What Is It Like To Have a Slut Wife?

I can't recall how many times I have been asked the question "What is it like to have a wife who is a slut and who fucks other men?"

I guess the answer will be different depending on the man you ask and the woman he is married to because there are many variations of this lifestyle. The answer could be made complex and detailed. But when I think of answers to the question, I realize there are a few things which come to my mind more than others.

In reality, having a slut wife means that I am not the only man who fucks my wife. That is not traditional, of course. Usually a wife is exclusive with her husband and only takes her husband's cock. My wife takes my cock more than any other man because we have a healthy sexual relationship and I love her pussy. However, she has taken the cocks of 9 other men since we began this life style a couple of years ago. So, having a slut wife means that I am not the only man who fucks my wife. I have become used to this fact and it does not bother me in the least. In fact, I appreciate that my wife fucks other men. It makes me feel proud of her.

I am also not the only man who breeds my wife. Not every one gets to cum inside of her. But when she does drain a man's balls into her pussy, she is allowing him a chance to impregnate her. She is on birth control so the risk is slight. But there is still a risk of impregnation and she gives each man who she allows to breed her the same opportunity that she gives me. Some men are not okay with that in their marriage. Another man possibly impregnating their wife is not for them. Breeding another man's wife is a high honor and many men will not allow other men such an honor. They reserve it for themselves. In my opinion, they are being selfish. I have no problem with another man fucking cum into my wife's pussy. I realize there is a slight risk of impregnation and I'm okay with it. Several men have bred my wife- some have bred her more than once. I give them this honor because, as men, they are my brothers in a sense. And quite frankly, I see this as a woman's purpose-- to give men a place to put their cum. Quite simply, my wife is for fucking and breeding. I realize I am but one of the men who breed her and that is part of this lifestyle for us.

Lastly, when I fuck my wife, her pussy is often used, cum-filled and sloppy. Undoubtedly, her pussy is always filled with a man's cum because I fuck cum into her nearly everyday. But, because she is a slut wife, she also frequently has the cum of other men in her pussy. What is this like for me, her husband? Physically, there is a difference as you might imagine. When I fuck her usually tight pussy, penetration is made more easy because a man's cum is nature's lubricant. She is already wet and lubricated and ready to be fucked. When she has fucked a man with a large cock, her pussy is gaped afterward and penetration is very easily achieved by me. I personally like that because fucking pussy should be easy.

There is also the reality that, often, when I pull my cock out of my wife's used pussy, I have the cum of other men on my cock.


It's impossible to ignore because I can see it on my cock and on my balls mixed with my cum and my wife's wet juices. I can smell the cum of other men too. Trust me, each man's cum smells different and it's easy to tell when my wife has let another man cum inside of her. My wife's pussy smells of other men's cum for a couple of days after she has been fucked so there is that constant reminder of another man's presence in her pussy. That is just part of fucking a slut for them and for me. Each man who fucks my wife bareback is going to have another man's cum on his dick. If you are squeamish about that, then the slut wife life may not be for you. And if you are a man who fucks a married slut, this includes you too.

My wife showing me cum in her pussy after her bull fucked her in a hotel. She is proud to show me the cum of other men in her pussy because she knows I respect her sexuality.


5 年 前
tristar31 1 年 前
I love it
michele_c 2 年 前
glen119833 3 年 前
allfun7434 3 年 前
That last pic.... OMG
yadr 4 年 前
How are you during all this pandemic commotion?
robert_33324 4 年 前
Smart couple
TwoOfUsHavingFun 出版商 4 年 前
Paul4tra : Currently zero. 
回答 原始评论
Paul4tra 4 年 前
 How many Bulls does she have
TwoOfUsHavingFun 出版商 5 年 前
joecain2000 : If you get a chance, definitely try it.  There's nothing like it.
回答 原始评论
very nice, thanks for sharing. I've always wanted to fuck a used pussy
nickandnicole1 5 年 前
TwoOfUsHavingFun 出版商 5 年 前
Gene04 : Nor are we :smile:
回答 原始评论
Gene04 5 年 前
We are not a squeamish couple...
johncitizen69 5 年 前
Perfect description!!!! I couldn't agree more :wink: