Two girls explore

She looked so gorgeous standing there, at the airport, just waiting....for my arrival. Never have i witnessed a work of art so beautiful. She was holding up a board with her name on it.....Meghan she was about 20 feet from me. I couldn't believe that i was just about to meet her in person. We have talked for endless amounts of time, and now, finally, after what seems to of been an eternity, we were in each others presence. It was almost like the best dream I'd ever had..... except only better. She looked just as beautiful as i pictured she would be. Her soft blonde hair framing her face perfectly. Her eyes hidden behind sunglasses, her flawless figure shown off by the jeans and shirt that she was wearing, for a just split second i couldn't see anyone else but her. I almost crashed into a few people with my baggage trolley because i was so caught up in admiring and looking how amazing she was. Finally, even though you were wearing sunglasses i could tell your eyes gazed right back into my blue ones.

"Lauryn, your finally here" Meghan squealed as she ran up to me, almost knocking me off my feet hugging me tightly.

"Im finally here" i said, whilst smiling and hugging her back.

After a short while of holding each other, savouring the moment, we broke the hug and walked out of the airport.

"Im so happy that we finally get to meet. I feel that i have known you my entire life, and that your meant to be here with me". Meghan said

We walked into her apartment it was so beautiful, and very spacious and very WOW!!

"I know, how have i not known you forever? Its like we share a brain" i replied. I was secretly hoping that we'd share the same feelings as well. "Your place is just amazing Meg" i said, throwing myself onto her couch.

I was excited to be finally here with Meghan. It felt like the words "i want you" were written across my forehead. I wanted to just kiss her, and feel her perfect soft lips pressing back to mine. I wanted to cuddle with her, kiss her, and so much more. We sat in an awkward silence for a few moments, both of us seemed wrapped up in our thoughts. Suddenly Jenni broke the silence....

"So now that you are here Lauryn do you wanna to go out or stay in, you get to choose?"

"As much as i would love to have you take me on a tour of the local area i am so tired from flying here, so if its ok with you I'd rather we stayed in" i replied with a smile. 

We just sat looking at each other, "its ok, its cool, I'm happy to do that, but now that you are actually here we should celebrate your arrival with a drink.

"Sounds good to me," i shouted after her, as i watched her walk away towards the kitchen. She came back holding two martini glasses, set hers down on on the small glass table next to the couch and handed me mine.

"Hang on, I'll be just one sec I'm just gonna get some movies from my bedroom" i watched as that her gorgious body disappeared from view. 
"Make yourself at home" i heard her call out. A short while later she returned with a whole bunch of films. We decided to watch an oldie "love actually " first. As it was getting darker we watched a few more movies, Meghan order pizza in. We were a little tipsy as the sun began to set, around 8pm. The credits were rolling rapidly for the film "pretty woman" since it was now pitch black outside we decided it would be fun to watch a horror movie. The film we chose was "pulse" which Meghan had not yet seen. Even though i had already seen the film it still scares me. About halfway through the film we were both getting really scared, and at one of the really scary parts meghan's phone rang, we both screamed, jumping right into each others arms, holding each other for dear life. We started laughing, and then Jenni got up to answer the phone. It was her mum phoning to say goodnight? After the phone scared us half to death we were sitting pretty close together. My hand was resting right next to meg's, centimetres or just millimetres apart. The film went on and we got more comfortable. She leaned her head onto my my shoulder for the rest of the film, occasionally both of us jumping from time to time. By now we were both pretty much intoxicated. The film ended and we decided to get ready for bed. We took turns in showering, then brushed our teeth together. Giggling together wr got into our pjs.

"Oh, by the way your sleeping in my bed, NOT on the couch cuz I'm still scared Meghan said, laughing.

"Are you trying to seduce me" i said

"Maybe i am" Meghan said, with a devilish smile.

Meghan grabbed my hand and we stumbled into her bedroom and fell onto the bed. For some unknown reason we both had a fit of giggles and couldn't stop laughing. We started talking about random things, laughing at everything we said, thanks to the alcohol in our system's. We talked for a while, just laying on jenni's bed side by side, facing the ceiling. Somehow the conversation changed over to relationships, sex, and stuff along those lines. 

Turning to face Meghan, " it really true that you've never kissed a girl before?"

"Mmmmmmm one hundred percent true" she replied in a small voice, without turning to face me.

I paused, running my finger along her lips. "So........have you ever wanted to kiss someone?"

"Of course i have wanted to, but i was just scared, i just dont wanna make a fool out of myself," she said, turning her head to face me.

Neither of us spoke for a few minutes, we were lost, staring into each others eyes in a soft whisper i said to Meg, "do you want to kiss me" as i inched even closer to her.

With our faces inches apart, Meg was lost for words and could only nod her head.....yes. then it happened, Meghan's first kiss with a girl. Meg pressed her perfect lips to mine. Just an innocent kiss at first , the most perfect kiss i could of dreamed of. I broke the kiss, pulling back slowly. We both opened our eyes, smiling i asked, "so how was that for a first kiss?"

Meg responded by kissing me again

This time, our mouths opened slightly, our tongues testing the waters. We kept on kissing, both of us getting more and more into it, our tongues exploring the depths of each others mouths. I never wanted that to end. I felt like i wad caught up in a realistic dream, snd i didn't ever want to wake up from it. We kissed fof hours, and cuddled, falling asleep with our bodies against each other, holding each other. Both of us smiling in our sleep.

To be continued
发布者 Female_body
5 年 前
xx1236 4 年 前
Only another female can write like this..Check out my page , it's full of lesbian activities..!!
Female_body 出版商 4 年 前
Im not sure i know what you are saying, but there is a second and third part. Ok
Quite a story, if only ...
Reyes-Campello 5 年 前
I'll keep reading you, I like it. :heart:
hardon1 5 年 前
Gorgeous beginning, Lauryn!
dlikes 5 年 前
Building up is such a turn on...  I can't wait to  read the continuation..
Lulu_2000 5 年 前
Ah that first kiss, the nervousness,  do i don't i...... Do you ever forget? Gonna read part 2 now. Just out of curiosity how many parts do you intend to make? Nice read btw.
bianca44 5 年 前
I'm loving the build up.
Abi___1998 5 年 前
Beautifully written Lauryn,  looking forward to the continuation of Jenni and Lauryn. X
jfl047 5 年 前
Totally enthralling. I need to know more.
sapholover 5 年 前
I like your story very much, Lauryn. You're very talented to create a mood. I'm hasty to know the rest of this intoxicating romance. Kind regards. Sapholover XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, etc.