Convo With the Founders of Double Scorpio
A Convo With the Founders of Double Scorpio, a ‘Farm to Disco’ Bespoke Poppers Company
Written by Stephan Horbelt on February 23, 2018
What would you do if your boyfriend was a chemist? It’s a question not many of us have ever thought to ponder, but at least one person, Julian Eternal, has an answer. He and his boyfriend at the time, Brian, founded the company Double Scorpio in Austin, Texas, through which they offer an entire line of bespoke poppers VHS cleaner.
Double Scorpio created its web store in June of 2017, though the research and development process began months before that. (“I guess that makes Double Scorpio a Gemini,” Julian says.) Currently the Double Scorpio site offers no fewer than five different formulas of the queer community’s favorite inhalant.
Julian handles the marketing, manages the Double Scorpio web store, packs the orders and oversees customer relations. “You could say Brian is the brains, and I’m the blouse,” he says.
Brian makes the product. “I’m in the lab synthesizing the product while also shaving years off my life dealing with Julian,” he jokes. The two guys are equal partners in the operation.
How exactly does one get into the poppers business and — if many Double Scorpio repeat customers are to be believed — create a product that blows that stuff you find at your local head shop out of the water? We sat down with Double Scorpio founders Julian and Brian to find out.
rest of article in link.
Written by Stephan Horbelt on February 23, 2018
What would you do if your boyfriend was a chemist? It’s a question not many of us have ever thought to ponder, but at least one person, Julian Eternal, has an answer. He and his boyfriend at the time, Brian, founded the company Double Scorpio in Austin, Texas, through which they offer an entire line of bespoke poppers VHS cleaner.
Double Scorpio created its web store in June of 2017, though the research and development process began months before that. (“I guess that makes Double Scorpio a Gemini,” Julian says.) Currently the Double Scorpio site offers no fewer than five different formulas of the queer community’s favorite inhalant.
Julian handles the marketing, manages the Double Scorpio web store, packs the orders and oversees customer relations. “You could say Brian is the brains, and I’m the blouse,” he says.
Brian makes the product. “I’m in the lab synthesizing the product while also shaving years off my life dealing with Julian,” he jokes. The two guys are equal partners in the operation.
How exactly does one get into the poppers business and — if many Double Scorpio repeat customers are to be believed — create a product that blows that stuff you find at your local head shop out of the water? We sat down with Double Scorpio founders Julian and Brian to find out.
rest of article in link.
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