The Anti-Easter Bunny

(Sorry this is a late Easter blog post. Life got in the way, but enjoy anyway!)

She really did have no idea just what she was letting herself into, inviting me to her Easter Egg hunt event >:) lol

My cousin (one with more kids than an orphanage) had organised a little Easter Egg hunt, inviting a whole bunch of mums and dads and their hellspawn along with them, as well as a few young free adults too (myself included).

Like a classic cartoon villain, I had plans in mind to get my hands on as much chocolate as I could get >:)

Sod the children! Those chocolate eggs belong to me! >:D

I arrived at my cousin's house early, as usual for someone who prides herself on being very punctual ^_^

Despite it being a casual affair, I had glammed myself up for the occasion - sexy vamp makeup, dark smokey eyes, blood red lips, beautifully styled hair in the form of long loose pigtails and a nice very stylish black bunny-ears headband. I was wearing a slim black leather coat that covered myself up quite nicely, with nice black stiletto heels on my feet. I also had on my arm an empty wicker handbasket.

"You can take your coat off, you know?"
My cousin remarked when I sat myself down on her sofa.

"In due time."
I mysteriously replied.

She gave me a look as if to say, "What are you up to? O_o" lol but she was distracted by the doorbell, as slowly and one by one, more and more guests arrived.

I stood back up to greet the strange people, nearly all of whom I'd never seen in my life before. They were all fairly young parents. By the time everyone had arrived, I think the oldest person there was around mid-40s, most were just between the ages of 25 - 40, with all the children being between the ages of 3 - 8. I went to the kitchen to help myself to a drink. Well, in truth, with no one looking, I had quickly gulped down 2 full glasses of white wine, just to get myself feeling good and loose :P lol even the best of us need a little Dutch courage every now and then lol and then I started sipping normally on a third glass as I went back to casually socialising with some of the mums and dads. There was just a few single mums, and one or two single dads.

I couldn't stand any of their little brats. Ugh, I hate entertaining children, but they always flock to me like ducks to a piece of bread -_-

I think it's because, while everyone else always baby-talk to kids patronising them with high tones and stupid babyish questions, I just talk to children in my normal voice like as if they're mini-adults, I don't really censor myself or change my ways for them (which sometimes gets me into trouble with their parents, but oh well, t'is the price to pay for keeping it real :P lol) , I just speak to them like humans. Which I guess makes me "cool" in their little eyes, so they all linger around me wanting to bathe in the light of my adult awesomeness or something :/ lol

Once every guest was there and settled, I was very pleased for my cousin to start the egg hunt proper.

She had hidden a ton of eggs around her garden, hidden some in the tree at the bottom of her garden, hid them under benches and ornaments and all other places. Finally! Gah, all of the shrieking little brats left me alone to go hunt, leaving me free to hatch my plan >:)

Right in the middle of the living room, as the music was playing and the other non-supervising adults were mingling with drinks in hand, and having started on my 5th glass of wine, I had removed my coat, exposing my very revealing Playboy Bunny-style costume :P lol

I didn't actually have one of those in my wardrobe, so I improvised and made my own using a black athletic leotard I sometimes work out in. It's not really meant to be a thong leotard, but I did purposefully get it 2 sizes too small so it's really skin-tight on me and rides up my butt a little at the back :P

I was aware that the outline of my stiff nipples were quite clearly showing beneath the black lycra fabric. Was I cold, or just horny? You decide! :P haha

I had super-glued on a fluffy bunny tail made from cotton, just above the start of the crack of my bum right where the tailbone is. I didn't have a bowtie, so I just had a black heart-shaped diamante choker around my neck.

Just call me the Anti-Easter Bunny, because I was there to TAKE chocolate eggs away >:D lol

As soon as the coat was off, one of the dads called out playfully, "Now that's what I call an Easter Bunny!" haha :P

Another wolf-whistled loudly at me, which made a bunch of guests, myself included, laugh lol I just flashed him in a cheeky wink as thanks :P his wife slapped his arm for gawping at me though haha

When my cousin came back in to check on her guests, she took one look at me and just said, "Fuck sake, Annie x_x" and headed back out into the garden hahaha

I finished my drink, and with my handbasket on my arm, I walked into the kitchen and up to a small group of dads talking football around one of the kitchen counters.

"Figured I'd find you gents hanging around the kitchen."
I playfully quipped.

Their eyes bulged out of their skulls as they looked at me :P
One guy didn't even try to hide it, he just loudly uttered, "Wow...!! @_@" haha

"Don't mind me, I'm just working here."
I grinned.

"What, are you an Easter Bunny server or something?"
One of the guys asked.

"Something like that."
I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Can I hire you for my birthday party next week?"
Another asked me jokingly lol

"You couldn't afford me, sugar."
I cheekily stated and winked at him lol which got him a few playful hits and some banter from his mates.

"So what's your job here then?"
One asked.

"I'm like the Easter Bunny, except I'm here to take chocolate eggs, instead of giving them away."
I answered him honestly lol

"Oh? Do you always take?"
He asked with a cheeky chuckle.

"I'm a taker. I'm only a giver with the right person ;)"
I winked as I licked my lips.

...Yeah, I didn't care, I was just being shamelessly saucy that day :P haha

"Here's the deal,"
I just cut right to the chase after a little more flirty back and fourth,
"For the low low price of a single chocolate Easter Egg, I'll let you have a special treat in return ;)"

They all laughed and looked at each other as if to say, "Are we really being propositioned by a bunny whore right now?" haha

"Just, uh... Just what do you have in mind? Because I'm a married man!"
One of the guys asked me, clearly beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable by my offer lol

I feigned offence,
"I don't know what kind of naughty ideas you have of me in your dirty mind! I'm not that kind of girl! I'm a good little bunny, thank you very much!"
I folded my arms, acting like an offended spoilt brat lol

They laughed lol

"Duh! If you give me an Easter Egg, I'll let you have a squeeze ;)"
I unfolded my arms and spoke warmly (sultry) again.

"Well I may not be married, but I'm sure my lady would still kill me."
Another guy stated lol

"You guys are so filthy minded! I don't mean a, you know... Adult squeeze... O_o"
I playfully jabbed and stated all sweet and innocent like lol

"What other kind of squeeze is there?"
One asked chuckling at my playful antics.

"Duh! ...A tail squeeze, silly!"
I grinned as I turned to my side, nearly all the way with my back to them, as I bent over slightly, sticking my butt out at them, and wiggled my hips to show off my cute cotton bunny tail :P

"So how about it?"
I stood up straight and faced them again,
"You wouldn't want to leave a sweet little bunny all hungry and chocolate-less on Easter, would you?"
I pouted as I batted my big doe-like eyes at them, really turning up the dial on the little miss sweet butter-wouldn't-melt doll-face act O_O

They mostly chuckled.

"Oh what the hell! It's an Easter party!"
One guy stated and told me to wait right there as he headed off from the kitchen.

"What about you guys?"
I asked the other remaining guys.

"I don't know... Seems quite pricey just for a squeeze of your tail."
He remarked lol

"Too pricey? >:O ...How about you kiss my tail instead then, mister! >:)"
I shot at him as I turned my back on him lol giving the cheek of my butt a subtle little tap with my fingers towards him :P

He mate shoved him playfully in typical "Hah! She got you!" blokey banter kind of way lol

"That is a nice looking tail."
That guy who shoved his mate then stated as I felt his eyes burning into my arse lol

"No egg, no squeeze."
I turned to look at him over my shoulder with a cheeky bite of my lip as I wiggled my hips one more time at him.

"Fuck. I'll be right back!"
He rushed off lol

That was a pretty good business deal. Within a few short minutes later, I was putting a couple delicious chocolate eggs into my basket while having my tail squeezed :P

One of the guys even did a "uh-uh!" clown-like honk as he squeezed it haha

"Not so rough! What's a bunny without her tail?
I girlishly uttered :P lol

I then worked my charms on the next group of guys. After lots of playful flirting, I was getting more eggs in my basket :P

The next group was a mix of mums and dads. That was by far the toughest sell. I had to use all of my social charms and graces to work my magic on them ;)

The mums were anything but pleased with their blokes drooling over me.

"Cheeky bitch!"
One of the mums called me after I revealed my proposition lol although it was more in a, "Oh you, what are you like! :D" kind of silly drunken playfulness lol

Another mum totally surprised me though when, after I wiggled my bunny tail at them, she declared, "Oh I'll give your tail a squeeze! >:P" lol

She reached her hand out to grab at me, but I expertly smacked her hand away just in time and tutted, "You want a squeeze, it'll cost you an egg :P"

She just laughed and said, "Hold on." as she reached into a little party bag of hers on the side where she was keeping her children's eggs. She pulled one out (not just any one either, but one of the more bigger/pricier eggs) and handed it to me.

"Now turn around >:D"
She demanded, I didn't know whether to be really scared of her, or just really turned on :P lol

I just grinned, turned to the side, and stuck my butt out for her.

She suddenly smacked a hand against my asscheek, grabbing a handful of my flesh real firmly, and dug her nails right into my skin o_o
It was such a shock to me (and kind of painful too) that I didn't know what to do except let out a little uttered gasp. And she didn't let up, she just kept squeezing and pressing her fingertips/nails right into my flesh for a solid 10 or so seconds.

She rubbed her palm against my bum when she left go, and just kept playfully laughing along with the other grinning/chuckling parents as she helped herself to another long gulp of her drink.

I rubbed my sore asscheek, which I'm sure was now red with the print of her hand on it after that o_o

"Um, you were only supposed to squeeze my tail, you know?"
I told her.

"Oh well,"
She shrugged her shoulders and threw another (smaller) egg from her bag at me,
"Worth it."

"O_O ...You're a fun one to party with!"
I then complimented her lol :P

She was a really saucy lady, it wasn't just me she was being really hands-on with. Her bloke just had that look in his eye that was broadcasting how sexually-exhausted he is with her, as she kept putting her hands and lips all over him throughout the whole party lol like even at a "family-friendly" Easter party, he still couldn't get a rest from her sexual attention lol unlucky for some >:P

I got a couple other chocolate eggs from that little group :P and just before I walked away I whispered into that saucepot's ear, "Call me if you want to have another squeeze later ;)" ...She didn't :( lol but she did smack my arse as I started to walk away o_o

With a basket full of chocolate eggs (and a sore bum) now, I was done, so I went back into the kitchen to count my eggs lol

"Are you the Easter Bunny?"
I felt a little tug on my hip as a little girl spoke to me.

"Uh, sure, whatever. Hippity-hoppity give me your property, and all that."
I answered her nonchalantly.

"Have you got an egg for me?! :D"
She almost squealed with excitement.

"O_o ...No!"
I stared in total disbelief at her.

"Aww but you have to give me one! That's the rules!"
She pouted as she clutched her plastic bag of chocolate eggs expectantly.

"The rules, huh?"
I softly chuckled to myself before I turned around to face her

I bent down with my hands on my knees so I could look more directly into her big wet eyes as I spoke softly.

"What's the magic word, sweetie?"
I asked her.

She replied.

I shook my head as I smiled sweetly.

"Thank you?"
She questioned.

"No :)"
I stroked her blonde hair, placing strands of her hair behind her ear,
"The magic word is; you hand over your eggs, and I'll give you a clipped ear. Then you say 'thank you' >:)"

She gasped, called me mean, and ran off to tell her mummy on me hahaha >:D

She actually did tell on me too haha shortly afterwards, her mum pulled me to the side and said in amusement, "I heard you said you'll give my daughter a smack and steal her eggs?" she couldn't keep a straight face as she said that to me lol

I just laughed with her, and explained with a big playful grin, "No no no. I said she can hand over all her eggs to me and I'll give her a clipped ear for the trouble :D" lol

Her mum laughed along with me lol ...She must have thought I was being silly and joking around or something... >:)

I looked towards that little girl hiding and peeking at me from behind the leg of an adult guy (I think it was her dad). I grinned and waved at her. She hid her face lol

"Sorry, she didn't understand the joke."
Her mum giggled and apologised to me o_o

"Ah its OK. Nothing some more chocolate eggs for me can't fix..."
I casually remarked as I looked towards my full egg basket on my arm.

Her mum laughed again and walked away from me.

When I looked at the little girl again, she stuck her tongue out at me. I just silently hissed like an angry cat at her, and she quickly hid her face again hahaha

I got chatting to a single dad there a little later in the early evening. He was really fit :P tall, a nice sexy dad-bod, his full head of hair just starting to turn dark grey at the sides, he was in his late-30s, really charming.

He had came to the party due to his sister being best friends with my cousin. Anyway, we was really hitting it off, and he invited me to come back to his place after the party.

I awkwardly glanced towards his little son playing on the sofa with some other snot-nosed brats.
"I'm no good with children."

"Ah, don't be silly! A gorgeous big-hearted woman like you? I bet you're amazing with 'em really!"
He complimented me, I guess.

"No, I'm really not o_o"
I shook my head.

"Well you'd get on great with mine! He's a helluva good kid."
He then called his son over to introduce himself to me, which was like total cringe moment for me x_x lol

I forced a grin at the kid as we shook hands.

I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me right there and then, as I was forced to make awkward small talk with the little boy.

He then went off back to playing games with the other brats there.

"What I'd tell you? Great kid."
He smiled proudly towards him.

"Yeah... Well, excuse me, but I think I hear my ovaries desperately clawing to jump out of my throat!"
I casually declared and rushed off to get as far away from there as possible with another drink lol

You'd be right for thinking that that spoiled the heat between us, but you forget, the drink was flowing very freely that day :P

Come later that evening time, when most of the parents and their children had left, I found myself flirting heavily with that guy again. The remaining children were upstairs in the house, playing Fortshite in one of the bedrooms.

The adults were all in the living room, socialising, drinking and eating snacks.

I went outside in the garden to get some fresh air, with the sexy dad following behind me. We continued to flirt loads, The sexual tension between us was very immense...

Next thing I know, we're making out. Well, only partially. You see, as sexy as he was, he wasn't a good kisser :s I wasn't enjoying the kisses, so I just turned my head to him, and gave him my neck to suck instead :P

Like a typical naughty bunny, I then made him chase me to the garden shed...
Once he cornered me in there, all bets were off!

He sat me down onto the workbench in there, and I unzipped his fly, reached my hand in to play with him. He was already rocking a semi, but by the time he took out and opened the condom from the packet, he was rock hard in my hand. I pulled his jeans down his thighs, as he rolled the condom on, and I just pulled the crotch of my leotard to one-side, exposing my very moist pussy to him, and just opened my legs to wrap them around his waist, and welcomed him into me O_O

He gave me a good fucking.. It was one of those intense, lust-driven, need-to-fuck-you-right-now kind of shags ;)

I just held my arms around his neck, turning my head to the side as he slobbered kisses on my cheek and neck. He even bit into my shoulder at one point, so I just squeezed my thighs extra hard around his waist, almost catching his breath in his stomach as I did that >:P

Which, of course, only made him pound his stiff cock harder into my pussy :P

It was only a quickie, but it was so fun! It felt so naughty, and I felt like a total superslut bunny for it ^_^ lol
Despite it lasting less than 10 minutes, I still came really good on his cock, by the time he blew his load.

As much as I take great pride in my sexual health, I was a little upset when I watched him pull out of me, and then peel the condom off of his dick, revealing just how big of a load he had creamed out into it O_O

Like... It was definitely more than a mouthful! :P and yet I never got to taste it... :(

The really slutty part of me pondered for a moment, "What if I asked him if I could pour the cum out into my mouth, do you think he'd mind me doing that with his cream? O_O", and the really horny part of me was so up for doing that :P lol but I suppose sensible heads prevailed, because I managed to resist that temptation and I just thanked him sincerely for the fuck ;)

He rolled up the rubber, ready for discarding in an appropriate place, as I so helpfully tucked his cock back into his boxers and jeans, and zipped him back up.

He kept complimenting me on my sexiness, and how good of a tight pussy I have - he knew just what to say to make a slut feel really good about herself :P

I got down from the workbench, adjusted my tight leotard back into place, and then we left the shed together, feeling very giddy from it :P

He wanted to see me again, even going so far as to give me his number a little later, before he left the party with his son. He actually invited me back to his place again, but like, as much fun as I'd have had playing the role of the wicked step-mother who steals all of the patriarchal attention away from the kid >:P lol there's no way I'm getting involved in that situation... o_o

I just thanked him for the offer but quietly whispered into his ear, all teaseful-like, "Thank you for the kind offer, but my pussy desperately needs a rest after the good cocking you gave it ;)" lol nothing like the look on a guy's face after stroking his ego :P lol

And that was how my Easter went. The chocolate definitely tasted sweeter for having to work my tail off for it :P

Thanks so much for reading!
I hope you enjoyed, please tell me what you thought in the comments below :)
发布者 ms_cream_puff
5 年 前
ms_cream_puff 出版商 5 年 前
forsensuality : Not going to lie, that really pleases me greatly the thought of you tending to your stiffening rod while reading about my ventures :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Like, that's such a big compliment to me! Thank you so much for masturbating to my blog :smile:

Also a big compliment to me that you took the time to read through it and then leave such a lovely complimentary and thoughtful comment for me, so thank you in multiple ways :smile:

T'is a shame I didn't get to taste that sexy dad, but never mind, it's not like I've gone without a good taste of man cream since that day... :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: haha

Thank you for the lovely comment! :smile:
回答 原始评论
forsensuality 5 年 前
First story read, check !
I think my profile pic is really a good illustration of how I was reading this ... without my hand in front of my face of course ahah, but more glued to my screen eager to read what happen next !
You really have this way to write that I enjoy, not too much, not too short, with the good amount of details, and keep my mind entertained that I want to keep to go through this ! 
And my, my, my ... This was sooo good ! Just loved everything that went on this ! At the start I was really wondering how that would turn kinky, with all those kids around, and all those serious parents gathered... And that moment you revealed your bunny outfit ... Damn I had my heart that started to pump more (to keep up with both my brain picturing all of these and my erection ahah) as my eyes keep reading faster :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I think I'm a bit like the rest of us that read this story .... So sad you did'nt get to taste him !
That also what kept my attention so sharp is all those comments and things you say about what goes through your mind at those moments ... Made me think you are the type of lady I'd love to hang with ! Flirty, Daring, teasing, playful, funny ... And sheesh .... I have not enough vocabulary !
I think I can end this comment by saying thank you for posting this, and thank you for taking you time writing it, and thank you again for that good moment I spent reading it !
Looking forward to read the others :grinning:
ms_cream_puff : Ahaha for sure! 
回答 原始评论
Cissyella 5 年 前
ms_cream_puff : That is a good life lesson. Hopefully next time you won’t show any hesitation to drink cum from a condom. You know it will taste delicious and who knows…the guy might even be so turned on by you doing it that he feeds you another tasty load :wink:

Haha, I think it’s awesome that some people might have suspected you two and are still wondering, while we now know the details of your fun :smile:

Your not smug at all, it’s apparent that you earned every compliment and piece of chocolate you got! Always happy to leave you more deserved compliments…
回答 原始评论
ms_cream_puff 出版商 5 年 前
Cissyella : Thank you :smile:

Honestly, doing something like drinking the cum from a condom, is one of those "spur of the moment" things, and I took too long contemplating it to actually seize the moment. I guess that's a good life lesson though - always seize the moment :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol

I think a couple people may have suspected that we might have been a little naughty... >:P lol ...Well, definitely my cousin, because she text me the next day saying passive-aggressive words along the lines of, "It's fine, I'll scrub every surface of my shed down with antibacterial wipes while you nurse your hangover" haha to which I simply replied one word, "Prude" :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol

I'm not sure which I enjoyed more; the fun of being such a naughty little bunny wabbit, or enjoying all that delicious chocolate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: either way, as smug as it may make me sound, I definitely earned those compliments :wink:

Thank you for reading and leaving such a nice complimentary comment :smile:
回答 原始评论
ms_cream_puff 出版商 5 年 前
bluestarcpl : People always know that it's with great caution that they invite me to their party :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol
回答 原始评论
ms_cream_puff 出版商 5 年 前
nelman3 : Everybody enjoys depositing/withdrawing from their wank bank account :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol
回答 原始评论
Cissyella 5 年 前
Haha, I LOVED this one!! Great improvisation on the Playboy Bunny costume. Sounds like you looked really cute, and sexy too :smile:

You played your naughty bunny part perfectly. Getting fucked by a sexy single dad on a garden shed workbench, while dressed like a sexy bunny. I didn’t see that coming, though I can’t say I’m surprised, lol. The only disappointing thing is that you didn’t get to taste his yummy cum from the condom, though of course I can understand why you didn’t want to ask.

I wonder if anyone else at the party knew what you two had gotten up to in the <10 minutes you were in the shed. Anyway…well done! I’m sure the compliments on your sexiness and tight pussy were well deserved, and you certainly deserved all that chocolate :smile:

Thanks for posting!!
bluestarcpl 5 年 前
Is it just me that wants to see what you looked like at this hunt?? Because you sounded hot as hell !! And next time you get a party invite i want one aswell
ms_cream_puff : Wank bank
回答 原始评论
ms_cream_puff 出版商 5 年 前
nelman3 : Both lol

The whole memory of me and what we did will be stored and retrieved from his wank bank for a good number of years now. And yet for the rest of his life, he knows he'll never again have as good a pussy to fuck as mine :wink:
回答 原始评论
ms_cream_puff : Mmh  I don’t know if that is a good or a bad thing. Will he remember that moment joyfully or he will complain  for all his life that he will never meet a woman like you ? 
回答 原始评论
ms_cream_puff 出版商 5 年 前
nelman3 : Oh he's definitely never going to forget me... >:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No one who ever encounters me, ever forgets it... :wink:
回答 原始评论
Exactly! I think he would have never forgotten that moment. Mmmh, probably he would never forget you anyway.
ms_cream_puff 出版商 5 年 前
nelman3 : You mean to say I should have been a real dirty slut and feed my addiction to yummy cream? ...Yeah, you may be right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol
回答 原始评论
Nice! However, you should have emptied that condom :grinning: