My Mechanics
Later that summer, my folks were going through some financial trouble. My mom had lost her job, so my dad was trying to make up for lost income. It’s funny about money, it’s like closet space, you use what you have, so we had gotten used to what we had coming in. I tried hard not to ask for money during this time.
I had a favorite service station where I always took my ’57 Chevy to get gas, tires rotated, and minor repairs, etc. The owner, Frank, was a nice guy. He had fought in WWII and had a very slight limp from an injury. The other fellas that worked there had been in WWII or Korea. These were real men, tough as nails, not like the boys I had been with so far, or my rich, soft handed uncles. They were all in their late 20s and early 30s, and they didn’t mind getting dirty to make a living.
This was during the time that gas stations were actually service stations. When you pulled in, one guy would pump the gas and another would check your oil, clean your windshield, etc. When I pulled in, Frank would say he’d take care of me to the other guys. Yep, I would have my skirt pulled up, or I’d have my blouse open, or my shorts way in the crack of my ass. So he would take care of my car and then come to the window and talk to me. I always took my time with Frank. A lot of times I would get out so the other guys could see me. I would wave at each one of them because yes, I was a tease. I really liked Frank for some reason.
One day I brought my car in because the engine was making a funny noise. I was wearing a thin blouse, short shorts, and slightly high heeled sandals that really made my legs look good. I got out, waved to the other men, and told Frank the problem. He jumped in and put the car in the bay.
He opened the hood and was working on the engine, having trouble with something. I was standing very close to him as he worked. He lowered the hood shaking his head. I asked, “What do you think you should do?” He looked at me and said, “What I think I should do is wash my hands, bend you over this hood, and make love to you. What I need to do is go get the part I need, and fix this.” He then started to sputter an apology, when I said, “Frank,” and I looked him in the eyes, “I think you should go wash your hands,” and bent over the hood of my car, wiggling my little ass.
The look on his face was priceless. His mouth was open and his eyes were unfocused. He then shook his head to clear it, turned, and went to the lavatory. When he came back, he hooked his fingers in my shorts and slowly lowered them. I stepped out of one leg of my shorts so I could spread my legs. I was slowly moving my butt a little side to side. He lowered his pants, bent his knees and fed my pussy a thick, hard cock. Oh God, did it feel good. If any of the other guys had looked in the bay, they would have seen Frank humping the hell out of me. This added to my excitement since I loved to be watched when I made love, still do. I guess, fortunately, they were busy with customers.
I reached back and felt his arms. They were incredibly strong. His thick, calloused hands had a firm grip on my young breasts. Thinking about future escapades with this man made me cum very hard. He put his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet as he plunged his rod deep inside of me, pumping me full of cum.
After a while, he pulled that beautiful cock out, dripping cum on my shorts. I could not have cared less. I had just been fucked by a real man. He said, “Thank you, Lila, I don’t know why you let me do that, but thank you.” I gave him a quick kiss, just letting my tongue slide across his lips, and said, “I don’t know either, but I loved it.” He smiled. “I better get to work on this,” he said.
So I left to go to the dime store across the street for awhile. When he came over to tell me it was done, I asked how much were the repairs? He said, “No charge today.” I told him in a hushed voice, “Oh no, I’m not going to have you not charge me because of what we did. That was because I like you,” and softer, “and wanted you.” So I said, “Look, money’s tight at home. Could you maybe hire me to do things around the shop? I could sweep up, or work the cash register. Maybe you could teach me how to do oil changes. I can then work off my debt. I’m not afraid of dirty work” He smiled at me and said, “ Ok, Lila, we’ll work something out.” Boy did we.
I started with little things like we had talked about. I would wear tee shirts and blue jeans. When I wore my blue jeans I might as well have been naked. The jeans rode real high in my ass, and hugged every curve as if they had been painted on. Guys loved the way I looked in them. I also wore my short shorts, that were so short the bottom of my rear showed. I would sashay my little fanny around the garage driving all the men crazy.
Frank came up with a great idea that made the station a lot of money. He had me clean the windshields of the cars that came in for gas. Somedays the cars would be lined up on the street. I really put on a show. If the customer stayed in the car, and was alone, or with another man, I would press my breasts against the clean windshield, reaching way over to get an imaginary speck. Of course with a sheer blouse having a few buttons undone, and no bra, well I couldn’t help it if sometimes my nipple slipped out.
Meanwhile, anyone outside looking at my ass could see all the way to heaven, with the thin material of my shorts melted into my pussy. Customers would come in for oil changes just to stand around and watch me work. Frank finally had to tell his other men to stop watching me and get to work.
One Friday night after work, when the station was closed, Frank passed out bonus checks for the month since business had picked up so much. The five men that worked there, and I, were in the office talking and drinking beers. I drank soda since I didn’t like the taste of beer yet. I loved listening to their stories about being in the Army. I liked every one of those men. They were good men. Three were married, Frank, and another were single.
We were having a fun time. The men toasted me since they knew it was me that caused the increase in business. It was a hot night in the Northeast, and we were all sweating and dirty from work. They had at least washed their hands.
One of the men said, “Lila, aren’t you hot in those jeans?” I said, “Stifling.” Another said, “Then take them off.” I thought for a second and then said, “Ok.” As the jeans started to come down, the eyes on the men got bigger and bigger. My tee shirt didn’t quite cover my mound. I stood in front of Frank, turned around, bent over stiff legged, and peeled the jeans down. He was staring right into my bottom. When I got them off, I straddled Frank, whispered in his ear, “I’m going to screw all of you. Just protect me.” He said, “Are you sure?” I just gave him a big kiss in answer. The men whooped. I turned on Frank’s lap so my legs were spread on either side of his legs, my pussy lips coming apart, and said, “If you want to screw me, you’re going to have to take off your clothes” as I took off my tee shirt. You never saw clothes fly off people faster.
Frank had a small bed in his office. He would work until late and spend the night there. Frank picked me up and laid me down on the bed. One of the men got between my legs, said, “I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I saw you,” and ate me to a great orgasm to start. I felt hands turning my head to the side, and a large, sweaty cock slammed into my mouth. I heard Frank say, “Hey Pete, easy!” and he said, “Sorry, Frank.” I thought hell, apologize to me!
When Pete had cum in my mouth, it didn’t take long after he went down my throat a few times, I said, “Frank, lay down on the bed.” He did, and I had my favorite way, straddling him. He put his cock inside me. I saw Sergio standing next to me. Sergio was a short Hispanic man, with thick muscular arms and hands. His hands were very rough and very thick. Frank told me he was one very tough hombre in the war. I saw that Sergio had a nice size dick, so I said, “Sergio, lick my ass, and I’ll let you get inside it.” He said, with his Mexican accent, “No, Miss Lila, it will hurt.” I turned to look at him with a smile and said, “I’m counting on it.” He licked my ass like he was starving, I think he even gave Frank’s cock a few licks on his shaft, probably to get the taste of my cunt.
He started to ease his cock into my hole, as he grabbed my breasts with his very rough hands. His hands felt like rock crushers on my tender breasts as he squeezed them harder and harder as he pushed all the way into me, fighting for position with Frank’s cock. Tears came to my eyes as he bruised my young breasts. The two men were slamming into me. I cried out when I couldn’t take it any longer. I wondered where my protector was.
Frank had a very strange look on his face, it was a little scary looking. I think he was enjoying watching Sergio hurt me. I screamed again, my pussy spasming in orgasm, my hands grabbing Sergio’s hands in hopes he would relax his killer grip. He didn’t. He slammed his cock into me as he came violently into my ass, which caused Frank to buck up hard, filling my cunt with his cream.
I laid there crying and shaking, and cumming. Pete came up and asked, “Are you alright, Lila?” I said, “Wait until I stop cumming, Pete, then I’ll tell you.” I’ve always wondered if something was wrong with me. Pain seemed to trigger an orgasm. I loved to be choked, and scratched, and my ass stretched, but was that normal? Did that priest really screw me up? Normal or not, it’s what I liked, and I was in the right spot to receive all the pain I wanted.
These were hard men that used me, and I them. After Sergio crushed my breasts, and stretched my ass, it was a blur of cocks going in and out of all my holes. At one point I had one in my ass, one in my pussy, another slamming his cock in my mouth, and both hands full of hot pricks. I felt hands on me like I’d never felt before. Rough calloused hands, with broken nails that dug into my young flesh, bringing me to a boil. When It was over, I had five hot, dirty, sweaty men, out of breath, and looking at me like they wanted more, but just couldn’t do it.
I was covered in sweat, and cum. I had to wear a bra for two weeks to hide the bruises on my breasts, and thick tee shirts to hide the deep scratches on my back and torso so my folks couldn’t see them.
I sat next to Frank and said, “Fellas, I loved that. I want to do that again and again, but if I hear about this from outside of this room, it’s over.” Then Frank said, “If any of you assholes say anything, you’re fired.” The men all said not to worry, the secrets good with them, let’s do it again soon, and other things like that.
Frank said he would take me to his house to get cleaned up, so I followed him in my car. I took a shower, and when I came out he said, “You can stay here for the night, if you like.” So I called Sally, and told her I was going to call and tell my folks that I was staying with her tonight. That’s the first time I did that. I did it another 66 times after that. I then called my folks and told those sweet, naive people that I was staying at Sally’s.
I was exhausted, but that didn’t stop me from putting my head on Frank’s lean, muscled stomach, and nursing one more load out of his lovely cock. We fell asleep like that, with my mouth on his cock, his arms around me.
It’s amazing, I found my diary that I wrote in for many years. I was shocked looking at all the things I did when I was a teen, and later. Not shocked in a bad way. I was actually proud of how I was able to do what I did without becoming a hard hearted person. More fun stories to follow.
I had a favorite service station where I always took my ’57 Chevy to get gas, tires rotated, and minor repairs, etc. The owner, Frank, was a nice guy. He had fought in WWII and had a very slight limp from an injury. The other fellas that worked there had been in WWII or Korea. These were real men, tough as nails, not like the boys I had been with so far, or my rich, soft handed uncles. They were all in their late 20s and early 30s, and they didn’t mind getting dirty to make a living.
This was during the time that gas stations were actually service stations. When you pulled in, one guy would pump the gas and another would check your oil, clean your windshield, etc. When I pulled in, Frank would say he’d take care of me to the other guys. Yep, I would have my skirt pulled up, or I’d have my blouse open, or my shorts way in the crack of my ass. So he would take care of my car and then come to the window and talk to me. I always took my time with Frank. A lot of times I would get out so the other guys could see me. I would wave at each one of them because yes, I was a tease. I really liked Frank for some reason.
One day I brought my car in because the engine was making a funny noise. I was wearing a thin blouse, short shorts, and slightly high heeled sandals that really made my legs look good. I got out, waved to the other men, and told Frank the problem. He jumped in and put the car in the bay.
He opened the hood and was working on the engine, having trouble with something. I was standing very close to him as he worked. He lowered the hood shaking his head. I asked, “What do you think you should do?” He looked at me and said, “What I think I should do is wash my hands, bend you over this hood, and make love to you. What I need to do is go get the part I need, and fix this.” He then started to sputter an apology, when I said, “Frank,” and I looked him in the eyes, “I think you should go wash your hands,” and bent over the hood of my car, wiggling my little ass.
The look on his face was priceless. His mouth was open and his eyes were unfocused. He then shook his head to clear it, turned, and went to the lavatory. When he came back, he hooked his fingers in my shorts and slowly lowered them. I stepped out of one leg of my shorts so I could spread my legs. I was slowly moving my butt a little side to side. He lowered his pants, bent his knees and fed my pussy a thick, hard cock. Oh God, did it feel good. If any of the other guys had looked in the bay, they would have seen Frank humping the hell out of me. This added to my excitement since I loved to be watched when I made love, still do. I guess, fortunately, they were busy with customers.
I reached back and felt his arms. They were incredibly strong. His thick, calloused hands had a firm grip on my young breasts. Thinking about future escapades with this man made me cum very hard. He put his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet as he plunged his rod deep inside of me, pumping me full of cum.
After a while, he pulled that beautiful cock out, dripping cum on my shorts. I could not have cared less. I had just been fucked by a real man. He said, “Thank you, Lila, I don’t know why you let me do that, but thank you.” I gave him a quick kiss, just letting my tongue slide across his lips, and said, “I don’t know either, but I loved it.” He smiled. “I better get to work on this,” he said.
So I left to go to the dime store across the street for awhile. When he came over to tell me it was done, I asked how much were the repairs? He said, “No charge today.” I told him in a hushed voice, “Oh no, I’m not going to have you not charge me because of what we did. That was because I like you,” and softer, “and wanted you.” So I said, “Look, money’s tight at home. Could you maybe hire me to do things around the shop? I could sweep up, or work the cash register. Maybe you could teach me how to do oil changes. I can then work off my debt. I’m not afraid of dirty work” He smiled at me and said, “ Ok, Lila, we’ll work something out.” Boy did we.
I started with little things like we had talked about. I would wear tee shirts and blue jeans. When I wore my blue jeans I might as well have been naked. The jeans rode real high in my ass, and hugged every curve as if they had been painted on. Guys loved the way I looked in them. I also wore my short shorts, that were so short the bottom of my rear showed. I would sashay my little fanny around the garage driving all the men crazy.
Frank came up with a great idea that made the station a lot of money. He had me clean the windshields of the cars that came in for gas. Somedays the cars would be lined up on the street. I really put on a show. If the customer stayed in the car, and was alone, or with another man, I would press my breasts against the clean windshield, reaching way over to get an imaginary speck. Of course with a sheer blouse having a few buttons undone, and no bra, well I couldn’t help it if sometimes my nipple slipped out.
Meanwhile, anyone outside looking at my ass could see all the way to heaven, with the thin material of my shorts melted into my pussy. Customers would come in for oil changes just to stand around and watch me work. Frank finally had to tell his other men to stop watching me and get to work.
One Friday night after work, when the station was closed, Frank passed out bonus checks for the month since business had picked up so much. The five men that worked there, and I, were in the office talking and drinking beers. I drank soda since I didn’t like the taste of beer yet. I loved listening to their stories about being in the Army. I liked every one of those men. They were good men. Three were married, Frank, and another were single.
We were having a fun time. The men toasted me since they knew it was me that caused the increase in business. It was a hot night in the Northeast, and we were all sweating and dirty from work. They had at least washed their hands.
One of the men said, “Lila, aren’t you hot in those jeans?” I said, “Stifling.” Another said, “Then take them off.” I thought for a second and then said, “Ok.” As the jeans started to come down, the eyes on the men got bigger and bigger. My tee shirt didn’t quite cover my mound. I stood in front of Frank, turned around, bent over stiff legged, and peeled the jeans down. He was staring right into my bottom. When I got them off, I straddled Frank, whispered in his ear, “I’m going to screw all of you. Just protect me.” He said, “Are you sure?” I just gave him a big kiss in answer. The men whooped. I turned on Frank’s lap so my legs were spread on either side of his legs, my pussy lips coming apart, and said, “If you want to screw me, you’re going to have to take off your clothes” as I took off my tee shirt. You never saw clothes fly off people faster.
Frank had a small bed in his office. He would work until late and spend the night there. Frank picked me up and laid me down on the bed. One of the men got between my legs, said, “I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I saw you,” and ate me to a great orgasm to start. I felt hands turning my head to the side, and a large, sweaty cock slammed into my mouth. I heard Frank say, “Hey Pete, easy!” and he said, “Sorry, Frank.” I thought hell, apologize to me!
When Pete had cum in my mouth, it didn’t take long after he went down my throat a few times, I said, “Frank, lay down on the bed.” He did, and I had my favorite way, straddling him. He put his cock inside me. I saw Sergio standing next to me. Sergio was a short Hispanic man, with thick muscular arms and hands. His hands were very rough and very thick. Frank told me he was one very tough hombre in the war. I saw that Sergio had a nice size dick, so I said, “Sergio, lick my ass, and I’ll let you get inside it.” He said, with his Mexican accent, “No, Miss Lila, it will hurt.” I turned to look at him with a smile and said, “I’m counting on it.” He licked my ass like he was starving, I think he even gave Frank’s cock a few licks on his shaft, probably to get the taste of my cunt.
He started to ease his cock into my hole, as he grabbed my breasts with his very rough hands. His hands felt like rock crushers on my tender breasts as he squeezed them harder and harder as he pushed all the way into me, fighting for position with Frank’s cock. Tears came to my eyes as he bruised my young breasts. The two men were slamming into me. I cried out when I couldn’t take it any longer. I wondered where my protector was.
Frank had a very strange look on his face, it was a little scary looking. I think he was enjoying watching Sergio hurt me. I screamed again, my pussy spasming in orgasm, my hands grabbing Sergio’s hands in hopes he would relax his killer grip. He didn’t. He slammed his cock into me as he came violently into my ass, which caused Frank to buck up hard, filling my cunt with his cream.
I laid there crying and shaking, and cumming. Pete came up and asked, “Are you alright, Lila?” I said, “Wait until I stop cumming, Pete, then I’ll tell you.” I’ve always wondered if something was wrong with me. Pain seemed to trigger an orgasm. I loved to be choked, and scratched, and my ass stretched, but was that normal? Did that priest really screw me up? Normal or not, it’s what I liked, and I was in the right spot to receive all the pain I wanted.
These were hard men that used me, and I them. After Sergio crushed my breasts, and stretched my ass, it was a blur of cocks going in and out of all my holes. At one point I had one in my ass, one in my pussy, another slamming his cock in my mouth, and both hands full of hot pricks. I felt hands on me like I’d never felt before. Rough calloused hands, with broken nails that dug into my young flesh, bringing me to a boil. When It was over, I had five hot, dirty, sweaty men, out of breath, and looking at me like they wanted more, but just couldn’t do it.
I was covered in sweat, and cum. I had to wear a bra for two weeks to hide the bruises on my breasts, and thick tee shirts to hide the deep scratches on my back and torso so my folks couldn’t see them.
I sat next to Frank and said, “Fellas, I loved that. I want to do that again and again, but if I hear about this from outside of this room, it’s over.” Then Frank said, “If any of you assholes say anything, you’re fired.” The men all said not to worry, the secrets good with them, let’s do it again soon, and other things like that.
Frank said he would take me to his house to get cleaned up, so I followed him in my car. I took a shower, and when I came out he said, “You can stay here for the night, if you like.” So I called Sally, and told her I was going to call and tell my folks that I was staying with her tonight. That’s the first time I did that. I did it another 66 times after that. I then called my folks and told those sweet, naive people that I was staying at Sally’s.
I was exhausted, but that didn’t stop me from putting my head on Frank’s lean, muscled stomach, and nursing one more load out of his lovely cock. We fell asleep like that, with my mouth on his cock, his arms around me.
It’s amazing, I found my diary that I wrote in for many years. I was shocked looking at all the things I did when I was a teen, and later. Not shocked in a bad way. I was actually proud of how I was able to do what I did without becoming a hard hearted person. More fun stories to follow.
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