New XRMXX -- stay here or leave

Like I am certain a great many of you, I have decidedly mixed feelings about "new" XRMXX. I fought it as long as it was possible, always opting to return to "old" XRMXX. I loved old XRMXX. It was one of the very best implementations of a site like this. Almost everything looked and worked as it should. "New" XRMXX? Not so much. It is in the nature of humans to get used to almost anything. I tried and tried with "new" XRMXX, and still hate it.

I must say that "new" XRMXX is one of the more baffling developments I have ever seen. It seems a giant step back in almost every respect. Almost nothing looks "right." Either it's too much white space, poor organization, baffling logic, pictures and icons that are either too big or too small, or stuff that simply doesn't make sense. And, overall, it just looks butt-ugly.

Adding to the mystery is why XRMXX has been so hell-bent in forcing the change from its really excellent old format to this new one, increasing the pressure to switch by making it ever more difficult to continue to use the nice old format. XRMXX even went out of this way to claim that everyone loved the new format when that quite obviously wasn't true. In fact, it was the other way around: almost everyone seemed up in arms over this forced change.

That said, one must assume that XRMXX had some sort of reason for making the change. It SHOULD be obvious to them that people are quite unhappy about it, and enough people have offered suggestions on how to improve the new format and at least make it look and work halfway decent. While sometimes change happens for change's sake, more often than not it's for economic reasons. XRMXX is one of the few sites that is "free" without the harassment and the constant solicitations most "free" sites are infamous for. XRMXX's approach had been to make premium available for those who want it without pushing it and chipping away at what was once free. Major kudos to the site for that.

Still, I have to assume that economics must have played a reason for XRMXX to force this new design on its users. Only, I can't see how the new layout makes the site more economically viable. How does it generate more revenue for XRMXX (revenue they are certainly entitled to, given their overall terrific job)? I have no idea.

As is, when we were finally forced to use the new format, when XRMXX terminated our beloved old one, my first reaction was to take down all my many galleries and delete my account. And I still consider that. But overall it's a bit like being unhappy with Facebook and Zuck's never-ending shoveling more and more ads onto Facebook users. There is no real alternative to Facebook. Likewise, there is no real, comprehensive alternative to XRMXX. Sure there are other sites, but none like the old XRMXX.

So what is a longtime XRMXX user to do, especially those of us who have been posting galleries that then generate hundreds of thousands of views and clicks for XRMXX? Try to get used to the "new" XRMXX that still doesn't look any less dreadful to me than when it was first revealed? Grin and bear it? Try to live with it? Or just sigh, realizing that no good thing lasts forever, and close this chapter?

What do you all think?
发布者 mcrae212
6 年 前
It looks like you stayed thru all that shit ,, what about this round?
mcrae212 出版商 5 年 前
Well, one gets used to almost everything. Looking at my stats, though, it’s clear that user galleries get much less traffic than under “old” XRMXX, and thus far fewer ad exposures for XRMXX. Under the old system, some of my galleries got over 40k views. Under the new system it’s 5-10k.
traveler_xxx 6 年 前
I posted a rather dour status message re the "new" xhamster. Who contacted me but xhamster! They wanted to know what could be done to improve the site, what I didn't like, etc. I'm posting my reply to them below:


I am trying to give the new layout as fair a chance as I can. Some of the things that initially irked me are not such an issue now. It took quite a while to find that I needed to hover on my "user icon" on the upper right corner to access my various personal categories such as "news," "favorites," etc. I get it now..

I just now figured out how to make a line break (new paragraph) here in messages. You should note that you cannot use "alt + enter" on a Mac. There is no "alt" key. On a Mac. You need to use "option + enter." Frankly, most Mac users will not know this.

I think what is annoying me most is the vast amount of "white space." And that "white space" is VERY bright -- too bright. (Yes, I know there's "dark mode" ... thankfully.) There's quite a bit of this white space, though. Too much. It seems as though there is just a ton of wasted space. Part of this is due to the fact that we are used to "thumbnail" markers for pictures and/or galleries. Now there are these huge pictures being used for thumbnails. For instance, as I scroll down through my "news," it takes FOREVER to do it. Most irritating are galleries where the poster had deleted his pictures. Rather than just omitting a deleted picture, there is a huge blank space telling me that the picture has been deleted. When you get 20 or 40 of these in a row, it gets on my nerves. Did I mention that the "thumbnails" are too large? Oh, I did. Well, they are. Also, I don't really care for the thumbs "enlarging automatically" when I hover my cursor over them. Very distracting.

The voting/rating procedure is better. Now ratings are updated instantly when one clicks to rate a pic or video. I like that. I wish the "voting icons" would fade noticeably when one rates a pic or video so that you know you already rated it if you happen come back to a pic or video.

It took some getting used to, but I like that I can click on the left or right of a picture in a gallery to move ahead or back in that gallery. It took me a while to realize that was happening. Before, any time you clicked anywhere on a picture in a gallery, it advanced you. Now it's more controllable. This is better, although it wasn't obvious that it could be done.

Where's the "favorite users" list? Gone? I can't seem to find it. I used that list quite a lot. Not going to be happy if it's gone. Further, is there no way to search for friends? If I want to go to a friends page, am I supposed to page through 1,500 little icons? Not very good. Am I missing something? Okay, I see that the main search function now is able to search for users. I missed that until now.

That's probably enough until later...

fatfistred 6 年 前
I didn't like it at first, but I have gotten used to it and don't mind it now. Even in the new form it is, in my opinion, far superior to many other sites that I have tried and I keep coming back. 
LIRocker 6 年 前
couldn't agree with you more....I'm seriously considering removing all my content and moving else where along with the many others that feel the same way!!!   the was no real reason to change the format that was enjoyed by so many, not sure what they're motivation was but they will soon find out they made the wrong choice when they have no subscribers left!!!
moltoluna 6 年 前
I feel the same way. The new format is less appealing, but don’t want to leave the site. 
davewink251 6 年 前
i'm totally with you on this i'm in two minds myself...shall i stay and give it a chance or shall i delete everything and call it a day...still not sure yet i will be making a decision in due coarse