Eva Miller

"You did what?" Eva Miller screamed at her husband. "How could you do
that without talking to me first?" In all of her twenty-four years she had
never been so angry. Hal and Eva had been married three years, and right
at that moment it looked doubtful to her that the marriage would survive to
four years.

"I was under the gun," Hal Miller said. "It was time critical. I had
to move and move fast. There just wasn't time." Hal is twenty-nine years
old and an account manager at a regional bank

"So you got our savings out of the bank and bought stock," Eva said her
voice dripping sarcasm. "You bought ten thousand dollars worth of
worthless stock!"

"No, I had to borrow some more to put with it," Hal said miserably.

Eva looked hard at her husband for a full minute. "How much more?" she
asked, willing herself to speak calmly.

"Twenty thousand," he answered, his voice subdued. "I had to have
thirty thousand to buy the full block of stock."

"Where on earth did you borrow twenty thousand? Who would make you an
unsecured loan for that much? Please don't tell me you stole it!"

"Of course I didn't steal it. I didn't get it at a bank," Hal said, his
voice so low she could barely hear him. "I got it from Devon Marks."

"Who, pray tell, is Devon Marks?"

"He a high risk lender," Hal said.

"Is that a euphuism for loan shark?" she snapped. "Surely you didn't
borrow money from a loan shark." Eva saw the expression on her husbands
face. "Oh my God! You did get money from them. How stupid can you be,

"Eva, this was a sure thing," Hal said, his voice rising. "There was no
way to loose on the deal."

"Yet apparently you did lose." She said the anger and disgust evident in
her voice. "It wasn't such a sure thing. You have thirty thousand dollars
in worthless stock."

"It could still take off," Hal said. "Maybe it's just slow getting

"Slow? Dammit Hal, it's not going to take off. The company went
belly-up and the managers are in South America or somewhere. You couldn't
sell that stock for ten dollars and you know it." She took a couple of
turns around the room and came back to face him. "So, how much trouble are
we in?"

"A lot," Hal Miller said looking at his shoes. "The first loan payment
is due now. Marks is looking for me, and I don't have it."

"How much do you have?"

"About half the two thousand dollars I owe for this week."

"Week?" Eva yelled. "You have to pay two thousand dollars a week? How
much interest are you paying?"

"I don't know for sure. I have to pay two thousand dollars a week for
six months."

"That's forty-eight thousand dollars!" she said. "That's crazy, Hal.
We need to call the cops."

"No, no cops!" Hal said jumping to his feet. "Do you have any idea what
happens to people who blow the whistle on that kind of person? They don't
live to testify. That's what happen to them! The very best case would be,
I get fired."

"Okay, you're right, I suppose," she said in a calmer tone of voice.
"Get your stereo and computer equipment on the market. What else can we
sell or pawn?"

"That stuff might bring enough to pay a couple of weeks," Hal said.
"What will we do after that?"

"Maybe I can get my old job back," Eva said. She had been a secretary
to a man she despised. Jason Newton, an up and coming black man with the
company, had been transferred in to replaced her old boss, who was a nice
older man. Newton was a lecherous man who couldn't keep his hands off of
her. It was an extremely happy day when she told her boss to go to hell
and walked out. "God knows I hate to go beg that low-life bastard for
anything. Can we borrow anything on the house?"

"No, I tried that before I went to Marks. Maybe you can get a job
somewhere else."

"Yeah right," she sneered. "In case you haven't noticed it, the job
market is tight right now. I've had applications out for several months,
and they're not knocking the door down."

"I hate for you to go back to your old job," Hal said. "Maybe..." he
let the thought die. They both knew there was no maybe anything.


"Yeah, sure," Jason Newton said when Eva called him the following
morning. "Maybe we can find you something around here. Do we have your
application on file?"

"No, you don't," Eva said nervously. "If it's necessary, I'll have to
fill one out, I guess."

"Yes, you will have to have an application on file," Newton said. "Tell
you what. I'll bring one when I come to your house for the interview."

"I don't understand," Eva said. "What do you mean, you'll come to my
house for an interview?"

"Now exactly what about that statement don't you understand," Newton
said with a sneer in his voice. "You do want me to come there and conduct
an interview, don't you?"

"I thought I'd come to your office," Eva said. "I..."

"No, that's not the way I do things," Jason Newton said interrupting
her. "I come to your house, and you do everything you can to convince me to
hire you, and I do mean everything. You call back when you are ready for
my personal, and private interview." He hung up the phone.

For a long time Eva just stared at the phone in her hand. Finally she
put it on the receiver and went to splash cold water on her face. "Never,"
she said to herself, over and over again that day. She had convinced
herself that she would never call Jason Newton again.

Eva Miller remained convinced until she saw her husbands battered and
bloody face. He came home, staggering through the front door, holding a
bloody handkerchief to his face.

"Hal, what happened?" she said helping him to a chair in the kitchen.
"You need to see a doctor."

"No," Hal said. "This was a warning from Devon Marks. He and a couple
of his goons stopped me on the way home from work. I had to give them my
car as part payment," he added miserably. "He made me sign the title over
to him."

Eva found the pain pills, left over from a tooth extraction, and gave
them to her husband. She didn't mention her short, but candid,
conversation with Jason Newton. She didn't see the need to add to his
pain. ***

"To tell the truth, Eva," Jason Newton said, "I was surprised that you
called. I figured you wouldn't." They were sitting in the Miller living
room. It was ten o'clock in the morning. "Frankly I'm curious how you
plan to convincing me to hire you. We didn't part on the best of terms,
did we?"

"No Mister Newton, we didn't," Eva admitted. "I was under a lot of
stress then."

"You must be under a lot more to call me, and ask for a job," Newton
laughed. "One hell of a lot."

"My husband and I have incurred a financial reversal since then," Eva
said. "I need a job."

"I see," the black man said slowly. "What was it you called me? Ah
yes, a nigger son of a bitch, wasn't it? I assume you had a change of
heart about that."

"I was hasty and rude," Ave said. "I'm sorry. I never used that word,
and I don't know why I did then."

"Okay, I can understand that," Jason said. "We often say thing in the
heat of the moment that we wish we hadn't. Now go ahead and convince me to
hire you."

"I'm not sure how I can do that," Eva said nervously. "You know my
work. You've seen my job evaluations."

"That's true, Eva," the black man said with a slight smile. "But, I
haven't seen you naked. Why don't you try that?" Even though she had
expected something like it, it still shocked her. She was immovable for a
moment. "I am on a schedule, Eva," Jason said. "If you want the job..."
He let the unfinished sentence hang in the air.

Eva Miller stood and slowly moved away from the sofa. She stopped, her
hand on the top button of her shirt. "If I take off my clothing, you'll
hire me?"

"If you take off your clothes, I'll stay interested," Jason said

Slowly she unbuttoned the shirt and took it off. She was wearing a
black bra. With trembling hands she undid the skirt and let it fall to the
floor. She now was displaying her matching black panties and bra.

"You'll want more, won't you?" she said unsnapping the bra and letting
it fall to the floor.

"Yes," Jason said staring at her breasts. "Much more, Eva." His voice
was husky.

Eva put her thumbs in the waistband of the panties and push them down,
turned facing him directly, and struck a pose.

"How much more, Mister Newton?" she asked.

"All of it, Eva," Newton said. "I want all you have and then some.
Come over here, and take my nigger cock out."

Eva wasn't at all sure her legs would continue to support her as she
made her way to him. She wanted to run, to flee this terrible mess. She
knew she couldn't. She had nowhere to run to. She knelt down between his
legs and reached for him.

She undid his belt and unzipped him. Jason Newton wasn't a large man,
being average height and weight. Eva managed to release his cock. It
wasn't large, maybe average in length and girth, but it was coal black and
very hard. She stroked it a few times. "Do I get the job?" she asked.

"You have a better chance now than you did a moment ago. Suck me."

Eva bent her head and took his hardness into her mouth. When she closed
her eyes it was just like sucking her husband's dick.

Jason Newton let her suck him a few minutes and gently lifted her head
from his glistening black cock. "Now let's get to the main event." He
stood up and pushed his pants the rest of the way off. "Get on your hands
and knees, I'm going to dog fuck you like the bitch you are."

Eva's resolve to not enjoy it, quickly faded when Jason pushed his hard
cock into her. He varied his stroke from very hard and fast to slow and
gentle. Eva felt the orgasm building, and could do nothing to stop it.
When it hit, she moaned, trying to stifle it. She heard Jason Newton

"You like that nigger cock, don't you, Eva? You like this nigger son of
a bitch fucking you don't you?" When she didn't answer, he reached around
under her, and took both nipples between thumb and forefinger, He pinched
hard, causing Eva to have another climax. "I asked you a question, Eva.
Best you answer me. You like my nigger cock fucking you don't you?"

"Yes," Eva said with a moan, pushing back against him. "God forgive me,
but I do."

"Yes, I know you do," Jason said softly. He continued fucking her for
another hour. He kept Eva in a sexual frenzy for the entire time. She had
several big orgasms and a lot of smaller ones. She even had a nice orgasm
when he took her anally, which she normally didn't care for. ***

"Here's the deal," Jason said as he dressed. "You will be paid five
hundred a day. You will be paid in cash, and you won't be part of the
company's benefit package. You will be on call twenty-four, seven. Any

"Yes sir. What are my duties? Who do I work for? How can I be on call
twenty-four hours a day. I have a life, you know."

"You work for me," Jason said tying his tie while looking in the hall
mirror. "Your duties are to please me anyway I might demand. As to your
life...you don't have one without me. I think we both know that. I don't
know, and I don't really care, what trouble you got yourself into, but it
had to be very bad for you to even call me. You, Eva, are my personal
whore. You will fuck, you will suck whenever, and whoever I say. " He
took some bills out of his wallet and lay them on the hall table. "This is
for today and the next couple of days. I'll call you tomorrow, so be
available." He left the dazed and confused woman looking at the closed


Jason Newton called shortly after ten o'clock the following morning.
Eva had been up for a couple of hours.

"Good morning Eva," Jason said brightly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I guess," Eva said. As a matter of fact she had not slept well at
all. Of all the emotions she was feeling, guilt was the strongest.

She had lied to Hal about her working arrangements. When she gave him
the cash, Jason left to pay on the loan. She told him that she had made a
deal to be paid in cash to avoid the income tax. When Hal asked about her
duties and hours, Eva told him that she was hired as a consultant and would
be working odd hours out of her house. Hal was so excited that some money
was coming in, he didn't question her closely. He was just happy he had
enough to make the next payment on his debt.

"I'm happy you got lots of rest," Jason said with a deep chuckle. "I
want you to go to the Brighton Hotel. Do you know where it is?" Eva told
him she knew the location. "I have a suite there. Suite fifteen-sixteen.
I'll meet you there at eleven this morning. We'll have an early lunch."

"Okay," Eva said.

"One other thing, dear Eva," Jason said. "I hate that bush you have
around your pussy. Get rid of it. You can leave a small tuff above your
cunt if you want to. Don't be late."

"Okay," Eva said into a dead phone. She had wrestled with her
inter-self during her wakefulness. She had an opportunity to refuse Jason
Newton, but that had been yesterday, and that opportunity had passed when
she kept the money he left. She was committed until she could figure out
how to raise enough money to pay off the loan shark.

At five minutes until eleven she got off the elevator on the fifteenth
floor of the Brighton Hotel.

"I admire punctuality," Jason said opening the door for her. "Come in
and make yourself comfortable."

"This is your suite?" Eva asked as she looked around the luxurious suit.
It was large, two rooms and a large bath with a dressing room. The suite
was tastefully decorated.

"Actually it belongs to the company," Jason said. "One of the perks of
being in my position. I've ordered a champagne brunch. I hope that will
be satisfactory. We'll get better acquainted while we dine." He left to
answer the door. Soon a white jacketed waiter wheeled a cart into the
front room. The waiter was a young white man and he gave Eva a knowing
look as he prepared the table.

"I'm sure you will enjoy your stay at the Brighton, sir," the waiter
said to Jason as he accepted the twenty dollar tip, and glancing at Eva.

"I'm positive that I shall," Jason said. He too gave Eva a knowing

"You will need to dress more sexy," Jason said to her after the waiter
had gone. "That young man wasn't sure what you were. In the future you
will wear clothing so that there will be no question. No panties, no bra,
and never wear panty hoses. Dresses or skirts that show off your many
charms. Shorts only if they are very short and sexy. Never wear pants."
He poured the wine while he spoke. "In the mean while please remove your
top. I want to see your tits while we eat."

Jason kept small talk going while they ate the brunch. At first, Eva
was self conscious of her bare breasts, but as the meal progressed she got
over it. Jason was relaxed and that helped her. The four or five glasses
of champagne didn't hurt either.

"Eva, I want you to remove the rest of your clothing," Jason said.
"When the waiter comes for the cart, I want him to see all of your charms.
Don't use your hands to cover up. Stand right there in the middle of the

It would have been funny, if Eva had not been so embarrassed. The
waiter's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw the beautiful white
woman standing beside the black man. If the waiter had harbored any
questions about the rendezvous, they were answered now.

"Why was that necessary?" Eva asked when the waiter finally managed to
get the cart out of the door. "It was embarrassing."

"It was necessary to enforce, in your mind, who is in charge. You will
be asked to perform many tasks over the coming weeks. Some will seem
bazaar to you. You need to get used to it. Next time I may ask you to
give the waiter a blowjob." Jason laughed. "Speaking of that, I need a
blow job."

He took off his clothes and lay down on the massive bed. Eva obediently
got on the bed and preformed the requested service. After she had been
sucking on his cock a few minutes he pulled her around into a sixty-nine

"I'm pleased you did as I asked," he said. "Keep the pubic hair gone.
You might want to consider a more permanent solution. Of course we'll pay
for it." Just before his lips latched on to her pussy lips, he said,
"you'll find we are a generous employer." ***

Jason fucked here several times during their stay, causing her to have
numerous orgasms. While she dressed, Jason gave her the instructions for
the next meeting. He told her that she would come to the hotel the next
night at seven o'clock. He told her that he was having a small business
meeting, and she would act as hostess for the meeting.

"This is an important meeting, Eva," Jason told her. He handed her a
key card. "This is for you to keep. You'll be using it a lot," he added
with a leer.

"What are my duties as hostess?' Eva ask.

"You will serve the drinks and snacks that will be here when you
arrive." Jason said. "You will also perform any other service that might
be required of you. When I say services, do you understand what I am

"Yes," Eva said softly. "I'm to have sex with them if they want it. Is
that what you mean?"

"Exactly," Jason said with a smile. "You are a smart lady, Eva. You
catch on quick."

"How many men will be at this meeting?" she asked.

"Two for sure," Jason said. "They are important men who can give our
company a lot of income. I want to have a contract signed by the end of
the evening. If you do your part satisfactorily there will be a nice bonus
for you." He looked sharply at her. "If you don't you will be unemployed

"How...I mean...Which one will...you know?" she stammered

"You ain't as smart as I thought," Jason said with a laugh. "You will
figure it out, I'm sure. I want you to go by the Bon Ton Shop. See a lady
named Mavis. She'll help you pick out some sexy clothes. Don't worry
about the bill. I have a charge account there."

It was nearly three o'clock when Eva left the hotel. She went directly
to the shop where Jason indicated. Mavis was an older lady, and she
apparently knew exactly what Jason wanted Eva to have. Everything was a
lot more revealing than Eva would have ever selected.

"How on earth can I wear something this short without my panties
showing?" Eva asked Mavis, looking at a short dress.

"Simple," Mavis told her with a grin. "You don't wear panties...or a
bra," she added. "You are one of the lucky ones. You have nice full
breasts that doesn't need support...yet." Mavis cupped both of her breasts.
"Gravity took over for me, so I have to have a little help."

After Eva tried everything on, Mavis totaled it up and had Eva sign the
bill. "I take it you work for Mister Newton?"

"Yes," Eva said, her face turning red. She knew what Mavis thought, and
it was true.

"Public relations, I assume," Mavis said with a grin. "You are the
prettiest I've seen."

Eva was surprised, but she knew she shouldn't have been. A lot of
companies use women to smooth the rocky roads of business. She had been
vaguely aware that her company did so. She just never expected that she
would be one of them.

"Let me know if you need any help," Mavis said. "There nothing I like
better than a stiff black dick."

Eva didn't know how to respond, so she grabbed her bags and nearly ran
from the place. She asked herself again how she had gotten into this mess.


When Hal finely got around to asking what she was doing for the company
in her new job, Eva took a page from Mavis.

"I'm working in public relations," she answered. She was nearly
dressed, and not in the attire that Mavis had sent home with her. Eva
planned on being at the hotel in time to change. She wasn't entirely sure
that the dress was even legal for street wear. It barley covered her butt
cheeks. She had the skimpy dress in her briefcase.

"You are sure having to work odd hours," Hal Miller commented. "Seems
strange to me."

"This is the type work that's best done in the evening. Engaging the
clients in a social atmosphere. More deals are made over dinner then in
the conference room." Eva had no idea if that was true or not. It seemed
to her that she had heard that more deals were made on the golf course than
in the boardroom. Either way it sounded good to her.

"Well, the money's good, anyway" Hal said. "What time will you be

"Don't wait up," Eva said checking her makeup. "Mister Newton said
these things go on later. In fact if it too late, I'll stay in the city

"Make them pay for the room if you stay," Hal said. "We don't want it
to come out of your pay."

The callousness of his comment caused her to bite her lip to keep from
jumping down his throat. It was his gross stupidity that got them in the
mess, not her. She managed to gain control of her tongue.

"I'm sure they will," she said giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
"Good night, Hal." *** The hotel staff had stocked the bar and Eva grabbed
a quick drink before the guests arrived. She drank several, and soon she
didn't feel so conspicuous in the short dress. After the third drink she
stopped tugging at the hem.

At ten minutes after seven o'clock, Jason Newton called from the lobby
to tell her they were on the way up to the room. Eva felt her heart rate
speed up. She considered another drink, but wasn't sure she would be able
to function if she did. When the door opened her mouth was so dry she
couldn't form words.

"Eva, this is Donald Griffin. Mister Griffin is the CEO of The Griffin
Group." Griffin stepped forward and took her dainty hand into his massive
paw. Donald Griffin was well over six feet six, and almost as wide. His
head was shaved, and he was the blackest man she had ever saw.

"Please to meet you Eva," Griffin said in a surprisingly soft voice for
such a large man. She managed a smile.

"This gentleman is Wiley Stevens." Jason said, introducing an equally
large man, though not as dark as Griffin. "Mister Stevens is the President
of the Griffin Group. Between them they control eighty two percent of the
stock in their company. What would you like Eva to get you to drink,

"Bourbon neat," Griffin said not taking his dark eyes off of Eva.

"Same, but on the rocks," Stevens said "Might as well make it a double."

Eva breathed a sigh of relief. She could make those drinks without any

"What would you like, Mister Newton?" she asked, surprised that she had
a voice.

"I'll have some bourbon on the rocks also," he said smiling at her.
"And you know better than to call me mister. First names are fine here in
this room." Eva nodded and went to the bar. She knew that all three men
were watching her. She made a conscious effort not to attempt to pull the
dress down. She figured that even if she should be successful, her boobs
would pop out of the top.

"Nice outfit," she heard Griffin said as she walked away.

"Yeah, that's nice," Stevens agreed.

"Ass ain't bad either," Jason added, and they all laughed. The three
men sat down at a round table in the front room. They took off their
jackets, loosened the ties, and got down to business.

Over the next hour, Eva hovered close enough to see if they needed their
glasses refilled, which she did several times. From what she could gather
from their haggling, Jason Newton wanted them to sign an exclusive contract
with his company. The Griffin Group wanted an nonexclusive deal. Jason
cited a lot of figures to prove his point, but none of the numbers seemed
to impress the other two men.

Eva brought fresh drinks and sit them down in front of the men. As she
started to leave, Jason put his arm out and detained her. He pulled her
over and sat her down on his lap while continuing to spout facts and
figures. The other two black men watched him as if they thought he was
going to do something magical. In a sense he did. With one hand he undid
the two top buttons of her dress. He stopped talking long enough to take a
sip of his drink and put the glass to Eva's lips. She had to sip, or have
it spill on her. Jason started talking again about how his company could
do a better job for Griffin, but only if they had an exclusive contract.

"I hear where you're coming from, man," Wiley Stevens said. He was
speaking to Jason but his eyes never left Eva's chest and her almost
exposed breasts. "We can't justify the additional cost to our

Jason nodded and handed Eva the glass of whiskey. She took another sip,
feeling the liquor burn as it went down her throat. Jason undid the last
button, and slid his hand inside her dress. Eva gasped when Jason's
fingers found her nipple. He stroked her breast and played with her nipple
while continuing to discuss business.

"Man if you going to play with that gals tits, let us see what you're
doing," Donald Griffin said softly.

Jason stopped fondling her long enough to pull the dress from her
shoulders, exposing both white plump breasts. Both men locked their eyes
on her breasts.

"What kind of host am I?" Jason said. "Eva, go sit on Donald's lap.
Get rid of that dress while you do."

"Now you're talkin'" Griffin said with a huge smile. "Come on over here

Eva felt like her feet were imbedded in sticky glue as she made her way
to where the big man sat. She let the tiny dress fall to the floor as she
went. When she sat down on Donald Griffin's lap she was dressed in only
her heels, a gold necklace, and a sickly smile. She wanted to run
screaming from the room.

Donald Griffin nuzzled her breasts and lightly pinched her nipples. Eva
felt a slight shudder run through her. Griffin pushed her legs apart and
caressed her clitoris as he played with her breasts. Soon he had a large
finger in her. With his fingers and mouth, he brought her to an orgasm.

"Man, this is one hot chick," Griffin said with a laugh. "Her cunt is
quivering like crazy."

"I know you're the CEO," Wiley Stevens said. "But do you intend on
hoggin' her?"

"No, my brother," Griffins said. "Here you play with her a while." He
lifted Eva off his lap and nudged her toward his business partner. "We
share, don't we?"

Eva settled onto Wiley Stevens lap with less reluctance then with
Griffin. She could feel the sexual excitement building up within her.

"Man these are some fine titties," Stevens said biting down on her
nipple. When she leaned forward2 to ease his bite, her legs opened and
Stevens shoved his middle finger deep in her. He wiggled and thrust it in
and out a few moments, and brought Eva to a racking orgasm. Wiley laughed.
"Man she is hot. It don't take her no time to come."

"She's a good fuck, too," Jason offered. "I ought to know."

"You like black cock, sugar?" Wiley said in her ear. Eva nodded because
she didn't know what else to do. "You want some black cock in your cunt?"
She nodded again. Wiley added another finger to her moist opening and she
came again, this time with a loud moan.

"I'm thinking that our business discussion is over for the night,"
Donald Griffin said to Jason. "I know you want to tell your people
something in the morning. Leave the contracts here and you run on along.
We'll discuss it with Little Eva."

"You want me to leave?" Jason asked. Watching as Wiley Stevens carried
Eva to the bedroom.

"Yeah, I do," Donald Griffin said. "I don't think me and Wiley need you
for anything else. Maybe you'll have a pleasant surprise in the morning.
Little Eva will get her surprise tonight."

"Yeah, sure," Jason said. "I want to remind you that she's really just
a housewife and not..."

"Got it, Jason," Griffin interrupted. "We'll take it easy on her. Now
get the fuck out of here so we can get busy."

After Jason left, Griffin went to the bedroom. His friend and partner
was eating Eva's pussy like there was going to be no tomorrow. Eva was
tossing her head and making whimpering sounds. Griffin chuckled as he got
out of his clothes. This little girl was in for a fucking. ***

Eva woke up with a start. For a moment she didn't know where she was.
It came back to her in a flood of memories. She was in suite
fifteen-sixteen of the Brighton Hotel. She had been ravaged over and over
again by two black men. Fucked was the only word that came to her mind,
because there was no love involved in any of the acts.

Eva lay still, thinking of the night. Both men had large dicks. Larger
than any she had ever seen. Wiley Stevens was the smaller of the two, but
even he was over seven inches long and thick. Donald Griffin was longer by
an inch or so, but not quite as big around. Neither seemed to ever get
completely soft. Even through the whiskey induced haze she could remember
most of the details of the nights activity.

She remember Wiley Stevens performing oral sex on her. He licked and
sucked on her until she came several times. Then while she was being
attended to by Wiley, Donald Griffins got up on the bed and presented his
cock for her to suck. She hesitated only momentarily before taking the
huge cock in her mouth. The time for hesitation had long passed.

Wiley Stevens was the first to fuck her. While Donald Griffin held her
legs open, and Eva sucking Griffin's cock, Stevens put the tip of his cock
in her pussy and shoved it in her with one deep thrust. She came with
flashing lights going off in her head. She tried to yell, but her voice
was muffled by Griffin's black pole in her mouth.

From then on it was one continuous fuck fest, and one continuous orgasm
for the small white woman. They took her one at a time for a while. They
swapped her back and forth between them for a long time. Donald Griffin
was the first of them to take her ass. His large cock hurt at first, but
he was gentle, and soon she adjusted and begun to enjoyed it. It was later
that they doubled teamed her. Donald lay on his back and Eva, facing away
from him, mounted his cock, taking it in her butt. Wiley waited until
Griffin's cock was seated in her, and he got on and fucked her pussy.
During the first double penetration she had an orgasm so strong she blacked
out for a few moments.

As she recalled the events, her hand went down and she stroked her
tender and swollen pussy. She brought herself to a small, but satisfying

"Son of a bitch," she heard Jason's voice shout from the other room.
"They signed it!"

Eva swung her legs off the bed, She realized she was crusted with dried
sperm and some of her muscles were sore. She was still sitting on the edge
of the bed when Jason came into the bedroom.

"They signed," he said again. "They actually signed the fucking
contract. Son of a bitch, you look like hell."

"I feel like hell," Eva groaned. "I need a shower."

"I'll say you do," Jason said grinning as he looked at her nude body.
Her breasts were covered with love bites and there was dried come on almost
every inch of her body, even her hair was matted with come. "You want me
to help wash you?"

"Not this morning, Jason," she said stumbling to the bathroom. "Not
today at all. I've had it for a while."

"I can't believe they signed," Jason said to her back. "You did good,
Eva. Hell of a bonus for you."

"Whatever," she said closing the door on him.


It was Friday morning before Eva heard from Jason . The two days she
had away from him were good in one respect. She had time to workout the
conflicting emotions she felt. She had reached the conclusion that she was
doing what she had to do to keep Hal from being hurt or worse. They should
be able to keep their house and nice furniture they owned. That was good,
but by the end of the second day she was feeling restless. All the cash
that Jason had given her was gone to pay the loan shark.

"How are you feeling," Jason asked when she answered the phone.

"I'm fine, Jason," she answered. She had made up her mind she would not
call him Mister Newton.

"Good. I'm on my way to your house. I should be there in a few
minutes. I have something for you."

"Okay," Eva said. She felt a strange stirring within her. Fifteen
minutes later Jason arrived.

"You look a lot better than the last time I saw you," he said. He took
her in his arms and kissed her deeply. "You looked rough," he added.

"I felt rough," she admitted. "What's going on?"

"Several things," Jason said. "First, the Griffin group has a lot of
good things to say about you. Donald Griffin called me yesterday and he
gushed like a school girl about what a great fuck you are. It appears that
I misjudged you. Frankly I thought you wouldn't go along with the deal. I
thought you would run screaming from the room. I badly underestimated your
ability." He laughed, "I won't make that mistake again. Apparently you
were a hit with Wiley and Donald, and they both have made sure I'm aware of
it. The second thing is your bonus." He took an envelope out of his jacket
pocket and handed it to her. "Here's ten grand for a job well done."

Eva knew her mouth dropped open, and she made an effort to close it.
"Thank you," she said simply.

"You earned it, Eva," Jason said. "That was a multimillion dollar
contract.. They have some more business we can get and I want it. From
what Griffin and Stevens said, they want us to try and get it. Are you

She nodded her head. The bonus would keep Devon Marks away from the
door for a few weeks, but not forever. "Sure why not?" she said.

"Great. I knew I could count on you. How did you like having two men
at the same time?"

It was something that she had given a lot of thought about since that
night. How did she like it? She knew the answer.

"It was okay," she said with a smile she couldn't keep from showing.
"Certainly different."

"Apparently it was a bit better than okay," Jason said with a laugh.
"Donald Griffin said you were begging for more cock before the night hardly
got started, and Wiley told me that you damned near wore them out. You
really got into it didn't you?"

"Yes, I suppose I did. It was a sexual frenzy like I had never even
thought of before. Yes, I liked it. Does that make you happy?"

"It does make me happy," Newton said. "I like the idea that you are
enjoying yourself. Were they hung?" Eva smiled and held her hands up,
about a foot apart. "Bullshit," he laughed. "There are a few super cocks
out there, but not all that many. Wiley Stevens said they have a guy
working for them that has an eleven inch cock. He wants to bring him along
some time. They want to see if you can take it. Next item. Donald wants
some professional photos of you. I've made an appointment for you tomorrow

"What kind of photos?" Eva asked.

"Sexy shots. Wear some of the things you picked up the other day at the
Bon Ton. I'm sure they'll want some topless and maybe some nude shots,
too. Wiley especially likes your boobs. He has a thing about white tits."

"Jason, I'm not sure about that. What if someone I know sees them?"

"So what if they do? Big deal." Jason was taking off his coat. "How
about some of that great head, the boys were talking about? They seemed to
thing you have quiet the talent as a cocksucker."

A little while later, Eva watched from the door as Jason drove away.
With the back of her hand she wiped away the dripping sperm from her chin.
She was surprised that she felt disappointed that Jason had not screwed
her. She had actually been looking forward to it.


That afternoon her husband came home with an anxious expression. When
she asked him what the problem was he told her that he was a couple hundred
dollars short of the loan payment.

"Devon Marks is on his way to collect," Hal said. "He'll be here any

"Don't worry, Hal," Eva said. "I have enough to cover the payment. Let
me have what you have and I'll talk with him." She had no intention of
giving Hal all of the money she had gotten as a bonus. Hal didn't enjoy a
good reputation of caring for money. At least as far as she was concerned.

That suited Hal just fine. Devon Marks sacred the hell out of him, and
Marks bodyguard or enforcer, Burton something, was almost as scary. He
gave Eva what money he had, and told her that he needed to go to the
hardware. He left telling her that he'd be back as soon as he could. Eva
knew he wouldn't be back until the loan shark left. She felt both pity and
disgust for her husband at that moment. ***

When Eva saw Devon Marks and his henchman, she could understand her
husbands fear. Marks was a large imposing white man. Well over six feet
tall, and weighed close to three hundred pounds. His face was a mass of
scar tissue. His companion was about the same size, but black and just as
ugly and frightening.

When Eva answered the door she recoiled in shock and fear at the sight
of the man.

"Where's Hal?" the man growled.

"He had to go out," Eva stammered.

"Did he leave something for me?"

"Yes, he did," Eva said, her voice trembling. "I'll go get it." Marks
opened the storm door and came into the living room. His man came with
him. "Yes, come on in," Eva said unnecessarily. "I'll just be a minute."
She hurried and got the envelope she had put the two thousand dollars in.
When she returned, both Marks and his guard were sitting down. Wordlessly
she handed the big man the envelope. Marks opened it and counted the

"Short," Marks growled.

"No sir, there's two thousand dollars in it. I counted it myself." She
realized that her voice was unnaturally high.

"Yeah, but when I have to come for it, it's extra. Tell me, Honey,
what's a good lookin' woman like you doin' with a looser like Miller?"

"I...er...How much extra?"

"Don't know yet," Marks said with an evil grin. "Depends on how
friendly you are."

"What do you mean?" she asked, knowing exactly what he meant.

"Look Sweet tits, I ain't got time to chitchat with you. My man, Burton
here, likes white women. You make nice with Burt, and I'll not charge
nothing extra for my trip. What do you say to that?"

"I say, no think you," Eva snapped.

"Fine," the man grinned. "You owe me another grand."

"What is I still say no," Eva asked.

"Then I'll run ol' Hal down and beat it out of him." Marks answered.
"Don't make no difference to me."

"Give me back half of what I've paid and forget the extra, and I'll be
very nice to Bert," Eva said. She almost laughed at the surprised look on
Marks ugly face.

"Do it boss," Burton urged. "She's a fine lookin' piece of ass."

"You got a deal, Lady," Marks said taking half of the bills out of the
envelope. "I watch you two. That's part of the deal."

Eva, surprised that she had made the offer, and even more surprised that
he took it, led both men to the bedroom.

"Take everything off," Burt said when they reached the room. "I want to
see you naked first."

Eva slowly took off her clothes. She did it as sinuously as she knew
how. She made a production out of removing her bra and panties. Both men
were sporting a hard-on. She knew this because Burton had removed his
clothes and his cock was standing out straight. Marks kept tugging at his
through his trousers.

Burton had a large cock, about the size of Donald Griffin's, except
Burt's cock had a bend in it. She smiled in secret amusement, thinking
that Bert's dick looked like it was looking around to the side. A short
while later that smile was wiped from her face. Bert was a rough lover.
Luckily she was aroused, and well moistened when Bert took her, otherwise
she would have been hurt. He didn't hesitate, he just slammed his cock
into her with no gentleness or finesse. He hammered away for about ten
minutes, bringing her to a nice climax. When he got ready to come, he took
his cock out of her pussy, whipped the condom off and came profusely on her
face. While Marks and Burton watched she used her hand and gathered the
sperm off of her face and licked her hand clean. That caused Marks to
laugh loudly.

"You are somethin' else," Marks said. "We'll see you next week."

After the two thugs left, Eva sat down in the living room floor and
cried. Not so much for what she had done, but for how easy it had been for
her to do it.


"How come you didn't mention that Marks charged extra when he had to
come get his money?" she asked Hal when he came home an hour later.

"Huh? He never mentioned it before," Hal said. "How much extra? Did
you pay it?"

"Yes, Hal, I paid it," she said. "I took care of it, so don't worry
about it."



Saturday morning at ten o'clock she arrived at the photography studio.
The photographer was a middle aged black man who seemed friendly.

"Okay Eve," the photographer said. "I'm Mike. Mister Newton told me
exactly what we're working toward. He said you would bring a few changes,
but I have a few things that might work. Have a cup of coffee, and we'll
get started pretty soon. My assistant is running a little late. I'm
teaching him the ropes, so I really want him to be here when we start. You
don't mind do you, dear?"

"My name is Eva, and no, I don't mind waiting. In fact I could come
back some other time. Why don't we do that? I'll call and reschedule next

"No need for that," Mike said with a grin. "I know you are a little
nervous and that's okay. You just hang in here with me, and we'll get
through it together. Mister Newton told me you were new to the business.
You're going to love your pictures. Ah, here's my man now. Sammy, come
over here and meet Eve. Eve this is Sammy." Eva looked at the new arrival.
He was a tall, young, coffee colored black man with a friendly face and a
big smile.

"Hi." Eva said holding out her hand. "I'm Eva. Do you play

Sammy laughed as he took her hand. "No I don't. Eve. Everybody asks
me that. I'm black and I'm nearly seven feet tall, so I guess it's a
natural assumption. The absolute truth is, I'm as clumsy as anybody you
ever saw. I have zero coordination, and I can't shoot a basket worth a

"Major waste of black, ain't it?" Mike said with a grin. "Basketball's
loss is photography's gain. This man is going to be a major player in the
portrait business one of these days. The dressing room is right back
there, Eve. Go change into your first outfit. We'll get the lights set

"My name is Eva," she said. "What do you want me to wear first?"

"It don't matter to us, Eve," he said. "Anything you got will be fine."

"My name is.Oh, never mind. I'll be out in a minute." She went down the
hall to the room he had identified as a dressing room. She took out of her
bag, a short white skirt with a middy blouse.

"Oh wow," Sammy said when she came into the studio. "That is one hot
looking outfit."

"Thank you kind sir," she said aware that she had blushed at his
complement. "You'll have to tell me what to do. I haven't had pictures
made since graduation."

"We'll start out slow," Mike said. "Come over here and stand right
there." He pointed to a place on the floor. For the next ten minutes Mike
directed her in posing while Sammy took the pictures. After a while Mike
sent her to change. She returned a few minutes later in the short, short
dress without panties or bra. Again Mike directed, and Sammy took the
photos. She made two more changes for two more sets.

"Okay," Mike said when the last set was over. "Go change back into the
little white skirt. There's a white pull over shirt hanging on the rack.
Wear it with the skirt. You need to freshen up your makeup a little. When
you come back, come to the next room. We'll be set up in there. Oh, and
Eve, don't wear no underwear."

When she came back and found the room, she was surprised to see that the
set was a bedroom, complete with a bed and other bedroom furniture.

"Okay, sweetie," Mike said. "Go stand by the bed. I want you to put
one hand on the bedpost and look right at the camera." She did as he
directed and Sammy took several shots. "Now put your right knee up on the
bed," a few more shots. "Get up on the bed, near the middle, on your
knees." Sammy moved the camera and took some more shots.

"Now, Eve, grab the shirt and bunch it up.higher Sweetie.higher still.
Show us a lot of skin. That the way...bring it on up some. Don't look
down. Look right at the camera. That's right.show us one breast.on up a
little higher.now the other one, Eve.bring the shirt right on up over the
top of your breasts.that's what I'm talkin' about. Take the shirt right on
off.That good.toss it off the bed.Great set! Okay, Eve, relax right there
and let ol' Sammy reload his cameras. That was a great set and if you
don't mind me saying so, you got a great set, too. You sure you never did
this before?" He came around beside her and piled the pillows together.

"No, never," Eva said. There was a slight tremor in her voice as the
excitement grew. She knew that it was only a matter of time that she would
be told to expose all of her body to the camera lens and to the eyes of
these two black men. She knew she would do it. She knew she wanted to do

"Well, ain't we lucky, Sammy. We got us a natural here. Okay Eve,
Sammy's ready to go again. I want you to lay back on the pillows.that's it
lay back and smile at the camera.Bring your right hand up and cup your
right breast.that's it slowly.slowly now.bring your left hand up and caress
both tits.that's it.keep it up.pinch your nipples a little.there you
go.good." As Sammy moved to the side more, Mike moved back toward the foot
of the bed.

"Bring you left knee up.that's it sugar.a little higher.spread your legs
open some more. Just hold it there. Let's let Sammy get back here and
shoot some from this angle. You have enough light in there, Sam?"

"Yeah, it looks good to me," the photographer said without removing his
eye from the view finder.

"Okay, we want a good shot of her pussy. Eve, spread your legs some
more and pull that skirt up.that's good.that real good. Spread your legs
even more, Sugar.Pull that skirt on up.more.push your tits together.that's
it.that's it. Okay Eve take your right hand and reach down and cup your
pussy.that's a girl.that's it. Okay now use two fingers and spread your
pussy lips.wider. That's great, Baby," Mike said. "Slide the skirt on off
and get rid of it."

Eva was starting to perspire a little. She knew it wasn't all from the
hot bright lights either. She felt wicked, wanton, laying on the bed with
her legs wide open, and with two black men watching her. As Mike directed
her movements she stroked her wet pussy, pinched and pulled on her nipples.
She knew before she touched herself that she was wet with her natural
lubricants. Eva wasn't exactly sure when the two men changed jobs. She
suddenly noticed that Mike was behind the camera, and Sammy was beside the
bed. She also noticed that Sammy had taken off his clothes.

"Come on Baby," Sammy whispered to her, "Work that pussy good. Get
yourself off with your fingers.come on Baby, do it for me. Finger fuck

Eva did as he instructed her. She felt the bed move as Sammy got on it.
She opened her eyes and saw that he was on his knees beside her, his cock
about an inch from her mouth.

"Keep fingering yourself," Sammy said. "While you do, suck my cock."

Eva rolled her head slightly to reach his hard black cock. It was
nearly as large as Donald Griffin's had been. She had sucked him for a few
minutes when he said softly, "What do you want Eve?" She didn't answer him,
instead sucked harder on his ebony rod. "Tell me, Eve," Sammy said, "what
do you want?"

"I have what I want," she said, taking her mouth from his cock, her
voice husky with passion. "I have your cock."

"Is that the only place you want my cock?" he asked.

"No," she said lifting her head.

"Tell me what you want me to do," Sammy said, his voice husky also.

"I want you to.I want.Fuck me, God dammit. I want you to fuck me."

"You want me to put my black cock in your cunt and fuck you?"

"Yes! Yes, put it in my cunt and fuck me!" she said. "Do it now Sammy.
Fuck me, please." Sammy quickly changed his position and got between her
spread legs. He used his hard cock to tease her pussy. "Come on," she
urged, "Come on and fuck me. Stick it in and.ahhh, God that feels good."
Sammy pushed his stiff pole into her pussy all the way to his balls.
"Ohhh, that's feels so good."

Sammy fucked the young wife while she lay on her back until he brought
her to two racking orgasms. He got her up on her knees and rammed his hard
cock into her from behind, going even deeper than he had been. She had an
immediate orgasm followed by several smaller ones. She had closed her eyes
and when she opened them again she wasn't at all surprised when she saw a
naked Mike standing across the bed from her. He was watching her, and
stroking a monster cock.

Mike's cock was an easy nine inches long, but looked even larger due to
the massive girth. His cock was as big around as a beer can. While Sammy
pounded her from behind, Mike got up on the bed and presented his cock to
her. Eva didn't hesitate to attempt to take his cock in her mouth.

"You want some of that meat in your cunt, Eve?" Mike asked. "You want
me to fuck you until your eyes cross?" Eva nodded her head without removing
his monster cock from her mouth. "Then I won't disappoint you, Sweetheart.
Let's switch, Sammy."

The two men changed places and Mike put Eva on her back at the edge of
the bed. Sammy pulled her legs back and spread them for his boss. Mike
kept both feet on the floor, and he pushed his cock until the head popped
into her sloppy pussy.

Eva heard a woman screaming, and suddenly realized it was her that was
screaming in the throes of passion. She was coming hard, and the man only
had the head of his cock in her. The older man pushed one inch at a time
in her. Each time he withdrew and plunged a little deeper. Eva came with
each plunge. It took over ten minutes for Mike to get all of his heavy
weapon into the woman. She had never felt so full. She felt like the
sides of her vagina would stretch no farther, and she could feel the tip of
his cock touching her cervix. The orgasms came in rolling waves, one right
behind another, endlessly.

Sammy opened her anal cavity and fucked her there. Mike tried, but
couldn't get his massive member in her butt. That failure caused him to
attack her pussy with a vengeance. He pounded her like a man processed,
causing Eva to reach a new orgasmic high. For the next hour the two men
swapped her back and forth between them.

Eva got home that Saturday afternoon just after two o'clock. Hal was
watching a ball game on TV.

"Hey Eva, Grab a beer and come on in here and watch the game with me,"
Hal yelled.

"Okay," she called back. "I need to grab a shower first. I'll be out
in a little while."


Sunday heralded the arrival of Eva's monthly visitor. She told Jason
Newton, when he called Monday morning that she was out of commission for a
few days. Newton, like a lot of men, didn't have a firm grasp on the
details of the menstrual cycle or any part of the female system, simply
told her to call when everything was all right again.

By the time Eva called Jason Newton on Monday morning, she was feeling
something out of the ordinary for her. She was horny. The week of sexual
inactivity had been difficult for her.

"Are you back in business?" Jason said coming on the line.

"Yeah, I guess so," she answered.

"I'll come on out to your house. I have something to show you."

"I'll just bet you do," Eva said with a laugh.

"Well, that, and some great photos, too. I'll see you in about an


"Wow, these are good," Eva said looking at the stack of eight by ten

"Wait until you get on down in there," Jason said.

She didn't have many more glamour shots to look at before she came to
the x rated photos.

"Oh my God," she said looking at the color photographs of her having sex
with Sammy and Mike. "I can't believe I did that."

"Apparently you did," Jason said. "I have a DVD of you too. Want to
see it?"

"How did they do that?" she asked. "I didn't see any video stuff."

"Mike had three cameras set up," Jason said taking the disk out of his
pocket. "This is one hot disk. Donald Griffin called me day before
yesterday. He had just got his copy. He's on his way here to get with you

"When?" Eva asked.

"Tonight," Jason said with a grin. "I'm going to hold out for another
contract. You'll be there to tease them into signing. You want to see
this?" he asked holding up the disk.

"Yeah, sure," she said. "We have a DVD player hooked up to the TV in
the bedroom."

Eva watched, transfixed, totally mesmerized, as the well edited show
unfolded. It showed her going through the various changes in dress as
Sammy snapped picture after picture of her. Eva was only half aware when
Jason took her shirt off and begin to play with her breasts. When the
video got to where Sammy climbed onto the bed and she sucked him while
fingering herself, she was breathing hard.

Jason got off the bed and took his clothing off. Eva didn't take her
eyes off the TV even when Jason completely disrobed her.

"Scoot around and get on your knees," Jason said. "You can watch while
I eat you. I've seen it four or five time, so I don't need to see it right

Eva did as he asked. Jason's tongue went deep inside her and she came.
She came again when the video got to the part where Mike put his huge cock
in her. It wasn't long until she was demanding that Jason fuck her.

While Jason fucked her doggy style, she continued to watch the
debauchery on the screen. Being fucked while watching herself get doubled
teamed by two black men was the wildest thing she had ever done. Eva had
never even imagined anything so weird and wonderful.

Later Eva and Jason lay on the bed and watched the video again. They
shared a joint.

"I haven't smoked pot since college." Eva said. She was feeling giddy.

"This is some fine shit," Jason said. "Anyway, you know the schedule
for tonight?"

"Sure," she answered waving her hand through the curling smoke. "I'm
going to arrive at nine o'clock. You are going to meet with them at seven
o'clock, and make your pitch. I come in and close the deal. Is that it?"

"In it's simpler form," Jason agreed. "Man, you were flying by this
time weren't you?" He was pointing at the video still on the TV.

Eva managed to get focused on the TV, and saw it was at the part where
Sammy was butt fucking her. "Yeah, ol' Sammy liked my tushie," she
giggled. "Poor Mike couldn't get that big black dick in my tushie. He was
so disappointed."

"Yeah, poor Mike," Jason said. "I'm so very sorry. I find it hard to
feel much sympathy for a dude that's got a cock that's too fucking big."
Jason laughed uproariously for a moment then abruptly sobered. "We need to
talk about what's expected tonight, Eva."

"What do we need to talk about?" she said watching the TV screen. Mike
was just handing her off to Sammy again. "I show up and wiggle my butt,
and then Donald Griffin and Wiley Stevens will screw me. Wiley likes my
Tushie, too."

"Everybody likes your ass, Eva," Jason said. "There is one thing you
should know. Donald Griffin will be there tonight. I'm talking about
Donald senior. They call him Big D. Big D is the chairman of the board of
Griffin Group."

"You are k**ding me?" she said raising up in her elbow. "He's bringing
his father to an sex party?" She giggled, "How funny."

"Apparently so," Jason said. "Young Donald was showing the photos
around and the old man saw them. He wants in on the action. So there will
be three men there tonight. Think you can handle all three?"

"Sure, what can one old man do, anyway. You about ready to go again?
This stuff is getting to me."


Donald senior was an older, blacker, and larger version of his son. He
carried his age well. If it wasn't for the sprinkling of grey hair, Eva
would have guessed they were brothers.

Eva walked into the suite at five minutes until nine. She was wearing a
short white skirt and a sparkly tube top that just barely covered her
boobs. She also had on high heels.

"Well now look what we have here," the elder Mister Griffin said,
standing up as she entered the room. "I'm sure you've been told it before,
but girl you are a sight for sore eyes.

"Well now, aren't you the smooth talker," Eva said walking over to him,
holding out her hand.

"They call me Big D," the older man said, taking her hand and holding
it. "Your pictures do not do you justice, young lady. I think you know my
son and Wiley Stevens."

"I certainly do," Eva said smiling at the other two men. "Always a
pleasure. I hope your business meeting has been productive." She glanced
at Jason Newton who shook his head. "I'll just wait at the bar until your
business is completed. Can I get anyone anything?" She had intended to be
Miss Cool. Maybe tease the boys a bit, but the presents of Big D put a
damper on that. He was imposing and somewhat intimidating.

"Yeah, a double Black Jack with ice," Big D said. "I'm thinking we are
about through here. All that remains is for Mister Newton to give in on a
few details, and we'll sign."

"I wish I could," Jason said, sadly shaking his head. "I've made all
the concessions I can. The board of directors may run me off as it is."

Eva brought Big D his drink and exaggerating her hip movement, strolled
back to the bar. She was aware that every eye followed her. Eva listened
only with half her attention as they haggled on for another ten minutes.
She watched Big D as he negotiated. Of the four he was by far the better
looking, and certainly the most impressive. He reeked of power and

"Okay, I'm tired of all this talk," Big D said. "I'll have the boys
sign off on the deal with one stipulation."

"And what would that be?" Jason said.

"I want you to send Eva down to me for the whole weekend," The big man
said. "This coming weekend."

"I agree to do that, and you take the deal as it is?" Jason said.

"You got it, boy," Big D said with a grin. "You need to get on the
phone and find some company for Don and Wiley. I don't think I want to
share tonight."

"I don't have a problem with that," Jason said. He glanced at Eva and
saw that she was paying close attention to the conversation. "You realize
that Eva is not a professional?"

"Hell yes I know that," Big D said. "If she was, I wouldn't even
consider it. I know what she is." He looked at Eva, "She ain't a whore,
she's a slut. I know the difference, Jason."

"Wait just a minute Pop," Donald Griffin said. "I didn't agree to
nothing like that. I though we were going to share her with you."

"That was before I saw her in person," Big D said softly. He looked
back at Eva and continued, "I don't mind sharing her, but not tonight, boy.
Tonight, Eva and I will get acquainted. Isn't that right Eva?"

"You're the boss," Eva said. It had not taken but a few minutes to see
that he really was the boss. Big D was a man in charge. She did feel a
little disappointed that Donald and Wiley would not be there. She was
honest enough with herself to admit she had been looking forward to the two
studs using her body again.

"Damn, I was sure looking forward to some more of her pussy," Donald the
younger said shaking his head. "This sucks Pop."

"Yeah, I know it does," the older man said. "I'll bet Jason is on the
phone right now getting some pussy lined up for you boys. We do have a
couple details to get worked out."

Jason lay his cell phone down, "Company's on the way," he announced.
"Mister Griffin, we have a deal. You'll get Eva next weekend. What

"Stingy bastard probably won't let us have any pussy then, either,"
Wiley Stevens muttered.

"Now that ain't so, Wiley," Big D said. "I'll share her ass with all
you boys next weekend. That's a promise. I just need to make sure that
Miss Eva knows what she's getting into." He went over to the bar and took a
stool beside her.

"You'll find out I don't do nothing second class," he said to her. "I'm
first class all the way. When I introduce you to my friends, they'll
expect first class. You understand what I'm saying?"

Eva nodded her head. "I think I do."

"I don't want no 'I think', Sweetie. What I'm saying is, when I say
suck, you suck. When I say fuck, you fuck. I'm bringing you down to
entertain my friends. If you can't, or you're not willing, say it now."

"I am willing," Eva said. "I don't want to be hurt, though. I don't
want to be tied up or anything like that."

"We don't do that shit," Big D said. "We pretty much straight sucking
and fucking. You can expect a gangbang. Ever had one of those?"

"No sir," Eva said. "Two men at a time is all I've had."

"I can tell from the pictures I saw that you like black cock. That was
obvious. You going develop a real hankering for black cock very soon, if
you ain't already. You mess around on your hubby?" The change of direction
caught her by surprise.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I don't understand what you're asking."

"Besides from working for Jason Newton, you fuck around? I have a
reason for asking."

"No sir, I don't," she said her face turning red from anger. Who was
this man to ask such a question?

"Good," Big D said. "That settles it then. I want to keep you
exclusively in our little group. I'll send the company plane up next
Friday to pick you up. We'll work out the times later. Now you boys get
on about your business."

"You mean you ain't even going to let us watch?" Wiley asked.

"You want these boys watching us, Eva?" Big D said. He reached his big,
ham-like hand over and caressed her breast. "You want them to see you when
I spread your legs and ram a big chunk of meat in your cunt?" He slipped
the tube top down exposing her white breasts. "Would you look at them pink
nipples." Big D tweaked both nipples, causing her to set up straight on the
stool. "You want them to see me bite down on these pink nipples? You want
them to see when I shove my cock in your ass?" He slipped one hand under
her skirt and went straight for her clit. He tugged at her erect clitoris
roughly, causing her to have a small climax. "You want these boys to see
me fuck you, Eva?"

"I don't care," she said softly with a catch in her voice. "I really
don't care."

"Stand up, little one," Big D said. When she did she could see just how
big the man was. The top of her head only came to the middle of his
massive chest. Big D took her top and her skirt off, living her naked
except for her heels. "Yessss," Big D hissed, looking at her nude body.
"Very nice indeed. Walk out a little ways, and come back to me," he
instructed. Eva did as he said. The other men in the room ceased to
exist. They were totally forgotten. When she returned he made a turning
motion with his hand for her to turn around. When she did, he told her to
bend over. Again she did as she was instructed. Big D ran his hands over
the smooth white globes of her derriere, letting his finger caress her
puckered rectum, and then go even deeper into her moist slit. The image of
a slave trader came to her mind as he made his inspection of her private
parts. She recalled a movie that Hal had brought home where the plantation
owner inspected the female slaves in much the same manner. This was a
complete reversal of that scene.

"I want you to kneel before me and take my cock out," Big D demanded.
He did not speak loudly, but there was command in his voice. She did as he
ordered. She leaned back in shock when she liberated the big man's cock
from his pants. It was larger than any she had seen. Big D's cock was
only partially hard, and yet it seemed to have some kind of life of it's
own. She grasped it in one hand, but could not completely encompass the
giant black cock as it pulsated in her hand.

"Oh my God," she breathed. "Does it get any larger?"

"Some," Big D said with a smile. "It will get harder. Suck it, little

Eva managed to get the head of his cock in her mouth, but she knew she
couldn't keep it there very long without her jaw cramping. She quickly
discovered that it was a lot easier to lick it like an ice cream cone while
stroking it. Big D seemed to accept that instead of outright sucking.
While she licked and stroked his cock she was aware that she was
lubricating like crazy. She could feel the moisture leaking out of her.
She could also feel his ebony rod become rigid.

"You didn't ask, but it's ten and a quarter inches long and six inches
in circumference," Big D said proudly as he looked down at the woman.
"Other women have felt obligated to measured it."

Eva didn't doubt the measurement for an instant. Big D was carrying one
hell of a package. If she had not already accommodated Mike, she would
have been frightened of the huge cock. Now she felt only eager
anticipation. Her only fear was that he wouldn't be able to keep the
monster up. She discovered that it was an unreasonable fear.


When Eva awoke she knew immediately where she was. She also knew that
she had been well fucked by Big D. She smiled as she thought about the
events of the previous night and early morning. It was just after four
o'clock when Big D left her.

Big D proved to be a man that knew how to please a woman. He obviously
took pride in that knowledge. He took her gently the first time. He also
took her bareback. Big D told her that he never wore a condom.

"I want to feel my skin on yours," he told her during one of the
infrequent breaks. "When I put my cock in your cunt, I want to feel every
little detail. I want you to feel me, too. That's why I wanted to know if
you fooled around on your old man. From now on you fuck nobody but me,
your husband, and whoever I say. Don and Wiley are okay and I figure you
have to fuck Jason and that's okay as long as everybody else wears a
rubber. I have a doctor on my payroll that will do a blood test for you
every couple of weeks just to be on the safe side. Doc is a friend of
mine, and he'll want to fuck you, so let him."

"Really?" she said.

"Yes really," Big D said. "You are going to have a ball next weekend."

"Tell me about it." she prompted.

"You'll get down there sometime Friday afternoon." Big D said, teasing
her nipple. "I'll meet you and we'll go to my hotel suite. It's bigger
and nicer than this dump. We'll go have a nice dinner, and then you and I
will come back to the room and you'll meet some of my friends. We'll all
play with you some, and then we'll get serious about fucking you. You'll
get fucked in your pussy, your ass and your sweet little mouth by all of
them. One at a time, two at a time and three at a time. We call that
making you airtight. A cock in your pussy, your ass and mouth at the same
time. I'll try to have Frog there Friday night, but if not you'll meet him
Saturday for sure."

"Who or what is Frog?" Eva asked. She was tugging on his semi erect
cock which was beginning to get hard again.

"Me and Frog go back a long ways," he said. "We grew up together. He
has a cock that makes mine look small. You won't be able to take but maybe
half of it, but you'll have a good time trying. You'll have to take him
bareback, because they don't make a rubber big enough for him, but he's
clean. Saturday night you'll be the focal point of a gangbang."

"It sounds like there'll be a gangbang Friday night," Eva said. She
shivered a little thinking about it.

"Naw, that will be Don, Wiley, me and a couple more guys. Maybe Frog.
Saturday night I'll have fifteen or maybe twenty guys there to fuck you."
Big D looked closely at her. "Does that scare you, or does it excite you?"

"Both, I guess," she answered honestly. "Maybe a little bit more scare
than excited."

"That's good," he said. "That will make the whole thing more
electrifying for you. Just remember, I'll be there, and I won't let you
get hurt."

Big D rolled over and shoved her legs apart. He required her to put his
cock in her. She did so gladly.

As Eva lay on the bed and pondered these thoughts, she let her hand
slide down to her clit. She wondered if she was turning into some kind of
depraved sexual pervert. It seemed that the deeper she went into this life
style, the deeper she wanted to go. The more sex she got the more she

Eva thought about Big D as she played with herself. He was a powerful
man on so many levels. He was a commanding figure on and off the bed. She
didn't even think to refuse his demands or even to question them. When he
told her that he wanted her to lick his ass, she complied. When he told
her to lick and suck on his balls, she complied. When he told her to
finger fuck herself while he watched her, she didn't hesitate to do so.
There was nothing that he demanded of her that she wasn't willing to do.
Eva found herself with mixed feelings about the coming weekend. There was
a sense of sexual excitement and adventure, but also there was a sense of


Several times during the days preceding the weekend, she almost told Hal
what she was doing for the company. She wanted to confess that she was a
whore for Jason Newton, but each time she changed her mind, and didn't tell
him. She reasoned that if she did tell him, it would only be to hurt him
because of what he had done to put her in that position. Eva just wasn't
mean enough to put that kind of hurt on her husband. She didn't mention
that she was going out of town until Thursday night.

"Oh, did I tell you that I was going to fly to Memphis this weekend?"
she said to Hal. She was having that feeling that she needed to tell him
everything again.

"No you didn't," he said. They were getting ready for bed. "When?"

"I'll catch a plane tomorrow afternoon. I should be back Sunday night."

"Tomorrow?" Hal said his alarm apparent. "I don't have enough to pay
Marks. Do you have any money?"

"I took care of it this afternoon," Eva said. That statement completely
erased the need to confess. "I took it to him."

"Oh," Hal said. "I see. You paid him. I mean you gave it directly to

"Yes Hal," Eva said sharply. "I put it into his hand."

"I'm not so sure you should have anything to do with a man like that,"
Hal said.

"Fine with me," she snapped. "Next week, you pay him."

"Why don't you mail it to him?" he suggested.

"Mister Marks doesn't take a check, and I don't think mailing that much
cash is very smart." Eva had to bite her tongue to keep from telling Hal
what all she had to do to pay Devon Marks. This time Marks wasn't content
just to watch Bert fuck the young white woman. He made Eva suck him while
Bert fucked her from behind. Also neither man was in a hurry that time,
and they kept her busy for over an hour. She had to give Devon Marks a
hand job before she could leave. Eva smiled, remembering how such a big
man could have such a small dick. Devon Marks wasn't as big as Hal. She
guessed that Marks only had a four inch dick.

"I don't want you going to him," Hal said almost in a whine. "Make him
come to you."

"It cost's more if he has to come after it," she said. "Besides, you
want the neighbors seeing him here?"

"No, I guess not," he muttered. "I still don't like it."

"Then you take care of it," she snapped. "Goodnight."


Eva was surprised at the size of the private jet. It was huge with
three engines. She was even more surprised that Big D was on board.

"Hi," she said. "I wasn't expecting you to be here."

"I didn't want you to get lonely," the big man said with a smile. "Come
on back and strap in. We'll be in Memphis in about an hour and a half.
Becky will get you a drink when we get airborne."

Becky, the flight attendant, was an attractive, creamed colored black
woman in a uniform that no major airline would dare allow. It was a
naughty short red skirt and a white blouse. Becky obviously wore no bra or

"Welcome aboard," the young black woman said. "We'll be flying in no
time. What would you like to drink?"

"Bring us champagne," Big D said. "The good stuff."

Soon the big jet punched a hole in the sky and leveled off. Becky
brought a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket. Eva was impressed with the
décor of the jet. Lavish and very tasteful.

"Our flying time to Memphis will be about an hour and a half," Beck told
them. "Do you wish to be left alone, sir?"

"No, not necessary," Big D said. "Nothing will be going on here that
you haven't seen before. Sit down and we'll all get better acquainted."
When the young woman had sat down beside him, Big D told Eva, "Becky has
worked for our company since she was in high school, isn't that right

"Yes sir," Becky said with a big smile. "I flew on weekends, holidays,
and vacations since I was a junior in high school. I went to flight
attendants school after high school to see how wrong I had been doing
things." She laughed. "It was mostly all wrong, I discovered." She leaned
forward to look at Eva, "How long have you worked for the Griffin Group?"

"I don't really work for Griffin," Eva said, unsure how to answer the

"Eva is on loan from another company," Big D explained. "Maybe we can
convince her to come with us, huh? Eva, Becky has the most spectacular
tits. Show her your tits, Becky."

The young woman unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it apart. Her breasts
were two perfectly shaped cones with large puffy nipples, decorated with
gold nipple studs. Eva was amazed. She had never seen anything quite like
them. Big D took one of the petit cones in his big hand and fondled it.
Eva could see the nipple harden as he did.

"Tell Eva how we met, Becky," Big D said. "It's an interesting story."

"When I was fifteen," Becky said arching her back as Big D pulled on her
breast, "I tried to talk Big D out of punishing my older brother. He stole
some things that belonged to Griffin Company and sold them. He did it to
get some money for my mother to have an operation. Anyway, I went to see
Mister Griffin to beg him not to have my brother arrested."

"Tell her what you offered in exchange," Big D said.

"I offered him my virginity," Becky said with a smile. "He took my
offer, but the mean old thing made me wait until I was eighteen before he
took it. He took my cherry on my eighteenth birthday."

"I may operate close to the line," Big D said to Eva, "but I don't fuck
c***dren. I don't allow anybody who works for me to fuck k**s either."

"You have no idea how hard it was to stay a virgin for those three
years," Becky said with a laugh. "God, I thought I would die. Big D and
the others would let me watch them have sex with other women. They would
let some of the women have oral sex with me. Big D would have oral sex
with me, but no man penetrated me until I turned eighteen. That was a long
three years, I can tell you."

"Was it worth the wait?" Big D teased. He had her blouse completely off
and was tugging at the gold studs in her nipples.

"Oh yes," Becky groaned. " It was worth it, but still hard. I saw more
sex in those three years than most any ten girls would. In fact, I tried
to get some of the guys to screw me, but they knew Big D would have their
ass if they did."

"Wow," Eva said. "You had to watch people having sex, but couldn't
participate? That had to be hard."

"It was damned hard," Beck said laughing. "I did get to do things.
Anything except actually have intercourse. I sucked some of the men. I
got ate by both men and women, but I didn't get any dick in me until Big D
took my cherry."

"How long ago was that?" Eva asked. "You don't look much older than
eighteen now."

"I turned eighteen three months ago," Becky said with a smile. "Two
days after I graduated from flight attendant school."

"Little bitch has been making up for lost time ever since," Big D said
gruffly, but with affection. "Fucks anything with a cock."

"I do not," Becky said. "I'm very selective, and you know it." Eva
could see that the young black woman was turned on from Big D's fondling.

"Eva, have you ever had sex with a woman?" Big D asked abruptly.

"No, not really," Eva admitted, her face blazing. "My best friend in
high school and I fooled around some, but we never.you know."

"Get undressed," Big D ordered her. "You've waited long enough for that
pleasure. Becky is an accomplished cunt lapper, aren't you Becky?"

"I've been told, I'm very good," Becky admitted without any trace of
shame. "I would love to eat you, Eva."

Eva slowly began to remove her shirt. When she saw Big D's scowl, she
hurried the process and was soon naked, except for her heels. Big D deftly
removed the arm rests from the plush seats. Unsure what was expected of
her Eva sat back down. Becky advanced on her. The tawny young woman was
now totally nude.

Before Eva could think, Becky had her head between Eva's legs. It
didn't take long before Eva was twitching and jerking as Becky's tongue did
a dance routine on her clit.

"Ohhhh, that feels good," Eva heard someone yell. It took a moment for
her to realize that it was her voice that was yelling and encouraging Becky
to keep it up.

"You like that?" Big D asked softly his lips near Eva's ear.

"Oh God yes!" Eva said. "I love it. She's so good."

"Yeah, Little Becky is mighty good at eatin' pussy. You ready to suck
her cunt?" Eva wasn't sure she was ready for it, but she nodded her head
anyway. Big D told Becky to get into the sixty-nine position with Eva.
When Becky got repositioned and lowered her hairless pussy down to Eva's
waiting lips. Eva closed her eyes and warily stuck her tongue out to taste
the young woman who had Eva's clit between her teeth.

Eva was surprised a how good the woman tasted. Just the tiniest bit
salty with a delightful tang. Eva truck her tongue even deeper to taste
all of the woman. She quickly found that she was doing the exact same
thing to Becky that Becky was doing to her pussy. Nip for nip, lick and
suck for lick and suck, and soon both women came at nearly the same

Big D got in the game by having Eva set down on his cock while Becky
sucked on Eva's clitoris. After a while he had the women switch places.
The three people worked as many positions and combinations as possible in
the confines of the sleek aircraft. Eva particularly enjoyed sucking on
Becky's petit cone shaped breasts. She managed to get all of one of the
young black woman's breast in her mouth. Becky seemed to enjoy the
experience also. By the time the jet landed all three of the players had
climaxed several times.

"Thank you for making my first time with another woman so grand," Eva
told the woman. "That was a wonderful experience."

"No, thank you," Becky said, smiling at Eva. "I enjoyed it also. I'm
sure I'll see you again before you go home. I've been invited to the party
tomorrow night." She winked at Eva. "I'm looking forward to it."

Big D's limo took them to a large hotel in the heart of Memphis. On the
ride from the airport, Big D insisted Eva tell the story of how she got
into the life style she was living.

By the time the limo got to the hotel Eva had told him all about the
circumstances of her life. She was a little surprised when Big D wrote
down the name of the stock her husband had so stupidly bought. He asked
her to repeat the name of the loan shark. He asked her to spell Devon
Marks name.


Big D had not exaggerated his claim. The Griffin suite was larger and
more lavishly furnished. Where Jason Newton's suite had two rooms and a
bath, the Griffin suite had four rooms and two baths and a Jacuzzi. Big D
directed the bellman to put Eva's bags in the center room.

"This will be your home away from home," the man told her. "You relax a
while, and I'll come to take you to dinner about eight. Check the closet,"
he said at the door to the suite. "I took the liberty of buying you some
things. Try them on and wear something sexy tonight."

"Okay," Eva said. "Can I ask you a question?" Big D stopped at the door
and looked back at her, his eyebrows raised. "Last week, back in the hotel
room .you said you knew I wasn't a whore. You said I was a slut. I've
been wondering about that. What's the difference? I mean I make money
doing.what I do, don't I?"

"Yes," The big man said slowly as if weighing his words. "There is a
big difference. For one thing a whore gets little, if any, pleasure from
what she does. It just a job, a way to live. You think I was being
derogatory when I called you a slut? I wasn't. For me it was a
compliment.the highest complement I know to give a woman. You love sex,
you get and give a lot of gratification. You seemed to really love fucking
black cock. Am I wrong?" She shook her head in the negative. "Eva, I've
enjoyed your body and I watched you in the video. You really enjoy sucking
a cock. You seem to get off just sucking the come out of a black cock. I
watched you with Becky. You, Eva are a sexually motivated woman. In other
words, a slut, and I love you for it. Relish your sexuality, live with it,
and for it."

After Big D left the room, Eva filled the Jacuzzi, and enjoyed the warm
swirling water around her body. She closed her eyes and though about what
Big D had said. It was true that she seemed to be getting more and more
sexual. She had not known that she was multi-orgasmic. She learned that
when Don and Wiley fucked her. It was reinforced at the photographic
studio with Mike and Sammy. Even the ugly slug, Bert, caused her to have a
small series of orgasms. Something had changed about her, and she wasn't
at all sure what it was. She laughed softly to herself, one thing she was
sure of was, she liked it.


"This is a nice place," Eva said looking around the dining room.

"Yes it is," Big D said. "I come here a lot. By the way, if I didn't
tell you how much I like your attire, let me do so now." Eva, after trying
on several of the outfits that were available for her, chose the black
dress that had an Asian design. The dress was floor length with a slit on
both sides nearly to the waist. The dress went to her neck, but with a
deep slit down between her breasts. It was not designed to be worn with
panties or bra. Eva liked the way her full breasts bounced and swayed
beneath the shimmering silk material.. It was a totally sexy dress and the
absents of any under garments made her feel delightfully wanton. The
outright stares and the sidelong glances of both men and women made her
feel desirable.

"Yes you did, but I don't believe you can overdo it," Eva said with a
merry laugh. The wine and the anticipation of the sex that was to come was
a heady mixture. "Do you wonder what the people around us are thinking?"

"I suspect some of them are pissed that an old nigger is out with such a
beautiful white woman," Big D said with a smile. "Some, especially some of
the women, are thinking that they wish they were you. Some are probably
wondering if I'm enough man for you." He laughed, "Some, maybe most of
them, don't have enough sense to have a thought about anything."

"If they knew you, they wouldn't wonder if you were man enough," Eva
said, lowering her voice. "They'd know you were man enough for any woman."

"How nice of you to say that," Big D said clearly flattered. "Now that
you've had some time to reflect on it, how did you like your experience
with Becky?"

"It was great," Eva said. "I don't think I would want to change my
preference to women, however. I like men too much for that. Speaking of
that will your friend be there tonight?"

"Frog? Yes, he was chomping at the bit when I told him about you."

"Oh? What did you tell him?" she was blatantly fishing for complements
and they both knew it.

"I told him that you were a warm, beautiful, sweet smelling woman who
enjoyed a hard black cock," Big D said not bothering to lower his voice.
The couple at the next table nearly snapped their heads off turning to
stare at them.

'Let them look', Eva thought. 'I don't know anyone in Memphis so who

"I told him that he was going to love trying to cram his giant cock into
your tiny white cunt." Big D continued, ignoring the man and woman staring
at them. "I told him that if he was lucky he might get about half of it in

"Who else will be there?" Eva said unable to keep from laughing at the
woman's expression.

"Don, Wiley, John Post, myself and Frog. Of course you will be there to
please us all."

A short while later, Eva excused herself to go to the lady's room. She
was aware that the woman sitting next to them also got up and followed her.

"Please excuse me for being so forward, but is that Donald Griffin you
are with?' the woman asked Eva. They were standing in front of the mirror.

"Yes it is," Eva answered. "Why do you ask?"

"I thought I recognized him from his picture in the papers," the woman
said. She was obviously ill at ease. "I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but I
couldn't help but overhear some of your conversation. Are you." blushing
furiously she let the question fade away.

"Am I going to party with five black men?" Eva finished for her. "Yes I
am. And tomorrow night I'm going to be gang-banged by fifteen or twenty
black men. A whole lot of roosters and just one little white hen." She
finished her makeup and started out.

"You go girl," the woman said to her retreating back. "You fuckin' go."

Big D laughed loudly when Eva told him about the conversation. When
they finished the meal and the scrumptious desert they got up to leave.
Big D handed the woman a card and told her to call him. The woman's escort
looked like he had been slapped in the face, but offered no comment.

"Will she call you?" Eva asked when they were in the limo.

"Maybe her curiosity will get the better of her," Big D said with a
chuckle. "You never know. Her husband, or whatever he is, will get to
thinking that he just might like to see her get fucked by a black bull.
Sometimes they call, sometimes they don't, and just wish they had." He
laughed again, "Let's go party, Eva.




"Well D, I think you went and outdid yourself. That is one fine lookin'
piece of ass."

"Frog, my man, I think you are right. I did outdo myself" Big D and The
man called Frog were leaning on the bar watching Eva get hammered by Wiley
Stevens while sucking on Donald Griffin's cock. They had taken the
mattress from one the beds and put it on the floor in the main room. Eva
was on her hands and knees. A third man, who had been introduced as John
Post or just Post, played with her tits and waited his turn at the young
housewife. Post sported a large cock, but not quite as big as Big D.

"She sure likes to fuck," Frog commented. "Give a man a diamond cutter
hard-on just to watch. Can she take it up the ass?"

"She can take a normal man's cock up her ass,' Big D said with a laugh.
"Ain't nothing but a cow could take your cock."

"She likes it, or just puts up with it?" Frog inquired, ignoring the
jibe .

"She actually likes it," Big D said. "In fact I haven't found anything
she don't like. The girl is a fucking machine. The longer she goes the
hotter she gets."

"That's good," Frog nodded. "Best when they like it. When an I going
to get a crack at her?"

"When the boys get her opened up good," Big D said. "It won't be long.
We've learned not to get in too big a hurry with your meat, haven't we?"

"Yeah, we have," Frog agreed.

"Talkin' about that," Big D said as they watched Post tag Wiley and move
in to start fucking Eva. "I don't have to tell you to take it easy on her,
do I?"

"No man, you don't," Frog said. "I'll stop when I hit bottom. I just
hope I can get it in her ass. Even if it ain't but a little ways. You got
any of that stuff the queers use to relax their assholes?"

"Yeah," Big D said. His son, Don, had moved to the side and let Wiley
Stevens have Eva's mouth. "I got some and if she's willing I'll give her
some, but she gets to call the shot, Frog. If she don't want that pole in
her ass then so be it."

"I hear you, man," Frog said. "Where did you ever find a classy lady
like that anyway?"

"She's working for Jason Newton's company," Big D said. "I need to get
her away from him. He'll have her fucking donkeys if he could make a buck
out of it. He a born again asshole."

"Yeah, I know him," Frog said. "Hey, they're going to make her

Wiley Stevens was on his back and Eva was setting ready to mount him.
They watched as she eased down on his wet glistening pole. Taking him all
the way in her sloppy snatch. Don Griffin moved in behind her. Wiley
reached around and spread her butt cheeks. There was a large glob of lube
on her puckered butt hole and a glob on Don's cock head. Don eased the
head of his cock into the woman's anal canal. Both Frog and Big D could
hear the woman moan as the big cock entered her passage. It was a loud
,racking, sobbing moan. Not of pain, but of pure ecstasy.

"I got to see this up close," Frog said. Both men went closer to the
trio of closely joined people. John Post watched, slowly stroking his
cock. He was waiting until the three had got into rhythm before giving the
woman his cock to suck. Eva Miller was only moments away from being made
airtight. Now she was making soft cooing sounds.

"Be better if she was turned around," Frog commented. Post moved over
and offered the young woman his cock which she greedily took. Her face was
flushed and wet with sweat. "Of course it works that way, too."

"Appears to be working okay," Big D commented. "She's going to have to
take a break and cool off pretty soon. The girl looks like she about to
burst into flames."

Frog and Big D took a seat close to the foursome. "That is one hot
momma," Frog observed. All four were in synch, and Eva could still be
heard making odd sounds around the large cock in her mouth. "D, you reckon
I'm ever going to fuck Becky?"

"Hell no," Big D said. He glanced at his long time friend. Frog was
only about half the size of Big D. "I don't want her ruined with that
heifer fucking rod you got. Becky has a little cunt."

"I'm telling you again having a big cock ain't no blessing," Frog said.
"Fuckin' curse is what it is. Hell, I've had women get up and run when
they saw it damned thing."

"I guess you're right Frog," Big D said. "Hey didn't I tell you that
Post would be the first to shoot off. Damn, that boy must have been saving
that load. Poor Eva can't swallow fast enough."

"It don't look like Don or Wiley is far behind Post, either," Frog said
with a laugh. "I'll be glad when they get through foolin' around and let a
real man in her."

"Yeah I think they all are due for a break." Big D said "We'll get Eva
cleaned up and ready for you. I wonder how many times that girl came?"

Eva had no idea how many times she came. All she knew for sure, it was
a lot. She was grateful for Big D's help getting her into the shower. She
stood on shaky legs in the hot shower for a long time. At first she had to
lean against the shower wall. When she had recovered enough she got out
and toweled off. She reapplied her makeup and fixed her hair, sipping on
the wine Big D had left for her. When she was satisfied that she looked
presentable she slipped on a sexy black teddy and a sheer robe, and went
out to join the others.

"Well sweetie," Big D said when she came into the room. "How did you
like being airtight?"

"It was...pretty damned wonderful," she replied. "Thanks," she said to
Frog who handed her a fresh glass of wine. "I'm sorry I didn't have much
opportunity to talk with you before, Frog. Things got a bit...busy I

"Yeah, I could see that you were busy," Frog said. "I like that outfit
you got on."

"Thank you," Eva said with a smile. "I get all dressed up, but it never
lasts very long around these guys."

"Never does," Frog said. "So you like black cock, huh?"

"I'm beginning to think I do," Eva admitted. "I hear you have a super
large cock." She added bluntly. "I'm looking forward to meeting it."

"Hell honey, I hope you'll be able to say that later." Frog said with a
hopeful smile. "You'd be surprised at how much pussy I don't get. If I
could find a woman who could take all of it, I'd marry her in a minute,
even if she looks like an aardvark "

"Just how big are we talking about?" Eva asked.

"Thirteen and a half," Toad said. "I'd been bigger than D if my dick
hadn't got so big. I promise that I'll be careful with you."

Eva remembered her conversation with Mavis at the Bob Ton Shop. "I met
a lady a few weeks ago that claimed she had taken f******n inches. Nice
looking woman, too."

"Well, I sure as hell want to meet her," Toad said. "But not tonight. I
only got eyes for you right now." Toad and Eva made their way to a sofa and
sat talking and drinking for a while.

"Hey, you old fart," Donald Griffin called from his seat at the bar.
"You ever going to get that monster up or are you going to talk her to
death? We're getting bored over here."

"D, I told you, you should have drowned that brat when he was a pup. He
never did have no manners." Frog called back to the laughing men. "Come on
Eva, let's go somewhere more private."

"Shut up Don." Big D said to his son. "You had some fun, now leave that
old limp dick alone for a while."

Frog shut the bedroom door and leaned against it and looked lustily at
Eva. She met his lust filled stare with one of her own. She took the robe
off and tossed it on a chair.

"I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours," she said a smile playing
around her lips.

"Okay, but if you run out the door screaming, I'm going to be mighty
disappointed." Frog said. He took his shirt off, tossed it aside, and
waited. Eva let the teddy slip from her shoulders exposing both breasts.
Frog grinned and undid his belt and let his pants fall to his ankles.

"Oh my God," Eva said softly, her mouth open. "That is the biggest cock
I've ever seen on anything." She didn't doubt that his cock was thirteen
plus inches long, but the girth was unbelievable. She let the teddy fall
completely off and approached the man. Toad's ebony pole hung nearly to
his knees. It was as thick as the large end of a baseball bat. Eva knelt
before the man and slowly, almost with reverence, took the monstrosity in
her hands. She knew that she couldn't get it in her mouth, so she kissed
the tip and licked along the length of it. The giant black tube begin to
stir in her hands.

"It doesn't get any bigger does it?" she asked the smiling man.

"No, it don't get any longer. It'll get a bit harder if you keep that

"Come over here to the bed," Eva said, pulling the man by the handle she
had her hands on. "Lay down and let me play with this thing." For the next
fifteen minutes she stroked and licked the man's humongous cock.

"Okay, I've got to try it," she said at last. She stood above the man
and while he held his cock upright she lowered herself down onto it. It
took another few minutes to work the head of the huge cock in her, but she
did get it in. It hurt, but she was determined. Then slowly she lowered
herself farther down onto Toad's cock until she felt it hit her cervix.
She looked down between his body and hers. She had well over half his cock
in her pussy. She quickly realized that she couldn't stay in the superior
position. It was just too much of a strain on her legs and knees to keep
him from hurting her.

"Toad," she said, her voice husky. "You are going to have to get on
top, but you do know when to stop, don't you?" Toad assured her that he
did, and that he would stop when she said to. Eva raised herself off the
man's long thick rod, and they switched positions. The second entry was
easier than the first and soon Toad had his cock back in the young white
woman as far as it would go.

"You all right Eva?" Toad asked when his cock was seated in her.

"Yes," she answered panting, "Fuck me, but be careful, please."

"I got to have D see this," Toad said panting also. "Can I call him in
to see?"

"Yes, I don't care," she gasped. "Just keep fucking me."

"Well I'll be damned!" Big D said when he and the other men had entered
the room. "I wouldn't have believed he could even get any of it in her."

"Hell, old Toad has more than ten inches in her cunt," Wiley Stevens
said. "Look at that! It looks like he turning her pussy inside out."

Eva was oblivious to the ribald comments they made. When Toad turned
her on her side and penetrated her from behind, she gasped in astonished
pleasure at the depth he was able to reach. Toad took her in the doggy
position and she could feel the head of his cock hitting her cervix. She
started to orgasm and they were coming in waves, one after another, faster
and faster. Eva Miller was being fucked into u*********sness. She wasn't
totally aware when Toad pumped nearly a pint of hot come into her frothy


It was nearly noon when Eva finally stirred into full awareness. She
was alone in the big bed, but she could hear voices coming from the other
room. She stretched and looked around the room. What a night she had
experienced. She smiled remembering the old black man, Toad, and his
mighty weapon. It was an experience she would never forget, nor cared to
repeat. The pleasure had been intense, but so had the pain of
accommodating the huge cock.

Eva got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She took a hot shower and
felt better. In fact she was mildly surprised to find she felt great. She
slipped a terry cloth robe on and went out into the front room.

"There's my girl," Big D said. "How do you feel, Honey?"

"Fine," Eva answered him with a smile. She smiled at Toad. "Good
morning Mister Toad."

"Are you sure you are okay?" a worried looking Toad asked.

"Couldn't be better," Eva answered walking over to give him a kiss on
his thick lips. "That was something else. Thank you, sir."

"No, thank you," Toad said. "I though I had done killed you. Scared
the hell out of me. The doctor said you were just exhausted."

"There was a doctor here?"

"Yes, I got worried when you didn't come around even after we put you in
the shower," Big D said. "Do you want something to eat?"

"Yes please, I'm starved," she answered. "I don't remember a thing
after...well, I guess when I started climaxing so hard and so fast. It was
like a red curtain being slowly lowered in front of me. Then there was a
burst of fireworks, and then nothing after that."

"The doctor checked you over real good," Big D said. "I ordered you a
brunch, is that alright?"

"Yes that's fine." Eva said. "Wow, nothing like that ever happened to
me before."

"You never had a super cock in you either," Big D said with a laugh.
"Want to do it again?"

"No," Eva answered quickly. "I'm sorry Toad, but that was just too much
for me."

"Yeah I get that a lot," Toad said ruefully. "Who is this woman you
mentioned last night?" Eva told him about meeting Mavis at the Bon Ton
Shop. "Reckon you could get her to come down here?"

"Maybe," Eva said. "I'll talk to her when I get back home."

"I mean come now," Toad said impatiently. "I'll send a plane for her.
Hell, I got more money than I know what to do with, anyway." Eva saw Big D

"I guess I can try," Eva said. "I'll have to hurry because I think she
closes the shop at noon on Saturdays."

It only took a few minutes to get the number from the long distance
operator and make the connection.

"Hi, Mavis," Eva said. "I don't know if you remember me or not. I'm
Eva Miller. I was in your shop a few weeks ago."

"Oh yes, you're the lucky woman who works in public relations for Mister
Newton," Mavis answered with a laugh.

"Yes that's me. I remember you mentioned that you might be available if
I needed any help. Was that a good offer?"

"Sure it was," Mavis said with a deep throaty laugh. "Always interested
in a good time."

"How would you like to come to Memphis this afternoon on a private jet?"

"Memphis? You're k**ding, right?"

"Not at all. I met a black gentleman who's about four inches more than
I can handle."

"Offer her two grand," Big D whispered to Eva.

"Sounds nice, dear," Mavis said. "But I was planning on getting my hair
done and doing some shopping this afternoon."

"You can earn two thousand dollars," Eva said. "And you can fly back
with me Sunday night. Look Mavis, I know this all sounds strange, but I'll
guarantee you'll have a good time. Toad is a real nice man, but he screwed
me until I passed out."

"Really? That does sound nice. Okay, you sold me. I'll do it."

Big D handed Eva a hastily scribbled note that told Mavis where to meet
the jet. She read the instructions to Mavis and when she hung up the phone
she laughed. "Does that make me a pimp?"

"It makes you the most wonderful woman on the face of the earth," Toad
said, taking both of her hands in his. "Tell me again what she looks

While Eva described the woman, Big D came up behind her and loosened the
robe. He took both her breasts in his big black hands, and gently squeezed
them. Her nipples instantly hardened like two pebbles. She leaned back
against him and closed her eyes.

"Dammit D leave her alone until she had something to eat," an aggravated
Toad snapped. "So she ain't fat or ugly?"

"No, she's a nice looking woman," Eva said, her voice ragged from Big
D's manual manipulation of her breasts. "I think...you'll...like her.
Ohhh shit, that feels good."

Toad leaned down and took a nipple, his friend offered him, between his
teeth. He bit just hard enough to cause Eva to rise to her tiptoes.

"Put her on the table, D," Toad said. "I'm going to eat her pussy until
her food comes. She deserves something special."

Big D effortlessly lifted Eva and deposited her on the table. Toad
flipped the robe out of the way and dove between her legs. "This is just
for you Honey," he said just before he stuck his tongue into her moist
snatch. "Enjoy." ***

"Man alive, I could get used to this kind of treatment," Mavis said as
she walked across the tarmac to where Eva, Big D, and Toad waited for her.
"Hi, I'm Mavis Willis," she said holding out her hand to Big D and then to
Toad. "You boys must shit in the tall cotton to be able to afford a plane
like that."

"Yes, we do shit in tall cotton," Big D said laughing at the woman's
uncouth comment. "I'm Big D Griffin, and this scrawny specimen is my life
long friend, Toad."

"You don't look like a toad," Mavis said scrutinizing the small man.
"How come they call you that?"

"Goes back to grade school," Toad said, taking the woman's arm and
steering her toward the waiting limo. "Don't nobody remember exactly how
it got started."

During the drive to the hotel, Mavis was able to get more information
from Toad and Big D than Eva had been able to get. Eva had not been aware
that Toad was a rich man. Possibly even wealthier than Big D. They had
made a place for Mavis in the second of the three bedrooms in the hotel

"Yes sir, I could surely get used to living like this," Mavis said
looking around the suite. "Okay which one of you studs is packing the
super cock?"

"They both are pretty super," Eva said.

"My friend is the man with the donkey dick," Big D said.

"Well okay," Mavis said. "Let's show and tell, little man." She led
Toad into her room, not bothering to close the door.

A few minutes later Big D and Eva heard Mavis say, "My God man! No
wonder your so scrawny. It makes you poor just to carry that thing

A short while later they heard Toad yell, "Ya'll come and look at this!
I'm balls deep in her! Son of a bitch, I'm all the way in a woman!"

Big D and Eva went to the door. Toad lay on his back and Mavis was
riding his cock like a bucking bronco. Her big breasts gyrating wildly,
and her eyes were rolled back in her head.

"How does she do that?" Eva asked in wonderment. Big D just shook his
head and grinned.

"I'm going to come!" Mavis announced loudly. "Oh shit, I'm coming."

"Come on my beauty!" Toad yelled. "Come for me!"

Big D and Eva continued to watch as the odd couple fucked. They watched
as Mavis had several big screaming orgasms. Toad had gotten quite,
apparently conserving his strength. The watchers could see come leaking
around his ebony cock, so they assumed he had come at least once.

While they watched, Big D removed Eva's clothing and was fondling her
full breasts and her wet pussy. After a while they, wordlessly, left the
couple on the bed and went to another bed. Eva screams of passion quickly
joined that of Mavis. Both couples fucked away the rest of the afternoon.

Eva was the first to emerge. She went to the kitchenette and started a
pot of coffee. Mavis came out of her room as the coffee brewed. She
looked at Eva and grinned, "You look about as fucked as I feel."

Eva laughed, "Big D knows how to show a girl a good time. How did you
like Toad?"

"The man doesn't even know the meaning of quit," Mavis said. "That was
the best sex I've ever had from just one person."

"I don't know how you were able to take all of him."

Mavis laughed, "I've got a long torso and I'm used to a big dick. My
first husband, may he rest in peace, had an eleven inch dick. My third
husband sported one nearly that big." She sighed, "Damned hard to get used
to a normal size dick after having a big one regularly. I'm thinking I
want some more of Toad." Mavis poured them both a cup of coffee. "You ever
made it with a woman?"

"Once," Eva admitted. "Yesterday, as a matter of fact. Why do you

"My ex husband used to call me a tri-sexual. If it sex I'll try it,"
she laughed. "I just got the feeling you might be like me. Taking your
sex anyway you can get it, and like it."

Eva gave that some thought. "Maybe you're right," she said. "I've
tried a lot of different things lately, and I've like it all so far."

"Ever been the center of a gang bang?' Mavis asked.

"I'm supposed to have one tonight," Eva said. "I'm not too sure about
it either."

"Just relax and go with the flow," Mavis said. "Is somebody going to be
there to keep things in order?"

"Yes, Big D will be there."

"Good, he strikes me as a man who can keep the bangers in line," Mavis

"What are you ladies yakking about?" Big D said. "Ah, good you have

"Eva was telling me you got her a gang bang lined up," Mavis said.

"I do if she's up to it," Big D said. "I don't force anybody to do
anything they don't want to."

"If she don't, I do," Mavis said. "I'll take a bang anytime I can get
it, even though I've just been well and truly fucked."

"They'll be plenty for both of you," Big D said. "I'm expecting about
twenty guys."

"All of them black?" Mavis asked her eyes lighting up.

"No, some white, some black, and some in between. There will be cock of
every size, shape, and color and all of them hard." Eva, in spite of the
anxiety, felt a shiver of anticipation run through her.

"Bareback?" Mavis asked.

"No," Big D said. "Everybody wears a condom. This is for fun, but we
aren't taking any stupid chances. We only bareback in our own little

"Good," Mavis said. "It is dumb to mess around with STD's. What time
does the party start?"

"About nine," Big D said. He raised his voice, "Toad, are you still

"Hell yes," the old man said coming out of the room. "Never been more
alive in my life. We going to get something to eat?"

"Yes sir, we sure are," Big D said. "I though we might get these fine
ladies all dolled up and take them to Odem's. Have some barbeque and show
the gals off." ***

Odem's was a predominately black restaurant specializing in hickory
smoked barbeque. It wasn't a fancy place by any stretch of the
imagination, but the food was good, as was the service.

All during the meal, men and a few women came to talk with Big D, or
Toad, or in most cases, both of the men. Eva and Mavis got a lot of stares
from the visitors. One black man bluntly asked Big D if Eva was any good.

"As good as any I've fucked, and a lot better than most," Big D answered
as bluntly. "Having a group over tonight. You want to try her out?"

"I just might do that," the man said appraising Eva, causing her to
blush. The man turned his eyes on Mavis. "What about her?"

"She'll be there," Big D said. "She's with Toad. I don't know if he's
going to turn her loose or not. We haven't talked about it."

"Mavis is a big girl," Toad said. "She can jump in the middle of the
bang if she a mind to." He reached over and patted Mavis's hand. "Whatever
she wants to do, is fine with me."

"I'll tell you what," Mavis said staring back at the man. "You show up,
and I'll fuck you until your eyes cross." Her statement caused the man to
laugh loudly. He promised to take her up on it. Big D told him where the
show was going to be, and the man left them after giving Eva another long

"Who was that asshole?" Mavis asked.

"That was an assistant to the mayor of Memphis," Toad said. "There will
be several big shits there tonight. His name is Leonard Smithson. He a
butt fucker so you better be ready for that."

"Oh good," Mavis said with a merry laugh. "I do love a butt fucker."

Leonard Smithson not only showed up, he was among the first to arrive.
The meeting, orgy, party, or whatever they were calling it, was held in an
abandoned store, just two blocks off the main drag in downtown Memphis.
One section of the old store was wall to wall mattresses.

"How does this work?" Eva asked Big D anxiously. They were watching the
men assemble by the mattresses. There were about ten men already there.
Most of them had taken off most of their clothes.

"When there are few more men, I'll take you out and introduce you to
them. Not by name, though. They'll get over their nervousness in a few
minutes, and they'll jump your bones." Big D said with a grin. "It ain't
very complicated. All you have to do is be yourself. Relax and enjoy it
fun. Anytime you want to quit, just say so and I'll take you out of
there." Eva could see Mavis and Toad who had taken up ringside seats. "I
suspect that Mavis will take some of the meat off you when things get to
going good. Becky said she'd be here also."

Fifteen minutes later, Big D led a quaking Eva out and onto the middle
of the mattresses.

"Hello everybody," Big D said loudly. There was a sudden hush when the
men saw Eva come out. "This is Eve, the mother of all. Eve is yours for
the taking. The only rules are," he paused a moment then continued.
"Nobody is to hurt Eve. If she say's no, you better damned well believe
it. All of you know me, and you know I mean what I say. Hurt her and you
die." He paused again. "You may fuck her in any combination that works.
Any man who attempts to fuck Eve without a rubber will loosed his cock." He
smiled at Eva. "Are you ready Eve?" She slowly and nervously nodded her
head. "Let the fucking begin."

The first guy slowly came toward her. He was a medium sized black man
and he stopped a few feet away, his cock about half erect. "My God Woman,
you're too pretty to be a whore!"

"I'm not..." she cleared her throat and tried again. "I'm not a
whore...I'm a slut. Now get over here, and let's see what you can do." She
knelt on the mattress, waiting. The man nearly jumped the distance that
separated them. He took her with near savage force.

Then there was another man who was joined by another one. Soon her
small white body could hardly be seen in the crowd of men. From then on it
was mostly a blur for Eva or Eve as they called her. She was fucked by as
many as three men at a time. She was taken in her anal passage several
times. She was penetrated in every orifice over and over again. She was
double penetrated, in both her cunt and asshole, on more than one occasion.

Somewhere close to midnight, Big D pulled her out to clean up and rest.
While Eva showered, Mavis pitched in and happily did the relief duty for
her. Becky joined Eva in the shower and helped Eva get all the sperm off
of, and out of, her body.

"How do you like being gangbanged?" Becky ask her.

"Truthfully, not so much," Eva answered. "It's like some sort of
sensory overload or something. I can't enjoy it because there's too much
too fast."

"Big D doesn't want me doing it at all," Becky said sadly. "He thinks
I'm still too young."

"Maybe he's right," Eva said. "Where would you go from there? Where
will I go from here, for that matter? To be honest, I think it's really
more fun with just a few men."

"Did that woman really take all of Toad's giant cock?" Becky asked.

"She sure did. Every inch of it," Eva said laughing. "You do have to
see that."

"Then she's going to be a rich woman," Becky said. "Toad's been looking
for a woman like her for years."

When Eva and Becky came back to the orgy, Mavis had three men in her
while Toad looked proudly on. Eva took a seat beside Big D.

"How's it going?" he inquired looked closely at her.

"Okay, I guess," she answered.

"Having a good time?"

"Not so much," Eva said. She repeated what she had said to Becky.

Big D nodded as if he had confirmed some inter thought. "It's over when
you say it's over. Every swinging dick here has had some pussy. By my
count you serviced sixteen guys. Some of them pecker-heads got in for

"Can I ask you why?" she said. "I mean why did you go to the trouble to
arrange a gang bang?"

"You needed to get it over and done with," he answered looking at the
assistant mayor slam his cock into Mavis. "Sooner or later Jason Newton
would have set you up with a bang. He ain't smart enough, or tough enough
to keep it civilized. You may have got hurt or really fucked up bad. I
didn't want that to happen. Now you know the reality of a gang bang."

"So this was for my benefit?"

"Yes, some," Big D said. "Some for mine, too. I admit that. The guys
expect me to put on a bang for them from time to time. It all worked out.
You ready to go somewhere for a more genteel fucking?"

She laughed, "Yeah, let's do that. I'd like a plain old twosome,
threesome or maybe squeeze in a forth man."

Big D laughed, "Hey Toad, We're out of here as soon as Eva gets dressed.
Get that woman of yours untangled and let's go."


Thirty minutes later they arrived back at the hotel suite. Leonard
Smithson came with Toad and Mavis, claiming he didn't get any of Mavis's
ass. Mavis invited him to come and help himself to some.

Because there wasn't enough room on any one bed, they put the mattresses
from all the beds on the floor. That way everybody could join in on the
fun and games.

"Better?" Big D asked Eva. They were laying beside Toad and Smithson
who had Mavis doubled penetrated. Toad had his massive cock in her pussy
and Smithson was in her ass. Becky was sucking on Eva's clit while Big D
had his cock in Eva's ass.

"Oh God yes!" Eva said breathlessly. "Much better. I could do this all

"You will my dear," Big D said with a chuckle. "You certainly will." He
laughed again when Eva went into her machine-gun like series of orgasms.

A little while later, Eva ate Becky while Big D fucked the young girl.
Because he was a considerate man, Big D didn't attempt to butt fuck Becky.
Eva didn't mind eating Becky's pussy while Big D fucked it. She thought it
added something erotic to the experience. A new and different taste treat.
When Big D shot off in Becky, Eva sucked the come out of the girls cunt
while Leonard Smithson fucked her from behind. Eva also did a sixty-nine
with Mavis while the others watched and cheered them on. It was nearly
daylight when the party broke up. ***

It was a week later when Hal ran into the house obliviously excited.

"You're not going to believe it!" he yelled to Eva. "You're fuckin' not
going to believe it!" Eva was in the bedroom packing a suitcase which lay
opened on the bed.

"I might," she said laughing at him. "Try me."

"Devon Marks called me this afternoon and told me the debt was paid,"
Hal said.

"Well that is certainly good news." Eva said kissing him on the cheek.

"That's only half of it," He said laughing. "You can quit your job with
Newton now. You don't have to work anymore."

"I told you I resigned from that job," Eva said laughing. "Remember? I
told you I was with the Griffin Group now. I'm their public relations VP
at large."

"Yeah, I remember now," Hal said waving his arms around. "You can quit
that fuckin' job, too. The stock I bought has taken off, and we're damned
near rich, Eva. It already tripled and is still going strong! Neither of
us has to work now."

"That's great, Hal," Eva said continuing to pack her suitcase. "But I
can't quit the Griffin Group. I signed a contract. Mavis and I have to
fly to Memphis and then on to Dallas with the company big shots. You have
a good time, and I should see you Monday night or Tuesday sometime. Oh
yeah, your dinner is in the oven."
The End
发布者 hondo1906
5 年 前