Gash for Cash


From where I sat in my car I could see the building. I watched my wife and
two men go into the building nearly an hour ago, but there had been no other
activity. Why was I spying on my wife? Damned good question and the answer
is complicated. My name is Jack Miller and my wife's name is Jan.

It started about a month ago, I think. It was a series of little things that
got my attention. Jan, my wife of eight years started acting funny. Coming
home way late got to be the rule rather then the exception. Working weird
hours. Acting preoccupied and withdrawn. Jan just seemed different.

Two years ago I opened my own investment business and Jan agreed that she
should continue to work until the business was better established. It wasn't
unusual for Jan to travel with her job, but lately she seemed to be doing a
lot more than normal. Until a few months ago she never had to travel on
weekends, but that suddenly changed and she seemed to be worn-out when she
got home.

None of these thing by themselves were noteworthy, but then there was the
strange calls. Jan has her own line with an answering machine and I never
checked her machine. It wasn't any of my business, I thought. One night I
was looking for a ballpoint pen that worked and I went into her office to
see if she had one. While I searched the phone rang and the machine picked
up. A male voice said, "Jan be at 1239 East Street, Friday night at seven
o'clock." The caller hung up. I thought that was a weird call and I hit the
rewind to listen again. The call that I had just heard was the third call on
the tape or whatever is in the machine. The first call, the same voice as
best I could tell, said," Doghouse at seven." The second message said,
"Evan's at eight, dress down." I had no way to tell how long the messages
had been on the machine.

I left Jan's office highly perplexed, but finally decided that it was
business calls and put them out of my mind. I wouldn't have given it any
more thought if I hadn't accidentally picked up a throw-away magazine that
advertised the strip joints and video arcades and that type of adult
businesses. The ad for the Doghouse caught my eye. The Doghouse apparently
was a tittie bar on the east side of town. I recalled the message on Jan's
answering machine that mentioned "doghouse." I remember laughing at myself.
What was I thinking? What would Jan be doing at a tittie bar?

Jan isn't certainly isn't a prude. In fact she is very inventive in our
bedroom. I guess we have tried everything a man and a woman can do, at one
time or another. Jan and I married right out of high school. We took turns
going to college over the next six years. Jan was a knockout in high school.
She works out a couple time a week and looks better now then she ever did.
Jan fills out her 36C bra very nicely and while a bit on the petit side, has
a killer body.

During the next few weeks I begun to harbor suspicions. I tried to put them
out of my mind, but it was hopeless. The thoughts were there and I couldn't
ignore them.

I started checking up on Jan. On Tuesday of last week when she announced
that she had to go out of town overnight, I followed her. My sweet little
wife did not go out of town. She went to a motel at the outskirts of town
and checked in. It hit me like a sledgehammer. My wife was cheating on me!

The next evening when she got home I gave her several opportunities to
confess and tell me what was going on, to no avail. I followed her on Friday
night and she went to that tittie bar, the Doghouse. I waited outside and
she came out after about half an hour. She was with a black man and they
walked down the street to the corner and caught a cab. I followed them to
the Midtown Hotel where they went in and disappeared. I was sick to my
stomach and frankly, I didn't know what to do.

Now it was Saturday night and I sat in my car watching the building where
Jan and the two men were. I was so mad and hurt I wasn't thinking straight.
I knew I wasn't, but I really didn't care anymore. I put the car in gear and
drove toward the building. Somebody was going to get hurt tonight.


It was a concrete block building that had been a gas station at some point
in the past. The pump island was still there but the garage doors had been
blocked up and the large windows were now small residential type windows. I
parked next door at a closed dry cleaner, got my pistol out of the glove
box, and made my way on foot to the back of the place. Lights were showing
from the back windows and I silently crept to one and peered in. The window
was open a couple of inches.

I guess I should have been prepared for what I saw, but I wasn't. It shocked
me to my very core. Jan was on her hands and knees on a low table and a fat
white guy was pounding her from behind. She was holding on to the edge of
the table because the fat slob was slamming into her hard, causing her tits
to swing back and forward. I looked around the room and saw another man. He
was a black guy and sitting in a chair stroking his cock as he watched the
fat guy fuck my wife.

"Hurry up, man," the black guy said. "I want to fuck the bitch at least one
more time before Dog gets here."

"Keep your shirt on," the white guy said huffing and puffing. "Oh yeah you
ain't got a shirt on do you? Hey you hog, you done fucked her twice. Give me
a break."

"Yeah, but I want to pop her ass before we have to go. Dog said he was
coming at eleven and it nearly that now, so get to fuckin'."

"Maybe this cunt don't want that black dick in her ass," the white guy said.
He had slowed his action down, but was still hammering Jan hard.

"Don't matter what she wants," the black dude said. "Dog told her to let us
fuck her and she ain't got no say in it. Do you whore?" Jan didn't answer
him, but shook her head in the negative. "You want my cock in your ass don't

Jan didn't answer him and the white guy reached around her and grabbed both
nipples and pulled them in the opposite direction, causing Jan to yell out
in pain. "Answer the man, cunt," he said grinning. "The man wants to know if
you want his cock in your ass."

"Yes," Jan said. "That's fine."

"What's fine?" white guy said. "Tell the man what he wants to know."

"I want his cock in my ass," Jan said raising her voice. She was flushed and
I could tell she was nearing an orgasm. I could always tell when she was
about to come.

The fat guy pulled his cock out of my wife. Jan gasped as he did. He pulled
her off of the table and lay back on it. "Get on, honey," he told Jan. "Ride
the pony. Me and Abe is going to double up on you. How about me in your cunt
and Abe in your ass? You like that?"

"Yes," Jan said climbing up over the man. "Give me both cocks."

The black man, Abe I assumed, came over behind them and waited until Jan had
gotten the fat guy's dick in her before he shoved his cock into her ass. Jan
squealed and for a moment I was tempted to open the window the rest of the
way and shoot both of the fuckers. I was actually reaching for the window
when I realized that it was not a squeal of pain, but one of pleasure. Now I
didn't know who I wanted to kill.

"God, she's tight!" the black guy said. "Dog has some prime pussy here."

"Yeah man," the fat guy said huffing and puffing, "Fuckin' cunt is going to
kill me."

"What a way to go, huh?" the black man said. "You like this, Jan?"

"God yes," my wife yelled out, "Keep fucking me, damn you!"

"Hell, cunt," Abe said laughing, "This is just a warm up for Dog. He'll be
along later to fuck you. Wouldn't be surprised if he don't bring a couple
buddies to hose you too. What do you think about that? You like Dog's big
fat cock?"

"I love it!" Jan screeched. She was having what she called a jumbo orgasm. I
slid down below the window and didn't know if I wanted to puke or cry...or
both. My wife was a whore and she obviously was enjoying it.


Later that night I made my way home and slumped down on the couch in the
den. I picked up a bottle of whiskey on the way and took a healthy slug of
it. I had watched as the two men, Abe and the fat guy fucked my wife and
when they finished with her Jan disappeared into another room. A light came
on through a small window further down and I assumed it was a bathroom. I
crouched down beneath the window and waited. My instincts telling me to get
the fuck out of there, and not to watch any more of my wife's depravity, but
I couldn't leave.

It was a little while later that I heard a loud booming voice say, "Where my
pretty pussy?"

I raised up and peeked in. Standing just inside the doorway was a large
black man. He was very large, standing nearly seven feet tall and weighing
nearly three hundred pounds. Not much looked to be fat. He was completely
bald, his head shining in the light.

"She's in the shower, Dog," Abe told the man. "Me and Duck has been fucking
her hard for a couple of hours. We doubled up on her and she loved it." He
and the man he called Dog, high fived.

"That's good," Dog said with a rumbling laugh. "Too much fuckin' ain't no
where enough for that little gal. Who got her ass?"

"I did," Abe said. "Nearly took the skin off of my cock. She's tight, man."

"Yeah," Dog said, "Did I ever tell you boys about the first time I fucked
her? Bitch passed out two or three times while I dicked her. She started out
cryin' and screamin' for me to stop, but in just a few minutes she was
cryin' and screamin' for me not to stop. Got to love a true slut, don't ya?"
He raise his voice, "Jan get your pretty ass out here and give me some sugar
and some head. Your Daddy's here for some lovin."

"Did you bring me something?" I heard Jan's voice ask.

"I sure did," Dog said, laughing. "I brought you nine inches of hard cock
and a quart of come. Get your ass out here and help yourself."

I watched in dismay as Jan came out of the bathroom. Naked and glowing pink
from a hot shower. "Goody," she said running and leaping into the giant's
arms. They smooched for a long time.

"You boys can go on back to work now," Dog told Abe and Duck. "You've had
all the pussy you going to get from this whore tonight. I got a couple
friends that will finish fucking her after I get through pounding her gash."

It didn't take Dog long to shed his clothes after the other two had
departed. The big man picked my wife up and carried her to a king-size bed
that I hadn't noticed before. It was over against the far wall and I had to
relocate some to see it. The big man carried her and threw her down on the
bed hard enough to cause her to bounce. Jan was still laughing and giggling
when he crammed his big cock into her. That immediately stopped her

The way they were laying I could see between their legs and I could see,
even in the shadows, his giant cock piston in and out of her. Jan was
apparently wet because he had no trouble getting into her or with fucking
her. When he withdrew it looked like her pussy was being turned inside out.
Jan screamed out in delight several times while he fucked her. I wanted to
run and keep on running, but I couldn't make my legs move me away from the
carnal, a****listic scene. My wife was being mercilessly fucked over and
over again. It took over an hour for the big man to stop the pounding of my
tiny wife.

When he rolled off of her Jan raised up and went down on his cock. From
where I was watching his cock didn't seem to be completely soft. Jan sucked
and worshiped his cock and when it was back to full hardness again, she
mounted him.

"Oh God, Daddy," she said, "I love your cock in me. I feel so full." She
began to rise and fall on the black pole. She fucked him for about ten
minutes, having several more orgasms while she did.

"Turn around and get my cock in your ass," Dog demanded. "I want some of
that ass that had ol" Abe so shook up over.

Jan got off of the man and got a tube of lube out of a night stand drawer.
Apparently this wasn't her first time here. She coated his cock with the
lube and while raised over the man, guided his big cock to her puckered
hole. As she eased down onto his glistening dick she made little cooing

"Oh shit," Jan said with a grunt. "Oh my God, Daddy! Ohhh, that feels so
fucking good."

I was amazed at her words. Shit and fuck were words she never used.
Something had changed my Jan so much.

She rode the mans cock for a while in that reversed position and then she
suddenly got off and got back on facing him. "Now fuck me hard, Daddy," she
said loudly. "give it to me. Come in my ass!" Dog did as she commanded
bouncing her high as he did.

I don't know how long I watched them. A couple of hours I guess. I was just
about to leave when two other men showed up. One was black, like Dog and the
other was a white man. Dog graciously gave my wife to them and they fucked
her. One at a time then two at a time. My wife seemed to like it all. Dog
watched and offered suggestions to the men who fucked my Jan. Once he put
his foot on the white man's ass and shoved him further into Jan, causing her
to scream with delight. They all laughed at that. They were still fucking
her when I managed to drag myself away from the place.


Now I was sitting alone in my den, heartsick and drunk. I was trying to
think and plan what I was going to do but I was in no condition to think
about anything. I'm not sure exactly when I passed out.

The next day, Sunday, was a lost day in my life. I woke up in the middle of
the afternoon, still sitting on the couch in the den. I managed to get up
and get to the shower. As the hot water splashed on me I kept having vision
of the debauchery I witnessed the night before. I couldn't get it out of my

Later I was still hurting from the whiskey I had drank so I got a beer out
of the frig and sat on the back porch. The beer helped so I had some more. I
was still sitting on the porch when I heard Jan come home. I heard her
rummaging around inside for a while and then she came out where I was.

"Hi honey," Jan said giving me a quick peck on the lips, "I'm home."

"So I see," I said, "Did you have a good trip?"

"So so," she said, "the usual, I guess."

"I guess you're tired, huh?" I said. I was aware that the beer I had
consumed was making my tough thick and my words were slurred.

"Yeah," she said. "A little. I see you spent the day drinking beer." There
was a pile of empty cans around my chair. Jan sat down in a chair beside me.

"So," I said, "want to tell me about it?"

"What? The trip?" Jan said, yawning and stretching. "Boring stuff."

"No, not about the trip," I said. I turned so that I could see her face.
"Tell me about Dog. Tell me all about Daddy." Her expression couldn't have
been more shocked if I had slapped her. She turned ghostly white then red
and ducked her head. "Come on Jan," I said, "I want to hear about the
Doghouse and about Duck and Abe, also. I don't know who the others are or I
would ask you to tell me about them, too. I just know it's going to be a
great story." I was amazed at how calm I sounded, especially since my inside
was churning. Jan didn't say anything for a long time. She just sat looking
at the floor. After a few minutes of silence I blurted out, "Dammit Jan talk
to me. What the fuck happened to us?"

Jan got to her feet and started for the door. "Later, Jack" she said. "I
don't want to talk about it right now. We'll talk when you are in a better
frame of mind. I'm going to bed now."

Better frame of mind? Was she k**ding? What fucking frame of mind does one
have to be in to discuss their wife being a whore for black men?

I managed to get to bed about two hours and another six pack later. Jan was
asleep or pretended to be and I was careful not to wake her.

Monday morning I got up and got dressed without waking her and I left for
work. Monday evening we were coldly polite with each other, but her conduct
and her activities were not brought up. I think maybe I was afraid to
discuss it by then. I suspected there were some things that I didn't want to
know. I wanted to know, but I didn't want to know. I know it doesn't make a
lot of sense.

Tuesday was a repeat of Monday, and Wednesday started out the same way. It
changed when I got home. Jan was waiting on me when I walked in the door.

"Jack, honey, we have to talk," she said. "Come on in the den and sit down,

I followed her to the den and took a seat in the lounger. "Okay," I said,

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry you found out the way you did. I've been
trying to figure out how to tell you for a couple of months, but I couldn't
find a way. How did you find out?"

"I'm not as stupid as you seem to think I am," I snapped. "I followed you a
couple of times. Not all that complicated to figure out."

"I see," she said. "So now you know that I've been cheating on you. What
now? Do you want a divorce? What?"

"I don't know," I said. "I guess I want to know what happened to us? What
did I do wrong?"

"Jack," Jan said softly. "You didn't do anything wrong. At least not
intentionally. We got over our head last year. We got behind on the house
payment, the car payments...just about everything. You remember when you
reinvested your pay back into your business for three or four months? It was
then that things got real bad. Anyway I wasn't making enough to cover the
things we needed to pay. I happened to mention it to a girl I work with. Her
name is Missy Ryan and she told me that she worked a couple of nights a week
as an escort. I know what you're thinking. I did too, but Missy explained
that it wasn't a sex for hire company. It was a bona fide escort service. No
sex. I tried it and she had told me the truth. I went out with several men
over the next few weeks and I made some good money. Everything was going
okay until a few weeks before Christmas. I went to a party with an old
geezer and I guess I wasn't much company for him. He asked me what was
troubling me. I had had a lot to drink so I told him I didn't have enough
money to by you a nice Christmas present. He listened to me and told me he
knew a way for me to make some real big money. He told me that if I wanted
to do some call-girl work he could fix it up for me. He gave me his business
card. I laughed, but I kept his card. He told me that I could make a quick
two hundred by giving him a hand job. The bottom line was I gave him a
blowjob for five hundred bucks. I blew him in the back of the limo on the
way home. His name is Matthew Hollis. I don't have any excuse except that I
was drunk and broke and Christmas was right around the corner."

"So that's how you were able to buy me that digital camera?" I said. "Hell,
Jan, a blowjob in the back of a limo is a long leap from what I saw Saturday

"I need a drink," Jan said getting up and going to the bar in the corner.
"yeah, you are right. It is a big leap from that to where I am now. Are you
sure you want to hear this sordid tale?"

"I have to know," I said. "Get me a drink, too."

"Anyway after that distasteful episode I swore to myself I would never do
anything like it again," she said and handed me a drink and sat back down.
"I even stopped the escort business, but it didn't last. We got right back
into debt again this time even deeper. I knew that even with some really
good tips I couldn't make enough to bail us out this time. That was just
after the first of the year when the engine blew up in your car and the
furnace quit working."

"I asked around and somebody told me where I could borrow some money. I had
already tried the banks and the finance companies. I suppose I gave them a
good laugh. I found this hole in the wall place downtown and applied for a
loan. I told them I needed ten thousand and they didn't even bat an eye. I
had the money in less than ten minutes. I signed the papers and nearly ran
out of the place. It was the easiest loan I ever heard of. I guess that
should have told me something and I should have read the papers I signed.
When I figured it out I realized that I was paying a thousand percent per
week. I nearly died when I realized what I had done."

"Why didn't you tell me," I said. "I didn't have any idea we were that bad

"You had enough trouble," Jan said with a wave of her hand. "I couldn't
bring myself to give you anymore."

"But...well never mind. What happened then?" I asked.

"I found the card the Mister Hollis gave me. He an insurance man, and he has
a big office downtown. He has a bunch of people working for him. I guess
he's a millionaire or something. Anyway I called him and told him who I was
and that I'd like to talk about his proposal for extra work. He laughed and
told me to come see him at his office after I got off from work. He's a nice
old guy and when I got there his staff had almost gone for the day. We went
to his office on the top floor of the building."

"Dear Jan," he said, "I made a few calls and I think I have something for
you." He sat me down and got me a drink. He sat down beside me on the couch.
"Tell me more about this loan trouble you have gotten into." I told him
about the loan I had made. When I finished he was shaking his head, "This is
more serious than I thought. I'll have to rethink this a bit."

"I need something soon," I told him. "I have a payment tomorrow and I don't
have enough." I was crying and he patted me on the thigh.

"Now don't get yourself worked up," he said. "I'm sure we can workout
something. The short term isn't the problem. We need someone with some clout
to get the loan shark off your back for good." He slowly rubbed my thigh. It
dawned on me right at that very moment how he was going to work out my next
loan payment. "Oh well," Mister Hollis said, "I'll think of something when
I'm more relaxed. Do you want to help me relax, Jan?"

Jan had her head leaned back on the sofa, her eyes closed. I waited for her
to continue.

"So I became a whore," she said as a matter of fact. "Mister Hollis laid it
on the line for me. I stood up and took off my sweater and skirt. I was
wearing that black thong and black bra with the gold flowers on it. You
know, the one you bought. It sure made Hollis sit up and take notice. I
slowly took off the bra and let it fall to the floor. I slowly turned around
so that my back was to him and ever so slowly slid the thong down. I looked
back over my shoulder at Mister Hollis. I thought he was going to have a
heart attack right there. I'll have to say this for him. He's a randy old
goat. He took me right there on his couch."

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked her.

"Yes and no," Jan answered after thinking about it for a while. "I didn't
come right then, but I enjoyed the absolute power I had over him for that
short period of time. He was randy, but he didn't last very long. At least
not that time. When he got off, he had me sit on the couch and masturbate
while he sat at his desk and made some calls. That felt strange to me, but
after a while I managed to get myself off. Hollis like it when I came. It
apparently recharged his battery and he took me again. This time he lasted
long enough so that I had a small orgasm." She paused and looked at me,
"Honey, are you sure you want to hear this?"

I assured her that it was necessary for me to know so that I could
understand. That was the truth, but for some perverse reason it excited me
to hear her tell it.

"Mister Hollis gave me the cash to make the vig, as they call it, and a slip
of paper with a name, phone number, and an address on it. I didn't call the
number on the paper the next day, but by the following day the desperation
was back. I called and made an appointment to meet with a man named Dog at
the Doghouse. I guess you know it's a strip joint downtown." Jan got to her
feet, "I'll fix dinner," she said. "If I sit here drinking, I'll get
hammered and I damned sure don't need that right now. Come on into the
kitchen and I'll tell you some more of my stupidly."


I followed her to the kitchen and she got busy putting together our dinner.
She talked while she worked.

"I don't remember what excuse I gave you for working late," Jan said, "but I
went to the Doghouse after I got off work. I ask where I could find Mister
Dog and the bartender laughed and told me to have a seat and he would tell
Dog I was there. I waited for a few minutes when all of a sudden this giant
was standing by my table."

"Hi Jan," he said to me, "Welcome to the Doghouse. I'm Dog. Come on back to
my office." He took my hand and led me back through the crowed room to a
back office. "So tell me your story," he said motioning me to sit down in
the chair in front of his desk.

"I told him what I had gotten myself into. He listened until I finished. I
could almost feel him staring at me as I spoke."

"I know your lender," he said slowly. "I can fix it but..." he let the but
hang there for a long time.

"But what?" I asked.

"It's going to cost me ten grand plus interest to get you clear. What's in
it for me?"

"I'll pay you back," I said hurriedly, "Every penny of it."

"Yes you will," he said with a smile, "That goes without saying, but how do
you propose to do that? Hollings can fix you up some, but that will be only
chump change. How are you going to pay me back in a timely manner? You'll
have a fifteen grand debt and even with a legal amount of interest you'll
never get it done. So I ask you again, How are you going to pay me back?"

"I don't know," I said. I was crying. It was looking like my out was not
going to work.

"Are you open to suggestion?" Dog asked me. I assured him I was open to
suggestion. "Okay then," Dog said leaning back in his chair. "Have you ever
been fucked by a black man?" I told him I had not. "Then you are in for a
treat. Okay, I propose that you come to work for me. You'll be my own
personal whore for six months and I'll wash your debt off the books."

"Even thought I had made up my mind that I would have to prostitute myself I
was still shocked at his words. I guess my mouth dropped open because Dog
laughed at me."

"What's the matter, Sugar Tits?" he said, still grinning. "You'll never make
enough free-lancing as a call girl. You don't have the time to get yourself
organized. You got a loan shark that will beat all the pretty off your face
or break both of your pretty legs if you don't pay up on time. You can't buy
time by flashing your tits or giving him a piece of your ass. He's a flaming
queer and it won't work. I'm offering you the best deal you'll get. Six
months and you're home free."

Jan sat the warmed up left-overs down in front of me. I didn't have the
heart to tell her that I didn't have any appetite right then.

"So I guess you took the deal?" I said pushing some food around my plate.
"Did you sigh a contract?"

Jan smiled and shook her head, "No there were no papers signed. Dog told be
how it was going to work and I agreed. He told me that I was to make myself
available to him or whoever he said, anytime he called. He laid it right on
the line."

"You fuck whoever and whenever I say," Dog said. " I know you got a hubby
and another job so I'll keep that in mind, but the deal is off the first
time you balk. Do you understand?" I told him I understood "Good," he said.
"Get your ass over here and suck my cock."

"I got up and went over to where Dog sat. My legs felt like rubber. I undid
his belt and unzipped his pants and when his cock came into my view I nearly
fainted. It was bigger then anything I had ever seen, even in the porno
videos you brought in. I finally got the hang of sucking that big thing and
Dog leaned down and said for me to swallow his sperm. When he came I choked
and most of his come dribbled down my chin. I thought he would get mad at
me, but he just laughed and said I had tried and that's what counted. Dog
got up and stuffed that black hose back in his pants, "Come one, Jan," he
said. "It time for your first black fucking, but I want to do it where we
can't get interrupted."

Dog led me out of the Doghouse, loudly telling everybody he saw that he was
going to take me out and ...his words, "fuck the shit out of me". I wanted
to die of embarrassment. I thought we never would get out of that place. Dog
has several places around town, but that night he took me to the place out
on Greenville Highway, he calls his snake ranch."

"Yeah I know where it is," I interrupted. "That's where I saw you Saturday

"Oh, right," Jan said. "Well that's where he took me that night." She paused
and looked at my plate. "No appetite, huh? Let's go to the bedroom. I'm worn
out and I can tell this story laying down just as well. Grab a bottle of
wine and a couple of glasses and I'll jump in the shower."


"So he took you to his snake ranch," I prompted after Jan got out of the
shower and had gotten on the bed beside me. She put on a red nightgown.
"What happened then?" Jan didn't answer right away. She lay with her eyes
closed. I poked her with my elbow. "Well I'm waiting."

"He fuck the shit out of me," Jan stated. "Just like he bragged he would
do." She rolled over and looked at me. "Jack, I know we have an active sex
life. I've always thought it was good and it is, but this was different. You
and I make love; Dog fucked me. It was pure, unadulterated a****l sex. I beg
you not to think I'm making an unfavorable comparison to you when I tell you
this story. It's simply the difference in lust and love. When we got to the
building, Dog took a seat and ordered me to do a strip. I did as he said and
when I was down to just my panties he stood up and told me to take his
clothes off. Standing beside him I realized just how big he is. The top of
my head just barely reached his chest. He's massive, but strangely quite
gently most of the time. That's more than I can say for some of his friends.
Anyway, there we were, Dog with an erection and me nearly nude. I had
already determined there was no turning back so I decided to make it work as
well as I could. I took his penis, which, by the way, he insists I call a
cock, in my hand and stroked it a few times. It didn't get much larger, but
boy did it ever get harder. You have to understand that I had never seen any
other cocks but two, and a few in pictures and some videos. I had never in
my life ever touched one except yours and Mister Hollis. This was all new
territory for me. I was excited and frighten at the same time. I honestly
didn't think he could get his big cock in me."

"Is his cock the biggest you have to deal with since...since...what? Your
new career?" I asked. I was mystified at how I felt about her revelation. I
felt some guilt and remorse that I had been so wrapped up in my business
problems that I didn't see our personal problems. I also felt turned on as
she told the story. It was almost like she was reading some erotic story to
me, as she had done several times.

Jan shook her head, "No, not the largest, but by far the best. Dog works
hard to make sure that I have a good time. He wants me to come as much as
possible. I guess he does it to any woman he has sex with. Over time I came
to realize that Dog is an educated man, a good businessman, he has
compassion for others, and he's a fucking machine. I think he took some Far
East training or something like that. He can go for a long time with out a
climax and it amazing how fast he can recover and go again. If I live to be
a hundred I'll never forget that first time. He went down on me for a long
time. He had me flying high before he ever attempted to screw me."

"Dog was so hard, I think he could have stuck his cock through a cardboard
box. I was so turned on that I did everything possible to help him get it
in. I pulled my legs back as far as I could and as wide as I could. I
thought he was never going to get it in. I told him to stop, but he kept on
trying. When he finally got his cock in me I had a orgasm immediately and
another within a few seconds. Like I said Dog is a gentle lover, if lover's
the right word. He didn't move much until I told him it was all right. He
pumped in and out of me a couple of times and I came again and I think I may
have passed out for a moment. Over the next hour I had a hundred orgasms. I
didn't count, but I know it had to be at least that many. In the old days
they would have said I swooned, but I guess the truth is he fucked me until
he knocked me out...twice."

I poured us some more wine. Jan took a sip and looked at me. "I'm sorry
Jack. I know this is terrible for you to hear. I know if you were telling me
about you having sex with some woman it would tear me up. Are you sure you
want to hear this?"

"Yes," I said. "I'm sure. Go on."

"Dog kept me there until nearly midnight," Jan said. "Most of the time we
fucked, but we did talk also. He explained what my duties would be. The idea
of having sex with strangers was still foreign to me. I had a lot of trouble
getting used to that idea. Of course Mister Hollis was a stranger and so was
Dog at first, but somehow it seemed different."

"Over the next couple of weeks Dog fucked me nearly every day. Sometimes it
was when I was on a lunch break or when I was "working late". Once I met him
early in the morning before I went to work. You have to believe me when I
tell you I hated lieing to you, but I didn't know what else to do. I didn't
have to be "the whore" until the third week, I think it was. It was the
weekend I had to go to Lancaster in early May. Dog called me at work and
told me to meet him at the Doghouse Friday night. I got there about seven

"Tonight will a simple suck and fuck get-together," Dog told me. "You'll go
to the hotel and meet Mister White in room 4112. He's already paid so all
you have to do is get him off a couple of times and come back here. You can
keep the tip if there is one. Mister White isn't his real name, but don't
pry. Sucky-sucky, fucky-fucky and right back here. Any questions?" He handed
me some condoms."

"I didn't know enough to ask questions," Jan said to me. "I went to the
hotel and by the time I got to the room I was a nervous wreck. I almost
backed out and I guess I would have except I thought of what would happen if
I did. Fear of that queer loan shark made me knock on the door."

"Mister White was a nice older man. He was almost as nervous as I was. It
didn't take but a couple of minutes until I realized I was in charge. I
settled down and soon I sucked him some and he got on me and banged away for
about two minutes. I took him to the shower with me. After about thirty
minutes of fooling around he was ready to go again. He took a little longer
that time. Sex with Mister White wasn't great but it was all right. He made
me come once. It wasn't a biggie, but it was nice. I cleaned up and left the
hotel. I was there for nearly an hour and a half and he tipped me two
hundred bucks. He told me that he was coming back in a couple of week and he
wanted to see me again. I told him to contact Dog. I've fucked him three or
four time since then."

"I got back to the Doghouse about ten o'clock. Dog wanted to know how it
went. I told him it had gone fine. He was in his office with a couple of
guys. Abe and Duck. I guess they work for Dog. Some kind of security or
something like that. I know they carry guns."

"Good," Dog said grinning at me. "I was thinking about you fucking that old
guy and I've been hard for an hour. Come over here and give me some head."

"I glanced at the two men in the room. I guess I thought they would leave,
but they didn't seem to be in any hurry to do so. I looked at Dog and he was
grinning. "Don't worry about Duck and Abe," he said. "They like to watch,
don't you boys?" Dog had his massive cock out. "Come on Jan. Get to it."

"I did what I was told to do. I felt strange giving Dog a head job while
people watched." Jan said.

"Boys help Jan get undressed while she sucks me," Dog told the two men. It
was long before I not only was giving head, but doing it naked. Abe played
with my boobs while I sucked on Dog's cock. Duck had a couple finger in me.
It wasn't long before I didn't really care who was watching me suck Dog. I
would have gone out onto the stage and did it if they had kept playing with
me. That was the first time I had serviced more than one man. Unlike the sex
with Mister White they soon had me coming like crazy. Abe fucked me while I
sucked Dog and they kept switching around. I had all three in me at one time
or another. We ended up at the snake ranch for more group sex. That was the
first time I was ever double penetrated. Duck was in my pussy and Abe
managed to get into my ass. While they did me that way I sucked Dog. They
called it making me air-tight."

Jan rolled over and was looking at my crotch. My cock was sticking up
through my boxers. "Well look at you," she said. "This is turning you on.
You're excited hearing about your wife being gang fucked, aren't you?" There
was no denying it. I had a diamond cutter hard-on. I nodded and she put her
warm mouth on my cock. I knew it wouldn't take much before I came, and it
didn't. Jan swallowed my come and licked her lips, smiling at me. She had
gotten better at it since her last time of blowing me. "I need more wine,"
she said. I got out of bed and got another bottle.

I came back to the bedroom and poured us another glass. "So that was your
first time," I said. "What then?"

Jan looked at me strangely, glancing at my limber dick "You want to hear
more?" I assured her that I did. "I'm happy and somewhat surprised at how
well your seem to be taking all this. Are you sure you're all right?"

"Yes I'm fine," I said. "I'm a little surprised that I taking it well,
myself. To be honest with you, last Saturday night I planned on
killing...well killing somebody. I wasn't taking it very well then."

"Me? You wanted to kill me?" Jan asked, her eyes wide.

"You, Dog and the others that were fucking you. I think I may have thought
about killing myself, too. You were not all that safe Monday or Tuesday for
that matter."

"When did you have a change of attitude?" Jan asked softly.

"It was a two stage deal," I answered. "It started when you said, 'Jack,
Honey we need to talk'. I reached a conclusion when you told me that you
sucked a guy off to get the money to buy me that digital camera. Go ahead
and tell me the rest of the story." Jan smiled at me and I could see tears
glistening in her eyes.

"After that I met customers two or three times during the week and on those
so called working weekends. After a couple of months it became obvious that
I couldn't keep working at my old job and be a whore for Dog. So I quit my
job and went into the business full time."

"When?" I asked, surprised. "When did you quit your job? How come I didn't
know that?"

"I quit a several months ago. I still worked some part time with my old
company to keep my cell phone, insurance, and voice mail," she said. "Why
didn't you know? I didn't want you to know. Frankly Jack, you were so
involved with the investment business I could have moved out and you
wouldn't have noticed for a long time. I'm not criticizing you, but it's a
fact. By that time I was making enough money in tips and other things to
keep our check balance up. In fact I was making more money then I had been.
Dog has been very generous. It worked out nicely. You were always up and
gone before I was and with me working late and all, it worked out. I spent
my days here, at the Doghouse or at the snake ranch. I had my cell phone
should you call for some reason."

"So Dog is a pimp?" I said.

"No, not exactly," Jan answered. "He doesn't have other girls working for
him. He doesn't have a stable, in other words. At least not right now. He
did ask me to recruit a couple white women, but I haven't yet. I'm not sure
exactly how or why he get customers for me. I get the feeling that my
customers are somehow in a business relationship with Dog. I ask him once
and he told me that what I didn't know I couldn't testify to. That was good
enough for me. I quit prying into his business."

"So you quit your old job, huh?' I said. Damn how far behind the information
curve was I?

"Yeah a couple of months," Jan answered. "Closer to three, I guess. Dog
didn't ask me to quit, but he was a lot happier when I did. For one thing I
was more available when a customer came up. Another thing I was more
accessible for him and his crew. I was being fucked every day at least once,
but more often than not, several times a day. When I got my period I went
back to work at my old job."

"And you like all that," I said.

"Frankly, yes I did." Jan said. "I was like a big-eyes c***d in a candy
store. It was and is a sexual smorgasbord. Again I'm not being critical, but
you had withdrawn from me as far as sex was concerned. When I did see you,
you were too tired to have sex. Suddenly I was getting all the sex a girl
could ever want. Dog was happy, I was happy, his friends and business
acquaintances are happy, if that's what they are. Everybody was happy."

"Don't you worry about disease?" I asked. "I mean there are a lot of bad STD
out there."

"At first I did. I've learned how to minimize the risk and everybody except
Dog and his crew always wear a condom. I guess I made myself stop worrying
about something I couldn't control. I was in the business to save my life
and that was that. I'm not being overly dramatic when I say that. You
remember reading about that man and woman and their two k**s that were found
murdered? The cops suspect that that Queer loan shark, Larry, that did it or
had it done. He's a bad man, Jack. Dog got me out of that situation and I'll
always be grateful for that."

"I guess you...we were lucky in that regard," I said. "Is...ah... I mean
isn't your pussy stretched from... all that sex?"

Jan laughed and put her head on my chest. "No not a bit. I got a book that
taught me some exercises to do, but mostly that's a myth. Lots of sex with
well endowed men won't stretch me. Dog says I'm as tight as I was the first
time. The only thing I've noticed that's different is I can do anal sex a
lot easier. Do you want to see for your self?"

"I do," I said. "In a little while. Tell me more about your new job."

"I meet with a customer and I let him fuck me," Jan said. "nothing too
complicated about it. Sex with Dog and the boys is completely different than
with a customer. There is nothing kinky goes on with a customer. Oh of
course I may let them fuck my ass, but that's about it. With Dog and company
it's anything goes. It never occurs to me to tell them no. If they want to
double up on me, fine and dandy. If one of them face-fucks me, so be it. A
few weeks ago, I had my first honest to God gangbang."

"Did you like it?" I asked.

She thought a moment. "Yes, I'd have to say I did. I got a little tired
before they got through with me, but all in all, it was fun."

"I guess Dog set it up?" I said.

"No, not that time. Dog loaned me out to Abe for the night. Abe got a bunch
of his buddies together. They were all black men and most of them had never
had a white woman. They were an excited and rowdy bunch, I can tell you. Abe
took my clothes off and they were all over me. I nearly got smothered to
death. It took a little while, but they finally settled down. A couple of
them thought it would be fun to fuck me in the pussy at the same time.
Neither of them were overly endowed so it worked. Actually I kinda liked it.
Another couple of them thought they could do the same thing to my ass, but
that didn't work at all." Jan laughed. "this is so strange, laying here and
telling you this. I've wondered how it would go if it came down to it. Hey
look at that, you're hard again!"

"Yeah," I said with a laugh. "I have to find out for myself if them big dick
sons of bitches stretched your pussy. It sounds like if you can take two at
a time you have to be loose."

Jan whipped her nightgown over her head and straddled me. "You'll see big
boy," she said leaning down and kissing me long and deep. She reached back
and guided my cock into her. "Ahh, that's feels so good. I love your cock,
Jack. Don't ever forget that. Ohh, God you feel good in me." She started a
slow rhythm up and down on me. I'll have to admit she didn't feel any
different than I remembered her feeling. Her cunt still felt like a warm
velvet glove around my cock. Suddenly she stopped and started using some
muscle or muscles and begun to squeeze my cock with her pussy.

"Hey that's a new trick," I managed to gasp.

"Oh yes it is," Jan laughed, "I have learned a few new things lately." She
started ridding me again. It didn't take long before I filled her with my
come. Jan got off of me and ran her finger up into her pussy and licked my
come off of them. For some reason that excited me again. Jan gave me an evil
grin. "So are you ready to go to sleep now?"

"No," I said. "I don't think so. Not just yet. I want to hear the rest of
your story."

"Boy you are a glutton for punishment aren't you?" she said laying back on
the bed. "What do you think of me getting my nipples pierced?"

I was startled. Jan has perfect breasts just as they are. I reached and took
one of her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. I rolled the nipples
around causing her to shiver a little.

"I haven't given it much thought," I said. "Why? Do you want to get them

"Daddy, I mean Dog, mention that he like to get them pierced and put rings
in both of them. He's also mentioned getting my clitoris pierced. Not so
sure about that."

"So why do you call him Daddy?" I asked. I had to think about rings in her
nipples some more.

"That first time," Jan said, with a short laugh, "at the snake ranch. He was
on me and we had just finished a great session with lots of jumbo orgasms.
Dog whispered in my ear, "who's your daddy?" I said "you are my daddy." It
kinda evolved from that. Does it bother you?"

I had to laugh at that. "Hell, Jan," I said, "I think on some level it all
bothers me. Daddy don't bother me any more then some of the other things."

"Keep in mind that while Dog may be Daddy, you are still my husband. Unless
you want to change that." Jan said her expression serious. "I guess you have
grounds and it's your call."

I rolled over on my stomach so I could see her better. "Jan, honey, I don't
want to divorce you. I've been in love with you since high school.
This...this...whatever it is, doesn't change that. Look, the business had
really picked up. I just signed up three new clients last week. One real big
and another one ain't bad. The other was a retired man. The stock market has
settled down some and business looks good."

"One of them was MH insurance, wasn't it?" Jan said with a smile. I nodded,
"See I've been looking out for my man. That's Mathew Hollis's company. The
other big one is some company that Dog owns. Something enterprise."

"Golden Enterprise," I said. For some reason it didn't seem right that Jan's
pimps and customers had signed on with me.

"Come on Jack," Jan said poking me with her finger. "They would have figured
out sooner or later that you are the man to handle their money. I just
hurried up the process a little."

I found it was hard to argue with her logic. "Point is you don't have to
work any more. How much longer do you have on your contract with Dog?"

"Would it surprise you to learn that I don't want to stop working?" Jan said
after a long hesitation. "Let's be realistic. If I stopped putting out for
Dog and Hollings, how long do you think it would be before they took their
money somewhere else? I don't know that they would, but you better be
prepared for it."

"Bottom line is you want to keep being a whore," I snapped. "Is that it?"

"Let me show you something," she said going to her dresser and taking a
small booklet out. She handed it to me saying, "My six months obligation
with Dog was up over two months ago." I looked at the savings book and saw
that there was a thirty-five thousand dollar balance. "Close your mouth
darling," Jan said getting back on the bed beside me. "That's what I banked
in about six weeks. I also bought some clothes and paid some bills. By the
way, you are a co-owner of that account. I forged your signature." She put
her arms around me. "It's not so much the money, but I do like it. I can
quit being a whore in a heartbeat, but I can't stop being a slut. Over the
last eight or nine months I discovered that I like, really like sex and lots
of it. I like the excitement and the adventure of meeting a new customer. I
like being the center of attention at a gangbang. I love Daddy's big hard,
black cock, and I love the sexual situations he gets me into. Frankly I'm
addicted to dick." Neither of us said anything for a long while. "You can
change your mind about a divorce if you want to. I'll hate it, but I'll

"So if Daddy wanted your nips pierced, why haven't you done it already?" I

"It would have been too hard to explain to you," Jan said. "Not something
you would not notice I think. I guess I will when my period starts next
time. That will give me a few days to recover. Don't leave me hanging,
Jack," Jan said looking serious. "I have to know if you can handle it or
not. It's going to be whore or black cock slut."

"It would be stupid to give up all that money if you're going to fuck around
anyway," I answered. "Maybe I'll take over as your manager. I'll be your
pimp. What do you think about that?"

"I love it," Jan said laughing. "I'd really love it Jack."


They call me Dog. Of course that's not my real name. No mother would name
their son Dog...would they? I have several businesses and more than a few
irons in the fire. The least profitable is The Doghouse, but I like it best.
It's a strip joint with lot's of girls with soft white flesh to watch and

I got a call from an acquaintance of mine, Mathew Hollis, some time back. He
owns his own Insurance company, and Mathew and I have done some business
over the years, Mathew called me to see if I could help this woman out.
Seems as if she got in debt to Crazy Larry, a loan shark. Crazy Larry is a
flaming homo and a mean mother fucker. I figured that this chick, Mathew
wanted me to help, would be an ugly bitch. I was wrong, she was a living
doll. Killer body with great tits. She's only about five feet tall. I
developed a taste for small women when I was in the service. I spent some
time in the Far East. When I made an appointment for Jan Miller to come to
the Doghouse, I expected to have to tell her to leave town to get away from
crazy Larry. Either that or just go ahead and shoot herself and get it over
with. I did neither.

Hollis told me that Jan Miller had already reached a decision to become a
call girl to get out of her financial bind. That would have worked if she
had plenty of time to get herself setup in the trade. With Crazy Larry
breathing down her neck she didn't have any time. When I saw her sitting
there in my bar I knew that I was going to help her out of her trouble and
that I was going to help myself while I did. She had her mouth on my cock
within thirty minutes of our meeting.

Jan Miller became my personal whore and she took to it like a duck takes to
water. She was like most of the small women I had encountered. She was
afraid that she couldn't take my cock. Like the others she learned quickly
that she could and that she loved it.

Jan Miller was a pushover, but Crazy Larry was another matter. I called him
and offered to buy out Jan's loan, but he refused so I sent Abe and Duck to
reason with him. Crazy Larry reconsidered and I paid off Jan's loan. Over
the next six months I sold her ass to a lot of men. Most of them were
business associates of one kind or another. Jan has a natural talent for
being a whore. For one reason she loves sex which isn't true of a lot of
whores. Jan likes it all, one on one two, three or more. It's all the same
to her. When Jan quit her regular job and started working for me full time I
knew she was a true cock lover and that I had a real find. Our deal was that
she would whore for me for six months. That was ten months ago. Jan is
making a lot of money these days. She has a husband and no expensive habits
so she is able to save most of what she makes.

I've never considered myself a pimp, though I'll concede the point that I
probably am a pimp by the legal definition. I've enjoyed working Jan so much
I have considered adding a couple more girls. I screwed most my strippers
and I might recruit a couple of them to whore for me. I really would rather
have a woman or two like Jan. Wholesome looking white women who love to

I was surprised when Jan stuck her head in my office and asked to see me.
She always does that even thought she knows I want to see her anytime. Even
after all these months she still gives me a boner when I see her. I was
really surprised when she told me why she had come.

"Jack found out about," she said dropping down into a chair. "He
followed me the other night to the snake ranch, and saw all of us together."

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at that bit of news. She had been
fucking us all for a long time and I guess her husband must have been blind
not to have figured it out sooner.

"I see," I said. "Is he going to make trouble?"

Jan shook her head, "No I don't think so. He seemed to be okay with it. He
wants me to quit being a whore though."

"He's okay with it?" I asked. "That's strange. Are you sure? I mean he's not
just stalling until he can...whatever. Get a lawyer or get the cops

"No," Jan told me. "I really think he's going to adjust to my new life
style. In fact we had the best sex we ever have when I told him all the
details. He was turned on big time."

"Does this mean you are going to give up being a call girl?" I asked. Dammit
why does all the good things have to end?

Jan laughed, "I don't think so. I think Jack wants to be my manager. I told
him that I could stop being a whore, but there wasn't a chance I could quit
being a slut. Jack just wants to be a part of our fun and games."

"What does he know about being your manager?" I asked. "Has he ever been a
pimp before?" I guess that settled the question about me.

"No," Jan said laughing again. "He doesn't have the time to do that. Thanks
to you and Matthew and some others his investment business has taken off.
That's enough to keep him busy. That was just his odd way of telling me it
was all right."

"I guess I had better meet your husband," I said. This would be some strange
shit. I could just see me shaking his hand and saying, 'I'm Dog. I'm your
wife's pimp and I fuck her all the time. Nice to meet you.'

"Yeah I think you should," Jan agreed. "He's outside ogling your strippers.
You want to do it now?"

No I didn't, but I smiled and agreed. "Sure bring him on in."

The meeting wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. Jack Miller is
a nice guy. Oh sure we spent the required amount of time being macho. He was
Jan's, husband and had a legitimate claim on her. I was her pimp and the guy
that fucked her and let all my buddies fuck her. I figured that gave me some
claim, too. Jan seemed to be amused by our little act.

"Come on guys," Jan said at last. "Give it a rest. Both of you stud-muffins
are the greatest. I love my husband, Dog, and that isn't going to change.
And Jack, I love the sex that I get from Dog and that isn't going to change.
There's enough of me to go around boys so ease up."

Jack laughed and shook his head. "What are we going to do with her, Dog?"

"I know what I'm going to do with her," I said laughing with him. "I'm going
to fuck her every chance I get."

"Yeah I've heard some of the stories," Jack said, "I'd like to see that

"Ain't no time like the present," I said. "Let's go out to the snake ranch
and get it on."


I wasn't sure how old Jack was going to handle seeing his pretty little wife
being fucked by me. Jan and Jack went in his car and I drove mine. On the
way I called my man Abe and told him to drop around to the snake ranch. I
thought it might keep down any trouble, if Jack got unset. Also I really get
off seeing little Jan getting hosed by Abe. I like her expression when Abe,
or any guy for that matter, is deep stroking her cunt. She get this far-off
look and her face is all rosy and just before she comes her eyes cross.

Abe was out of pocket and it was going to take a little while for him to get
there. I'm a fair size man so I wasn't scared that Jack would hurt me. I
didn't want to have to hurt him. I had a good thing with Jan and I didn't
want to do anything to upset that. Beating the shit out of her husband
didn't strike me as a good thing.

As it turned out I was worried for no good reason. Jack seemed totally
enthralled watching his wife and I. Jan and I lay on the bed and fooled
around some while Jack watched. Jan is one of those rare women that don't
need a lot of warming up. She gets heated up fast and stays that way. I got
her shirt off and played with her tits for a while. I can't wait until she
get her nips pierced and I can get rings in them. One of the gals that dance
at my place, Heidi, has her nipples done with rings. I want to lock her and
Jan together nipple to nipple and see what happens. They are about the same
height and it ought to be interesting if nothing else.

Jan and I had managed to get naked and I was finger-fucking her and Jan was
sucking my cock when Abe arrived. Since Jan had her mouth full I made the
introduction for Jack and Abe.

"Nice to meet'ch," Abe said, "Nice piece of ass you got there. We all love
to fuck Jan."

"Thanks," Jack said taking the comment in stride. Abe isn't what you would
call tactful. "I like it myself."

"Good cocksucker, too," Abe said. "Look at that bitch on down on Dog. Damn
the slut can't get enough hard black cock." Abe was watching Jack carefully
to see if there was any reaction to his crudeness. There wasn't any except a
smile from Jack.

"Honey, come over here and hold my hand," Jan said taking her warm mouth
from my cock. "I'm going to get on Dog and I want you here beside me when I
put his cock in my pussy."

Jack came and got beside us on the bed and held her hand when she mounted
me. My cock wasn't but about halfway in when she started to come. Jan is
multi-orgasmic. She has little ones and great big ones and everywhere in
between. That's one of the reasons I like to fuck her. She makes a man feel
like he doing some good.

It was later and Jack and I sat and watched Jan and Abe. Jan was riding Abe
and facing us as she did.

"Man would you look at her expression," Jack said softly. "She's on cloud

"Yeah," I said. "The gal does love to fuck. I've said it before and I'll say
it again. Too much ain't no where near enough. Let me ask you on earth did you manage to keep her satisfied since you been

"Damned if I know," Jack said with a short laugh. "You boy's turned
something loose in her. I mean we had a good sex life...lots of sex except
for lately that is, but now I pretty sure one man ain't goina get the job

"You still going to let her work for me?" I asked. "She said something about
you being her manager."

"Naw, that was just wishful thinking on my part. I don't have a clue how to
go about that. I would like to have a little say-so in her work. I mean I
don't want her doing nothing dangerous or anything like that."

"Hey man," I said quickly. "I ain't going to let nothing happen to that
little gal. She's like money in the bank for me. Besides, I like Jan. She's
real. Hell, I think most of the dudes that's fucked her, done fell in love
with her." He didn't say anything, just looked at me a moment and nodded.
"You seem to be taking this...whatever it is better then I would have

Jack shook his head, still watching his wife bounce on Abe's cock. "Not at
first," he said after a long silence. "I wanted to kill you...her...all of
you. I was mad as hell and hurting, too. For three days after I saw you and
the others with her I couldn't get my thoughts to going in the right
direction. If I had, somebody would have been dead by now."

"What happened to change your mind?" I asked him.

"When I realized that Jan loves me," Jack said slowly. "When she told me
that she had gotten into trouble because of my business." He looked directly
at me. "I was the reason that it started. It was my indifference to
everything except my business that caused the problems. Would I undo it if I
could? Hell yes. I wish none of this had happened. I wish I had my little
wife back just like she use to be...I know that isn't going to happen, but
it don't stop me from wishing."

I couldn't think of anything to say so I kept quiet. We both watched as Jan
went into another of her big climax. Her big tits flopping around on her
tiny frame was always a sight to see. Jack was right. That genie was not
going back in the bottle...ever. He was stuck with a highly charged sexual
woman. One that he was going to have to share with others. I wondered if I
could do it for the long haul.

Jan told me you wanted to get her nipples pierced," Jack said jerking me
back from my mental exercise. "Why rings...why not small studs?" I told him
about my fantasy of watching Jan and Heidi, locked together at the nipples.
He laughed, "That might be fun to watch," he said. "I don't know if Jan has
ever thought about another woman or not."

"Yeah," I said, "I mentioned it to her one time. She told me that she hadn't
ever been with another woman. I don't think the idea turned her off. I
figure Jan's up for anything that involves sex. Even if she don't go for the
idea of another woman, it would be fun to hang on to the rings while I fuck
her. Maybe chain the rings to the bed or something like that. What do you
thing about it?"

"I wasn't in favor of it at first," Jack said. "I like her tits just as they
are, but I think she'll do whatever you say." He looked hard at me, "You
seem to have a lot of influence over my wife. I guess you know that, don't

"Yeah," I admitted. "It's natural I guess. Jan sees me as her knight. I got
her out of trouble with Crazy Larry so she's grateful."

"I think it's more than that," Jack said with a grin. "She likes your big
cock and the cocks that you bring her." He looked back and his wife and Abe.
"We need a video of her," he said. "I want to have a good video of her to
look at when I get old and can't get it up anymore."

That caught me by surprise. I didn't know if I should tell him that I had a
couple videos of her already. I had the same idea...something to have when I
was old. The videos I had were edited by a friend of mine and I had
considered selling them to a distributor even though they were amateurish
and were done from a hidden camera. Jan didn't know I had made them.

"Jan's good enough to make a commercial video," I said. "We could make a
bundle if we wanted to go that route. What do you think?"

Jack Miller thought about that idea while he watched his wife getting
fucked. Abe and Jan had changed positions and Abe was on top of her. I was
getting hard again and I was thinking I needed to get back in the saddle.

"It would have to be something unique," Jack said. "White woman and black
men has been done to death. Let's give it some thought and see if we can
come up with something different. Right now I'm thinking I want some of her
pussy. You think that son of a bitch is going to get through anytime soon?"

I had to laugh, "We can knock him off of her," I said. "We're bigger than
him. Let's both fuck her. Heads or tail?"

"I want her ass," Jack said. "You can have anything that's left."

"Sounds good to me," I assured him. "Let's double fuck her. I'll fuck her
cunt." Abe got off and we took over. Abe would never admit it, but he was
getting tired anyway. While we fucked Jan I got an idea that was worth
exploring, but I was too busy right at that moment to give it any thought.


It wasn't until the next afternoon that I called Jack at his office to tell
him about my idea for the ultimate fuck video.

"Okay," Jack said, "Let me see if I have this straight. You know this super
hung guy and the big deal is the surprise factor. Jan get into this
gang-bang and when all the guys have finished with her this super dick come
out and flops his super cock down on her."

"Wait a minute," I said. "You make it sound stupid. The whole theme of the
video is this white chick, a cute housewife, wants to have the black
experience. She set up a bang, but get a super surprise when she realizes
that there is a bull in her china shop. A real bull. We'll get a pro script
writer and professional cameramen to work it."

"Yeah," Jack said. He didn't sound impressed yet. "Who is this super dick?
Do you know him, and how big is he?"

"No I don't know him personally," I admitted. "I know of him. His name is
Dan something or other. They say he got a f******n inch cock but I doubt
that. I'm guessing ten or eleven inches, but that's big enough. Here's the
kicker. We don't tell Jan about the super dick as you call him. Her shock
and surprise will be real when the camera zooms in on her face. What do you

"Maybe," he answered. "So all you got is an interracial gangbang and a big
dick. We need more than that. Keep working on it and I'll see you later."
Jack was going to be hard to work with if he didn't change his attitude.

I started checking around to see if anybody knew where Dan with the big cock
was. I kept striking out. Everybody I talked with had heard of him, but
nobody knew where he was. By that night I was starting to think I was going
nowhere. I enlisted Abe and Duck to help me find Dan.

"Can I ask ya boss, what you want with this Dan feller?" Duck asked.

"Yeah, I'm setting up a fuck video and I need this Dan because I hear he's
got a super cock. That's the kicker of the video. This chick get surprised
by a dude with a king size cock."

"Oh," Duck said. "Okay I'll get on it. If he's in town I'll find him." Duck
grinned, "If you don't find this guy I know a black guy that has a f******n
inch cock and I know where he is."

"Hells fire, Duck," I said. "I don't give a shit about the guy. All I want
is to use his cock for a while and one big dick is as good as another. Who's
your guy?"

"Name's Roscoe," Duck said. "He's a bouncer at that fancy dance club over on
sixth street. I use to work with him a few years ago. Fucker is as big as a
house and about as smart."

"Get in touch with him and see if he's interested in doing a video. Tell him
it don't pay much, but he gets to fuck a pretty little white gal. You sure
he's hung?"

"Yeah I've see his cock." Duck said. "We was in the piss-house at the same
time. I didn't measure the damned thing, but guess it as big as he says. I
know he has a world of trouble finding a woman who let him get on her."

"Okay," I said to Duck. "Fuck Dan and get hold of Roscoe. Just tell him to
come see me. I explain the deal to him."

"Sure boss," Duck said. "You'll have to speak slow 'cause he as dumb as a
anvil. I was serious about that."

"I don't give a rats ass if he has to have a keeper," I said. "Just so he
can fuck okay." There I had been running all over town looking for Dan while
there was a big cock three streets over.

After Duck left to find his man I gave some thought to what Jack had said.
He was right about not having enough. A gangbang was old hat and while I
really liked the idea of a super size cock being a surprise for Jan I knew
we were going to need more. That's when I came up with another surprise for
Jan. We would spring her first girl on girl action on her during the video.

When Abe checked in later I ran my idea by him. "Sounds good," he said. "You
might want her to ride the pony."

"I give up," I said. "Ride what pony?"

"Guy I know built a fucking machine. Used a dildo and a real saddle. He put
a motor on it, and he says it'll drive the chicks wild."

"Sounds good," I said. "What do the women who has tried it say?"

"Don't know," Abe said grinning his goofy grin. "Far as I know he ain't been
able to talk anybody into trying it. He a queer duck, you know shy like, and
he don't know how to talk to women."

"How does he even know it will work?" I asked.

Abe shrugged and grinned, "beats me. You want to get some gal to try it out
for him?"

"We might be able to use it in the video, but we need to know if the fucking
thing will even work. See if you can borrow it and we'll see." I was cooking
on high now. In fact things were falling into place and I felt good. Good,
until I got to thinking that I might be trying to get the cart before the

I had mentioned to Jan about doing a video some time ago and she didn't like
the idea. She hadn't been overly excited about the girl-girl bit either. I
was going to have to get into my salesman mode and sell her on these ideas.


"So now that Jack knows everything there ain't any reason not to make a
video," I said to Jan. "What do you think?"

"I don't know Dog," she said. "I have family you know. What would they think
about me being in a sex video? Not much I think."

"Do they normally watch adult videos and movies?" I countered. "What are the
odds they see you or if the do even recognize you? We can get you a wig and
a couple fake tattoos. Nobody ever looks at the star's face anyway. Tits and
ass is where they focus their attention. Come on Jan. You know you want to
and Jack thinks it a great idea. In fact it was his idea in the first

"I still don't know," Jan said. I could tell that the concept excited her.
"I can see that there could be problems with it."

"Tell you what," I said. This was going to be the clincher. "We'll do the
video and when they get it all edited and get a finished product, you and
Jack sit down and watch it. If you say no deal I'll burn it and forget it."
Yeah like I was going to do that.

I could see from the look on her face that she was going to do it. "What
kind of wig?" she asked. She was in. "I don't want something that looks

"No," I said quickly, "we'll get a good one. How about blonde or red even?"

"Red," she said smiling at me. "I've wondered what I'd look like as a

"You'll look like a million bucks," I assured her. "Red on the head with a
couple black cocks in your pussy. What do you think about that pony I told
you about? Want to give it a try?"

"I'm not so sure about that," she said. "Has anybody tried it yet?"

"I got a dancer who said she'd try it. Abe got it and took it to the snake
ranch. Della, that's my dancer, is going to give it a ride tonight if you
want to watch her."

"Sure," Jan said. "I have a date, but it's an early one. It's at six o'clock
and I should be through in a couple of hours. What time is she going to be

"Let's say nine to be on the safe side. Your date may take longer then you
think it will." Jack, her husband, had a potential client that he had fixed
her up with. Some big shot from Texas with more money then he knew what to
do with. Jack told me that he had thought about getting a hooker for his
clients, but until recently didn't even know how to go about it. He laughed
when he referred to Jan as his in-house whore.


CHAPTER ONE some background

Over the past months I have asked myself at least a million time what on
earth I was doing. I am a wife, a college graduate, and I had been gainfully
employed before I became a whore. I call myself a whore because I tried all
the other words, call girl, prostitute, hooker, etcetera, and came to the
conclusion that whore suited me best.

At first I became a whore out of necessity. My husbands business wasn't
doing as well as we had hoped and we got into a financial bind. I was stupid
and I borrowed some money from a loan shark only to find out that he was a
mad killer. I was paying nearly one thousand percent interest and I couldn't
make the payments. I went to see a man named Dog who had been recommended to
me by a man I knew. I had all ready made up my mind that I would become a
call girl (call girl sounded better at that time) and my friend told me that
Dog may be able to help me.

Dog is a black man who runs a tittie bar in town. Dog explained to me that
the loan shark, Crazy Larry, would mess me up and my feminine charms
wouldn't help me because Crazy Larry was a homosexual. Dog scared the hell
out of me and when he offered me the position as his personal whore I took
it. Within thirty minutes of our meeting I was on my knees sucking him off.
Later that night he took me to a place he owns called the snake ranch where
he fuck me for hours. Dog is a great lover because he takes his time and
makes sure the woman is getting pleasure out of the sex.

Dog is also a voyeur and it wasn't long before he turned me out to two of
his employees, Abe, a black man and Duck, a white man. I love it when Dog
screws me because he is mostly gently. Abe is rough and I like that also.
Duck is kind of fat, but he is a good fucker. Abe and Duck were the first to
double fuck me after Dog turned me on to anal sex. I had let Jack fuck my
ass but only because he insisted. I didn't know it could be so good. Over
the next several months I was fucked in ones, twos, threes and gang banged
several times.

I suppose it was during the first couple of days with Dog that something
within me awoke. I became totally insatiable. I craved cock and I didn't
care what color it was even though I prefer black. I couldn't and still
can't get enough. I worked for and screwed Dog and his crew and started
doing out-calls for him. I assumed that the guys I went to fuck were friends
or business acquaintances of Dog. I didn't ask after Dog informed me that
what I didn't know, I couldn't testify to.

Things were going great for me for several months. I was so busy with Dog
and the others I had to give up my full time job. I still worked part time
to keep my benefits because Dog doesn't offer health insurance. I couldn't
have scripted a better life for me until my husband came out of his business
induced fog and found out what I had been up to. He followed me to the snake
ranch one night and was witness to Abe and Duck double teaming me, and
later, to Dog hosing me good.

What Jack saw nearly killed him. He wandered around in a stupor for a couple
of days before I sat him down and told him the whole story. It made him
angry and horny at the same time. When he realized that I had started out
whoring because of him and his business, he forgave me. It took a while
longer to convince him that I wouldn't.couldn't quit my life style. I was
hooked on cock, black cock to be specific. Jack was smart enough to realize
that he wasn't man enough to satisfy me any longer so he capitulated and now
supports me in my work. I have even gone out on dates with some of his
clients. Jack has watched me fuck two and more black men and was really
turned on by the experience. I realize this isn't the life I would have
picked for myself and it certainly isn't for everybody, but it is my life
and I like it a lot.


Dog started trying to get me to do a video almost from day one. I was well
aware that he had a video camera hidden and I was alright with that, but I
couldn't come to terms with setting out to make a triple x video. Taping us
while we fucked seemed so much different then staging it. At first I was
afraid that Jack would see it or someone would tell him about it, and then
after he was on board with my life, I was concerned about family and friends
recognizing me.

Dog was persistent and when I told him he would have to be content with what
he had, he asked me to watch them. I'll have to admit that I was turned on
watching them with Dog and Abe. We didn't make it all the way through the
first one. Dog was stroking and playing with one tit and Abe was sucking the
other one. After they got through fucking me I told Dog I would think about
it and let him know soon. Something in his eyes told me that he was up to
something. That took place Monday night.

On Tuesday I went to work at my old job. Two people were out sick and
another on maternity leave. It was part of my deal with the company to fill
in as needed and they would show me working enough to keep my health
insurance in force.

That Tuesday a strange thing happened in the break room. I was just
finishing up my lunch and glancing at a magazine someone left when Laura
Wilson came over to the table. Laura was the secretary to the big boss. She
is an attractive forty year old woman who dresses like she is sixty.

"Jan, may I have a word with you?" she asked.

"Sure Laura," I said. "Have a seat."

"I really don't know how to.ah.well, something came up yesterday and I
though you should know about it." Laura seemed flustered. I waited until she
collected her thoughts. "I guess there isn't any other way to say it except
come right out with it. Hal Brooks, you remember him, a salesman? Anyway, he
told me that he saw you downtown last weekend.on Saturday night." Laura was
bright red now. "He said you were in the company of two black men, and he
thought Mister Nolan should know about it." I felt a cold chill. I had taken
great pains to keep my private endeavors far away from my work place. Laura
Wilson cleared her throat and said softly, "I told Hal that that was
impossible. I told him that you and I went shopping and to a movie Saturday
evening and were together until very late. I chastised him for spreading
vicious rumors. He left my office with his tail between his legs."

I was stunned. I've know Laura for a couple of years, but we hadn't ever
been close. I've never, ever gone shopping and to a movie with her. "Why did
you do that, Laura?" I managed to asked after a long period of silence.

"I'm not quite sure," she answered me slowly. "I think it was because of the
sanctimonious way some of these men act. All of the sales staff are
back-stabbing jerks." She looked directly at me. "I recognize that it isn't
any of my business, but was he telling the truth? Were you with two black

I wasn't at all sure how to respond. I wasn't any threat to her position
with the company and she seemed like an ally, so I told her the truth. "Yes
I was," I said without elaborating.

Laura was turning red faced again, "Are they friends of yours.I mean. Oh
goodness that's terribly rude of me. I'm sorry that is none of my concern.
It's just." her voice trailed off.

"Just what Laura?" I asked.

"I don't know," she said her face now flaming. "Every since my Donald left
me I've been sort know."

"Horny?" I supplied. She nodded and left her face downward. "How long has it
been since Don left you?" I asked gently. I was aware of the office talk
about Donald Wilson. Bits from the water cooler indicated that he had taken
up with a younger woman and they took off out west somewhere.

"Nearly two years now," she muttered. Laura looked up at me, "When Hal told
me about seeing you with two black men I got all tingly inside. It's like
I'm having a sex life vicariously. I'm not." She stopped when two women came
into the break room.

"Let's go out to the smokers pavilion," I said getting my trash and tossing
it into a container.

"I don't smoke," she said following me out the door.

"I don't either," I said. "I think we can have more privacy out there." The
pavilion was empty except for a lone man who was puffing hard on a cigarette
as if it was his last one. We went down to the far end and sat down on a
bench. "So it excited you to think I was having sex with two men.two black
men, huh?"

She didn't answer right away and when she did she did with a harsh laugh, "I
get excited about anybody having sex with anybody these days."

"You are a good looking woman," I said truthfully. "You look like you take
care of yourself. You have a great figure so what's your problem? Get
yourself a man and live your own sex life."

She laughed that harsh laugh again, "I know it sounds so simple. Oh sure
I've been hit on by several guys, but I guess my self esteem was demolished
when Donald took off. Something just keeps me from accepting a date. Are

"What? Having sex with two black men?" I said. "Would it shock you if I said

"I guess a little," Laura said. "Is it true what they say about black men?"

"I don't know exactly what they said," I said laughing. "What do you want to

"This is a terrible conversation," she said blushing and laughing, "Those
two men you were with Saturday night. Was it good sex?"

"Shoot Laura," I said smiling at her, "any sex is good, but to answer your
question the two Hal spotted me with were just dates. It was good sex, but
not all that great. Frankly they were a little rough for my taste. I have
some black friends that always give me super sex."

"I'm sorry," Laura said. "You said they were just dates. You mean you didn't
know them?"

"No, not until Saturday night. It was a couple of men that were in town on
business and needed some company. Does that shock you?" I asked.

"Well I guess it does," Laura said getting to her feet. "I've been gone from
the desk too long. I'll see you later." She was almost running by the time
she got to the door. I had shocked the shit out of Laura Wilson.

Truthfully I thought she would tell our boss and I'd get the boot, but
nothing was said all the rest of the week. I wasn't as worried as I had
been. Jack's business was big enough and he was shopping for an insurance
carrier so that both of us could have health insurance, and I was making
enough hooking to keep us in the chips. I didn't need to work, I just wanted
to keep my hand in it.

I was surprised when Laura came to my desk on Friday afternoon. "Hi Jan,"
she said. "I brought you some more work." Laura sat some papers down on my
desk. "I also want to apologize to you for the way I acted the other day.
That was tacky of me to run off like that. Frankly you floored me and I
didn't know how to respond."

"That's okay, Laura," I told her. "I guess it was a shocker."

"Yes it was," she agreed. "Could.I mean maybe you'd like to have a drink
with me sometime. I'm dieing to hear more about your.what do we call it?
Extracurricular activities?"

"Sure I'd like to have a drink with you," I said somewhat surprised to find
it was true. Laura Wilson intrigued me for some strange reason. I wanted to
find out how it was possible to go without sex for so long. I knew I could
never do it. "How about this evening?" It was the wrong time of the month
for me to work at the extracurricular activities as she had put it. "We can
have a few drinks and have dinner. How does that sound?"

"Oh.Oh yes, that sounds great," she said. We made plans to meet at the
Dragon's lair, a nice little Chinese place not far from the Doghouse. I had
eaten there a few times with Dog or one of the others.


Over pre-dinner drinks I told Laura how I had gotten into the whoring
business. She seemed totally captivated by my story. After the third round
of drinks I got a lot more graphic with the details of my life.

"I can't believe that your husband goes along with it," she said. "Isn't he
jealous at all?"

"Yes," I told her. "I think on some level he is, but he knows that right now
this is how it is. Jack has adjusted and his love for me is greater then his

Laura took a sip of her drink, "I can not even image how it must feel to
make love to two men at the same time," she said. She gave a short laugh,
"Hell, I can't hardly image how it is to make love with one man."

Laura and I were sitting at a table in the very back of the restaurant and
there wasn't anyone close to us. "It isn't love making," I told her. "It's
fucking. Low down, hot and sweaty, dirty, a****listic, get your face in it,
fucking. Love making is what you do with your husband or someone you love."

Laura raised her glass, "Here's to fucking," she said, her words getting a
little bit slurred "What's the best part of that low down, hot and whatever
you said, fucking?"

"I don't know," I said reflecting on her question. "I like it all. I like it
when I hold a hard black cock in my hand and feel the heat from it. I like
it when I can see when he sticks it in me and I can watch the black slide
into the white. I like it when they come. There all different, you know.
When Dog comes he likes to look you right in the eye. Abe's eyes roll back
in his head and he groans. Duck lets out a little yelp when he comes. I like
to hold their balls when I suck their cock. I like the power I have over
them for that brief instant. The best part is knowing that if they come and
I'm still hot that there is another hard cock waiting to take over. There is
something special about glancing over and seeing one or two guys ready and
willing to keep you flying." I realized that I was getting tipsy. "We had
better order dinner before we get shit-faced."

"Too late," Laura giggled. "I'm all ready there. You know, I envy you, Jan.
You are a true free spirit. I would love to experience just a tiny bit of
what you have."

"You can," I assured her. "You want some hard, hot black cock? I can make a
call and make it happen."

Laura Wilson look panic stricken for a moment. "Oh no I could never do that.
I mean I want to but I'd never."

"Bull shit, Laura," I said, "You need a man. You need to break out of your
shell and get laid and you need to do it now. Let's eat and have a few more
drinks and talk about it some more."

"I don't think I can drink enough to talk myself into anything like that,"
Laura said.

Laura Wilson was wrong. After we finished our meal I took her to a bar just
up the street from the doghouse. I thought it might be pushing it to take
Laura to a tittie bar. While Laura went to the restroom I called Dog and
asked him if he was busy.

"Never," he laughed, "never too busy for you. I thought you were on your
break this week."

"I am," I said, "Should be back in business by next Monday. No, I have this
woman with me and I think you might want to meet her. She attractive, white,
and very horny. Poor thing hasn't been laid in nearly two years. If you are
interested come on up to Charlie's bar."

"I'm on my way," Dog said. "Anything I should know?"

"She skittish so go easy," I said. "Just be yourself and you may get lucky

Laura had no more than sat back down when Dog came through the door. He must
have ran the two blocks from his joint.

"Hey fancy meeting you here," he said coming over to our table. He gave me a
quick peck on the lips. Laura eyes grew larger when she saw his huge form.

"Hi Dog," I said, "This is Laura. Laura this is Dog. Why don't you join us,"
I invited.

"Hello Laura," Dog said holding out his massive hand. Poor Laura was as
white as a sheet. She managed to hold out a trembling hand and Dog leaned
way over and kissed her hand. I thought Laura was going to faint.

Dog sat down across from Laura, "It's nice to meet you Laura," he said
giving her a big smile. "Do you work where Jan does?"

"Yes," Laura said with a quiver in her voice. "Yes we work at the same

"I know you from somewhere," Dog said giving her a close look. "Now I wonder
where that is."

"I don't think so," Laura said. Some of her color was coming back and her
voice was stronger. "I'm sure I would remember someone as.well, as large as

"I have it," Dog said with a laugh, "I knew I had seen you before. You went
to Penn State didn't you?"

"Yes," Laura said. "How on earth did you know that? She glanced at me.

"Don't look at me," I said. "I didn't know you went to Penn State." We both
looked at Dog who was grinning big. If he was bullshitting her he was doing
a fine job. I had not mentioned Laura to him and as far as I knew there was
no way he could have researched her.

"I saw you at Penn State," he said. "I went there also. You don't remember
me because we only had one class together and I cut it most of the time. I
played football until I messed up my knee. As I recall you didn't care much
for us jocks."

"How on earth could you recognize me after all these years," Laura said.

"Oh you haven't changed all that much," Dog assured her. "Still pretty as a
man's second wife. Seems to me that your were dating a medical student back
then. How did that work out for you?"

"Not great," Laura said. "Bastard took off with his nurse a couple years
ago. They are living blissfully in Arizona or somewhere out there in the

Dog leaned back in his chair and studied Laura, "Damn, I would have like to
seen her before they took off. She must have been something to leave you
for. That man has to be some kind of a fool. What are you ladies drinking?"
He signaled a passing waitress and we ordered. If that was a line, it was a
good one.

"I can not believe you could possibility remember me after so long," Laura
said with a laugh. "How is that possible?"

"Easy," Dog said with a laugh. "I remember most of the pretty women I've run
across. " He looked at her seriously for a moment, "I remember one time just
outside the commons. You were coming out and ran right into me. I caught you
as you started to fall. I managed to keep you from hitting the sidewalk, but
I did so with one hand on your breast. I've thought about that over the
years." He shook his head and laughed softly. "I don't think you even
noticed who caught you."

"No," Laura said excitedly, "I remember that incident. I remember you now.
You had a team coat on and.oh my God! It was you." She laughed, "I wonder
later if you did it just to crop a feel."

"No that was just a lucky accident.," Dog said with a smile. They continued
for a while with the walk down memory lane. I wouldn't have been surprised
if they had taken out a yearbook.

"Jan told me you have a bar," Laura said.

"Yeah," Dog said. "That's one of my enterprises. "I call it the Doghouse.
It's just down the street a couple blocks. You want to see it?"

Laura surprised me a little when she said she was curious about a strip bar.
I walked a few feet behind them as we went to the Doghouse. I noticed that
Dog touched her nearly the entire distance. I also noticed that Laura didn't
seem to mind.

Dog convinced a couple of guys to give up the best table and arranged for
drinks to arrive. Laura watched in total captivation as one girl after
another took the stage and disrobed. During a break in the music I heard
Laura say to Dog, "I wish I could do that."

"Nothing stopping you," Dog said. "You can dance can't you?"

"Not like that," Laura said with a smile, "I'm old enough to be the mother
to most of them. No, I'm afraid that I'm past all that now."

"Did you notice the tall woman with the black hair?" Dog said. "She a
grandmother and several years older then you. It's not so much age as it is
looks and attitude. Her name is Lila and she can get any man in the place if
she wanted to. You have the body and looks for it, so why don't you give it
a try?"

"No way," Laura said laughing, "There is just no way I could get up on stage
in front of all these strangers and take off my clothes."

"Well why don't you practice in front of a small group of friends?" Dog
said. "That way you could see if you could do it."

"I don't know," Laura said slowly. I could see that she was tempted.

"Why don't we go out to your place, Dog?" I said. "I'll grab a couple of
outfits from the dressing room. You'd dance for Dog and I wouldn't you

"Maybe," she said. "I don't know if I could take all of it off, but."

Dog rushed off to get some more booze for us to take with us and I grabbed a
couple of outfits I thought she could wear and in a few minutes we were off
to the snake ranch.


"I can't do this," Laura complained. She was wearing a tiny little red bra
and panty set with black fringe. Laura has a nice figure. Her breasts are
not as large as mine, a thirty-two b I guess, but they are nicely shaped
with oversized nipples. She has good muscle tone that comes with regular

I handed her another drink, "Sure you can," I encouraged her. "Just keep
telling yourself that you want to. You look great, Laura and you can make
any man sit up and take notice. Come on and let's get on with it."

I already had the music picked out and the boombox was ready. I had used it
several times to give the guys a private show. We went into the room where
Dog waited with ill concealed anticipation.

"Damn girl," he said when he saw Laura, "You look better than you did in

I pushed the play button and the music started. Laura stool completely still
until I went over and beside her and started swaying to the beat. Laura
followed my moves and when she was comfortable on her own I went over and
sat beside Dog. When the music picked up the tempo so did Laura. She had her
eyes closed and seemed to be in a world of her own.

"Slide the bra straps down, honey," Dog said just loud enough to be heard
above the music. Laura let first one then the other strap fall. She danced
that way for a minute or two and reached between the cups for the clasp. I
knew we were at the moment of truth here. If she took the bra off, Laura was
fucked literally. Slowly she opened the bra and for a moment she hesitated
and then let it fall to the floor. Her nipples were hard and sticking out
like little pointers. She had not opened her eyes the whole time she had
been dancing. I could tell they were throbbing. She opened her eyes and
looked directly into Dog's eyes. She smiled slightly as she reached for the
clasp on the side of the panties. Laura undid both clasps and held them in
place as she completed her circuit of the improvised dance floor. When she
was facing Dog again she let the panties fall to the floor and kicked them
away. Laura had transformed from a fumbling amateur dancer to a pro in a
matter of minutes. Laura spun and danced nude a few more minutes, mimicking
the dancers she had watched at the Doghouse. When she squatted in front of
us I could see the glint of moisture in her womanhood.

The music changed into a deep jungle drum beat. "Give Dog a lap dance," I
said to the dancing woman.

Laura, wearing only a pair of heels danced slowly toward Dog. She came up to
him and straddled his legs as she moved and swayed to the drum beat. Dog
gently put both hands on her thighs as she danced for him. Laura was smiling
as he stroked her legs. I could see that Dog was developing a pup-tent in
his pants as his cock swelled.

I knew that the music was about to change into a wilder beat at any moment,
so I got up and stopped the music. "Change costumes," I told Laura. As we
headed out of the room I looked back at Dog. "You too, big man." He nodded
and smiled at me. I dimmed the lights as I went out.

I got Laura changed into a brief little tear-away outfit and let her wait at
the door until I started the music again. She strolled out onto the floor
like a pro and picked up the beat immediately. She didn't notice that Dog
was naked.

After Laura had danced a few minutes I told her to lap dance for Dog and let
him remove the outfit from her body She moved over to him and that's when
she noticed that he was naked and sporting a hard-on. She lost the beat for
a moment and her eyes were as big as saucers. She found the beat and once
again straddled his legs. She couldn't take her eyes off of Dogs massive

Dog let her dance for him a few minutes then ripped the top off of her. He
tossed it toward me and I caught it. He took both of her breasts in his
hands and worked her harden nipples causing her to moan loud enough to be
heard over the throbbing beat of the music. Soon he had the bottom off and
was using a finger on her pussy. I felt like a fifth wheel but frankly I
wanted to stay and see her first black fucking. I didn't have to wait very
long. They both were so hot they were sizzling. Dog pulled her legs toward
him until she was over his pulsating cock.

"Help her, Jan," Dog said. I went over and reached between them and grasped
his cock. I got it lined up with Laura's pussy and gently pushed her down
onto it. His cock had not penetrated her more than a couple of inches when
she started to jerk and twitch. Laura was having her first orgasm in a very
long time. Her orgasm was so intense I had a small one in empathy with her.
I pushed her shoulders down causing Dog's cock to penetrated her further.
Laura yelled out something incoherent and dropped all the way down on his
cock and went into a long series of orgasms. She was crying and moaning and
laughing all at the same time. I couldn't help but remember the first time
Dog stuck it to me. I discovered that I was a voyeur. I liked watching them
fuck and I did so for about half an hour. When Dog picked her up and took
her to the large bed I figured it was time to go and leave them alone. I got
Dog's keys and left but not before I glanced at Dog who had just shoved his
black cock in Laura from behind. He winked at me and I smiled at him. My
time would come soon enough.


I didn't see or hear from Laura all weekend. As I had agreed I went to work
Monday to finish out the second week. I made an unnecessary trip to the
executive floor only to find a temp in at Laura's desk. I felt a mild
concern for her. On Tuesday I had just gotten to my desk when Laura appeared
at my door.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi yourself," I answered. Laura was dressed in a killer dress. And she was
glowing! "have a nice weekend?"

"The greatest ever," she said coming into my office. "I called in sick
yesterday because I didn't want the weekend to end."

"I gather you and Dog managed to fill in the time all right," I said dryly.
"Had quite the reunion, huh?"

Laura took a seat beside my desk and she was blushing furiously. "I couldn't
believe it.still don't.." she lowered her voice, "I've never had sex like
that before. Dog wouldn't quit even if I had wanted him to. He's a

"Yeah, that's Dog all right." I was just a little bit jealous and I knew
that was silly. "did you meet any of the gang?"

"Yes, I met Abe and Duck. They brought food and stuff. A few times." She
said her voice even lower.

"Is that all?" I inquired. I knew it wasn't because I knew Dog.

She shook her head, "No I guess not. Sunday night Dog made me have sex with
Abe and Duck. He did it again yesterday and last night."

"Made you?" I said.

"When Abe brought our dinner, Dog and I were in bed. Dog went to the door to
help him bring the things in so I covered up. Dog had introduced me to him
Saturday so he wasn't exactly a stranger. While Dog got the food out and was
putting it on the table Abe came over to the bed and looked at me. He told
me to lower the cover but I didn't. He reached out and jerked it away from
me. I tried to cover up but I didn't have enough hands to cover everything.
Dog told me to let Abe look at me. I was embarrassed almost to death. It got
worse because Dog came over and pulled me out of the bed and made me walk
around nude for Abe to see. I nearly died, Jan."

"So what happened next?" I asked.

"Dog held my arms while Abe played with me. It didn't take long before I
didn't care what they did to me. Dog put me back on the bed and held my legs
open for Abe. You are right about Abe," Laura said with a crooked smile. "He
doesn't have the gentleness or finesse that Dog does."

"Did you like it?" I said.

"Yes I did," Laura said. "Dammit, I like all of it! I liked it when it was
just me and Dog. I liked it when Dog held me for Abe to screw. I liked it
when I was being fucked by one man and sucking another. I liked it when Duck
and Abe screwed me and Dog watched us. I now know what you were talking
about. There is a feeling of power isn't there?"

"Yes there is," I said laughing at her enthusiasm. "Even when you are
helpless there is a feeling of power. Did they butt fuck you?"

"Yes and that was a first for me. I wanted Donald to do it to me, but he
said it was nasty. None of the guys felt like that this weekend. I didn't
even have to suggest it." Laura said. "I didn't like it at first when they
doubled up on me. That took a while to get used to."

"Welcome to my world," I said, grinning at her. "My world of hard cocks and
most of them black. Going to do it again?"

"Oh yes," she said. "I have to have some more of it. In fact I'm taking a
weeks vacation next week. Dog wants to take me somewhere for the whole

"Yeah, he got a cabin up in the mountains," I told her. "Real nice place.
I've been there several times." I looked closely at her, "Laura, I don't
mean to pry but what are you doing about birth control?"

"I'm barren," she stated in a flat tone of voice. "That was part of the
problem with Donald and I. Birth control isn't a problem."

"I'm sorry Laura," I said. "Like I said I didn't mean to pry, but I thought
you should know the boys aren't much for condoms."

"I noticed that," she said her good mood restored. "I hate them anyway so it
works out fine. I'll see you later, Jan. I think I should go and at least
act like I'm working." *** I had a date Tuesday night with some friend of
Dogs. His name was Albert and he was a heavy set black man. He was horny and
so was I. He fucked me for nearly an hour and that was good enough to take
the edge off of my appetite for a while. On Wednesday night I met with Abe
and Jack at our house for some fun and games. I let Jack video tape Abe and
I and that seemed to please him. On Thursday night I had another date for

It was the date that all whores, call girls or Hookers fear. It was a normal
threesome for a while but when the two black men got through fucking me they
used me for a punching bag for a while. It was a bad scene all the way
around. They knocked a tooth loose and split my lip in two places. I had
bumps and bruises all over my body.. When I told Dog what happened he was
strangely quiet about it. He patted me on the shoulder and said he'd take
care of it. Jack wasn't as calm about it. He demanded that I get out of the

"They could have killed you, Jan!" he yelled at me. "It'd dangerous work you
have to get out of it."

I told him I'd think about it. Right then I was of a mind to agree with him.
On the other hand I had been dating for over a year and it was the first
time that anything like that had ever happened. Another thing was, I wanted
to move to a larger house in a better neighborhood and we couldn't do it
without my extra income. Not much, I know, but it was all that I had. Friday
I called in sick and lay around all day trying to recover and Laura came by
that night to see how I was feeling. She was shocked at the sight of my

"What happened?" she said

"Date from hell," I said. "It not as bad as it looks."

"I hope not," she said "because it look real bad. What happened?" I told her
the gruesome details. "Wow," she said. "I guess you were lucky at that. It
could have been worse."

"That's what everybody keeps telling me," I said. "I don't think they meant
to hurt me bad. So what's your plan for the weekend?"

"I was going to see Dog tonight but he called and cancelled out on me. He
said something came up and he had to attend to it." she said. "Abe and Duck
are busy also."

"Good," I said, "Stick around and you can help me out tonight."

"Sure what do you need me to do?"

"Jack is on his way home and I had promised him some homemade lovin", I told
her. "You can fill in for me because I'm too damned sore to wiggle."

"You are not serious!" she said. "I couldn't do that!"

"Why not?" I said. "I helped you out in your time of need. Now you have the
opportunity to help me. Jack is a good fuck and he's a nice guy so what's
the big deal?"

"Oh my God you are serious," Laura said holding her hand to her mouth. She
had turned beet red..

"Yes I'm serious," I assured her. "You'll do it won't you?"

"I.I." she shook her head as if to clear her brain. "Of course I want to
help you but."

"Good then it's settled," I said cutting off any other objection. "I can
take the night off and recover and Jack can get some strange pussy and
you'll enjoy it. Win, win, win." *** It was fun to watch Jack and Laura.
They both are intelligent, educated and witty. They got along fine with each
other. After dinner and a couple bottles of wine, they were really hitting
it off.

I left them about nine o'clock and went to bed. The wine and the pain
killers were about to knock me out. It was sometime in the wee hours that
Laura woke me up with her delightful squealing from the guest room.


I woke up early Saturday morning and felt a lot better. I wasn't as sore and
a lot of the swelling had gone down. I showered and made it to the kitchen
and got coffee started. While the coffee brewed I went out to get the paper.

I was just sitting down when Laura stumbled into the kitchen. Naturally she
was wearing the same clothing she had on last night and her hair looked like
a bird had nested in it.

"Good morning," I said. "How are you doing this morning?"

"Great," Laura said. "You know this should be awkward but it isn't, is it?"

"No, not at all," I assured her. "Have a good time?"

"Yes I did. Your husband kept me awake until the wee hours of the morning."

"Yeah, I heard you," I said grinning at her. "Coffee is done, help
yourself." I glanced at the headlines of the paper and was shocked to see,
"Bodies of two men found hanging from the statue by city hall". I quickly
scanned the story and then went back and reread it slowly. Two black men,
identity unknown, were apparently beaten to death and hung from the statue
of General Washington. I turned to the inside where there were photos of the
two men. My Thursday night dates without a doubt. Now I knew why Dog and Abe
had to cancel out on Laura last night. Apparently they had a pressing
engagement to beat some guys to death.

"What's so interesting in the paper?" Laura asked. I turned the paper over
and showed her the headlines. "Oh, that's terrible," Laura said sipping her
coffee, "Crime is getting.oh my God! Is that the two men that beat you?"

"Yes, I think it's them," I answered. "Apparently it doesn't pay to fuck
around with Dog's whore. Dammit he didn't need to go that far."

"What's got you bent out of shape?" Jack asked coming in the kitchen. I
showed him the paper. "Good," he said after reading the story. "Serves the
sons of bitches right. Hey, you look better this morning," he said softly
kissing me on my sore lips. "Swelling's mostly gone now and you are down to
a couple odd colors. How are you this morning, Laura?"

"I'm wonderful," she said smiling at him. "Jan, I agree with Jack. It does
serve them right for beating the crap out of you."

"You don't get it," I said. "There's nothing wrong with me that a few days
and a handful of pills won't cure. This is A good beating would
have been enough."

"There may be more to it than what your reading," Jack said. "Why don't you
wait to see what Dog has to say before you go off the deep end. Besides I
have a real problem."

"What?" I asked alarmed

"I got a hard-on," he said.

"Oh poor baby," Laura said grasping him through his sweat pants. "You just
hang on to it and I'll come back after while and give you a hand."

"I don't need a hand," Jack said grinning, "I have two of 'em. I need some

I had to laugh at that. My Jack had found a new toy. Laura left shortly
after that announcement, promising to return after she had cleaned up and
changed clothes.

She was back by two o'clock. "Hey guess what I found in your driveway?" she
said coming in the front door. Dog was right behind her.

"Man you look like shit," My husband said to Dog. "Rough night?"

"Yeah rough night and a rough morning. Duck is in the hospital," Dog

"What happened?" I asked.

"We located those two pricks that beat you up. We were going to have a heart
to heart with them and one of them whipped put a knife and cut Duck real
bad. Things went to hell fast after that. I guess you saw the news or read
about it in the paper. Abe went berserk and beat both of them to death. Him
and Duck are close friends."

"You mean Abe did it all by himself?" I asked.

"No not exactly," Dog said scrubbing his face with his hand, "I helped beat
them but Abe finished it off. Didn't mean to kill the jerk-offs. Just needed
to make it know that you shouldn't mess with my people. You got anything to
drink around here?"

Jack went and mixed him a stiff drink and before he had even finished it he
was asleep on the couch. I threw a cover over him and we went into the

"Jan this is a pretty good argument for getting out of the business," Jack

"Not now, Jack," I said. "We'll talk about it later. Right now I think I'll
take a pill and lay down awhile. You guys go play." Laura and Jack looked at
each other and nearly ran upstairs. I took a pain pill and set down on a
chair beside the sleeping Dog and tried to read but I couldn't concentrate.
After a while I went upstairs and watched Jack and Laura for a while. It was
the first time I ever saw my hubby in action. The man does have some moves.
Laura seemed to enjoy his efforts. To amuse myself I got Jack's digital
camera and took some photos of them getting it on. Laura didn't seem to
notice that I was in the room. If she did she didn't care. Watching them
just made me horny, but it didn't seem right to horn in on their action
right then. I was still, sore but not as bad as I had been.

I went back down to the living room and saw that Dog was awake. He had
thrown the cover off and was laying there looking at the ceiling. He smiled
at me when he saw me come in.

"High sweet tits," he said. "What's up?"

"Jack and Laura are upstairs fucking, I'm horny and I too damned sore to do
anything about it." I said. "If that's not enough two guys I fucked a few
nights ago are dead because of me."

"Now Jan," Dog said sitting up, "You got to get your thinking re-aligned.
You didn't have a thing to do with them two getting dead. It was just bad
luck, pure and simple. Mostly their bad luck. Both of them fools knew you
were under my protection. They both knew the rules. They chose to ignore
that, and they hurt Duck, bad. The only way I can continue to protect you is
show everybody that I mean business. Hurt one of my friends and you get
hurt. That's how it is."

"I guess I know that, Dog I said carefully sitting down beside him. "I still
feel bad about it. How's Duck doing?"

"He'll be fine," Dog said putting his arm around me. "They had to put in
about fifty stitches. It was a close call. Them stupid son of a bitches
should have known better." He was gently rubbing my shoulders.

"So they asked for what they got," I said, "I'm still horny and I'm still

"Is your cunt sore?" Dog asked.

"No that's about the only place that isn't," I said. He got up and knelt
down between my legs. He carefully took off my panties. "Oh you sweet, sweet
man." I said, "You're going to eat me, aren't you?"

"Yes I am," he said. "I'm going to suck your pussy until you scream for
mercy. Until you forget all your aches and pains." He did, too.

Dog brought me to two little orgasms and one whooper. Dog is one of those
wonderful men who truly like to eat pussy. He loves it and it shows. When I
caught by breath I said, "My heart felt thanks."

"Most welcome," dog said getting to his feet, "I think I'll go up and see if
Jack left me any pussy."

"Oh come here," I said "I'll give you a hand job that will take the edge
off. My hand and arm are not sore at all."
发布者 hondo1906
5 年 前
eastendboy112 5 年 前
Fabulous erotic story.  I loved the bit where she admits that she has become a slut and is now addicted to cock 
jack42 5 年 前
Great stuff.