Mistress or master And Slave Contract Ownership Agreement

Rules of Behavior and Deportment Governing Enslaved sissy sex slave
Mistress, i freely and willingly affirm that i am Your slave, whose sole reason for existence is Your pleasure. i have no rights or privileges other than those granted to me by You. i swear to always honor You through my obedience and service. my body and mind are Yours to use in any way You choose.

“Mistress or master , i acknowledge that You are under no obligation to explain Your orders or to justify Your punishment and training, but i am under every obligation to obey You and accept Your punishment.
“my body, mind, and soul are from this day forth the private property of my Mistress, to be used as SHE sees fit. i promise to obey Her completely, to do whatever She tells me to do, to submit to any punishment SHE sees fit to impose on me.

“i renounce any rights that i may have to think my own thoughts, care for my own needs or comfort, or control my own destiny. From now on, i shall wear only what HE or SHE commands me to wear, and serve only HIM or HER.
“Since i hereby renounce any rights to a personal opinion, desire, or need have my own, this agreement can never be broken by me for any reason because I desire a lifetime commitment. my obligation to the Master or Mistress is to be whateverHE or SHE wants me to be.

“i acknowledge i am a slave and i live to Worship and Obey You as my Master or Mistress.”

Part of a slave’s training is having clear-cut rules to live by. There are rules that apply to all situations and some that apply only when in the presence of the Master or Mistress or in an environment where the SM scene is understood and accepted.

The Master or Mistress’s time is precious and THIER time with the slave may be short in some cases. In no case does this fact detract from the standards of excellence expected from the slave. Training may be harsh. This is the fastest way to train and also the method that produces the most effective results. The slave will enthusiastically accept training.
The Master or Mistress will acknowledge when a task is performed properly and the slave will sincerely thank the Master or Mistress for the training. The Master or Mistress will take as long as necessary to train the slave as long as the slave is genuinely trying and not malingering. Once a slave has been trained, if it fails in a task, the MASTER or Mistress will assume that it is being disobedient and it will be punished.
The slave’s body becomes the Master or Mistress’s property; as such, the slave has no right to protest any use the Master or Mistress chooses to make of it.

Rather, it is an honor if the Mistress deigns to touch HIS or HER property in any fashion HE or SHE desires.
It is the slave’s duty to obey any and all commands given by the Master Mistress, and to do this without question or hesitation.
The slave shall speak only when the Master or Mistress gives permission. The slave will request permission to speak prior to asking any questions it may have regarding the Master or Mistress’s commands or specifications of the slave’s assigned duties.
In all its personal activities, the slave surrenders all decisions to the Master or Mistress.
A series of positions will be learned by the slave regarding standing, sitting, using the toilet, presenting it's body for inspection, etc., and will be practiced according to the training provided by the Master or Mistress.

The Master or Mistress may choose to ignore the slave for long, extended periods. The slave will remain silent for whatever length of time the Master or Mistress requires.

The slave agrees to adhere with all his life to the rules or regulations the Master or Mistress may add at a future time. The slave understands that the Master or Mistress is the sole judge in determining whether an infraction of this contract has occurred. The Master or Mistress is also the sole judge in determining the degree of punishment. Punishment may include dismissal from service.

1. The sissy slave will always show itsMaster or Mistress the highest level of respect.

2. The sissy slave will never lie to it's Master or Mistress.

3. The sissy slave will never piss standing up. A slave is subservient to it's Master or Mistress and should not be so presumptuous as to imitate a man. Men piss standing up slaves do not. The slave will always sit on a toilet or squat down to piss. This will help serve as a reminder of who and what it is. Thesissy slave will not use the seat of a toilet. The slave will sit on the cold porcelain when it shits or pisses. The Master or Mistress uses the seat and the slave’s ass is not worthy of touching what HE or SHE has used.

4. The slave shall address the Mistress as “Ma’am” or “Mistress” and the Master as Master or Sir at all times unless given permission to do otherwise, and shall address the Master or Mistress with respect at all times. When using formal address, the slave will refer to the Mistress as “the Mistress” or “SHE”, and to itself as “the slave” or “it”. When using familiar address, the slave will refer to the Mistress as “Ma’am” or “You”, and Master as Sir and to itself as “it” or “your property”. When speaking to others, the slave will refer to the Mistress as “my Mistress” , and the Master as my Master to itself as “it” and “your property”.

5. The slave shall, at all times, respectfully request permission to take any action not expressly directed by the Master or Mistress. A reason must be given for such actions at the time of the request.

6. The slave is to use the Master or Mistress’s space with utmost respect and shall always leave any area he is permitted to use in a state of order and cleanliness. Not with standing, the slave shall not disturb any of the Master or Mistress’s personal belongings without express permission
7. The slave will never wear underwear, except as the Master or Mistress directs. It is an article of unnecessary clothing. If the slave works on the outside and must wear something, it will be a panties
8. The slave will never touch its cock, balls, asshole, or tits without the Master or Mistress’s permission and will be clitty caged and butt pluged at all times. They are for HIS or HER enjoyment only, not the slave’s.

9. The slave will have no privacy from it's Master or Mistress. There is nothing that the slave will not reveal to him or HER. The slave is the Master or Mistress’s property and, as such, HE or SHE has the right to know everything.

10. The slave will sleep at the foot of the Master or Mistress’s bed or in a cage as the Master or Mistress requires. The slave will only sleep in the MASTER or Mistress’s bed when ordered to do so.

11. At home, the slave will not sit on any furniture unless instructed to do so. The slave will kneel, lay, or sit on the floor as ordered.

12. The Master or Mistress will train the slave and the slave will always do his best to follow instructions. The slave will learn how to serve it's Master or Mistress’s every need and desire.

13. The slave will never embarrass it's Master or Mistress for fear of being severely punished.

14. The slave will always strive to extend it's limits to new heights so the Mistress can be increasingly proud of HER property.

15. The slave will willingly accept punishment from the Master or Mistress. It is meant to remind the slave of how it is to behave and perform his duties to HIM or HER.

18. The slave will offer it's body and mind to the Master or Mistress at any time HE or SHE desires to use it. The purpose of how HE or SHE uses the sissy slave is immaterial; it is sufficient that HE or SHE wants to use it.

19. The Master or Mistress will frequently enjoy Herself in ways that may cause the slave great pain. The slave will learn to accept and rejoice in the fact that it is able to perform that service for HIM or HER, even when it means considerable agony.

20. The slave will always wear what the Master or Mistress determines to be the appropriate attire for any given situation. This may be as little as panties and slave collar, even in public. The fact that this may cause the slave embarrassment is of no concern. When in the Master or Mistress’s home or when the Master or Mistress is present in the slave’s home, the slave will remain butt plugged ,clitty caged,and naked at all times.

21. The slave will keep itself shaved of hair on it'sentire body only eyebrowsand head are to have hair, as ordered or as removed by the Master or Mistress. When clothing is required, as determined by the Master or Mistress, the Master or Mistress will specify it.

22. All orders are subject to verbal modification at the pleasure of the Master or Mistress and the Master or Mistress may impose such additional orders as He or SHE deems appropriate.

23. The sissy slave shall keep its mind concentrated solely upon service to the Master or Mistress and shall demonstrate its acceptance of his role of service and availability at all times.

24. Whenever the Master or Mistress or the slave enters a room in which the other is already present, the slave will immediately kneel and kiss the Master or Mistress’s feet, unless physically unable to or under previous orders not to. If the Mistress’s clit or the Masters cock is free, the slave will take it into its mouth after kissing the Master or Mistress’s feet and keep it there until the Master or Mistress orders otherwise.

25. The MASTER or MISTRESS may give the slave “free periods” in His or hers presence, during which the slave may express himself openly and freely. There will be no punishment applied during “free periods.” It is understood, however, that the slave must still address the MASTER or MISTRESS with respect at all times, and that the slave may be punished for infractions of this rule.

The slave is to be punished for all infractions of both the letter and the spirit of this Contract. The form and extent of punishment shall be at the master or Mistress’s pleasure and the MISTRESS shall make it clear to the slave that he is being punished when punishment occurs. The slave shall always thankfully accept punishment as an opportunity to expand in the service of the Master or Mistress.

The slave shall behave in a manner consistent with the rules set forth in the three conduct modes outlined below. The Master or Mistress may, from time to time, indicate which mode the slave shall act within by stating the name of the mode to the slave; the mode may change at any time, depending on circumstances, and the slave must always be aware and conscious of the Master or Mistress’s wishes. The Master or Mistress may institute a set of silent or otherwise unobtrusive signals to notify the slave of the current mode.

In Private Mode, the slave is bound solely by the rules set forth in the basic Contract and no additional restrictions are imposed upon the slave’s conduct, save those stated by the Master or Mistress. This mode will normally (though not always) be in effect when the Master or Mistress and the slave are in the Master or Mistress’s space or in the space of a knowledgeable and/or sympathetic person or persons.
Friendly Mode
Friendly Mode may be in effect in public places such as leather bars, where casual onlookers will understand the dress, demeanor, and appearance of the Master or Mistress and sissy sex slave, and the nature of their relationship, for what they are and viewed sympathetically (or at least not antagonistically).
The following specific rules shall apply to the slave’s conduct and demeanor while in Friendly Mode.
Stationary Position
The slave shall remain at the Master or Mistress’s side at all times unless specifically instructed otherwise. While the Master or Mistress and the sissy slave are standing in one place, the sissy slave shall maintain a physical position to the right of and one-half step behind the Master or Mistress.
Moving Position
If the Master or Mistress begins to move from one place to another, the slave shall position himself to the right of and slightly behind the Mistress and move at the same speed as the master or Mistress. The slave’s position shall be such that he is always within the limit of the Master or Mistress’s peripheral vision at all times. Under no circumstances shall the slave precede the Mistress, except to open the door or other such service as the Master or Mistress requires. Elevation
The slave’s eye level shall be below that of the Master or Mistress at all times. Should the Master or Mistress move so that HER eye level is below that of the slave, the slave shall immediately move so as to correct this imbalance. The General Orders are hereby extended to include all furniture, not just that in the Master or Mistress’s space: the slave shall therefore go to its knees (or to a lower position, if need be) should the Master or Mistress’s eye level drop below the slave’s, rather than (for example) sit with the Master or Mistress, unless granted specific permission or specifically ordered to do so.

Interactions With Others
The slave shall speak to no one at any time unless first spoken to or instructed to speak by the Master or Mistress. The slave shall treat all persons with deference and respect, regardless of their demeanor or appearance. The master or Mistress may, at HIS or HER discretion, grant the slave free time. In this mode, the slave is free to interact normally with acquaintances, but shall make frequent eye contact with the Mistress and be prepared to go into any other mode the Master or Mistress directs.
Public Mode
Public Mode will generally apply in contexts where the Mistress/slave relationship may not be accepted or understood by those present. The following rules are, therefore, intended more to ensure the physical safety of the Master or Mistress and slave, rather than to further the relationship between them.
The following specific rules shall apply to the slave’s behavior in Public Mode. General Demeanor
The slave shall conduct itself at all times in such a manner so as not to call attention to the Mistress and slave.
Certain Orders Suspended
The rules of the General Orders prohibiting the slave’s use of furniture and prohibiting the slave from being clothed are suspended while in Public Mode.
Movement and Position
The movement and position rules set forth in friendly mode also apply to Public Mode, with the provision that the slave shall not make his adherence to said rules obvious; casual and relatively loose (but definite!), rather than quick and snappy, conformance to the rules is called for in such situations.
Interactions With Others
The slave shall speak only when spoken to by others and shall converse with others only with the Master or Mistress’s permission. If someone approaches the slave he shall limit his speech and behave in a courteous and non-offensive manner. The slave should assume he is in the company of the straight public and identify himself with his common given name, behaving in a manner that will not call attention to the nature of the true relationship between the Master or Mistress and slave, calling the Master or Mistress by HIS or HER formal surname, rather than referring to HIM or HER as Master or Mistress.
The slave shall display the following authorized slave attitudes and attributes at all times:
Humility Submission Obedience Eagerness to Obey of Speed in Carrying Out Orders of Competence in Carrying Out Orders of Success in Completely Carrying Out Orders of Servility of Slavish Loyalty of Slavish Devotion of Gratitude towards its Mistress of Love for its Mistress of Worship for its Master or Mistress

1. The slave shall immediately, eagerly and without question carry out all commands and orders given to it without exception.
2. The slave shall fully and successfully carry out all such commands and orders, complying completely with both the letter and spirit of every command.
3. The slave is strictly forbidden to make any mistakes whatsoever in carrying out its Master or Mistress’s orders and commands.
4. The slave must carry out all orders and commands completely within the time allotted for carrying them out.
5. The slave shall show its Mistress the utmost gratitude for the privilege of carrying out HIS or hER orders and commands, offering HIM or HER formal thanks whenever permitted to do so.Meet 's Mistresses
6. The slave shall NEVER, for any reason or under any circumstance, question, complain about or refuse an order or command given to it by its Mistress.
7. The slave shall immediately report to its Mistress upon the complete carrying out of any order or command, except when to do so would bother or irritate Her.
8. The slave shall humbly and quietly await further orders when it has fully completed one order or command and has reported back to its Mistress.
9. The slave shall be prepared at all times to have all completed orders, tasks and assignments fully and minutely inspected to see that every detail has been carried out according to instruction.
10. Any failure on the part of the slave to fully, completely and perfectly carry out its assigned orders shall be considered a serious and punishable offense.

1. The slave speaks only when spoken to and then says, “ Master or Ma’am”, with every sentence.
2. The slave obeys all orders, no matter what. it questions nothing and is well punished if it does.
3. The slave does not sit in its Mistress’s presence. it may stand, kneel, or lay, but sit only when ordered.
4. A slave never wears underwear. it seldom wears anything above the waist outdoors other than its leather (if earned), and indoors little below the waist other than its chains.
5. The slave may be shaved and instructed to wear its cockring permanently.
6. The slave’s toilet training begins with always obtaining permission to use the bathroom — and is seldom allowed to use it alone.
7. The slave, in its entirety, belongs to its Mistress and, therefore, the slave is not allowed to touch certain areas of itself or its Mistress for any reason without permission.
8. All of a slave’s possessions are automatically its Mistress’s. The slave owns nothing.
9. The slave lives by a curfew; all personal habits — such as drinking, smoking, eating, sleeping, exercise, and sex — are governed completely by its Mistress.
10. The slave’s creed is to be memorized, as it will be called upon to recite it at any time — and perfectly!
11.the sissy sex slave will be shaved clean well dressed and clitty caged and butt plugged at all times

Financial Submission and Total Dominations
1. Slave will continue to work to keep the house and other expenses paid.
2. Slave will surrender all financial details including banking informations and other hiden investment slave might be in possesion,
3. Slave is required to provide details listed below.
Bank Name:
Account Name:
Account Number:
Routine Number:
Bank Address & Beneficiary Address:
Online Banking Details: A. user name/password, B. Secret Question and Answer, C. Credit Card detail .
“I am a cock sucking pussy licking, ass-kissing sissy sex slave whose sole reason for being is the pleasure of my Master or Mistress. I have no rights, no privileges, and am worthy of no considerations. My Mistress’s pleasure is my reason for being. My body and mind are His or Her property to do with whatever He or SHE chooses. I exist only to serve.”slave’s number and slave name (assigned upon acceptance)

SLAVES SIGNATURE .................................................................... date / / /

MASTER OR MISTRESS SIGNATURE.................................................. date / / /
By its signature above, the slave acknowledges that it has read, understands, and agrees to be the sissy sex slave property of it's master or mistress and no longer is a person but a sex object to be used for the owners pleasureand profitaat any and all timesas it's owner desires.
发布者 kimmikane
5 年 前
Mandywinger 2 年 前
kimmikane 出版商 3 年 前
Domdomdu 3 年 前
Kinky_Kandy : Yes  it’s perfect ?
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Kinky_Kandy 3 年 前
Domdomdu : Very good
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Domdomdu 3 年 前
Super perfect ? 
Goldy68 4 年 前
I luv this contract 
exelent contract
kimmikane 出版商 4 年 前
im8black : feel free to copy it 
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im8black 4 年 前
Thanks Kimmi for this contract I can put to useage
kimmikane 出版商 4 年 前
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kimmikane 出版商 4 年 前
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veronikvi 4 年 前
good :smile:
A good set of rules and very fair
kimmikane 出版商 5 年 前
kerstin61 5 年 前