Explorer_3x69 Masturbation Log 11/19
explorer_3x69 Masturbation Log
From Shaffy55's Masturbation Log
Found this on Ray's blog. fun to think about so I stole it to post here. Thanks Ray
Are you male or female? MALE
Age? 70
At what age did you start masturbating? 12
How many times a week do you masturbate? 4-5 times a week
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? EVERY TIME
Where do you masturbate:
In Home Office: YES Very Often
In bed? YES
In the shower? NO
In the bath? NO
Outdoors? YES
At work? YES
Every room in the house? YES
In a car while traveling along the interstate? YES
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? YES
A friend? YES
A friend's spouse? YES
A stranger? YES
A co-worker? YES
A member of the same sex? YES
A member of the opposite sex? YES!
A past lover? YES
What position do you play in:
Sitting at Desk in Home Office: Yes Very Often Sitting at PC
On your back? Yes
Standing? No
Kneeling? No
Sitting? Yes
Lying on tummy? No
How do you play:
With left hand? No
With right hand? Yes
With a toy? Sometimes
With water from bath? Hand Held Shower
Written erotica? Yes
Pictures? Yes
Movie clips online? Yes
Videos? Yes
Something on TV? No
Cam Sites? No
What is your favorite porn: (RANKED BY NUMBER IN ORDER)
Straight sex between man and woman? 1
Gay or lesbian sex? 4
Group sex or orgies? 3
Blow jobs/oral sex? 2
Cumshots? 5
Age play? 6
S&M? 11
Role playing? 7
Kinky? 8
Cuckhold? 9
Bukkake? 10
Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? Yes
A chat room dialogue? Yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? Yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? Both
Masturbated for the same sex? Yes
Masturbated in a group? Yes
Masturbated for a photo? Yes
Masturbated for a webcam? Yes
Masturbated for a video? Yes
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? Yes
Insert something or play with your ass? Yes
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? Yes
Use pain as a method of playing? No
Final questions:
Do you taste your cum?
When was the last time you masturbated? LAST NIGHT
Are you wet or hard now? YES
Are you going to masturbate now? MAYBE
Are you a masturbation addict? YES!!!
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? YES
What is the most you have played in one day? 6 TIMES
Did you touch yourself while answering this survey? YES
From Shaffy55's Masturbation Log
Found this on Ray's blog. fun to think about so I stole it to post here. Thanks Ray
Are you male or female? MALE
Age? 70
At what age did you start masturbating? 12
How many times a week do you masturbate? 4-5 times a week
How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? EVERY TIME
Where do you masturbate:
In Home Office: YES Very Often
In bed? YES
In the shower? NO
In the bath? NO
Outdoors? YES
At work? YES
Every room in the house? YES
In a car while traveling along the interstate? YES
What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? YES
A friend? YES
A friend's spouse? YES
A stranger? YES
A co-worker? YES
A member of the same sex? YES
A member of the opposite sex? YES!
A past lover? YES
What position do you play in:
Sitting at Desk in Home Office: Yes Very Often Sitting at PC
On your back? Yes
Standing? No
Kneeling? No
Sitting? Yes
Lying on tummy? No
How do you play:
With left hand? No
With right hand? Yes
With a toy? Sometimes
With water from bath? Hand Held Shower
Written erotica? Yes
Pictures? Yes
Movie clips online? Yes
Videos? Yes
Something on TV? No
Cam Sites? No
What is your favorite porn: (RANKED BY NUMBER IN ORDER)
Straight sex between man and woman? 1
Gay or lesbian sex? 4
Group sex or orgies? 3
Blow jobs/oral sex? 2
Cumshots? 5
Age play? 6
S&M? 11
Role playing? 7
Kinky? 8
Cuckhold? 9
Bukkake? 10
Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? Yes
A chat room dialogue? Yes
Exchanged stories or pictures? Yes
Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? Yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? Both
Masturbated for the same sex? Yes
Masturbated in a group? Yes
Masturbated for a photo? Yes
Masturbated for a webcam? Yes
Masturbated for a video? Yes
Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? Yes
Insert something or play with your ass? Yes
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? Yes
Use pain as a method of playing? No
Final questions:
Do you taste your cum?
When was the last time you masturbated? LAST NIGHT
Are you wet or hard now? YES
Are you going to masturbate now? MAYBE
Are you a masturbation addict? YES!!!
Does it turn you on to talk about masturbation? YES
What is the most you have played in one day? 6 TIMES
Did you touch yourself while answering this survey? YES
5 年 前
Name: Udo Künn
Place of residence: Rostock
Date of birth: 02/27/1957
Hair color: blonde, gray
Size: 180 cm
Weight: 82 kg
Clothing size: 43.44
Shoe size: 44
Marital status: Living community
cede all my picture rights.
Everyone can do me, Udo Künn, anywhere
spread, comment except for the worst, post
and my pictures on public display
You can send me the links, where I from
Be outed and posted to you.
If I publish this form, I agree
without any conditions too i everything
make my person available for all purposes.
I understand and agree unconditionally that
all photos, posters and personal details of me
copied, changed, modified, forged and for
any type and purpose on any website, forum, bulletin
Boards, blog, chat rooms or other places spread
, including printing out
my pictures on posters with personal data and
Details in public, by every person or
People are posted and published
allowed to.
I want to emphasize that this is expressly my wish
is disseminated, published, posted,
humiliated, humiliated and exposed as a slut
to become - without restrictions - both online and
also private from any person who wishes to do so.
I understand Udo Künn that my reputation is permanent
can be destroyed if i look this way and
Way every person with my data and
Provide images and allow this
Spread form.
This form can be used by anyone anywhere in the world
made public and accessible to everyone
My decision to freely expose can never
can be undone again.
March 2020 signed by Udo Künn.