Best Friend Talked Me Into It
All of a sudden she smiled at me and said, “Oh my god, are you turned on?” I stuttered, “Wh-what?” “The way you’re looking at me, and your mouth seems dry.” She knew me so well! All I could do was own it. My heart was pumping in my throat! “Ok, so I know I’ve been saying no forever, but I think I might want to, you know…try, um…it.” Her eyes intensified. “You want to feel my mouth on your pussy don’t you. You ache for it.” Gahhh she was making me want her so badly! All I could do was nod shyly. I was kind of terrified it would mess up our friendship, sharing my body with her that way. But, I didn’t care right now. “Do you trust me?” She asked calmly, a hungry look in her eye. I nodded again as i felt her hand slowly caressing inside my thigh. I jumped a little. She crawled up under my night shirt until I felt her fingertips exploring me through my panties.
I let me legs fall open to allow her to touch me, exposing my panties to the low light of the room. She watched my face and I her hand as she lifted the elastic and reached inside my panties, her finger sliding easily down the opening of my vagina as my warm wetness bubbled out. The length of her finger crossed over my clit, causing me to gasp. I felt my wild pubes mixing in with the lube as she rubbed up and down. I was already breathless. “Take this off…” she whispered. In seconds I was completely naked and she was kissing my nipples softly. She parted my legs and nestled her mouth directly on top of my vagina. I trembled as she began to lick up and down inside her mouth, swirling her tongue all over my swollen clit. “Ohh, my godddd….” I whispered.
Watching with wonder as my best friends face bobbed up and down between my legs, I couldn’t believe how amazing she was at it. She made me cum over and over until I finally had to say I couldn’t take any more. I looked at the clock and realized she’d been down there for almost 40 minutes! “Good?” she asked me, wiping my juices from her mouth. I was perspiring, endorphins flooded my body. “So good!” I laughed, taken by surprise by it. “Anytime you want that, I’m down.” She said, smiling. I have a feeling we’ll be at it again before the morning!
6 年 前