I get that you GUYS are appreciative.......But what i am looking for now is a womens perspective. And since they dont seem to exist on here i will be waiting for a long time. I am almost all out of vids with my ADDICTION......................... so if you want to see more than i am gonna need women to star in these vids with me, or at the very least womens opinions to help me find another girl sexually liberal enough and awesome enough to make it looklike im good in bed to keep posting these vids. I wont fake it though.....so if the girl doesnt enjoy sex or me then it wont ring trrue from my end.....I am not a pornworthy sex addict. I am a "goodsex" addict who likes it enough to look merely ok on film. thanx for views and hope to see more of my friends on here actually posting vids of themselves and their ACTUAL experiences
6 年 前