I began to be very distrusting of men in general. Even in real life. Even to the point of kind of hating them. In my mind all you want is to see me naked and to do gross things.

I was in college at the time, I needed a job but I couldn’t find one that paid enough. A friend, more like acquaintance, from one of my classes told me about . She then affirmed that I would most likely do really well because I have a much larger than average bust line. She was a little more forward about he she approached that subject lol. She was right though, that actually rocketed me to the top; fast. Which gaining that much popularity at once actually turned out to be detrimental in the end. It became a toxic environment. There is a lot of self-pressure to maintain top spot, viewers get bored when you basically are doing the same thing over and over no matter how cute your personality is. Through talking with other girls they suggested to start getting more edgy with my shows, as in add people to the show. This was when it really started to go downhill, well, starting was downhill, this is when the car began to crash and burn in the ground.

I started first with just girls, I am not even lesbian, I just figured that all the girls in porn liked being with girls a lot (a lie) that I would probably like it too. Yeah, no. So a few of my friends “helped out” and I paid them. Yeah, I basically pimped them and sent them on their way. I am only friends with one of them still. Then after time came guys, I never wanted to do this one. It was in my moral code from the beginning that I would never do it. But when you go down the rabbit hole this far, what is one more step? I only had one friend actually decide to do it with me (again not friends anymore). The rest I actually found on Craigslist, yup, you knew that name was going to pop up eventually. So I was literally having sex on webcam with a guy I had barely met maybe an hour before. We just pretended we were boyfriend and girlfriend because the viewers like to think they are spying on a moment between two people. Paid them, sent them on their way. A couple of them were recurring “cast members”.
发布者 FadwaZwina
6 年 前
bigassbigpanty 4 年 前
FadwaZwina 出版商 5 年 前
onemoregame : !!
回答 原始评论
onemoregame 5 年 前
It's a common problem when models gain fast fame in this sites and try to mantain it at every cost, because the preassure become toxicity that infect every person that they had around; and the only way to stop it then it's to leave and retake the full control of your life. It's a painful and fundamental lesson, that will make you appreciate the real gifts of life even more.
FadwaZwina 出版商 6 年 前
回答 原始评论
geodude1970 6 年 前
I wont take advantage of you