Linda and Tom's journey - Chapter 1
Linda had been trying hard to convince Tom to give up the outbuilding which for me meant giving up his gym, or as Linda put it his appartment, she was right it had a bedroom, living space and a well fitted out bathroom. And that wasn't to metion the semi-private courtyard garden. Linda had been working on it for some time and had gradually been moving Tom's stuff into a spare room in the main house. Then the professional cleaners arrived with Linda's announcement that they had their first letting later that week and in no way was Tom allowed back in there.
As it was their first customer Linda took the day off her noraml day job to ensure that everything ran smoothly. Their cutomer arrived in a compact car, the type you'd hardly notice when driving yourself. The customer was a lady , Linda guessed she was about 35-40 years old, who introduced herself as Anna. She was wearing a trouser suit combo and flat shoes, very lightly made up and her hair tied up in a loose bun. Linda asked if she had found them alright and offered to help Anna with any luggage she might have. Anna said it was all good, she was only statying the night. The two ladies proceeded to make their way into the building where Linda showed Anna around. Anna was most enthusiastic and was impressed with the decor and facilities. They said their goodbyes with Linda leaving Anna to get settled in.
Linda wasn't normally that nosey, but this was her first client and she kept a watch on Anna as she finally made her way out to her car to fetch whatever luggage she had brought. Linda observed as Anna took out a large suitcase, certainly two sizes larger than she wold have used for a night away and Linda knew that she was no light packer. This had Linda's interest peaked somewhat, so she decided to work in the garden near the letting to see if she could gleen any more information.
It was sometime later that Anna appeared in the small courtyard, talking on her phone. Linda moved so that she was out of sight but able to see glimpses of Anna. Anna had changed her clothes, her hair, everything. Anna thought that she was out of sight so now paraded around in some very sexy matching lingerie and platform heels. Tom had been trying to persuade Linda to buy some very similar shoes for ages and Linda had to admit that they were an essential ingredient in the way Anna looked right now in addition to her now glossy long curls and immaculated make up. As the wind changed direction Linda could hear the odd comment, including:
Yes ,the place is great. Really secluded.
You should come try it sometime.
Oh yes, no trouble, I'm going to set up outside this afternoon.
Well with that Linda was curious to see what setting up entailed. It wasn't at all convenient but her phone rang and she had to take it quickly without being spotted and drawing attention to herself, in her own garden! She was spying and it was a bit of a thrill if she was honest.
The phone call was from Tom to see how things had gone, she could have killed him right then. But it was good that he called and was showing an interest in their new venture. Linda didn;t relay any of the curious details she had discovered, not wanting to reveal that hse was spying on their first guest but also there was nothing to confirm right then. Linda was side tracked for a while, not wanting to tempt fate by going back too early, just in case Anna had heard or thought anything so clandestine as spying was going on.
So when Linda had finally done everything that she hadn't really intended doing she moved upstairs to a window that she had used to occasionally check Tom in the same courtyard. Anna had set up her laptop on the small round table and there was a wired in device, perhaps a webcam on a chair set up beside the table. The sun was out and then so was Anna, she had put a tight fitting blouse on and an equally tight short skirt. Anna moved to the table and sat on the second chair opposite the first.and adjacent to the table. Anna clicked at the keyboard for a while and then sat back as if revelling in the sunshine. Her hands rubbed up and down her torso, forcing her breasts together, she undid a couple of buttons on her blouse and repeated, showing off alot more of her ample bossom. She appeared to be laughing and joking with someone, but there was noone there. Then her legs spread wide to force her skirt up her thighs and reveal her sexy knickers.
Linda had sometimes used the courtyard as somewhere to sunbathe and occassionally when the whim struck she did so topless but this was something else altogether she thought. Suddenly peering out of her window wasn't going to cut it, there was definately more going on here than just an over night stay.
Linda made her way downstairs and ventured to a better spot that her first time outdoors. It was more risky, because it was closer, but she had the foresoght to bring a chair that would allow her peep through a large enough hole in the wall, which she hoped would be masked from inside. It was to the side of Anna, so she wouldn't be looking right at it Linda had surmised.
On settling down Linda was now seeing Anna completely naked, spare for her high heels which hugged her arched feet. Her legs looked longer than Linda had remembered and Anna arched her back, one hand grabbing a ripe breasts and the other sliding between her legs. Linda thought that Anna may have spotted the hole in the wall so she kept perfectly still and quiet attempting to avoid drawing any attention that wasn't already. Anna continued as before, so no indication of being spotted for Linda.
Linda could again hear some of Anna's words:
Yes, I'm so turned on right now.
I've got my lovesense in, so tip away guys.
Linda noticed how Anna was playing with her pussy, rubbing her clit and then allowing two or three fingers to slip inside, Linda watched on as Anna continued to put on a show for whoever was watching. Anna took her time getting all worked up but was now climaxing for her observers.
Anna then moved to grab a towel and lay it on the ground, moving her webcam from it's perch to a more suitable location for capturing her activites on the ground, with her laptop also at ground level now. Anna had moved slightly allowing Linda to get a better view. Linda could see Anna tugging on a pink lever which appeared to be protruding from her ass. Anna was soon massaging her pussy again as she moaned out loud as the pink lever vibrated. Anna worked her smooth glistening pussy again and again as she achieved another climax. Anna rose to her feet and moved back inside to return moments later with a small bag from which she produced a quite substantial dildo.
Linda had owned a dildo a long time ago, but as Tom never paid much interest in using it on her and she far preferred a real cock it had long since met it's demise. Anna's toy was uch larger in girth and length as she let it slide over her pussy. Anna said out loud, you guys want to watch me fuck this big black cock don't you. Anna moved to type something into her keyboard and then returned to sliding that big black toy all over her pussy and up her body between her breasts, even taking it between her lips.
There were a couple of pings from her computer and her pink friend sprang into motion once more with Anna lowering a hand to gently pull on it, which appeared to highten her pleasure. Soon afterwards the big black dildo found it's way between her puting labia as incredibly, or so Linda thought Anna took every last inch of that black shaft inside her pussy so that she only had hold of the big black balls at the end as she rode it harder and harder. There were more pings from her laptop as Anna now seemed unable to control herself as she moaned loudly thrusting the big black cok inside her to a cruchendo of noise. Then more pings from her computer to the same response from Anna, fucking her huge toy hard and moaning loudly as she climaxed time and time again.
Linda had seen enough and decided to take her leave before she was caught watching by Anna. Linda found herself up her her bedroom trying on her sluttiest pair of shoes which she had only worn once for Tom. She was loking around for some sexy lingerie to put on as she wore her heels around the bedroom, then down the landing to the spare room where she had put the lingerie she hardly ever wore. There was a full length mirror in the spare room and Linda caught a glimpse of herself in it. Admiring her legs and ass as she walked by it. Linda stopped and thought waht kind of woman walks around her house only wearing high heels? Linda sat down on the bed, moving to one side and spreading her legs wide to reveal her well kept pussy. Lida kept it rimmmed with an electric razor. Tom would eat her out so long as it was short, he preferred smooth shaven, but Linda hadn't the inclination to go all the way. One foot on the bed Linda exposed her pussy to her view in the mirror. She knew she was wet, but when she slipped two fingers inside she heard how wet her juiced up pussy truly was. Linda remembered how Anna had looked so sexy and as she looked at herself once more in the mirror Linda appreciated why Tom kept on suggesting that she wear heels or whatever else he had wasted his money on. Linda thought of those stockings he had bought her and thought about rying them on. He fingers were working her pussy nicely as she reached for the bedside locker in which she dumped Tom's presents. Linda took the, from their previously unopened packaging and having slipped her heels of she carefully slipped her legs inside the stockings. Linda stood to slip on her heels once again and resumed her open legged pose facing the mirror. Her greedy pussy was slightly open now as Linda ran her finger tips over her clitoris. It was as though Lnda were looking at someone else, the sexy slut in the mirror needed to satisfy her craving. Linda woundn't do this but the slut in the mirror slipped three fingers inside her wet hole, vertically at first . Her back arched as she felt the pleasure moving through her body. Linda felt the strech as her hand moved with her body, her fingers horizontal now as she worked her g-spot. Linda revelled in the feeling as the slut in the mirro took those fingers up to the knuckles with relative ease. Linda closed her eyes now as her climax welled up inside. Linda was thinking of how Anna had taken that huge black dildo as she opened her eyes once more to see the slut in the mirror flexing her hips as her climax forced her legs to close aroung her fast moving hand. Linda wanted tohe dirty slut to open her legs, so she did, watching as her fingers worked her glistening pussy, one orgasm wasn't going to be enough for this slut in heels and stockings. Her legs were spread once more as those three fingers found it easier and easier to slide all the way inside that wanton nole. Her hips bucked up and down as Linda fingered her eager pussy. Damn she felt good right now, enjoying the physical sensations she was driving through her body as she continued to finger her increasingly swollen and gaping pussy. Her latest climax felt so good, with Linda letting her fingers slide from her pussy to concentrate on her clit. This was a different kind of pleasure which was intensified by her previous indulgence, the cherry on top of her icing on her cake.
Linda took a few moments to relax post climax, her wanton body glisteneing with perspiration, her pussy felt used and well appreciated as she gazed upon it, swollen, wet and gaping as it was. Linda felt liberated, choosing to walk around the house in her stockings and heels as she went about a few chores before taking time to enjoy a coffee on her patio, still in her stockings and heels, enjoying the fresh air against her skin and the touch of her fingers inside her pussy once more. This was a day off for her to enjoy herself and Linda was making sure that was what was happening, spreadin her legs wide as she allowed herself to begin with three fingers this time, damn it three felt good so why waste time with two. Linda was soon in the throws of pleasure as she found herself in an already well aroused state. One climax wasn't going to be enough for her as her body moved in unison with her fingers. As the sun moved it began to cast a shadow over where Linda sat, it would soon be around the time to expect Tom home so Linda continued for a short time making sure that she drove herself to a second climax as she drank in the last of the sunshine.
As it was their first customer Linda took the day off her noraml day job to ensure that everything ran smoothly. Their cutomer arrived in a compact car, the type you'd hardly notice when driving yourself. The customer was a lady , Linda guessed she was about 35-40 years old, who introduced herself as Anna. She was wearing a trouser suit combo and flat shoes, very lightly made up and her hair tied up in a loose bun. Linda asked if she had found them alright and offered to help Anna with any luggage she might have. Anna said it was all good, she was only statying the night. The two ladies proceeded to make their way into the building where Linda showed Anna around. Anna was most enthusiastic and was impressed with the decor and facilities. They said their goodbyes with Linda leaving Anna to get settled in.
Linda wasn't normally that nosey, but this was her first client and she kept a watch on Anna as she finally made her way out to her car to fetch whatever luggage she had brought. Linda observed as Anna took out a large suitcase, certainly two sizes larger than she wold have used for a night away and Linda knew that she was no light packer. This had Linda's interest peaked somewhat, so she decided to work in the garden near the letting to see if she could gleen any more information.
It was sometime later that Anna appeared in the small courtyard, talking on her phone. Linda moved so that she was out of sight but able to see glimpses of Anna. Anna had changed her clothes, her hair, everything. Anna thought that she was out of sight so now paraded around in some very sexy matching lingerie and platform heels. Tom had been trying to persuade Linda to buy some very similar shoes for ages and Linda had to admit that they were an essential ingredient in the way Anna looked right now in addition to her now glossy long curls and immaculated make up. As the wind changed direction Linda could hear the odd comment, including:
Yes ,the place is great. Really secluded.
You should come try it sometime.
Oh yes, no trouble, I'm going to set up outside this afternoon.
Well with that Linda was curious to see what setting up entailed. It wasn't at all convenient but her phone rang and she had to take it quickly without being spotted and drawing attention to herself, in her own garden! She was spying and it was a bit of a thrill if she was honest.
The phone call was from Tom to see how things had gone, she could have killed him right then. But it was good that he called and was showing an interest in their new venture. Linda didn;t relay any of the curious details she had discovered, not wanting to reveal that hse was spying on their first guest but also there was nothing to confirm right then. Linda was side tracked for a while, not wanting to tempt fate by going back too early, just in case Anna had heard or thought anything so clandestine as spying was going on.
So when Linda had finally done everything that she hadn't really intended doing she moved upstairs to a window that she had used to occasionally check Tom in the same courtyard. Anna had set up her laptop on the small round table and there was a wired in device, perhaps a webcam on a chair set up beside the table. The sun was out and then so was Anna, she had put a tight fitting blouse on and an equally tight short skirt. Anna moved to the table and sat on the second chair opposite the first.and adjacent to the table. Anna clicked at the keyboard for a while and then sat back as if revelling in the sunshine. Her hands rubbed up and down her torso, forcing her breasts together, she undid a couple of buttons on her blouse and repeated, showing off alot more of her ample bossom. She appeared to be laughing and joking with someone, but there was noone there. Then her legs spread wide to force her skirt up her thighs and reveal her sexy knickers.
Linda had sometimes used the courtyard as somewhere to sunbathe and occassionally when the whim struck she did so topless but this was something else altogether she thought. Suddenly peering out of her window wasn't going to cut it, there was definately more going on here than just an over night stay.
Linda made her way downstairs and ventured to a better spot that her first time outdoors. It was more risky, because it was closer, but she had the foresoght to bring a chair that would allow her peep through a large enough hole in the wall, which she hoped would be masked from inside. It was to the side of Anna, so she wouldn't be looking right at it Linda had surmised.
On settling down Linda was now seeing Anna completely naked, spare for her high heels which hugged her arched feet. Her legs looked longer than Linda had remembered and Anna arched her back, one hand grabbing a ripe breasts and the other sliding between her legs. Linda thought that Anna may have spotted the hole in the wall so she kept perfectly still and quiet attempting to avoid drawing any attention that wasn't already. Anna continued as before, so no indication of being spotted for Linda.
Linda could again hear some of Anna's words:
Yes, I'm so turned on right now.
I've got my lovesense in, so tip away guys.
Linda noticed how Anna was playing with her pussy, rubbing her clit and then allowing two or three fingers to slip inside, Linda watched on as Anna continued to put on a show for whoever was watching. Anna took her time getting all worked up but was now climaxing for her observers.
Anna then moved to grab a towel and lay it on the ground, moving her webcam from it's perch to a more suitable location for capturing her activites on the ground, with her laptop also at ground level now. Anna had moved slightly allowing Linda to get a better view. Linda could see Anna tugging on a pink lever which appeared to be protruding from her ass. Anna was soon massaging her pussy again as she moaned out loud as the pink lever vibrated. Anna worked her smooth glistening pussy again and again as she achieved another climax. Anna rose to her feet and moved back inside to return moments later with a small bag from which she produced a quite substantial dildo.
Linda had owned a dildo a long time ago, but as Tom never paid much interest in using it on her and she far preferred a real cock it had long since met it's demise. Anna's toy was uch larger in girth and length as she let it slide over her pussy. Anna said out loud, you guys want to watch me fuck this big black cock don't you. Anna moved to type something into her keyboard and then returned to sliding that big black toy all over her pussy and up her body between her breasts, even taking it between her lips.
There were a couple of pings from her computer and her pink friend sprang into motion once more with Anna lowering a hand to gently pull on it, which appeared to highten her pleasure. Soon afterwards the big black dildo found it's way between her puting labia as incredibly, or so Linda thought Anna took every last inch of that black shaft inside her pussy so that she only had hold of the big black balls at the end as she rode it harder and harder. There were more pings from her laptop as Anna now seemed unable to control herself as she moaned loudly thrusting the big black cok inside her to a cruchendo of noise. Then more pings from her computer to the same response from Anna, fucking her huge toy hard and moaning loudly as she climaxed time and time again.
Linda had seen enough and decided to take her leave before she was caught watching by Anna. Linda found herself up her her bedroom trying on her sluttiest pair of shoes which she had only worn once for Tom. She was loking around for some sexy lingerie to put on as she wore her heels around the bedroom, then down the landing to the spare room where she had put the lingerie she hardly ever wore. There was a full length mirror in the spare room and Linda caught a glimpse of herself in it. Admiring her legs and ass as she walked by it. Linda stopped and thought waht kind of woman walks around her house only wearing high heels? Linda sat down on the bed, moving to one side and spreading her legs wide to reveal her well kept pussy. Lida kept it rimmmed with an electric razor. Tom would eat her out so long as it was short, he preferred smooth shaven, but Linda hadn't the inclination to go all the way. One foot on the bed Linda exposed her pussy to her view in the mirror. She knew she was wet, but when she slipped two fingers inside she heard how wet her juiced up pussy truly was. Linda remembered how Anna had looked so sexy and as she looked at herself once more in the mirror Linda appreciated why Tom kept on suggesting that she wear heels or whatever else he had wasted his money on. Linda thought of those stockings he had bought her and thought about rying them on. He fingers were working her pussy nicely as she reached for the bedside locker in which she dumped Tom's presents. Linda took the, from their previously unopened packaging and having slipped her heels of she carefully slipped her legs inside the stockings. Linda stood to slip on her heels once again and resumed her open legged pose facing the mirror. Her greedy pussy was slightly open now as Linda ran her finger tips over her clitoris. It was as though Lnda were looking at someone else, the sexy slut in the mirror needed to satisfy her craving. Linda woundn't do this but the slut in the mirror slipped three fingers inside her wet hole, vertically at first . Her back arched as she felt the pleasure moving through her body. Linda felt the strech as her hand moved with her body, her fingers horizontal now as she worked her g-spot. Linda revelled in the feeling as the slut in the mirro took those fingers up to the knuckles with relative ease. Linda closed her eyes now as her climax welled up inside. Linda was thinking of how Anna had taken that huge black dildo as she opened her eyes once more to see the slut in the mirror flexing her hips as her climax forced her legs to close aroung her fast moving hand. Linda wanted tohe dirty slut to open her legs, so she did, watching as her fingers worked her glistening pussy, one orgasm wasn't going to be enough for this slut in heels and stockings. Her legs were spread once more as those three fingers found it easier and easier to slide all the way inside that wanton nole. Her hips bucked up and down as Linda fingered her eager pussy. Damn she felt good right now, enjoying the physical sensations she was driving through her body as she continued to finger her increasingly swollen and gaping pussy. Her latest climax felt so good, with Linda letting her fingers slide from her pussy to concentrate on her clit. This was a different kind of pleasure which was intensified by her previous indulgence, the cherry on top of her icing on her cake.
Linda took a few moments to relax post climax, her wanton body glisteneing with perspiration, her pussy felt used and well appreciated as she gazed upon it, swollen, wet and gaping as it was. Linda felt liberated, choosing to walk around the house in her stockings and heels as she went about a few chores before taking time to enjoy a coffee on her patio, still in her stockings and heels, enjoying the fresh air against her skin and the touch of her fingers inside her pussy once more. This was a day off for her to enjoy herself and Linda was making sure that was what was happening, spreadin her legs wide as she allowed herself to begin with three fingers this time, damn it three felt good so why waste time with two. Linda was soon in the throws of pleasure as she found herself in an already well aroused state. One climax wasn't going to be enough for her as her body moved in unison with her fingers. As the sun moved it began to cast a shadow over where Linda sat, it would soon be around the time to expect Tom home so Linda continued for a short time making sure that she drove herself to a second climax as she drank in the last of the sunshine.
6 年 前