12 Questions Never to Ask a Lesbian


Since lesbians are not the norm, but a minority, it's natural to be curious and want to ask questions. However, there are least twelve questions that most lesbians are tired of answering. A few are a bit ignorant or even a little mean, some can seem a bit personal, and others can be a little difficult to answer off the cuff. So, to save lesbians from having to answer them, here are answers to twelve questions they don't want to hear:

1) Have you always been a lesbian?

It's complicated. Although some always knew, many lesbians didn't really discover their sexual orientation until they fell in love with a girl or had their first lesbian sex experience. Also, women tend to become more sexually attracted to other women as they get older.

2) You’re so pretty! Are you sure you're a lesbian?

Looks don't have anything to do with sexual orientation. Some straight women are pretty, and some are not. It's the same with lesbians. Women don't become lesbians because they can't get a man. Women become lesbians because they don't want a man.

3) Which one of you is the man in the relationship?

Neither. Both of us are women. That's kind of the point.

4) Do all lesbians dress like their partners?

Some lesbian partners dress alike because they have the same style and share clothes, but so do female friends and sisters.

5) If lesbians aren't attracted to men, why are they attracted to women who look like men?

This is only confusing to people who assume that looks are the only thing that attracts people to one anothter. Even though you may think some lesbians look like men, they're not,. Women with a mesomorph body type may appear masculine, especially if they also adopt a masculine style of dress, but they are still female.

6) Why do lesbians hate men?

Most lesbians don't hate men. Do you hate everyone you're not sexually attracted to? Man-hating is usually associated with bad personal experiences or far left politics. That includes some lesbians, but also some straight women.

7) Is there any way to tell for sure that a woman is lesbian?

If only. A flannel shirt, short hair, or short fingernails are only clues that she might be a lesbian, not clinchersn. Asking her if she has a boyfriend is probably the most noncommittal way to give her the chance to tell you if she wants to.

8) Do lesbians want to have sex with every attractive woman they meet?

Do straight women want to have sex with every attractive man they meet? The answer is "no." Lesbian women have types, preferences, and standards just like straight women do.

9) So, how do lesbians have sex?

Lots of different ways. This is a list of the favorite ways. There are also two sex acts than only lesbians can perform.

Breast 69

Only two women can engage in breast play with each other simultaneously. You can, of course, face each other and use your hands to cup and caress each other, or you can perform Breast 69. Your lover should lie down on her back  with you kneeling above her head. If you lean over to lick and suck her breasts, your breast should be within range of her mouth as well.


Although tribbing can mean one woman rubbing her vulva against any body part of her lover, that doesn't require another woman. Tribbing with vula-to-vulva contact does though.  There are numerous tribbing positions, but these are the best for vulva-to-vulva contact. )

10) Why do lesbians use dildos if they don't like penises?

Penises are attached to men, and lesbians aren't attracted to men. Being women, some lesbians do enjoy penetration, but they prefer it be done by another woman. Enter the dildo.

11) Have you ever had real sex?

Since lesbians have more orgasms than straight women, you could make the case lesbian sex is more real than straight sex for women.

12) I’ve always wanted to be a lesbian, but I just can’t give up sex with men, you know?

You don't have to sign a pledge or anything to be a lesbian. Some lesbians don't consider bisexual women one of "them," but there are always going to be judgmental people anywhere you go.

If you found the answers to any questions that you have wondered about, at least one woman has been saved some time and trouble. If you have additional questions or even alternative answers, leave them in the comments.

发布者 Jana-chen
4 年 前
strain123 2 年 前
Well thought out and to the point, thank you!  Its nice to have some insight into what life may be like for people who are different than myself.
Jana-chen 出版商 3 年 前
prime-frank : For you too ... be healthy ... :smile: :smile:
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prime-frank 3 年 前
Jana-chen : My thanks again. Happiness and peace. 
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Jana-chen 出版商 3 年 前
prime-frank : She will be back, i`m sure like the Amen in church, :smile:
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Jana-chen 出版商 3 年 前
prime-frank : I try to do my very best, stay positive ... :smile:
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prime-frank 3 年 前
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prime-frank 3 年 前
Jana-chen : Thanks for responding. I so appreciate your kindness. Stay frosty, be well.
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Jana-chen 出版商 3 年 前
prime-frank : Ah, oke ... yes she`s gone ... but i`m pretty sure, she will be back soon or later ... :smile:
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prime-frank 4 年 前
Jana-chen : I do not know what that means "J". I am speaking of Sarah K. She told me that she adored you in conversation.
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
prime-frank : Guess you are talking from *J* ..?
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prime-frank 4 年 前
Jana-chen : I am worried about a friend we have in common. Can you PM me please? I don't know if that's possible to do?
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
prime-frank : Indeed indeed ... guess you are in right with ... be healthy and happy ... and THX for your pretty attention to ...
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prime-frank 4 年 前
Wonderful synopsis, I think a great percentage of Women have Lesbian curiosity, as A great percentage of men have Gay curiosity. Life is short, be HAPPY.
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
st_john_green : Pretty sweet from you, Thank you for the charming attention to ...
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st_john_green 4 年 前
I am glad you posted this because it is educational and there are a lot of people who need to actually read what you wrote. Thank you 
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
Maybe in your next life ... my finger are crossed for you ... :smile: :smile:
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
Wide_awake_is_best : *A*M*E*N* ... and thanks for your pretty attention to ... :smile: :smile:
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Thanks for posting that, you must have the patience of a saint by now! :smile:
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
I`m pretty happy for you, :smile:))THX ...
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
laurent7891 : Oh yes, you are in right with ... i like it ... thanks for sharing and caring ... :smile: :smile: :smile:
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laurent7891 4 年 前
Jana-chen : For you Jana, i'm sure you'll like it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhfSeUqfoP4
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
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laurent7891 4 年 前
Jana-chen : Thank you very much Jana....for your understanding and humanity....
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
penelopeslut : That you are hetero, means not, that you couldn`t like girls .... for me, that`s just terms ... create from society, important is, do what you want and like .. be happy with, independed from, how it labled .... :smile: :smile: :smile:
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
laurent7891 : AWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE .... uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, now i becomes a red face and feel blush without end ...
THANK YOU ... MERCI ... Laurent for your wondeful delight words and compliment ... in basic it`s easy and simple ... only i want to be a good human, and hold up my Respect and Empathy for other ...
Have a stunning weekend ... be healthy ... and always JOY on your path ...
Lovely greets,
Your Jana :smile: :smile: :smile:
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penelopeslut 4 年 前
I love tribbing and girls with shaved heads ..... but I still consider myself heterosexual ... after all, I have a boyfriend .... but do I need him?  kiss  for  you  Jana :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 
laurent7891 4 年 前
Dear Jana, i'm sure you'll find me ridiculous, ( you know i'm 60 years old and i learned to write with a pen and ink,...yes, yes... )  but i'm very happy to discover your world : the lesbian world....with respect and humility...no one ever taught me....and that, it's thanks to you....you're not just a big diamond, you're a great psychologist. !! don't deny it !!!your tolerance is an example to everyone !!!
FSailor1 4 年 前
:raised_hands: Thanks
This should help me relate to younger women too!
Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
edann3 : :smile:)))))))))))))))))))) .... 
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Jana-chen 出版商 4 年 前
xx1236 : :smile: :smile: :smile:
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