Amanda Exposed
Exposed and revisited
About 4 years ago, I came across a board post where this anonymous guy posted that he had found out one of his coworkers was doing porn on the side and he was ready to expose her. He claimed she was a stuck up cunt and he was going to show everybody her true past and not her current conservative persona. I instantly recognized her pictures as someone I had jacked off to in the past, I new he was correct, his coworker had done porn…and she was hot!!
Many people on the board argued it was two different women, but I did my own research. She had some youtube videos of her living her new normal life, and while she was a little older and had changed some, her voice and silly laugh were the same and I was sure it was her. Now she was married with 2, a used car saleswoman, a gym owner with her military husband, a part time local model, college graduate, it was all there in her facebook photos and web presence. It was the same girl who had a marvelous hairy pussy and fucked Ed Powers and a bunch of other really shitty porn dudes back in the early 2000s.
From what I could gather, she started modeling to help pay for college at Washington state. I’m sure didn’t get paid enough to do some spreads and to fuck some nasty fucking dudes, then quietly disappeared from the porn scene. Until she popped up ten years later selling cars in Olympia Washington, a clean and respectable mom and wife, looking down on her coworkers and those beneath her…until someone found out. Even though now she was Amanda Wilhelm, she used to be Jessica Romans, or Lea, or just an 18 year old with a hot body and hairy pussy! I always loved her face, thought she looked innocent and cute, loved her tits and her furry box too.
Anyway, she disappeared again, at least from a social media standpoint. I don’t know if she is still in Washington, still married, any of it. And this isn’t a revenge thing for me, I loved this hot little whore, I wanted more photos and movies, she was a star in my mind, and you don’t get to just disappear. Maybe she is not proud of what she did and just wants to get on with life...fair enough...but when you make art, it is out there forever. Whether it is an awful song, or a terrible book, or a piece of always own it. Might as well be proud and understand you might have fans. The fans of her pussy are out there and won't forget!! So, I will post a bunch of her pics that I have, including the exposure ones. The gallery name will be “Amanda Exposed”…the link is below, and enjoy her!
About 4 years ago, I came across a board post where this anonymous guy posted that he had found out one of his coworkers was doing porn on the side and he was ready to expose her. He claimed she was a stuck up cunt and he was going to show everybody her true past and not her current conservative persona. I instantly recognized her pictures as someone I had jacked off to in the past, I new he was correct, his coworker had done porn…and she was hot!!
Many people on the board argued it was two different women, but I did my own research. She had some youtube videos of her living her new normal life, and while she was a little older and had changed some, her voice and silly laugh were the same and I was sure it was her. Now she was married with 2, a used car saleswoman, a gym owner with her military husband, a part time local model, college graduate, it was all there in her facebook photos and web presence. It was the same girl who had a marvelous hairy pussy and fucked Ed Powers and a bunch of other really shitty porn dudes back in the early 2000s.
From what I could gather, she started modeling to help pay for college at Washington state. I’m sure didn’t get paid enough to do some spreads and to fuck some nasty fucking dudes, then quietly disappeared from the porn scene. Until she popped up ten years later selling cars in Olympia Washington, a clean and respectable mom and wife, looking down on her coworkers and those beneath her…until someone found out. Even though now she was Amanda Wilhelm, she used to be Jessica Romans, or Lea, or just an 18 year old with a hot body and hairy pussy! I always loved her face, thought she looked innocent and cute, loved her tits and her furry box too.
Anyway, she disappeared again, at least from a social media standpoint. I don’t know if she is still in Washington, still married, any of it. And this isn’t a revenge thing for me, I loved this hot little whore, I wanted more photos and movies, she was a star in my mind, and you don’t get to just disappear. Maybe she is not proud of what she did and just wants to get on with life...fair enough...but when you make art, it is out there forever. Whether it is an awful song, or a terrible book, or a piece of always own it. Might as well be proud and understand you might have fans. The fans of her pussy are out there and won't forget!! So, I will post a bunch of her pics that I have, including the exposure ones. The gallery name will be “Amanda Exposed”…the link is below, and enjoy her!
6 年 前