Threesome sex - Story 5
Toward the end of my junior year at college I was going out with this hot chick from South Carolina; her name was Michelle. She was a real knockout, probably the best-looking girlfriend I had had up to that date. She stood about 5'10, which was two inches shorter than me, and had long black hair, a perfect curved body, stunning face with hot full lips. To give you a picture, think maybe Monica Bellucci with her hair down :) Perfect breasts, perfect ass, not too big or small, firm because of regular visits to the gym, and tan because of the tanning tan lines, which drove me just wild. She was a real fox too...always liked to show off when we went out, and I thought the way she walked, talked, and held herself up were just the sexiest.
Other guys envied me for it, and they should have, because there was nothing I loved doing more than putting it to her; she turned me on so much, we fucked four times a day during some weekends. I loved to throw her around in bed in her dorm room and plug her hot pussy and ass for hours; I don't know where she learned to move that ass, but jamming my seven-inch cock in her pussy from behind while squeezing her tits was just the best as she backed up on my dick and rode it like crazy. She liked it fast, hot, and wild, even rough sometimes, and loved to talk dirty while we did it. We actually were not really using condoms anymore, because she was on the pill, we were both healthy, and it felt so much better without them. She was willing to try just about anything, and we did; for my birthday that spring, she fulfilled one of my fantasies to the max, and I got to fuck both her and her hot best friend and roommate Jenna for a whole night non-stop. Needless to say, it was much better than I had imagined...
Well, her birthday is actually really close to mine, only two weeks later, and she asked me for a favor in turn. You can guess what it is...that I do the same for her that she did for me. Michelle wanted a threesome with me--and another guy. I was sort of reluctant at first, but I couldn't really refuse and still be fair...and anyway, she was so hot, she had enough power over me to convince me into anything, and we both knew it. So I decided to go along with it. Little did I know what sorts of things this would lead to...anyway, though, as I said, I agreed, and we spent the week leading to her birthday in April trying to decide who the lucky guy was going to be. We even went to a night-club to look around! Mostly, we looked through our friends and acquaintances. Problem was, 'chelle just wasn't interested in any of my friends; finally she set her sights on this guy Brad on my swimming team. I tried to convince her against it, but it was clear she had made up her mind. This really pissed me off at first...
First, let me tell you something about myself; like I said, my name's Dave, and I was 20 when all this happened. It was my third year, and I was on the swimming team, which at my school was a pretty big deal. I was pretty serious about it too, and I was hoping to become team captain next year. My specialty was the butterfly; and so my body was slightly beefier and more muscular than your typical freestyle swimmer's. I stood about six foot tall, pretty well defined (though with the swimmer's microscopic layer of fatty tissue for buoyancy), dark brown hair, blue eyes. I guess girls found me pretty good-looking, because I never had trouble in that field. Together with Brad, I was probably the best swimmer in my class; and so we were actually competing for the top captain spot. I'm sure Michelle chose him just to tease's not that Brad and I hated each other or anything, but we did engage in light banter and stuff, just the usual laid-back, mildly stand-offish things you'd expect between two guys our age competing for an athletic spot. I'm sure, though, that Michelle's decision wasn't entirely based on her desire to spice things up by choosing a sports competitor; I could see what made her choose Brad, and I guess I sort of resented him for it.
Brad was just a hair's breadth taller than me, at about 6'1 or 6'2 at most, and had about five to ten pounds of muscle on me too. In contrast to my (and Michelle's) dark hair, he had blonde hair. He also had amazing muscle definition--unusual for a swimmer--and you could see practically every muscle in his body when he moved. Brad had a handsome, boyish face...think Kip Pardue or Casper Van Dien, a tan, and was just an all-around SoCal hunk. He also had an attitude, and I guess this was part of his way with girls, and in fact in our freshman year he had briefly dated (i.e. fucked) Jenna, Michelle's best friend, who I also had for my birthday about two weeks before this whole thing happened. I guess Michelle must have heard something about his skills in bed from her friend, and maybe knew through her friend what I and all my teammates could see during practice and in the showers--that Brad was hung big-time. I mean, I was certainly not bad myself, but I have to admit it, Brad's cock was bigger than mine, and it was pretty thick too. He really liked to rub this in sometimes, of course as a joke, especially whenever he did better than me in practice, and we both found it funny and bantered around. As I said, things were competitive, but neither one of us was an asshole or anything.
Anyway, it was getting close to Michelle's birthday, and she convinced me to speak with Brad, so he could join us for her special night :) I kept putting it off until it got to Friday, and it was my last chance to speak to him before Saturday, which was the chosen day. I didn't really get a good chance to do it all that week, and you can imagine it was sort of awkward...I mean, Brad and I weren't really friends or anything, just acquaintances and teammates. Finally, Friday afternoon, after showers, I got Brad alone in the locker room, while the other guys had left or were heading out. It had been a difficult practice, and we were both taking it slow; in fact he had topped me quite badly that day in practice. Actually, come to think of it, I had lagged behind him the whole week, and I was starting to get worried about the captain spot, which would be chosen soon. Brad and I had been pretty even the whole year, but over the past week, he had surged ahead, and I knew I'd have to work twice as hard the coming week. So anyway, I went up to him and we were chatting and bantering like usual, when I explained to him my situation and request. It was actually easier than I had thought, Brad was a pretty laid-back guy and knew how to put people at ease.
"Sure thing, Dave, let's show your chick a hot time all the way!" We both laughed. "Why not the whole team," he asked in jest. I had a picture in my mind of Michelle and me and the whole team on her...she certainly had the appetite for it.
"I think she just wants it intimate and special for tomorrow," I winked, and he laid his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, well bro, she's going to get the Brad special of the day," he said, cupping the impressive bulge in his boxers. "You know I always thought Michelle was a total hottie, dude; was gonna wait 'till next year to boff her tho," he winked and nudged me. "Captain's privilege and all that. Guess you just couldn't wait," he continued, smiling.
"Yeah, just make sure to wear clean underwear tomorrow," I released myself from his friendly, if slightly patronizing arm, "You're certainly gonna shit your pants when coach names me the captain in May." We shared a chuckle.
"Keep dreaming, dude," he continued and lightly slapped my ass, "and as for tomorrow, you can bet on clean undies; you're gonna be cleaning my spunk off your girl's sheets for weeks to come anyway, bro, so..." We both giggled and I smacked his back with my dry towel. We actually got along really well for the rest of the day, and went out for a beer. We ended up talking, and I realized Brad is actually a pretty cool guy. He did ask me about how come I chose him for the birthday bash the next day...I mean we didn't really hang before this, right? Was it just that I only wanted her to get the best performance possible, he winked? I was sort of embarrassed to answer the question, but I told him it was Michelle's idea; he got this smug look on his face and then dropped it. We chilled well into the night, and then we were getting tired, and it was time to go.
"Alright dude," Brad said, "see you and...uh...have a good nap tonight, you'll need it. I've done this before, and the other guy usually can't keep up with me," and he shot me this cocky grin. I yawned, pretending not to care, and we exchanged byes; but seeing Brad strut out of the bar, his back muscles playing under his t-shirt, I was sort of anxious. Not a lot, just a little; I mean, this guy was 100% hunk stud, I was sure he could fuck like a machine. I mean he said he'd done this before, and I could see why; I'm sure it was always the girl's request over her boyfriend's reluctance. But my dick also twitched a little, and I was excited and looking forward to the next day. I didn't really know what to expect.
Brad got to my place Saturday around 11 at night. Michelle and I decided to have our "party" at my place, because I had a decent one-bedroom apartment all to myself, as my parents were pretty well-off. I had invited Michelle to live with me, but mostly she just ended up sleeping over most nights of the week, when it was convenient. Tonight she was wearing a tight-fitting dress that exposed her tan arms, chest, and part of her firm back; her breasts pressed up against the front, and the dress ended mid-thigh, showing off her long, gorgeous legs. We had already had a couple of drinks by the time Brad rang the bell. When he came in, for the first hour or so it was just like a regular get-together and we were just doing small-talk; I was a little miffed at some of Brad's attitude, which had come back again, pretty strong. Like for example he was telling me all night what drinks to fix for him while he got to know Michelle, and one time he even told me to go to his car to get some pot he'd forgotten.
Michelle seemed to be having a blast watching all this. He was still cool for the most part, but sometimes he was just fucking rude and acted like he owned the place, with his typical bad-ass surfer 'tude; though I guess technically, he _was_ doing us a favor, even if I didn't see it like that--I mean most guys would kill for a night with 'chelle. Anyway, we smoked up a little, but not enough to get totally high, and had a few drinks, but not enough to be drunk. We were actually getting along pretty well, and like I said, Brad knew how to put people at ease; he and Michelle didn't really know each other, so we spent the first two hours or so of the night just getting comfortable. Then around 1, Michelle went to the bathroom.
"Hey Dave..." Brad shot me this devilish grin. "Let's take our clothes off man...we'll wait for 'chelle in our boxers, she's gonna be totally into it." I thought it was a good idea, and we both stripped to our boxers. Brad was wearing white boxer briefs that really stood out against his tan body; I admired his rippling muscles for a few seconds. I had pretty good mass and definition too, just not like Brad. My dick twitched again, and I realized Brad's body was sort of turning me on; in fact, I had gotten a little thrill the whole night out of his bad-boy attitude, and now I realized I was looking forward to what was coming next.
Other guys envied me for it, and they should have, because there was nothing I loved doing more than putting it to her; she turned me on so much, we fucked four times a day during some weekends. I loved to throw her around in bed in her dorm room and plug her hot pussy and ass for hours; I don't know where she learned to move that ass, but jamming my seven-inch cock in her pussy from behind while squeezing her tits was just the best as she backed up on my dick and rode it like crazy. She liked it fast, hot, and wild, even rough sometimes, and loved to talk dirty while we did it. We actually were not really using condoms anymore, because she was on the pill, we were both healthy, and it felt so much better without them. She was willing to try just about anything, and we did; for my birthday that spring, she fulfilled one of my fantasies to the max, and I got to fuck both her and her hot best friend and roommate Jenna for a whole night non-stop. Needless to say, it was much better than I had imagined...
Well, her birthday is actually really close to mine, only two weeks later, and she asked me for a favor in turn. You can guess what it is...that I do the same for her that she did for me. Michelle wanted a threesome with me--and another guy. I was sort of reluctant at first, but I couldn't really refuse and still be fair...and anyway, she was so hot, she had enough power over me to convince me into anything, and we both knew it. So I decided to go along with it. Little did I know what sorts of things this would lead to...anyway, though, as I said, I agreed, and we spent the week leading to her birthday in April trying to decide who the lucky guy was going to be. We even went to a night-club to look around! Mostly, we looked through our friends and acquaintances. Problem was, 'chelle just wasn't interested in any of my friends; finally she set her sights on this guy Brad on my swimming team. I tried to convince her against it, but it was clear she had made up her mind. This really pissed me off at first...
First, let me tell you something about myself; like I said, my name's Dave, and I was 20 when all this happened. It was my third year, and I was on the swimming team, which at my school was a pretty big deal. I was pretty serious about it too, and I was hoping to become team captain next year. My specialty was the butterfly; and so my body was slightly beefier and more muscular than your typical freestyle swimmer's. I stood about six foot tall, pretty well defined (though with the swimmer's microscopic layer of fatty tissue for buoyancy), dark brown hair, blue eyes. I guess girls found me pretty good-looking, because I never had trouble in that field. Together with Brad, I was probably the best swimmer in my class; and so we were actually competing for the top captain spot. I'm sure Michelle chose him just to tease's not that Brad and I hated each other or anything, but we did engage in light banter and stuff, just the usual laid-back, mildly stand-offish things you'd expect between two guys our age competing for an athletic spot. I'm sure, though, that Michelle's decision wasn't entirely based on her desire to spice things up by choosing a sports competitor; I could see what made her choose Brad, and I guess I sort of resented him for it.
Brad was just a hair's breadth taller than me, at about 6'1 or 6'2 at most, and had about five to ten pounds of muscle on me too. In contrast to my (and Michelle's) dark hair, he had blonde hair. He also had amazing muscle definition--unusual for a swimmer--and you could see practically every muscle in his body when he moved. Brad had a handsome, boyish face...think Kip Pardue or Casper Van Dien, a tan, and was just an all-around SoCal hunk. He also had an attitude, and I guess this was part of his way with girls, and in fact in our freshman year he had briefly dated (i.e. fucked) Jenna, Michelle's best friend, who I also had for my birthday about two weeks before this whole thing happened. I guess Michelle must have heard something about his skills in bed from her friend, and maybe knew through her friend what I and all my teammates could see during practice and in the showers--that Brad was hung big-time. I mean, I was certainly not bad myself, but I have to admit it, Brad's cock was bigger than mine, and it was pretty thick too. He really liked to rub this in sometimes, of course as a joke, especially whenever he did better than me in practice, and we both found it funny and bantered around. As I said, things were competitive, but neither one of us was an asshole or anything.
Anyway, it was getting close to Michelle's birthday, and she convinced me to speak with Brad, so he could join us for her special night :) I kept putting it off until it got to Friday, and it was my last chance to speak to him before Saturday, which was the chosen day. I didn't really get a good chance to do it all that week, and you can imagine it was sort of awkward...I mean, Brad and I weren't really friends or anything, just acquaintances and teammates. Finally, Friday afternoon, after showers, I got Brad alone in the locker room, while the other guys had left or were heading out. It had been a difficult practice, and we were both taking it slow; in fact he had topped me quite badly that day in practice. Actually, come to think of it, I had lagged behind him the whole week, and I was starting to get worried about the captain spot, which would be chosen soon. Brad and I had been pretty even the whole year, but over the past week, he had surged ahead, and I knew I'd have to work twice as hard the coming week. So anyway, I went up to him and we were chatting and bantering like usual, when I explained to him my situation and request. It was actually easier than I had thought, Brad was a pretty laid-back guy and knew how to put people at ease.
"Sure thing, Dave, let's show your chick a hot time all the way!" We both laughed. "Why not the whole team," he asked in jest. I had a picture in my mind of Michelle and me and the whole team on her...she certainly had the appetite for it.
"I think she just wants it intimate and special for tomorrow," I winked, and he laid his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, well bro, she's going to get the Brad special of the day," he said, cupping the impressive bulge in his boxers. "You know I always thought Michelle was a total hottie, dude; was gonna wait 'till next year to boff her tho," he winked and nudged me. "Captain's privilege and all that. Guess you just couldn't wait," he continued, smiling.
"Yeah, just make sure to wear clean underwear tomorrow," I released myself from his friendly, if slightly patronizing arm, "You're certainly gonna shit your pants when coach names me the captain in May." We shared a chuckle.
"Keep dreaming, dude," he continued and lightly slapped my ass, "and as for tomorrow, you can bet on clean undies; you're gonna be cleaning my spunk off your girl's sheets for weeks to come anyway, bro, so..." We both giggled and I smacked his back with my dry towel. We actually got along really well for the rest of the day, and went out for a beer. We ended up talking, and I realized Brad is actually a pretty cool guy. He did ask me about how come I chose him for the birthday bash the next day...I mean we didn't really hang before this, right? Was it just that I only wanted her to get the best performance possible, he winked? I was sort of embarrassed to answer the question, but I told him it was Michelle's idea; he got this smug look on his face and then dropped it. We chilled well into the night, and then we were getting tired, and it was time to go.
"Alright dude," Brad said, "see you and...uh...have a good nap tonight, you'll need it. I've done this before, and the other guy usually can't keep up with me," and he shot me this cocky grin. I yawned, pretending not to care, and we exchanged byes; but seeing Brad strut out of the bar, his back muscles playing under his t-shirt, I was sort of anxious. Not a lot, just a little; I mean, this guy was 100% hunk stud, I was sure he could fuck like a machine. I mean he said he'd done this before, and I could see why; I'm sure it was always the girl's request over her boyfriend's reluctance. But my dick also twitched a little, and I was excited and looking forward to the next day. I didn't really know what to expect.
Brad got to my place Saturday around 11 at night. Michelle and I decided to have our "party" at my place, because I had a decent one-bedroom apartment all to myself, as my parents were pretty well-off. I had invited Michelle to live with me, but mostly she just ended up sleeping over most nights of the week, when it was convenient. Tonight she was wearing a tight-fitting dress that exposed her tan arms, chest, and part of her firm back; her breasts pressed up against the front, and the dress ended mid-thigh, showing off her long, gorgeous legs. We had already had a couple of drinks by the time Brad rang the bell. When he came in, for the first hour or so it was just like a regular get-together and we were just doing small-talk; I was a little miffed at some of Brad's attitude, which had come back again, pretty strong. Like for example he was telling me all night what drinks to fix for him while he got to know Michelle, and one time he even told me to go to his car to get some pot he'd forgotten.
Michelle seemed to be having a blast watching all this. He was still cool for the most part, but sometimes he was just fucking rude and acted like he owned the place, with his typical bad-ass surfer 'tude; though I guess technically, he _was_ doing us a favor, even if I didn't see it like that--I mean most guys would kill for a night with 'chelle. Anyway, we smoked up a little, but not enough to get totally high, and had a few drinks, but not enough to be drunk. We were actually getting along pretty well, and like I said, Brad knew how to put people at ease; he and Michelle didn't really know each other, so we spent the first two hours or so of the night just getting comfortable. Then around 1, Michelle went to the bathroom.
"Hey Dave..." Brad shot me this devilish grin. "Let's take our clothes off man...we'll wait for 'chelle in our boxers, she's gonna be totally into it." I thought it was a good idea, and we both stripped to our boxers. Brad was wearing white boxer briefs that really stood out against his tan body; I admired his rippling muscles for a few seconds. I had pretty good mass and definition too, just not like Brad. My dick twitched again, and I realized Brad's body was sort of turning me on; in fact, I had gotten a little thrill the whole night out of his bad-boy attitude, and now I realized I was looking forward to what was coming next.
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