Do prostitutes enjoy sex?
Do prostitutes enjoy sex? Do they have orgasms or do they fake it?
To shed light on this issue, we conducted a study involving 22 hidden camera videos, showing prostitutes having sex with their clients and 8 videos showing wives having sex with their husbands. We presented these videos to 130 xhamster user experts for review and decision as to whether the women were really enjoying or faking. We did not reveal which were the prostitute videos and which the wife videos.
The results presented here strongly support the hypothesis that hookers enjoy sex with their clients at least as much as wives enjoy sex with their husbands.
Read the report. Read the report. Read the report.
Do prostitutes enjoy sex with their clients?
Larry Horse and Others.
Introduction. Radical feminists would say “never”. For example. Sheila Jeffreys calls prostitution “male sexual v******e against women”. According to this view, prostitutes are victims, forced into their profession and paid sex is ****. We will call this the “Hookers are Victims” theory. This extremist view has influenced governmental policies and resulted in the criminalization of buying sexual services. The logic is to convict and punish the “r****ts”. There are problems with this way of answering the question. First, it does not comply with the growing body of data on the subject. (E.g.: The sexuality of prostitutes: Sexual enjoyment reported by “streetwalkers” Leonard Savitz & Lawrence Rosen). Second, it does not explain male prostitution, either with females or other males.
A moderate view is that sex workers choose their work because they are poor and cannot get a better job. We will call this the “Poor Hooker” theory. According to this reasoning, prostitutes put up with anonymous sex with strangers to make a living. Those who hold this view would also answer the above question negatively. This idea is prevalent in countries where prostitution is legal and regulated (Europe, Mexico, etc.). This view also has problems since some of the best research has shown that many prostitutes enjoy sex with their clients almost as much as sex with their lovers and husbands. Also, this view does not explain why many prostitutes are middle class or wealthy students and professionals.
There is another explanation that has not received much exposure and which results in an affirmative answer to the above question and does not suffer from the discrepancies noted above. This view which we will call the “Hookers Like Sex” theory is that sex workers choose their work, not only for economic benefit, but also because they enjoy sex with multiple partners. In the wide spectrum of female sexuality, prostitutes are on the horny end. For those who hold this view, the answer to the question: “Do pros enjoy sex?” is an unequivocal “Yes”. This view does not suffer from the problem of generalization to male hetero or homo prostitutes and it is compatible with the fact that prostitutes’ economic status varies from very poor to middle class and even to wealthy.
This research described in this report addresses two hypotheses:
1. Prostitutes (female), in general, enjoy their sexual encounters with their clients.
2. Prostitutes enjoy their encounters with clients at least as much as wives enjoy sex with their husbands.
We believe that elucidating the validity of these two hypotheses will also shed light on the validity of the “Hookers are Victims”, “Poor Hooker”, “Hookers Like Sex” theories.
We chose 22 porn tube videos showing prostitutes having sex with clients and eight porn tube videos of wives having sex with their husbands. The criteria used in choosing were:
1. Hidden cameras were used in all but one of the prostitute videos and in most of the wife videos. Therefore, in most videos, the women did not know they were being recorded. This minimizes faking for the camera.
2. The videos contained at least 30 seconds of facial exposure during intercourse or receptive oral sex, usually much more (up to six minutes). This gives a viewer sufficient time to evaluate enjoyment.
We used Adobe Premiere to extract faces and upper bodies of the women during the parts of the videos where the face was exposed to the camera. We uploaded these face videos on the xhamster profile page of the lead author, Larry Horse.
A panel of 130 expert xhamster user judges (118 male, 12 female or couple) viewed the face videos and answered the question: Is she “really enjoying” or is she “not enjoying or faking”? It was not implied or stated to the expert judges that the women should appear to have orgasms in order to enjoy and it was not stated which of the face videos portrayed sex workers and clients and which portrayed wives with husbands. The experts did not know which were hookers and which were wives.
After at least 16 expert judgements were made on a face video, it was closed and locked with a password.
For quality control purposes, the face of the sex worker in one of the original videos was extracted a second time and the resulting face video presented, with different identifiers, to the expert judges.
Results are portrayed as percent of prostitutes and wives judged to be truly enjoying their sexual encounter and percents of “Really Enjoying” votes for both prostitutes and wives.
There were 30 face videos (22 prostitute and 8 wife) for evaluation by the panel of experts. A total of 130 xhamster experts participated in this research. Between 16 and 22 experts voted “really enjoying” vs. “not enjoying” for each of the 30 face videos.
Quality Control. There was one face video (QC face video) of the same sex worker for quality control purposes. Only 14 experts voted on this QC face video of the same woman whose face was twice presented. Five of the 14 experts who voted on the QC video, also voted on the other video showing the same woman’s face. There was 100% agreement (5/5) between the judgements of the five experts on the two videos of the same woman indicating that the experts were being very careful.
Four of the f******n voters on the QC face video (29%) thought that the woman was “Really enjoying”. This was lower than the 56% of 16 experts who voted “Really enjoying” for the other face video of the same woman’s face.
The large discrepancy between the "Really enjoying" frequencies for the same video and the 0 measured intra-observer difference suggests that much of the evaluation of sexual enjoyment is due to the different perceptions of the voters for the same women.
The results of the QC face video were not used in the analysis except for purposes of quality control.
Hypothesis 1: Do prostitutes enjoy their encounters with clients?
We will assume that, if more than 50% of expert viewers voted “Really enjoying” for a face video, that woman was enjoying the encounter.
Of the 16 prostitute face videos, 13 (59%) achieved more than 50% “Really enjoying” votes. Forty one percent received “Not enjoying or Faking” votes.
If we sum all “Really Enjoying” votes for the 16 prostitute face videos and divide by the total number of votes for all of the prostitute face videos, we see how often our experts considered the prostitutes to be enjoying their encounters. That percent was 52% (204/391). So, in more than half of viewings of prostitutes, the experts thought the prostitute was enjoying sex with her client.
This suggest that Hypothesis 1 is supported. Sex workers, in general, do enjoy sex with their clients.
Most and least enjoying prostitute (Range of enjoyment). The highest percent of Really Enjoying votes was 16 of 17 experts (94%) voting on the face video for this original prostitute video:
The lowest percent of Really Enjoying votes was 2/16 (13%) for this video:
It is interesting that both the highest and lowest percent of votes for perceived enjoyment were for face videos extracted from original videos from the same poster and presumed male client (Party Manny).
This suggests that enjoyment, during encounters with clients, depends more on the sexuality of the sex worker than on who her client is. The large range of perceived enjoyments (13% to 94%) suggests a wide variance in the sexuality of sex workers.
Hypothesis 2: Do prostitutes enjoy sex with clients as much as wives enjoy sex with their husbands?
In three of the eight face videos of wives having sex with their husbands, our experts voted more than 50% in favor of “Really Enjoying” (38%). In the other 5 face videos of wives (62%), the wives were judged not to be enjoying.
If we sum all “Really Enjoying” votes for the 8 wife face videos and divide by the total number of votes for all 8 of the wife face videos, we see how often our experts considered the wives to be enjoying their encounters. That percent was 45% (71/158). In less than half of viewings of wives, the experts judged the wives to be enjoying. This is less than the 52 % “Really enjoying” votes for the prostitutes.
These results compared with the results for the prostitutes presented above, suggest that prostitutes with clients and wives with husbands do not have very significant levels of enjoyment. This supports our second hypothesis: Prostitutes enjoy sex with clients at least as much as wives enjoy sex with their husbands.
Most and least enjoying wives (Range of enjoyment). The highest percent of “Really Enjoying” votes was 15 of 18 experts (83%). The lowest percent of “Really Enjoying” votes was 3/16 (19%).
The large range of perceived enjoyments (19% to 83%) suggests a wide variance in the sexuality of wives with their husbands.
We present evidence here that prostitutes do generally enjoy sex with their clients and their enjoyment is not less than that of wives with their husbands. In this study, with expert judges blinded to whether they were viewing prostitutes with clients or wives with husbands, 59% of prostitutes were judged to be enjoying their client encounters whereas only 38% of wives were judged to be enjoying their husband encounters. Our study also shows a wide variability in sexual enjoyment for both prostitutes with clients and wives with husbands. For prostitutes, this varied between 13% for this video: and 94% for this video: (also shown below) both of which videos probably involved the same male client. This suggests that sexual enjoyment among prostitutes may depend on the individual prostitute’s own sexuality more than on the qualities of the client.
Returning to our original three models for answering the question regarding sex workers’ enjoyment, our results run completely contrary to “Hooker are Victims” theory. The truth probably lies somewhere between the “Poor Hooker” theory and the “Hookers Like Sex” theory. Studies of prostitutes have shown that, though prostitutes are mostly from low socio-economic classes, their economic classes vary quite a bit. Though our results are not relevant to this issue, poverty is probably a driver toward the choice of sex work as a profession. On the other hand, other studies have shown that prostitutes, of all economic classes, report considerable sexual enjoyment from their work. Our research supports this motivation of sexual enjoyment for choosing sex work as a profession. Our results support the “Hookers Like Sex” theory.
Our finding that both the most and least enjoyment achieved by sex workers were with the same client, though not very robust because it involved only one client, has implications we did not expect. Sexual enjoyment for prostitutes may derive more from her own sexuality and mood than from whether her client looks like Adonis or Frankenstein. A prostitute who is tired, ill or depressed will not enjoy sex with clients as much as a prostitute who is feeling good and horny.
Limitations of Our Research. Using porn site videos introduces selection into the choice of prostitute and wife subjects since porn shot for viewing by horny people will usually try make models appear to be enjoying their experience. The restriction to “hidden camera” videos reduces this bias since the subjects’ behavior is not influenced by knowledge of the presence of a camera. However, it is possible that posters of these videos (often also playing in them) prefer to post videos where the subjects (pros or wives) appear to be enjoying. Such a bias is more likely to affect wife than pro videos and would therefore increase the perceived enjoyment of wives, relative to pros.
Some have criticized the use of porn viewer experts as judges. These critics state that we should ask the women, not the viewer. If we surveyed the women, they would not be likely to admit that they were faking during these encounters since that is why they faked to fool their clients and husbands. It is important to note that all past decent research which surveyed prostitutes anonymously found that they mostly enjoy their encounters with clients.
Conclusions. Most all us hetero men are concerned with pleasing our female partners. We often forget that women, both prostitutes and wives, can enjoy sex and have great orgasms with their fingers. It depends on who they are and their emotional and physical status at time of their encounters.
Our research concludes that prostitutes do enjoy sex with their clients and perhaps enjoy more than wives enjoy with their husbands. Further, it suggests that women, including prostitutes enjoy sex because of their inherent sexuality more than because of with whom they are expressing that sexuality (husband, client, handsome, ugly, etc.).
I thank the users and staff of xhamster for making this study possible. I also thank the sex workers whose videos were used for their service to their clients and for enjoying their work as much as they do.
To shed light on this issue, we conducted a study involving 22 hidden camera videos, showing prostitutes having sex with their clients and 8 videos showing wives having sex with their husbands. We presented these videos to 130 xhamster user experts for review and decision as to whether the women were really enjoying or faking. We did not reveal which were the prostitute videos and which the wife videos.
The results presented here strongly support the hypothesis that hookers enjoy sex with their clients at least as much as wives enjoy sex with their husbands.
Read the report. Read the report. Read the report.
Do prostitutes enjoy sex with their clients?
Larry Horse and Others.
Introduction. Radical feminists would say “never”. For example. Sheila Jeffreys calls prostitution “male sexual v******e against women”. According to this view, prostitutes are victims, forced into their profession and paid sex is ****. We will call this the “Hookers are Victims” theory. This extremist view has influenced governmental policies and resulted in the criminalization of buying sexual services. The logic is to convict and punish the “r****ts”. There are problems with this way of answering the question. First, it does not comply with the growing body of data on the subject. (E.g.: The sexuality of prostitutes: Sexual enjoyment reported by “streetwalkers” Leonard Savitz & Lawrence Rosen). Second, it does not explain male prostitution, either with females or other males.
A moderate view is that sex workers choose their work because they are poor and cannot get a better job. We will call this the “Poor Hooker” theory. According to this reasoning, prostitutes put up with anonymous sex with strangers to make a living. Those who hold this view would also answer the above question negatively. This idea is prevalent in countries where prostitution is legal and regulated (Europe, Mexico, etc.). This view also has problems since some of the best research has shown that many prostitutes enjoy sex with their clients almost as much as sex with their lovers and husbands. Also, this view does not explain why many prostitutes are middle class or wealthy students and professionals.
There is another explanation that has not received much exposure and which results in an affirmative answer to the above question and does not suffer from the discrepancies noted above. This view which we will call the “Hookers Like Sex” theory is that sex workers choose their work, not only for economic benefit, but also because they enjoy sex with multiple partners. In the wide spectrum of female sexuality, prostitutes are on the horny end. For those who hold this view, the answer to the question: “Do pros enjoy sex?” is an unequivocal “Yes”. This view does not suffer from the problem of generalization to male hetero or homo prostitutes and it is compatible with the fact that prostitutes’ economic status varies from very poor to middle class and even to wealthy.
This research described in this report addresses two hypotheses:
1. Prostitutes (female), in general, enjoy their sexual encounters with their clients.
2. Prostitutes enjoy their encounters with clients at least as much as wives enjoy sex with their husbands.
We believe that elucidating the validity of these two hypotheses will also shed light on the validity of the “Hookers are Victims”, “Poor Hooker”, “Hookers Like Sex” theories.
We chose 22 porn tube videos showing prostitutes having sex with clients and eight porn tube videos of wives having sex with their husbands. The criteria used in choosing were:
1. Hidden cameras were used in all but one of the prostitute videos and in most of the wife videos. Therefore, in most videos, the women did not know they were being recorded. This minimizes faking for the camera.
2. The videos contained at least 30 seconds of facial exposure during intercourse or receptive oral sex, usually much more (up to six minutes). This gives a viewer sufficient time to evaluate enjoyment.
We used Adobe Premiere to extract faces and upper bodies of the women during the parts of the videos where the face was exposed to the camera. We uploaded these face videos on the xhamster profile page of the lead author, Larry Horse.
A panel of 130 expert xhamster user judges (118 male, 12 female or couple) viewed the face videos and answered the question: Is she “really enjoying” or is she “not enjoying or faking”? It was not implied or stated to the expert judges that the women should appear to have orgasms in order to enjoy and it was not stated which of the face videos portrayed sex workers and clients and which portrayed wives with husbands. The experts did not know which were hookers and which were wives.
After at least 16 expert judgements were made on a face video, it was closed and locked with a password.
For quality control purposes, the face of the sex worker in one of the original videos was extracted a second time and the resulting face video presented, with different identifiers, to the expert judges.
Results are portrayed as percent of prostitutes and wives judged to be truly enjoying their sexual encounter and percents of “Really Enjoying” votes for both prostitutes and wives.
There were 30 face videos (22 prostitute and 8 wife) for evaluation by the panel of experts. A total of 130 xhamster experts participated in this research. Between 16 and 22 experts voted “really enjoying” vs. “not enjoying” for each of the 30 face videos.
Quality Control. There was one face video (QC face video) of the same sex worker for quality control purposes. Only 14 experts voted on this QC face video of the same woman whose face was twice presented. Five of the 14 experts who voted on the QC video, also voted on the other video showing the same woman’s face. There was 100% agreement (5/5) between the judgements of the five experts on the two videos of the same woman indicating that the experts were being very careful.
Four of the f******n voters on the QC face video (29%) thought that the woman was “Really enjoying”. This was lower than the 56% of 16 experts who voted “Really enjoying” for the other face video of the same woman’s face.
The large discrepancy between the "Really enjoying" frequencies for the same video and the 0 measured intra-observer difference suggests that much of the evaluation of sexual enjoyment is due to the different perceptions of the voters for the same women.
The results of the QC face video were not used in the analysis except for purposes of quality control.
Hypothesis 1: Do prostitutes enjoy their encounters with clients?
We will assume that, if more than 50% of expert viewers voted “Really enjoying” for a face video, that woman was enjoying the encounter.
Of the 16 prostitute face videos, 13 (59%) achieved more than 50% “Really enjoying” votes. Forty one percent received “Not enjoying or Faking” votes.
If we sum all “Really Enjoying” votes for the 16 prostitute face videos and divide by the total number of votes for all of the prostitute face videos, we see how often our experts considered the prostitutes to be enjoying their encounters. That percent was 52% (204/391). So, in more than half of viewings of prostitutes, the experts thought the prostitute was enjoying sex with her client.
This suggest that Hypothesis 1 is supported. Sex workers, in general, do enjoy sex with their clients.
Most and least enjoying prostitute (Range of enjoyment). The highest percent of Really Enjoying votes was 16 of 17 experts (94%) voting on the face video for this original prostitute video:
The lowest percent of Really Enjoying votes was 2/16 (13%) for this video:
It is interesting that both the highest and lowest percent of votes for perceived enjoyment were for face videos extracted from original videos from the same poster and presumed male client (Party Manny).
This suggests that enjoyment, during encounters with clients, depends more on the sexuality of the sex worker than on who her client is. The large range of perceived enjoyments (13% to 94%) suggests a wide variance in the sexuality of sex workers.
Hypothesis 2: Do prostitutes enjoy sex with clients as much as wives enjoy sex with their husbands?
In three of the eight face videos of wives having sex with their husbands, our experts voted more than 50% in favor of “Really Enjoying” (38%). In the other 5 face videos of wives (62%), the wives were judged not to be enjoying.
If we sum all “Really Enjoying” votes for the 8 wife face videos and divide by the total number of votes for all 8 of the wife face videos, we see how often our experts considered the wives to be enjoying their encounters. That percent was 45% (71/158). In less than half of viewings of wives, the experts judged the wives to be enjoying. This is less than the 52 % “Really enjoying” votes for the prostitutes.
These results compared with the results for the prostitutes presented above, suggest that prostitutes with clients and wives with husbands do not have very significant levels of enjoyment. This supports our second hypothesis: Prostitutes enjoy sex with clients at least as much as wives enjoy sex with their husbands.
Most and least enjoying wives (Range of enjoyment). The highest percent of “Really Enjoying” votes was 15 of 18 experts (83%). The lowest percent of “Really Enjoying” votes was 3/16 (19%).
The large range of perceived enjoyments (19% to 83%) suggests a wide variance in the sexuality of wives with their husbands.
We present evidence here that prostitutes do generally enjoy sex with their clients and their enjoyment is not less than that of wives with their husbands. In this study, with expert judges blinded to whether they were viewing prostitutes with clients or wives with husbands, 59% of prostitutes were judged to be enjoying their client encounters whereas only 38% of wives were judged to be enjoying their husband encounters. Our study also shows a wide variability in sexual enjoyment for both prostitutes with clients and wives with husbands. For prostitutes, this varied between 13% for this video: and 94% for this video: (also shown below) both of which videos probably involved the same male client. This suggests that sexual enjoyment among prostitutes may depend on the individual prostitute’s own sexuality more than on the qualities of the client.
Returning to our original three models for answering the question regarding sex workers’ enjoyment, our results run completely contrary to “Hooker are Victims” theory. The truth probably lies somewhere between the “Poor Hooker” theory and the “Hookers Like Sex” theory. Studies of prostitutes have shown that, though prostitutes are mostly from low socio-economic classes, their economic classes vary quite a bit. Though our results are not relevant to this issue, poverty is probably a driver toward the choice of sex work as a profession. On the other hand, other studies have shown that prostitutes, of all economic classes, report considerable sexual enjoyment from their work. Our research supports this motivation of sexual enjoyment for choosing sex work as a profession. Our results support the “Hookers Like Sex” theory.
Our finding that both the most and least enjoyment achieved by sex workers were with the same client, though not very robust because it involved only one client, has implications we did not expect. Sexual enjoyment for prostitutes may derive more from her own sexuality and mood than from whether her client looks like Adonis or Frankenstein. A prostitute who is tired, ill or depressed will not enjoy sex with clients as much as a prostitute who is feeling good and horny.
Limitations of Our Research. Using porn site videos introduces selection into the choice of prostitute and wife subjects since porn shot for viewing by horny people will usually try make models appear to be enjoying their experience. The restriction to “hidden camera” videos reduces this bias since the subjects’ behavior is not influenced by knowledge of the presence of a camera. However, it is possible that posters of these videos (often also playing in them) prefer to post videos where the subjects (pros or wives) appear to be enjoying. Such a bias is more likely to affect wife than pro videos and would therefore increase the perceived enjoyment of wives, relative to pros.
Some have criticized the use of porn viewer experts as judges. These critics state that we should ask the women, not the viewer. If we surveyed the women, they would not be likely to admit that they were faking during these encounters since that is why they faked to fool their clients and husbands. It is important to note that all past decent research which surveyed prostitutes anonymously found that they mostly enjoy their encounters with clients.
Conclusions. Most all us hetero men are concerned with pleasing our female partners. We often forget that women, both prostitutes and wives, can enjoy sex and have great orgasms with their fingers. It depends on who they are and their emotional and physical status at time of their encounters.
Our research concludes that prostitutes do enjoy sex with their clients and perhaps enjoy more than wives enjoy with their husbands. Further, it suggests that women, including prostitutes enjoy sex because of their inherent sexuality more than because of with whom they are expressing that sexuality (husband, client, handsome, ugly, etc.).
I thank the users and staff of xhamster for making this study possible. I also thank the sex workers whose videos were used for their service to their clients and for enjoying their work as much as they do.
5 年 前
I wonder if the 'wives' comparison is valid - would 'lovers' have been better test subjects?
presumably sex workers are really suffering now - is there a covid-safe sex?