Closing this account

Dear mutual fellow friends and fans,

As the producer speculated 2-3 years ago.
That the dreaded time has arrived and this is to terminate/closing our 'Hahadadada" account in xhamster.
The govt and it's agencies are coming down hard on porn .
The police installed a sort of Cyber and Sex sites Monitoring System that is able to locate users & IP address surfing banned sites ( which is porn).
It is an extremely good system which is hard to beat.
xhamster is included in the banned list.
It is able to track down to what sort of upload , downloading and the time spend in this banned site.
All the while, the producer changes the D.N.S. in order to enter this site which is in fact blocked.
Their stated intention is to crack down c***d pornography which is good intention but the law and the police reasoning are best vague and opaque.
Yeah, we are still doing the things we love to do.
But, it is getting high risk to visit xhamster and a long list of banned XXX sites from my country here.

For our sincere fans and friends who would like to view more of our future adventure.
Please drop the producer a few words at [email protected]
I can always upload from cloud drive or googledrive.
Or i am considering using a general site which is vimeo ,

Thank You for the views, thumbs up , thumps down , comments and freindship in xhamster.
I don't think it is the end (yet), just ending this in xhamster.
Always a way to look out of Non Banned site.
Thank you, and take care.
发布者 hahadadada
6 年 前
peterpan2501 6 年 前
sad to hear...
anyway, wish you good fun otherwise...pp
gip1279 6 年 前
I'll miss you guys for sure. Sad
kyrill 6 年 前
dont Close, love all your vids, a very great collection
Asianlover81 6 年 前
Sorry to hear about this. Thank you for sharing what you did. Your uploads will be missed by your many fans
JCE147 6 年 前
Sorry to hear this.
That's a shame, I liked seeing the flashing pics and dancing vids.
fatfootguy 6 年 前
I will definitely email you.  You were on of my fav users here
mako3258 6 年 前
Sorry to see you leave, you had some great stuff. Be safe, stay horny and keep fucking....:smile:
gaull 6 年 前
Will miss your great content, stay safe both.
ropeydog 6 年 前
Such a shame. I will miss you and your contributions. Sexy with humor. Keep in touch by mail. Grtz