My struggle's the past few months
Hi everyone,
I've not been very active with the porn community as of late due to having many mental health issues. This is not as a result of porn let me make that VERY clear, I love Porn <3 I can't get enough of it but....talking to other's has never really been a strong suit of mine, and finding other porn addicts to chat and share with can be difficult for me.
I want to become a better Pornosexual and devote my life to porn, but it's finding that ground that'll make me push forward both with life and porn.
If you guys have any advice or tips on how to approach this then please comment down below
Thanks for reading guys, I'm doing my best to get myself stable and hopefully then I'll be a more active user
Thanks again
I've not been very active with the porn community as of late due to having many mental health issues. This is not as a result of porn let me make that VERY clear, I love Porn <3 I can't get enough of it but....talking to other's has never really been a strong suit of mine, and finding other porn addicts to chat and share with can be difficult for me.
I want to become a better Pornosexual and devote my life to porn, but it's finding that ground that'll make me push forward both with life and porn.
If you guys have any advice or tips on how to approach this then please comment down below
Thanks for reading guys, I'm doing my best to get myself stable and hopefully then I'll be a more active user
Thanks again
5 年 前