The "FAP" quiz
The Masturbation Quiz.
(If you want post your answers in the comments)
Are you male or female? Jeez I'm a girl, silly
Age? I'll turn 29 this summer
At what age did you start masturbating? Around mmh.. 14 I guess, i was kind of a late bloomer
How many times a week do you masturbate? I play with myself rarely (believe it or not)
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? ahha depends on the horniness I feel
or about the mood I'm in
Where do you masturbate:
In bed? Of course
In the shower? Uhm. it's rare
In the bath? Yeah bathtub is actually a perfect place
Outdoors? Nope
At work? Jeez no, I'm payed to work not to play with kitty :)
Every room in the house? My house is still kinda new so, I'm pretty sure a lot of rooms are missing
In a car while traveling along the interstate? NO ! It's dangerous I don't wanna crash my new Honda
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? Might it be
A friend? Might it be
A friend's spouse? No friends are married, thankfully
A stranger? Strangers in the night... *singing
A co-worker? Oh bloody hell NO ! And I will never
A member of the same sex? Why not ?
A member of the opposite sex? Yeah
A past lover? No fuckin way !
<b style="">How do you play:[/b]
With left hand? Usually i prefer the left, yes
With right hand? Nah... I feel i'm better with the left but, might it be
With a toy? Holy crap yes ! Girls love toys
With water from bath? uuh fuck yeah, If you can use it it's awesome
Written erotica? Almost never
Pictures? Nah it's the 21st century mate
Movie clips online? Yeah
Videos? Sure, that's why we watch the porny stuff
Something on TV? There's no porn on TV (Sadly)
What is your favorite porn:
Pictures of naked or semi naked women? *Yup*
Pictures of naked or semi naked men? *actually i have to admit women's body are more... "harmonic" should I say ?*
Straight sex between man and woman? *Yes*
Gay or lesbian sex? *Oh yeah, Lezzies* <3
Group sex or orgies? *Not my 1st choice but, there's actually some good group-sex porn*
Blow jobs/oral sex? *Yeah I do love watching another girl working some meat / eating some kitty*
Cumshots? *Sometimes*
Age play? *No*
S&M? *I hate that sick shit*
Role playing? *Nein, Danke*
Kinky? *I hate that sick shit part.2 *
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? *Jeez almost, by my mom. Awkward moments *
Masturbated for a man/woman? *Nah*
Masturbated for the same sex? *Nah*
Masturbated in a group? *What's the point of that ? NO*
Masturbated for a photo? *No*
Masturbated for a webcam? *Jeez no*
Masturbated for a video? *Another No, sir*
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? *Of course I do*
Insert something or play with your ass? *I pledge the 5th amendment*
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? *No... well sometimes I was eating 'cause I was horny and hungry
at the same time, But I suppose that's not what are you asking*
Use pain as a method of playing? *FUCK NO*
Final questions:
Do you eat your cum? *Actually I kinda taste good*
Do you like the taste of your cum? *I said it*
When was the last time you masturbated? *Shit it's been so long ago, more than a month*
Are you wet or hard now? *No*
Are you going to masturbate now? *No*
Are you a masturbation addict? *As you can se, reading 3 answers above, definitely I'm not*
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? *Nope sorry*
Enjoy, Folks !
(If you want post your answers in the comments)
Are you male or female? Jeez I'm a girl, silly
Age? I'll turn 29 this summer
At what age did you start masturbating? Around mmh.. 14 I guess, i was kind of a late bloomer
How many times a week do you masturbate? I play with myself rarely (believe it or not)
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? ahha depends on the horniness I feel
or about the mood I'm in
Where do you masturbate:
In bed? Of course
In the shower? Uhm. it's rare
In the bath? Yeah bathtub is actually a perfect place
Outdoors? Nope
At work? Jeez no, I'm payed to work not to play with kitty :)
Every room in the house? My house is still kinda new so, I'm pretty sure a lot of rooms are missing
In a car while traveling along the interstate? NO ! It's dangerous I don't wanna crash my new Honda
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? Might it be
A friend? Might it be
A friend's spouse? No friends are married, thankfully
A stranger? Strangers in the night... *singing
A co-worker? Oh bloody hell NO ! And I will never
A member of the same sex? Why not ?
A member of the opposite sex? Yeah
A past lover? No fuckin way !
<b style="">How do you play:[/b]
With left hand? Usually i prefer the left, yes
With right hand? Nah... I feel i'm better with the left but, might it be
With a toy? Holy crap yes ! Girls love toys
With water from bath? uuh fuck yeah, If you can use it it's awesome
Written erotica? Almost never
Pictures? Nah it's the 21st century mate
Movie clips online? Yeah
Videos? Sure, that's why we watch the porny stuff
Something on TV? There's no porn on TV (Sadly)
What is your favorite porn:
Pictures of naked or semi naked women? *Yup*
Pictures of naked or semi naked men? *actually i have to admit women's body are more... "harmonic" should I say ?*
Straight sex between man and woman? *Yes*
Gay or lesbian sex? *Oh yeah, Lezzies* <3
Group sex or orgies? *Not my 1st choice but, there's actually some good group-sex porn*
Blow jobs/oral sex? *Yeah I do love watching another girl working some meat / eating some kitty*
Cumshots? *Sometimes*
Age play? *No*
S&M? *I hate that sick shit*
Role playing? *Nein, Danke*
Kinky? *I hate that sick shit part.2 *
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? *Jeez almost, by my mom. Awkward moments *
Masturbated for a man/woman? *Nah*
Masturbated for the same sex? *Nah*
Masturbated in a group? *What's the point of that ? NO*
Masturbated for a photo? *No*
Masturbated for a webcam? *Jeez no*
Masturbated for a video? *Another No, sir*
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? *Of course I do*
Insert something or play with your ass? *I pledge the 5th amendment*
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? *No... well sometimes I was eating 'cause I was horny and hungry
at the same time, But I suppose that's not what are you asking*
Use pain as a method of playing? *FUCK NO*
Final questions:
Do you eat your cum? *Actually I kinda taste good*
Do you like the taste of your cum? *I said it*
When was the last time you masturbated? *Shit it's been so long ago, more than a month*
Are you wet or hard now? *No*
Are you going to masturbate now? *No*
Are you a masturbation addict? *As you can se, reading 3 answers above, definitely I'm not*
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? *Nope sorry*
Enjoy, Folks !
6 年 前