It was while cutting across his back trailer park lawn around 7pm on misty July Saturday evening, when I first discovered that Mr. Parker was really a fag. How else could you describe a man wearing a long blonde wig on his head while below he wore only a large somehow stuffed pink lacey womans bra and black nylon stockings while obviously playing with his dick with his right hand.

It was when he slowly turned around and was suddenly almost facing me head on, that I saw another guys erection for the first time in my entire young life! My God it looked so fucking enormous sticking almost straight out with such a large ball sack hanging down right underneath it.

He was so intent upon playing with himself, that Mr Parker didn't even notice me standing there in his back yard perhaps 30 feet away frozen in a state of pure fascination and awe. Somehow the totally unexpected sight of his massive cock swollen in lust had my heart beating wildly in my nearly 17 year old chest! Perhaps standing no more than 5' 5" tall and very slender in build, this around 35 year old man dressed up like a sissy girl and framed through his large glass balcony slider window/door was really pulling his dick quite wildly while looking straight down at it.

So nearly two or three minutes passed with me standing there fighting off a brand new set of strange sexual feelings that had me wanting to reach down and play with my own cock in the very same way. Upon suddenly seeming to notice me, Mr. Parker's eyes seemed to lock on to mine while I tried to decide whether to run or not? His steps toward that slider were slow and deliberete as his pumping right hand holding the large mantool of his never seemed to miss a stroke. Now he was right next to that slider and had he reached to open it, I would have been over his back stone wall and safely into the woods in no time at all. Having said hello to me many times while passing me and moms yard while he sometimes jogged around the park, I knew that he knew who I was.

Somehow I couldn't move although my mind kept telling me too! Next I watched in total amazement as I witnessed the first of several big blasts of his ejaculating sperm splash up against the inside glass at belly button level. Shit he was wildly getting himself off with a series of close to a dozen hand triggered pulsatations! Then after stepping to the right facing me, I watched him shake off that big dick of his to expel one last fair sized goblet of his milky thick cum while wearing a big wide proud grin.

It was with a sudden reaching of that same right hand, that Mr. Parker found the hanging draw rope and with sudden long pull, closed his red d****s and totally dissapeared out of sight from me. Next I watched that pattern of close to each other cum globs slowly beginning to run down that same slider window as gravity took over.

It was one fuck of a powerful load I blasted off maybe ten minutes later from the safety of inner woods a few hundred yards away. Somehow while not knowing it right then, my life would slowly change forever as the first seeds of my sexually had begun to grow thanks to the thrills I had gotten while watching Girly Fag Mr. Parker and his enormous pecker show. Later on that very same night, I beat myself off yet a second time while creating a fantasy in my mind that Mr Parker had opened the slider and invited me in.

How confused I was as my mind seemed to spin in circles of mixed guilt and a brand new kind sexual excitement I was trying to fight off. And as I finally dozed off that restless July night, my mind was busy creating false excuses to ring his door bell and hopefully get invited inside in a pretense of promise?

With mom working her four hour part time Sunday afternoon shift at the ball field complex snack bar, I rang his doorbell with a trembling hand in the age old act of wanting to borrow a cup of sugar which was all I could come up with. Mr. Parker acted just like nothing had ever happened the afternoon before as he poured about a cups worth of domino sugar out into a large dixie cup he next tightly covered with saran wrap and a few elastic bands. Next I found myself totally stumped when he asked me exactly how I intended to make the cake I had just openly lied to him about! Looking down to the his tiled kitchen floor, I remained speechless vainly searching for some kind of an excuse I could offer! Then the words I really wanted to hear came from his soft close by voice!

"Did you perhaps come over here so that we can both secretly take out our Cocks and play with them together?" as I noticed for the very first time that his eyes were a beautiful deep ocean blue. Unable to speak to answer him, I could only lower my head further and give it a silent affirmative nod YES!

"Would you like to see a real diry hard core sex video Richard ?" he next asked me as he carefully placed that sugar cup down on his kitchen countertop an moved in close to me. It was like everything was in slow motion as I watched that same right hand from the afternoon before, again reached out to touch Cock. But it was my cock and not his that its flat open palm rubbed up and down against over and over as my breath suddenly became hard to find.

How wonderful it felt to me being touched for the very first time since the third grade some seven years before when me and my cousin Bonnie had played touch doctor out behind the carport. So I stood holding my ground as Mr. Parkers very skilled hand brought my fully awakened teen cock into a state of total hardness. How hot I felt as I looked down to watch his thumb and index finger find the clasp to my summer shorts and begin to slowly tug it down in three or four firm deliberite yanks. "You have a beautiful cock on you Richard!" he whispered scant seconds later as his fingers shifted postion to wrap themselves tighty around my throbbing teen shaft.

And so it was many incredable minutes of the greatest physical sensations my body had ever experienced passed by, before still holding it in a semi- firm manor, hot Mr Parker lead me dick first past his living room and down the hallway into his master bedroom. In a firm confident voice, he told me he was going to slip into something more comfortable after ordering me to take off my shorts,briefs and tee shirt and to sit on the end of his bed. As I did, my eyes were fixed upon him as he pulled down his dockers and white boxershorts together in one swift deliberate motion bringing them both to around his anklse. Such an erotic sight I was then viewing as that big Prick of his then in a semi flacid state, began to swell, grow, thicken and slowly lift upwards as it filled and got engorged with blood.

Next he shed his shirt in record time before opening the left side doors of his french closet! Instantly he snatched a power blue semi transparent night gown with a white fur color from its hanger and slipped it down over his head. Quickly applying some pink glossy lipstick, the same blonde wig completed his under a minute transformation from a man into skimpily clad cross dresser.

While his balls were fully visable to the naked eye, the thickest part of his cock base only partly showed as the rest of it while now pointing upward with the big head an inch or two above his belly button was all underneath its crouch high hemline.

"Have you ever had anyone suck on your cock before Richard?" he asked me in a girls voice as he sank down upon his knees while perfectly centered between my slighly parted legs. "Tell me exactly what your thinking about right now Richard?" he asked as his head moved yet closer until I could fell his warm breath dancing across the head of my fully exposed boy boner.

Next it was the sudden unexpected feel of his tongue tip snaking across the super sensitive top of my prickhead that send a hoard of shivers down the center of my spine. Sparks of joy seemed to expode from my upper cock as I squirmed in a mixture of pure delighfull yet ticklish sensitivity. Upon seeing me shutter and squirm in reaction to his virginal teasing, his/her tight warm firm glossy painted clinging lips began their slow journey downward over my twitching cockhead to engulf my almost equally sensitive swollen shaft!

I was unable to move or speak from those first increadable moments of discovering how wonderful getting a blow job could really be! Right then any thoughts of him or me being queer with each other were lost as I reached a level of physical pleasure that felt like I was in some kind of new sexual heaven on earth. Closing my eyes, I swung my head back and with open lips, I sucked in needed air while my hips fought the temptation to thrust my cock yet deeper into Mrs. Parkers miracle bitchin fem fag mouth! He/she was taking me beyond the point of no return as more and more of my proud school ruler measured 6 5/8 inches was being deep throated.

It was after some five or six up and down journies along the entire length, when her dancing tongue took me past the brink of choice, I could only deeply moan in the purest form of pleasure to alert her that I was starting to CUM!!! So between thousands of volts of exploding pins and needles covering every inch of my cock, and the incredable suction her drawn in cheeks and pistioning lips were createing, my wildly shooting cock felt like it was Topgun in action as blast after powerful rapid blast of my jettisoning jizz flooded Mrs. Parkers sucking sissy mouth! In return he also sucked wildly for every precious drop of my exploding lewd teen age load! Both his and my eyes were glazed with contented passion as some three or four minutes later with a loud unmistakeabe plop, he removed his gay mouth and cream coated lips from my spent dick.

Then that very same pink tongue that had first danced over the head of my cock less than seven or eight minutes before, swiped up the clinging visual remains of my boy joy juice moving it back into his mouth. While totally spent, content and starting to return to my normal state of mind, the sudden sight of his huge cock as he stood up again short circuted my brain with a spark of queerness curiousity I was helpless to fight off. Up close it even looked a lot bigger than the afternoon before.

Noticeing my fixed gazed to his anatomy, Mr. Parker asked me if I'd like a nice cold glass of pink lemonaide and then we could both go and watch some dirty hard core porn movies in his den? I didn't mind one bit when he added that they all about men being with each other instead of any women in them except shemales now and then in some.

Perhaps I really wanted badly to let him know how attracted I was to his big cock that I openly was looking at most of the time back then. It made me feel so different, so excited and so fascinated as well. It was sort of beautiful to me as it remained stiff and proud sticking out there as he slipped that teddy bear nightgown over his head and shed it on the floor just before we reached his kitchen.

"Have you fooled around with any of your freinds cocks yet Richard?" " You seem so attracted to mine that you cant keep your naughtly little eyes off of it!" "You know I could tell yesterday when you were peeking outside in the yard at me wacking myself off, that you were going to be coming back here to see me again. But I didn't think it would be this soon he said as he began pouring the lemonadie into each of our tall ice filled glasses.

Next is was a large black leather video cassette case in his den he opened up wide while asking me what kind of dirty movies I wanted to watch first. I had told him on the way down the hall that I has amost three and 1/2 hours before mom would arrive back home from work. "Pehaps you might fancy this one about six Legally aged eagle scouts out on a weekend camping jamboree deep in the woods? After removing the cassette from the jacket, he handed me that most graffic cardboard cover that showed many thumbnaied photo's of all six being exposed in one way or another. I was dissapointed when Mr. Parker sat on an offset off to the side hassack instead of on his couch I was centered in.

How thrilling it was when the action started immediatley after the credits stopped flashing. All six were naked in this almost perfectly rounded outdoor spring surrounded by trees and three fair sized greenish colored tents. They were having a big waterfight as brief glimces of naked asses or quick views of flacid innocent till then cocks briefly flashed across the screen. How hard my cock had already gotten again as I sat wearing only my St. Andrew medal around my neck. Having lost a fair part of my bashfullness, I as even resting my right hand right next to and so dangerously close to it. So as two of those boys stepped out of the water to grab towels, my eyes were heavily fixed to their innocent looking hanging cocks that reminded me of the totally straight and innocently intended school class locker room after gym class showers. Yet this time having seen the graffic cover jacket, I know that very soon the Gay Play would soon begin.

It was when the third eagle scout that was quite tall, redheaded with freckles and smiling departed the spring waters that a sudden surge of excitment creeped into my loins. He had a big thick boner almost as big as Mr. Parkers dick was when erect. Only it had a pointed pocket covering its head just like a few boys I had noticed over the years. Yes he was uncut and without a towel, ran his fingers back throught his long hair to expel unwanted water as both boys already toweling off nearby openly looked right at his totally exposed big boner dick. This is when I couldn't help but to touch my own cock for the first time since being around Mr. Parker.

Yeah I wanted him to know I was really getting into this new to me Homo Stuff! Then after stealing a long enjoyable look at his proud prick, my eyes returned to his tv screen when both scouts moved in close to offer their red headed friend a towel. Soon the shorter ones hand just had reach out to capture the half of that unprotected uncut pecker. This while his towel buddies interest was focued on pee wees rapidly growing slender cut pecker. So he too reached out to touch someone while from near the center of that spring fed pool, the other three had stopped playing water fight games to instead watch the Gay Pay right in front of them.

Soon all three had formed a little three way semi circle with both towels now laying on the mossy ground almost at their feet. All three scout cocks were being touched by three different owners as Threeway Group Queerness had suddenly become the order of the day. How quickly had two cocks gone from being water shrunken up into tight balls, into full proud throbbing hardons! It was Mr Parkers sudden words that I better stop playing with myself that brought me from that sexual trance I had entered.

"I'll take care of that in a little bit Richard as he stood up and then moved toward me and his couch. Instantly I forget the screen in favor of a real cock so alive, so stiff and so so close to me. How happy I was when he sat right next to me and placed his left hand on my right thigh. To let him know I was willing to do lots of gay things with him. I crossed my right hand over his and rested it on his upper thigh the same way he had mine.

It was the words from the screen asking the redhead for permission to Suck his big uncut cock that drew my attention back to that e gay dirty older eaglescout movie. It was the short one sinking to his knees in a gesture of willing gayness as both his hands moved to reds rod.. While one held the long thick shaft firmly, the other one carefully peeled the forskin back to uncloak such a primitive looking bulbous purple cockhead with such a enlongated somewhat off center very shiney piss slit. This is when Mr Parkers hand moved off of my thigh to gently take hold of my uplifted teen dick. How great it made me feel from a few tight squeezes and one gentle up and down tug. Now that short scout was crudely sucking away on Reds half out of sight dick as Red stood with his hands on his hips looking down to watch himself getting blown!

Now the camera showed only two heads above water from the pools center as one scout was telling the other one that Charley who was then no longer in sight, was sucking his dick under the water. Two minutes later, all six bare assed naked scouts were on this huge 12' by 12" spread out canvas rain tarp engaged in various stages of touching and sucking each others available proud peckers. All six that moments before had all appeared to be so straight acting and normal looking were loving this lewd lovetriangle of Hot Deep Woods Cock Aventure! As hot as the action was on Mr. Parkers 32 inch plasma tv screen, somehow my state of arrousal had taken me to look at and deeply admire, some nine thick now and then inches of occasionaly throbbing tubesteak treasure that was sticking up between Mr Parkers legs like a mighty Ponderosa Pine!

Throwing all caution to wind and forgetting about guilt or uncertainty, I had reached a state of want I couldnt deny for a second longer. So without asking or announcing my intentions, I simply moved my hand off of Mr. Parkers thigh and latched on to the object of my deepest desires. So big, so thick, so warm and so alive as it throbbed three or four times that first minute I applied my handheld choke hold under its mushroom capped head. It was then that I felt male bonding my single parent mom could never provide me with as both of Mr Parkers hands gently guided my body over and down to his as my head came to rest on top of his loudly pounding heart! Looking down his cockhead was perhaps no more than six or seven inches from my chin as I studied every lovely detail of it up close and so very personal! This while a steady stream of gay sentences were coming from many of the highly excited eagle scouts. "Thats it suck it dude! or Yeah baby just like that or Turn around I want to fuck you up the ass! " were among the many descriptive queer phrases filling that Canvas Cover Containing six Cocks and Cocksuckers alike.

And so in fairly short order, my left hand tenderly cradled his large basket of balls while my right one began a slow wonderful journey of exploration and discovery. Yeah the shaft was perhaps my favorite part while his cockhead was a close second. Even his shaved ballsack and it contained nuts delivered contentment and enjoyment as Mr. Parker let me Play with him. Standing it up to face his den ceiling, the viens seemed to contain muscles as they proudly popped outward. Now Mr. Parker and his massive prick were no sissyish but 100% masculine as the first scout load erupted on screen. Seeing the spurts of cascading jissium flying skyward every few seconds, my moment of truth had arrived. It was with deep conviction, want, need, greed, passion and total queerness I needed to fully celebrate, that I lowered my face downward while tilting it to my parted lips.

And then , yes right then, the smell, taste and feel of dry salty warm cock entered my craving young mouth. It was the top of my flattened toungue that discovered the different semi sweet taste of his precum. Sticky and silky like a thin spider web and tasting like nectur from the gay gods. Yes like the uncountable millions from both sexes spanning untold centuries that has engaged in the disctinct act of Sucking Cock, I too was instantly overwhelmed and overcome with the both the incredable Physical pleasures as well as the overpowering Mindset of both GIVING AND TAKING AT THE SAME EXACT TIME.

His head on the back of my neck was letting me know my sudden homo actions were most wanted and appreciated. So I gingerly sucked and experimented. I bet it was in and out of my mouth perhaps a few dozen times while that onscreen gay scout movie played out . Somehow I just couldn't get enough of it no matter how hard I sucked, licked, kissed and hand jerked it. One by one the words of the ejaculating scouts had encouraged their scout brothers to suck for their loads.

Yes sudden new nasty thoughs of hot thick creamy blasts of soupy pungent exploding ripe sperm was then the only thing that could satisfly me. Perhaps I had already been programed at birth to become an addicted cocksucker? Non the less I began to Greedly suck harder, deeper and faster for a load just like the giant one he had blasted his slider glass door with just a day before. While he whispered for me to relax and slow down, I just couldn't stop myself as I jacked, sucked licked and deeply mouthed it till I choked and gagged. Yet I still couldnt get enough as his hand slipped from the back of my neck to quickly travel down between my ass cheeks till a finger found my little exterior virgin anus membranes. Oh god, how hot that got me feeling as thousands of nerve endings never before known or discovered began to radiate such sensitive feelings up to my brain. Over and over in my mind I keep telling myself ' YOUR QUEER, YOUR A FUCKIN QUEER YET I LOVED IT AND COULDN'T POSSIBLY STOP MYSELF!

Fuck as if I didn't feel a GREED AND NEED TO FEED as I went from boyhood into full blown manhood during that first Blowjob. I was already pre- programmed to Suck cock and gobble cum long before I cut across his yard the day before.

This is where I truly belonged as it grew even stiffer in my busy worshipping gay mouth as slow gentle fingertip began to make slight headway past the rim of my newly awakened anus. So right then stiff round things in both of my available holes took me into a mostly submissive sex role the rest of my life. While Mr. Parkers unavoidable Lewd Load finally arrived with some of the same power Mount St. Helens had displayed a long time before, I couldnt even begin to properly handle it. Lost was my sucking technique and lip suction I had been skillfully giving. In stead I began to choke and gag and fight the urge to throw up even as it just pooled at the top of my throat and none of it got even close to slithering down into my stomach. It tasted so strong like ripe sun baked seafood at low tide. Pungent and rancid like the raw oyster I had tried at a clam bake and had spit out on the picnic table.

God so much soupy thickness flooding my mouth to overflow with no more room left for all of it combined with Mr Parkers suddenly fucking my mouth fast and deep with his oversized dick! Now as just music and no more voices came from Mr. Parkers Plasma TV set, I fought for much needed air as I tried to push the sea of seman my tongue was swimming in from my overmatched gay mouth that had just sucked for it! Yeah my chin became a baby waterfall of wetness as I moved my anus upward to try to escape that same middle finger that had suddenly penetrated my reckem up to it's second knuckle! Yet completely overcum with his explosive ejaculation that never seemed like it was gonna end, Mr Parker shoved that middle finger yet deep and then began to jackhammer it deep into me as his other strong hand held me down! Looking downward right then, I spotted a large clump of thick cum covering most of my taunt cockhead. At first I thought it had dripped off of my chin and was part Mr Parkers big dripping droplets! However right then, I amazenly witnessed more sort of slowly flowing each time he shoved his finger deeper into me.

Hell Mr Perkins was fuckin milkin my young prostrate gland long before I even knew I had one? Then when a yet a second dirty diget entered my back alley to join the first one, my CLimax arrived. Millions of pins and needles throbbing thousands of volts of pleasure nerves all over my cock, balls and entire insides too. It seemed to me like it would never stop as I rode this magic carpet ride almost to the fuckin stars. Then I next remember a wet cold face cloth waking me up. I was on the den floor then with only the lingering faint taste of his Cock Cum to link me with our gay play day..
In making me promise on moms life to keep our queer frolics a total secret to the rest of the world, Mr. Parker kissed me softly on the forehead as I left via his backyard slider later that afternoon. Tucked under my tee shirt and down in my shorts were two gay magazines imported from Denmark that would help educate me on the inner most workings of the Gay Lifestyle. Yes I would discover many new things about sex in the upcoming years. Tops and bottoms, sub and doms, acts both oral and anal, group, fettishes and fantasies. So now some 14 years later and long after Mr/Mrs Parker left this good earth, I live in his hot little trailer and sometimes leave my slider d****s wide open. Why last Saturday morning I discovered what appears to be sneaker foot prints in my flower garden soil just below my bedroom window. they appear to around size nine or ten which has me wondering if Allen the very tall new boy in the park might just have some gay blood running threw his veins?? Perhaps I should bring the vcr out into the living room for the next few nights and play some hot gay movies? I wonder if Allen ever was a scout? Hummmmm!!!!! PS. the legal age of sexual consent is 16 here as it is in most states these days.
发布者 cddixie
5 年 前
wearimus 5 月 前
Wow, so hot. Thanks for writing and getting me off!  Again!
Lingerieboy71 1 年 前
Brilliant tale. It's usually the way; small, unremarkable looking men, tend to have something special resting between their legs!
incredibly hot story, I jacked off to so many fantasies like this when I was a horny teen pervert, thanks for posting!
uncut6shooter 3 年 前
Hot story ! Thanks for sharing it!
cddixie 出版商 3 年 前
回答 原始评论
tomparkuk 3 年 前
wow. incredibly hot story. well narrated and written. loved reading and having a good wank. Thanks
biSalguod 4 年 前
hot story
srzaxxon 4 年 前
What a turn on!! Wish i knew someone when i was young!
divedog1960 5 年 前
That got me horny as hell.. I would luv to find a Mr. Parker as a very special friend... MMMM
cddixie 出版商 5 年 前
hdf150lvr0 : thank you so very much. I write to excite, invite and delight...…… how about TONIGHT????    LOL
回答 原始评论
hdf150lvr0 5 年 前
One very hot and incredible story!!!
phosebitigercd 5 年 前
very hot and fantastic story
dmf399 5 年 前
Very good.  Hot.