Do I have sex without condoms? Yes I do!

Apparently it has been a very hot topic for some of you and I became tired of explaining it over and over again, so maybe I will try to explain it here.

Do I have sex without condoms?

Yes I do!

Will I have sex with you without condom?

No, I will NOT!

Long story:

On the recent videos you can see me with a group of friends (and my husband), enjoying anal sex without protection. I know my hubby for 20 years and I make sure he doesn't have to look anywhere to get a better service - that way I'm pretty sure he doesn't have to put his cock in any hole that wouldn't belong to me and I'm proud of it. If more women were doing the same, our world would be a much better place. However, I'm a slut - as you have probably noticed - so I need to get more cocks, at least from time to time. OK, I sometimes it means quite often. Did I mention, that I'm a slut?

So, to satisfy my needs I offer myself here, because it had been my fantasy for a long, long time. Obviously, you know the rules and I don't have to discuss it here - please read the description in my profile, if you have any doubts. To put it simply: I'm not looking here for "free lovers" or friends. I don't say that I can't find them here - you can try, but after all those years I found that begging or nagging doesn't make a man fascinating. Neither does showing a photo of a cock, while we are at it. I've seen quite a few in my life! Sending me an intriguing message and being patient (I need to be in a mood for a naughty chat, so I might not reply immediately) might be a good way to start.

But I digress. As I have already mentioned, I'm pretty sure of my husband. There are very few men I trust enough to allow them without condoms. I have met them in real life and for each one of them it took quite some time, before I decided to drop my demand for protection. I could count those men on my fingers, and I wouldn't have to use my feet for that. They do their tests regularly and together we form a small social club, which might be open for applications, but it may take few years for them to be accepted. I'm not joking. Trust is not something you can buy at the grocery store. It takes a long time to gain it and it can be lost in a second.

That's why I will always ask my patrons to wear condoms, simply because I don't know much about them. Most likely they know more about me, for example from watching my videos. Yes, I'm an insatiable slut, did I make it clear? This little piece of latex will stay between us, protecting us from each other, so it won't matter, whom did I fuck two days ago and whom did you fuck yesterday. We both deserve this safety, and for me an elastic membrane is simply more reliable than verbal assurances, made by someone I haven't even seen before.

I truly hope it explains everything. Stay safe and trustworthy!
发布者 desirette
5 年 前
littlestiffie 1 年 前
an entirely sensible way of looking at the dangers versus the pleasures of Real Life.
i whole heartedly agree, admittedly from a biased standpoint, that if all women were taught of the benefits of pleasing their men satisfactorily, the world would be a far more relaxed and safer place.
Erosnegro 2 年 前
Crystal clear.
I agree with everything you said however, i personally hate condoms because I can't feel anything.  Condoms take the joy out of sex.  I'm not the kind of guy who sleeps around a lot but if I do, I usually prefer oral, but it is my second choice. 
Stefanaccio67 4 年 前
I find your speech absolutely true and without half words, everyone likes sex without a condom but as you said, the world would be better if every woman would satisfy their man.
Silverbiguy 4 年 前
Very good 
Ericson035 4 年 前
Helemaal top. Zo hou je de ongemalen buiten de deur ?
100% correct
tim-2601 5 年 前
Helemaal mee eens!
shagger22 5 年 前
I'm getting the impression that you are taking sluttery to new levels. I really admire that! 
caproshu 5 年 前
suzanne1600 5 年 前
Well said!
PervcentralJHB 5 年 前
I honestly wouldn't mind putting on a condom at all, one of the things I really love is listening to you moan...I would literally take my time eating your holes so i could savor taste
BDSMMaster 5 年 前
Lijkt me duidelijk genoeg.
MorePeter 5 年 前
Volledig mee eens. Er zijn te veel mannen, en sommige vrouwen, die niet aan de basis veiligheid de basis veiligheid denken. De kans is klein genoeg, zeggen zij dan. Maar de impact is te groot om het risico te nemen. Welke smoes sommigen ook mee aankomen.
Gergiev 5 年 前
PS, I thought I recognised that cock going Emi's arse in the recent video. Our old friend 'Wh*remaster' remains one of the most accomplished and experienced bum-fuckers on the site here!
Gergiev 5 年 前
Reading Emi's text is more erotic than viewing most of the videos and pictures on this site. Any man that would allow reservations about using a thin layer of latex get in the way of fucking her needs his head examined. 
hanysm 5 年 前
Głęboka prawda. Tylko zaufania partnerzy a zaufanie buduje się latami. 
FouteDennis1977 5 年 前
Juist!!! Veiligheid voor Geiligheid, helemaal mee eens!