Our Swinging Days

People keep asking me about our swinging days, so I decided to re-post it again....

Our Swinging Days by Virginia S.

So many people have asked me about the three posts about our swinging days with
a black couple that we knew, and it got buried so deep in my posts, so I have
reposted it as one post.

This is really how it all happened when we were still living up in Michigan.


This was pretty close as to how my husband and I started into this stuff.

We had some marital problems, that came close to causing a divorce, so we
started talking a little bit more openly about where our mairrage was going. I
think we both could see that it was in trouble, and that we were losing the
feelings we once had for each other.

I forget exactly how we got to talking about bringing someone else into our
life, but we both agreed that our sexual needs were changing, and that something
had to be added to spice it back up.

My husband worked with a black guy, and they were pretty good friends. Anyways,
we ended up going out with them several times. And over the course of a month or
so, we would go out for dinner, and then dancing.

I caught my husband more than once looking at her, with that look ( if you know
what i mean ).

I must have danced with my husbands friend many times, before it turned to
something more than just a friendly dance.

On one of those nights that we were out nightclubbing, i danced with him, and my
husband was dancing with his wife. When all of us came back to the table after
the dance was over, I could tell that my husband had a different look about him.
He was a little flushed, and when I asked him what was going on, he told me that
she had played with his butt, out on the dance floor, and had manuverd his leg
inbetween hers. He told me he got very hard, and that she was smiling at him
while all this was going on.

That night when we got home, is when we started seriously talking about bringing
someone else into our sex life. We both agreed that it would be better that it
would be them, rather than some strange couple, who we knew nothing about. Them
being black, had nothing to do with them coming into our sex life. It was just
kind of natural.

My husband ended up talking to him at work, and the next time we went out, I got
smashed out of my skull ( cause I was so damn nervious ). So after a whole bunch
of 7 & 7's, I thought nothing of it, when he started kissing my cheek while we
danced. I could feel his manhood pressing against me, and I could tell he was
very arroused.

I will tell you, that when your in your early 40's, and another man gets aroused
that way, you take it as a compliment.

When we got back to the table, my husband was sitting pretty close to the guys

Shit, rather than go back and rewrite this, i might as well tell you who is who.

My husband's name is Tom, and our black friends are Caroline and Jules.

As I was saying, Tom was sitting close to Caroline and they were giggling about
something. So I said fuck it, and two could play that game. I started hanging on
every word that Jules was saying, and pretty soon realized that this guy was not
only good looking, but was a gentleman, and had a nice demeanor.

As the evening wore on, we danced a lot more ( Jules and me ), and it must have
been around 1 in the morning when we decided to go home. Jules invited us over
to his house for another drink, and Tom jumped at the idea.

Jules put on some slow music, and more 7 & 7's ( I swear, someone was out to get
me drunk ). Jules and I would dance, and then come back to sit and have a drink,
while Caroline and Tom would dance. The mood was there, and there was no
mistaking where this was going.

When Jules reached out and put his hand behind my head, and drew me closer for a
kiss, there was no hesitation. It was just like it was meant to be, I guess. It
was nothing wild. No tongue or anything like that. Just a nice slow kiss. When
we parted, I saw that Caroline and Tom were kissing, so the deal was sealed.

Jules kissed me again, and when I looked up, Caroline and Tom were gone. That's
when I knew there would be no turning back. I guess we ended up in the spare
bedroom, and I was made love to by a black man.

I will say this, it's one thing to make love with someone other than your
husband, but..... if he is also black, it can blow your mind ( it certainly blew
mine ).

He was better endowed than Tom. Jules, I guess is around 9 inches, and fairly
fat. So it took me awhile to get comfortable with him. He was the perfect
gentleman, and used a condom. And I think I had about the best sex i've had, in
a long long time.

We ended up going home around 3 in the morning. I slept with Tom holding me
tightly, but we did not have any sex. I think we were both pretty much wore out.


Okay, here goes.... decided to do it while hubby is at work ( not as many
interruptions that way ). I wrote this before he passed away from Cancer.

All of our swinging ( if you want to call it that ), happened when we were
living in Michigan. The town is not important, but it was close to Flint. The
reason I bring that up, is that most of our swinging ended up in a city called
Port Huron ( just far enough away from where we were living, that it would not
cause any problems ).

As I stated before, the first time was at Caroline and Jules' house. That proved
to be a little awkward, if you want to go home in the middle of the night.

After that first time, Tom and I had talked quite a bit about what had
transpired, and how we felt about it. To say that we were not stimulated, would
have been a big lie. I think that Tom was floored by the way that Caroline took
to him. And I must admit, that having a different man between my legs ( and him
being black to boot ), was more than I had hoped for.

Even though there was some size difference between them, it was more the way
that they made love, that was the biggest difference between them. Granted, Tom
and I long ago kind of started taking sex for granted when we went to bed.
Usually the lights were off, and we did just enough to get each other off.

With a new sex partner, all of that goes out of the window, of course. You don't
quite know what to expect from your new lover, and so it becomes an experiment
to see who likes what. Also, when your with your husband, it's kind of hard to
bring up certain stuff while your making love. Stuff like.... him wanting to see
how deep he can penetrate your throat, or you being on top, and having him flex
his cock while he is "buried" deep in you..... stuff like that, is not usually
brought up in the everyday sex.

But I digress...... Tom and I both admitted that we wanted this to happen again.
Tom of course wanted to know how good a lover Jules had been ( I don't know why
you guys always are so apprehensive about being compared with another lover ).
Trust us girls, if you do it so we get off, were happy!!!

Anyways, I had to assure him that even though Jules has a longer cock, and just
slightly larger around, I enjoy him as much as I enjoyed Jules. Truth be known
though....... I fucking loved what had happened. I felt that Jules had reached
deeper in me, and him being a new lover, the excitement of that and the larger
cock gave me multiple orgasms ( something that normally did not happen in our
day to day sex ).

So we both agreed we wanted to try this again, but leaving someone's house in
the middle of the night was not a good idea. So Tom and Jules must have talked
about this at work, cause the next thing I know, I get a call from Caroline
asking if we had anything planned for the following weekend. Of course we didn't
and I told her that, so she said we should go to Port Huron, cause there is a
hotel/motel right on the river, that they had been to before, saying it was nice
and clean, we would not be known by anyone. I think I said YES!!!

So that following weekend we went there, and got two rooms next to each other.
The guys took us out to dinner, did some dancing and ass grabbing, had probably
a little too much to drink again, and went back to our rooms.

The guys must have planned this, cause before I knew it, Tom was walking with
Caroline, holding her by her arm and steering her to our room. And lo and behold
Jules was doing the same with me, and taking me to their room. I doubt that any
of the four of us were in disagreement when that happened.

I remember quite well that Jules did quite a number on me. Not being so scared
this time ( it being our second time ), I think the both of us tried to do a
little more for each other. I gave it a hell of a try to get him all the way
down my throat, but was not successful. I have a hard time getting past the gag
thing. But.... I did give it a heck of a try!

As for Jules, he is an exceptional pussy stimulator.

He took his time, and I did a lot of tossing while he used that tongue on me.
When he finally took me, it was in the missionary position, with my knees
pressed back into my breasts. A little uncomfortable, but what the hell, who
cares when your that excited.

We got the first orgasm out of the way, and lay there and made some small talk,
before he started on me again. I think we pretty much did everything that night.

I don't particularly like anal, but he wanted to try it and he promised he would
take it easy, so we did it. Like i said, it's not my cup of tea, but with a new
man, and being slightly drunk, and my hormones running in high gear, it wasn't
all that bad.

I think then we did what I wanted to do, which was me getting on top, and riding

Personally, this is my favorite position.

No don't start branding me as a control freak, but..... when I'm on top, I feel
I can dictate the fuck the way I like it. Like spending minutes just sitting on
him, having him deeply impaled in me, and not moving at all. Just feeling that
cock in there, and every so often he would make the head expand a little ( it
blows my mind when he does that ).

We also did a 69, which was okay, but I had a hard time getting off, so I got
between his knees and just sucked him off. And I do mean off..... There is just
something nasty about taking your lovers cum and swallowing it. I think it is
the perfect way to show that you love having sex with him, and believe it or
not, that's how I got off too, while sucking him off.

I ended up staying with Jules in his room all night, and the following morning
we all went to breakfast.

That had to be the most raunchiest breakfast ever had, by four people. We
compared notes, and to sit across from your husband, and look him in the eye and
tell him you did this or that with your lover, it was fun.... to say the least.

On the drive back home, Tom and I discussed in greater detail what each of us
had done, and again we agreed that it had been a lot of fun, and something we
should think about doing again.

By the way, we did not have sex ( Tom and I ), for the rest of the week. I was
too sore at the start of the week, and I think that he was pretty much sexed out

Just so you know, half way through all this typing, i had to take a break and
"fix" myself....


Group sex... Multiple partners in the same bed... Voyeurism...

I guess they all go kind of hand in hand.

What the four of us had been doing, was thrilling to us, to say the least. I
must admit, in part anyways, I told Tom how I felt about the sex that Jules and
I had been doing.... but, there was always that little voice inside that doesn't
want to reveal every thought or feeling.

Caroline and I spoke on the phone several times, comparing notes, and I think
feeling each other out as to if there were any jealousies. In those
conversations, I started to visualize what it must have looked like to see
Caroline and Tom having sex, and it seemed to excite me.

About a month later, we decided to all get together again, but we ran into a
snag. That hotel/motel usually was not that crowded, but the weekend we decided
to go back again, they were pretty full. So, we did not end up with adjoining
rooms. In fact their room was on the 2nd floor, and ours was in the back on the
first floor. Normally I don't think this would have made much difference, but it
ended up changing how the four of us would have sex.

The guys had taken us to a nice little place to eat, and do some dancing and
drinking ( I think they felt us girls needed to be plied with drinks.... LOL,
sometimes girls can be easy ). We all knew what we had come for... and it wasn't
eating, drinking, and dancing! I think all of us were eager to get back to our
rooms and do the "dirty".

We were walking back from the car, and Caroline and I were exchanging some
giggles, while the guys were trading jokes, and when we got back to our room,
Tom said lets all have another drink.

The joking and giggling kind of stopped, and it seemed that the atmosphere
seemed to be charged a little. I looked at her and she was wetting her lips, and
trying to look the other way. So I knew she was kind of anticipating this.

So there we were.... four people in a small motel room ( double beds ), with
more to drink, and with everyone ready to split up and have some sex. Next thing
I know, Caroline and Tom were sitting on one of the beds playing kissie and
feelie, and Jules and I kind of awkwardly standing there watching the TV.

Pretty soon, we were both watching them more than the TV, so Jules grabbed my
hand and led me to the other bed.

I had mixed feelings about this. I wanted to get fucked real bad, but on the
other hand, my husband was no more than 6 feet from us, and would be able to see

I will tell you, when the hormones start flowing, being prudent is about the
last thing you think about. Jules pushed me on my back, and was all over me. I'm
sure you have all been in "those" situations, where your both clawing at your
clothes, while trying to stick your tongue down to the other persons tonsils. It
gets quite involved, and you lose a sense of where you are. Your only caught up in
the moment, to get your depraved thoughts quenched.

I think the first time I thought about what Tom might be doing, was when Jules
and I were in a 69, and I felt the unmistakable movement of someone else getting
on the bed. It's kind of hard to sit up and say 'FUCK', when you have about 4
inches of cock in your mouth.

I remember looking to the side and seeing a body, but I couldn't tell who it
was. Then all of a sudden, I felt a tongue on my asshole. If you have never been
rimmed before, I can tell you it can be the start of a big orgasm ( especially
when your all charged up ).

So there I was, with Jules' hands pulling me down on top of him, and Tom's hands
spreading my butt, while he tongued me. No k**ding folks, it was FUCKING

This went on for a few minutes, and then I heard Caroline saying "get your ass
back over here".

So Tom went back over to the other bed with her, and Jules flipped me over, and
started to pound me good. At that point I was pretty much out of it. I'm sure I
had at least two orgasms, except for the pounding he was giving me, I was in
another world.

I don't know how long he did me, but when he got off of me, I was ready to roll
over and take a nap. The drinks were catching up to me, and the anal excitement
plus the royal fucking Jules had given me, had pretty much wore me out.

So I'm laying there with my head snuggled up to Jules, when i felt the bed move
again. I pretty much thought to myself that I didn't want Tom to start fucking
around again. In fact I was just about ready to say something, when I felt a
soft kiss on my cheek.

Now for all you women out there, who have experienced tender moments with
another woman, I have to admit that I had never been kissed by another woman.
Sure a peck on the cheek, when your greeting a close friend, but when you have
just had sex with another woman's man, you know the kiss is not a friendly peck.

I turned my head, and she pounced me pretty good. Her lips were all over mine,
and in no time at all we were trying to see who had the strongest tongue.... she
won out.

So here I am, a white woman in the arms of a black man who has just given me a
pretty good fucking, and then his wife is kissing me like were long lost lovers.

I lost all train of thought. I didn't care where Tom was, and I don't think I
much cared what Jules was thinking. What I was experiencing, something entirely
new to me, was another woman, trying to invade my feelings, with her tongue and
with her exploring hands.

And lets be clear about this, it was not all Caroline who was doing the
exploring. She was trying to reach around me, and get to my sex. I intercepted
her hand, and squeezed it so hard, I'm sure I must have hurt her. But I forced
it down between my legs, and opened up to her.

Okay, enough of that stuff. I will tell you, that Caroline and I ended up doing
a lot of kissing, and eventually ended up in a 69. Eating another woman's cunt
for the first time, was just fantastic. And when she came, I could taste her and
Tom's cum.

That night, all four of us ended up having sex in the same small bed. Looking
over at your husband, while your being pounded by another man, can be very
stimulating. And after they had both cum again, us ladies lay there and did some
more kissing and feeling and just plain holding each others hand.

The next day I asked Tom how he had felt about seeing me being fucked by another
man, and he said that it had been the most exciting thing he had seen in a long
time. I told him, that I had been a little jealous, when I had seen Coraline's
legs wrapped around his ass, yelling at him to fuck her harder. He just laughed,
and said he was not responsible for what his dick told him to do.

So all in all, i guess both of us were okay with what had happened.

Now this story is not going to continue, cause it is hard to describe what your
feelings are like, when your being fucked by a different man. Words just don't
do it justice. But, I will tell you that there was another twist to this story.

A few weeks later we went back and only rented one room. There was no playing
around now. We all knew what we wanted. That night though, ended up being
different. Somewhere during the night, after the guys had their way with us,
Caroline and I were snuggling and just doing idle whispers, when we both were
jolted by what we heard.

"Fuck, take it easy"! That was Toms' voice. We looked over, and Tom was kneeling
beside the bed. His upper body was on the bed, and his knees were on the floor.
And Jules was behind him trying to bugger him. Well, he was successful, cause
that night Tom got fucked. They didn't do it very long ( Tom kept complaining
how it hurt too much ). And that was my first inkling that my husband might be

When your in the arms of another woman, and you see your husband being taken
anally, you can't get up and start screaming "PERVERT". I mean after all, he
certainly didn't when Caroline and I were doing things to each other.

I think we went out about 3 more times after that, before we ended up moving to
Florida. And during those times, we got to see the guys doing a 69 once. To this
day, I still don't know how I feel about that. But, it is his body, so I guess
he can do what he wants with it.

I hope I haven't bored you too much with my ramblings, but now that I have
finally done this, I feel a whole lot better. I really, do!

Sex can be an ugly thing that you keep in the dark corners of your mind, or you
can let it out in the open, and enjoy the experience for what it is. Enjoying
another partners body.

The way that he or she brings you to the brink of an orgasm. And the way you
fully give yourself to those feelings. But at the end of the day, it still comes
back to you and your husband. Do you trust each other? Do you feel that he still
respects you, after seeing you in the arms of another man or woman?

Those are the things that are important, and hopefully will keep your marriage

But it sure was fun :)
发布者 VirginiaS
6 年 前
Kumarsinghkumar 1 年 前
So true. It is life lived well. I am not sure how to handle jealousy and insecurity which is a by product of it. Few survive their ride on the tiger. But thrIll of it says-well go for it.Again and again 
hardslutlover 1 年 前
excellent experience and very well written!  Thank you
111740 2 年 前
Perfect the way you guys eased into the swinging lifestyle. Slow and easy, then fast and furious. Then the woman on woman and finally the man on man. I can just imigine how wonderful all of you must have felt. Good for all f you. 
twitchums 2 年 前
What a lovely story! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences..
Stiltskins 2 年 前
excellent   very well written
xx1236 3 年 前
I haven't tried swinging yet .but maybe in the  future..??
nickandnicole1 3 年 前
greenzx6r2003 3 年 前
that is one super hot story.  hope you stayed in contact with your hot friends....
kbking70 3 年 前
Great story.  I am sorry for the loss of your husband.
MWMluvsGayMen 3 年 前
Fond memories of our years swinging.  My wife and I were bisexuals when we met, so that was a significant part of our swinging.  Although we took a slightly difference road wherein there was a lot more sex with me and other men for my wife's voyeuristic pleasure, our first time with another couple had some of those same reactions and emotions. 
VirginiaS 出版商 3 年 前
wht4blk : thank you for the kind words
回答 原始评论
wht4blk 3 年 前
Thank you for taking your time …again writing your story….you do have a gift, you write with feeling and it’s relayed to the reader very passionately , I have tried to write about our interracial stories but you either bring the reader into your story or they (readers) simply start skipping entire sentences because the writer can’t keep the story ? you my dear from start to finish set the hook and reel us in…glad to see your back
Silverod4u 3 年 前
Very nice story. It's good that you can share those experiences with other people...
erzika34 3 年 前
very nice
ChicagoPiston 4 年 前
VirginiaS : Loss of your beloved husband. What you two shared was life affirming and brought you even closer together as a couple.
回答 原始评论
ChicagoPiston 4 年 前
VirginiaS : I really appreciate your openness. Obviously, you had a terrible
回答 原始评论
VirginiaS 出版商 4 年 前
ChicagoPiston : some of that was mind blowing at the time.... thank you for the nice words
回答 原始评论
ChicagoPiston 4 年 前
Fantastic tale of real life interracial wife swapping.
olderwatcher 5 年 前
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, I am so sorry that you lost your husband.
Sith69 5 年 前
Great story, that's got me rock hard and pounding.
rjac1465 5 年 前
Sounds like a wonderful adventure to explore this with the person you love. I often debate with friends about the difference between sex and love. I believe that they go together and they are separate too! I love this experience you have shared, because it seems to make me think my thinking has some validity. Thanks for sharing your experience! It’s one of my favorites!
macmustard1 6 年 前
Pretty wild 
billsc40 6 年 前
Great story. And wonderful memories. 
Sorry about losing your husband. Good story. You're a good writer.
gingles69696 6 年 前
I blew my load when you started sucking each others pussy's. That was HOT!
paulb4fun 6 年 前
Wow! This was excellent. Very hot and honest! I love how you dealt with different turns and your reaction to them. I am so looking forward to more of your erotic writtings. Sorry for your loss!!
Sounds like you were a great couple
VirginiaS 出版商 6 年 前
blkinematographer : I am glad you said it sounded believable, cause it really happened...
回答 原始评论
This is one of the more honest sounding stories I have heard. No attempts to impress, but simple honest narration. It wasn't  boring. It was interesting and believable.