My male-feet fetich and natural tendence for patri
Since young girl (9y) i ve performed foot massage to my father.
I remember to stay on livingroom floor whatching tv and constantly stumble toutch my fater feets and legs.
As i grow up i start playing massages with my father feets.
I did not understood that was attraction to a viril manhood feature.
Tan skin, tick black little hair, huge porportion and eye catching..
As sexuality kicks in around 13y, my body started to be hot and wetter while performing the foot massage. Confusion obsession..
Until my 17y i got pleasure sexualy and intelectualy masturbating myself afterwards massaging my father feets.
Thats mt story.
Thats how i got a male feet fetich.
And thats how i understand that is natural in female gender to be attracted on serving male.
Remember to visit my tumbler
as you can tell, i am not a good writer, please provide feedback of what and how i should write next time
o mais similiar que encontrei foi:
mas eram mais musculadas, maiores
I remember to stay on livingroom floor whatching tv and constantly stumble toutch my fater feets and legs.
As i grow up i start playing massages with my father feets.
I did not understood that was attraction to a viril manhood feature.
Tan skin, tick black little hair, huge porportion and eye catching..
As sexuality kicks in around 13y, my body started to be hot and wetter while performing the foot massage. Confusion obsession..
Until my 17y i got pleasure sexualy and intelectualy masturbating myself afterwards massaging my father feets.
Thats mt story.
Thats how i got a male feet fetich.
And thats how i understand that is natural in female gender to be attracted on serving male.
Remember to visit my tumbler
as you can tell, i am not a good writer, please provide feedback of what and how i should write next time
o mais similiar que encontrei foi:
mas eram mais musculadas, maiores
6 年 前