginning to pulse alarmingly. She released her breasts at once and gently pushed the head of Tom's cock a little to one side, so that if he did come, his jism would merely splash on her shoulder.

"Don't you think you've fucked them long enough?" she said, smiling up at him.

"Yeah," Tom said, breathing rapidly. "I damn near got carried away there." He shook his head wonderingly. "Christ, baby, you have got some tits."

"I'm glad you like them," she said. "But I'd like my cunt fucked now, Tom."

Tom wiped the sweat from his forehead and crawled back between her knees. "No sooner said than done," he said. "I'm going to throw a fuck in you you'll never forget."

"Can I depend on that?"

"Damn right."

"And you won't cum too soon?"

"I won't until you say so. I got great cock control, Sharon, baby." He put his hand between her legs. "Great God!"

"What's the matter?"

"Your pussy's sopping wet. So's your ass. It's dripping off on the bed."

"Well, what did you expect?" she said, laughing.

"You must've really liked having your tits fucked, to juice so much."

"Tom, darling, I've only begun to juice. Wait'll you've fucked my cunt awhile; you'll see."

"You've got the juiciest, sweetest-smelling cunt I ever saw. How about if I eat it a little?"

"Oh, no you don't. I told you, Tom -- I want to get fucked." She locked her legs around his waist, crossed her ankles, and reached down to take his cock in her hand. "Let me put it in for you."

She teased herself for a few moments, rubbing the big cockhead gently against the yearning lips of her cunt, making the lips pucker in little kissing movements against it.

"Wow!" Tom said, trembling with anticipation. "Where did you learn that?"

"It just comes natural," Sharon said as she let her cunt lips spread slowly around his glans. "Now. But push it up me slowly, Tom. I'm built very small."

"Man, are you ever," Tom said, easing an inch of his shaft into her. "You're even tighter than Janie over there."

"Oh? Have you fucked her?"

"Hell, I've fucked her in every hole she's got," Tom said, feeding Sharon another inch of his meat. "Especially her asshole."


"Sure. She loves it." He grinned. "Don't you?"

"I don't know. I've never been fucked back there," Sharon said, lifting her pussy a little. "Easy, Tom. Push it in a little slower."

"Well, what do you know," Tom said. "You'd never been fucked between the tits before, you said. And now you say you've never been fucked in the ass. How about your mouth? I'll bet you've been fucked there, haven't you?"

"Of course I have."

"But not in the ass, huh? Why not?"

"I was afraid it would hurt," she said. "I do like to rim myself with my finger, or have someone else do it. But even that hurts a little."

"It hurts good, though, doesn't it?"


"Well, a prick hurts a hell of a lot better. You ought to try it sometime."

"No, thank you. A prick's just too big. I'd be scared to even try." She felt the head of Tom's cock touch her womb, then pull back a little. "Fuck me slow and easy, right at first," she said. "And then, when I loosen up a little, fuck me as hard as you can."

As Tom began to fuck her, she looked over at Janie and Steve again. They had traded places on the couch. Janie was now sitting on the side, her legs spread wide, while Steve knelt on the floor between them, eating her pussy. Janie had pulled her nipples out as far as she could and was twisting them between thumb and forefinger. She was rolling her hips, pushing her pussy out in rapid little thrusts at Steve's face. When she saw Sharon looking at her, she smiled and winked, and then released one of her nipples long enough to kiss her fingertips and blow the kiss to Sharon.

Sharon blew her a kiss in return, then began to roll her own ass in a way that made Tom's cock press hard against first one side of her tight little sheath, then the other.

Then, just as she was really settling down to fucking, her attention was distracted by Harry's suddenly getting up from his chair with a loud, bored-sounding sigh. He stretched, yawned elaborately, and, without so much as a glance at anyone else, walked over to the small table where Tom and Steve had set the six-packs of beer. Very casually, he opened a fresh can, sampled it, and then strolled back to his chair and sat down again, looking off into the middle distance and sipping thoughtfully, as if he were the only one in the room.

Poor Harry, Sharon thought to herself. I've simply got to do something for him.

But then Tom's prick began to touch all the right places, and she closed her eyes and began to fuck.

"Harder, Tom," she said. "Fuck me harder."

He did, pistoning his cock into her as if he meant to flatten her womb against her backbone, lifting her ass six inches off the pillow with every thrust, his balls slapping against her asshole.

He hadn't just been bragging, Sharon conceded; he really did know how to fuck a girl's cunt. What she liked best of all was that he was so brutal about it. When she closed her eyes, she could almost believe she was being violated against her will. It was the way she loved to feel while she was being fucked, and she surrendered to it completely, pretending to herself that she was bound hand and foot, a cruel gag in her mouth, utterly helpless, at the mercy of a crazed r****t.

"**** me!" she cried. "Tear my cunt out!"

"I'm trying, baby," Tom grunted, and redoubled his efforts. "Jesus, what a fuck!"

She lay panting, writhing, legs clamped so tightly around Tom's body that her thighs ached, turning her head from side to side, digging her fingernails into Tom's back.

For ten long, glorious minutes she was conscious of nothing but the steady pounding of hard, hot meat in her burning cunt. It was somehow as if there were nothing else in all the world but her cunt and Tom's prick.

And then the incredible feeling in her cunt began to spread throughout her body, and she knew she was going to cum. She tried not to, because she was afraid her orgasm would trigger Tom's -- which meant the fucking would be over. But she couldn't help herself, and suddenly she came with such force that she almost blacked out with the sheer ecstasy of it.

Still, she had enough presence of mind to cry, "Take it out, Tom! Quick! Take it out of me!"

But she was too late. The feel of her spasming cunt muscles on his cock had been too much for him, and he began to cum, his sweat-wet body rigid and quivering, his gouting cock embedded in Sharon's cunt to the very root.

Sharon felt the hot jism splashing against her womb and came again and again, her orgasms only seconds apart, overlapping one another, building in intensity until she thought she was going to explode.

And then, slowly, the orgasms became less and less violent, and at last they were over.

She and Tom lay in each other's arms for a full minute, savoring the afterglow of their fuck. Then, reluctantly, Tom crawled off her and swung his legs over the side of the bed, where he sat, trying to catch his breath, his cock glistening with cum and Sharon's juice.

"What a fuck," he said dazedly. "What a Goddamn terrific fuck. I never had anything like it. Hell, I didn't even know there was anything like it."

Sharon smiled and sat up, cross-legged. "I feel the same way about it," she said, taking the pillow case off the pillow. "You were right, Tom -- I'll never forget it." She spread her pussylips with her fingers, so that Tom's cum would run out of her cunt faster, and sponged herself with the pillow case until she was sure her cunt was empty. Then she tossed the pillow case aside and moved over to sit on the side of the bed beside Tom.

"How about a little fuck, Tom?" she said, laughing.

He smiled at her weakly. "Stop teasing," he said. "Leave me to my memories."

"I'd like to clean your prick."


"I'd like to lick it clean for you. Do you mind?"

"Do I mind? God, no!"

She leaned over his lap, pursed her lips, and began to lick the cum and cunt juice from his cock. When she had it all, she took the head in her mouth and moved her lips along the shaft until they touched his pubic hair. His cock was half-soft now, and she had no trouble getting all his meat in her mouth. When she had sucked the shaft clean, she lifted his balls in the palm of her hand and licked them until they were free of cum and juice. Then she noticed that a drop of fluid had formed in the eye of his glans, and she licked it away with a flick of her tongue.

"There you are," she said as she stood up. "All ready for the next girl."

"Which will be you again," Tom said.

She laughed and walked over to where she had left her handbag. She felt relaxed and carefree, as she always did after multiple orgasms, and as she began to comb the tangles from her hair, she began to hum to herself, watching Janie and Steve going down on each other on the couch. They were lying on their side, in such a position that Sharon had a clear view of Steve's tongue as it darted in and out of Janie's delectable little slit.

Sharon watched Steve's spearing tongue with envy, wishing that it were her own tongue in Janie's cunt instead of his. The pink-and-red folds of Janie's labia looked delicious and an enticing flow of cunt juice had laved the smooth white globes of her ass and the even whiter skin above the tops of her sheer black stockings.

But Sharon had to admit that, for a man, Steve was tonguing the young girl very well indeed. Not, of course, that any man could hope to suck a girl as well as another girl could suck her. Girls knew all the little thrill centers in their own cunts, and therefore knew exactly where and how to use their lips and tongue. Still, men did have certain advantages. For one thing, their tongues were thicker and longer; for another, men had more strength and endurance.

Her mouth watering from watching Steve tongue-fuck Janie, Sharon tore her eyes away to look at Harry. He was still sitting in his chair, holding a can of beer, stoically pretending to be completely oblivious to everything around him. There were three more empty beer cans on the floor by his chair, which meant that he had made further trips to the six-packs while Sharon had been too busy fucking Tom to notice.

It was such a touching sight that Sharon felt her heart go out to him. How awful it must be for him, she reflected as she noticed the erection that raised the fly of his pants like a tent. There the poor man sat, going quietly mad because of his ridiculous inhibition about fucking and sucking while anyone was watching him.

She put her comb back in her bag, set her bag on the floor, sleeked her stockings again, and walked over to him. It was high time that Harry joined the festivities, and she was determined to see that he did.

"You haven't fucked me yet, Harry," she said. "Don't you want to?"

He glanced up at her, then away. "I can't, I told you," he said. "Not in front of everybody."

"That's silly. Of course you can."

He took a long drag at his beer. "No dice," he said.

"But it's more fun when somebody's watching, Harry. I love to have people watch me suck and fuck. And look at Steve and Janie over there, sucking away like crazy. It doesn't bother them a bit. And Tom -- well, you saw how little difference it made to him. What's wrong with you, Harry?"

"I just can't do it, that's all."

"Harry, I want you to fuck me. Right now."

"No." He finished his beer and put the can on the floor. "Stop giving me a bad time, okay?"

He was sitting in a low, armless contour chair. Sharon leaned over him, as if she were going to kiss him. Then, before he could guess what she was up to, she sat down in his lap, facing him, her nyloned legs straddling him.

"Hey, what the hell?" Harry said.

"Well, at least you can kiss me, can't you?" she said, and leaned forward to glue her mouth to his, meanwhile inching her ass up his legs until she felt the bulge of his prick against her cunt.

Harry didn't respond to her kiss at first, and it was several seconds before she was able to draw his tongue into her mouth. But once she did, and began to suck it, he put his arms around her, and she knew that she was on her way.

As she sucked the slippery, hot meat, she surreptitiously dropped one hand down between her legs and felt with her fingertips until she located the pull-tag on Harry's zipper. Then, as she sucked his tongue as hard as she could to divert his attention, she slowly unzipped his fly. The next second, his cock was in her hand, and the second after that she was pushing the head between the lips of her cunt. Then, throwing her arms around him, she let her ass sink down slowly, impaling herself on his prick.

Harry pulled his tongue from her mouth and started to struggle. But she held him tight, bouncing her ass up and down, fucking him, and soon he stopped trying to push her off his lap.

"You see?" Sharon said. "You can fuck when somebody's watching."

"You're the one that's fucking," he said.

"Don't quibble," Sharon said, pumping her ass a little faster. "A fuck's a fuck." She leaned forward a little, so that one of her breasts brushed his face. "Suck my nipple, Harry."

He hesitated, looking first at Tom on the side of the bed, then at Steve and Janie, who were still going down on each other. "To hell with them," he said, and sucked her nipple into his mouth, reaching up to milk her other breast with his hand.

Sharon was so pleased to have relieved Harry of his inhibition that she had fucked him for a full two minutes before she realized just how uncomfortable it was to fuck this way.

"Let's fuck on the bed, Harry," she said.

Without a word, he rose, his prick still up to the hilt in Sharon's cunt, and carried her over to the bed. Tom got up and went over to sit in the chair Harry and Sharon had just vacated.

"I want to get on top, though," Sharon said. "I want to do the fucking, Harry."

Still with his cock up her cunt, Harry lay down on his back and stretched out his legs. "Okay with me," he said. "You're sure as hell doing great so far."

"But I don't want you to cum in me."

"Why not?"

"Because I want to drink your jism. So when you think you're going to cum, warn me."

"I can tell you right now that it isn't going to be long," he said. "I was ready to blow my nuts when everybody busted in on us. Remember?"

"I'll fuck you real slow," she said. "Then you'll last."

But to her disappointment, his warning came only a few minutes after she had begun to fuck him. And even with a warning, she had hardly enough time to twist around and gobble up his prick before it started to squirt its load.

There was a lot of jism, but not quite so much as there had been when she sucked him off, and she was able to swallow it all without losing a single drop.

When she was sure there was nothing more to suck out of his cock, she sat up and began licking the traces of come from her lips and the backs of her teeth. It had been a pleasant fuck, considering its brevity, and she had enjoyed drinking Harry's jism. But she felt unsatisfied. She was still hungry for prick, and whether the prick was in her cunt or in her mouth didn't make much difference. She simply had to have more meat in her somewhere, and she had to have it right away.

Then she heard Janie moaning, and she looked over at the couch. Janie was on her hands and knees, ass in the air, being fucked in the rectum by a sweating, grunting Steve.

Sharon watched with fascination as Steve's big prick sank out of sight in Janie's hole time and again, his balls swinging forward with each thrust to slap against her pussy. Tom had said that Janie loved to be fucked in the ass, Sharon recalled, and the ecstatic expression on the other girl's face left no doubt about it.

Without thinking what she was doing, Sharon reached down between her legs, moistened a finger with cunt juice, and curled it into her asshole. Could she possibly take a man's prick back there, she wondered? Wouldn't it hurt terribly? She frigged herself a little faster, watching Janie push her ass back to meet Steve's prick, listening to the slap of Steve's balls against Janie's pussy.

Then Steve suddenly yelled, and his body grew rigid. At almost the same instant, Janie cried out too, but she began to thrust her ass back at Steve even faster than before.

Both of them were cuming, Sharon knew, and the realization started her cunt to spasming and caused her asshole to tighten on her finger like a tiny velvet vise.

It took Steve a long time to finish cuming. But at last he drew his cock from Janie's rectum and fell over on his side, apparently exhausted.

Janie jumped up, slipped a finger into her asshole like a cork, and ran past the bed toward the door at the rear of the room.

"I've got a whole ass full of cum," she said, smiling at Sharon. "I just hope I make it to the bathroom in time." And she ran out the door.

"She wasn't k**ding," Steve said, sitting up on the side of the couch. "I really shot a wad into her today. I'd been saving it up for two weeks."

"You see how much she likes it?" Tom said from his chair, grinning at Sharon. "You'd like it too, if you'd only try it. You even like it with your finger."

Sharon smiled. She'd completely forgotten that she had her finger up her ass. Now she began to frig herself again. But this time she pushed her thumb into her cunt as well. By rocking her hand back and forth, she was able to probe first her cunt, then her rectum. With her other hand, she reached up and began to knead her breast, mashing hard, raking the swollen nipple with her palm.

What Tom had said was true, she knew. She would enjoy having a cock up her ass. Suppose it did hurt a little, or even a lot? So what? It had hurt the first time she'd taken a cock up her cunt, too, hadn't it? But the pain hadn't lasted long, and it had been worth it a thousand times over. And now she realized that she'd watched Steve's prick sliding in and out of Janie's asshole, and had seen the look of utter joy on the young girl's face.

Yes, she decided, she did want her ass fucked, and she wanted it fucked right now.

She glanced about her at the men's pricks. Harry's was still soft from fucking her, and Steve's was the same way from rimming Janie. But Tom had had a long rest, and now his cock was big and hard again.

"I think you're right, Tom," she said, smiling at him. "About being fucked in the ass, I mean. I'd like to be."

Tom grinned and got up quickly. "Just what I've been waiting for," he said as he walked over to the bed. "I'll ream the hell out of it."

Steve came over to the bed too. "I want a close-up view of this," he said as he sat down beside Harry.

Harry laughed. "I'm kind of anxious to see this, myself," he said. "I've never seen a girl get it in the ass for the first time."

"You make me feel like a virgin," Sharon said, smiling, as she got on her hands and knees. "I just happen never to have been fucked back there before, that's all."

"Well, you're going to get fucked there now, all right," Tom said as he crawled behind her. "I'm going to fuck the shit out of it."

The door at the rear of the room opened and Janie came in. "Oh, boy!" she said as she hurried up to the bed. "Are you going to rim her, Tom?"

"You know it," Tom said. "And it's her first time, too. I'm going to take her cherry, so to speak."

"Is it really your first time, Sharon?" Janie said.

"Yes," Sharon said.

"Oh, you'll just love it," Janie said. "It's ever so much better than being fucked in the cunt, Sharon. I can never get enough of it. I even dream about it sometimes."

"Everybody stand back," Tom said, hunching himself into position. "The shit's about to fly."

"Don't be crude," Janie said. "Are you going to try to get that monster in her without greasing it first? And it's her first time, too! Shame on you!"

"Yeah," Tom said. "Maybe we'd better lube it a little, at that. That's a mighty little hole she's got there."

"Let me do it," Janie said. She put a finger into her cunt, frigged herself for a few moments, and then withdrew her dripping fingers and smeared the juice over the head of Tom's cock. "There! That's more like it."

"You ready, baby?" Tom said.

"Yes," Sharon said. "But be gentle, Tom. Push it in me very slowly."

"No," Janie said, shaking her head. "That's not the way, Sharon. It's better if he jams it in all at once. Just one hard shove, and you'll have it all the way up you."

"Oh, no!" Sharon said, alarmed. "That would hurt too much!"

"Here it comes," Tom said.

"Oh!" Sharon cried. It felt as if someone had split her rectum wide open with a red-hot poker. "Oh, my God!" The searing pain was so great she thought she was going to black out. "Ohhhhhh!"

And then, suddenly, there was no pain at all. There was only the sensation of having her rectum packed with hard, hot meat. It was hard to believe, but she had Tom's cock up her ass all the way to his balls; she could feel the firm globes pressing against her cunt.

And then he began to fuck her.

It was a feeling like none she had ever known, and she cried out again, but with pleasure.

"Didn't I tell you?" Janie said excitedly, watching Sharon's face. "Isn't it wonderful?"

"God, yes!" Sharon moaned. "Ohhhhhh!"

Tom had hit his stride. He was fucking her so hard the bed rocked. It felt as if his cock were plunging all the way from her asshole to her throat.

"Oh, fuck me," Sharon cried. "Fuck that hole, Tom! Fuck that hole!"

Tom speeded up his stroke, reaming her viciously, hammering her ass as if he meant to split it apart.

"Isn't it better than having your cunt fucked, Sharon?" Janie demanded. "Isn't it?"

"Oh, yes!" Sharon breathed. "Oh, it's so... so... Ohhhhhhhhhhh!"

Janie was so excited that she couldn't stand still. Now she spread her feet wide apart, inserted a finger into her cunt, and began to frig herself furiously.

"Oh, I love to watch a girl get her ass fucked!" she said. "I just love it!"

Sharon got her first scent of Janie's pussy. It was so heavenly, and the sight of the finger churning the wet little slit was so enticing, that she had a sudden, overwhelming desire to suck the young girl off.

Shit, Sharon thought to herself. I really am becoming a bisexual. I want a man to fuck rue, and yet I want to suck a girl at the same time.

It was incredible, she reflected. In the middle of the best fucking she had ever had in her life, she still wanted to suck a cunt. And not only wanted to, but had to. She knew if she didn't get her tongue in Janie's slit at once, she would go out of her mind.

"Janie," she gasped, thrusting her ass back in time with the cock boring into her rectum. "Janie, I want to suck you."

"Oh!" Janie cried happily, climbing onto the bed. "Oh, Sharon!" She lay down on her back in front of Sharon, spread her legs as wide as she could, and inched her ass forward until her pussy was immediately below Sharon's face. "Is this all right?"

"Perfect," Sharon said, bracing herself for a moment against Tom's savage hammering of her ass. "Just perfect."

"Oh, wow!" Janie said, lifting her pussy a little. "Just imagine! Getting sucked by a girl while she's being fucked in her ass!"

Sharon reached out, slipped a hand beneath each of the warm, smooth globes of Janie's ass, and clutched them firmly, spreading them slightly apart to make Janie's cunt gape open even more than it was already.

She looked at the swollen pink folds of the young girl's labia, at the pulsing little clitoris, at the juice seeping from the mouth of the tiny hole, meanwhile drinking in lungful after lungful of the exquisite perfume.

"Oh, please!" Janie said, breathing rapidly. "Please, Sharon! Eat me!"

Sharon lowered her mouth to the other girl's ass pushing her face against it, feeling the labia spread out around her mouth. She speared her tongue into the hole, sucking out the juice.

"Oh!" Janie cried. "Oh, Sharon!" She was grasping Sharon's hair with both hands now, rolling her hips uncontrollably. "Oh, suck me, honey! Suck me!"

With a brutally pounding cock in her ass, and a juicing pussy in her mouth, Sharon was happier than she had ever been in her life. She concentrated first on the meat in her ass, then on the meat in her mouth, smelling the combined scents of Janie and Tom, listening to the wet slap of Tom's balls against her pouring pussy, and tried to keep from cuming.

But then, suddenly, Tom was filling her rectum with scalding jism, and she lost control of herself completely, beginning to cum at once, the muscles in her cunt and ass contracting so violently that she squeezed Tom's cock halfway out of her ass. But he immediately buried it to the root again, and squirted another load into her.

"I'm cuming!" Janie cried. "I'm cuming!"

Sharon took the other girl's quivering little clit between her teeth and nibbled at it, sucking at it at the same time, swallowing the juice that seeped in around it.

The combination of cuming herself, while Tom came in her ass and Janie came in her mouth, was beyond question the most glorious experience she had ever had. It wasn't only the soul-shattering orgasms; it was the newness of it all, of being fucked in the ass for the first time, of having sex with both a man and a girl for the first time, of knowing she now was definitely a bisexual who could enjoy a man or a girl equally, or enjoy them both together twice as much.

How long the mutual cuming went on, she would never be able to remember. But at last she felt Tom's cock slide from her asshole, and a moment later Janie rolled over on her side, sucked almost u*********s.

Then Sharon got off the bed, put her finger up her ass like a cork, the way she had seen Janie do after Steve had filled her ass with jism, and went out to the bathroom.

She was humming to herself, completely content with herself and with the world. Things were going wonderfully, and they were going to go even better. Harry and Steve had both developed beautiful hard-ons, she'd noticed. She could hardly wait to get their cocks up her ass, one after the other.


Sharon overslept the next morning. Vickie had awakened from a horny dream and had insisted on making love, and Sharon hadn't been able to go back to sleep until almost dawn. Now, as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and glanced at the clock, she was surprised to see that it was a quarter past nine.

She took off her nightgown, slipped into her slippers, and walked naked into the kitchen to get the Silex started. While the coffee was brewing, she showered, and then brushed her hip-length hair until it gleamed. Then she carried a cup of coffee into the bedroom and began to dress.

There was a note on her dressing table in Vickie's looping, c***dlike scrawl. It read:

Darling -- You looked so beautiful asleep I just couldn't bear to wake you. So I just kissed you good-by (you know where!). Back late this afternoon.

Sharon smiled. What an adorable girl, she reflected. There would never be anyone else like Vickie, ever.

She dressed quickly, but very carefully, as she always did, taking an occasional sip of her coffee. And because, for some reason, she felt like showing her legs today, she chose her shortest skirt -- a micro-mini that reached a scant few inches below her pussy. Such a brief skirt called for panty-hose, rather than the hip-high stockings she really preferred, and she selected a sheer, nude-colored pair that were transparent from waist to toe.

Then she finished her coffee, touched up her lips, and left the apartment. Last night she had looked up Peggy Campbell's address in the phone book and tried to call her, but there had been no answer. This morning, she'd decided, she was going to confront Peggy face to face. Provided, of course, that Peggy still worked at the jewelry store in the Arcade. If not, she'd try her apartment, and keep on trying, until she got to see her.

Talking to Peggy would be dangerous, of course. If she told anyone, Sharon might very well be back in a cell before nightfall. Further, Peggy might even be dangerous in her own right. After all, at the time of the robbery, which Mark Haley had implied she had helped to set up, she had been on parole after serving a term for aggravated assault. And that meant assault with a weapon. Clearly, a girl like Peggy Campbell was no one to trifle with.

And yet, if Sharon was ever to clear her name of any involvement in the robbery, a confrontation with Peggy was one of the risks she'd have to take.

At the Arcade, Sharon walked along between the rows of small, posh shops to the door of the jewelry store, and paused just outside, studying the petite, auburn-haired girl behind the counter. She was prettier, and just a little plumper, than Sharon remembered her, with an angelic, heart-shaped face, small, soft features, and clear gray eyes as guileless as a c***d's. She was alone in the store, arranging something in a tray on the counter top.

Sharon entered the store and walked up to her. "Hello, Miss Campbell," she said.

Recognition flickered in the big gray eyes and the full lips formed an O of surprise. "You," she said. "You!"

"You remember me?"

"I remember you."

"You don't seem overjoyed to see me."

"What the hell are you doing in here?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Well, I don't want to talk to you. What are you, crazy or something? Don't you know enough to stay away from a place where..."

"I need your help, Miss Campbell. I..."

"Get out of here."

"Mark Haley's back in town. Did you know that?"

"You're crazy. What do you want from me, anyhow?"

"I told you. I need your help."

"Listen. You try giving me a hard time, and it'll be your ass. One word to my parole officer and..."

"Would that be Joyce Thornton?"

The other girl started to nod, then caught herself and glared. "Beat it, will you?"

"You're over-reacting. What's the matter, Miss Campbell? Is your conscience bothering you, or what?"

"Conscience! What do you mean, conscience? What the hell are you talking about?"

"The truth about that robbery will come out someday. When it does..."

"It's already out. Hadn't you heard? That's why they put you away."

"I had nothing to do with it. Mark Haley framed me."

"Oh, sure."

"And you know it."


"Listen, Miss Campbell. If enough of us parolees got together, we might be able to do something. Most police and parole officers are honest. They may get pretty rough at times, but they're fair. If they knew how girls like you and me are being exploited by people like Joyce Thornton..."

"Save your breath."

"...they might be able to do something about her."

"You're out of your mind. Did you know that?"

"And if you told the truth about that robbery, the D.A. might let you turn state's evidence... You'd be clear of it -- and so would I."

Peggy started to say something, then compressed her lips.

"Eventually, you'll have to pay for your part in that robbery," Sharon said. "But if you tell the truth about it, and tell it now, before it comes out some other way..."

"I told you to get out of here. I'm telling you again. There won't be any third time."

"But listen. If you..."

"Let me show you something pretty," Peggy said quietly, reaching down into her bosom.

"Good Lord!" Sharon said as the other girl placed an old-fashioned straight razor on the counter in front of her.

"I cut a girl's throat with one just like this," Peggy Campbell said. "That's why they sent me up." She sighed regretfully. "She didn't die, worse luck. But then, she'll never be able to talk again either. She lives entirely on fluids now, they tell me."

Sharon moistened her lips, watching as Peggy pushed the razor down into her bra again.

"You get the idea?" Peggy asked, smiling at Sharon with slitted eyes. "It's not Joyce Thornton you have to worry about. It's me. You ever come near me again, and I'll slice your tits off. You cause me any trouble about that robbery, and I'll cut your throat." She paused. "Do you doubt me?"

"No," Sharon said.

"You'd Goddamned well better not," Peggy said. "Now get the fuck out of here."

That afternoon, still a little shaken by her encounter with Peggy Campbell, Sharon sat on the couch in the living room, sipping a martini and trying to decide what her next step ought to be. She had been there an hour, still dressed as she had been when she set out for the Arcade, but for the life of her she could think of nowhere else to turn. She could go to the police or the district attorney, or perhaps even to the parole board. But who would believe her? A single parolee, a convicted criminal, wouldn't have a chance. And the possibility of getting other parolees to back up her story now seemed to be out of the question.

She poured another drink -- her third -- and was just about to sample it when the door-knocker sounded. She put her drink down and went to answer it.

The teenage girl who smiled back at her was a honey blonde with a beautiful, small-featured face, skin like fresh cream, and the most perfect body Sharon had ever seen.

"Hello, Cousin Sharon," she said.

"Diane!" Sharon said.

"Didn't you recognize me?"

"No. Good heavens, honey! How you've changed!"

The girl laughed. "Well, you have too. You're prettier than ever."

"Come in, come in," Sharon said as she drew the girl inside and closed the door behind her. "How old are you now? s*******n?"


"Sixteen! With a body like that?"

The girl blushed. "I just started building out all of a sudden."

"You're absolutely gorgeous, Diane. But what in the world are you doing here?"

"I just thought I'd come in and visit with you for a while. I can only stay a couple of hours."

"How're Aunt Marge and Uncle Bill?"


"And how are things on the farm?"



"It's awful lonesome, I mean."

"How'd you know I... how'd you know I would be here?"

"We get the city paper out there. There was a little item about it."

"Do your folks know you came?"

"Gosh no. They'd throw a fit." Sharon smiled. "Do you think I had anything to do with that robbery, Diane?"


Sharon took her by the hand and led her over to the couch. "Arid so you came in to see me," she said. "Well, isn't that sweet of you."

"I always liked you, Sharon."

"Well, you are sweet. Would you like a drink?"


"Good girl."

"It's just that it always makes me dizzy. And Daddy might smell it when I got home."

"Let's see. It's been two years since I saw you, hasn't it?"

"Just about."

"I can't get over the change," Sharon said, glancing at the proud young breasts beneath the clinging jersey blouse. "I'll bet you have the boys down there half out of their mind."

Diane's smile changed subtly. "I'm not too much interested in boys," she said.

"What! Not interested in boys? A little beauty like you?" She trailed a fingertip from Diane's bare knee up the smooth, pale-gold skin to the hem of her brief skirt. "With legs like those? You wouldn't k** your cousin Sharon, would you?" She took her hand away.

"I just don't like them, that's all," Diane said.

"Cousin Sharon..."


"Do you remember when you came down to visit us? You and that real pretty girl? Vickie?"

"Yes," Sharon said. "Vickie and I live together now, Diane."

"Well, do you remember how you and she went swimming in that old mill pond one day?"

Sharon looked at her. "I remember," she said. "I didn't think anyone saw us."

"I did."

Sharon was remembering what had happened after she and Vickie had climbed out on the bank. She reached for the martini she had put down when she went to answer the door. "You did?" she said, trying to make it casual.

"Uh-huh," Diane said. She was blushing furiously now. "That's why I don't like boys."

Sharon almost choked on her drink. "What?" she said.

"I watched you. I saw what you and Vickie were doing to each other."

Sharon drank the entire martini in four long swallows and put the glass down on the table. "I see," she said.

"I'd never known girls did that to each other before," Diane said.

"I'm sorry you were shocked, dear," Sharon said. "But you must understand that older girls..."

"You're only twenty now," Diane said. "You were only eighteen then."

"Yes, I know. But..."

"And besides, I wasn't shocked. I was just surprised."


"And I wished it was me."


"I wanted it to be me you were doing that to, instead of Vickie."

Sharon took a deep breath, and leaned forward to pour another martini. "And you've remembered that, all this time?"

"Yes. Sometimes I even dream about it." She turned her face away, averting her eyes. "And sometimes I dream about it the other way around."


"I dream I'm Vickie -- doing it to you."

Sharon took a sip of her drink. "I thought I'd just about run out of surprises, Diane," she said. "I was wrong."

"Are you angry with me?"

"Of course not. It's just that I had no idea..." She paused. "Have you -- experimented with other girls, Diane?"

"No. Well, yes, I did. Just once. I started to, I mean."

"What happened?"

"She got scared and ran home."

Sharon smiled. "Poor Diane."

Diane put her hand on Sharon's leg just above the knee. "You're so pretty," she said, her voice almost a whisper. "You're the most beautiful girl in the world."

Sharon put her glass down, slipped her arm around Diane's shoulders, and drew her to her. "You know something?" she said as she brushed her lips across the satiny cheek. "I think you've got designs on me."

"I sure have, Sharon," Diane said, and parted her lips to receive Sharon's kiss. "I've been thinking about it two whole years."

"No panties?" Sharon said a few moments later. "Shame on you, Diane. You're a naughty, naughty girl."

"I thought you might like me better this way."

"The way I'd like you is with nothing on at all."

"All right."

"And spread out on the bed, where I can get to you."

"What if Vickie comes home?"

"If she does, you'll have two girls to make love to you." She took her hand from beneath Diane's dress and stood up. "Come along, you gorgeous little thing. Let's make the most of these two hours of yours."

In the bedroom, Diane stood motionless while Sharon undressed her, trembling a little, her face flushed with excitement.

"You're exquisite, Diane," Sharon said as she stood back to admire her. "Really exquisite." She put the tips of both forefingers to her mouth, moistened them, and touched them to Diane's sharp little nipples. "How'd you ever grow such beauties in just sixteen years, honey?"

Diane glanced down at her breasts. "I don't know," she said. "They just -- grew."

Sharon laughed, then reached down for the hem of her skirt. "Now if you'll just lie down there on..."

"Let me," Diane said, stepping close to her. "I want to undress you." She hooked her fingers beneath Sharon's skirt. "May I?"

Sharon smiled and raised her hands over her head. "Please do," she said.

"I love the way I can see your pussy through your pantyhose," Diane said as she drew Sharon's skirt up past her waist. "I noticed it, out there on the couch."

"Did you really?"

"It got me all worked up."

"You were pretty well worked up when you got here."

"I know. But that made it worse." She laughed. "I mean better."

When Diane had stripped Sharon naked, the girls lay down on the bed, facing each other. Sharon drew the other girl close to her, so that their breasts and thighs were pressed hard together, and kissed her gently.

"Is this really your first time with a girl?" she asked.

"It's my first time with anybody," Diane said.

"Nobody's even so much as touched you before?"


"How I envy you," Sharon said, reaching up to fondle a breast. "The experience of being loved for the very first time, I mean. It's something a girl never forgets, believe me."

Diane reached up and mashed Sharon's hand hard against her breast. "Oh, Sharon..." she sighed.

"I'm going to give you a tongue bath," Sharon said. "But you seem interested in my nipples. Would you like to taste one first?"

"Oh, yes!"

Sharon raised up on an elbow and leaned over until her breast was against the other girl's mouth. "But just a taste, mind you. Later, you can do anything you want to."

Diane took Sharon's nipple in her mouth. But she just held it there, eyes closed, gold-blond hair fanned out on the pillow.

"You'll have to do more than that," Sharon laughed. "How do you expect to get any sugar unless you suck it out?"

Diane murmured apologetically and began to suck -- tentatively at first, then steadily and hungrily.

Sharon let her suck for a full minute, then pulled her breast away and smiled. "You'd better leave a little in there for later," she said. "Did you like it?"

Diane swallowed and licked her lips. "Ummm!" she said. "Oh, Sharon! That's ten times sweeter than any sugar ever was!" She reached for Sharon's breast again.

"Oh, no you don't, young lady!" Sharon said. "It's time for your bath."

She did all the little preliminary things she knew Diane would enjoy on her introduction to girl-love, and she did them as methodically and carefully and lovingly as she could. This was a time from which, henceforth, Diane would date everything forward and backward -- one of the three or four supreme experiences of her life -- and Sharon used every trick she knew to make certain the young girl would remember every tiniest moment of it.

She began with Diane's ear, of course, following the convolutions with her tongue, fluttering her tongue against the lobe, spearing it deep into the opening, forcing a little saliva into it and then drawing it back into her mouth, only to push it back in with her tongue again.

She was juicing freely between her legs now, and she could smell the perfume growing stronger. She spread her legs a little, wanting the scent to be even stronger, so that Diane would get the full benefit of it.

"Put your tongue out, Diane," she said. "Just stick it out as far as you can, and leave it there."

Still with her eyes shut, Diane put out her tongue. Sharon licked the pink wedge slowly, from Diane's teeth to the tip, again and again, admiring its length and texture, marveling at how wonderfully juicy it was. Diane was going to make a lot of girls happy with that tongue, she knew, and she vowed that she herself was going to be the first girl to feel it slide into her cunt. Having a beautiful young girl like Diane give her her very first suck was an experience she would treasure forever.

Diane had managed to put her tongue out a whole half-inch further now. Sharon took it into her mouth and began to suck it, once again working her way from Diane's teeth to the tip and back again, drawing as much moisture from it as she could.

And now she could smell the aroma of Diane's pussy. She hadn't been certain at first, but now she was. It was so sweet, so different, so young-girl-like, that she paused for a moment to enjoy it. There was something so pure and delicate and innocent about it that it made her want to cry. She reached down with one hand and pushed Diane's legs apart so that she could smell it better, and then moved her mouth down to the hollow of Diane's throat.

"Oh, Sharon," Diane whispered. "Gosh, I... I..."

"I know, baby," Sharon said. "And the nicest thing about it is that we've only just begun." She moved her mouth slowly down the upper slope of Diane's breast.

Diane moaned.

Sharon kneaded the warm, resilient flesh for a moment, looking at the erect little tidbit. "Now let's see what you taste like," she said, and took the nipple into her mouth. It had already been swollen, but now it instantly grew larger and harder still.

"How... how does it taste?" Diane said.

"Sweet," Sharon said. "Exactly the way a beautiful sixteen-year-old girl's nipple ought to taste."

"I'm glad," Diane said. "I was hoping like anything you'd like it."

"I love it," Sharon said, sucking the other nipple now. Then she gently pushed Diane's breasts together until the nipples almost touched each other. "If one's nice, two are nicer," she said, and put both nipples in her mouth at the same time, sucking them hard, running her tongue between them, fluttering it between the juicing tips.

"Ohhhhh..." Diane sighed. "Oh, Sharon!"

Sharon rose to a sitting position.

"Oh, don't stop!" Diane said. "Please!"

Sharon laughed. "Don't worry," she said, crawling toward the foot of the bed. "I'm just going to start bathing you from the other direction, that's all. Starting with your toes."

"My toes?"

"Yes, darling -- your toes. You've no idea how good it will feel. It'll drive you wild."

"I already am."

"Well, wilder then," Sharon said, and slipped one of Diane's tiny pink toes into her mouth.

Diane began to roll her hips uncontrollably.

"You see?" Sharon said. "You never knew what you were missing, did you?"

"Gosh, no! It's... it's... it's just wonderful!"

Sharon sucked each toe in turn, licking between them, nibbling at them gently, breathing in deeply of hers and Diane's perfume, glancing longingly now and then at the moist pink slit in the golden delta between the wide-open thighs.

From Diane's toes, Sharon moved to the sensitive skin of her instep, lapping at it with the flat of her tongue, watching with fascination as a drop of juice slid from the bottom of Diane's slit and crawled slowly down her perineum.

Slowly, inch by inch, Sharon began to lick her way up Diane's leg. She'd just reached the dimpled knee when Diane suddenly reached down with both hands and caught her hands in her hair, trying to pull her head up between her legs.

"Not yet," Sharon said. "First things first, darling."

"But I want you to so much! I just can't wait!"

"I'm having a little trouble that way, myself," Sharon said. "But be patient, baby. The longer you wait, the better it'll be. For both of us."

"It's so good! Oh, it's so good!"

"Roll over on your stomach," Sharon said.

"Oh," Diane said as she turned over. "Oh, Sharon! I never had anything feel so good in my whole life!"

"You'll soon have something even better," Sharon said. "But keep your legs spread wide apart, Diane. After all, we don't want to trap any more of that scent than we have to, do we?"

"Gosh, no," Diane said, pushing her legs apart as far as she could. "I can smell you too, Sharon. It makes me want to taste you down there more than ever."

Sharon began to bathe the backs of Diane's legs, beginning with the hollows behind her knees, licking a few inches up one leg, then shifting to the other, then back to the first. When she reached her hips, she did it the same way, bathing first one smooth globe, then the other, pausing once in a while to suck a little skin into her mouth and nibble it gently before releasing it and moving on.

When she had finished bathing Diane's hips, she spread them apart and licked between them, from a few inches above the anus to the perineum and back again, lingering for a few seconds each time at her cousin's asshole, pressing her lips hard against it, before continuing. The little button pulsed beneath her lips, just as her own did when she was being bathed, and the tiny opening beneath it opened a little wider each time her tongue passed across it. Diane was trying to relax her asshole so the tongue could go inside, Sharon knew, but she hadn't learned how to do it, and there was no way that Sharon or any other girl could teach her. She would learn, in time, but until then, she would have to be content to be tongued on the outside.

"Turn over on your back again, Diane," she said.

Diane rolled over quickly, spreading her legs wide without being told. "Are you going to -- suck me now?" she said.

"Yes, you darling girl," Sharon said, and buried her head between Diane's legs at once.

She licked the juice from the lips, then parted them with her fingers and licked the inner labia, swirling her tongue around and around, licking deeper and deeper, pausing only to swallow a little of Diane's juice before stabbing her tongue into the fragrant well again, feeling her own juice flooding out across her thigh.

Diane was gasping with delight, rolling her hips so hard that Sharon was forced to grasp one of them in each hand and hold on tightly to keep from having her mouth dislodged from the honeyed nest between the trembling thighs.

Sharon sucked every swollen fold, licked deep into every seeping crevice, stabbed her tongue again and again into the top of the tiny hole. And then, when her tongue went a little further into the hole, she felt it touch something that was taut and unyielding and of a slightly different texture from the surrounding membrane.

It was the first cherry Sharon had ever put her tongue to, and she probed at it for several moments, fascinated by it, feeling delightfully guilty. The i****tuous feeling that came from licking her virgin cousin's indescribably delicious cherry gave the taboo act an added excitement she would not soon forget.

She had lost her own cherry when she was just Diane's age, she recalled, and it had been her first real lesbian experience, too. The high-school teacher who had kept her after class on a pretext, and then seduced her in the coatroom, had been only a year or older than Sharon was now. The teacher had been pretty and feminine, but her tendencies had been strictly butch; after sucking Sharon for a short time, she had begun to fingerfuck her -- so violently that the slender but brutal finger had punched through Sharon's membrane only seconds after she had begun.

The teacher had been genuinely sorry. But Sharon hadn't. And the very next day she had stayed after class of her own volition.

Now, as Sharon licked at the juice seeping up through the tiny aperture in Diane's cherry, she moistened a fingertip in the juice at the bottom of the streaming slit and slipped it slowly into the other girl's anus.

Diane began to writhe with pleasure. "Oh, Sharon!" she wailed. "Push it all the way in!"

Sharon did, and began to work it in and out, at the same time rotating her finger.

"Oh!" Diane cried. "Oh, that's good!"

The fragrance of the other girl's pussy was overwhelming, and Sharon drew in deep breaths of it as she sucked the juice from the opening in the cherry.

"I -- I want to do it to you, too," Diane said.

"In a minute," Sharon said.

"No -- now. Please, Sharon!"

"All right," Sharon said. She got up on her hands and knees and straddled Diane's head, facing in the other direction. Then she slowly lowered her hips until she felt her pussy pressing against Diane's face.

Diane didn't hesitate. With an excited little cry, she slipped her tongue between the lips of Sharon's cunt and began trying to lick it and suck it at the same time.

Lying with her cheek pressed against the sodden, juice-darkened blond curls of Diane's delta, Sharon smiled to herself, remembering her own awkward first attempt at cunt-sucking and how she, too, had been so eager that she had tried to do everything at once, just as Diane was now.

"Just kiss it first, honey," she said. "As if the lips were a mouth. Then you can spread it apart and lick it. And after you get enough of that, you can tongue-fuck me all you like."

Diane did as she was told, and after only a few minutes, Sharon realized that her cousin had as much natural talent as any girl she had ever known. In fact, Diane was learning so rapidly that she had her on the point of orgasm.

Pleased with the aptitude of her pupil, Sharon put her face between Diane's legs again and began to suck her clitoris, determined that she and her cousin were going to cum together.

They did.

Sharon felt her vagina contracting, her juice pouring down over Diane's face, felt the orgasm flooding from her inner spring, heard the wet, sucking sounds as Diane swallowed the juice greedily. And beneath her mouth, Diane's cunt pulsed steadily, the sweet, young-girl juice welling up through the tiny opening in her cherry so fast that Sharon had to lap it up rapidly to keep it from escaping down the crack in Diane's ass.

Then, suddenly, Diane's body relaxed completely. Sharon scrabbled up to her knees in alarm, wondering what could have happened.

And then, as she looked at Diane's lovely face, the long-lashed eyes closed and the full red mouth moist and slightly parted, the other girl's eyelashes suddenly fluttered a little against the petal-smooth cheek.

Sharon sighed with relief. She knew the look on Diane's face full well; she'd seen it on more than one pretty face, and under exactly the same conditions.

Diane, she knew, had fainted from the unbearable ecstasy of her orgasm.

Sharon bent over her. "Diane," she said softly. "Are you all right, baby?"

Diane's blue eyes opened wide. She smiled up at Sharon with love and gratitude, then threw her arms around her and drew her close.

"Oh, Sharon!" she cried. "Let's do it again!"


When the phone rang the next afternoon, just after one, Sharon was in the shower. She slipped into her scuffs, wrapped a huge towel around her, and ran out to answer it, thinking it would be Vickie.

But it was her parole officer.

"I'm very unhappy with you, Sharon," she said.


"Why, Miss Thornton?" Sharon said.

"We'll discuss that in twenty minutes," Joyce Thornton said. "That's the minimum time it will take you to get here. And that is also the maximum time I will allow you to take."

"But what's wrong?"

"Twenty minutes, Sharon. I'm at my home. See that you are too, in twenty minutes." She hung up.

When Sharon knocked at the door of the big stucco-and-clapboard house, she knew she was in for trouble, but she couldn't imagine what it would be. The only thing she could think of was that Joyce Thornton had discovered the cunt juice that had seeped onto her bedroom rug, and drawn the obvious conclusion.

"Late again," Joyce said as she opened the door. "That's twice in a row, Sharon."

"I was in the shower," Sharon said as she stepped into the living room. "I had to dress, and wait for a cab."

Joyce had been standing with one hand behind her back. Now she brought it forward, and the long velvet whip snaked out to lick around Sharon's ankles. Sharon hadn't had time to put on stockings or pantyhouse, and the whip stung her ankles sharply.

Joyce drew herself to her full height, towering over Sharon, her yellow-flecked green eyes cold and mocking. "Get your clothes off," she snapped.

To protest would be futile, Sharon knew. She took off her dress and bra and panties and stood waiting.

"I said I was very unhappy with you," Joyce said. "The truth is, I'm furious with you."

"But what have I done, Miss Thornton?"

"It's what you haven't done. I ordered you to clean that guest room."

"I did."

"You did not. You merely cleaned around the furniture."

"I didn't think you expected me..."

"I expected you to clean that room. All of it." She laughed nastily, and the whip coiled out to wrap around Sharon's thighs. "You're strong enough to move that furniture aside. Why didn't you?"

"I told you. I..."

"Bend over that hassock there."


"Can't you hear? Get down on your knees and lean over that hassock!"

"What are you going to do?"

Joyce took a threatening step toward her, raising the whip handle above her head like a club. "On your knees! Do you hear?"

Sharon sank down on her knees and leaned over the hassock.

"You deserve to go back to prison," Joyce said. "But I've decided to give you another chance. This time, your punishment will merely be a whipping. But I warn you, girl, the next time you displease me, I'll put you back behind those bars for two long years. Do you quite understand?"

Sharon said nothing.

The whip stung across her shoulders.

"Do you?" Joyce said.

"Yes," Sharon said, and flinched as the whip cut across her hips.

"Then be thankful your punishment is so mild," Joyce said, bringing the whip across Sharon's hips again in exactly the same place. "I'm going to give you forty lashes. And if I hear a single whimper from you, I'll double them."

As Sharon had once resigned herself to serving her sentence a day at a time, she now resigned herself to enduring her whipping a lash at a time.

They were all, every one of them, on her buttocks. And while the first few merely stung, the next half-dozen or so were harder. She counted them, and by the time she had reached twenty, she was in real pain. And when, finally, the fortieth lash seared its way across her burning hips, she was crying uncontrollably.

Joyce stood over her -- gloating, her face flushed with pleasure, slapping the folded whip sharply against her palm, her slitted eyes like dirty green ice.

"You are to be here tomorrow afternoon at two," she said. "You will clean that entire guest room as you ought to have cleaned it yesterday. Do you understand?"

Sharon rose unsteadily, brushing the tears from her eyes. "Yes," she said.

"I won't be here, but you will find the back door open. You are to undress the moment you come in, and stay undressed all the time you are here." She paused. "Need I tell you what will happen if I come home and find you are not undressed?"


Joyce turned on her heel and started toward the door that opened on the dining room. "See that you don't forget it," she said over her shoulder. "Now put your clothes on and get out of here."

When Vickie came home that evening, Sharon told her nothing at all about the whipping her parole officer had given her. It would have upset the little silver-blonde terribly -- and making Vickie unhappy was something Sharon had always been very careful to avoid. Besides, she had recovered from the whipping almost completely. True, her buttocks still smarted a little when she sat down, and the skin was still a trifle pink. But she was no longer in any real discomfort. On the contrary! To her surprise, she found that her mildly stinging hips aroused her sexually in a subtly different way that she had never before enjoyed. She knew now why Vickie had often asked to be spanked, and she regretted never having let Vickie spank her in return. Hereafter, she decided, she'd not only let Vickie spank her, but she'd initiate the spanking herself.

Vickie had seemed strangely excited about something ever since she came in. But when Sharon asked her the reason, she was coy and evasive.

"Put on your sexiest dress," Vickie said, as soon as she finished the martini Sharon had had waiting for her. "I'm taking you out to dinner."

"If by sexiest, you mean the shortest," Sharon said, "I'm wearing it." She raised her arms above her head, knowing the movement would draw the hem of her skirt up above the dark shadow of her delta beneath the sheer pantyhouse. "See?"

Vickie laughed. "That's perfect," she said. "Let's go."

They had two martinis before dinner, and three stingers after it. By the time they got back to the apartment, Sharon was in the best mood she'd been in since she had walked through the gates of the prison.

The moment they stepped into the apartment, the lights came on, and they were greeted with a shrill chorus of "Surprise! Surprise!"

"What in the world!" Sharon said, looking around at the roomful of pretty young girls who stood laughing at her.

"It's your coming-out party, darling," Vickie said happily. "This is the first night all the girls could be here."

"Well, aren't you the tricky one," Sharon said, laughing. "So that's why you took me out to dinner."

All the girls were crowding around her now, kissing her, laughing, making bright little jokes about Sharon's sex life in prison.

Sharon was deeply touched. None of her friends had phoned or come to see her, and she had been sure they thought she was guilty and wanted nothing to do with her. It had hurt her terribly, even though she had been unable to blame them, and she had resigned herself to the fact that only Vickie thought she was innocent.

And yet, here they were! All her closest girlfriends, welcoming her back among them, every one of them obviously as glad to see her as she was to see them. It was almost too much for her, and she felt a tear start down her cheek.

"Don't you dare cry!" Vickie said, and kissed the tear away. "Aren't you happy?"

"I've never been so happy," Sharon said, sniffling.

Besides Vickie and herself, there were seven girls in the room, including Neva and Nina Garren, who were identical twins. Most of them were photographer's models, like Vickie and Sharon, and all of them were breathtakingly beautiful. Jill and Leda and Gayle were blondes. Mimi and Adele were vivid brunettes. The twins, Neva and Nina, were redheads with tilted, gray-green eyes.

All the girls had brought gifts, and there was a general clamor for Sharon to open them at once. The gift-wrapped boxes covered the coffee table, and from their number Sharon knew that some of the girls must have brought two or even three.

"Open that one with the butterfly paper first, Sharon," Jill said.

"Is that what I think it is?" Leda said.

"It sure is," Jill said.

"You mean you actually got that for her?" Leda said.

"To be honest, no," Jill said. "I got it for all of us."

Sharon laughed. "What is it?" she said.

"Open it and find out," Jill said. "And then use some of it right away. It'll set the mood for the party like nothing else."

Sharon stripped the wrapping from what -- until she read the label -- appeared to be just another aerosol spray can. "Oh, my!" she said.

"What is it?" Mimi asked, moving close.

"Essence of Pussy," Sharon said.

Everybody laughed.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Adele said. "Spray it around."

Sharon held the can aloft and pressed the plunger, directing the misty spray toward the ceiling.

"Oh, boy!" Mimi said. "You weren't k**ding!"

"It's the genuine article, all right," Leda said, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply. "Whose pussy is that, Jill? It isn't yours, I know."

Jill laughed. "I only wish I knew," she said. "I'm going back tomorrow and buy myself a case of it." She smiled at Sharon. "The clerk in the sex store told me it was the latest scent in room fresheners."

"It's heavenly," Sharon said. "Thank you, Jill."

"Open that little flat one, Sharon," Neva said. She and her twin stood with their arms about each other. They were lovers who liked other girls, but who never had anything to do sexually with anyone but themselves. Now they stood in such a way that each could casually fondle the other's breast.

Sharon took out a small flat metal box with a picture of three mounted Cossacks on the cover. She opened it, then frowned at the contents perplexedly. "What's this?" she asked.

"Russian Cockroach," Neva said.

"What?" Sharon said.

"It's just like Spanish Fly," Nina said. "Only more potent."

"Are you serious?" Sharon said. "I never heard of such a thing."

"She's just joking," Gayle said, laughing. "Russian Cockroach, indeed!"

"I'm not joking," Nina said, kneading her twin's breast. "You just put a few flakes of that on your tongue, honey. You'll find out."

"Now that big flat box," Leda said.

"This one?" Sharon said.


The box contained two dozen assorted French ticklers.

"Good Lord!" Gayle said. "What's she going to do with those, Leda?"

"Well, they're not for her men friends," Leda said. "Or her finger, either. They're to put on dildoes or vibrators. I buy a box every month, just like clockwork."

"Do you have a vibrator, Sharon?" Gayle asked.

"Not any more," Sharon said.

"Well, you have now," Gayle said. "Open that one with the little phallic figures on it."

Sharon opened the box and held the vibrator up for the other girls to admire. "Giving me such a big one isn't very flattering to me, Gayle," she laughed.

"I just know you to be a very adaptable girl, that's all," Gayle said. "I'm sure you'll be able to rise above it or around it or something."

"If she can't, I'll help her," Vickie said.

"No doubt," Gayle said. "If you can ever take your tongue out of it long enough."

"Now mine," Nina said, swaying back and forth in the embrace of her twin. "The round one."

The lacquered tin box contained an assortment of body flavors.

Sharon smiled. "Vickie's always after me to use some of this," she said. "Thank you, Nina."

"It's the nicest Neva and I have ever come across," Nina said. "Isn't it, Neva?"

"Yes," Neva said. "By far."

"My favorite's the banana," Nina said.

"Banana?" Leda said. "Banana, Nina? You've got to be k**ding!"

"Don't knock it till you try it," Nina said.

"My favorite's the licorice," Neva said.

"Licorice!" Leda said incredulously. "Good Lord!"

"Of course, there are all the usual flavors," Nina said. "Raspberry and strawberry and peach and -- well, just about everything."

"What?" Leda said. "No peanut butter?" Everybody laughed.

Sharon opened the other gifts, saving the biggest one for last because she suspected from the imaginative wrapping and bow that it was Vickie's. They were the more usual things -- cosmetics, lingerie, perfume, imported soap in the shape of breasts and buttocks, and so on.

When she opened the big box and lifted out the object inside it, all the girls began to laugh hysterically.

"Now I've seen everything," Mimi said. "There's nothing more to live for."

It was a double dildo, with two shafts bent in the form of a horseshoe, one inside of and about two inches from the other. The inner horseshoe was three times thicker than the outer. Both ends of both shafts were equipped with detailed heads, complete with eye; and again, the head on the inner bow was much larger than the one on the outer.

"Is this yours, Vickie?" Sharon asked, turning the fantastic dildo around and around, studying it from different angles.

Vickie laughed. "Who else?" she said. "You know how I am, Sharon. I just can't resist gimmicky things like that."

"Well," Sharon said, "perhaps you'll tell me just how a girl is supposed..."

"Not a girl," Vickie said, reaching out for the dildo. "Two girls. You can lie side by side, or one on top of the other, or even stand up. It doesn't matter."

"Listen to the expert," Leda said, "Since when did you get interested in dildoes, Vickie?"

Vickie laughed. "It was just so cute I couldn't help buying it," she said. She raised her skirt with one hand and put one end of the dildo between her legs with the other, pressing both of the heads firmly against her panties. "You see? You put the big knob in your pussy and the little one in your anus. The thing's bent in a bow like this so the other girl can do the same thing with the other two knobs."

"Nice," Neva said, hugging her twin. "We've got to get one of those, Nina."

"Tomorrow morning," Nina said. "As soon as the sex store opens."

"And the best part of it is," Vickie said, "you don't have to hold on to it to keep it in. You can flop around all over the bed, fucking and rimming each other like crazy, and still have your hands free to grab a tit if you feel like it."

"I can see where something like that might catch on," Adele said. "I really can."

"Oh, Nina!" Neva said. "Won't we have fun with ours?"

"Will we ever!" Nina said.

"I made some brownies," Vickie said, putting the dildo back in its box. "Just a second and I'll get them."

"Brownies?" Jill said as Vickie ran out to the kitchen. "Did she say brownies?"

"Well, you know how blondes are," Adele said, smiling, glancing pointedly at Jill's bright golden hair. "You just never know what to expect."

Jill laughed. "But brownies?" she said. She shook her head. "Even Vickie wouldn't make brownies."

Vickie came back with a tray and put it on the coffee table. "Everybody help themselves. There's just one apiece, so don't go begging for seconds."

All the girls took one, and there was a moment of silence while they sampled them.

Then, "Vickie!" Gayle exclaimed. "This tastes like pussy!"

Vickie smiled proudly. "Of course it does," she said. "Do you like it?"

"Yes," Gayle said, taking another bite. "Did you get the flavoring at the sex store?"

"Certainly not," Vickie said, pretending to be affronted. "I got it straight from between my legs."

"Are you serious?" Leda said. "How'd you ever get enough?"

"With me, it's no problem," Vickie said modestly. "It took me only about ten minutes." She paused. "Of course, I was really trying."

All the girls laughed, and finished their brownies.

"And now it's time for the main event," Vickie said. "All right, girls -- everybody in the bedroom!"

"Now what?" Sharon said.

"Can't you guess?" Vickie said, grabbing her by the hand and tugging her toward the bedroom door. "Haven't you noticed how positively famished everyone looks?"

In the bedroom, Vickie grasped the hem of her dress and drew it over her head in one quick, fluid motion. "Last one naked's a nasty old bull-dyke," she said.

"You want me nude too, I suppose," Sharon said.

"You, especially," Vickie said, peeling down her pantyhose. "You're the main course, you know."

"Oh," Sharon said, smiling as she lifted her skirt. "Well, in that case..."

When everyone was naked, Sharon glanced about her, thinking to herself that she had never before seen so many flawlessly beautiful bodies at one time -- so many perfect upthrust breasts, so many delectable blond and brown and black and auburn pussies, so many mouth-watering little pink slits, all beginning to glisten with juice at the same time.

"Now on the bed, Sharon," Vickie said. "Spread-eagled on your back."

Sharon lay down in the center of the huge round bed, stretched her arms out behind her head, and spread her legs.

"All right, girls," Vickie said. "She's all yours!"

Sharon was suddenly surrounded by girls; the bed was covered with them, all of them sucking her body at the same time. Jill and Leda had each laid claim to a leg, and they were now sucking her toes. Gayle and Mimi had chosen her arms, and they were both licking her fingers and the palms of her hands. Vickie and Adele were at either side of her, licking the swelling outer curves of her breasts.

Neva and Nina -- since they were interested only in each other -- had assumed a sixty-nine position and were already licking each other's slits.

Sharon closed her eyes, breathing in the perfume from nine excited pussies, feeling the thrill of being licked by six eager tongues, aware that her nipples and cunt were juicing almost as much as they did when she was cuming.

From sucking her toes, Jill and Leda moved up to her ankles, then began bathing her calves, moving slowly up toward her knees. Meanwhile, Gayle and Mimi had worked their way up to her armpits and were nibbling and sucking the tender skin there. Vickie and Adele were licking her breasts in narrowing circles, moving ever closer to the erect nipples.

Sharon tried to lie completely still, but it was impossible. So many hungry mouths on her body at the same time was almost more than she could cope with.

Jill and Leda were kissing her thighs now, and the aroma of the nine pussies was growing stronger by the second. Vickie and Adele, moving in concert, each took a nipple and began to suck. Gayle and Mimi, having finished with her armpits, were taking turns sucking her tongue.

Sharon, unable to refrain any longer, put one hand between Vickie's legs, the other between Adele's, and worked her forefingers into their slits.

Jill and Leda reached the tops of Sharon's thighs at the same time.

"I get to suck her first," Jill said. "I've known her longer than you have."

"All right," Leda said. "But not too long. I want some of that too, you know."

Vickie took her mouth from Sharon's nipple for a moment. "Roll your hips over a little to one side, Sharon," she said. "Then Leda can suck your ass at the same time Jill sucks your cunt."

"Is that far enough?" Sharon said.

"Yes," Leda said, and buried her face between the firm globes of Sharon's ass.

From that point on, Sharon began to lose track of exactly who was doing just what to her. She lay with her eyes shut tight, feeling hot, wet mouths sliding over her entire body, educated little tongues probing every orifice. A cunt would be lowered over her face, and she would suck it for a few minutes, only to have it replaced by another cunt with a slightly different fragrance and taste.

When she began to cum, it was Vickie's familiar juice that was pouring into mouth -- but whose tongue was in her cunt, whose lips on her asshole, whose mouths on her nipples, she could not have said. It was as if she were in another world, a world in which there was nothing but sucking mouths and spearing tongues and the intoxicating scent of juicing pussies.

She came, and kept on cuming, until she felt as if her whole being were being sucked out through her cunt. And even before her first incredible orgasm had run its heavenly course, an even more powerful orgasm burst inside her, and she cried out in a delirium of joy as still a third orgasm built and burst in her pussy with such force that she heard herself cry out again and again with the soul-wrenching ecstasy of an experience that transcended even her wildest imaginings.

The knowledge that they had made Sharon cum so often and so violently triggered the other girls, and there were gasps and cries and sighs as they, too, all began to cum.

But their orgasms did not deter them for one moment from continuing to suck Sharon's nipples and cunt and anus; rather, they were spurred on to even greater efforts. They seemed to be vying among themselves to give Sharon the greatest pleasure -- to suck half of her breasts into their mouths, to fill her cunt with tongue, to force stiff hot meat up her asshole in deep, frenzied thrusts, to mash pulsing, streaming labia against her face until she almost swooned from the glorious scent that filled her nostrils and had to swallow constantly to keep up with the flood of steaming nectar that poured into her welcoming mouth.

And still they sucked her.

They sucked until she lay helpless, too exhausted to move or speak, in the throes of a final, shattering orgasm of such mind-bending, cunt-wrenching v******e that it at last sent her floating away into the warm, dark void of u*********sness.


The next morning, the telephone began to shrill at a few minutes past five. Sharon sat up in bed with a start, her heart hammering, thinking for a moment she was listening to the wake-up bell at the prison. Then her hand brushed Vickie's breast, and she realized where she was.

"Oh, God," Vickie said sleepily. "Now who could that be?"

"I'll see," Sharon said.

It was Joyce Thornton. "Good morning, Sharon," the parole officer said. "I certainly hope I didn't awaken you."

Sharon tried to keep the irritation she felt from showing in her voice. "What is it, Miss Thornton?" she said.

"I have a delightful surprise for you this morning, Sharon. You're going to a party."


"Yes, and a very special one. These are very wealthy and influential people -- as you'll discover when you get there." She paused. "They're expecting you within the hour."

"You mean I'm to go to a party now? It's five o'clock in the morning, Miss Thornton."

"So it is. However, I've only just learned that your presence is desired. I sometimes supply, shall we say, extra girls for such affairs."

"I don't understand."

Joyce's voice hardened. "Well, understand this, Sharon. You're to use your special talents in any way that may be required. You're to do whatever is asked of you, and do it at once, without the slightest hesitation or protest. And I mean anything at all, Sharon, no matter what it is or with whom. Do I make myself entirely clear, Sharon?"


"When you arrive, you are to say simply that your name is Sharon and that you are expected. Nothing more. Not a word about my sending you, and no references to me of any kind whatever. Do you understand?"


"You're to dress your prettiest. But you're to wear no underclothing. Just a very short dress and stockings and shoes. Not another stitch. Personally, I abhor the idea, as you know. But in this case I am not the one you must please." She paused. "And I must warn you, Sharon. If you fail to please in even the smallest way, I will hear of it immediately. You know what that will mean, don't you?"


"Very good. Now, one further warning. You are never to breathe a word about this party. Never. If you do..." She laughed shortly. "Well, need I spell it out for you?"


"All right. And now about this afternoon. Don't forget that you're to be at my home at two. I want that guest room cleaned the way it should have been in the first place. I won't forgive a second shoddy job, Sharon. And Sharon?"


"Don't forget you are to do your work in the nude. I would be very much distressed if I were to come home and find you otherwise. Is that clear?"

"Whatever you say, Miss Thornton."

"The party's at 6433 Courtland. And remember -- you're to be there within the hour." She hung up.

The house where the cab driver let Sharon out was in the city's most exclusive residential area -- a huge fieldstone mansion set far back on a gently sloping lawn behind a high hedge.

Sharon walked up the curving driveway to the porch and rang the bell. On the way over in the cab, she had resigned herself to whatever was in store for her. Whatever it was, she would simply have to endure it, that's all. If she didn't take part in this orgy, or whatever it was, she would be sent back to prison. And besides, there were many worse things in the world than orgies. Who was to say that she might not even enjoy herself?

She pressed the bell, listening to the muffled sounds of laughter and music from inside as she smoothed down her brief skirt and sleeked her stockings. She'd do her very best to have a good time, she decided. Being forced to attend an affair like this was something like being ****d. As long as it was going to happen anyway, the only sensible thing to do was to relax and enjoy it. To put herself in the mood, and to pass the time while she waited, she put her hand under her dress and began to frig herself with her finger.

But she'd been at it only a few seconds when the door began to open, and she quickly removed her finger, forcing herself to smile at the distinguished-looking, middle-aged man who stood there. He had iron-gray hair and a small, neat mustache, and Sharon recognized him instantly as Jason Woodward, the president of the city's largest bank.

"I'm Sharon," Sharon said, as Joyce Thornton had told her to do. "I'm expected."

"Indeed you are, my dear," Woodward said, eyes roving her body appreciately. "Indeed you are! Come in." His voice was thick, and Sharon realized that he was more than a little drunk. As she stepped past him into the entrance hall, he reached down to feel her ass. "Ah," he said, squeezing the smooth, firm flesh, "What a beauty you are, my dear. I'm Jason Woodward."

"How do you do," Sharon said, feeling his hand slip beneath the hem of her dress and insert itself between her legs, a finger probing up into her slit. "I understand I'm invited to a party."

A door opened at the left, and a regal-looking woman of about forty came into the hall. She was beautiful, with dark-gold hair and clear gray eyes, and the body beneath her floor-length dress could easily have been that of a woman half her age.

"Well, Jason," she said, smiling at Sharon, "I see our little guest has arrived."

"Indeed she has," Woodward said, continuing to finger Sharon's cunt. "I'm in love with her already."

"She's lovely," the woman said, coming up to them. "It seems we've drawn ourselves a prize this time." She cupped both of Sharon's breasts in her hands and milked them gently through the thin material of the minidress. "Darling, you're exquisite." She squeezed a little harder. "What simply marvelous breasts."

"This is my wife, Sharon," Woodward said.

"Call me Denise," the woman said, and put one hand beneath Sharon's dress, meanwhile continuing to milk her breast with the other. "I hope you don't think we're too forward, darling."

Woodward laughed. "I've already got my finger in it, Denise," he said. "You'll have to wait your turn."

"I'll have to do no such thing," Denise said, pushing her finger into Sharon's cunt beside her husband's. "She's built tiny, but there's room enough in there for both of us, I'm sure."

Sharon moved her feet further apart to make her cunt spread a little, beginning to enjoy the experience of being fingerfucked by two people at once in such an unusual way. It seemed that, lately, all sorts of new things were being done to her.

"What an adorable little pussy," Denise said. "I've just got to taste it." She lowered herself to her knees and raised Sharon's skirt up to her waist. "And you smell delicious." She put out her tongue and began to lick Sharon's slit. "Be good enough to take your finger out of her for a moment, Jason."

"Not a chance," Woodward said. "Just concentrate on her clit, why don't you?"

"But your finger's in the way, Jason. Take it out, just for a minute."

Sharon was beginning to squirm with pleasure. "Why don't you stick it up my ass instead, Mr. Woodward?" she said.

"Excellent suggestion," Woodward said, and eased his finger into her asshole, moving it in small, tantalizing circles that pressed the tip hard against the hot, slippery membrane. Meanwhile, Denise had spread the lips of Sharon's cunt and was licking her labia; doing it noisily, with loud, slurping sounds.

The door at the left opened again, and a young girl in a maid's uniform came in. She was very pretty, but there were dark circles under her eyes and she looked very tired. Neither Woodward nor his wife paid the slightest attention to her.

"Excuse me, Mr. Woodward," she said. "Telephone for you and Mrs. Woodward, sir."

"What?" Woodward said, reaming Sharon a little faster. "For both of us, did you say?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, we're busy just know, as you can see. Tell whoever it is to call back."

"He said it was very important sir. It's the Mayor, sir." She paused. "It's on the bedroom phone, sir."

"The hell," Woodward said, withdrawing his finger reluctantly. "All right, Genita. Thank you."

"I wonder what that idiot wants now," Denise said, dropping Sharon's skirt and getting to her feet.

"Who knows?" Woodward said. "But we'd better humor him. And besides, you'll have all day to suck our charming guest here."

"I could suck her all day, too," Denise said. "Genita, this is Sharon. Isn't she pretty?"

"Oh, yes, ma'am. She certainly is."

"Well, see that she joins the party," Denise said as she and her husband started off. "And make sure the others don't eat her up completely before I have another chance at her."

The maid smiled. "I'll try, ma'am," she said.

When the door closed behind the Woodwards, the maid looked at Sharon and smiled, her eyes on her breasts. "I could eat you, myself," she said. "I could just eat you up."

Sharon laughed. "Why don't you?" she said. "I'd like to eat you, too."

The maid sighed. "I'm just too tired to suck, that's all," she said. "This party's been going on for, two days."


"And I've been on duty the whole time. Look at my eyes. No sleep at all, and somebody jamming his prick in me every time I turn around."

"Is that bad?" Sharon said. "All those pricks, I mean?"

"It is when you only like girls," the maid said, turning toward the rear of the entrance hall. "Come this way, please. You'll soon see what I mean."

The hall opened on a large, beautifully furnished living room with an ankle-deep rug and an unusual number of massive easy chairs and long, low sofas. There was a big stone fireplace, an in-the-wall television screen, and a long bar with high barroom stools lined up in front of it. There were several men and women in the room, all of them in various stages of undress.

"I've begun to think of this room as an arena," the maid said, turning to leave. "You're on your own now, honey. Happy fucking."

There were three men drinking at the bar, their backs to Sharon. Another man was sitting on a sofa, a drink in one hand and his other hand between the legs of a fully-clothed blonde who was rolling her hips and gasping, as if she were about to orgasm, her dark-gold pussy lifting to the man's fingers with quick little thrusts. On another sofa, two completely nude girls were lying on their side, their heads between each other's legs, sucking ravenously. Another girl, nude except for shoes and stockings, was curled up in a big easy chair, either asleep or passed out.

No one noticed Sharon until she had walked halfway into the room. Then one of the men at the bar glanced over his shoulder, did a double-take, and stood up so quickly he spilled his drink.

"Jerry!" he said, staring at Sharon unbelievingly. "Chuck! Look at what just walked-in!"

The ether two men turned to look.

"Wow!" one of them said, getting to his feet. "I don't believe it."

The other man got up too. "Neither do I," he said. "They don't make them that pretty."

Sharon smiled and walked over to them. "Hi," she said. "My name's Sharon."

"I'm Paul," the first man said. "Sharon, meet Jerry and Chuck."

The other men bobbed their heads in greeting, their eyes roving up and down, Sharon's body.

Sharon, pleased with their reaction, straightened her shoulders so that her breasts would nipple sharply against the thin material of her dress. She was, she discovered, extremely horny. The frigging and sucking she'd received from the Woodwards had started her off, and the sight of a girl being finger-fucked on one sofa while two other girls sucked each other off on another had helped things along considerably. And now the proximity of three good-looking men with bulging flies had finished the job. Her cunt was itching for cock so much she could hardly stand still.

"Boy," Paul said, licking his lips as he started at her nipples. "Where did you come from?"

"Who cares?" Jerry laughed, moving close to Sharon. "You want a drink, baby?"

"It's too early."

Jerry began to feel her ass through her dress. "You sure?" he said, shifting his hand to her other hip.

"Yes." She reached back and pulled up her dress, so that Jerry's hand was now on her bare flesh. "What I'd really like," she said, lowering her eyes demurely, "is a fuck."

Jerry's jaw sagged for a moment, as did the other men's, but he recovered quickly. "What a coincidence," he said. "It just so happens I've got one for you."

"So have I," Paul said. "And I saw her first, Jerry. That means I get to fuck her first."

"Fine with me," Jerry said. "I'd rather have it a little sloppy, anyway."

"I don't care whether I fuck her first, last, or in between," Chuck said. "Just so long as I fuck her."

Sharon laughed. "Don't you think I should have something to say about that?"

"Excuse us all to hell," Paul said. "Something must be making us forget our manners."

"She's enough to make you forget anything," Chuck said.

"Well?" Paul said. "Who's it to be, Sharon? Which one of us would you rather fuck first?"

"All of you," Sharon said, reaching for the hem of her skirt.

"What?" Paul said.

Sharon d****d her dress over the back of a bar stool and turned back to them, naked except for tiny shoes and hip-high black nylons.

"I don't want to fuck any of you first," she said, enjoying the way their eyes bulged at the sight of her body. "I want to fuck all of you at the same time."

Paul's jaw sagged again. "You mean in -- uh -- all three places? All at once?"

"Yes," Sharon said, reaching out to feel the bulge in his pants. "In my mouth and cunt and ass, all at once."

Paul stared at her a moment, then glanced at Jerry and Chuck. "Well, boys? Are we going to oblige this beautiful creature or aren't we?"

Jerry took out his cock. "Let's stop wasting time and start fucking," he said.

"We'll have to do it on the floor," Chuck said, unzipping his fly. "There wouldn't be room for a three-way fuck on a sofa."

As Sharon sank down on the deep-pile rug, she looked over at the other guests, hoping for an audience. Having other people watch her get fucked would enhance the pleasure. But the others were paying no attention. The fully-clothed girl was still being fingerfucked by the man on the sofa beside her, although she now had unbuttoned her blouse and was milking her breasts. The girl wearing only shoes and stockings was passed out in the chair. And the two completely naked girls were still eating each other's pussy.

Oh, well, Sharon thought to herself, they're bound to notice us, once we really get going.

"Now we've got another problem," Paul said. "Which one of us do you want in which place?"

"You've got the biggest cock," she said. "So that's the one I want in my cunt." She got up on her hands and knees. "Lie down on your back, Paul."

He lay down, and she got over him, lowering her pussy slowly until she felt the lips touch the head of his prick. Then she reached down and guided it into her, settling down on it slowly, loving the feel of it, until the head touched her womb. She had an urge to start fucking at once, but forced herself to wait.

"Now you, Chuck," she said, raising her hips in the air. "I want you up my ass."

Chuck got down behind her. "I'm not so sure I can get it in there," he said. "I think it's too big."

"No, it isn't," she said, remembering the wonderful assfucking the cab drivers had given her three days before. "Just rub some of my juice on it, and jam it in all at once."

A moment later, she felt the same searing sensation she had felt the first time -- and then, suddenly, there was nothing but the same glorious feeling of having her ass packed full of hard, hot meat. And this time it felt even better than before, because she also had Paul's huge cock in her cunt, separated from Chuck's cock by a scant quarter-inch of the most sensitive tissue in her body. God, she reflected, how wonderful it was going to feel when they both began to fuck her at the same time!

"I'm the lucky one," Jerry said, coming over to stand with his feet at either side of Paul, facing Sharon, the head of his cock almost brushing her lips. "I'm the lucky bastard that gets sucked off."

"No, Jerry," Sharon said, smiling. "I want to be fucked. I'm not going to suck you off, Jerry. You're going to fuck my mouth. And I want you to fuck it just as hard as Paul and Chuck fuck my cunt and asshole."

"Hell," Chuck said. "That'll be even better."

"I'll like it better, too," Sharon said, and slid her lips over the head of his cock.

Several minutes later, when Sharon had finished cuming for perhaps the tenth time, she recalled how good it had felt when Tom fucked her between her breasts. Suddenly she wished she had a prick between them right now, fucking her in rhythm with the pricks pounding into her mouth and cunt and asshole.

And then, even as she thought about having her breasts fucked, she caught sight of the pretty girl who, nude except for shoes and stockings, was curled up in the chair, her tiny pink slit peeping enticingly from the downy nest between her legs. Oh, God, Sharon thought, how I'd love to suck her!

She was completely insatiable, she reflected as she began to cum again. She'd never, ever, get enough fucking and sucking. But she'd get as much of it as she could, she vowed -- whether with men or women, or any combination of the two.


When Sharon arrived at Joyce Thornton's house that afternoon, she found the back door unlocked, just as the parole officer had said it would be. She undressed, as Joyce had ordered her to do, collected the cleaning implements from the broom closet, and went upstairs to the guest room.

Joyce had been right about one thing at least, she reflected as she struggled to pull the drop cloths away from the furniture pushed together in the middle of the room. No matter how much a girl might glory in her naked body at any other time, being forced to do hard, menial work in the nude did make her feel degraded. It did make her feel like a slave -- just as Joyce had told her it would. Even with no one else there to see her, she felt that way, and she was suddenly consumed with shame and frustration. How much longer must she submit to such indignities? How much longer could she?

She glanced about the room, wondering how many other young girls had been forced to work for Joyce this way. How many had known the burn of the velvet whip on their bare buttocks? How many had been sent back to prison to satisfy a sadistic whim of the twisted monster who held unlimited power over them?

It was, when she was tugging one of the chairs to a corner of the room that she noticed the bullet hole. It was in the door frame, on a level with her eyes, and it caught her attention only because it was the only mark or blemish anywhere on the walls or woodwork. Even so, she thought at first it was a nail which someone had driven below the surface of the wood and then forgot to cover with putty and paint -- as had once been the case with some work she and Vickie had had done in their apartment.

But then she had seen that the hole was a bit too large to have been left by a nail, and she had made a closer inspection. It had been a bullet hole, all right; the lead slug was embedded in the wood a half-inch from the surface.

Sharon dismissed it from her mind. She had enough troubles of her own without speculating about the presence of a bullet in Joyce Thornton's immaculate woodwork.

She began to clean as fast as she could, hoping to work off some of her shame and anger, as she had done the last time she had been in this room. But later, as she was hurrying along the wall with the half-filled pail of sweepings, she lost her footing for an instant and the pail swung hard against the fresh white plaster, scarring it.

She dropped the pail and stared at the wall with dismay, knowing what the penalty for her carelessness would be. And then she jumped back in alarm as the rats in the wall squealed in anger. Carl Martin had told her there were dozens of the b**sts in there, but judging from the sound of them, there were hundreds.

She started to back away in disgust, then paused, looking at the dent the pail had made in the plaster. When Carl Martin had struck the same wall with the heel of his hand, to stir up the rats, it had given back a dull thud. And yet, when the pail had slammed against it, it had sounded as if it were hollow -- the way a wall of this kind would normally sound.

And now she recalled that Carl had said he had filled in a hole in the wall, which Joyce Thornton had told him she had had someone else knock out to make a doorway to the next room.

Why, Sharon wondered, would Joyce have one man knock a hole in the wall, and then have another man cover it up? And why would Joyce have changed her mind about making a doorway?

And, most puzzling of all, why should the wall sound hollow in one place and not in another? Sharon walked to the spot where Carl had struck it, took off her shoe, and hit it a sharp blow with the heel. It gave back the same dull thud Carl's hand had made. It sounded the way it would sound if there was something inside it.

She turned slowly, almost against her will, to stare at the bullet hole in the doorjamb.

There shouldn't be a bullet in that otherwise unmarked woodwork. There shouldn't be so many rats in the wall. There shouldn't have been a change of mind on Joyce's part about that doorway to the next room. There shouldn't have been a necessity to make Carl fill in a hole made by another man. And there shouldn't be one kind of sound at one place in the wall and a different kind of sound at another.

Was it possible? Sharon wondered. Had there been other bullets? Were they now in someone's body, and that body sealed in the wall? Had Joyce Thornton killed someone, and, taking advantage of a ready-made hiding place, put his body in the hole she had had someone make for a doorway?

Was that why the wall sounded the way it did?

Was that why there were so many rats?

And in any case, what had she to lose? She was going back to prison, anyhow. Joyce would take one look at the long ugly scar on that fresh white plaster and her rage would be instant and terrible. She would have Sharon back in a cell before another day had passed.

But if she was right -- if she was right! -- she would be free of Joyce Thornton forever.

With nothing to lose, and everything to gain, she really had no choice. There was a chance she was right, and she had to take it.

She walked to Carl Martin's toolbox, took out a hatchet, and began chopping at the same place on the wall where his hand and the heel of her shoe had given back the dull thud.

It was hard work for someone who had never wielded a hatchet before, and the flying bits of plaster stuck to her moist bare skin and stung her eyes. But at last she had chopped away enough of the plaster and lathing to be able to see down inside the wall.

But as she stepped close, she knew it was no longer necessary to look. The odor that came from the opening could have only one meaning.

Dropping the hatchet, she ran to the window, threw up the sash, and thrust her head, and shoulders outside, drawing in great lungfuls of air.

There was the soft whisper of a shoe sole on the floor behind her, and she whirled around.

It was Joyce Thornton, reaching down to pick up the hatchet. The parole officer's eyes were narrowed to glittering green slits, her lips peeled back from her teeth in a silent snarl. Holding the hatchet in front of her, she advanced toward Sharon, step by slow step.

"You've just signed your death warrant, Sharon," she said. Surprisingly, her voice was cool, almost expressionless. She spoke with no more emotion than if she had been telling Sharon the time of day. "You really should have used better judgment, you know."

Sharon felt a scream rise in her throat, but she could not force it past her lips. She stood as if paralyzed, eyes riveted on the bright crescent along the cutting edge of the hatchet.

Joyce paused for a moment, studying Sharon thoughtfully, then suddenly raised the hatchet over her head and sprang forward.

And now the frozen scream burst from Sharon's throat, and she instinctively dropped to her knees and tried to throw her body to one side to escape the descending hatchet. As she rolled away, Joyce, unable to check her forward momentum, caught her foot in the crook of Sharon's knee, tripped, and plunged head-first through the open window.

It had all taken place so quickly that for a long moment Sharon couldn't believe it had really happened. Only seconds ago, she had expected to have her head cleaved open with the hatchet; now, she was all alone in the room, exactly as if Joyce had never walked into it.

She scrabbled to her feet and put her head out the window and looked down. Joyce lay sprawled like a rag doll on the wide flagstone walk below, staring up at nothing, a ribbon of blood flowing from the side of her mouth.

Sharon ran downstairs, let herself out the side door, and knelt by Joyce's body. When she saw she was still breathing, she rushed inside and called for an ambulance.

It wasn't until she heard the first wail of the siren that she realized she was still completely nude, and ran inside to put on her clothes.

As chance would have it, the detectives who took Sharon home in the unmarked police car that night were the same two who had arrested her more than a year ago for complicity in the robbery of the jewelry store. And just as had been the case on that terrible, long-ago night, the older heavyset detective did all the talking while his younger, sandy-haired partner said nothing at all.

"It's all almost too good to be true," Sharon said as they neared her apartment house. She was sitting in the front seat between them, amused by the way both men took the opportunity to glance surreptitiously at her legs every time the car passed under a street light. "I'm afraid I'll wake up and find out it was all just a wonderful dream."

"It's no dream, Miss," the heavyset detective said. "A dying declaration will stand up anywhere, anytime."

"But she wasn't really dying."

"No, she wasn't. But she thought she was, and that makes it exactly the same thing." He paused. "She wanted to clear the slate."

"When she finds out she's going to be all right, she may change her mind."

"Let her. What counts is what she said when she thought she was going to die." He glanced down at her legs again, and took a deep breath. "When she cleared you of having anything to do with that robbery, she cleared you for keeps. All the officials involved in what happened to you a year ago will do everything in their power to make it up to you. Including my partner here and me. That means we'll go to bat with the governor. Offhand, I'd lay ten to one that you'll have a full pardon inside of two weeks."

"That's wonderful," Sharon said. "Just wonderful." She felt so warm toward these two big men that she shifted her position slightly so that her skirt rode up above her pussy. The next time the car passed under a street light, they'd see more than they expected to.

"As for Mark Haley," the detective said, "he got just about what he asked for. Somebody ought've told him Joyce Thornton knew more judo than he'd ever learn. But no, he had to go over there and pull a gun on her and tell her she had ten minutes to come up with the money he figured she'd beat him out of on that jewelry heist." He looked down at Sharon's legs again, and suddenly the car swerved so far to the right that it almost struck a car parked at the curb.

"What's wrong?" Sharon asked innocently, scooting down a little further in the seat so that her skirt would ride up even higher.

"Uh... nothing," the detective said.

"And she actually took the gun away from him?" Sharon said.

"She sure did," the detective said, stealing another look from the corner of his eye. "And that was all for Mr. Mark Haley. How long he'd have stayed in that wall if you hadn't got your brainstorm is anybody's guess. We pulled one out of a wall in the North End the other day that'd been there almost a hundred years."

"That's my building, there on the right," Sharon said, pointing.

Sharon and Vickie didn't finish making love until almost daybreak. When at last they composed themselves for sleep -- nude, their heads between each other's legs, the way they always slept -- Sharon knew that no luckier girl had ever been born. She had her youth and her beauty and her modeling career and, best of all, she had her good name back again.

No, that was wrong, she corrected herself as she burrowed her head further between the sleepy little silver-blonde's scented legs. No. Best of all she had Vickie.

She planted a long soft kiss on Vickie's cunt, rested her cheek against the satiny warmth of her thigh and, at peace with the world and herself, drifted off to deep.

发布者 mz_reel
6 年 前